Tales of a Thunder God

By Tony Justiss

Published on Jul 12, 2004


Hello, everybody. I want to say this is not my first story and that I do have experience prior to this at writing. I am however new to this universe and its challenging and ingenious setting. It's been a while since I've read a Thor comic or seen anything with him starring in it, but I'm doing research and trying to portray the character correctly as I remember him. There will be changes to his personality because he's not the same person, yet is... You'll see.

I do not own or know any of the following:

Nsync, Backstreet Boys, Britney Spears, Pink, Christina Aguilera, Jessica Simpson, Tom Cruise, 98 Degrees or any other celebrities. I also know nothing of their sexual orientations.

Marvel Comics, DC Comics, and all related characters.

Buffy & Angel television series.

Star Wars Star Trek, Star Trek TNG, Star Trek DS9, Star Trek Voyager, Star Trek the New Frontier, Enterprise television series, movies, and novels.

The Anita Blake Vampire Hunter book series or the Merry Gentry series by Laurell K. Hamilton.

The Vampire Chronicles, Tales of the New Vampires, The Mayfair Witches, all series written by Anne Rice.

Power Rangers series.

SM: Alternate Reality series is copyright Strike Fiss.

Dune series is by Frank Herbert

Harry Potter book series is by J.K. Rowling.

Star Wars is copyright George Lucas.

Slayers is copyright Hajime Kanzaka/Rui Araizumi/Kadokawa Shoten/TV TOKYO / SOFTX / Marubeni

Xena: the Warrior Princess and Hercules: the Legendary Journey is copyright Universal Studios

I enjoy hearing feedback from people. If you have any to offer such as comments or any thoughts toward the story you may reach me at Mighthammer@yahoo.com

Chapter 8

Adam stared around the room, bored and tired was written plain on his face. Most of the people attending Ritchie's dinner party was people he had met only once, one point and time in his life. There were ten people at the party. Either witch, mutant, human, or just plain other. Adam, as the god of thunder, put himself in the other category. Feeling stuffy, he tugged at the collar of his dress shirt, fingers itching to remove the tie held there. His blond hair that stopped at his ears was slicked back, and clothed in his dark blue suit, he looked very GQ.

Leaning against a wall, arms folded, Adam's eyes swept around the room. Everyone was dressed up in his or her fancy clothes, looking spiffy. Ritchie's living room was very spacious, because there was more than enough room for all of them to walk around, unhindered.

'Armageddon is around the corner and I'm here at a party,' Adam thought, eyes still scanning the crowd.

He wasn't use to sitting down and twiddling his thumbs, while an impending disaster was around the corner. There was a reason he was considered the hero of the Asgard.

He was currently in a race against time with an evil older than civilization. And the last time he checked he wasn't winning. Dahok, the Judge's master, held the Key of Knowledge. That was one key to their none. That left six keys floating out there, still needing protection. A shudder ran through Adam at the thought of Dahok, claiming the six remaining keys. No way was he or Jared going to let that happen.

Adam felt more than saw Brian enter the room. He looked up and all the tension in his body left. He met Brian's smiling blue eyes, and the dark thoughts troubling him were chased away. In Brian's hands were two wineglasses filled to the brim with sparkling, red liquid. He wove in and out between the guest, muttering apologies and smiling occasionally. Brian smiled that special smile at Adam, the one that never failed to make him melt inside.

Brian could look no better to Adam at this moment. In his black suit and white, silvery shirt, Brian looked positively edible. The blue tie he wore set off his blue eyes, making them seem even brighter. His usually messy hair was combed and styled to perfection with hair goop, borrowed from Adam.

"Here you are, beautiful," smiled Brian, handing him a wineglass.

Adam felt a blush coming on and couldn't stop it. In there new relationship, Brian's latest nickname to call Adam was 'beautiful'. Each time he heard it slip from Brian's lips, still felt like the first time.

"You are so cute," Brian chuckled, rubbing a finger over his pink tinged cheek.

Adam grabbed the finger, meeting Brian's gaze squarely. He let all the desire and feelings he had for Brian show. A gasp left Brian's lips, and his eyes dilated slightly, his own desire answering Adam's. The tip of his tongue came out licking his suddenly, dry lips. Adam followed the tongue with his gaze. The simple action awoke with him a smoldering fire.

Adam smiled. "You never fail to get me hot, baby."

Brian looked downward and gulped, seeing the obvious bulge sticking out from Adam's slacks. He looked around them quickly. None of the guests happened to be watching them at this moment. Brian and Adam were tucked into a shadowed corner, with Brian standing in front of Adam, hiding their impromptu performance.

"I want you so bad, baby," Adam whispered, his voice coming out deep and husky.

Brian swallowed heavily. "I do, too. I've been wanting you, since the first time I saw you."

Adam licked his lips, smiling internally at the shiver he got from Brian, because of the action.


Their relationship, formed only last week, hadn't been taken to the next level. Neither wanted to plan 'it'. They wanted to just let it happen. Let their feelings just take their course. In other words, they haven't fucked yet. And boy, were the pent up hormones starting to get to the both of them. Truthfully, Adam hadn't been this horny since he was a teenager. Even Brian's smallest touch was enough to set his nerves afire.

"Well, well, well," said Ritchie, walking up behind Brian. "These really are the Days of Our Lives."

Adam narrowed his eyes at Ritchie, not bothering to stop the growl that built up in his throat.

Ritchie held up his hands, seeing the hostile look. Still the smile on his face never went away. He knew Adam would never hurt him. "Hey, don't kill the messenger. I didn't mean to interrupt Adam Does Dallas... I mean, Brian."

Adam rolled his eyes, groaning at the bad joke. He swatted Brian on the arm, hearing him softly chuckle. Really, the man would laugh at any dirty joke.

"Hey, they all can't be funny," shrugged Ritchie. "Anyway, you have a phone call."

Adam frowned. "Who is it?"

"Jared Stevens; says its important."

"Who is he by the way?" asked Ritchie.

"A friend," answered Adam, giving Brian a brief look. The other man nodded, understanding what the look meant. Brian knew of Jared, but still had yet to meet the man. But they both knew that if Jared was calling here and now, it was not a social call.

Adam took the call in Ritchie's home office. It was decorated with huge posters of movies and other Hollywood type paraphernalia.

He picked up the phone and said. "Hello?"

"Its Jared."

"How did you get this number?"

He heard a laugh through the line. "Adam, come on. I'm one of the most powerful sorcerers on this planet. I think I can manage to track you down."

Adam chuckled. "Sorry, didn't mean to doubt your skills. What's up?"

"You wouldn't even believe it?"

"Try me."

Jared sighed. "I went to the Magic Nook today..."

Adam rolled his eyes. "Stop drawing it out."

"Alright, alright. There was an envelope sitting on the counter. I opened it up and there was a paper inside. It said 'Go to Boston. There the Key of Justice can be found'."

"Do you think it could be a trap?" asked Adam.

"I don't know. But get this at the bottom of the paper are the initials, 'O.W.'"

Adam felt his throat go dry. "Serious?"

"Dead serious," said Jared.

"That's the second time. Why would this 'O.W.' people or thing, be helping us?"

"I don't know. But I'm going to find out."

Adam nodded. Then realized that Jared couldn't see it over the phone.

"So I'm guessing its spell'o'clock time."

"You know it. Come to Magic Nook and we can get started," said Jared.

"I'll be right there, then," replied Adam. "Bye."


He hung up and stared at the phone for a moment, letting the information sink in. How did the O.W. know the things they knew, when Jared and Adam were so clueless. Who in the hell were the O.W. and why were they or it helping them.

He stepped back into the living room. Across the room, Brian caught his eye. He could read his gaze clearly from here. He was worried for him. Adam was touched at his concern.

"Its time to go isn't it?" asked Brian.

Adam sighed. "Yeah. Jared has got some new info."

Brian shook his head. "I still can't believe it. You and he are all that stands between us and Armageddon."

"Believe it, baby," replied Adam grimly.

Brian wrapped his arms around Adam, resting his hands on the small of his back. "I worry for you. What if you die? You said this guy is really powerful."

Adam rested his forehead against Brian's, their faces only inches apart. "It would take a lot to kill me, baby. I'm a god."

Brian leaned back, his lips smoothing into a thin line. "But Zeus killed his father, Cronus, who was a god."

Adam's eyes widened. He paused, giving Brian a long look. "You've been reading mythology books, haven't you?"

Brian nodded. "I was curious."

"Zeus did kill Cronus, but Zeus is a god. A damn powerful one who can wield energy as easily as drawing breath."

"But Adam... you can die, right?"

Adam paused, a soft sigh escaping his lips. He looked down at the ground, refusing to meet Brian's eyes. Brian grabbed his chin, lifting his head. Adam's eyes met his.

"Dammit answer me, Adam."

"Yes, I could die. But it would take a lot, and I mean, a lot to actually kill me."

Brian hugged Adam harder, burying his head into Adam's chest. "I'm sorry I upset you, Adam. I read something in one of those books that just really got to me."

"What was it? What did you read that wigged you out?" asked Adam.

"It was something about the doom of the powers. Something called Ragnarok."

Adam drew back quickly, looking at Brian in horror. He grabbed Brian's arms in a tight grip. His eyes went cold with fear as he stared at his boyfriend. "Brian, don't ever, ever, say that word again. Please, don't even bring it up."

"Adam, why?" sputtered Brian.

"Just promise me," pleaded Adam.

Brian nodded, hastily. He would do anything to erase the look in Adam's eyes. "Ye-Yes, I promise."

Adam wrapped his arms around Brian crushing him in a hug.

"Thank you."

They stood there in the corner in silence. Brian rubbed Adam's back to stop the shiver that suddenly came over him. Adam buried his head in Brian's hair. He knew he was scared but who wouldn't be. Ragnarok was exactly what it translated to. The doom of the powers. The end of the Aesir, the end of all Asgardians. The humans had their apocalypse. The Asgard had their own, Ragnarok. Except that they knew Ragnarok would come. Only when, was what is unknown. Adam stopped thinking of it, burying it deep within his mind. Thinking about such things gave it power. Power to grow and become active in the churning pool of fate.

"You ready to go?" asked Brian.

That was one thing he loved about Brian. When it wasn't time to push, he didn't. He knew when to not ask questions. Adam would one day tell him what was so troubling, but today was not the day.

"I'll get the coats," said Adam.

While getting the coats, Adam said goodbye to the guests. Ritchie ribbed him, giving him a wink and a knowing smile. Adam rolled his eyes, wishing that were true. He met Brian at the door and walked out hand and hand.

Adam deposited Brian at his house, not before sharing a long kiss goodnight then breaking away. It was way past dark, close to eleven, as Adam entered the Magic Nook. The lights were turned on casting their glow upon the shop.

"Well, its about time. What took so long?" said Jared, climbing down the stairs that led to the second floor. He stopped at the bottom, giving Adam a long look from shoes to head. "What were you doing, primping? I've told you before, I'm straight."

Adam rolled his eyes. "Haha. And I've told you before, I don't like you."

Jared erased the smile from his face. "Okay, playtimes over. Lets go. Follow me."

He turned, walking back up the metal, spiral staircase. Adam followed, curious as to where they were going. The second floor was decorated with books filling tall bookcases, hugging the walls. One wall space was empty, except for a raggedy map of the world, tacked to its painted surface.

Jared stood in front of the map, then touched a finger to a singular section of the United States.

Adam raised his eyebrow. "What are you--"

Jared without even a backward look, stepped through the wall. The wall rippled like the waves of a bothered pool of water.

"Oh," Adam muttered, gaping.

He took a breath then stepped through after Jared. The wall felt like cool wisps of air, touching his skin. There was no whirl of light. No stomach turning nausea. He merely took a step then another. When he opened his eyes, he was in an entirely different place. Letting out the breath Adam forgot he was holding, he gasped softly.

He looked around. The place he was now in was huge. It was bigger than even the Magic Nook had space, so that meant they weren't in the shop anymore. This place looked like a cross between a museum, office, and a library. Moving portraits tacked to the walls, turned their heads to stare at Adam. Books lined the walls shelved in tall bookcases. A spiraling staircase led to a second floor that was railed off. Even more books took up the upstairs wall space. On various tables were silver gadgets and small trinkets. In three glass display cases that was built into the wall were items he recognized. There was the long Ankh topped staff that Jared used, against the Judge, when they first met. In another case was his golden trench coat, shining in the light. In the last case was the golden half helm that he wore as Fate.

Adam could feel a tingle run down his spine. This place was magic. So much magic was in this place. It felt similar to the halls of Valhalla on Asgard. Valhalla was supported entirely on a structure of magic. It had to be, if the dead heroes residing within hoped to remain secured to the plains of Asgard.

"What do you think?" Jared asked, standing with his back to a huge claw footed desk. Items that practically hummed with energy and magic covered its large surface.

"Impressive," said Adam truthfully. Jared was full of surprises all the time. Of course, the same could be said for Adam. He still had yet to tap into his full power.

Jared extended his arms. "Welcome to the Tower of Fate. Right now we are in Salem, Massachusetts in an actual tower. Hence the name."

Adam nodded. "What is that energy I feel. It's so much power in this place. I can practically taste it."

"The tower is built on top of an interdimensional nexus called, 'The Nexus of the Subtle Realms'. Right now while inside the tower, we exist outside the boundaries of time and space. Its interior is far larger than the exterior and only I can truly navigate the inside halls. They twist and turn more than any maze."

"You built this place?" asked Adam.

Jared's eyes darkened. "No, it was not me. My mentor, the Doctor Fate before me, built this place. Because it is a mystical nexus, I must constantly be on guard against those who would seek its power."

Briefly, Adam wondered what happed to the previous Dr. Fate but didn't bring up the topic. Jared wasn't going to tell him what was on his mind, obviously it wasn't for him to know.

"So, what do you have planned?" questioned Adam, walking to a table. He glanced down at the items laid on it, then back up at Jared.

Jared held up a piece of paper. "This is the little note of information that or 'friends' of the 'O.W.' gave us."

Adam chuckled. "What do you plan to do, Dick Tracy, dust for fingerprints?"

"Something like that," replied Jared, smiling mysteriously.

He lifted his hand, then flicked his wrist. Immediately jars and vials incased with liquid floated to the desk he was leaning on. He turned around to mix the new ingredients together in a small bowl.

"I'm going to do a spell to metaphysically pull information from this paper. Since it came in contact with the 'O.W.' at one point, I'm sure we can find something out."

Adam shrugged. "Just do what you do best. Work the mojo."

Jared rolled his eyes. He reached into the bowl that he had been previously mixing things in. From it he pulled sparkling, fine dust. Sprinkling it on the paper, he began to intone softly.

"To light the aura of the new,

skin of snake and chrysalis too.

To indicate the fresh reborn,

tumbleweed and rosebush thorn.

An egg that means the life to come

Take this, oh Spirits, and my spell is done."

The note began to glow as if on fire. The words on the paper started to pull free and float in the air, in a swirl of color and light. The letters began to cyclone around the note of origin. Then as if being shot and wounded, they fell down one by one, back onto the paper. Finally, the only letters in the air was 'O.W.'. The two letters stretched and shimmered, forming an entirely new word from each letter. The whole process took less than a minute, finally leaving one line of glowing, readable text.

Omega Web

Jared grinned. "Now we finally have a name. Omega Web."

"Isn't Omega that sign Greek Frats use a lot?" asked Adam.

Jared nodded, touching a finger to the floating words. They flared and disappeared. "Yes. It also literally means the end."

Adam frowned. "I remember coming across something the other day, while doing research for my book... It was something called the 'Omega Point'."

"I've never heard of it."

Adam paused, recalling the information. He had merely been glimpsing the information, not fully trying to understand it. "It's some theory floating around the science community. Basically, it says, at a certain point in human development humanity will know everything."

"I don't understand. What do you mean everything?" asked Jared puzzled.

"What I'm saying is," began Adam. "Humanity will know everything in existence. All the secrets of the universe will be an open book. The meaning of life would become a simple math equation. Humans will be more than gods."

Jared blinked. "Oh." Then comprehension dawned on his face. "So would these uber smart people be able to know where the Key of Justice is? And would they know I had the ability to use the Dragon Slave."

"Your right!" He gave Jared a high five. "Looks like we finally got a break."

Jared nodded, smiling. "I can't believe we actually have allies out of these guys."

"They must protect the Earth, waiting for the Omega Point to fully happen," said Adam thoughtfully.

"I guess we can trust them," replied Jared. "If they are on our side, then they're good guys. We must go to Boston. The Key of Justice must be protected."

Adam smiled. "Then lets go."

To Be Continued...

********************************************** The next chapter will have action in it, I swear. I hope you guys liked this chapter and sorry for the short wait. I was on vacation in Hollywood.

I enjoy hearing feedback from people. If you have any to offer such as comments or any thoughts toward the story you may email me at Mighthammer@yahoo.com

Other stories you can read in the Tales universe: "Tales of a Real Dark Knight" "Tales of a Superhero Band" "Tales of the New Phoenix" "Tales of a Young Mutant" "Tales of a Human Spider" "Marvel Knights"

Next: Chapter 9

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