Tales from the Men's Toilet

By lovediego

Published on Sep 9, 2022



Tales from the Men's Toilet: by Lovediego@aol.com

The usual disclaimers about age and copyright apply. This is my shit, please don't steal it or reproduce it without my permission. Don't hesitate to reach out to me to let me know what you thought about the series. No flames.

This series contains themes of male same sex relationships, as well as EXTREME RAUNCH, urination and filth. This is an anthology. Each entry will be a different story, with different characters, with only the main theme of being set inside of a boy's/men's toilet or locker room staying the same.

I left retirement to help bring attention to a good cause. The Gay Male Journal: www.gaymalejournal.org, a non-profit, homosexual male healthcare on-line resource website. The company was founded by and is operated by gay males ONLY; tackling topics on sexual, mental, and general healthcare, all from a gay male perspective. NO stigma, shame or bigotry. All articles are based on science and facts! They are the first and ONLY company in the entire world doing such work.

The website is FREE to visit and open 24/7/365.

Don't forget to donate to NIFTY! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ONE:

I fucking hate driving. I really do. The only thing worse is driving across the country. I have no idea who those fools are who love sitting in traffic from state to state and force their families to go along for the painful ride. I only made this trip because I was broke.

Wait. That's not true. Yes, I was broke, but I'd gotten a new job. Or, in my case, a job. I was unemployed for almost a year, had a stack of bills that came up to my sweaty ball sac, and had no acceptable options in the city I lived. So, I decided it was time to leave and seek my fortunes elsewhere. Thank you, LinkedIn!

The major problem was that I needed a car in my new city, and shipping the one I owned was too expensive. Executive decisions had to be made.

After four long days in a hot car, eating fast food, and pissing in bottles, I was beat. I didn't have enough money to stay in hotels or even motels, so I did what truckers do; I slept in my car at truck stops. They were usually out of the way of nosy cops and tourists. I could get at least a few hours of sleep during the day or night and then get back on the road. The last thing I needed was to fall asleep while driving and kill myself, or worse, someone else. This made my journey longer but safer. I was almost to my new city and not planning to make a stop until the next day, but my bowels had another plan.

Pro-tip, never ever eat at Mexican fast food joints that are really just white Americans fucking up a great culinary culture by adding fake beef, fake cheese, and fake guacamole. Or, you might find yourself running to another type of border.

Luckily, I saw a truck stop sign about a mile away. I sped up my Honda and did my best to make it without destroying my interior. The smell in my car was already scented with my pit and ass funk. I hadn't had a shower for days before my trip began, and since then, I'd been baking my hairy ass in the summer heat while driving in a hot car. I was never known for having stellar hygiene maintenance to begin with, but even I could admit, it was pretty rank in there. Also, farting every 30 seconds from so-called tacos wasn't making the cabin air any fresher.

I was enjoying my body odor most of the way. The warmth was making my pits stink nicely, I was growing a good crop of cock-cheese, and the smell from my dirty asshole kept me at least semi-hard while driving. Occasionally, I would stick my hand down my shorts to rummage around for something good to smell or eat. Never coming back disappointed.

I was on a mission to drop a hot stinking duce and made it to the truck stop just in time. Usually, there were at least three or four trucks in the parking lot of the places I'd stopped at before, but at this one, it was totally empty. Sure, it was a bit more out of the way, and after three in the morning, but I expected some sort of life to exist. At the time, it didn't really matter that much since privacy was what I was looking for anyway.

I parked close enough to the men's toilet, but not too close. If you know what I mean. I hopped out of my car and ran to the door like my ass was literally on fire. Farting with each step. That last one felt a bit wet, but hell, what was I gonna do.

The heavy door was unlocked, as I expected, but the room was empty. Each of these places seemed designed so truckers could do their three S's: shower, shit, and shave, and not necessarily in that order. Of course, many also doubled as sex dens for degenerates, man-whores, and dirty faggots looking to get nasty with hot and dirty older guys. My kinda spot.

This one was no different from the rest except for having an odd shape compared to the others I'd visited. It was longer than wide, with all the sinks and toilets on the left. There were three of each, separated by a single dingy white divider.

Like in military barracks, there was zero privacy between the toilets. They sat side-by-side, closer than necessary, in my opinion, and had no lids. The sights and smells from each one were on permanent display, and I got the impression that their clientele preferred it that way.

I felt like I was goldilocks trying to find the shitter that was just right for my unwashed hole. The first one was too full, like it'd never been flushed. The second one was too dirty, like it'd never been cleaned. The third one, honestly, wasn't much better than the first two, but it had to do.

No, I am not a blond little white girl, but I've had my fair share of run-ins with bears. Unlike other people, I can be honest about my looks. I'm supper hot, handsome, and always horny with a dripping big dick.

Sorry, I couldn't help myself. Actually, I'm a man of a certain age, that age being 40. I work-out, too much sometimes. But in my defense, being unemployed gave me a lot of time on my hands. I'm told I'm

handsome, but primarily by guys who want to butt fuck me. I'm also not over 6 feet or have any of the other must-haves for gay men these days. Well, except for my cock. It's not super huge, but a TRUE 8 inches is much greater than most. What makes my dick special, so I'm told, is the shape, angle, and smell.

Uncut guys are a fetish in the United States, and some gays seek us out with a quickness. My dick isn't just uncircumcised, but I have an extra long hood from years of stretching and play. It hangs about 2 inches off my cock head. It's thick and chunky and helps me make the product some consider a delicacy: smegma. I'm a one-man cheese-making factory and can stink up a room just by opening my pants. Even when I'm clean, I'm still dirty. Call it a gift. I do.

During the last year, I gave myself permission to do some things that I'd always wanted to do but was either too chicken shit or couldn't because of my job. I super-cropped my curly hair and grew my beard out. Then I got a few tattoos that I'd always wanted. And for my last birthday, I got both my nipples pierced and topped it off with a heavy cockring to accentuate the boys. It was the most butch I'd ever looked in my life. But, it wasn't an act; it was the real me being allowed to take center stage.

As a Black man in America, there are things I can't do without causing, or being on the receiving end of, bullshit. I can't run down the street, wear a hoodie over my head, raise my voice or get angry in public. All of these things make me look like a threat in the eyes of...some people.

In my line of work, facial hair signifies toxic masculinity. But so is anything that doesn't totally deprive a man of his natural sense of self. This goes double for the way he smells. I hated shaving every day, wearing deodorant to cover my scent or pretending to be docile just to get promoted or not fired. It's not like I'm an angry Black man, more like I just wanted to be viewed as a man. Or more specifically as Madison. A guy who just happens to be Black and a raging, butt fucking, dick swallowing, cum eating, homosexual. I don't want to be lumped in with stereotypes or caricatures of those from either demographic.

When my old firm slowly went out of business, of course, I and a few other people of colour were let go first. It didn't matter; within a month, everyone was gone and standing on the unemployment line. It took me longer to find a job because I didn't want to return to the same old bullshit. I knew I deserved better. And even if I didn't, I refused to settle for less.

And then, I started to work on myself.

I read tons of books by amazing male authors about life, happiness, and success. I watched documentaries on the planet, universe, and even the alleged after-life. I researched all I could about gay sex, fetishes, and masculinity. Oh, and I jerked off like a fucking fiend on meth. I dove into porn like it was the first time I'd ever seen it. The raunchier, the better. I wanted to learn about water sports, fisting, snot & spit, and even shit. It was vital for me to learn about loving every part of a man and everything his body produced. And I wanted to provide that to men as well. But the first man I wanted to enjoy my stink was myself.

Since I lived alone, it was easy to skip showers, stop pulling my foreskin back when pissing, and even quit wiping my hairy ass all together. I began to sniff my pits when wanking off, which led to licking up my salty sweat all over my body. My favourite spot was the fragrance from under my furry balls. Damn, why had I spent so many years washing such goodness down the drain? The dark, vinegar-like odor got my head spinning. And if I was gonna be a nut huffer, why not explore my hole since I'm in the area?

Yeah, I was a bit timid at first; after all, I'd been taught nothing positive about this most private place. And gay guys didn't help. Tops complaining about guys not being clean enough, tight enough, or fulfilling their every fantasy of what an asshole should be and smell like. I was sick of it. My shitter has a day job that has nothing to do with some idiot's dick.

I soon learned my asshole made the most amazing smells and tastes by leaving it alone. Never douching, never washing, and never wiping.


I made my way over to my temporary thrown at the trucker's toilet and lowered my shorts. The bowl was still streaked with the shit tracks of the last guy, or most likely guys, who used it. The seat was somehow still wet with, what I believed to be, a heady mixture of piss and cum.

The floor, to the surprise of no one, was fucking filthy. In front of me was a sample of every sort of bodily fluid a man's body could produce. There was a puddle of urine immediately to my left, pieces of shit to my right, and cum loads as far as my eyes could see.

I quickly realized that this was a sex den for some of the raunchiest fuckers in the county. I just happened to make my visit during off hours.

My caramel complexioned ass opened wide to burp out the first of many gaseous farts. It was loud and boomed aggressively through the narrow space. The stench followed closely behind. It was thick and foul but made my cock jump in appreciation. I wasn't a big lover of farts or shit, for that matter. Still, I accepted them as natural bodily functions and very possible during anal sex. Even though I did not love them, I didn't hate them either. I had an odd appreciation for them. But I was open to exploring their possibilities of pleasures.

Without warning, another blast of foul wind escaped my anal cavity, heralding a massive shit log. It felt like I was giving birth or being reverse fucked. That was how my cock responded and erected to its full glory. My heavy metal cockring was one size too small so that I could always feel the tightness around my junk, and it kept my dick harder for longer. I even came to enjoy the subtle pain that could come with this. My uncut member looked bloated and hung down low over my sac.

I relaxed and let my body do its work, cursing the cock sucker who made my tacos, with every heavy shit drop. Since I had a moment, I looked down at my shorts, or more specifically, my underwear in them. They were rancid and stunk. Just the way I love them to be. I'd been laboring on this particular pair for over a month. I wore them constantly, letting my excess piss drip into them when I put my Johnson back in while still urinating. Since I stopped wiping my ass, they soaked up all the greasy ass juices, mucus,

and funk from each one of my dumps. Three lengthy and wide skid marks graced the seat. And, of course, I used them as a cum rag.

Sitting atop my jeans, they looked destroyed. An embarrassment to proper hygiene. A shrine to an unwashed uncut cheezy cock, funky hirsute balls, and a ripe asshole. They were perfect.

My admiration of my obscene material was interrupted by the men's room door opening. Because I didn't see any other cars or trucks in the lot, and it was around 3:30 in the morning, I was immediately put on edge. I pictured a hillbilly serial killer, or worse, a country cop, turning the corner and seeing me take a shit with my shiny dick in my hand.

"Oh, fuck, sorry, I didn't know anyone else was here." He said. Standing directly in front of me. His head was pointed towards mine, but his eyes were focused on the uncut cock I was absentmindedly stroking out in the open. I didn't stop what I was doing because I was there first.

It's ok, I replied. The other two are still available, as I nodded my head towards the empty shit catchers.

"Yeah, but they're kinda nasty." The stranger kept talking as his eyes moved down to my soiled briefs. He was wearing cut-off sweat pants, with obviously no underwear because I could see both the outline of his cock and the fact that it was growing by the second.

I accidentally cut another fart and shit again. I looked at his eyes for a sign of disgust but found none. His reaction was the opposite. He took two steps closer to me to get a better smell of my waste.

As this man stood under the florescent lights, I got a better look at him. He looked around my age, stocky build, 5'10", 185lbs, and of Latin heritage. Maybe Mexican or Puerto Rican; I wasn't sure. He sported wavy jet black hair that stopped at his ears, and which were both pierced. His eyes were brown, and he had a few days' worth of stubble on his face. Strands of grey were there and in his hair.

The tight t-shirt, stuck to his body with sweat, had a picture of a naked man riding a pig. The sweatpants shorts, now tented, were blue, but very dirty, like his Timberland boots and the formerly white socks he wore with them. I couldn't tell if this was a work or play outfit, but it looked sexy as fuck on him. And he knew it.

You say nasty, like it's a bad thing. I stated.

"No. No. I like nasty. Nasty things can be nice. That fat cock your stroking looks nasty. Dripping in cock spit and smelling like cheese." He said with an evil grin on his face.

I told him my balls were ripe too and passed being nasty at least four days ago. My asshole. Well, let's just call it offensive and stop at that.

"It takes a lot to offend me. And, I'm sure it can't be as bad as you say. My asshole, on the other hand, is gross. It's a fucking crime scene back there. Sweaty, woolly, and smelling like three-day-old dried shit and cum. I wouldn't force my worst enemy to eat me out." He countered.

Our silly banter continued as I decided it was time to up the stakes.

I came in because of some bad tacos. If that gives you any idea of the fumes my butt is kicking off. And I stopped washing my cock so long ago that its stench could probably kill a lesser man.

"Challenge accepted." The new guy said, as he pulled his tight t-shirt over his head and revealed one of the hairiest bodies I'd ever seen. He was covered in a fine pelt of man-fur. Like me, both his nipples were pierced, but they were much larger than mine, more like thick erasers. Then he dropped his shorts.

My eyes followed the filthy blue fabric as they left his waist, fell to the ground, and got kicked off his boots. Along the way, I could see how nasty the inside was. Skid marks, piss stains, and god knows what else lined the inseam. This wasn't from casual wear but the efforts of someone who enjoyed destroying his shorts and seeing and smelling his own handiwork. His stench was so pungent that it began to overtake the other two toilets and my own, filled with fresh shit and farts. I was in the presence of a raunch master.

He kept his boots on as he took two giant steps in my direction. I thought he'd go for my slimy cock, so I pointed it at his handsome face. I was wrong. The man fell to his knees and planted his face in my nasty briefs. First, he inhaled the inside shit tracks and piss drippings before putting the middle of them in his mouth to suck on. He nursed like a little baby boy on my grime. I looked down beneath his legs to see him stroking a huge uncut cock that would put most porn stars to shame.

I quickly ripped off my t-shirt too. If there was ever a time to get naked, it was then and not a second later, and I threw it on top of his clothes. Seeing my action, the guy stood up to help me get my shorts and briefs off too. He literally ripped them off my legs. Leaving me sitting bare-ass naked on the shit pot.

I'd never done anything that wild before. Dreamed of it? Yes. Jerked off to fantasies about it? Of course. But I never thought it would be my life. I refused to waste any time and began to enjoy my great fortune.

"Lean back." The stranger commanded in his sexy deep voice, accented in Spanish. I did as instructed, resting my head on the cold tile of the wall. He grabbed my legs and bent me in half until I could hold my Adidas in my hands. By then, I could smell his dick. It was vile in the best way. He truly matched me in the smeg department and probably a bit more. His aroma was musky and sharp like Limburger, whereas I was more like Swiss. All around the head was a coil of creamy white gunk that scented his member.

I wasn't a size queen, but I could be impressed. His was impressive, especially once he'd pulled his hood all the way down, exposing even more dick cheese and an almost apple-sized cock head. Or it looked that oversized to my eyes. It was dark red and angry looking. Inside his thick wide slit was a 0g Prince Albert. I'd never been fucked by anyone pierced and didn't know what to expect. It too, was coated in chalky white smegma.

Beneath his brown cock was a massive set of bull-balls. Shaggy and heavy with sperm babies I badly wanted him to fuck deep inside my hungry man-cunt. Noticing my interest, he teased me by rolling the portly orbs around in his hand and then bringing it up to my nose to sniff.

FFFuuuCCK, they were ripe, salty, and funky like gonads should be.

As I held my ankles and bent back as far as possible, my shitty asshole was wide open, on full display and exposed to anyone who wanted to see or smell it. This man wanted to do both. Satisfied that I'd hold my position, he returned to the floor and thrust his face in my muddy crack.

Like with my briefs, he started by sniffing me. Up and down the crevice of my ass, his nose traveled. Taking in all the fragrance my body had produced over the long drive and the week before. All of the sweat, ass juices, farts, and even shit I'd dumped out seconds before he arrived, was being snorted up his snout. He huffed it all up like a fucking vacuum and sounded like a pig rutting around in my butt. That just got my uncut dick harder and dripping cock snot onto my stomach and chest. I couldn't stroke myself because I needed to keep my legs in the air and my hole open for his impending penile invasion.

The man even expanded his trolling to include my nuts. They weren't as large or full as his, but they were a good size and definitely loaded with a few loads of cum or more. He seemed to enjoy their stink as much as my hole's. But soon he'd had enough of that and began to lick. Starting at my taint, he dragged his slick tongue up and around my sac, circling each one, doing his best to bathe them in his spit. He opened his mouth wide and sucked my left nut into his face, sucked on it, spit it out, and began again with my right one.

His touch was almost loving in his attention to detail. Not one inch, wrinkle, or hair of my balls was left free of his slobber. Without removing his tongue from my body, he descended toward my funky butthole.

It's one thing to smell it and another to actually lick my shitter, but he did. And loved it.

This is where he lost control and became as much a beast as a man. He battered my shitter and nibbled around the edges of my crusty anus, lapping like a dog at my scented rectum, chewing on the folds of skin at my most private spot's entrance. His tongue made fast work of my stink. But he wasn't done, far from it.

Next, the man pried open my ditch and let my essence fill the room. Even I could smell the raunch from my hole and was a bit embarrassed by the state of it. He didn't share my concerns. Instead, he plunged his tongue deep inside my body and began to scour the inside and out. I knew he was getting the dark strong nutty taste of my shit since he'd interrupted my necessary dump with his entrance. But that was what he wanted.

I saw that he slowed down the jerking of his massive fetid dong, long enough to reach behind himself, into his shorts' pocket, and pull out a bottle of poppers.

Like a gentleman, he handed them to me first to take a few huffs, which I did, before taking a hit for himself. Between the poppers and my butt bouquet, we were flying higher than kites on a windy day. His raid on my asshole continued with enthusiasm, and I was moaning my approval with each lick. It felt incredible to have another man appreciate my stench as much as I did. No worrying about how I smelt.

If was clean enough inside, would he be offended if I painted his cock? No. None of that. I could relax and enjoy getting eaten out.

"Can I fuck you?" He asked, looking up from my spit-dripping hole for approval.

Of course, I eagerly said yes. Hearing this, the man pulled a tiny bottle of lube from his socks and coated my hole and his dick ring. I thanked god for little favors as I had no idea how this would work. Even though, at that point, my puffy lips were begging to be raped.

He stood up and lined his uncut cock up with my pouting anus. After all his time with his face in my butt, he knew exactly where to aim his monster turd churner. Looking me in my eyes, he moved in closer, grabbed my pierced nipples, and played with them. Gently at first, then a bit rougher, then gently again. All as his cock got nearer and nearer my shitter. I could feel the cold of his PA at my back door, but I didn't flinch. This was what I wanted.

"Open." He said. So I opened my mouth wide as he hocked up a thick greasy looggy and spat it in my mouth. It was disgusting, so I loved it. I swirled the mucus gob around in my mouth before swallowing. Then I opened again for more.

This time, the man bent in closer, closed one of his nostrils, and shot it off inside my mouth. His snout made a deep guttural sound as it emptied phlegm into me. Before I could swallow, he did the same with his other nostril, filling my mouth with what were obviously remnants of a recent bad cold or even the flu. I gulped it down.

He fed me more poppers as he began to penetrate me. Leaving the little brown bottle at my nostril as he thrust the first few inches of his prick into my rectum. It hurt, but not as much as I expected. I was no virgin. Not by any stretch of the imagination, I just had never been fucked by anyone as large as him or pierced. I had no idea what I'd been missing.

Switching to my left nostril with the poppers, he plunged the next five inches of his dirty cock into my even dirtier hole. Almost there, I thought to myself. I breathed in deep the fragrance of poppers, my reeking cock and dirty asshole, his ripe asshole, and everything else in the men's room. That allowed me to take the final two or so inches. Totaling eleven. It was a wonder I didn't pass out from the length if the girth didn't do it first.

"Happy?" The man looked at me, satisfied with his smooth entry and letting my body get acclimated to his extra large size. I could only nod yes since I was too high on man-stink, poppers and cock to speak.

He twisted my ultra sensitive nipples and rubbed my smooth chest, stomach, and legs before beginning his assault on my ass. The man began slowly but picked up momentum quickly once he saw that I wasn't complaining or seeming to be in pain. He liked to plunge deep inside my hole, rubbing his dense black curly pubes against my butt, pulling the shaft out, almost to the head, then jamming back in. Each time he did that, it knocked the wind out of me. Causing me to fart. It was like being entered for the first time, each time.

Then the fucking really began.


"Oh, fuck. Fuck yeah. Your hole feels so good around my nasty cock. Look at how filthy you're getting it. And damn, it stinks!" With each stroke inside my colon, he began to talk dirtier and dirtier, and I just moaned as he continued to wreck my hole in the best ways possible.

But he was right. The smell of my shit was getting more assertive the more he fucked me, and I could just imagine how brown I was painting his fuck meat.

"Fuck, I love shit fucking. There's nothing better than stuffing my hard dick deep inside a full butthole and stirring that shit until it farts out onto my cock and drowns my balls in sludge. My cock is getting harder just from smelling your funk."

The man was enjoying himself about something I'd always been taught was disgusting. But instead of being freaked out, he was getting increasingly turned on.

Then he started to pull his cock totally out of my used butt after each deep plunge. My hole responded by sending out a loud fart with some softer, smellier shit each time. I began to push out, taking a proper dump on his dick and pubes as he massaged my nipples and fed me more poppers.

At one point, the man started to rotate his hips, not just hitting my prostate but also my bladder. And like a faucet, piss erupted from my cock, coating my entire torso in hot, stinking urine.

"Oh, fuck, that's so hot. I'm fucking the shit and piss out of you." He said as he leaned his face into my stream, wetting his hair and face in my wastewater before bending over enough to drink from the tap.

I relaxed my bladder and gave him all I had left in my tank. At the same time, he used his left hand to finger around my swollen anus to scoop up anything he could find. Returning with three fingers' worth of butt sludge.

First, he sniffed my slime, then licked one finger before smearing his face with whatever was left. He again sent his hand to pursue more to eat from my rectum. He brought out much more this time than the first time and offered it to me. I was so far gone that I didn't care that I was about to sniff and eat my own fresh shit, just fucked from my asshole in front of a stranger. Not only that, but I wanted him to see me raunch out. I wanted him to like me being the pig that I was.

"That's it, baby, smell your shit. Smell what my fat uncut cock is smelling. Smells great, right? You make some of the best shit I've ever tasted, and I've tasted a lot of shitty holes." These were the words of a true shit pig. Proud and happy about consuming another man's filth.

I opened my mouth and sucked his fingers clean of the chunky load from my butt. It was sweeter than usual and a bit spicy. From those fucking tacos.

"Hey baby, can I piss in this butt? My bladder is dying to bust."

How could I say no? Once again, I nodded my head, and soon I could feel my bowels fill with his piss. I looked down at my stomach and could see it begin to rise as it filled with what felt like gallons of fresh urine. With his dirty hand, he rubbed my belly as he continued to use my rectum as his personal urinal.

"Oh fuck, this feels so good." Once his stream was complete, he went back to fucking my, now wide open and very soaked, asshole. But not for long. Because soon after, he tore his nasty cock from my hole, dropped to his knees, and positioned his face right in front of my nasty farting stink hole.

"Open up baby, and drench me!" It didn't take much to give him what he wanted. He'd been tearing my ass up long and hard enough that I was loose and, with little effort, could push out any leftover shit I had as well as lube and all of his urine. It sounded like a hydrant as it hit his handsome face.

Still griping my ankles, I looked between my legs to see him put his mouth directly under my hole and drink everything I spewed out. He swallowed our combined waste in large gulps, not missing a drop. When I finished, trumpeted by another loud juicy fart, he began to lick and tongue fuck my aching anus again.

My cock was dripping and hurting. But I didn't want to touch it out of fear of cumming. I didn't know how much more he'd planned for us, but I wanted to be ready, willing, and able.

The guy stood up, skillfully holstering his cock back inside my sloppy gape, leaned in to kiss me, and spit what was left of my bowel juices and his piss into my mouth. Then, rammed his tongue inside my mouth and kissed me firmly. Not sweet and loving, but like an animal. It was hard and rough, as he ensured I understood I was being kissed by a man, not a boy. All as he returned to pummeling my hole.

With a few deeper strokes past my second sphincter, he sucked on my tongue and then came. Loudly!

"Fuck, fuck, ffffuuuucccck. God damn, fuck. I'm cumming. I'm cumming in your nasty shithole. Filling your guts with my babies. Fuck. Yeah, take my cum. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck."

He dropped at least 6 volleys of scalding man-seed up my ass before slowly pulling out again. And, once more, dropped down to feltch out his slimy load before sharing some of the profits with me.

"Hey baby, you've got an amazing ass. Now, how about letting me ride that stinking uncut dick?" He said, with pure lust in his voice.


I like being versatile, but not all guys are. It was nice that he wanted to receive as well as give, and I let him know that I was up for the job. And asked what position he wanted me to raw-dog his rectum.

"Let me trade places with you. I'll squat over the shitter with my hole pointed at your uncut cock, and you can slide in when ready. Don't waste any lube on my man-cunt; I can take a fist without it. Just let me get another hit of poppers and hand me your skanky briefs.

I did as requested. Once he was squatted on the thrown, huffing poppers and my soiled underwear in his mouth, I marveled at his ass. It was big and hairy and smelled overripe. The funk was so strong that I thought it might be too much for me. I could feel vomit rise in my throat as I got nearer the source of the stench.

But, this was what I wanted. What I fantasized about, and there was no way in hell that I'd flake out. Especially not after that amazing fuck he just threw me.

I squatted down and could feel the cool air on my ass lips. I was still wide open and dripping in sewage. The smell of fresh fucked butthole was intense. I settled in behind his fuck trench, closed my eyes, and let the fragrance of his unwashed hole wash over me. It was strong, musky, shitty, and sour. I ran my face all along his butt trench like he'd done to mine. Making my face smell like his shitter. His raunch was all I could smell, and I was intoxicated. I reached up and grabbed his spent, uncut, soiled pierced cock. It was slimy with his load, my shit, and ass juices. He wasn't as steel hard as he was when fucking me, but was still hard enough to wank off as I started to eat his butt.

"Fuck, man. Eat my shitty hole out. I know it stinks. I can smell me from up here. Fuck, yeah, that's it. Kiss my hole, French me, baby. Stick that tongue deep in my guts and see how full I am." He kept talking dirty as I feasted. It actually tasted worse than it smelled, but I liked it.

It was sort of metallic and acrid but tasty. Well, if you like eating shit directly from an unclean asshole. And I did. Fuck yeah, I did.

I was too confident in my abilities and forgot about the mess those fucking tacos made of my stomach. The stench of shit that filled the room began to overpower my lust for his butt. I could feel both dry and soft mud on his anal lips as I tried my best to keep going. But I failed. HARD!

Without warning, I threw up directly onto his rectum. My spicy vomit landed a bulls eye on his pink hole and splashed across his cheeks, as chunks of my spicy bile coated everything in sight.

"Fuck yeah, baby, wretch if you need to, and then start deep fucking my hungry shithole. Your throw-up just greased me up for cock. Dive in, baby!"

Even this disgusting act didn't turn him off. If it stunk, was gross, nasty or vile, it got his cock hard and made him beg to get bred.

He passed me the bottle of poppers to take a few hits from. That was all I needed as encouragement to open his filthy cheeks wide and try to see how much of my cheesy cock head I could force inside his dirty trench. I wiped my face with the back of my clean hand, and tried again. He wasn't lying when he said it stunk. The greasy tang of fucked butt was also there. He must've had a few loads pumped into him not long ago. Because with one strong push, he farted out somebody's son's kids into my face. The bleachy, shitty flavor, mixed with my fresh vomit, hit my nose and got my cock to stand at full attention. I needed to fuck him immediately.

I stood up, spit on my cock, and rammed all 8 inches inside his used man-pussy mercilessly. I bottomed out in his butt in less than two seconds.

"Got damn, baby. That's what I want. Fuck your vomit deep into my used man-cunt. Fuck my ass hard and drop your hot load of spunk inside my guts. Add it to the pile and churn my shit. Let me take a steaming dump on your fat cock. Let's fuck like men!" He yelled, facing the wall.

I took his instructions to heart and fucked him longer, deeper, and harder than I had any other man in my entire life. The rougher I got, the more he loved it. I kept jerking him off as I fucked his smelly, farting butt, and soon enough, he was stiff as a brick again. My palm was coated in a thin layer of dick spit.

"How about adding a few fingers, baby? My loose man-pussy can take it. Don't worry." He moaned at me as he rubbed his refueling nut sac.

Since I held his greasy cock in my right hand, I started injecting two from my left to join my pumping cock. I kept adding fingers until I had my entire hand inside his rectum. I began to jerk my own cock off inside his sphincter as I fucked his butt. The aroma of his shit was strong in the air and leaked out with each of my thrusts.

My hand and cock were coated in his ass fudge. So, I did what he'd done with mine, first taking a sniff and then a taste. Something about it being fucked right out of his anus made it taste better. I was addicted but was polite enough to share my bounty from his booty. I reached up and opened my left hand in his face, showing off a hand full of his waste. He didn't need to huff it, preferring to lick and eat it before smearing the rest over his face.

We played this game a few more times until I began to feel my orgasm rise in my hairy ball sac. I didn't want to end this fuck, but I also wanted to cum in his butt and eat my dick slime back out. The decision was no longer mine as I started to spurt boy-juice inside his burning, hungry hole. I was still jerking my cock off hard inside him as I came; it was the most incredible feeling of my entire life.

I yelled that I was cumming as I jizzed in his butt. I kept jerking him off and soon felt his cock begin to throb in my fist. I wanted to eat his load from the tap. As I kept cumming and fucking, I pulled his slick uncut pieced dick back until it was directed at my mouth. I opened and let him cream my tongue as I painted his hole white.

Gently, l released my spent cock from my tight grip, pulled it from his sphincter, and then let him fart my cock out. It was nasty looking. But I didn't have time to take in the beauty because I quickly fell to the floor, stuffed my face into his crack, and ate out his shit and my cum load. The man kept farting in my face as I used my tongue to clean up the stinking mess we'd made. How I kept from vomiting again, I still don't know.

Exhausted, I fell backward into the pile of our dirty clothes. He turned around and sat on the toilet while wiping his fresly fucked man-pussy with my soiled underpants.

"Fuck, you know how to fuck, baby. What's your name? I'm Carlos."

I told him mine was Madison, as we laughed at the fact that we'd shared all of our bodily fluids, fucked each other in the ass, and didn't even know each other's names.

Nice to meet you; I smiled. Shaking his shitty hand with my own.

"Can I see you again?" Carlos said, pleading with his eyes.

Sadly, I had to tell him I was just passing through. That I was moving a few towns over for a new job.

"Yeah, which town?" He asked out of true curiosity, but still fingering his worked-over ass lips.

Danville, I replied. The look on his face, still sporting a light coating of our combined brown shit, was priceless.

"You must be shitting me. I live in Danville. I grew up there; that's why I come over here to fuck around and get fucked." As he laughed, the fragrance of our shit hit my nose and began to get another rise out of my uncut cock.

As we got cleaned up, as best we could, he leaned into me and gave me a long passionate kiss. We exchanged information and went on our way.


Two years later, Carlos and I are still groving on the funk from each other's bodies and trading shit fucks every chance we get. He's between my legs, sucking my uncut smelly cock as I write this.

Driving across the country turned out not to be so bad after all.

The End

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