Tales of Jones Lab School

By Steamgene / Larry Marion / Eagerfiftyguy

Published on Aug 18, 2018


Bisexual High School: Tales of Jones Lab School #10: Coach JJ on the Warpath Author's note. These stories are a development from the stories by rwxxx13 with the group title "Study bg3-17." He has approved my continuation with his characters as individuals.

Coach JJ on the Warpath


Larry Marion

Jenna Jefferson sat at her office desk behind the apartment she shared with husband Sam, five year old son Jack and 12 year old daughter Bright White Jefferson who stood at the desk, with a paper notebook in her hand.

"Dear, I know it's your homework and this is home. But I have some work to do now. It's really simple geometry. I know. I understand it, so it has to be simple. I'm not going to be fifteen minutes and then, if you haven't figured it out, we'll see. Okay?"

"Yes, ma'am," BW said and turned away, At least she didn't cuss at me, she thought, I know I would have then. And look at her. Just like me then. Some nice developing boobs up top, and not a hair in sight down below. Man, if Paige and I could have joined together for a daughter - the boys would be in a ten mile line.

Then a knock on the door. "Come in," she called and the new senior came in - a frown on his face and a swagger as he entered. Funny thing, he had the student fanny pack turned to cover his genitals as much as possible. He stood before her desk.

"Archibald, sit down."

"It's Archie."

Jenna stood up. "Your registration page says Archibald' and your nickname says Archie.' I'm not your friend. I'm your counselor; your senior class counselor. When I decide to call you `Archie' I will. That may take some time, young man. Sit down."

The athletic looking 17 year old flexed his muscles before taking a seat. "I really don't like to be naked with a woman I don't know," he said.

"You and your parents read the rules. Right now I have to laugh. Maybe giggle. Boy, I've seen a lot more impressive. I can only think you're a bit shy. Now, why after only two weeks do I start getting complaints from both my girls and guys. Most damaging, how come my daughter, in a sixth grade cottage, told me you've been down in the lower school talking with sixth grade girls? "

"Uh?" So I talked to some kids."

"Uh. Hitler talked to some people. "

"I don't understand."

Jenna sighed. "I'm not surprised. Archibald. There are some things that are not worthy of glory. The fastest time a new senior left Jones Lab was 35 days. You are working on sixteen. You realize that means your parents are then due all fees for this semester, maybe the whole year. It doesn't make a difference what discounts were promised. You leave for any reason other than illness, your folks are obligated for all off it."

"I have done nothing."

"Sure? So why do I have six reports on your unwanted advances on girls, two of whom are 13?"

"What unwanted advances? I talked to a few girls. I see lots of guys talking with girls. I see guys holding hands. I know about the PRs. I've even seen some couples in their room, making out. "

"Well, let's see. `The new guy came up to me and said, nice knockers. Do they feel as nice as they look? So, I told him I have a beddie and he said, we don't need a bed. Just get one of them rooms. He said, I don't think you're 13. You have to be a junior with tits like you got. Do I need to go on? Oh, here's one. My roomie. She's my roomie, though we're thinking of becoming beddies. She was almost in tears. Said the new senior actually propositioned her. Said since they're both naked, why not go to a PR and screw?

"What do you call that, Archibald?"

"A joke, Ms. Jefferson. Just playing around."

"You call touching the breasts of a thirteen year old a joke?"

"Well, I did grab a feel once. But she led me on. I thought she was fifteen at least."

"Archibald. You have been at Jones Lab for two weeks and two days and I already have a file of complaints on you. This is a warning. Anything more than one strike with the paddle has to go before the review board. This happens again and I will inform the review board. Now watch what you do. You may go,

"Thanks, Ms. Jefferson."

"Sometimes I wish I'd not listened to Paige and taken a vow to stop cussing. " She turned her chair and opened the door behind her. "Hey, Brighty, bring your book." The girl came back out to the office.

"That's okay, Mom. I sent a text to Uncle Francois. He says they still point their guns that way when they have to. I've got it. Interior angles are the ones inside the lines you want parallel. Thanks, Mom. "

"Dear. You read those old Nancy Drew books, right?"

"Yeah. They're fun."

"Okay. Look. I don't want you to spy. But the new boy you told me about. You see him down around the cottages or where the sixes hang around, let me know."

"That Arch guy, Mom?"

"Yes, dear. "

"He's a creep. I seen him try to cop a feel off Mandy and Stacey yesterday. He came to me and I told him, `I'm Coach JJ's daughter.' Mom, his mouth flew open! Outahere like when we were in Cameroon and we actually saw a lion."

"Okay, dear. Keep an eye out for him. And, your friends, boy and girl, just let them know I want to know if he does something that bothers you. I don't mean calling you a name. I mean a suggestion or a touch."

"MOM! I'm twelve years old. I got my boobs growing. You know I like Kevin. We put in our request to be roomies together next year in 7/8. I told him we can't be beddies the first night."

"That's a relief! " JJ laughed.

"Mom. I know the story about the White Rooms."

Jenna Jefferson laughed. "Yes. I wonder what the Corporation does now.

"So. If we're good, finish your work and go back down to your cottage."

"Yes, Mom. Kevin and I are going to go swimming before dinner."

Bright White, normally called Brighty or BW, gave her mother a hug, a kiss, and a sly smile before heading out to her sixth grade cottage and the boy whose room was across the hall from hers. He waited with a towel for her and for him before they headed to the pool, towels draped over their shoulders.

Two hours later BW stood back in her mom and dad's counselor office. "Mom, Ken told me that three of his friends said they saw that Arch guy back behind with Mandy. He touched her pussy."

"Mandy is 12?"

"Uh huh."

"Okay. Stay away from Mandy. I'll call your house mother tomorrow and we'll see Mandy. But lips sealed, BW. Got it? "

"Yes, ma'am. I like Mandy. But, she just doesn't always think straight, Mom."

"Yeah. I once knew a 12 year old girl like her. She lived in a small white house for awhile. Named Jenna."

Bright White laughed at that, hugged her mom and raced back to her sixth grade cottage.

Sam and Jenna liked to go to bed soon after bed check. With juniors and seniors it was a bit easier. First, those who had been dormies at Jones for four or more years were predictable - for the most part. Many forgot, or did not know that Coach JJ, Mom Paige, and Dad Mason had been dorm students there in the past. That back then they'd been both counselor to younger students and students themselves.

So their son Jack, five, slept in what had been BW's room, not yet ready to leave home for the boarding experience, free for him, that awaited him soon.

The two lay in their bed, drifting off to sleep when the pounding on the door awakened first Jack and then, them. They heard Jack cry, "Mommy!! DADDY!!"

Jenna jumped out of their warm, comfortable bed, followed by Sam. "Check Jack. I'll see what's going on!" as she headed for the suite door.

She opened it to see two ninth graders, Percy and Vickie standing there. Her first thought was , What are they doing in a 11/12 dorm? "What is wrong?"

"Coach JJ. In the shower room. They..they're about to kill that new guy. The one who's been molesting all the sixth grade girls."

"Oh, shit! You stay here. No. Go into the office and close the door. Now." With that she raced to the shower room. Dashing in she stopped at once. "EVERYBODY. EVERYBODY. STOP. NOW, DAMN IT. Sorry, Paige. THIS SHIT STOPS NOW!"

Seven students, juniors and seniors, turned around. Four were boys, three girls. All had been at Jones for at least three years, two since sixth grade. Five NHS, oh - the cream of the fucking crop, Jenna thought. In the middle, was Archibald, tied to a frame, hanging from ceiling beams, between two shower jets, one letting off lots of steam, the other just looking cold. Archibald hung under the hot jet, his skin turning red.

"Turn off that damn water. NOW!" Two of them jumped in to turn off the water. "Let that kid down. NOW! You know you can kill somebody that way?"

Becky, senior class president said, "No, ma'am. We sure didn't want to kill him. But.."

"No torture. No fu..buts for torture. And that's what you .. you... my pride and joy.. were doing." She shook her head. "Get Archibald off that cross thing - you want to make him Jesus?"

The seven stumbled over each other lowering the rig and putting the almost scalded, almost frozen boy to the ground. Jenna heard a buzz behind her so she turned to the door to the shower room to see a mass of her kids looking in. She inhaled three times.

"Lights out everybody. Get back to your rooms. If you have anything to say, tomorrow is the time. Now, Nine people, maybe ten with Sam the Man. The rest: GET!!"

The crowd began to move away. "Coach JJ is pissed." "Never seen her like that." "God. Here comes Sam the Man." They were gone, doors even slamming shut up and down the dorm hall.

"Into the commons, all of you. Sam. Please, go see if the nurse can come and look at this guy."

"Yeah, Jenna. Right back. "

"Can we just go back to our rooms, Coach JJ?"

"No, Veronica. None of you. Commons. MARCH! " The seven plus Archibald headed for the commons room, Archibald surrounded by the others who kept their distance from him. Jenna followed them as Sam headed for the admin section of the school.

They entered the Commons as the first coming in turned on the lights. "Somebody put a seat for Archibald in the center. The rest of you sit around him. I didn't say screw around with this. NOW!

The seven, leaders all, scrambled to obey her orders. "Good. Archibald, tell me what happened."

"I, I just got into my bed. I'd said good night to Vicky and the door burst open. These guys pulled me out of my bed, dragged me down the hall to the shower room with a used sock in my mouth, tied me to something and hit me with scalding water and then ice water. Then again. It was awful."

"Okay. Madam Senior Class President?"

"Coach JJ. I guess we maybe went to far. But my kid brother Billy came by today about this guy paying a lot of attention to the girls in his dorm. Billy is in II 7/8. He said, and he didn't want to tell his big sister this, that he thought Arch wanted to screw the girls in his class and 7th graders as well.." 
"Bull shit."

"Archibald - you will have your chance." Jenna looked around, "Penny. Go down to Achibald and Vicky's room. If you have to, wake her up, gently. Bring her here. Understand?" ` "Yes, Coach JJ. What if she wants to know what's going on?'

"Tell her that her room mate seems to be in serious trouble and we want to know if she can help him out."

Penny looked at her counselor, the one she'd hope to get when she was an 11/12. "Yes...ma'am. Yes," and she left.

Jenna looked around at the others, not Archibald. "I've know all of you for at least three years. Some of you for five. I've always thought the best of you. And you do this. I'm ashamed."

"Coach JJ. But this guy -we know, he was hitting on 12 and 13 year old girls. Our kid sisters and cousins."

JJ slammed her meter stick down on the end table beside her. "Would it make a difference if any of them were strangers?"

The Senior Class President hung her head. "I guess not, Coach JJ."

"Coach. This creep wasn't just hitting on them. He actually felt up a couple of them."

"Bobby. Does that give you the right to be judge, jury, and executioner?"


"Bobby, does it."

"No ma'am."

Penny returned with a sleepy looking Vicky.

"Hi, Vicky. Sorry to wake you up. I guess you slept through the chaos. Tell me, has Archibald ever made unwelcome advances to you? Made suggestive remarks?"

"No, ma'am. He's always been friendly, but stays on his side of our room. "

"Made any comments about other girls?"

"I can't remember anything."

"Thanks, Vickie. Go back to bed."

"Yes, ma'am."

"Archibald, do you dispute any of this?"

"They're a bunch of liars and perverts. "

"Oh. Okay. Go back to your room directly and stay there."

"I need to piss."

"Do so on your way to your room." Archibald glowered at the other seven members of 11/12 and left, the door closing hard behind him.

Jenna took a deep breath. "There will be a hearing soon. I hope it will be tomorrow and this whole thing will be over by the day after."
"Uh, what's going to happen, Coach JJ?" Sammy Saunders asked.

"I suspect that each of you is going to get a warmed butt. How many, I don't know. Probably no more than three. Some of you may loose some status. Get back to your rooms, all of you. "

The next evening as study hall began, Sam and Jenna each took a floor, walked down the hall and knocked on a door. In a matter of minutes, what looked like a duck parade walked down each hall, in one case, down the stairs, to a row of seven seats on one side of the hall, next to the commons door. The seven sat down. The dean of boys walked down the hall, Archibald beside him, looking defiant. The dean opened the door and almost pushed the 17 year old into the commons.

"I will tell you only once to be silent," Sam said. The seven nodded their heads. The dean of girls came out of the commons room, walked down the hall, and came back with a girl, a sixth grader. Ten minutes later the dean came out with the girl, who was wiping her eyes with a handkerchief. This was repeated two more times. The last girl came out crying hard.

Then the high school assistant principal came out. "Mandy Alberts," he said and Mandy stood up to follow him in. Five minutes later she came back out, her lips trembling.

She looked at Coach JJ and Sam the Man. "Two," she said as she sank into her seat.

`Bobby Clarke," said the AP, and the soccer team captain stood up to follow the principal in. Five minutes later he came out, seeming to be calm.

"Three," he said and sat down.

"James Gordonson."


"Betty Insley."

"Three," holding back the tears.

"Tom Lee."


"JoAnne Oswald"


"Buster Swenson."


The assistant principal faced them. "Punishment will be delivered tomorrow prior to junior/senior lunch. It will be delivered individually in alphabetical order unless there are volunteers for a specific order."

"Ma'am, waiting has to be the worst part of it. Since I'm class president, I volunteer to go last. "

"Accepted, Ms. Insley.

"I'll go right before Betty,"

"Accepted, Mr. Clarke."

"Right before Bobby."

"Very good, Mr. Swenson.

"You all understand that you must watch punishment being dealt out both before and after your turn, except for the first and the last."

There were nods and `yeses.' "Good. "Mr and Ms. Jefferson, I'll leave you with your students.

"Get up and follow us to the office." The seven followed instructions and silently followed their counselors to the office. Sam escorted them in and Jenna closed the door behind them.

Sam looked at them. "It's going to hurt tomorrow. It's going to be embarrassing. I'm sure a couple of you are going to cry. That's okay. Coach and I are sorry you did this thing. Let your behavior tomorrow redeem some of what you did. Coach?"

"Thanks. Look, when your name is called tomorrow, first come to me. " Jenna picked up a piece of rubber off her desk. "For those who don't know, this is a mouth piece. Now I only have one, so I guess the only one who won't get somebody else's spit will be Mandy. Any of you never swapped spit?" Jenna looked around as the seven looked at each other and then began to grin.

"That's disgusting, Coach," Buster said. "I've never swapped spit with anybody1" The other six began to laugh.

"I can name three girls who said your tongue almost choked them, Buster," JoAnne said. "And that doesn't count me."

"Okay, okay. So what gives, Coach. Seriously," Buster said.

"I give it to Mandy. Mandy, put it in your mouth. Take your two. Come back to me and hand it to me. I guess Jimmy goes next, so he comes to me and takes it. Just for Buster, I'll try to have a small towel to wipe it on. Jimmy puts it in his mouth, takes his two, returns to me. And so on. Betty, I guess you're last, so bring it back to me. Okay?"

"Yes, sir. Yes, ma'am" the seven chorused.

"Good. Go hit the books." The seven began to file out. As they did each grabbed Sam the Man's hand and shook it. A bit awkwardly, they then hugged Coach JJ.

Junior/Senior lunch, for some scheduling reason included some 30 mixed sixth, seventh, and eighth grade students. All the students knew what would happen first. There was a table set in front, by itself. It had a folded blanket and a pillow on it. Next to it one of the school nurses sat, stethoscope around her neck. In front of the normal lunch tables were seven chairs and then one about twenty feet away. As they came in, quiet for once, the students saw Sam the Man and Coach JJ in two chairs, about mid way between the seven chairs and the padded lunch table. The dean of boys and the dean of girls went to the execution table. The DoB picked up the paddle.

The seven came in quietly, heads up. Then a town police officer came in, in uniform, of course. The assistant principal said, "Take your seats." They did.

The DoG said, "Mandy Alberts." She stood up, turned and Bobby Clarke gave her a hug. She squeezed his shoulder and waked to Coach JJ for a second then went to the table. Those watching, and some were turning their heads, saw the Dog and Mandy say something. Then Mandy leaned forward, spread her feet apart, and rested her hands on the table. The DoB stood up, swung the paddle back, and then forward. Mandy rocked forward and a noise escaped her throat. The Dog said, "One." Again the paddle swung back, then a twack on Mandy's bare butt, and again a muffled cry as she rocked forward. "Two." Both deans helped her stand. She walked over to Jenna for a second, and then the Dog said, "James Gordonson," and the drama continued until Buster Swenson stood up. He went to Coach JJ, then took a few steps towards the table flanked by the DoG and the DoB, then turned around to face the watchers. He stood straight as he said, "It is a far, far better thing that I do, than I have ever done; it is a far, far better rest that I go to than I have ever known," then walked up to the table. He nodded to both as they spoke. From his waist belt he pulled a large black bandana, put it over his eyes and tied it behind him while murmurs and a few giggles began to be heard. "Take your aim steady, buttsman," he said as he dropped a coin on the table. He placed his hands on the table. The DoB shook his head, then administered the three wacks, Buster recoiling with each one, but totally silent. When the DoG pronounced three he stood back up, turned around and said, "My head. I can't see. Where's my head?"

"Take the blindfold off, Sidney, the DoB said. "I have one more to go." There were still a few giggles even as the President of the Senior Class, Betty Insley felt her third one.

Then they called Archibald up. He got to the table. The deans spoke to him and he erupted. "Hell no, I don't accept the verdict of that fucking court. Hogwash. I didn't do anything to those runts. Damn fucking lies. This is a show. Those bullies didn't get a real wack. You ain't gonna touch me!"

"Are you sure?" the Dean of Boys said quietly, but was heard as suddenly the entire dining hall was silent, even from the kitchen.

"Damn straight I am. I'm outa this fucking insane asylum of a school. My grandfather will hear about this shit."

"You are out of this school as soon as the principal can sign the expelled paper. Officer, Callahan. He's all yours. "

"You are under arrest for indecent advances of a minor child under the age of fourteen as well as other charges as may become known." With that the officer put handcuffs on him. A second officer, a female, came in with a gown which they threw over him and, on each side of him, walked him out.

The students looked on in shock.

"We'll announce a slight schedule change to let all of you have lunch. Please go eat," the assistant principal said and walked out.

That night Jenna and Sam lay in bed, cuddled. Jack slept soundly in his room which he shared now with BW when she didn't stay in her 6th grade cottage. Her parents kept her home when they discovered she'd been one of the sixth graders to watch both the dignity of the Seven and the wildness of the now expelled boy whose name was gone from all rosters.

"I'll bet that either we'll have seven charges who either are not going to make love tonight or will try something different to keep their bottom off the bed," Sam said.

"I remember Paige said she slept on her side that night that she took her three." Jenna grinned. "Sam. I really need to make love tonight. But I want it kinky. I wish I could have kept those seven from enduring that public paddling."

"You had to do it."

"I know. But it really hit me with what BW said to me just before she went to bed."

"What was that?"

"She said, `Mom, I know I'm a girl and all, but I think the worst part of getting a paddle is that all of your friends and the kids you don't know are looking straight at your pussy. And it's almost the same with the boys. I mean, they're lying there and you see their cock and their balls just swaying as the paddle hits. It's like a porn movie.' That's when she put her hand over her mouth.

"She's right. Boy or girl, you are in full view. And poor Tom Lee, as he walked up to me, he got a hard on. I could see his face. It wasn't sex, I think he was just scared he'd do something awful.

"So, Sam. You know where the lube is. I'm turning on my stomach and waiting for you."

"I'm cumming to get you," Sam said as he got out of bed for the lube.

When I started "After the Experiment" I did not plan to have more than between three to five more stories. Like Topsy, this has grown. With growth came a few errors. For example, we have the line from the Teen Swim Party "... ranging from a bald, flat 11 year old..." when the invitation clearly states that the mandated ages are 12 to 17 so this line should read

"... ranging from a bald, flat one who looked 11 . . ." Feel free to point out other errors. If I were to ever find a paper publisher, such errors will be corrected.


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Next: Chapter 11

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