Tales from the Ranch

By Tulsadriller

Published on Sep 27, 2003


Hello to my many readers,

I've been receiving a lot of mail in the past week from some of you wondering if I'm okay and what has happened to the next chapter of "Tales from the Ranch". All justified, too.

To begin with, I finally found a day job after being unemployed for a year and a half. I moved to Tulsa in April 2002 to take a Systems Analyst job with a large company that started their downsizing the week I moved and finally folded a couple of months later. So, I never worked a day for them and it was too late to anything here except to try to find a job in an area of high unemployment. I got so tired of knowing they were thinking "over qualified" on the few interviews I was able to get.

In addition, I'm preparing two organ recitals, the first of which is next Tuesday and the other on November 20th. Both are noon series that two churches present. I feel honored to have been asked to play on both.

Also, I've taken on the job of editing a monthly newsletter for a music organization I belong to. That takes about a week to put together each month - in my "spare time", whatever that is. I think it happens between 2:30 and 3:15 a.m. these days.

Rest assured that I've not forgotten you and have been making more notes for the further adventures of the great people in Williamsport. There are a lot of "Tales" to be told yet and I intend to tell them.

Please bear with me and I'll get back on schedule as soon as I can, although the next chapter may be a Thanksgiving present.

Note that my email address has changed to TulsaAuthor@aol.com. I had to close out the TulsaDriller7 account because someone was able to steal my password, give me a virus infection and cause my computer to shut down. Guess they didn't like "Tales".

My best thoughts to all of you loyal readers,


Tulsa Driller

Next: Chapter 52

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