Tale of Two Men

By moc.loa@knpsnddM

Published on Nov 17, 2010


This is an original story, with all rights reserved. Questions and comments may be sent to mddnspnk@aol.com. You are invited to comment on what you liked. And it is still a story, not a sound bite, so if you need it to flash, then it wouldn't be worth your time to read. But if you have a cup of coffee and a few minutes, have a read.

A Tale of Two Men

Part 15 Positioning

"RRRRGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG" exclaimed Darryl from deep within as he felt the lips...and now tongue of the small man underneath him. The lion's rumble that comes when the pride lion establishes his dominance. When he sees and feels the submission of the one he has conquered.

"RRRRRRRGGGGGGGGG" continued the big man as he all but roared his triumph.

"RRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGGG" as Tim's lips and tongue showed his subordination.

"RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG" as he held the small man in place to service him.

"RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGGGGRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGG" again, so deep, loud, and resonant that it penetrated the fog of Tim's brain a bit, frightening him a little bit. Which caused him to slow down and lose concentration.

"Don't stop, little man," demanded Darryl as he felt the blurring of Tim's focus and used his sharp tone to get Tim back on task "Use your lips.......ah......that's right. And...your tongue, little man...ah...yes...that's it..."

Snapped back to focus by the authoritative voice, Tim mouthed Darryl's hole with his lips, opening and closing his mouth to expand his reach and vary the feel. His nose smashed into Darryl's scrotum, his nostrils inhaling the deeply masculine scent of the mighty man, his eyes closed under the weight of the big man's ponderous balls, Tim was lost in the fog.

Then, hearing Darryl's commanding tone, Tim stuck his tongue out again, not even hesitating this time, and serviced the giant man. Not even noticing at first how tired his mouth was getting.

As the minutes went by, with Tim continued pressed up into the massive man's underside, Tim's brain was at rest. Not questioning his position. No longer pushing against the tree trunk thighs to get away. Instead, accepting his place. And then, without even realizing it, Tim moved his hand from the back of Darryl's giant thigh and reached down to his throbbing dick. When he touched, then squeezed his bone, Tim groaned.

"NO!" barked Darryl so sharply Tim froze in place. Unable to open his eyes because Darryl's giant balls were keeping them closed, Tim lay there in surprise and fear, his mouth open, panting a little in fear, his short, hot breaths still servicing Darryl's hole.

"Do NOT touch your little dick, Timmy. Release your hand" commanded Darryl.

Intimidated, Tim released both his dick and his other hand from Darryl's thigh. "I didn't tell you to touch yourself," reminded Darryl. "You will not touch that little thing unless I tell you to, Timmy. Your focus is on my body. Your pleasure comes from the contact with my body. Understand?"

"uh...uh..." frightened Tim couldn't form an answer, although he felt a jolt from his eyelids as Darryl's bull balls pressed down a bit more and his mind focused on the contact with the huge man's body.

"Understand, little man?" asked Darryl with a little less sharpness...in a voice of complete control that demanded only one response.

"um...yessir.." replied Tim, his lips moving along Darryl's hole, physically communicating his understanding as much as his voice conveyed it.

"Answer me in words. Tell me where your focus is to be. In a complete sentence...saying it will help you understand it, Timmy."

"I...um...my focus...is to be...um...on your body. On...um...on you," stammered Tim, his lips again grazing Darryl's hole as he stated his focus.

Immediately Tim settled a bit...and then blushed as he realized Darryl was right, it had helped him to say it. Or maybe it was the contact with the unbelievably powerful man's body...Tim wasn't sure. He just knew his heart rate had slowed down again as he settled in under the mighty man.

Holding Tim's head in place, holding Tim's face completely under him, Darryl waited, letting Tim settle back in to the place of security, where he was free to be subordinate, free to accept being under Darryl figuratively as well as literally.

Finally Darryl said "Kiss it, little man."

Without hesitating Tim pursed his lips and kissed Darryl's hole. And let out a groan as his little dick flexed involuntarily with the contact.

Smirking in complete, utter arrogance at his control over the otherwise independent man, Darryl lowered his hand a couple inches, thereby moving Tim's face down far enough to break contact. "That's enough for now, little man. You're not trained yet...don't want you losing it before I tell you to."

Groaning from frustration, Tim involuntarily flexed his rock hard dick. And realized the big man was right...he had been ready to shoot. And then blushed again as he realized he had almost shot just from contact with Darryl's mighty underside.

Smirking more, understanding Tim better than the small man knew himself, Darryl said with prophetic authority "You will shoot, Timmy. But, only when I say."

"UGGGGGGG" moaned Tim as his insides flexed again, making his dick jump as he heard he would have no say in it...and then as he realized it felt right. As he felt his powerlessness. And accepted it.

"Only when I know you are totally focused on my pleasure, Timmy."


Smirking again at hearing Tim's already accepting responses, Darryl said "Time to train you, little man."

Slowly straightening up Darryl lifted his right leg up a bit and over, then reached down with his free hand, put his big paw into Tim's armpit, his big finger reaching around the top of Tim's arm, and then pulled the small man up to standing. "Get in there and get the water running, Timmy. You're going to be my personal loofah," said Darryl as he released his hands, then reached down and covered Tim's bare butt with his huge hand as he gave the pale white cheeks a light but firm swat.

Being upright had caused Tim to hesitate mentally, but feeling that strong, calloused hand on his bottom knocked the hesitation right out of the small man, and he stepped in to the shower and turned the water on.

"Don't get under the water, Timmy," instructed Darryl as he went out of the bathroom, just as Tim had taken one step to shift under the water. Immediately Tim pulled his foot back and stood to the side in the huge shower, standing and waiting for the big man.

After a minute Darryl returned and stepped in to the shower. As oversized as the shower was, when the giant man came in, it didn't seem nearly so spacious to Tim. And he stepped back a bit.

"No, Timmy. Back where you were," ordered Darryl to Tim's surprised ears as he wondered how Darryl even saw him move since he was angled away from Tim. But even wondering didn't keep Tim from obeying and moving back to where Darryl wanted him.

"No covering, little man," declared Darryl. Eyes flashing open as he comprehended what Darryl was referring to, Tim blushed as he realized he had been standing with his hands over his crotch. And then blushed even more when he realized Darryl was telling him to uncover. Somehow his hard dick seemed much more obvious standing up.

"Move those hands before I do it for you," ordered Darryl in a firm, demanding voice. Still struggling with understanding how Darryl was noticing these things when he didn't even seem to be looking, Tim blushed even more as he slowly moved his hands apart, and uncovered his dick and balls.

"Put your hands behind your back...bend your arms at the elbows and put your hands midway up your back," ordered Darryl matter-of-factly, but with no less expectation that he would be obeyed.

And Tim did obey, moving his hands behind him, them up to mid-back. Leaving him completely exposed as he stood there, exactly where the big man wanted him. His skin feeling the misty spray coming down as the shower bounced off the big man's chest and shoulders as he shifted under the water. His insides feeling very small, and controlled. And...as his almost non-functioning brain tried to process, feeling no struggle being in this position, even as his face flushed when his dick involuntarily flexed when he heard Darryl say "Time for you to serve me, little man."

Reaching out his big left hand, Darryl reached behind Tim's head and pulled him in...under the shower spray some...under his big body even more. The water running off Darryl's barrel chest got Tim wetter than the spray directly from the shower, most of which landed on Darryl's big body.

"Get the soap, Timmy. I want the garden labor cleaned off," said Darryl as he held his left arm out, wordlessly indicating where Tim was to start.

After he got the soap, Tim looked for a washcloth. Seeing none, he said in his normal efficient mode "um...I'll need a washcloth."

Anticipating Tim's business-like approach, Darryl responded immediately "No, you don't, Timmy. You will use your hands" and then put his face under the shower spray, showing the discussion was over.

Eyes flashing open, Tim blushed again..."how much can I keep blushing" flashed through his mind in a flash...as he realized Darryl wasn't going to let him do it the way he wanted to. "It would be so much easier with a washcloth" Tim thought to himself "that's how I do it." Then as his eyes seemingly refocused on Darryl's long, thick left arm hanging out and ready, Tim thought "well, I guess it works...yeah, I've cleaned off without a washcloth before...just a little more work" as he squeezed the soap out onto his hands and began washing Darryl's arm.

"Well, more than a little more work" Tim thought to himself as his hands moved over the huge upper arm, awed that Darryl's arm was bigger than his thigh. As he was rubbing and cleaning the forearm and hand, which were naturally dirtier, Tim's mind heard Darryl's words from before "you will be my loofah"...and he blushed furiously.

Having pulled his face out of the shower spray by that point, Darryl smiled to himself as, out of the corner of his eye, he saw the small man realize his place. And continued smiling to himself when there was no break in effort from the small man.

"Get my back now, Timmy," ordered Darryl as he stood motionless, making the small man move to be able to reach.

"Get the top of my shoulders, Timmy. Reach up and clean them off," ordered Darryl again without shifting or bending. Going up on his tip toes, Tim strained to reach the wide spread of Darryl's upper back, shoulders and upper chest, his small hands not covering much of the territory. Finally having to hold on with one hand while he scrubbed with the other, Tim felt like he was all but hanging on Darryl. With his concentration totally on his assigned task, Tim didn't notice when he pulled himself up and in a bit more to reach, and his rock hard dick made contact with the back of Darryl's leg. Even his grunt from the contact didn't penetrate his awareness.

But Darryl heard it. As he felt Tim's little pecker. Chuckling to himself, Darryl thought "It's harder to train you to keep yourself in check until I tell you than it is to train you to serve me, little man."

"Enough, now my legs," ordered Darryl, to which Tim immediately and with some relief lowered himself down and soaped up the back of Darryl's long legs.

"Now my armpits, Timmy," said Darryl as he raised his arms up enough to allow the small hands access once Tim had scrambled around to stand in front of the huge man. After feeling Tim's hands scrub and clean a while, Darryl said "The soap's good right now. But don't worry, I'll put you back up in there later, little man." To which Tim blushed even deeper than before.

"Now my chest, Timmy." Feeling the small hands move over his thick, hairy pecs, Darryl closed his eyes and growled deep within. The rumbling vibrated his massive chest wherever Tim touched and scrubbed...giving the small man another sense of the incredible strength and power of the giant man. Completely intimidated, and tired from his efforts, Tim nevertheless pushed on, not wanting to do anything at this moment but please the big man.

Over and over he soaped, washed, and scrubbed the mighty barrel chest, then down Darryl's slab of abs and stomach. "Do the front of my legs first, Timmy." Obediently Tim reached down and cleaned the huge thighs. Then knelt down to soap up and clean off Darry's shin. Then shifted himself to between Darryl's wide stance, so he could finish his task.

Looking down at the small man on his knees and bent down, Darryl's deep voice cascaded down "Now...that's a good sight."

Looking up, Tim gasped at the sight above him...the very tall, strong, muscular man standing over him, looking bigger than even before. And, from this position, Tim's eyes were filled by the horsecock hanging down...the huge head seemingly looking right at him, locking in his gaze.

Knowing the small man was pinned on the spot, Darryl reached out and turned off the water. Then looked back down and said "Round two of the cleaning, little man." Tim gulped, then Darryl said "Open wide". And then watched with a smirk on his face as the small man obeyed, opening his mouth wide without his brain even being consulted.

After a couple beats, holding Tim in place with his mouth open, ready to receive, Darryl slowly lowered down a bit, his mighty cock head starting to strain to its goal...eager to claim the territory...until finally he pushed in to Tim's open mouth.

To Be Continued...

Next: Chapter 16

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