Tale of Two Men

By moc.loa@knpsnddM

Published on Apr 24, 2010


For those of you who wrote and said you were sorry to see it end, this is for you. After a break, matching the story, I imagined that the following might occur. Hope it lives up to the previous. This is an original story, with all rights reserved. Questions and comments may be sent to mddnspnk@aol.com. You are invited to comment on what you liked. And it is still a story, not a sound bite, so if you need it to flash, then it wouldn't be worth your time to read. But if you have a cup of coffee and a few minutes, have a read.

A Tale of Two Men

  • Part 6 Afterward

As winter turned to spring, Tim was feeling fantastic. Having received a promotion at work, with additional people under him...and already leading his department to improvements and increased production, Tim was pumped. Having faced the challenge from a couple of his new men...typical tall men who weren't impressed with him at first because of his size, but who learned to respect him as he asserted himself, gaining their respect and loyalty since they could see he wanted the best for them and from them, Tim was energized.

And at home Tim was enjoying the best time in his marriage. Full of passion and drive, he was like an unleashed tiger with his wife. Eager, hungry, passionate about making her moan, plunging in to her after he had made her ever so ready, Tim was a true manly stud. Sometimes he wore her out...but then would just chuckle, his ego fueled by his strength and completely masculinity.

But, occasionally, especially over the last few weeks, Tim would have flashes of unsettling feelings. Feelings of inadequacy. Feelings of inferiority. Feelings at odds with who he was. As he dwelled on it, he also had a feeling of determination to set the record straight. For those moments were times when, unexpectedly, he'd remember his slight car accident in the snow, and the big, strong man who helped him afterwards...who helped when he was wet and weak. But who also took advantage of his grogginess to try to make Tim something he was not...subordinate.

As the weeks went along, it preyed on Tim's mind that this one guy thought he was weak. That he was an underling. Somehow not a man in charge but a follower. A man who didn't know how to control other men. Soon, after every time he asserted himself over the men around him with a vigor he had never before felt, after every time he fucked his wife and made her beg to feel him in her again, Tim struggled with the frustration of those strange feelings of inferiority. He knew that wasn't who he was. And that what had happened with that man was an aberration due to his weakened condition. It ate at him.

Finally he decided to pay the guy a visit and set the record straight. Not to cause a scene or anything, or even to do more than establish himself with the guy. His rightful self. Not his accident clouded self. So he could get back to being his full, vigorous, assertive, masculine self. Knowing he'd never pulled back from a challenge...from bettering himself...from asserting himself...Tim decided to swing by on his way to an afternoon meeting.

Chuckling, he thought...this is good...already will have the advantage since he won't know I'm coming. And I'll be prepared...catch him in a weakened position this time. Like I was after the accident. Smiling to himself, Tim got in the car and headed west, thinking...ok, "big man", I won't push you too far, like you did me. Just enough to get your respect. Enough so you will know who the real Tim is.

Still on his business call as he turned in to the driveway, pleased that he remembered where it was, Tim moved his car right behind the dark blue Taurus, thinking "I won't be here long...but no leaving until I decide." Filled with the power of controlling any departure, Tim then parked and turned off the ignition as he continued on his call. Engrossed in absorbing details, then deciding on a plan and communicating what he wanted done, Tim didn't notice the movement at the window.

"Well, well, look here. The little man has dropped by for a visit," said Darryl to himself as he peered out the window at businessman Tim, business-like Tim, all in control. Darryl thought "...yeah, I know, little man. You've been on a trip since I last saw you...finding your way back to being in charge. Feeling very powerful with the overflow of masculinity inside you. And, by the look I see in you even from here, you forgot where it came from. And are ready to demonstrate your strength to me." Nodding his head slightly, then chuckling to himself, Darryl thought "well, I'm going to let you do just that, little man. Let you show me how in charge you are...how you think you are. How you are in the rest of your life. But then...then you're going to find out again who you are in my presence."

Leaving the window, Darryl went to the bedroom and took off the gym shorts he had been wearing and put on long, loose khakis. Moving to the door, Darryl deliberately opened the heavy door and stepped onto the porch. Noticing the movement, Tim glanced at the big man on the porch and momentarily caught his breath with a little gasp, surprised again at the size of him. He even missed the comment on the phone, but then, hearing the voice ask again for direction, Tim shook his head, snapped back to attention and assertiveness and explained how he wanted things done. And thought to himself as he glanced at the man on the porch "yeah, I'm here...and you can wait while I finish," knowing how often that tactic worked to exert his presence and importance.

Finally finished, Tim pocketed his phone and got out of the car and started toward the porch, glad for the fresh air. Stepping slowly, deliberately, Tim looked out over his left shoulder as he started to walk to the porch, not yet acknowledging the man he had come to see...starting the interaction on his terms. Unfailingly polite and respectful, Tim nevertheless knew how to assert himself, even with strong men. His step was confident, full of certainty that reflected his just finished conversation and his place in the world.

Getting closer, but still looking out at the yard, Tim said "Nice to see such work...those flower beds look ready for planting...haven't had time to work in my yard yet. Too busy managing five new employees. Might have to hire a guy to do the labor," Tim continued, smoothly establishing his status of being the boss before telling Darryl they were going to talk and that they'd only be a few minutes.

"That's too bad," responded Darryl in his deep voice, surprising Tim with his tone, with his contradictory statement. "Having to pay someone to work out in the yard...pay someone to break a sweat from hard labor...letting him get the hard satisfaction from a job well done. Surprised you don't want to do it," finished Darryl, not having moved from his spot on the porch.

Taken aback at having the prized status of being busy undercut, Tim said "Well...I mean...I do like doing it. Do want to do it. Because that is a great feeling. Just have had a lot going on," explained Tim, intuitively understanding that Darryl wasn't being contradictory, but truly esteemed the effort of hard work and labor as a mark of a man. "Like today...have a meeting up the road, couldn't rearrange it to get off even though it's a great day to work outside."

"Ah, so that's what brought you by here," commented Darryl dryly, smoothly moving the conversation to where it needed to be, communicating with his tone that he had been waiting to hear the reason for the visit.

"uh...well...yeah," stammered Tim as he realized he hadn't explained why he was here and feeling the importance of doing so. "Well...and...well, I thought...I mean, I wondered if you might be able to talk a bit," said Tim in a bit of a shaky voice as he looked up at the huge man on the porch staring down at him. "Well, that is...if you have the time."

After a long pause, which was really only a couple seconds but felt to Tim like an eternity, Darryl said "I'm in the middle of a few things. You should have called."

"uh...I...uh...," Tim stuttered, knowing right then that he should have called, knowing he had wanted to gain the upper hand by surprising Darryl but feeling the inappropriateness of that now. "I...uh...I'm sorry," said Tim generally, to smooth it over.

But then, seeing the hard stare from the unmoving man on the porch, unresponsive in voice but loud in his stance and eyes, Tim admitted "You're right, I should have called" as he dropped his eyes from those piercing blue eyes pinning him to the spot.

"Alright. Apology accepted," announced Darryl in a definitive voice. Then he continued "We will talk now." Tim breathed a sigh of relief that his dropping in hadn't offended Darryl and that they'd be able to talk. "You'll join me as I attend to my tasks," continued Darryl. It took a moment in the midst of his relief for Tim to process Darryl's statement...saying to himself "join you in attending your tasks?" Just as he did and his back started to go up in response, to assert that he wanted to talk uninterrupted, he heard Darryl's deep voice again.

"But you've left your car in the sun. On a bright sunny day like today it'll roast," declared Darryl.

"That's ok, it'll be alright," responded Tim dismissively, back in his businesslike mode.

"The best spot for it is right there," Darryl continued in a sharp, clear voice as if Tim hadn't spoken, pointing just back a bit to the now obvious tire tracks off the side of the driveway. "That tree's over 100 years old. It's a big, strong country oak that spreads its branches as a canopy over everything underneath it. Why don't you put your car under it and rest in its shade?"

Looking at where Darryl had pointed, Tim still thought...no, not going to move my car...only going to be here a little bit. But then the next moment he shook his head slightly to himself...even after I was rude in dropping in on him, he's still looking out for my comfort...should have thought of being in the shade myself...hate having the car get all hot when I'm in my suit...never cools off afterward. And with this sun even 15 minutes gets it real hot. Finally, slightly shaking his head sort of up and down sort of sideways, Tim relented and said "yeah that'd be better" and went and moved his car into the shade. Feeling the cool from the shade as soon as he moved the car under the oak, Tim thought "...does feel good to be under something so impressive."

Darryl watched while Tim was moving his car, stepping down off the porch by the time Tim had turned the car off. Then watched as Tim got out of the car and came striding back, covering the ground rapidly with his quick, efficient steps. And fueled by purpose as Tim was charged up again and ready to assert himself. Having shaken himself out of his stupor while moving the car, remembering that he wanted to establish himself with this man. Tim decided to use a favorite technique to establish control. Still about 10 yards away, Tim opened his mouth to tell Darryl he was only going to take a few minutes of his time.

Right at that moment, however, Darryl issued "Need to check my work," having seen Tim's mind working and recovering his purpose once back in the car, and knowing what Tim was trying to do. As he spoke Darryl turned right and started walking to go around the side of the house. Taking big strides fitting his long legs, Darryl said companionably over his shoulder "Come take a look."

Surprised by the movement, and wanting to talk to Darryl inside, out of the heat, Tim stopped with his mouth slightly agape. But seeing Darryl head off without looking back, Tim thought "well, it doesn't have to be inside," and so followed. However, with Darryl's giant strides, Tim only gained ground slowly, even with his more rapid steps. Still behind him when Darryl turned the corner of the house. Actually losing sight of the big man for a moment, prompting him to speed up. Then turning the corner quickly, Tim grunted "uah" as he screeched to a halt to avoid running in to the squatting Darryl.

Hearing the exclamation of surprise and seeing out of the corner of his eye the small man try to stop his momentum, but not wanting to reveal his smile at seeing Tim come after him without question, Darryl said immediately "Been working on this a little bit the past couple days. Tell me what you think of these stones."

"um...these stones?" asked Tim, caught off guard by having to stop so suddenly, by the broad, thick back and mound of shoulder in right front of him, and by what Darryl was talking about.

"I'm adding some rocks and stones to this side garden. Not sure if I like them in this spot. What do you think of these being here?"

"uh...," Tim uttered as he looked down, but Darryl's massive back was blocking his view. "uh..." Tim uttered again as he took a couple reluctant steps forward so he could see. Standing right beside the squatting Darryl, Tim tried to clear his head by concentrating on what Darryl was pointing at. "They look nice. Real attractive stones, lots of interesting color in them," Tim said, becoming efficient as he focused, in his element in thinking, critiquing, considering other possibilities. "But it'd look better if you moved that one over to here and those two more to the back," Tim offered, already in to it.

"Hmm, interesting ideas. Worth trying. How'd you get such a sharp eye for this," Darryl asked, already able to tell that Tim's ideas would be good ones, his mind working on ways to use that.

"Did my own last fall. Practiced, played around with placement, learned how to make it look good," Tim responded, confident now and back in control. And then asserted himself in his usual fashion by saying "They'd look better where I said. Of course, you could move this one, but you'd need some equipment to get those two shifted. Is there more you've done already that could use a keen eye?"

"Well, yes, I've been working on a couple different areas of the yard," Darryl said. "But I want to shift this first. Here, hold this," Darryl said commandingly as he picked up the one stone effortlessly and handed it to Tim, who took it automatically. And grunted as he immediately had to use both hands to hold it up. Carefully trying not to get his suit dirty, Tim held it out a bit from his body, and had recovered enough to say he was going to put it down. But right then Darryl said "Put it right there" and pointed to where Tim had recommended it should go. Hesitating a moment, Tim felt a bit of exasperation at being made to hold the stone while in a suit...but then felt the weight of the stone...and heard Darryl prompt "Go ahead"...so stepped into the garden space and put the stone down.

"That's the spot," Tim said, trying to end the effort and get out of the dirt, which was getting on his dress shoes. But as he took a step back out, he heard Darryl's deep voice "One foot to the right."

"Wait...what...it's good right there," Tim objected.

Calmly, deliberately, with complete command Darryl continued "I'm not going for good," which caused Tim's ears to redden a bit. "The best...with me it's always exactly right."

Tim looked at the stone and thought "it's such a small difference, it really won't make it a better placement" and was going to object. But he heard Darryl's strong voice again "When I work with something...it must be just as I have decided," causing Tim to hesitate in the face of such certainty. Then he thought to himself "well, it is his garden...certainly won't be any worse." And then stepped forward, bent down, and moved the stone to where Darryl wanted it. When he stepped back out of the dirt, he looked down again, and, to his surprise, saw that it indeed did look better where Darryl had said.

"Isn't it better there?" asked Darryl. Sheepishly Tim nodded his head just slightly. "Tell me," said Darryl. After a second's hesitation, Tim replied. "Yes, it actually d..." was all he got out. Turning as he answered, Tim was stunned to be looking right in to Darryl's chest. The white t-shirt filled to the limit with blocks of granite muscle...right at Tim's eye level.

After a moment's delay, Tim instinctively started to pull back, as always intimidated by tall, big men. But just as he did, and just as he started to stumble a bit doing so, he felt a strong hand around his upper back and shoulder, holding him up. Holding him in place. Darryl had stood up without making a sound...and had anticipated the effect on the small man of being so close.

"Whoa, there, little man. Don't want you all sprawled out," said Darryl down to Tim, whose mouth was still agape. Big hand locking Tim in place, taking away any choice of movement on Tim's part, Darryl said "Don't worry, I won't let you fall. When you go down it'll be under my control," as he winked at the small man. Tongue-tied, ears reddening a bit, held in place, Tim could only look up and wait.

"There's more to do. But I don't want that suit and those shoes to get all dirty. Come on, I'll put you in something appropriate," stated Darryl as he used his controlling grip to turn Tim, and then walked him around the corner to the porch, climbing the five steps deliberately.

Reaching the house Darryl opened the door and then held it at the top with his left hand, using his right hand to guide Tim under his arm into the house. Hating to have to walk under a tall man's arm, Tim automatically stiffened. Feeling the resistance, Darryl looked down, sharp intensity in his face, and then intensified the gorilla strong grip on Tim's shoulder/back. "In you go," said Darryl with a thoroughly decisive voice as he moved Tim forward in spite of himself.

Then said "Remove the shoes and socks right here...we'll clean them later," as he changed from his yard shoes to indoor shoes. His attention going to his shoes, Tim saw the dirt on them, so did take them off, along with the socks. Then realized he was in the house, where he had wanted to be...but for the life of him couldn't remember what he had wanted to talk about.

"Go to the bathroom...I'll bring you what you'll wear to work outside," ordered Darryl smoothly. Seeing Tim lost in his thoughts...or lack of...Darryl reached down and gave Tim's bottom a sharp swat "Move."

"uhg," came out of Tim's mouth as his hips went forward, causing a shocking wave of pleasurable pressure to came up from his groin, blocking out all thought even as his feet responded and moved him to the bathroom.

To Be Continued...

Next: Chapter 7

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