Tale of Two Men

By moc.loa@knpsnddM

Published on Apr 28, 2010


For those of you who wrote and said you were sorry to see it end, this is for you. After a break, matching the story, I imagined that the following might occur. Hope it lives up to the previous. This is an original story, with all rights reserved. Questions and comments may be sent to mddnspnk@aol.com. You are invited to comment on what you liked. And it is still a story, not a sound bite, so if you need it to flash, then it wouldn't be worth your time to read. But if you have a cup of coffee and a few minutes, have a read.

A Tale of Two Men

Part 7 Working It Out

Watching the small man obediently move across the room, a sly smirk spread across Darryl's face. Like taking candy from a baby. Then chuckled to himself thinking "Of course, it'll come...sometime soon he'll make his stand. He's too much a man not to. And when he does, he'll see how much impact it has." Then he called out "Wash your hands" just as Tim stepped in to the bathroom.

"huh...just changing clothes...don't need to wash my hands to do that" Tim thought. He looked at his hands, but didn't see any dirt on them. "No, don't need to wash them," he decided, and then unconsciously rubbed his fingers in the palms of his hands. "hrmp...they do feel a little gritty...wouldn't want to get any more dirt on my suit...," Tim considered as he closed the door with his foot, then decided "yeah, I should wash them" as he went to the sink and turned on the water.

Quickly putting his hands under the cold water, Tim washed his hands...then let the cold water run over them. Cooling him down. Allowing his brain to reboot. Too embarrassed to admit to himself that he was still feeling the contact on his butt...that he was holding his hips completely still so he wouldn't flex and feel it, Tim finally then leaned over the sink and splashed cold water on his face. Several times. Then brought some up in his hands to gulp. To drink. Then splashed his face again.

With each splash Tim regained more of his balance as he thought to himself "Man, don't know how I ended up just doing that outside. Don't have time to do this yard work. Need to get out there and talk to him, to establish myself. Then head on up the road. Yeah..come on..get pumped............hrm...don't know what I'm going to say...better take a few more minutes in here before I'm ready to see him."

Just then Darryl swept in to the bathroom, startling Tim for whom the bathroom was always a private place. His eyes immediately went up, but couldn't completely take in the huge man whose reflection filled the mirror. His mouth agape, Tim had no conscious thought at that moment when Darryl said "Here, change in to these." Darryl placed shorts and a t-shirt on the counter. "Hang your suit and shirt up on these," Darryl continued as he placed two hangers on top of the t-shirt.

Tim's eyes went to the clothes...knowing he should say something, but his brain was unable to formulate it. "Come on, get changed," demanded Darryl as he saw Tim's hesitation. "It's a great day for doing some physical work. You need it. And I want to use you a bit, take advantage of what you bring. Then I can let you go to make your meeting." Darryl then turned and left the bathroom.

"uh...uh...," stammered Tim in a dry, weak voice, trying to reply even though the door was already closed. Then thought to himself "guess he must have heard me on the phone...and...well...he's right...I don't have to be there so early...I can still make it...and it would be good to do some outside work..." He then turned the water off, dried his hands, and took off his suit and shirt and hung them up properly, brushing off a little dirt from the suitcoat.

He then lifted up the t-shirt..."hmhph, this looks like the one he was wearing before...guess he got more than one when he bought them...he might have to when he finds one big enough...better to buy a few at a time... why are his t-shirts always warm...feels good though," Tim thought as he lowered the huge t-shirt over himself, automatically breathing in as he did so. After his first breath Tim's movements slowed...so he ended up taking a couple more deep breaths as the incredibly long t-shirt slowly unfolded over him. And thought "yeah, this is good...it'll be ok...guess thinking it through helped me get settled...and of course knowing that he knows I have to be somewhere later helps, since he's already working with that in mind." Looking at his reflection in the mirror, Tim thought "amazed how much more relaxed I am now."

Then he reached for the shorts and put them on. They seemed more like pants, they were so long, hanging down almost to his ankles. And full of material. Several inches too big at the waist...and many more inches too big in the seat and legs. Trying to make it fit, Tim decided to tuck the t-shirt in, with all that extra material, and clasped the shorts at the waist. But they still slid down...hanging down droopy and beyond oversized.

"Aren't you ready yet?" called Darryl from the foyer.

"I can't get the shorts on right. They don't really fit," replied Tim.

Crossing the room with speed, Darryl strode into the bathroom. "What?"

"uh...I...uh...," stammered Tim, again shocked at the size of the huge man, this time accompanied by the sharpness in his voice that came from being delayed, "if I move they'll fall down. I can't wear these."

Looking down at his gym shorts on the small man's body, knowing that even though he had a flat stomach he was still a few inches bigger in the waist than Tim, and much bigger in the butt and legs, Darryl saw what he knew he'd see.

"Yes, you're wearing them. Here, I'll fix them," Darryl said as he reached out, took a big safety pin from the counter, then reached down behind Tim and grabbed excess material in the shorts. His big right hand full, Darryl used his left hand to shift, move, and reposition the excess material several times to get it right, pulling it tight from behind. Standing motionless, frozen in surprise, Tim could only wait and hold his breath. "uhhg" escaped Tim's lips as he felt the pressure on his front from those big hands working on the shorts he was wearing.

Finally Darryl pinned the excess material in the back, making them tight and secure around Tim's waist, and then said "There. Now, let's go," as he gave Tim a swat on the butt and then turned and left the bathroom.

Hearing Darryl's forceful "Come on," Tim meekly followed Darryl to the door.

"Do you have any sneakers in your car?" asked Darryl as he handed Tim a pair of socks. "uh...yes...keep an old pair in the trunk," answered Tim. "I'll put these on, then my dress shoes, then get them," continued Tim, as always clear about how he would do things when thinking about practical things.

Putting his big hand on Tim's shoulder/neck, Darryl said "No. You're not putting the dress shoes on," and as he guided Tim through the door, he continued in a clear, sharp, no-nonsense voice "And no wearing the socks alone. Go get the sneakers before you put the socks on. Then join me around the side of the house," Darryl finished as he let go of Tim's shoulder/neck and reached down and gave Tim another swat. Even with the all the excess material in the shorts, Tim gave an involuntary "uhg" in response to that forceful hand. And moved unquestioningly to the car to find his sneakers.

After getting his sneakers on, Tim closed the car door and started walking toward the side of the house. With each step, his mind cleared a bit and he thought to himself again "I have got to establish myself with him. Don't know why I can't remember that. Guess my mind's too much on work and things. He's probably right that doing this yard work would be good for me. But I have to make clear that I'm strong and independent. Maybe while working I can do it."

"Over here," called Darryl. He was more in the back yard, and was standing in front of another bed. Much bigger, out in the yard. Even before Tim had gotten there, Darryl started as he was looking at the bed "I want to make this a real planting bed. With some nice rocks in it also. Haven't decided where they would look best. Use your experienced eye and give me some recommendations."

Hearing Darryl begin, Tim took his final few steps a little quicker. And because Darryl's voice was projecting out, away from him, Tim had to move a little closer to the tall man than he otherwise would have in order to hear. But his eye went to the bed when he heard Darryl ask for recommendations, to consider the possibilities, something he did enjoy.

As always when attending to a task Tim was decisive and efficient. "Well, you could dig the grass up out to here and over to there...put two of the big rocks near each other there...two more over there...and...too bad this tree stump is here, it'd be a perfect place to extend the bed and put one really big rock."

Liking Tim's ideas immediately, Darryl said "I like it. Very good recommendations, Timmy."

Tim did not lack confidence in his ideas or thinking, but his ears perked up hearing the quick acceptance and praise. And then reddened a bit hearing the deep voice call him by the diminutive.

"Here, we'll dig up this grass and weeds here first," Darryl said as he handed Tim a shovel and spade. "You start from there and work toward the stump while I work from this end," Darryl continued, then turned and moved a few steps to the right and began digging.

"uh...well..." Tim hesitated, trying to get his mouth to work to tell Darryl he didn't want to be called Timmy. But then, seeing Darryl so decisively and determinedly begin working, Tim thought "well, guess I can ask him afterward" and stepped a few steps to the left and began digging as well.

"um...I...uh...," Tim stuttered, not sure how to get started, not sure what he wanted to say. "uh...it's a really nice day," Tim said lamely, his back to Darryl as they each worked.

"Yes it is. Perfect day for working in the yard, isn't it?" Darryl responded with an understood demand in his voice.

"oh...uh...yeah, it is," Tim acknowledged. And then relaxed a bit as he settled in, and continued his digging, enjoying himself as always when working in the yard. Emboldened Tim ventured "I...uh...had wanted to stop by and say hello."

"That's good. And sometimes necessary," Darryl commented. "Did your car have any damage?"

Tim answered "oh...no...got it checked and didn't even need a realignment." Digging steadily he continued "It's been a very busy few months. Got a promotion...overseeing several new employees."

"Excellent. I'm sure you're working hard."

"Oh, yes, it's been a challenge. But a good one. Have had to really work with a couple of them to establish my position, but they've got it now," Tim explained, pleased to have the chance to identify that he was a boss.

"I'm sure. Even when you are formally in the position, it's not necessarily easy to establish yourself as being in charge of other people," Darryl said.

"Right. I'm confident and decisive. Good traits to lead. And I also like working with people, encouraging them, valuing them. Respecting them and their ideas...gets them to be team players, with me as the captain. I really do like being in charge," Tim continued.

"It's a good place to be," Darryl responded in a voice that had little different quality to it...a little closer sounding in fact. Tim thought it must be from the exertion, since they had been working steadily as they talked.

"Yeah, don't want to be under anyone else now. In any area of my life," Tim stated, very pleased that he said it that way, thinking to himself "there...made it clear now."

"You mean you don't want to take instructions from anyone else...always doing it your way...being the decider?" Darryl asked.

"Well...taking input and recommendations...not so arrogant to think I know everything...but yes, to be the one deciding...yeah, I work at it, but it's good," Tim asserted confidently. "When you're the best, contribute the most, you're naturally in charge," Tim declared as he dug up the final couple sections next to the tree stump.

As he took a deep breath from the exertion and stood up and turned around to see how much more Darryl had to do, Tim's eyes bugged out seeing all that Darryl had dug up. His voice was closer, because Darryl had dug up three times the amount Tim had! With a powerful stomp on the shovel, Darryl drove the blade down in to the ground and turned another clump of ground. Then another and another. His taut forearm muscles flexing and veined. His biceps and triceps flexing and contracting in conjunction with his traps and upper back muscles. His massive back rippling in his sweat soaked t-shirt as he shaped the soil.

After two more turns, Darryl stood up to his full height, looked over at what he had done, then slowly turned and looked at Tim's work. "You did a good job, Timmy." Hearing the praise, Tim's ears perked up again, and again then turned red after hearing the big man call him Timmy. "You're a hard worker. Did more than I thought you'd get done," Darryl said with appreciation and sincerity. Which made Tim's ears flush a little more knowing he had done only a fraction of what Darryl had.

Stepping toward Tim, Darryl said "Now, what were you saying about this tree stump?" as he put his big paw on Tim's shoulder/neck and turned the motionless small man around.

"oh...uh...um...," Tim stuttered, "oh...well, a really big rock would look great here. Of course, you'd have to get a service to come remove this stump," Tim continued as he refocused and looked at the large remnant of an old oak.

"Start digging around it. Get the ground ready so we can get this out," Darryl said and used his hand to guide Tim toward the left a bit. "uh...ok..." Tim responded, thinking this won't take long, but you'll still need the service.

As they dug, Tim was right, it didn't take long. Just as he turned his final shovel full, Tim was startled to hear a sharp crack and looked up to see that Darryl had used his shovel to split a corner of the stump. "Thought so," declared Darryl. "Move that out. I'm going to get a pick," said Darryl as he turned and went to the shed.

Eyes going to the remnant, which was still large, Tim thought "move that?" Then thought "well, hey, I'm strong enough and in shape. And it's been dead a good while. Yeah, I'll move it," which he then bent down to do. Grabbing, pushing, shifting, grunting, Tim tried to pull the part out of the ground. Shaking his head after wiping the sweat off his brow, Tim thought "I know I felt a little movement...just one more big effort" and bent down, determined to do the job.

Returning with the pick just then, Darryl watched Tim try to lift it..even hearing Tim's squeak of effort. But he wasn't able to budge it. As Tim stood up, he saw Darryl out of the corner of his eye. Keeping his back angled toward Darryl, so his hard breathing wouldn't be evident, Tim assumed a nonchalant stance, as if he had only been testing the stump. Then wiped his brow again as Darryl got there and put the pick down.

Looking down at the backside of the small man trying to act unaffected, Darryl smirked slyly to himself. "First, although I'm out here in the country and no one can see in the backyard, I don't let anyone go around in just his underwear. Not unless I say so. So need to reset this," Darryl said as his big hands grabbed the shorts Tim was wearing, which, unbeknownst to Tim, had fallen down from trying to squat and use his legs in his exertion to lift the log. Darryl let the excess material loose, then pulled it tight from behind. The surprise and the pressure caused Tim to gasp as the material pressed him in. Not even realizing the gasp was vocal, Tim was frozen, afraid to move.

Finally Darryl's big hands finished the work of re-pinning Tim's shorts. Then Darryl said "There, that ought to hold for a while," as he gave Tim's butt a solid swat, bringing a grunt of surprise from the small man.

Moving around Tim to the stump, Darryl said casually "Sorry, Timmy, should have realized this was too big" as he reached down and seemingly without effort pulled the remnant up and out of the ground. Turning in Tim's direction, Darryl said "It is pretty solid," as he held it out with one hand. Tim's eyed the big remnant, with the huge body of the strong man in the background of his focus, not surprised that Darryl could pull it out, but stunned that he could hold it straight out, with just one hand. Tim's eyes took in Darryl's bulging arm, once again reminded that it was bigger than his leg. Then watched the thick back of the huge man as he walked over to the pile and threw the remnant on.

Returning to the stump, Darryl declared with relish "Now, let me at this thing," as he grabbed the ax and made two strategic blows on the remaining stump, splitting it in half.

Still feeling a bit small and weak, Tim watched, thinking "should have broken off more edges rather than just in the middle." Then watched in growing amazement as Darryl tossed the ax aside, squatted down, spread his arms and hands on the one half, and, grunting, flexing, and straining, proceeded to slowly loosen the stump from the ground. Rocking, shifting, and finally pulling up the half, Darryl used his massive strength and ripped the stump from the ground, with a final moose-like grunt.

Without even stopping, Darryl stood, the flex of his powerful quads visible even through his loose pants, marched the half stump to the pile and tossed it on. Then he immediately turned around, walked back to the other half of the stump, squatted down, and grabbed it. Pulling, shoving, wrestling with the stump like a grizzly bear, Darryl finally gave a deep throated, bull grunt and powered the stump out of the ground.

His mouth agape, Tim stared at the astonishing display of raw strength, his eyes taking in Darryl's flexed back muscles as he held the huge half stump, his unchanged strides showing he was carrying it totally under control, his bulging, flexing glutes as he powered his way over to the pile. Then his eyes flashed open even wider as Darryl didn't just drop the stump, but threw it up in the air for it to crash down on the pile.

Unable to comprehend the raw power, Tim's mind crashed and rebooted several times, the screen message repeating "oh my god...that is unreal!..." as he watched Darryl bend down, pick up the other half, and toss it in the air so it would crash down and break apart. After several times, the stumps were fractured and reduced. And Darryl was soaking wet from the exertion. But smiling with pleasure from using his strength as he turned. As his eyes swept over the small man, who was staring back at him in open mouthed wonder, Darryl's smile turned up a little more on one side of his mouth. Then he winked at the small man. And chuckled to himself as he heard Tim gasp.

After a moment of holding the small man in place just with his gaze, Darryl started walking and said "Time for a break. Take the pick and the shovels back to the shed, then meet me at the front door."

Motionless, essentially deaf, Tim was unmoving as his mind was still on overload. "Did I pull those shorts too tight, Timmy?" asked Darryl.

"uh...what...uh...no," stammered Tim as part of his mind began to work, recognizing there was some pressure, but it wasn't too tight.

"Then get moving. Otherwise I will strip them off you and have you finish the clean up just in your briefs," said Darryl easily, routinely, and with the utter conviction of a man who would do exactly what he said.

Eyes going wide as he understand on a basic level that Darryl would do just that, his befuddled brain still occupied with rebooting but his primitive mind getting it, Tim startled and moved to gather up the pick and two shovels. But stumbled over the turned over ground, landing with a light thump on his side before rolling onto his butt and then standing back up. Scurrying, Tim picked up the tools and hurried them over to the shed.

After closing the shed, Tim headed quickly to the front door. Surprised that it wasn't open, Tim reached for the knob, but then his connectors relayed the desperate message from the part of his brain that had heard Darryl's deep voice "...meet me at the front door." Hearing it so loud in his head now, Tim yanked his hand away from the doorknob. Looking around, not seeing Darryl, Tim wondered what he should do, then decided it'd be best to wait there, so he stood beside the door. Putting his hands unthinkingly in his pockets, Tim gave a startled gasp from the pressure on his hard dick.

To Be Continued...

Next: Chapter 8

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