Tales From a Jock

By Corpusdawg88

Published on Feb 22, 2021


Thank you for reading my stories. Comments and questions are welcome at corpusdawg88@aim.com. These stories are fiction, any similarities in names and locations are purely coincidental. They involve intimate interactions between above the age of 18.

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Tales from a Jock: Additional Training

I had been on the ship nine months when I was given additional responsibilities. I had busted my ass since I'd arrived, more from trying to keep myself busy so my dick wouldn't notice I was locked in a ship with some 4,000 guys than an actual work ethic, but whatever worked.

The training was six weeks in Virginia Beach and then back to the ship. I was told that it was a pretty intensive course and I wasn't going to find time to fuck around and see the area much.

Boy did they undersell that.

From what I understood I was going through a 12 week program in half the time because...well I assume because the military likes to fuck with people so let's go with that. So I found myself hip deep in manuals and practice tests and just so much shit I didn't even think of going out. I would get back to my temporary quarters, look at the stack of books and then gently cry myself to sleep.

In fact, the only thing I had time for was to hit the gym for a couple of hours every other day. I had just thought this to be a good way to blow off some steam and burn some calories until I realized that this base was different than most.

It trained Marines here as well.

I'd never actually dealt with a lot of Marines before. My Training had been Navy only and when I got stationed it was on a purely Navy base. I'd seen some out and about, but I'd never actually served next to one.

As I walked in the gym it was obvious that the two branches didn't play well together. Near the machines and cardio were a bunch of Navy guys, you could tell they were Navy by the fact you could tell we had hair once and the collection of blue sweatshirts here and there. By the free weights and bench press were the Marines, you could tell them by the way they all wore their olive green PT shirts and shorts. They all sported high and tights that looked like they were cut with a straight razor and shared a collective scowl that made them look either angry or constipated.

The marines I had met took it very seriously. Some of them wrapped their entire identity up in being a devil dawg so they were always ON in public. They talked loud, in that super serious tone and never really smiled. Honestly it looked exhausting to me but it did make them more attractive.

Now I'd fucked a few guys back off base. The population of guys looking to hook up was deep enough that I didn't need to really try that hard, but I hadn't fucked a marine yet.

But as I stretched some and watched the jarheads go about their business, I realized I wanted to petty bad. I mean they were hot, sure, but so were a few of the Navy guys. No it was the mystique, the challenge, the bravado that called to me.

Well to my dick but what's the difference at this point?

Now when you're looking to scare up a straight guy there are some things you should consider.

1: Never approach them in a group.

This can't be overstated. Men's egos are multiplied when other guys are around, doubly so if they are their friends. Trying to talk a guy up with his buds watching is impossible, don't even try it.

  1. Learn to read the room.

If your watch any social area you'll notice there are pockets of people that gravitate towards each other. Normal people like being around other normal people and will move into clumps if they have the chance. Certain people will move from group to group, marking them as social people, others will stay next to the same person, marking them as uncomfortable of the situation, and then there will be the ones who are off by themselves. These are the ones you want to watch.

  1. Ascertain why they are alone.

This is the tricky one. There are a variety of reasons a guy would be off away from people, and each one has a different approach. They could just be anti-social, which seems simple at first but then why are they in a social space? If it's a function they have to be at, leave them alone. They are not happy to be there and not likely to engage with you. But if they seem anti-social and are there by choice, they could be secretly wishing someone would talk to them.

I know if sounds like a joke but it's true. They could be shy, they could not be very social, they might not know how to walk up to strangers, which means they secretly want someone to to it for them.

And that my friends is a sign of a closet sub who just hasn't figured it out yet.

So as I stretched I watched and I learned. There was a big guy by the squats and he had maybe five other guys with him. Typical alpha male and his beta followers. He was top dawg and they wanted prestige by just being around him. Boring. There was another group of guys at bench press, trying to pretend they weren't listening to the first group. These were all betas who didn't have the swag to hang with them yet. They were all waiting to be acknowledged by the alpha so they could move up in the world. These guys would be prime targets since they desperately seek validation, but remember what I said.

Never approach a group.

That left a couple of stragglers, headphones on, deep in their zone, an older Marine who obviously had no time for puppies, and one guy over at the leg press.

I zeroed in on him.

He was on the short side, which already gave him an attitude. Because most girls are obsessed with taller men, shorter men develop a complex about it that is a short cut into their self esteem. I know you've heard of short man complex, well it's true but here is the thing. That's good. If a guy already has doubts about himself then he is ripe for flattery and attention which can lead to so many other things.

He glanced over at both groups between sets, not in an angry way, more in a longing way. If I had to guess he was either new or quiet, and that coupled with his height would make him the butt of jokes in the barracks. Him being here but alone showed he wanted to be seen and eventually accepted by them, but he wasn't willing to do anything more than that.

Can you see how his own neurosisies made him easy prey?

I moved to the abs section, situated between the machines and free weights, a virtual neutral zone within the gym. I started my crunches and watched, seeing if fate was gonna throw me a bone.

About twenty minutes in she did. Alpha boy was done, which of course meant his court of waiting was done too. They walked back to the locker room without even a glance back. Ten minutes later the second group guys followed, since they weren't gonna be discovered today there was no point in continuing. Once they were gone I had my chance.

I walked over towards him as he was finishing his set.

"Dude, how much are you putting up?"

He looked shocked to be asked a question and then just smiled, "310, but I've done more."

I whistled my shock at the number and shook my head, "That's impressive as fuck. How do you do it?"

This is gym foreplay. If you haven't done it, allow me to explain. Straight guys have very few windows of approach for random conversation. They include food, beer, pop culture as pertaining to something manly, sports and working out. Those are the only acceptable topics you can walk up to a random straight guy and start a conversation.

"Dude, lemme ask you. Are those wings are good as one stops garlic ones?"

"Hey man I've been meaning to try that brand, any good?"

"I feel the need...the need..." wait for him to finish it and high five him.

"Dude you see that game last night?"

And of course...

"What is your routine for getting (insert random body part) so big?"

Marine boy gave me a grin, "Wanna see my routine?"

"Fuck yeah I do!" I said with enthusiasm.

I mean sure he said wanna see my routine but all I heard was...

"Hey you wanna fuck me until my eyes roll back in my head?"

And I did, I really did.

Next: Chapter 2: Additional Training 2

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