Tale of Two Men

By moc.loa@knpsnddM

Published on Jun 21, 2010


For those of you who wrote and said you were sorry to see it end, this is for you. After a break, matching the story, I imagined that the following might occur. Hope it lives up to the previous. This is an original story, with all rights reserved. Questions and comments may be sent to mddnspnk@aol.com. You are invited to comment on what you liked. And it is still a story, not a sound bite, so if you need it to flash, then it wouldn't be worth your time to read. But if you have a cup of coffee and a few minutes, have a read.

A Tale of Two Men

-- Part 9 Laboring

Big left hand encasing Tim's head, holding the small man pressed in to his armpit, making him breathe in his strong scent, shifting Tim's head a little up and down and side to side to rub his nose and face in the hairy armpit, Darryl grunted from deep within. "Oh yeah...nothing like a forced face rub in my pit."

Ears burning, Tim tried to reply "...rmmdlghfpwprpfh".

"Yes, I know you agree, little man."


"It's all right, Timmy. I know. You need to be in there...feeling my power...feeling the difference between us. Feeling the rightness of my scent markings on you."

"...rdlfk...dlghrrp" came Tim's weak reply.

"Now...I think you're covered sufficiently in my scent now that I'll recognize you," declared Darryl as he pulled Tim's head back out, then slowly lowered his powerful arm.

After a few moments back in the open, although still held by Darryl's strong hand, Tim slowly opened his eyes. Seeing the massive chest in front of him, his eyes flashed opened wide, intimidated yet partially recovering his awareness. And...with the intensity of the moment...he remembered his desire to assert himself and maintain his independence. "...I...uh...You...um..." Tim stumbled.

Waiting patiently, in total control, his serene confidence oozing down over the small man, Darryl said "Yes, Timmy?" his voice filled with that same confidence and assurance.

"...I...um...You...you didn't...have to do that," sputtered Tim.

Chuckling, Darryl waited until Tim finally raised his eyes up to look at him. "I didn't have to do that? But, Timmy, you asked me too."

Ears and cheeks turning 2 shades of red, Tim tried to protest "...uh...uh no..." and then dropped his gaze.

"Eyes up," ordered Darryl in a quiet, completely commanding voice, to which Tim responded immediately. "What were you saying, Timmy?"

"well...um...I mean...I know I said I wanted you to put everything in its proper place," said Tim in a weakening voice as he heard himself repeat it.

"Yes," stated Darryl matter-of-factly, his look saying the rest "and in my arm pit is the proper place."

Ears aflame, Tim hesitated. But then, as if the heat from his burning ears and cheeks stoked his resistance fires, Tim said "but I don't think you should have done that. That's not my proper place."

Hearing Tim's stronger declaration, Darryl considered, and then said "I see" as he released Tim's head from his big paw and stepped around to Tim's side. "So you didn't feel it was the right place for you to be?"

"No, I didn't," responded Tim.

"No, don't move," said Darryl when he saw Tim start to shift a bit. "And you didn't feel good about it?"

"No, not at all," declared Tim, relieved inside that he was standing up for himself, as he usually would but somehow didn't when around this giant man.

"Well, then, I'll remove the scent markings. And won't put you back in there again," said Darryl.

"Oh. Ok. Good," responded Tim, more confident with each passing second as he asserted himself and got the respect he felt he deserved. "I'm sure it was just a misunderstanding," continued Tim agreeably.

"Provided one thing," continued Darryl after a pause, as if Tim hadn't spoken.

Still in the same place, not moving, Tim turned his head slightly and looked up out of the corner of his eyes with a bit of surprise. "Uh...ok...what is it?" asked Tim with a bit of hesitation, but also with his usual cooperative attitude.

"That you tell me what this is," said Darryl as he reached down behind Tim, reached his left hand between Tim's legs, grabbed on to the bottom of the huge t-shirt he had been wearing before he draped it on Tim, and pulled the bottom of the t-shirt through Tim's legs.

"AHHAHAHAAAHHHH," moaned Tim with great exclamation as his hard dick, which had lowered down enough as Tim was asserting himself to be standing straight out, was pulled down by the heavy, wet t-shirt. "AHHHAHHHHHHAAAA" moaned Tim again as Darryl gave a little tug with his left hand as he stood back up to his full height. Overwhelmed with sensation, Tim lowered his body down a bit...with a little bend at the waist to shift his hips back a bit...to relieve the pressure on his fully re-engorged dick...his brain only partially processing.

Waiting a beat for an answer, Darryl smirked as he said "All men have a George Washington part to us. That cannot tell a lie. And your GW part, little man, is telling me that you belong right where I put you. And that if I decide to mark you, you know deep inside that you need my scent on you. To secure you. To make sure I recognize you as belonging under me."

Panting in shallow breaths, eyes unfocused even as his ears could not block out the words cascading down from right above him, Tim could not speak. Even inside he was filled with so many sounds...the words of the mighty man...his continuing higher brain objections, although only coherent enough to be a slow chant of "no...no...no..." ...and then again his own moan as Darryl pulled up a little on the t-shirt. "AHGHGHAGHAGAAHAHAAAGGGHGH", exclaimed Tim's as his now rock hard dick was pulled down by the slight but unyielding pressure of the heavy, wet t-shirt.

"I'm waiting, little man," said Darryl with just a bit of impatience.

Hearing the tone, Tim tried frantically to slow his panting so he could answer. Finally he took a deep breath to reply...but then felt the heavy pressure from the heavy t-shirt on his steel pipe of a penis as Darryl tugged up just a bit "AHHUHUHHUUUUGGUGAGUGAGHGUUU".

"Pay attention, little man. I'm going to tell you two things. One, even though you're not answering in words, I do understand what you're saying...that you belong under my control," said Darryl as he gave another little tug up, eliciting another exclamation of response from Tim.

"The second thing, Timmy, is that if you can formulate into words what you were trying to say before...if you can state the case that you somehow don't belong right where I put you, then I'll consider it," declared Darryl.

Panting in the growing gap from Darryl's last little tug, hips pulled back even more to try to relieve the exquisite pressure, his upper body angled ahead of his hips, Tim grunted "ok."

"Of course," continued Darryl "you will be trying to make this case to yourself. Out loud. Because I know what you need. I know who you are. Where you belong. So I will make sure your one head accepts what your other head already understands," finished Darryl as he gave a little tug with his last words.


"Until then, I've got some things to do," declared Darryl simply. "No shower for you until I'm satisfied." And then the big man made a ¼ turn pivot, facing the same direction as the small man beside him, and started walking toward the kitchen. Still holding on to the bottom of the t-shirt pulled through Tim's legs.

"AHAGUGHGGUUHUH," squeaked Tim as he was pulled along from behind...the downward pressure on his throbbing dick forcing him lower...the pressure from that big hand pushing lightly on his lower back as Darryl moved forward. Desperate to end the agonizingly sensational pressure on his dick...his brain still objecting to what his body and primitive mind were saying...Tim started forward.

With each step he moved a little more purposefully, suddenly filled with the clear thought that if he could get right beside the huge man, the pressure would ease and he'd be able to think.

Striding steadily into the kitchen, Darryl held his left hand steadily in the same position, holding the small man on the tight leash of the oversized t-shirt through his legs. Not looking down, but feeling it, Darryl's lips curled up as he felt Tim adjust his stride to match Darryl's longer steps.

At the kitchen sink, Darryl filled up the pitcher. "Need to water some of these plants. They dry out so quickly," said Darryl. Then he turned toward his left, hearing a sharp moan from the little man at his side as his shifting moved his left hand back...and increased the tug on the t-shirt.

"HHHUUUHHHAGG" squeaked Tim at the additional pressure. And then he shuffled backwards quickly to find the position of minimal contact, once again putting him right beside the giant man.

With every part of his brain except the part that was still feeling the sensation from his dick, Tim concentrated his full attention on the big man next to him...to move when he did...to match his strides...to angle forward on the same line as the tall man moved across the room. Always pretty athletic, Tim was able to adapt quickly as they moved toward the first plant.

"HGHHGAA" exclaimed Tim when he was slow in responding when Darryl stepped to the next plant. Determined to regain his voice, to fight his body and primitive brain, ignoring why he continued to be rock hard as he was totally controlled, Tim was now hyper-alert to the giant man next to him, so he could move instantly and keep the pressure from the t-shirt down to the minimum.

Smirking to himself as he felt the small man adapt...as he made the small man respond to his control...and as he saw Tim focus totally on him as he determined the action, the movement, the direction, and the timing, Darryl thought to himself "that's it, little man. Put all your attention where it belongs...on me and what I want. Good job. And now...time to show you there's more than you thought."

Instead of stepping in sequence to the next plant, as Tim had anticipated, Darryl shifted to the right toward the plant in the corner, and smiled as he heard "HGHGHGHGH" from the little man. Arms flailing to gain purchase, but finding only air, Tim automatically reached down in front and tried to pull the t-shirt up, to ease the vise-like pressure on his dick. But there was no slack as Darryl had pulled it taut between Tim's legs.

Regaining his balance, and zeroing in on the giant man's every breath and flicker of movement, Tim was desperate not to give in to the sensations. And he succeeded as they moved to the next plant, and then the next one. But Darryl, when he felt Tim anticipating which one was next, thought to himself "oh no, little man. Obedience is active..ongoing..constant awareness of what I want at that moment. Anticipating to be ready to respond. But not to go ahead of me. You will learn," Darryl thought to himself as he abruptly skipped the last plant.


"Yes, Timmy?" asked Darryl smoothly. "Did you have something to say?" asked Darryl as he set the water pitcher down and moved abruptly back out to the living room.

"Hmmmmm...?" invited Darryl again. After a pause, with Tim capable only of panting in response, Darryl sharpened his tone and said quietly and clearly "Well, then, Timmy. I've given you long enough. You might have something else to say, something that contradicts what I understand about you...and that you know about yourself, but don't want to admit. But...until you can say it, little man, I'm going to work from what we both know to be true. That you belong where I put you."

As he was speaking Darryl let go of the t-shirt and moved from beside to directly in front of Tim. And then raised his right hand, cupping the back of Tim's head, and brought his face forward. Right in to his thick, barrel chest. "Since you can't find the words, Timmy, I'm going to put your mouth to good use."

Through the fog inside his head Tim heard the deep voice, the compelling tone, the commanding attitude. But with a last vestige of independence, Tim started to object as his face was pushed in to that massive chest. "uhhh..wha"

Just as Tim opened his mouth to say "what", Darryl pressed his face in to his left pec, Tim's mouth right over his nipple. "That's it, boy. Now you're talking."

"ugmghfmgngnrrr" protested Tim.

"Oh that's perfect, Timmy. Respect it. Nourish it. Work it," exclaimed Darryl as he felt Tim's mouth trying to utter his protests, which instead were giving Darryl's nipple a sweet treatment of sensation. "I know this is your first time, Timmy. But let me tell you, you belong on my nip."

"ughghghghaghgha," came from Tim, which vibrated through Darryl's massive chest. Trapped, held, powerless, Tim continued to protest, although move feebly with each passing moment. Finally, Tim stopped trying to pull away...stopped trying to object.

"That's it, little man. I am in control. Of everything. Of what you do. Of how you do it. Of you," said Darryl in a voice so authoritative, Tim trembled in fear. And then, began to suckle harder...determined to please the huge man.

After a couple minutes of pleasure, both from Tim's mouth servicing his nip, and from the even more powerful feeling of dominating the strong-willed, assertive, independent man and making him submit, Darryl took a deep breath, which raised his chest and gave Tim a bit of a ride. Then he slowly pulled Tim's head off his nip as he raised his powerful left arm.

"Look there, little man," said Darryl as he turned Tim's head slightly to look directly at his armpit. "Look familiar? You've been there before...last time. Looks like home, doesn't it? Want to go in Timmy?"

Eyes wide...staring at the cavity created by the gigantic arm, massive chest, and runway-wide lats, Tim gave a groan/moan.

"No, ask with words, little man."

"Gulp" ears burning, but with his body and primitive brain unfettered by his self-concept, Tim replied "May I go in there again?"

"Ask properly, Timmy."

Face reddening as well, Tim swallowed, "May I go in there again, Sir?"

Hearing that Darryl tightened his grip on the back of Tim's head, holding him out..not letting him move closer. "You want to go in here?" asked Darryl tantalizingly as he moved the captured man's head a little closer.


"You want to serve me in here?" taunted Darryl a bit as he moved Tim's head even closer.


"Make me feel good?" said Darryl in a voice that somehow conveyed that that's the only thing Tim should want.

"Oh yeah."

"I'm going to put you in there, Timmy. To make me feel good. That is the only thing that matters. Got it?"

"Yes, Sir," replied Tim with unfiltered conviction and overwhelming desire.

"That's the right answer, boy. We both know you belong in there, serving me," said Darryl with absolute conviction and certainty. "Time to get busy, little man," ordered Darryl as he moved Tim's face into his left armpit.

When he felt Tim's breath, felt Tim's nose and cheeks and forehead inside, Darryl looked down and released the back of Tim's head. Seeing no movement back by the small man, Darryl growled from deep within, making Tim tremble a bit and then service the giant man even harder.

To Be Continued...

Next: Chapter 10

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