Tales of a Dedicated Jack of Spades

By Jacob Wiseass

Published on Aug 9, 2023


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Tales of a Dedicated Jack of Spades - Part 4



I froze in my cage, listening...


Damn, it was Joey. What the hell was he doing here? How did he get in the house?

"Hello? Is there anyone home? I saw that your front door was ajar..."

Which answered the `how did he get in question'. Master must have been so flustered when he left that he left the door ajar.

"Mr. Tillinger, are you here?"

Well I couldn't just ignore him. Besides I could hear his footsteps at the head of the basement stairs.

"Yeah, I'm home Joey. Turn the lights on so you don't trip down the stairs, okay?"

"Okay, thanks Mr. Tillinger."

And he made his way down the stairs as I braced myself for whatever was about to happen. How would a 17 year old kid react to his neighbour, naked, locked in a cage in his basement? I guess after what he witnessed earlier today, it won't be that shocking at all.

As his head, tentatively peaked around the corner. "It's really dark down here."

"Yeah, Joey, the light switch is to the left of the door."

And then slowly the lights turned up all around the dungeon, one by one highlighting the accoutrements of our lifestyle: the Whipping Pole, Sex Sling, Hanging Chains, Piss Tub, Fucking Machine, to name a few. Plus a vast array of bondage, discipline and other sex tools hanging from hooks or resting on shelves around our vast dungeon. Painted totally in a dark slate grey with each area highlighted by an accent color to denote it's usage...yellow for piss, red for handballing, etc., you could never say we were not coordinated in our playpen.

I tried to imagine what this might look like through the eyes of a newbie. As I watched Joey make his way in to the room it was like he was a kid arriving in Disneyland at age 6. His eyes were like saucers popping out of his skull. I just let him take it all in before I interrupted him by clearing my throat..."hmpph"

He jumped a foot.

"Oh I'm sorry Mr. Tillinger, I didn't see you there."

The truth was he hadn't made it as far around the dungeon as to notice me in my locked cage in the corner.

"Are you locked in that cell?"

"Yes I am Joey. I'm locked in and the keys are over there on the floor." I said pointing.

"Who locked you in?" He asked as he moved to pick up the keys.

"Well, actually, I locked myself in tonight."

I could tell he was confused. Understatement of the year.

"You know from earlier Joey that I am a slave and my Master has instructed me that when I am not needed this is where he keeps me. So I can stay out of his way. Then when he needs me, he can unlock the cage by pressing a button on his iPhone which makes a buzzing noise that tells me I'm needed upstairs for some reason. When my Master is away from the house and I am finished all my chores, then I am instructed to come down here, lock myself in my cage and then throw the keys out into the dungeon, out of my reach."

"Wow. That's wild." Joey mutters.

He passes me the keys, which I use to unlock the cell door and step outside. I try not to think of the punishment Master will inflict on me when I confess I stepped out of the cage without his permission. But I knew I would tell him because that's how I was trained.

By now Joey had wandered off to look more closely at what his eyes were seeing for the first time.

"So this is a dungeon?" He asked.

"Yes, it's our dungeon...well, Master's dungeon, I don't own anything here."

"But isn't this your house? I mean you've been living here for as long as I can remember, and Mr. Wiseman only moved in a couple of years ago."

"That may be true Joey, but when Master took ownership of me he automatically owned everything that used to be mine. My house, my things, my car, my paycheque, everything."

Joey just stared at me for a moment, trying to comprehend.

"So you don't own anything, at all?"

"That's right Joey, not even my own body...or my mind."

He turned around and continued looking at all the stuff. Tentatively I approached him.

"You know Joey, if Master came home and found you here, I could get in a lot of trouble. He was pretty mad when he left here earlier. And I'm not allowed to have anyone else in the house without his permission."

"Oh, okay Mr. Tillinger, I don't..." he started...

"Please don't call me Mr. Tillinger Joey, I'm not a Mr. anything..."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean that titles like Mr. or Sir, a man should earn those titles. I'm a slave, I'm not worthy of being called either of those things."

"Well what should I call you then Mr...oops, sorry."

"Slaves are called things like bitch', slut', it', thing', whore', faggot'...things like that. Whatever feels right to you."

He thought for a moment.

"Well I don't feel right about any of those. I like you, why would I call you those names?"

`Oh this adorable kid is going to cause trouble' I thought to myself.

"Well then why don't you call me by my first name, Adam, okay?"

"Okay, Adam, that feels right."

And he smiled at me like a puppy dog would.

"Adam, can you tell me about some of the stuff in here?"

"Okay, quickly, one thing, but then you have to go..."

"Okay this thing." And he pointed at the whipping post.

"That's one of the places in here that my Master can tie me to when he wants to discipline me, by spanking, flogging, whipping me, any number of ways." As I explained this I moved toward the post and just naturally reached up to where the wrist restraints were and presented my back for discipline as I was trained to do.

Then I heard a soft gasp and then felt Joey's fingers run along the red welts across my back and shoulders where Master had caned me earlier. His touch was so tentative; so gentle and reverent. It caused my skin to tingle underneath his touch; like my nerve endings were dancing.

Then he leaned in towards my exposed back and I could feel his heat as he quietly whispered in my right ear..."I am so hard right now Adam."

And sure enough I reached around and felt his hard cock pulsing in his shorts. The heat it gave off was like an oven and it stretched down the right leg of his basketball shorts.

Being the well trained bitch that I am, I turned around and got down on my knees in front of him and began to lower his shorts to get at that big dick. But Joey stopped me.

"No. No. Adam. Not like that, that's not what I mean." And he reached under my arms and pulled me to my feet in front of him.

"That's not what I mean. I don't mean my dick is hard, like hard hard. Though it is I know. I meant my dick is hard over all this...stuff. The cell and the posts and the whips and shit. That's what's getting my dick hard."

"Oh I get it." I finally clued in. "You mean you dick is hard, not just like having a hard dick that you want sucked or something; but you mean your dick is hard for this whole package here."

"Yeah." He said as his fingers ran along the welts on my shoulder.

"Those welts turn you on do they Joey?"

"Yeah Adam. A lot."

"So what turns you on about them Joey?" I ask as my hand finds it's way into his shorts, stroking his hard cock a couple of times; pulling his foreskin back off of his head with a strong tug, which brings a loud audible gasp from Joey.

"Do you see yourself standing behind me when I'm all tied up to this whipping post and raising your own welts on my back?"

And my hand continued to stroke his cock up and down, over and over again. And then harshly stretching that tight foreskin back as far as it will go with one hand while I rubbed his tender cock head with what I like to call the `sandpaper technique'.

And the harder I pulled and yanked back that tight foreskin and the more I polished that tender glans of his, the greater the shudders and louder the gasps my little Joey let out. It seems I had a pain Queen here in the dungeon.

"Or is it Joey the idea of you being tied to this post, stripped naked by a superior man, and then feeling the wrath of his whip on your back."

And I reached down low and grabbed his balls and squeezed them both as hard as I could. And Joey shot so much cum it travelled all the way up my arm. And shot after shot after shot, each one stronger and more voluminous then its predecessor. Oh to be young again and filled to the rim with cum.

Joey fell back against me after his orgasm, gulping for oxygen, lungs filling, balls emptying. He was quite a sight, believe me.

"Are you okay Joey?"

"Yes, Yes, I'm fine. I'm so sorry Mr....er, Adam. I made such a mess."

"Not to worry. That was great fun. I can tell you get off pretty hard with a little pain don't you Joey?"

"Yes, all the time. But before it's only what I do to myself. But that's the first time someone else was hurting me. That felt so hot....But now I'm a mess."

"Well that's not a problem at all. We have a shower in the last section of the dungeon over there so you can go in and rinsed off. Which I will have to do as well because you covered me too."

It's the first time in a long time that I'd heard laughter down in the dungeon. So the two of us take a quick rinse off and dry. I can't help but notice just how beautiful this young man is to look upon. His hair is pure white and it falls in those skater boy curls that gather around his neck. His skin is fair, but tanned from our summer heat so he looks great. He wasn't that tall, maybe 5'9" but quite muscular and had long legs that seemed to reach forever. And the cutest little tushie, very narrow and deeply dimpled on both sides.

After he was redressed, I gave him a hug and sent him on his way. Then I got all the lights turned off again, locked myself in my cell and tossed the keys into the middle of the dungeon floor.

I thought for sure I would fall right to sleep. But I couldn't stop thinking about everything that happened that day. I still had no idea where my Master went. Or what was going to happen to Joey. He could get into real trouble if he wasn't careful. But little did I know just how close that trouble was for dear Joey.

Jarad saw Joey sneak into the Tillinger house about an hour ago. Now he spied him sneaking out and his hair was soaked and his clothes all stained.

"I knew it..." Jarad laughed to himself as he watched Joey scurry home.


I hope you are enjoying this story so far. If you are drop me a note at jacobwiseass@outlook.com

Don't worry more sex is coming.

Any suggestions for future encounters, drop me a line as well.

Copyright 2018

Next: Chapter 5

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