Tales of a Young Mutant

Published on Aug 31, 2006


Disclaimers: This story, though probably not in all chapters, will definitely have celebrities in it. I don't know what they're sexualities are, and this is not meant to imply them, either. If you are not of legal age in your area, or are not interested in this type of literature, then GO AWAY!!

The X-Men, Spiderman, Blade, the Fantastic Four, Mutant X, and all associated characters are the property of Marvel Comics.

Batman and all related characters are the property of Dc Comics.

Charmed is owned by Warner Brothers.

Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Angel, and all related characters created by Joss Whedon. Copyright 20th Century Fox.

Hercules and Xena are owned by Renaissance Pictures, I think.

Email all comments to me at redrealityranger02@hotmail.com or jercolap@hotmail.com

And please read the `brother' story to this one, Tales of an Immortal, chronicling Kevin Munroe's life. It's in the Sci-Fi Fantasy section of the archive. Here's the link: /nifty/gay/sf-fantasy/tales-of-an-immortal/

Thanks, and on with the story:

Senior Year of a Young Mutant

Chapter 6: Night Out, Part One

Our teams met in the conference room again for a debriefing. Everyone took their seats in their chairs in the war room. Xavier sat at the head of the table, with the senior members seated around it, Emma Frost to his right, next to her Cyclops, then Phoenix, Storm, and Bishop. On the other side sat Wolverine, Psylocke, Angel, Beast, and Rogue. My team, Generation X, stood around the table, me next to Shadowcat and Colossus, he next to Nightcrawler, and on the other side of Shadowcat, Iceman and Havok, who seemed to be getting along at least for now. Both, however, looked unsettled for some reason. Alex had a small look of anger on his face, while Bobby seemed more upset. I wondered did something happen between the two of them, but decided that now was not the time to ask about it. Standing across the room from us were Quicksilver and Polaris, his long-lost younger sister.

Cyclops filled Xavier in on the events of the mission, including the sentinels, Graydon's technology, and Mystique killing Graydon and escaping with his tech. Xavier nodded, taking everything in, but I could tell that he could feel the emotional tension, which was so thick it could be cut with a knife at this point, especially with the cautious glances that were sent from everyone who went on the mission to Quicksilver and Polaris. In fact, Professor X, Phoenix, Psylocke, Emma, and I could all feel it, I could tell on our faces, but only Phoenix and I knew why everyone was acting weird.

"Is there something else that I need to know about?" asked the Professor. Those of us who knew him knew well enough that it wasn't really a question, more of a polite demand to tell him what else happened on the mission.

"Well, yes there's something else," stated Cyclops. "We learned on the mission that Polaris is Magneto's daughter."

At hearing this, there was an audible gasp from some of the other X-men, who hadn't gone on the outing with us.

"Well then she can't be trusted, can she?" bluntly stated Emma.

"Everyone still says the same about you," noted Psylocke.

"I meant that sarcastically," replied Emma, annoyed. "So just because you discover that she is Magneto's daughter, automatically she's inherently evil? I hardly think that's fair. I mean look at me." All of the senior team members stared at Emma with a `what's your point' expression. "Okay fine, if not me, look at Rogue? Or Wolverine? Or even you, Miss Grey," she said mockingly looking at Jean. "We haven't forgotten about that Dark Phoenix incident."

"Which was all due to the Phoenix Force cloning me and living as me, and if I recall correctly, the person whose fault that the Phoenix went nuts was, hmmm, let me think, you," replied Phoenix, staring back just as intently.

"The Phoenix was going crazy before that, which, if it were a clone, means that you have the same potential for madness." Jean seemed to be ready to say something, but kept quiet, contemplating the fact, probably wondering if Emma had just read her mind. I new they had some past history, but I didn't know it went that deep. And being constantly reminded of Jean's experiences with the Phoenix, I was even more relieved that I didn't hold that kind of power anymore.

"My point," Emma continued, "is that, like a generous portion of us here, she just comes from bad blood, but no one else here receives that sort of treatment."

"But now there's two of them," said Rogue.

"You and Nightcrawler are related as well," retaliated Emma. "I would think that the two of you would be the most accepting.

"Emma is right, Rogue," said Nightcrawler. "I don't like Mystique, and I'm sure that you have had longer to dislike her. So we should be considerate of them. After all, we are riding in the same boat." Rogue reluctantly nodded in reply.

"Thank you," Emma said, and then added, "Besides, I think that someone else needs to come clean himself," she said, looking at the Professor.

"There's nothing to come clean about," said Polaris. "I know that I'm adopted. But my real parents died in a plane crash, and I was adopted by my aunt and uncle. That man is not my father."

"I'm afraid, child, that he is," replied Xavier. "Polaris, you are, truthfully, Magnus's daughter." This received a gasp from most assembled, including Polaris and Quicksilver.

"You knew that she was Magneto's daughter, and you didn't say anything?!" shouted Quicksilver. "You didn't even tell me she was my sister?!"

"You knew that tyrant was my father?! How could you not tell me?!" shouted an outraged Lorna. As she said this, a whirring sound was heard throughout the room, as every metallic object in the room vibrated and the monitors waved with static, an effect of her anger coupled with her magnetic powers.

"How long have you know, this?" asked Jean, in a much calmer manner.

"For quite some time. I suspected she was at the time of her birth, but it became obvious when her powers manifested. I think that in order to explain how I discovered this requires that I start with some history on Magnus.

"Magnus was at one time married to a woman named Magda Maximoff."

"My mother?" asked Pietro.

"Yes, your mother. Magda had first given birth to a girl named Anya. Sadly she died during a mutant-hating attack on Magnus's home. Erik and Magda, who was at the time pregnant with both you and your twin sister, Wanda, were both able to escape, but sadly were unable to save Anya in time and she died due to the fire. Magda, who feared further danger to her children due to Magnus's powers and further mutant-hating riots, ran off, keeping Magnus from the two of you.

"After this time, Magnus began to fall into depression and his anger and hatred over the treatments of humans to minorities began to resurface again for the first time since his imprisonment in concentration camps."

"I still don't understand what this has to do with me," asked Polaris.

"Well...." Xavier looked like he was having a hard time with whatever he had to say, as if this were delicate information.

"Magneto the human-hater was horny?" quipped Iceman, immediately after getting a elbow to the gut from Shadowcat.

"You pig!" she said in disgust at him. I agreed. Bobby didn't know when the hell to shut up. However, Xavier seemed to be silent following this. From his silence, we all knew that Bobby had bluntly hit the nail on the head.

Hesitantly, Xavier began to speak again. "Magnus had a series of one night stands for a while, one of which was with Lorna's mother, who at the time had problems in her marriage with her husband. Following this, Mrs. Dane became pregnant, but Magnus had long since moved on. Mrs. Dane convinced her husband that it was his child. I monitored the situation from a distance, especially since I learned of the child's green hair from the minds of the doctors who delivered the child. I surmised that it was possibly his child, but it could have been that Lorna inherited an X-gene from one of her parents." The next part he said to Lorna directly. "But when you were found the only survivor of a plane crash, where the majority of the metal was magnetized, I knew then that you were really his daughter.

"I tried to intervene at that time, but your aunt and uncle wanted you to grow up normal, and I agreed as legally they had parental rights. But when your powers re-manifested, they agreed to send you here for training."

"Why didn't you tell me this?!" Polaris shouted.

"Why didn't you tell us?" asked Cyclops, who also wasn't happy.

"I didn't know how to tell you, Lorna because I didn't wan you upset with you just learning to control your powers. And I didn't tell the rest of you because I didn't want you thinking evilly of Lorna," the Professor said in answer to each question. "I didn't want you casting out Lorna like you did to Gambit." At saying that, the majority of the assembled teams cringed. When they learned of Gambit's past, they all were pretty hard on him. And I myself began to feel embarrassed and ashamed. I was able to understand Remy, but I didn't even think to give Lorna a chance. And I even doubted Pietro.

"It's okay," Lorna said in reply to Xavier. "I wish I'd never known. The bastard daughter of a mutant tyrant," she said before breaking down in tears. Pietro tried to stop her, but she pushed past him and ran out the room.

Pietro looked to the Professor, an angry look on his face, before literally speeding out after Lorna.

"If there are no more questions, everyone is dismissed," said Xavier wearily, and with that, everyone began to leave.

I went up to my room and Logan and I began to share a shower with each other, cleaning the sweat and dirt from earlier from us. Afterward, we curled up with each other.

"I gotta talk to Lorna in the morning," I said to Logan as he spooned up behind me.

"Good idea," he replied as he nuzzled his face into my back. "Get in her face about the whole situation when all she wants is to not think about it."

"I'm not sure that's what's gonna happen, Logan," I argued. "She seems more the type to think on a subject until it consumes her."

"Hmmm. Well alright. But be sensitive about the subject," he replied before kissing me on my neck, then falling asleep. I smiled to myself and went to sleep as well.

Friday morning got off to a good start. I awoke and went to the bathroom, intending to take a hot shower before class. Turned out Logan was in the shower already, and the shower became even hotter than originally intended.

After Logan and I finished (we had to settle for a single love-making session, since we didn't have much time to work with), we re-showered, then got dressed and headed in our separate directions, Logan to the Danger Room and myself to classes. I'd had to transfer out of the Spanish class I had first hour because after the event with the scroll, I was still able to understand any language simply by reading or listening to it. So instead, I was in Mrs. Summers' psychology class first period. The lesson was very interesting, Freud and all that. This class, however, I had with none of my friends. Next I proceeded to my first English class, the one that was required for graduation, which was taught by Mr. Summers (we now had to call everyone by an official name during instructional time, a suggestion made by Em...Ms. Frost so that students not assigned to any field duty team would not feel that we who were on teams were receiving favoritism). After that class, in which we studied English literature, I had my Advanced Placement English course, which was to prepare for college acceptance and possibly speed up my schooling. I waved as Bobby and Kitty left the room. I seriously wondered how this class would go. John had been in AP with me before he left the school, so now the only other people I knew in this class were Pete, Pietro and Lorna. Lorna and Pietro walked in together, and I could tell Pietro had all but dragged her here. The other chairs were all ready being filled by the rest of the students in the class, so they had no choice but to take heir usual seats, Pietro to my left, and Lorna to my right.

I figured I had to talk to them. I had to let them know how much of an ass I felt since we learned the truth. I turned to Lorna, but before I opened my mouth...

"Don't. I don't want to talk about it. If you want to apologize, that's fine, but I don't want to talk about it," she said, looking at her copy of Othello, the play we were to begin discussing today.

"I'm...Lorna..." I didn't know what to say. There was nothing that I could say.

<She won't talk to me either,> I heard thought-spoken, and I turned to Pietro, who was the one who spoke. <She's broken right now. She learned so much about the truth in so little time. I'm glad to know that she's my sister, I'm ecstatic. But after last night...>

<Last night?> I asked.

<I was able to catch up with her, and get into her room. She attacked me at first, but then she just broke down crying. I held her, and she fell asleep after crying for, like, an hour. A real time hour, not me exaggerating because I'm super fast so time is slower for me so it seems like an hour has passed when it's a minute hour.>

<Damn. She needs to open up. That can't be good for her.> I replied.

<Could you two stop talking about me like I'm not here?> I heard angrily shouted mentally. I turned to look at Lorna, and included her into a three-way mind-link with myself and Pietro.

<We wouldn't be if you would talk to us,> retorted Pietro.

<What's there to say?> said Lorna with an audible sigh. <My father is a psycho, my mother was an adulterous whore, and I'm the screwed up result, who has a crush on two gay men.>

<Huh?> I was thrown for a loop. Lorna had a crush? On two gay men?

<Alex and Bobby are bisexual, sis,> said Pietro, clarifying which `gay' men she meant.

<Yeah but they're both taken bisexual men, taken by men.>

<Actually, not anymore,> replied Pietro with a scowl on his face. At hearing this, I turned to look at him. Even I was surprised. The last time I checked, Pietro was dating Alex and Bobby was dating Hank.

<What happened?> I asked him.

<Well in Bobby's case, he and Hank had an argument about Bobby's antics with Scott that day in class when he was playing with the ice sculpture. Hank felt that Bobby was being too immature for his age and was also doing more than just joking around, that he was trying to say he was interested in other guys. Bobby got upset and started to complain that he wasn't being immature, and the only reason that Hank would say something like that was because he was insecure of himself and his looks.>

<And what did Hank say?> asked Lorna.

<Hank told Bobby it was over. Bobby tried to talk him down, but Hank told him that they should never have become more than friends anyway, and told him to get his things out of his room.>

<Whoa.> I was completely surprised and felt bad for both of them. Bobby should have known by now how seriously self-conscious Hank was about his appearance. I didn't know, though, if I was more upset for them, or more upset that Bobby didn't tell me. Why couldn't he tell me? I decided to change the subject from Bobby to Pietro. < And what about you and Alex?>

<Alex and I were much less dramatic. We finally decided to do the do, for both our first times, and realized that we weren't bedroom compatible. In this case, I get off too fast because of my powers.>

<Ewwww! Okay, Josh, let me out the link!!> Lorna said, repulsiveness on her face. Obviously she hadn't wanted to know all that. <Now I definitely don't want either of them.>

<Lorna, don't let what happened between the two of us and our ex's get between you and them. After all, you may find that you like Alex.>

<Or she might like Bobby,> I added. After all, he and I were best friends and roommates prior to me rooming with Logan.

<Or Bobby,> said Lorna. She began to become enwrapped in her own thoughts and I pulled out of her mind. I had my own boyfriend, and was not going to be tempted by her fantasies with Bobby and Alex. Besides, Mr. Summers walked in at that moment, ready to begin class.

After English, I had a study period in the library with Bobby, Lorna, Kitty, and Peter. Lorna seemed a little on edge, wondering if the others still thought negatively of her. She didn't have to worry about that much, thought. Bobby was still in a somber mood, and I knew why. Kitty and Peter, on the other hand, were a different story. They kept silent, every now and then looking up from their books to peer at Lorna, as if they were gauging whether or not she was going to kill them on the spot. I decided that the best way to help them get over the new knowledge was to keep things like they were normal (or as normal as they can get when you're in a school of mutants). And who knows, maybe I could get my buddy back on track as well.

"So guys, you'll never guess who Lorna has a crush on?" I said quietly, not wanting the librarian, Ms. Frost, to hear us. (And, by the way, what librarian exposes that much cleavage?!) Lorna looked at me wide-eyed, no longer concerned with the others dislike, but now urging me with her eyes not to say anything.

Any animosity Kitty may have had evaporated with that statement, as she instantly perked. "Ooooh!! Who is it? Who's the man that's caught your eye?" she asked excitedly. Peter seemed to not care completely, only looking at Kitty like she was a nut. Bobby's head rose from the book that he wasn't reading, as it was upside down anyway, his own interest piqued.

"Men, Kitty, men. There's two of them." I added with a grin. Lorna stared at me harder.

"Ooooooohhhh!! Lorna!! Nasty!" Kitty said. "No!!! Not two of them like that! I wouldn't want them at the same time!! I mean, I like them both, but I wouldn't do that to them!"

"So who are the lucky guys?" asked Bobby, a glimmer of hope in his eyes. Pete gave an exasperated sigh, realizing that Bobby was putting his moves on Lorna.

Which were working. "Ummmmmmm..." Lorna began to turn beet red.

Bobby seemed to have gotten his confidence back, because he smiled, then said, "How about we talk it over. At dinner tonight, say 8 tonight? We can get some leave time and go to a restaurant outside of campus?"

"Um...okay," Lorna replied, blushing.

"Good. Now in the mean time, how about we get to know each other better?"

"Okay...what would you like to know?"

"Well...you're from the same hometown as me, so, are you a Sox fan?"

"I love the sox!" she replied, seeing that they already had something in common. I looked to Kitty and Pete, who both nodded and we three rose and moved to another table to let the new lovebirds talk among themselves. It made me happy to see them together.

After the study period was lunch time. I looked all over for Logan, but didn't see him anywhere, so I sat with my team instead.

"Logan's nowhere to be found, is he?" asked Bobby, who was sitting next to Lorna, holding hands. Alex sat next to her, looking slightly pissed. It was my guess that Alex actually had a thing for Lorna, too, and Bobby beat him to the punch. Oh well. He'd get over it.

Peter seemed to be looking on, slightly upset as well. I wondered why, and internally slapped myself. I knew that Pete was gay. He probably had a crush on bobby! And I totally ruined it by getting him set up with Lorna! Kitty looked on at the spectacle and just looked on, dreamy eyed, probably fantasizing about having her own relationship like that.

<No sense in drooling, Kitty,> I sent. Kitty seemed to snap out of a trance.

<Hey! If I can't sneak up behind you with my powers, you can't invade my head with yours!> she replied.

<Okay, fair enough,> I replied. <All I gleaned, though, was that you were fantasizing about having a relationship similar to the one that Bobby is developing with Lorna.> <It's true. It's been a long time since I've had an actual boyfriend.>

<Well maybe we could hook you up with someone?>

<You're right. You think that maybe Pete would go out with me?> asked Kitty looking at Pete.

I could see why she would like him. Perfectly sculpted muscles on that tall hunky Russian frame, those sexy green--stop it!!! I told myself, I have a boyfriend already!!

<He's hot, I'll admit,> I replied to Kitty, <but he's most definitely gay. It won't work out.>

<I know,> she replied.

We continued eating our lunch and talking among each other, and I reminded them all that we had training following school.

This training session actually went much smoother than the last. We repeated the mirror-maze session, and, while I still beat the other 7 of my teammates, It was much harder with them working together. However, they still only managed to team up in smaller groups, and I was still able to beat them all. Even Bobby and Alex were teamed together when they attacked me. Though when the training seminar ended, I could tell they had simply learned how to settle their differences during battle. Alex tried to hit on Lorna, which aggravated Bobby and caused another spat, which I had to resolve by putting both of them in a telekinetic field.

"Alright, you two that's enough!" I shouted.

"Sorry," they both said simultaneously.

"Forgiven." I checked the time. 7pm. The sun had completely set now. "Alright," training's over. Everyone meet back here again, at 5 tomorrow." Everyone nodded their consent, and Bobby and Lorna hurriedly left to go prepare for their date. The others followed suit. I telekinetically changed my clothes to a black turtleneck with a black leather jacket and blue jeans with black boots, and retrieved my stakes and a pair of Sais from my weapons closet in one of the walls of the danger room.

"Hey Josh," I heard a voice say, and I turned to see Pete at the door.

"Yeah, Pete?" I asked, while I continued getting ready, hiding the sais in concealed holsters in the lining of my jacket, then putting the stakes in concealed areas of the sleeves of the jacket.

"You want any company while you're out tonight?" Pete asked.

"Thanks, but no thanks," I replied. "After the incident with Pyro, I don't want to be responsible for any more runaways."

"Aww, come on, please?" he begged with his eyes. He began to give me this really cute puppy dog eye face, and I had to admit it made him look adorable, damn sexy too.

"Okay," I consented. "But you can't dress in you X-uniform, in the case of being seen.

"Okay, well then, dress me," he replied.

I thought for a moment, making sure to remember what his uniform actually looked like, and then changed it to a blue t-shirt and black leather pants, with a black leather jacket. I gave him some stakes for his jacket, and some holy water as well. I had to use some effort, but I was able to augment his clothing to the same stretch material as his uniform, so that if he did need to use his powers, he would be able to.

"Hey! I want an outfit like that one!" I heard from the door. I turned to see Alex Summers, gawking at Pete.

"Sorry, they're for Slayers only. And slayer aides." I replied.

"So you're going demon hunting? Count me in. I'm bored," he replied.

"Alex, you've never been in any missions, save your help at the airport that one time."

"Yeah I have! I helped against Apocalypse, remember?. Come on, Josh, please?" He begged. And again with the adorable puppy-dog eyes.

"You guys are gonna make me sick with this puppy-dog shit," I answered. I had to admit, he did help out during the Apocalypse event. "Alright, hold still," I told him. Alex complied, and I turned his uniform into a black long-sleeved tee, with a brown leather jacket and blue-jeans, with black sneakers. I then gave him a few stakes to stash in his jacket. I then gave each of them a wristwatch similar to mine, a new device I picked up from Hank McCoy, which blocked our mutant signature from mutant-detection devices.

"Okay, rules of the outing. You've gone through self-defense training with Logan, so you should hopefully be pretty skilled in hand to hand combat. We are going to hit up the neighborhood graveyards first, then span out and go to the hot spots, nightclubs, places that demons may go to lure the young and stupid into their early deaths. We are going to kill the demons that we encounter, making sure to remain inconspicuous. No mutant powers unless absolutely necessary. People have a habit of not believing the mystical and demonic occurrences that happen right in front of them, for fear of being considered crazy by others. Therefore, if we rescue someone from vampires or demons, we will be fine, we can simply say that we are good fighters and experienced with these things. The second we use a mutant ability in sight of others, we're screwed, our innocents will be more fearful than grateful, and we end up with extra unwanted attention, cops, press, etc. So we do our best to remain low profile. This won't be a problem in the cemetery, but in the clubs it's a different story. Any questions before we head out?"

Alex raised his hand, and I nodded to him. "How are we going to get into a night club? None of us are 21."

"Leave that to me. Anything else?" Neither of them responded. "Good. Do any bathroom breaking that you need to now, because we leave in fifteen."

After we were all ready, we all got together and piled into my mom's convertible, which she allowed me to use to get from place to place while I was slaying. We rode to the nearest cemetery, and got out. It wasn't gated, just a smaller graveyard near an older church.

As I walked through, Pete and Alex stayed close. Pete was very alert, but Alex seemed to be distracted.

"What's wrong?" I asked him.

"Nothing, just, cemetery. Eerie. Things go bump in the night and all that. Creepy," he replied with a small shudder before adding, "How do we know that there will be demons or vampires here anyway?"

"News reports," I answered. "The news showed a couple days ago where a group of four teenagers were killed by some sort of rabid animal. But the photos showed hemorrhaging and wounds around the neck, signs of vampires. I followed this up with reading the obituaries and reading where the boys' funerals would take place." Alex nodded in understanding, still visibly creeped out.

"it's okay," replied Pete to Alex with a friendly smile. "We're here together. Nothing bad could hap---AHHHH!!"

Pete cried out because just then, a strong hand grabbed around his ankle from underneath. He didn't notice that he was standing on top of a grave until the hand grabbed him and began to try and pull him under.

I grabbed him by the arms and with my slayer-enhanced strength pulled him free from the vampire's grasp. The second he was free, the ground covering the grave seemed to explode apart as the vampire sprang from his dirt prison. He was a large demon, almost as tall as Pete, and equally as muscular. This meant big trouble, as he was probably already strong in his previous life, and adding demonic strength to that as well...

His rising seemed to be a call to the dead or something, as 3 more graves opened up, as the remaining football players rose. Figures that their killers turned them instead of leaving them for dead. One of the three players was slightly shorter than the largest, which I named Big Ugly, because he looked big and ugly as a vampire. I named the second Midsize, because he was between size of Big Ugly and the smaller two, who must have been receivers or quarterbacks because, while they were fit, they weren't very large or tall.

"Pete, I want you to take the smaller two. Alex, you take Midsize. I'll take Big Ugly." They nodded, accepting their orders, and we three got to work.

Big Ugly growled like a feral beast before swinging a punch at me. I caught his fist with both my hands, and attempted to throw him onto his back. This failed miserably, as he didn't budge, and used my momentum against me, grabbing me with his other arm and pulling me to him in an intense bear hug. I was suffocating to death rapidly.

It wouldn't do to call for help. I paired Pete with the other two because I figured with his natural strength, he could handle both of them. The problem was that they were just so damn fast. I watched as one jumped and spun, kicking at Pete's chest. He blocked, catching the foot, but the other was able to get behind Pete and kick him behind his leg, causing him to drop the vamp he held and fall to the ground.

Alex also was preoccupied, holding his own against the vamp he fought against. Both his stakes lay on the ground, however, apparently due to two failed attempts to stab and kill the vampire.

I had to get free to help them. It was a mistake to bring them here. They were going to die with me.

Then the unexpected happened. The two smaller vamps began to kick Pete at the same time. Pete dodged just in time, causing them to kick each other in the chest. As they both fell to the ground, Pete quickly pulled a stake from one sleeve, jamming it into the heart of one of the two, and it roared as it exploded in a cloud of dust. This seemed to aggravate the other, who flipped to his feet and attempted another jump kick. Pete blocked this one, and this time, raised the vamp by his leg and slammed him to the ground.

"Hey!" shouted the vamp holding me. "Quit fuckin up and kill that fucker!" He was scolding the vamp fighting Pete, but he also loosened his grip. I thrust my body up, causing him to bite his tongue when my head hit him under his chin. He screamed and howled in pain, and let me go, his hands covering his mouth, blood spewing from it. While he was in pain, I kicked him in his gut, left exposed, and then kicked him in the face when his hands went to his stomach. I then jumped, spun, and kicked him in the face, and he spun with the impact and fell on his back, causing the ground to shake with the impact. I knelt over him and pulled out a stake, stabbing Big Ugly through the chest and heart, and moved backward as he decomposed, his body collapsing as it turned to dust.

I looked back to see Pete holding his remaining vamp in a choke hold, picking up his stake from the ground and jamming it into his heart. The other vampire, the one fighting Alex, became scared and ran. Alex gave chase a little, before picking up a rock from the ground and tossing it as hard as he could. It made impact with the back of the demon's head, causing it to fall to the ground. Alex picked up one of his stakes from the ground and closed in on the demon. As he neared the vamp, it flipped to its feet, performing a spinning roundhouse that knocked the stake from Alex's hand. It then punched at Alex with his right fist. Alex blocked with his left forearm, then thrust his right arm forward and behind the vamp's neck, his hand grabbing the vamp at the base of its neck, then pulled down with his hand while lifting his right knee, and the demon howled in pain, its nose broken. Alex used this time to pick up his stake from the ground, and jammed it as hard as he could through Midsize's chest.

Alex coughed out the dust that went into his mouth, and shook his clothes clean. "Well, that was fun."

"That's nothing. We've only begun," I replied, then as an afterthought, I asked, "Where'd you learn to throw like that?"

"I love football," was his simple reply.

"Fair enough," I said as the three of us headed back to the car. "C'mon, men, we're goin' clubbin'."

As always, send all replies and comments to me at jercolap@hotmail.com, or to redrealityranger02@hotmail.com. Thanks to all my readers for your support and responses. Keep it coming! Next one soon! Stay tuned!!

Next: Chapter 49: Senior Year of a Young Mutant 7

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