Tales of a Guardian

By Alexander Guardian

Published on Dec 3, 2002


OK everyone. This is my first attempt at writing a story like this so I hope you like it. Now I have no knowledge what so ever of any celebrity's sexual orientation mentioned in this story. Most of this story has come from my head and the experiences I have had in life. I will leave that up to you to decide what is real and what is not.

The first few chapters are just to get the story going so it will be a short time before this story gets to the good stuff. I would love to hear what you think of the story but like I said it is my first time writing so please be gentile. GuadianAlexander@yahoo.com is my email address. Hope you enjoy it.

"Where have you been?"

"Lance you wouldn't believe me even if I told you."

"Well I am just glad you are back safe. I will talk to you in the morning. I want to hear all about your night."

"Ok Lance. Good night."


Joshua lay there in bed thinking of the events that had transpired earlier. One phrase echoed throughout his mind. "Do you believe in Magick?"

"Guess I will have to surf the Internet tomorrow and find out more."

With the last statement said He closes his eyes and soon drifts off to sleep.


Justin and Britney awake that morning to the sound of a phone ringing. Justin reaches for the phone and puts the receiver to his ear.


"Time to get up we have sound checks today before the concert. Breakfast is ordered and will be here in my room in about a half hour."

"Yea Yea Yea. Ok we will be there Lance."

After hanging up the phone Justin leans over and kisses Britney on her lips softly to wake he up. She stirs a bit but slowly return the kiss.

"Time to wake up hun."

"ok. I am up."

"Breakfast will be in Lances room in a half hour. Then we have sound checks later today before the concert. And you have to catch you flight back to Orlando today at three. I also want to talk to you after Breakfast ok."

"Sure what about?"

"After Breakfast ok."


Britney hated when Justin said things like that. It normally meant trouble. Justin got up and headed to the bathroom. After relieving himself he stepped into the shower. Having time to himself he began to think about his relationship with Britney. Granted they were not the perfect couple and occasionally had their fights he was over all happy. He loved Britney very much. He just wasn't sure if he was "IN" love with her. Little did he know that outside in the room Britney was having the exact same thoughts. She proceeded to get dressed and wrote a note to Justin telling him that she left already to go to Lances room. When Justin exited the bathroom he found the note and got dressed. After one last look in the mirror he grabbed his wallet and headed to Lances room where he found everyone sitting there waiting except for Josh.

"Where is Josh?" Justin asked.

"He is probably still sleeping. When I called him this morning to tell him breakfast was on its way he wasn't to enthusiastic about it." Stated Lance.

"That is not like Josh to pass up breakfast." Said Joey

"Well he kind of had a late night last night and didn't get in until 5:30." Said Lance

"Josh never stays out that late unless he is with one of us. Wonder what he did?" Asked Justin.

"Maybe he had a hot date or something." Stated Chris

"Yea right JC hasn't had a date in over 2 years." Mocked

"Well I am gonna go over and check on him."

Justin turned around and left Lances room and headed across the hall. Knocking on JC room he got no response. Sliding the Card into the Card hole he opened the door and walked into the room. Looking in the bedroom he found JC still asleep in his bed. Justin walked over to the side of his bed and sat down. Gently placing his hand on his friend he began to shake him lightly.

"Umm..... Thank you Alexander." Mumbled JC, obviously still asleep.

"Alexander? That was the name of the dude Britney and I meet last night."

Justin started to shake JC again this time a little harder.

"JC! Man, hey wake up Breakfast is ready in Lances room."

"Huh? Ohh ok. Sorry I had a long night. Gezz am I tired."

"Who is Alexander JC?" Justin asked.


"Before you woke up you said "Thank you Alexander.""

"To tell you the truth I do not know."

"When did you meet him?"

"Well it was kind of last night." JC stated kind of confused.

Everyone had known from the start of the band that JC was gay. Later on in their carrier Justin soon confessed that he was Bisexual. JC and Justin have been best friends since the beginning of Nsync so naturally they shared everything. Thinking that this was just another one of JC hookup he thought he would ask about him.

"What did he look like JC?"

"Honestly all I can remember is his golden blond hair and those crystal blue eyes."

Justin's eyes widened and starred at JC with a stunned look on his face. Thinking back to the previous night's events Justin could only remember the exact same thing. Even in the darkness of the alleyway he could still remember those eyes! Brighter then the sky on a clear sunny day, so deep and bright that you could get lost in them for hours, and his hair shinned like the rays of the sun. JC was still too asleep to notice how long Justin was sitting there just starring off into space. Gathering himself, Justin snapped himself out of his trance.

"Well come on, it is time to get up! Lance has already ordered breakfast and it is already in his room."

"Ok. Just give me a few more minutes. I am still in the process of waking up."

"Well you need to hurry your process up or Lance is going to get angry with you. Everyone is already in the room eating and if you don't get there soon Joey is going to eat everything there."

"AUGH!! OK.."

With that JC tosses covers the off of him and sits up in the bed. Not remembering that he fallen asleep completely naked he makes no attempt to hide his morning hard on. When Justin sees this he eyes get wide again. Even though they had spent many years together it is still a sight to see when his best friend is sitting there in all of his glory.

"Umm. JC!"


"You might want to go to the bathroom and take care of that. Or if you want I can leave so you can have some privacy."

JC looks at Justin with a puzzled look on his face and then looks in the direction in which Justin is starring. Realizing that he is completely naked his face begins to turn every shade of red. Reaching for the covers JC pulls them back over his naked body.

"Whoops sorry about that. Kind of forgot that I feel asleep naked last night."

"It's ok. It's not like I haven't seen it before. Remember how many times we used to share a room when we were on tour. Well sometimes you would kick the covers off at night when you were asleep in your bed. Needless to say I couldn't pass up the chance to get a good look." Justin says ending his last sentence with a smirk spreading across his face.

"Justin.... If you only knew how many nights I would wake up to hearing you moaning and groaning in your sleep thinking you were having a bad dream only to find you jacking off in your bed WHILE you were still sleeping."

Now it was Justin's turn to blush a deep crimson red. Taking a sudden interest in the floor Justin gets up off the bed and starts to head for the door.

"What! Did you think I roomed with you for 5 years in hotels and various other places and I did not know about that?"

"OK.. Ok.. You got me. I am going to get out of here so you can go take care of your business. Ohh and JC! I never would of guessed big things came in ...... such small packages."

Justin ducked out of the room just in time to dodge a pillow that JC had thrown at him. Laughing hysterically at his last comment Justin proceeds to walk back to Lances room. Right before he open the door he stops for a moment and starts to think about JC for a moment. Thinking about what might have been, what could have been. Justin breaths a sigh of regret threw his teeth knowing that his fear of losing his friendship with JC is what has been stopping him all these years from pursuing his best friend. He opens the Door to Lance's room and walks in. Finding the food cart he begins to pick out food for his breakfast. Satisfied with his selections he walks over and sits beside Britney who has already finished her breakfast.

Back in JC's room you can here the sound of the shower running. After his shower he finishes his morning ritual of brushing his teeth, shaving and combing his hair. Making sure every strand of hair is in its right place he walks out of the bathroom with just a towel wrapped around him. Looking through his cloths he decided on what he is going to wear for the day and get dressed. Leaving his room he grabs the key that is lying on the dresser and places in his pocket. Walking down the hall JC couldn't help but remember the conversation he had with Justin earlier that morning. Thinking about how much Justin always seems to make him laugh JC is glad that he as found such a great friend in Justin. As much as JC would love for the relationship to change it classification he is more then contempt as having Justin as just his best friend. Entering the room JC gets a round of "Hello" and "Hi" from everyone. Walking over to the food cart he begins to fill his plate with the many choices that were ordered for breakfast. Walking over the group he sits down in an empty seat and begins to eat his breakfast. Lance soon starts to go over the agenda for the day.

"Ok. The limo will be here to pick us up at 10:30 so all of us had better be ready by then. We are heading straight to the arena where we need to go over a few changes to tonight's concert. It shouldn't take long so once we are finished we are free to do what we want until six. We are all due back at the arena for makeup and costume fittings at 6:30 so try not to be late again Joey and Chris. You know how pissy everyone gets when have to delay the concert because we are not ready."

"Hey! Chris was driving and he said he knew a short cut. How was I supposed to know we would end up in another state?" Joey protest in his defense.

"If you would have known where you were going in the first place I would not have had to take the short cut." Says Chris

"Enough you two, we are all going out to lunch after we go over the changes to the concert and then we are all coming back here. So there is no chance of you two getting lost..... Hopefully."

Minor conversation continues thought the morning between the members of Nsync. After a while they all said their good byes and went back to their rooms.

When Britney and Justin were alone in their room Justin went over and opened the door to their balcony and steeped outside. Breathing in the warm air he looks out over the city of Denver and looks down at some of the people walking past on the street. Being at the very top of a hotel this size there is a lot of things you can see form this distance.

"Beautiful isn't it?" Britney says as she steps out onto the balcony.

"Yea it is Brit."

"So what did you want to talk to me about earlier?"

Justin breathes a heavy breath preparing him self for what his is about to say.

"Why do you love me?"

"What kind of question is that?" Britney says with a questionable look on here face.

"A honest one."

Justin turns so that he is facing Britney. Grabbing her hand gently he asks her again. "Why do you love me? I mean I know why you loved me a few years ago but why do you love me now?"

Britney stares into Justin's eyes unable to answer his question. Breaking their eye contact Britney gazes towards the floor of the balcony.

"I think you feel the same way as I do. Britney I love you will all my heart."

"But I am not "IN" love with you anymore." They both say in unison.

Both of them laugh at their ability to finish each other's sentences. They both have know for some time the reasons they had fallen in love years ago no longer held up in the present. Both of their carriers were going different places and now there were two different people. To afraid to say anything neither of them spoke up in the past but things had gone too far between them and if they had any chance of salvaging a friendship, things had to be set straight now. After a long and awkward silence between the two of them Britney was the first to speak.

"So what do we do now?"

"Brit you have to believe that I never wanted anything like this to happen."

"Shh..... I know Justin. Remember we BOTH feel this way."

"You are and will always be my best friend."

"Same goes for you Justin"

"After all the time we have been together this is the hardest decision we have made, and have both agreed on." Justin says while adding a little smile to his words.

Britney and Justin embrace each other in a hug one final time. Turning around they both walk back into the room to get ready for the events of later today. Not much was said between the two. They we just contempt in each other's silence knowing that they both felt the same.

At 10:30 all the members of Nsync were waiting down in the lobby ready to go.

"Where is Britney?" Lance Asks.

"She decided to stay behind this morning while we do our rehearsal. She said she just wanted to relax a little today."

That was strange JC thought. Britney is always attached to Justin's hip no matter what. Thinking something was not quit right he slyly walked over to Justin and placed his arm over his shoulder and behind his head pulling his friend closer to him.

"Something wrong Justin?"

"Umm. Yes..... And no." Justin debated inside his head on how to tell the guys.

"What kind of answer is that?"

"Well Yes because Britney and I just broke up. This time I think for good."

"Aww. It's ok Justin. I am sure you and Britney will be able to talk it out when we get back. A little bit of space between you two and I bet things will get right back to normal."

"See. That's where the NO comes in. We both feel the same way. We know we love each other but we are not IN love with each other anymore."

"It's ok Justin. You will find that special someone eventually."

"I know. I just wish......"

"Come on everyone the limo is here. Time to get going." Lance interrupts the two friends conversation.

"We can finish this conversation later ok?"

Justin just nods his head.

All five members head out of the lobby into the parking lot where the limo is waiting for them. They all pilled into the limo and made their way over the arena where they began their rehearsal for the upcoming concert later that evening.

Back at the hotel Britney walks back out onto the balcony with a cup of coffee in her hand. Admiring the view she watches the sky line seeing different birds fly by. She drops her gaze lower down to the street watching the people walk in. Some are in a hurry. Some not.

"I wonder what all of those people are thing about right now?" She says out loud to no one in particular.

As Britney continues to look at the people passing by on the street below she hears a voice from above her say.

"Do you always talk to yourself when you are alone?"


I just love cliffhangers don't you? To everyone reading this story PLEASE send me feedback. I know that is really early in the story line but I still would like to hear your thoughts on it. GuardianALexander@yahoo.com Also for those of you who would like to talk to me online I have various IM programs that you can talk to me on. Just write me telling me your screen name and I will be happy to send mine back to you.


The Guardian

Next: Chapter 3

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