Tales of a Night Walker

By moc.loa@KcMtreB

Published on Jan 18, 2011


Tales of a Night Walker By Bert McKenzie Copyright 2010

Chapter 11

Monday arrived with a tremendous thunderstorm. Everyone met in the auditorium, people coming in with dripping umbrellas sprinkling water everywhere. They all managed to shed coats and visit a bit before finding seats. Everyone sat in a circle of chairs on the stage. Buddy passed out scripts to those who hadn't dropped by over the weekend and already claimed a book. I began with my usual speech to the actors about our company rules such as being on time, calling if you were going to be late, and so on. I introduced myself and Buddy even though everyone in the room knew who we were and what our roles were. Then I asked each actor to introduce him or herself and tell a little bit about who they were, what they did and so on. This was always a good ice-breaker.

We began with the person to my left. Kelly stood up and introduced herself. "Hi, I'm Kelly Monroe, I'm Gertrude. I was born and raised here in Auburn although now I live in Topeka, and I've been in the past three shows with Frank. He's a great director and I'm really happy to be here." She sat down and the next actor took the floor.

About half way around the circle, Jefferson stood up. He seemed a bit uncomfortable. "Hello," he began shyly. "I'm Jefferson Smythe and I guess I'll be playing Hamlet." He sat back down.

"Say something about yourself," Buddy encouraged.

"Oh," he said and stood back up. "Well, I'm originally from Virginia as y'all can probably tell. That's a passel south of Denmark." Every laughed as he emphasized the southern accent. "I just moved here so this will be my first play. And, umm, I'm not a morning person." He sat again. I found myself wanting to know more, but we went on to the next actor. Eventually we had finished introductions, and then I gave the floor over to Leon, our technical director who explained the set. He had color renderings of how it should look when completed and he indicated the taped markings on the stage floor to show where the various platforms, walls and doorways would be. After that we had a first read through, sitting in the circle and reading the entire play out loud, with me making small cuts and changes to the script as was necessary to adapt it to our venue.

It was a little after 11:00 p.m. when we finally finished for the night. I apologized to the company for keeping them so long. Buddy then handed out rehearsal schedules so they knew when they would be needed on stage or at rehearsal. I then bid them all goodnight. Everyone quickly rose and headed for the stage door. I spoke briefly to Buddy as we gathered up the chairs and began to stack them in the wings. As I turned I saw Jefferson standing there, scowling at the schedule in his hand. He looked up at me and asked politely if he could speak to me.

"What can I do for you?" I asked.

"Well, I wasn't aware that you had scheduled a performance for Sunday afternoon," he began. "I can be here all the other times, but I'm afraid I'll have a conflict with that afternoon show."

"Can you rearrange your schedule?" I asked urgently. "We obviously can't do the show without you. We always do an afternoon matinee on Sunday. You see, there are a lot of senior citizens who like to come to our shows, but they just can't stay out that late for our usual performances. And they don't like to be out after dark. We always get a good crowd at the matinee."

"Well, that's just the thing," the actor replied. "I don't think I can be here in the afternoon."

"That's still seven weeks away. Let's not worry about it until a bit later. You see if you can free up your schedule and we'll chat about it again," I told him. I hoped that once we were into the production, Jefferson would see the need and make arrangements to be there for the matinee. I just didn't want to think about canceling that performance. Our matinees were always a big money maker. The board of directors would have a cow.

By this time I realized that Jefferson and I were the only two left in the building. "Can I give you a ride home?" I asked as we stepped to the door. It was still pouring out.

"Thank you, but I only live a couple of blocks away. I can walk."

"In this rain? You'll get soaked. Really, it's no bother."

The young man smiled at me and again my heart skipped a beat. For some reason I was very strongly attracted to this man. I knew I was getting into dangerous ground here. I never got involved with my cast that way. I had seen too much of that in New York and it almost always ended in disaster. I remembered that off Broadway show I was in. The director had the hots for a dancer in the cast and it just about ruined the production. If I needed sexual release I would just go home and put in a video. It had been so long since I had any kind of relationship with another man that I was a bit scared and uncertain to know even how to begin. But nevertheless I could feel the attraction to Jefferson. I hadn't felt that in a long time, but something about this guy drew people to him. Call it charisma or charm or even animal magnetism, and I felt there was something of a wild animal there, something that spoke of danger.

"Well, I guess if you want," the actor finally agreed and followed me to my car, both of us running in the rain.

I opened the door on the passenger side and Jefferson slipped in. I then hurried around to the driver side and climbed in next to him. I looked over and caught my breath. The rain drops glistened in the boy's blonde hair, giving him a magical appearance. I had noticed his aroma before, but now in the confines of the car it seemed even stronger, more attractive. He smelled like vanilla with a hint of musk. "What is that cologne you wear?" I asked. "It really smells good."

"Um..." he said as if he weren't sure how to answer. "I'm not wearing any cologne. I guess that's just me. Sorry."

"Don't apologize. I've never smelled anyone who sweats such a nice aroma," I joked. The two of us laughed together. "You know, I'm really glad you auditioned for this show. You really are good and I'm going to enjoy working with you."

"Thank you," Jefferson replied. "I really am enjoying this as well."

"What other acting have you done?"

He squirmed in his seat a bit. "To be honest, I really haven't. I've read a lot, and I did do some church plays when I was a young boy. But nothing like this."

We were already at his house. I pulled up to the curb and looked over. It was a two story older home. I vaguely remembered it being for sale when I had driven down this street before. I felt a keen sense of disappointment that we had arrived so quickly. I wished the young man would invite me in for a drink, but he didn't. "Thanks for the ride," he said.

"Listen, if it's raining like this tomorrow, I can pick you up on the way to rehearsal."

"That's not necessary," he said. "I really don't want to be a bother."

"It's not a bother. I come right by here on my way to the theatre," I lied. It wasn't on my way, but I didn't mind driving an extra few blocks. "I'll be by at 6:30 tomorrow if you don't mind going in a little early."

"Well, alright," Jefferson agreed.

I realized that during our conversation I had leaned closer to the young man. I was suddenly aware of how close we were. It would be only a matter of a few inches for me to lean in and kiss those sensuous lips. I was sorely tempted to do just that. But Jefferson reached for the handle and quickly stepped out of the car into the rain as if he had read my mind and knew my intentions. I sat and watched as he dashed up the steps to his porch, then opened the door and disappeared into his house. It was odd. I didn't see any lights come on. I shook my head and drove off into the rain.

The next day turned out to be warm and sunny, the brief storm having blown itself out. But at 6:30 I still drove up in front of Jefferson's house. I sat for a moment, wondering if I should drive on to the theatre or should I get out and go up to the door. Finally working up my courage, I opened the door and climbed out of my car. But before I could go any further, there the man was, just walking down his steps. "I didn't think you'd be here," he said. "It isn't raining."

"Well, I was in the neighborhood," I laughed.

Again my heart seemed to stop for a moment when Jefferson smiled that wide, winning grin at me. "Now, I don't think this is really on your way to the theatre," he said. "I looked at your address on the cast list you handed out. In fact you live in the other direction."

I blushed a bright read. "Okay, you caught me," I admitted. "I just wanted to make sure my star has a ride."

Now the young man laughed loudly. It was a magical and infectious sound. "Star," he said, still chuckling. "I'm hardly a star."

"You could be," I said softly as we both climbed into my car. Again I noticed that pleasant smell of vanilla and musk. It was extremely clean smelling. He must wear some sort of deodorant or something. I decided to let it go for now.

"I don't know anything about you," I said as we drove. "Your casting sheet said you were unemployed. How is it a young man like you doesn't have a job?"

"I came into some money," he answered cryptically, a tinge of sadness in his voice. I assumed he must have inherited it from his parents who more than likely passed on.

"I'm sorry," I apologized. "I didn't mean to pry."

"That's alright. I know you were just curious. I imagine in this small town I am something of a mystery." Jefferson laughed again, naturally and freely. We had arrived at the theatre and both climbed out of the car.

The evening went quickly. I had never worked with anyone like Jefferson. He was a remarkably quick study, already knowing most of his lines. When he was given directions, he did what was asked flawlessly. He even made the other cast members look good, just because of his sense of professionalism. All too soon we were finished for the night and I stayed behind to make some notes. Jefferson waited quietly for me. He had his head in his script as if studying his lines, but I knew he probably already had them committed to memory. When I was finished we walked to the door together. "I probably should have just walked home," Jefferson said.

"And deprive me of giving you a ride?" I laughed. The actor just smiled back in return.

Rehearsals continued smoothly. Every night I stopped to pick Jefferson up and he was always ready and waiting to go. Finally Friday night's rehearsal finished. "See you at Harry's?" Kelly asked.

"Sure," I replied. As we walked out to the car, I turned to Jefferson. "Some of us like to meet up at a bar in Topeka on Friday night's after rehearsal, just to visit and unwind. Would you like to go?" The young actor looked off in the distance, as if pondering the question. "We don't have to stay long, if you don't want. But it's kind of a nice way to socialize with the cast and get to know each other."

"I don't know if that's such a good idea," he temporized.

"Why not?" I asked. "You're the mystery man. Here's a chance to dispel some of that mystery."

He grinned at me. "I'm not sure I want to dispel the mystery. Y'all might be very disappointed when you learn the truth about me."

"Oh?" I arched my eyebrows. "So there is a hidden truth to learn!"

We were sitting in the car, but I hadn't started the engine. I wasn't sure if Jefferson wanted to go or really preferred not to. "You would have to come all the way back here to bring me home," he said. "That's a lot of unnecessary driving for you."

"I drive this road every day. I could do it in my sleep and often have. Don't worry about that."

"Very well," he finally agreed. "But I'm not revealing anything."

We found a parking place in the lot out in front of Harry's, a quaint little beer joint. We walked in together and saw that about ten other cast members, including Buddy, were all gathered around a couple of tables in the back. The two of us joined the group and someone quickly placed mugs of beer in front of each of us. The conversation was lively and Jefferson even joined in a few times, although for the most part he stayed fairly quiet. I also noted that he only pretended to sip his beer, because the level in the glass never went down. Slowly but surely the others began to leave until there were only three of us left.

Kelly had quite a lot to drink and was getting very squiffy. "So, Jeffy," she said, leaning over onto his shoulder, "What is it you do for a living?" Her voice was slurred.

He acted as if it were the most natural thing in the world to support her as she leaned against him. "Didn't Frank tell you?" he asked. "I'm incredibly rich. I don't work."

This seemed to surprise her and shut her up for a minute. "What do you do all day if you don't work?" she asked.

"Sleep," came the answer.

"If you sleep all day, what do you do at night?"

"That's why I auditioned for this play. To have something to do," he replied with a grin.

Then she came back with another embarrassing question. "Are you married?" He shook his head no. "Do you wanna be?"

"I think it's time we all left," I said quickly, standing. Jefferson helped Kelly to her feet and held on to her so she wouldn't topple over. I tossed some bills on the table and we left the bar. "We'll take her home," I said as we half carried Kelly to my car and I opened the door, folding down the seat so Jeff could help her into the back seat.

"Hey," she half yelled as he climbed into the front passenger seat. "What about my question?"

"I think you're a bit old for him," I said to her as I climbed into the driver's seat. Kelly had to be at least in her forties and had been through two husbands already.

"Don't be too sure," she replied and Jefferson laughed uncomfortably.

We drove across town to Kelly's house, and then helped her up to the door. The cool night air seemed to sober her up and she fished her key out of her purse, unlocking the door. "You want to come in for a night cap?" she asked.

"Thanks, but I don't think so," I replied.

She turned and stared at me for a moment, then said rather rudely, "I wasn't talking to you, Frank,"

Jefferson quickly smiled and politely said, "I'm afraid it is rather late and we must be going." Kelly shrugged and opened her door, flipping on the lights. The two of us turned and headed back to the car. "Will she be alright?" Jefferson asked.

"Yes," I replied. "I've dropped her off here in worse conditions," I admitted. "I'm sorry about the way she acted."

He just smiled and said, "She certainly can get amorous with a little alcohol."

"She's old enough to be your mother."

He laughed again, that bright and joyful sound. "You'd be surprised," he replied, and then seemed to catch himself, as if he said something inappropriate. "I mean, age doesn't really matter that much." We drove on in silence for a minute. Then he spoke again. "I don't know that I liked her calling me Jeffy."

"I think you have a beautiful name," I said without thinking. I instantly regretted it. I didn't want to reveal how I really felt about Jefferson and that seemed to be a bit open.

"You never say it, you know."

"Say what?" I asked.

"My name. You've never actually said my name. In rehearsals you've called me by my character name, but I've never heard you say my name."

"I've said your name...Jefferson." My throat felt awfully dry.

"You can call me Jeff, if you like."

"Jeff," I repeated, and then swallowed hard. I tried to think of something to say to break the uncomfortable silence. "Tell me where you came from before here."

"I lived in the Ozarks for a while," he said.

"What did you do there?"

"Mostly hunted."

"Ah, a sportsman," I replied. "And why did you move to Auburn? What ever drew you here if it wasn't a job?"

"Well, that's hard to say," he replied. "You'd think me crazy."

"No really, I'd like to know."

He kind of laughed. "There was this old lady who told me to come here."

"An old lady told you to move here?"

He laughed again. "She was a witch. She read cards. She told me I would find my destiny in Auburn, Kansas."

"And you're searching for your destiny?"

"Isn't everyone? Aren't you searching for your destiny, Frank?"

I glanced over and for a moment and was held by those intense green eyes. I had to force myself to look back at the road. "I don't think I have a destiny. Or maybe, my destiny is just to direct plays here in this backwater community."

"Frank," Jefferson said. "I'm sure your destiny holds something wonderful in it. I can feel it."

I felt tears coming to my eyes. It was the way he said that last line. It was a beautiful reading, like it should have been in a play. To try and change the subject, I said, "So you believe in witches and card readings?"

"She was part of a whole different world. There is an unseen world out there about which you know nothing. There are creatures and forces that move in the night and the average person has no idea."

Chills seemed to run down my spine. "That's a nice thing to say on a dark night this close to Halloween," I laughed. We drove on in silence for a bit. Then I spoke up again. "Jeff," I forced myself to say his name, "thanks for going with me tonight to the bar."

"I enjoyed myself," he admitted. "Something I haven't done in a very long time."

"I had a good time too." I paused, and then plunged ahead with my thoughts. "I noticed you didn't touch your beer. Are you a recovering alcoholic? Not that it's any of my business. I just don't want to put temptation in your path."

"No, I don't have a problem with alcohol," he replied. "I just have a very sensitive stomach and I'm afraid beer doesn't agree with me. I don't eat in restaurants either, before you ask. As for temptation, I'm tempted every single day to do things I shouldn't."

I thought this an odd statement. We drove on in silence for a while, and then I finally decided I had to be honest with my new friend. "Jeff, I'm gay. I'm only telling you this because if we are friends, and I hope we will be, I don't want you to think I'm hiding anything from you or coming on to you or anything." The silence in the car was deafening. I glanced over and saw he was looking straight ahead out the window, an odd expression on his face. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to offend you, but I thought you should know. You would have probably heard it from some of the other cast members soon enough. It's usually a hot topic for backstage gossip." We continued to drive for another minute. "Jeff, I'm sorry."

Finally he spoke, his voice soft, almost tender. "Please don't apologize for who you are, Frank. I appreciate your honesty, and I would like to be your friend, I trust I am your friend. Sometimes I wish I felt that I could be as free with my background as you have been. I thank you for the offer of your friendship, but I am also concerned."

"You don't have anything to be afraid of," I told him quickly. "I wouldn't put the moves on you or anything. I don't pursue straight guys." Finally Jeff laughed again, long and loud. For a moment he sounded like he couldn't get his breath from laughing so hard. I started to get a little offended. "What's so funny?" I demanded.

"You would think I'm afraid of you?" he laughed. "You won't pursue me?" He wiped the tears of mirth from his eyes, and then suddenly realized that what he said was pissing me off. "Oh, Frank, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to offend you. It's just that, the situation struck me as humorously ironic. Not the fact that you are gay, but that you think I would be afraid of you. I would much rather have suspected that you would be afraid of me."

"I...I could never be afraid of you," I said, glancing over at him, but there was a hesitancy in my voice.

The passenger suddenly looked back with those piercing green eyes. There was something there in that stare that I couldn't identify. "Maybe you should be," he said.

"What would I have to be afraid of?"

By this time we had pulled up in front of his house. He opened the door quickly and stepped up the stairs to his porch without turning around. He quickly entered the house and again I noticed that he didn't turn on any lights. I slowly pulled away and drove home, trying to digest all my new friend had said.

Next: Chapter 12

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