Tale of Two Men

By moc.loa@knpsnddM

Published on Feb 7, 2010


An original story, with all rights reserved. Questions and comments may be sent to mddnspnk@aol.com. You are invited to comment on what you liked. Since this is the first story, the author would appreciate encouraging comments and input. And it is a story, not a sound bite, so if you need it to flash, then it wouldn't be worth your time to read. But if you have a cup of coffee and a few minutes, have a read.

A Tale of Two Men -- Part 2 Getting Warm

As Tim was moving the kettle off the heat, Darryl called from across the room, "The mugs are in the upper cabinet next to the sink. And the hot chocolate is in the cabinet above stove. Pour us both some."

Tim pulled out two mugs, then reached up and opened the small cabinet above the stove. Then stretched up his hand...standing on his tiptoes even...but could not reach the packets. "Wow, these cabinets are high too, just like the bathroom," thought Tim to himself. Not sure how to get them, but not wanting to call attention to it...this is why nothing in Tim's kitchen is on the top shelves of the upper cabinets...Tim realized he'd have to get a chair. And hated the idea, as always. So he stood again on his tiptoes, straining to reach the packets, even grunting as he stretched beyond his maximum. Then surprised as he saw a big hand reach in easily and pull out the packets, Tim sank back down to his heels and quickly pulled his hand down, not wanting to be obvious about how hard he was straining.

"Sorry, little man, didn't realize that this'd be too high for ya," said Darryl down to Tim. "Here ya go," continued Darryl as he lowered the packets down and held them out for Tim to take.

Embarrassed by needing the help, and feeling small again in the tall man's presence, Tim felt his frustration flare as it always did when reminded of his height. Yet, at the same time he realized he didn't hear derision in the big man's voice. No mocking. But rather statement of fact and a quick yet sincere apology that he didn't realize how high up the packets were. "Well, that is understandable. He wasn't trying to make me feel bad," thought Tim to himself. "They're at an easy height for him...and he took care of it when I needed without making me feel bad. Shouldn't be upset with him," continued Tim in his mind as he took a deep breath. "No, not going to be upset. But just accept it...he is very tall, and it's natural for him to be able to do things I can't and have things in ways that work for him." Feeling his frustration dissipate as he felt the basic respect from the tall man of honest assessment of their differences, instead of derision, Tim felt a new level of respect for and comfort with the giant man beside/next to him. "And compared to him who wouldn't be little," thought Tim wryly as he accepted the name which otherwise would have made him bristle, and accepted the packets.

"Go ahead and get it ready. I'll be right back," said Darryl as he gave the back of Tim's neck/shoulders a light squeeze. Momentarily frozen at the surprise contact, Tim had no thoughts as he was lost in the sensation of feeling the strength grip him, and massage him just a bit, powerful fingers working into his muscles. Then, a bit surprised because he usually didn't like contact from other guys, Tim took a deep breath and got the drinks ready.

Just as he finished stirring the drinks, Darryl returned and said "Here, this should work for you to reach," as he set down a two step footstool. Glancing at it, Tim's ears and face reddened. Seeing Tim's reaction, Darryl's voice sharpened as he said "The other way is climbing up onto the counter to reach. But I don't want you to fall, so that's not really an option. You will use this."

Tim's reaction again ran a gamut, as he was embarrassed by the attention to his height, his response of feeling inadequate...but he then immediately reacted against the image of climbing onto the counter...and quickly appreciated the big man for providing a way for him to keep his dignity. "He doesn't want me to fall...guess I could," thought Tim as he processed, again understanding Darryl's obvious care and concern for him. "And I don't want to climb up like a child. Yeah, this is better," Tim finished as he got through his reactions and realized Darryl's plan was a good one.

Sitting down on the bar stool closest to the table, Darryl said "Let's get some of the warmth in you" as he motioned with his hand for Tim to bring the mugs to the bar. Which Tim did, carefully setting down Darryl's hot mug, then his own. Then Tim tried to pull out the bar stool...a big, high, heavy bar stool. But struggled with it. Which Darryl quickly noticed. Quick as a cat Darryl got up and lifted the stool out effortlessly. "I forget how heavy these are. Here," said Darryl gallantly as he pulled the stool out for Tim. Waiting a moment in the expectation Darryl would sit back down, Tim realized he'd have to climb up into the stool with Darryl watching him. Ears reddening again, Tim knew he couldn't stand there and wait...couldn't ask him to sit back down or not watch...realized once he sat down he couldn't get the stool back in to the counter. He had no option.

Carefully maneuvering himself onto the high stool, suddenly aware again that he was in only a t-shirt with nothing on underneath, Tim tried to make sure he stayed covered. Once he was seated he felt even smaller as Darryl pushed the stool up to the bar so Tim could reach his drink. "There ya go," said Darryl as he sat down again. Now settled, Tim thought a moment, realizing it was nice of Darryl to pull out the stool instead of making him struggle with it. Once again Tim went from automatic embarrassment to reconsidering and realizing how well this big man was treating him, with care, not giving him more than he could handle.

"Ahhh, that's good," exclaimed Darryl as he took a drink of hot chocolate. "Drink up...I want your insides warmed up too. Don't always decide to use hot chocolate, so enjoy."

Dutifully Tim took a drink, careful not to scorch his tongue. And as the taste treat filled his mouth, he relaxed a bit more. Then swallowed and enjoyed the heat going down inside him, feeling it even in his stomach. "Ahh," Tim echoed, "that is good. Haven't had hot chocolate in years. Too many calories. So this is good...but these few swallows are good enough," said Tim as he was enjoying the taste but remembering his decisions about limiting sweets.

Chuckling, Darryl looked over at Tim's mug. "Few swallows? Hardly looks like you've had any." Then Darryl shook his head. "You still need to get warmed up inside. Your hair's still damp, and you were chilled to the point of shivering. I'm not having you get sick. So no, those "few" swallows aren't enough. Drink it all."

Looking at his mug as Darryl was speaking, Tim admitted to himself that he hadn't really drunk much at all. That it did feel really good inside, warming him up. Then hearing the firm voice telling him to drink it all, he nodded and knew it'd be good for him. I guess I don't have to be so rigid about the sweets, Tim thought to himself in part of his brain as he took a big drink.

Another part of his brain was processing without words how he was willing to change his mind...usually once he had made it up it was pointless for anyone to try to get him to do something different. His eyes shifted quickly to look at the big man next to him...and flashed opened wide as he saw intense blue eyes looking at him as if reading a scrolling message. The jolt of surprise went right down into his groin as he shifted his gaze back down to his mug, trying to act like nothing was wrong. But then, his eyes flashed open wide again as he became aware of the unwanted filling in his dick. "Where did that come from," Tim thought to himself. "Guess this hot chocolate is a real rush," he concluded as he tried to move his free hand casually to his lap, desperately trying to appear unaffected.

Smiling to himself as he watched the small man react, reading his face and eyes and seeing that his guest didn't know how obvious he was. Knowing that his hand was now in his lap for a reason. "Well, obvious at least to me," chuckled Darryl to himself. "To be fair, most men wouldn't realize it. Because they wouldn't have caused it. Couldn't have caused it. Many think they are...but few are truly dominant. And not just because of size. Although that makes it easier in many ways. Can already tell this man would not be taken in by any wannabes. Been a while since I've had such a ripe specimen to work with. Time to take this up a notch," Darryl decided.

"Now that I've gotten you warmed up, tell me your name," said Darryl.

"oh...um...it's Tim. I'm sorry I didn't say it earlier," Tim added automatically.

After a moment of consideration, Darryl said "Apology accepted." Tim's eyes flashed a bit as he heard that...realizing the big man had actually thought he should have done something different before. Not that he was just being polite in his automatic apology. His eyes back on those penetrating blue eyes as he was thinking, Tim slowly considered that maybe he should have introduced himself earlier. That he had been a bit rude. And then in the weight of the gaze from the big man Tim lowered his eyes as he did feel the regret that he had just apologized for.

Looking at...looking into Tim's flashing eyes, and seeing him process, Darryl held Tim's eyes. Letting his look convey that he did expect Tim to do better. And that he accepted his apology. But that he wanted a real one...not just one of automatic politeness. "There it is," thought Darryl to himself when he saw recognition and acceptance in Tim's eyes. And then saw them lower down.

Seeing that, Darryl then continued, "You were preoccupied with being wet," chuckled Darryl. "I'm Darryl," he continued as he put out his big right hand. Tim's eyes flashed open again, and then he lifted his right hand from his lap to shake, trying to will his dick to be quiet. And then was distracted by how big and calloused Darryl's hand was. "Man," said Tim to himself. At least he thought it was to himself. He didn't realize he had actually spoken aloud. Darryl did, of course, and held Tim's hand a bit longer than usual, to give the small man time to feel the size difference...to feel captured as he tried to pull his hand back when the handshake would normally have been over...to have to accept that Darryl would decide when they would let go. And to make sure Tim's lap was not covered.

Then, just when it was starting to feel over long, Darryl winked and said "Glad to meet you, Timmy."

Startled again by the playful wink...yet deep down inside feeling very much the object of Darryl's focus, Tim gave a quick gasp that he didn't notice, then stammered a response "uh...um..yeah...nice to meet you, too." After Darryl had released his hand, Tim was too preoccupied to put back in his lap, especially when he heard the diminutive he had never liked. And always objected to. Yet he was unable to say anything with those intense eyes boring in to him when he glanced back at them. And as the moment continued, eyes falling down from the intense gaze, then flashing back and falling again, Tim could not focus enough to object.

After letting Tim feel the moment, Darryl asked, "Are you married? Do you need to contact your wife?"

"Uh...um...yeah. I am. And I should call her," answered Tim as he mentally tore himself free and took another drink, taking comfort in doing that task.

"Well, good, wouldn't want her to worry," said Darryl. "How long have you been married?"

"Eight years now."

"That's good. I was married for 12 years before my wife passed away. Breast cancer. It's been almost two years now. Every day is precious. So it's good that you know her well. And take care of her."

"Wow...sorry to hear that. Yeah, I do care for her."

"Good. I like to see that. To see a man taking care of his wife. Showing her that she's special. For him to make her feel special. Appreciated. Gives her great security to feel a man taking charge," said Darryl.

"Yeah, I can see that with Mary. And I'm always trying to do it better," responded Tim.

"Yeah, I know you are Timmy. I can see that in you already," said Darryl in a conversational yet forceful, interested and also somehow authoritative voice. "I'm going to help you in that. Share some of my knowledge and show you a few things."

Not sure how to respond out of the confusion inside himself and not sure what this man he just met meant, Tim just said "uh...ok."

"Time to call her," Darryl said as he stood up and spun Tim's stool around to allow him room to get down. Which Tim did, but right beside the tall man who hadn't moved, immediately feeling small again after feeling normal and equal as they were sitting at eye level while having their drinks.

"Here, use the phone right here to call your wife. Let her know you're ok," said Darryl as he showed Tim the phone. "And it's time to start preparing dinner, so while you're talking, wash the vegetables off, and then peel a couple of these melons. I'm going to get your car out of the ditch before dark and it snows too much."

"I can just call her on my cell," responded Tim decisively as his mind went to practical, right away back in control with the familiar process of calling.

"No you can't. Remember...it got soaked and is dead," said Darryl as he brought the phone from the foyer to Tim.

"Oh, man. ...um, no...I don't really need to call....," responded Tim as he was processing both needing to make sure his wife knew was ok and different things that Darryl was saying. As he was still looking at his phone, preoccupied, he asked as his gaze eventually shifted to his car "How are you going to get the car out of the ditch? You have a tow truck or something?"

"Don't worry about it. I have unlimited long distance. So call. And I'm going to be hungry, so you start preparing us some food. And no worrying about the car. That's for me to take care of. Now call. And get busy....I'll be back in a bit," said Darryl as he reached down and gave Tim a light, but still penetrating pat on the butt before heading out.

"uhg" Once again Tim's mind jumped completely past where it was...and he stopped looking out the window at his car and picked up the phone, grateful that Darryl had provided for him completely and effortlessly. Feeling it...accepting it. And then appreciating his concern for his wife. So Tim called home.

As he talked with his wife, Tim returned to his normal self...settled back in to his role as protector, provider, leader...loving his wife for all her independence and not needing him, but accepting him in her life in just that way...as a real man. As always when he pondered that...felt it...he became aware that his dick was semi-hard. He loved his wife...he loved taking care of her. "No, I'm fine, honey. Just a little sore from the fall. But my host is very generous and has made me feel at home. Depending on the weather, I hope to be home tomorrow."

As he was talking with his wife, he was washing and picking apart the lettuce. At one point leaning in just a bit over the sink...and felt his hardening dick push against the cabinet. Tim gave a little grunt of surprised pleasure...but then pulled back. "Can't indulge without her around...save it for her," thought Tim to himself...and then pulled his hips back forcefully when he remembered where he was. "Can't go around with a boner...especially with nothing to lock it down." Tim's private nature and his discipline took over as he willed his dick down, and he wrenched his mind back to the conversation. "Yeah, love you too, honey. I'll see you tomorrow."

Looking out the window again, Tim saw Darryl reach his car, and then watched him attach the ropes to the car. Idly wondering what Darryl was going to do, because the car was down enough in the ditch to need a tow truck to pull it back, Tim hung up the phone and watched as Darryl threaded the ropes around his shoulders. Then, like a draft horse, Darryl started walking toward the house, slowly pulling the car up with each deliberate step. Eyes going wide at seeing what he couldn't believe, Tim stared in open mouthed amazement as Darryl stepped and then stepped again, hauling the car out of the ditch. And then kept walking back toward the house, pulling the car along behind him as he took steady, deliberate steps. "No waaaayyy" exclaimed Tim sotto voce. "That is un...be....liev....able," continued Tim with a little more volume as he whispered to himself.

In awe at the display of overwhelming strength, Tim just stared at the bear of a man as he pulled the car up to the house, then undid the ropes and put the car back in park. Tim was still staring out the window at the car...his mind trying to compute how much power the man needed...had...to pull the car out of the ditch....when he heard the door close. Amazed...and intimidated...and for some unknown reason a bit embarrassed for watching, Tim quickly busied himself with his task over the sink as the heavy footsteps came in to the kitchen.

Just then the heat kicked on, and Tim felt the warm air rise from right below him, giving him a little jolt since he had nothing on under the big man's t-shirt and felt the air blowing on his free hanging dick. It surprised him that he was still aroused from talking to Mary....even harder somehow, he realized. Unconsciously Tim pulled his hips back just a bit from the cabinet, not wanting to have any stimulation and eager for it go down.

Stepping in to the kitchen, Darryl looked at the small body almost lost in his t-shirt. But then Tim's movement that pushed his butt back and framed it in the t-shirt...and pushed it a little bit closer to the big man just as Darryl stepped in that direction...made Darryl change his mind and go directly to the sink.

Reaching around the small man who was washing vegetables, Darryl leaned his hands in, got soap, and rubbed them together under the water to clean them. "Even though I was using gloves, need to wash up after that." Feeling himself almost enveloped by the massive hulk of a man, the barrel chest pushing lightly against Tim's neck and head, Tim froze in place, eyes on those big hands...nose inhaling after shave mixed in with a hint of perspiration and of the outdoors...the smell of a totally masculine, totally authentic man...his ears only partially taking in the sounds. "At least the car's out of the ditch. But I was right, no traveling today with this snow."

As Darryl spoke, he finished washing his hands, then reached for the towel and dried them over the sink, hands out in front of Tim's face. "Maybe tomorrow, but I'm not going to let you risk it tonight," Darryl said as he put the towel down. "So I'll take care of you until then," the big man said, his voice coming from over Tim's head. Just as he finished his last words, Darryl reached down and gave a light pat on Tim's butt.

"aah" escaped Tim's lips as he automatically moved his hips forward in surprise.

"uagh" came out of him louder the next instant as his now rock hard dick pressed against the hard cabinet and pleasure washed over him. But his concern about appearing hard in this man's presence prompted him immediately to pull his hips back further, to get his swollen dick away from the cabinet. Pushing his butt back right into Darryl's waiting hand. Focused only on the wave of pleasure that had come from his dick yet not wanting to be obvious about his struggle, Tim held his new position, and felt immediately settled somehow. Secure. Safe.

Looking down at the small man, Darryl smiled as his big hand enveloped Tim's bottom...middle fingers reaching underneath his butt...pinky reaching out along the left side of Tim's butt...the pointer finger along the right...and the thumb higher up on Tim's right glute. As he understood the reason for the small man's quick back and forth gyration. Gently squeezing the small yet muscular butt, which matched the small man, Darryl waited a moment and said "Nothing like a little melon on a cold winter's day."

"So keep working and get them ready...I've got to make some calls." And then Darryl gave one final, firm squeeze, then a pinch with his right pointer finger and thumb, and then a soft pat to Tim's butt, and went out to the living space.

Leaving Tim standing there...dazed...his butt tingling from the pressure...from the totally masculine, controlling hand...that he didn't even realize he had put himself back into...and strangely missing it when the hand was gone. Reliving the sensation of the big man surrounding him...filled with the scent of the man that was somehow familiar, close, settling...and feeling the...Tim could only describe it as possessive hand....and remembering the incredible power he just witnessed...Tim knew he wanted to stay in the huge man's good graces. Surprisingly somehow not feeling threatened by that strength and power as he usually would be, but rather feeling....safe...protected...secure. With a strong desire to please the strong man...the tingling of pleasure from his butt unlike anything he'd felt before...alien feelings. But he couldn't deny...good feelings. Finally, shaking his head a bit to clear the cobwebs, he focused on the clear direction to get food ready for that big body, so he put his attention on getting dinner ready.

To Be Continued

Next: Chapter 3

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