Tale of Two Men

By moc.loa@knpsnddM

Published on Feb 12, 2010


An original story, with all rights reserved. Questions and comments may be sent to mddnspnk@aol.com. You are invited to comment on what you liked. Since this is the first story, the author would appreciate encouraging comments and input. And it is a story, not a sound bite, so if you need it to flash, then it wouldn't be worth your time to read. But if you have a cup of coffee and a few minutes, have a read.

A Tale of Two Men

From the end of Chapter 3, The Meal


Hearing this small but completely masculine man say he wanted to feel it...to be the object of desire...to be the recipient...made Darryl's chest swell and started the blood flowing south as he stepped in front of his bed. "Well, you will, little man," said Darryl with such a cocky, powerful voice Tim stopped wondering why he wanted this, why he was feeling this way, what was going on with him. He had never before wanted to yield to a man, yet here he was, asking for it. Then a final squeeze on his butt sent electricity to all parts of his body, driving out any questions or doubts.

-- Part 4 Baking

"First, I need to see what I have here," said Darryl as he lowered Tim to his feet and reached down and slowly, deliberately pulled the t-shirt up and over Tim's head. Leaning over Tim's shoulder, Darryl looked way down, seeing the small, tight, muscular butt, and then reached down "Just as I thought" he said as he gave the bare bottom a strong squeeze. "Smooth, fit, and tight. Just perfect for me to work with," Darryl continued as he gave another squeeze, then a light pat.

Tim's eyes were closed throughout, first because he was suddenly bashful again about being naked and because he felt so weak at being undressed by the big man. But then, after Darryl had removed his covering, and leaned over his shoulder to reach down, Tim's face was right up against Darryl's barrel chest. Right when he gasped from the feeling of that strong hand on his bare bottom. Causing him to inhale deeply...and feel overwhelmed by the totally masculine smell of the big man. The scent that made him excited...in his mind that equated with virile masculinity...and also somehow was familiar and gave him a sense of being surrounded, protected.

"Open your eyes," commanded Darryl as he stood back up, right in front of Tim. "Now that I've got you where you need to be...in front of me...naked," Darryl said in a voice that made Tim shiver deep down inside, "...time for me to make myself a little more comfortable," Darryl continued as he reached down and slowly pulled his own t-shirt up to take it off. For a moment it seemed like it was stuck, and then Darryl pulled it off. Leaving Tim open mouthed again as he stared right in to that thick chest. He was so close and it was so wide he couldn't really see the end of it. He had never been so close to anyone so big, so thick with muscle. And here he was, right in front of the strong man's massive chest.

After a long few moments of looking straight ahead, over Tim's head, Darryl slowly looked down and saw what he expected to see. His chest filled even more with vigor as he saw Tim's head pointing straight forward at Darryl's massive chest, and further down saw Tim's little head pointing up, spiked with the testosterone that was oozing out of Darryl's powerful body. "Time to reel this small fry in," he thought as he studied his catch.

He then slowly raised his left arm and in super slow-mo flexed his bicep. Tim's eyes followed the movement, and then a gasp escaped from his throat at seeing the huge arm. "oh...mannnnnn," breathed Tim as he stood level with that arm. And in a flash he thought "it's even bigger than my leg!"

Letting Tim absorb the impact, the power radiating from his flexed arm, Darryl stood motionless. And then smirked down at the smaller man as he saw movement...the kind the small man wasn't aware of...and couldn't control. He kept looking at him...seeing Tim process...watching for the flicker. Which came after a bit, when Tim thought to himself "this man could crush me. Look at the size of him." And in a flash all his old reactions came to the fore...of not wanting to be so close to a bigger man, of being intimidated, of needing to establish himself. It showed in his face as he stared at the giant in front of him.

As Darryl saw the comprehension dawning on Tim's face, the idea of establishing independence, he slowly raised his right hand to the back of Tim's head to hold him in place. "It's hard to be so close, isn't it, little man?" asked Darryl in a knowing voice that caught Tim's ears, causing him to pause in his desire to flee. "When you're thinking you need to be away. To get distance." Tim couldn't move his head, but Darryl felt the attempted nod of recognition Tim didn't realize he was giving.

"Now, I'll let you flee," Darryl continued in a clear, quiet, deliberate voice. Tim's eyes flicked up as he responded, "uh...really?" feeling relief that he'd be able to pull away. "That'd be...um...good."

"But first, you will do one thing," Darryl said in his not to be denied voice. "I'm going to put you here, and leave you for just a bit."

"uh...ok," said Tim. But then, confused, he asked "uh...here?" Then, after a beat without an answer, Tim asked tentatively "um...how long is a bit?"

"Here is right here," said Darryl as he started to pull Tim's head into his armpit.

"what...uh...no...no," stammered Tim as he felt the pressure of Darryl's big hand on the back of his head and his eyes focused on the hairy armpit. He stiffened automatically, trying to resist, his hands going up to try to stop his momentum. Right hand flat against the flexed bicep, fingertips hardly reaching over the top. Left hand on the slab of a chest, almost lost in the thickness, pressing against what felt like a wall.

"And a bit is until I say," said Darryl in a thoroughly commanding voice. "First you will breathe," Darryl said as he finished gently but undeniably pulling Tim's head into his armpit.

"rmrphg" came from Tim as he felt his nose, then his face being pressed into the massive man's armpit. The depth of cavity because of Darryl's gorilla like chest and bodybuilder like lats left Tim's face surrounded. He tried to pull back, but Darryl's hand was unyielding in its pressure and position. His small hands pushed hard, but brought no distance, all of Tim's desperate strength not moving the huge man an inch.

"rmrphg" Tim exclaimed again as he tried to proclaim his resistance while holding his breath.

"That's it, Timmy. Not long. You can do it," said Darryl as if he were encouraging Tim to do another couple push ups, ignoring the part of Tim's brain that was trying to establish his equality, and speaking to the part of the small man's brain that had recognized his subordinate status. "Yeah, that's good. Feels right, doesn't it, Timmy? Standing here naked...showing me you recognize my superiority..."

His mind swirling with conflicting emotions, part resisting, not breathing, Tim tried to hold out. Finally, he couldn't hold out any longer, and took a long, deep inhale, gasping the air in. And was immediately overwhelmed by the scent of the big man who held him powerless. By the musk of the testosterone filled man. Tim's mind rebooted as he felt his powerlessness...felt his weakness...felt himself being dominated...each breath reinforcing what he had been feeling the whole time in this man's presence...that this man was forcing him to surrender. And yet, even though part of his brain said he was a man and shouldn't capitulate...another part of his brain combined with his feelings deep inside recognized that he had met a man worthy of his surrender. A man who was forcing him into this position...who was humiliating him...but was strong enough to conquer him...he wasn't giving in to a mushy weakling...in whose presence resistance was futile.

Feeling deep down inside like less of a man for being conquered, Tim nevertheless understood that the powerful man controlling him was worthy of his respect even as he took his manhood...worthy of respect because he gave respect. And even though his ears burned red, Tim took a deep breath, filling his insides with the scent of his conqueror. Then another, and another. Long, slow, deep breaths. Darryl left him in there for a minute, breathing, settling into Darryl's power. His control. His masculinity. Settling into his place as subordinate. His hands no longer pushing against the slabs of muscle, but feeling them, feeling the power, the strength. And then, when Darryl flexed his quad muscle, Tim groaned as he was jolted through his rock hard dick. The head was pressed straight in to Darryl's pants leg, and the wave of movement from the flexing muscle sent waves of stimulation throughout Tim's body.

Then Darryl moved his armpit just a bit forward, his hand holding Tim's head motionless, and Darryl's hairy pit pressed into Tim's nose. And then Darryl moved his armpit just a bit up and down...side to side...rubbing his scent onto Tim's nose and face. The scent made fuller by the hard work he had done outside...the scent that Tim was inhaling deep down inside. "Just a bit more, Timmy. Have to finish marking my territory." Senses on overload, held in place, completely helpless, Tim could only accept being marked.

Finally, Darryl pulled Tim's head back out, looked down at the small man and said "I'm going to teach you how a man establishes his dominion." "Are you ready, Timmy," Darryl asked, demanded really, but his voice was so controlled, so gentle, so respectful Tim almost heard it as a question. As he was asking, Darryl tilted Tim's head back enough to be able to look down into Tim's eyes. Which were filled with surrender. Acceptance of his place. And hunger with his need to feel Darryl's maleness. After waiting for a response, but getting none, Darryl commanded "Answer me with words, little man."

Gulp...gulp..."uh...yeah...I want you to feel your dominion," croaked Tim. And then he quivered deep inside when he saw the expression of utter domination on Darryl's face as he surrendered...understanding that Darryl knew he wanted it...that Darryl knew what to do even though he didn't have a clue...and he gave a slight moan as he yielded control to the ultimate development in masculinity.

Slowly, gently, but inexorably pressing Tim down again, Darryl proclaimed "There. That's where I want you right now," as he pressed Tim down to his knees again. "Naked and kneeling. In position." Even though he had accepted it, understood it deep within, Tim still blushed in humiliation as he heard Darryl's utter arrogance that comes from complete and acknowledged superiority. And grunted as he flexed involuntarily and realized he was harder than he had ever been before.

With slow as molasses movements, Darryl undid his belt...unclasped his pants...then lowered the zipper. Each movement resounding in Tim's ears as his eyes got wide looking straight ahead. Then, Darryl let his pants drop. And heard a gasp from the kneeling Tim. Gulp..."oh..." was all Tim could say as he tried to take in the tree trunk legs Darryl had revealed. "My waist isn't as big as one of them!" realized Tim.

After giving Tim long seconds to feel his smallness, Darryl said "Take them off me." Tim's eyes flashed open, intimidated at touching those mighty legs. Yet too intimidated not to obey. Raising his hands, he took the sides of Darryl's pants, which were still above the knees. And tried to pull them down. Darryl's legs were so thick, and his stance was so full of authority, that Tim had trouble getting the pants down. Finally he did, and Darryl lifted each foot to step out of them.

"Fold the pants and put them on the chair," commanded Darryl. Tim promptly got up, carefully folded the pants, and put them on the chair. Just as he was finishing, Darryl snapped his fingers and motioned down at the spot. Tim jumped a bit at the imperious snap and had a flash of an objection pop in to his mind "hey, I'm moving as fast as I can", which he always did when a demand was placed on him he didn't think was appropriate.

But then, when his eyes flashed back to Darryl, and he took in the enormous man, got a flash picture of the mighty body that pulled his car, Tim's feelings shifted to uncertain and he hesitated. Which caused him to look up into Darryl's eyes...and he shivered as he saw the intensity of focus that was centered on him. Like a laser beam Darryl's eyes were boring in to Tim, shouting "NOW". Getting the message instantaneously, Tim thought "hurry up...shouldn't keep him waiting..." and he rapidly finished his task and got back into the place Darryl wanted him. His mind occupied now only with doing it right.

Standing in his boxers, which he had put on earlier in anticipation of this moment, Darryl looked down at the small man. "This time I want you to take the boxers down fluidly. With one motion. I'm not going to make it easy for you, but I know you can do it if you concentrate," Darryl said in a demanding voice, not loud, but giving instructions he expected to be carried out as he reached his left hand inside his boxers and cupped his cock and balls. Tim's eyes flashed wide again as he realized he was going to have to pull the boxers down over the big hand as well.

"Do it now, Timmy."

Hearing Darryl's order, Tim raised his hands, grabbed the boxers, and pulled down steadily. When the boxers made it over Darryl's hand, they slid down fast, and Tim's momentum pulled his hands and his head downward too. Darryl then lifted each foot and stepped out of the boxers. "Fold them and put them right next to you, Timmy."

Which Tim did. And then he looked up...at eye level with a cock that matched the man. Mighty. Powerful. Tim was stunned, completely. He had never been this close to another man's dick before, let alone at eye level, and had never seen one so big. A cock fit for a bull.

As he was looking, feeling diminished even though his own dick was not small for the size of his body, Tim was more intimidated than he had ever been in his life. Yet, even in those moments, he did not feel threatened. Instead he felt in awe of the absolute man in front of him. And he groaned as he involuntarily flexed his rock hard dick, which was pointed straight up at the Atlas of a man.

Giving Tim a long time to look...to stare...to see the difference between them in yet another way, Darryl thought "This man has never been conquered before. Has never yielded. But today...right now...he will." And his cock filled with the blood of energy and will that poured forth from within. As it always did when contesting with another man...and besting him.

With his right hand Darryl reached down and lifted Tim's head up, right fingers going under Tim's chin, raising the small man's eyes upward to seek his. Then be held in place as Darryl's intense, dominating gaze locked him in place. Slowly Darryl raised his left hand underneath his bull balls and raised them up as he shifted his hips forward.

"I always mark my territory," Darryl said as he lowered his balls down over Tim's face. The big balls spreading from Tim's nose down over both sides of his face. The bull cock dropping down over his nose, between his eyebrows, and over his forehead. Then pressing down a bit as Darryl lowered his hips just a bit. "Leaving no doubt who's master."

Completely stunned...overwhelmed...beyond thinking...Tim couldn't even shut his eyes as he felt this utter humiliation. As he felt himself being marked by the dominant male. And he bleated as a lamb being led to the slaughter. Darryl then used his left hand to push his left ball over the open mouth, immediately stopping up the sound. "Make them feel good, little man." Beyond any thinking, Tim began licking...sucking...shifting those huge balls in his mouth. And continued. More. Making them wet with his mouth. Even bringing a grunt from the huge man. "Just as I've always seen. When I force a real man into his subordinate place, he does a man's job."

Hearing Darryl's clinical description said with the arrogance of the triumphant man, Tim felt himself flush again. But could not stop servicing the big man. Could not fight out of the place of subordination. He could only moan in submission and acceptance, his hands using Darryl's tree trunks to keep his balance.

Finally, after feeling all the strong liquid in his balls getting heated up, Darryl pulled his hips back a little to pull his balls back. As he did so, his cock slid down over Tim's forehead and nose as smooth as a snake. Filling Tim's vision as he watched and felt it slide by his eyes. Helpless as a mouse hypnotized by a cobra, Tim could only be further amazed by how long it was. Finally the head slide down over Tim's nose, from the bridge down to the tip, and then dropped down into Tim's open mouth.

Immediately Darryl moved his hips forward just a bit, stuffing Tim's mouth before he could even think about it...something Darryl knew Tim had never before done...would have strenuously objected if he had been given a chance to speak...to process that he was sucking another man's cock. "Get it ready, Timmy," Darryl said in a voice that made Tim quiver. Which he did, immediately sucking and working on the man who had entered him physically.

To Be Continued

Next: Chapter 5

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