Tale of Two Men

By moc.loa@knpsnddM

Published on Feb 17, 2010


An original story, with all rights reserved. Questions and comments may be sent to mddnspnk@aol.com. You are invited to comment on what you liked. Since this is the first story, the author would appreciate encouraging comments and input. And it is a story, not a sound bite, so if you need it to flash, then it wouldn't be worth your time to read. But if you have a cup of coffee and a few minutes, have a read.

A Tale of Two Men

From the end of Chapter 4, Baking


Immediately Darryl moved his hips forward just a bit, stuffing Tim's mouth before he could even think about it...something Darryl knew Tim had never before done...would have strenuously objected if he had been given a chance to speak...to process that he was sucking another man's cock. "Get it ready, Timmy," Darryl said in a voice that made Tim quiver. Which he did, immediately sucking and working on the man who had entered him physically.

-- Part 5 Dessert

"Mmmm, nice," Darryl oozed as he felt the small man's mouth on his cock, "The way it should be."

Lost in a fog, unable to think, naked and on his knees, Tim sucked and worked on Darryl's big cock. Which felt huge inside his mouth, filling it completely.

After a pleasurable while, Darryl looked down and saw much of his cock still outside, with only the big head and a little bit of the stick fitting in Tim's mouth. Smiling at the corners of his mouth, Darryl thought "He's doing it now automatically. Time to make him realize it." And he slowly reached his right hand down and extended it behind Tim's head. "Yeah. You're doing a good job, Timmy," Darryl said in a quiet yet penetrating voice. "Your mouth belongs on my cock. I going to get more in there."

Waiting a few beats, Darryl watched his words go down from his mouth, into Tim's ears, and finally across the wires into his brain. Tim's eyes flew open as his brain comprehended anew that he was sucking a guy's cock! What?! Wait!...No!...all thoughts flashed in Tim's brain instantaneously. With his hands, which had been flat against Darryl's tree trunk thighs for balance, Tim pushed away as he pulled his head back and opened his mouth wide in surprise, to exclaim and to disengage from the big cock.

But the back of his head went right into Darryl's big hand, stopping him suddenly. Even pushing against the unmovable steel quads, Tim could not pull back any further. "Ah...very good, Timmy. Hearing what I want...and making more room to accommodate me," Darryl said with the tone of a teacher getting the best out of a student, speaking as if Tim were doing it by choice instead of trying to escape. "Well, that effort must be rewarded," Darryl continued with calm deliberation as he pushed his hips forward, giving Tim exactly what he was trying to get away from.

"armrprherhh" exclaimed Tim.

"Ahhhh...yeah...I know you want it, Timmy...want to feel me in you," said Darryl as he pushed his cock in deeper, touching the back of Tim's throat.

Desperate, mouth totally filled by the snake, head held by the strong hand, Tim could do nothing. But wait. And feel. And...hearing Darryl repeat "I know you want it", Tim groaned right into the big cockhead. Causing Darryl to smile as he felt the surrender vibrate through his power rod. Tim groaned again...then stopped fighting. Stopped struggling. And started trying to work on the cock that had penetrated inside him. The cock that came in without invitation and made itself at home.

After a while Darryl said "Get it nice and wet, Timmy. Because I'm going to make you mine."

Not needing to hold Tim's head in place any more, but doing it anyway to give Tim the feeling of being surrounded, to make sure he felt controlled, Darryl put his left hand on his hip and enjoyed the sensations coming from his cock. Occasionally giving off stimulated growls, Darryl's voice filled Tim's ears with the lion like intensity.

After several minutes Darryl let go and pulled his hips back, slowly sliding his long dong out of Tim's hot mouth. Then putting his right pointer finger back under Tim's chin, Darryl lifted Tim's head up and let his gaze settle in to the eyes of the kneeling man. Looking for...and seeing...surrender. Acceptance. And a desire to keep going.

"I always enjoy a man's acceptance of his place," said Darryl with utmost, all encompassing arrogance. Fueled even more when Tim's ears turned red. "But if I left it in there just for that pleasure, then I wouldn't be doing the rest of my job...to make you feel truly subordinate. To show you how a man exercises his dominance."

After a long time with those words echoing in Tim's head, Darryl said "Tell me, Timmy. Do you want me to use you to show my superiority? To exercise my power as a man?"

Gulping...swallowing...breathing hard...Tim couldn't get past the words. His brain rebooted several times as his mouth hung open. His small hands still on Darryl's tree trunk quads. Until finally Darryl rubbed his thumb over Tim's lips, covering both of them even though Tim's mouth was open, and said "You can do it, Timmy. I know you can answer me."

Gulp...gulp..."uh...yeah," stuttered Tim. Then, seeing those intense blue eyes harden, seeing the demanding look from the overwhelming man standing over him, Tim knew he had to answer. "yeah...I want you to use me. I want to feel your power," he said as his little head pulsed, pointing straight up, glistening.

Smiling the conqueror's smile, Darryl said with absolute, chilling certainty "Yes, you do." Then he reached his right hand down as he bent down, putting his left hand around Tim's shoulder/neck, and cupped his right hand between Tim's legs, fingers reaching through to lift Tim up from underneath. Darryl effortlessly lifted the small man, then turned and placed him on his back on the bed as gently as a flower.

And then Darryl's fingers started to work Tim's glutes. Lightly rubbing. Gently squeezing. Massaging the small yet muscular butt. Kneeding the muscles to relax when Tim was flexing. Squeezing them to flex when Tim was relaxing. Darryl's powerful yet gentle hands were playing Tim's glutes like an instrument. Making Tim continually respond to him. Tim blushed as he felt Darryl explore and take control, as he felt the masculine hands, the power, the intention of the big man to have his way, and he blushed at his own stimulation. "I can do nothing but receive," thought Tim amazed...embarrassed...diminished. But then, as a jolt zipped through his body, another part of his brain pushed forth as he thought "How does he do that? How can he make me feel so much in my butt? Maaannn...he sure does know...he has to do it." And then he moaned out loud.

Almost randomly, Darryl's finger would slide down in between those little cheeks. Rubbing up and down. Occasionally rubbing over Tim's most private spot. Bringing a blush to Tim's face..."He's taking liberties again. Should stop him." But then Darryl would shift the attention again, forcing Tim to readjust. And forget his imminent protest. And then unexpectedly those big fingers would again trace the area Darryl had already treated as his private zone. And, each time those fingers would elicit a moan from the small man. A moan of surprise...intense stimulation...flash of protest...finishing at the end of the moan with overwhelming pleasure and desire. Tim's brain sounding a clear message inside his head "He has taken the right..."

Reaching over with his left hand, Darryl got the lube, and began to pour it out on to his finger. And then spread it around Tim's hole. Then on it. Then, after much stimulation of Tim's butt, Darryl slipped a finger in past Tim's defenses. Then slowly...carefully...delicately even Darryl worked the lube in. Worked his finger in. And started to stretch Tim's hole. As he had been stretching Tim's mind. With enough sharpness to get his attention. And enough deliberation not to cause him to shut down. Tim was beyond thinking. But if he had been he would have seen that Darryl was a true master.

Patiently Darryl continued molding the clay as an artist would...making Tim feel things he had never understood before...sending jolts through Tim's body...showing him how a man makes things ready.

Unconsciously Tim moved his hand to his dick, to rub in time with the incredible feeling he was getting from his butt. But Darryl's powerful hand grabbed his wrist and moved it above his head. "No," declared Darryl sharply. "Your focus is here," said Darryl as he squeezed, rubbed, and teased Tim's butt, causing Tim to groan in frustration that he could not do what he wanted. He had never before denied his dick.

As he tried to move his hand, Tim felt again Darryl's Olympian strength holding it down, and his eyes flashed open at the frustration of not being able to move and even more of not being able to do what he wanted by rubbing his dick. Just as he was about to open his mouth and say words of protest, Tim heard Darryl's deep voice.

"Right here...right now...you will do this the way I want, little man," uttered Darryl with total, complete, absolute domination. The surety of which caused Tim' brain to pay attention...tuning in to the other messages that Darryl was continuously and forcefully sending through the small meat of rump Darryl had in his hands. Pushing out of Tim's head all independent thoughts as the maestro worked his butt. And Tim moaned at the totally fantastic feelings charging through his body from those masterful hands, which reverberated up to his brain and fully engorged his dick.

After a while, with Darryl continuing his preparations, Tim's eyes opened again. This time not in frustration or protest. But uncertainty. "um...I've...I've never done this before," Tim breathed. "I'm afraid," he said in his quietest voice.

""I know you are. And it will hurt some. But you're in my hands now. And I will get you through it, Timmy," said Darryl as his big fingers gently squeezed Tim's glutes. His strong palms cupping Tim's whole butt. His thumbs rubbing and stimulating. Tim moaned a bit as he felt the jolts coursing through his body again. As he relaxed his insides.

"...but......I.....uh....," Tim finally uttered, as once again the thought jolted him out of his pleasure.

"What is it," asked Darryl, knowing where Tim was, knowing he had to make him say it. "I know you need this."

"no...it's not that...I mean...yeah...I do need it...it's just that I....," Tim trailed off, blushing not because he finally admitted that he needed it, but because of his concern.

Hands ceaselessly working, preparing the ground, Darryl asked "What, little man?" in a voice that was quiet, yet demanded an answer.

"It's that...well...I'm afraid my dick'll go soft," whispered Tim.

Hearing that, Darryl lowered his head down slowly....until he was just above Tim's face....eyes finding and locking in to the small man on his back beneath him while he held Tim's tight butt still in his big hands, palms cupping the glutes. Staring into Tim's eyes, waiting until he had Tim's complete attention, Darryl said quietly, with a voice that would cut through glass...and confusion, "Your dick is for your wife, Timmy."

Surprised, Tim could only stare into those penetrating eyes that held him as his body was wiggling internally from the preparation Darryl's big hands were giving his butt. And then, feeling the pleasure from his bottom, and the certainty right above him, Tim nodded and accepted the revelation..."Yes, it is."

"So you don't need to worry about your dick, Timmy. In this house there's only one dick that matters," as he moved Tim's wrist from above his head and moved his hand to the cock that mattered...the King Cock.

As Tim's small hand made contact with the large pole, Tim moaned long and loud. Darryl continued squeezing Tim's butt while a finger continued rubbing in and out of Tim's puckering hole. "When you're with me, little man, only my cock matters," Darryl said as he moved Tim's other hand to the King Cock. And again Tim moaned. And then squeezed, stunned by the thickness and fullness. "You only have to worry about this dick going soft, little man."

Squeezing Tim's butt lightly, possessively, fingering his hole with a feathery touch, Darryl continued with absolute conviction "But...that's not going to happen." The bull in him spoke as Darryl said "Not when I have a little man to conquer. To make submit to me. To make feel my power."

"Don't worry, little man, I will take you through it. Look at me," Darryl said sharply, forcing Tim's eyes to flash back to the penetrating eyes right above him. "I will give you what you need, when you need it."

"The time is now...time for you to feel the power. To open up to the master cock. And feel it deep." As he was speaking, Darryl pushed his thick finger in deeper and deeper into Tim's hole...and lowered down a bit with his hips so his now rock hard cock was overtop Tim's. Weighing Tim's dick down just by its heaviness. And extending far, far beyond the end of Tim's leaking dick..."That's it. Rub it. Feel the power in it. Feel why there's no denying it."

As he was saying this and feeling Tim's hands start to rub and squeeze, Darryl flexed his cock. Tim groaned feeling the energy and astounding power pulsing through the manhood he was now focused on. As it rose in proclamation, Tim grabbed tighter to hold on to the leviathan. Then groaned again as the huge, heavy cock settled back down, pressing Tim's dick into his body, pushing it flat, almost pressing it inside Tim. The mighty cock pinning its victim, sending the jolts inside the small man's body as Darryl's tireless hands brought sensations to Tim's butt...his hole...and further up inside him...that Tim had never imagined. "Go ahead and squeeze hard once in a while...awaken the giant for what it's about to do," Darryl commanded Tim as their hands defined their roles.

Feeling this masculine man's small hands on his cock, feeling this masculine man accept his place, Darryl became even more assertive....even more aggressive...even more a hunter pouncing on his prey....wrapping Tim up in his power...making Tim feel his incredible strength that could crush him. Darryl was aroused by his small prey, hungry to use him to satisfy his great need to conquer. As Tim's world became reduced entirely to the massive, mighty man above him who was suppressing his manhood, whose hands were teasing and tantalizing his tight assets, whose finger was claiming territory deep inside his body, Tim moaned with a desire to yield to this man as a woman would. To give himself to the aggressor. To open up and be penetrated.

With a desire he had never before experienced, he wanted to be mounted by the dominant man.

And he groaned again. A groan of hunger. Of thirst. A groan of submission to his conqueror...to whom he surrendered. Willingly.

Hearing his prey yielding....accepting him as dominant...Darryl growled. And his instrument of domination flexed, harder than ever, foaming with desire. Which Darryl did not deny it as he pulled his finger out and pushed his man cock into his conquered's place of welcome. Deep into his prey's virgin territory, where no man had gone before. Deep into what was now his. His overwhelming size blotting out all independent thoughts by the small man, who could only feel himself be invaded...and then as the pain eventually subsided...open himself up more to feel it deeper. Tim had no thoughts...just an overwhelming desire to accept this huge man. To make him feel good. To give him pleasure. To let himself be used.

Darryl did have thoughts...growling more as he felt his rightful place on top....taking possession...owning the territory.....knowing he could make a real man submit...willingly. And his feelings matched his thoughts as he growled the roar of the Alpha Man. Totally surrounded by the overwhelming power, and also feeling that power deep inside himself, Tim trembled at the growl. Trembled not in fear, but in excitement, as he felt the power of the dominant man, and wanted at that moment only to submit to him.

Then, after letting Tim get used to his huge pole, Darryl began to use his willing hole. To pull back...and then push back in...feeling each exquisite inch of the small man's insides. Filled with indescribable power as he made the small man quiver and dance on his dick as he thrust it in deep. So big he couldn't help rubbing it the whole length of Tim's chute. So long he was in eleven inches before bottoming out. So magnificent he could make his submissive man tingle and shiver just by flexing the power cock buried in him.

Gradually Darryl picked up the pace, once he knew Tim would not be hurt by his huge rod. For while he was driven to dominate, he had no desire to hurt the man he was conquering. Rather, he derived greater satisfaction making a real man feel his need to submit...and then giving him unimagined pleasure as a result. Pleasure so intense he forgot he even had a dick. Pleasure centered on his bottom. And deep inside him where only a true man could reach. Darryl was ready to fuck the cum right out from inside of him.

Seeing Tim again unconsciously move his hand down to find his newly re-hardened little dick (which was a healthy, normal sized dick and only little because it was half the size of Darryl's horse cock), Darryl grabbed Tim's hands and raised them above his head, holding both of them in one of his big hands. Tim tried to free himself without realizing it, but Darryl's mighty strength kept him in place. "No, no, little man. None of that. My cock is the only one that matters. Your pleasure will come from my cock," Darryl exclaimed as he gave a powerful thrust and flex of his steel pole. "Your pleasure is from me. So yield to me...open up to me...and feel what I have for you," Darryl continued as he gave thrust after thrust.



Somehow even more connected with every part of Tim's insides.

Rubbing constantly over Tim's prostate...pumping the pre-cum right out of Tim.



Big balls slapping Tim's little glutes harder and harder.


"It's time, little man," said Darryl in his most dominating voice.

"Feel it as I mark you way up inside!"

"Feel me as I paint you insides!"

"Where only I can reach!"

"Feel it as I write on your inner walls!"

"Know what I'm writing, little man? What will be there from now on?"

"It's going to say: "I CLAIM THIS TERRITORY!" declared Darryl as he gave a devastating thrust of his mighty hips and butt.

"aaaaahhhhhhh" At the words...and the thrusts...Tim surrendered...and shot. The most powerful blast he had ever shot. All of his intense, overpowering pleasure coming from the steel rod inside him overflowed through his mouth and dick...forced out of him by the mighty stud. And then Darryl, having made Tim feel the pleasure of his place, exclaimed "Feel it, little man! This is MINE!!!" and blasted inside of him. Roaring like a lion. Who had staked his claim on the pride.

After many long minutes Darryl slowly pulled himself out, his thick cock still big enough for a continuous moan to escape Tim's lips. Then he lowered himself down to the bed, and pulled Tim into him, his conquering rod finding Tim's little butt cheeks immediately and settling in the cavity between his prey's tight glutes and legs. His arm wrapping around his little prize.

Secured in the powerful arms of the dominant man, Tim was almost asleep when he felt something wet on his ear. Immediately trying to raise his hand up to cover his ear, Tim could not. Darryl's powerful arm was holding his arms against his body. Secure. Trapped. "No," thought Tim as he realized it was Darryl's tongue. Darryl was licking his ear slowly from bottom to top.

A little whimper escaped out of Tim's mouth when he heard Darryl's deep, low growl and as he understood he could not stop it. "Well...guess he had a little energy to burn. And...well...it'll dry," Tim thought as he felt Darryl finish. And then, totally spent, he quickly fell asleep. Listening for his conquered's steady breathing, Darryl then slumbered as well.

  • Epilogue Afternoon of the Next Day Placing his big hand on Tim's neck and shoulders, Darryl guided him out of the house and toward his car. "Now you know, don't you, Timmy. You know how a man is to be. How a man shows his desire. Takes care of things. Uses, not abuses. And asserts himself to bring ultimate pleasure to both himself and to his mate."

Feeling warmth from that powerful hand, and those words of knowledge and special instruction, Tim nodded. "I can't believe what happened. Never in a million years would have imagined it. But...thank you for everything. For showing me things I never knew I could experience. And for sharing your knowledge."

"Use the knowledge well, my little man," commanded Darryl. "Because when you drive out of here, you are once again the man in charge. Size doesn't make it so. It's in the mind and heart. So use it well."

"I will," replied Tim. When they reached the car, Tim turned his head a bit and looked up. "I've never felt so protected...so secure," Tim said a little embarrassed, but knowing he could only be completely honest with this man who seemed to understand him better than he did himself.

"I know, Timmy," said Darryl as he looked down into the eyes of the small man. "With me, you are protected. You are safe." Then Darryl winked at him. This time Tim smiled as he accepted the wink for all it meant.

Darryl opened the car door, gave Tim's neck a final squeeze and said "If you get any questions about walking funny, remember you did slip and fall in the ditch," as he reached down, enveloped Tim's butt in his big hand, and gave a powerful squeeze and final swat.

Tim's smile deepened as he got in. And then, after a final wave, Tim pulled out and drove home a new man.

The End.

Next: Chapter 6

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