Tale of Two Men

By moc.loa@knpsnddM

Published on Sep 1, 2010


This is an original story, with all rights reserved. Questions and comments may be sent to mddnspnk@aol.com. You are invited to comment on what you liked. And it is still a story, not a sound bite, so if you need it to flash, then it wouldn't be worth your time to read. But if you have a cup of coffee and a few minutes, have a read.

A Tale of Two Men

-- Part 14 ing

"Hmmrrmrmrr" grunted Darryl as he felt Tim's lips around his bulbous cockhead...

"Yeeeaaahhh..." declared Darryl from deep down in his pleasure center as he felt Tim's lips, tongue, and cheeks surrounding the top of his shaft...

"uhhaahhhghghaahghga..." exclaimed the big man as he pushed his huge mancock deeper into the mouth of the small man on the floor beneath him...and as he felt the rush of dominating another man.

Lowering his hips a bit for deeper penetration...then raising them back up a bit to feel the suction from the tight mouth on his shaft and cockhead...sometimes stopping with just the head in to feel the small man's lips, mouth, and tongue work the cockhead...sometimes lowering right back down so his big piss slit could tap the back of Tim's throat...

"ggggggrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr..." growled Darryl when he heard the gag from the small man...the Mighty King of Beasts charged even more hearing his conquered so overwhelmed by his size and pace that the small man gagged. So much so he started leaking...his precum draining right into Tim's helpless, exposed throat...forcing his prey to swallow desperately...

"gggggggggggggggrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa..." roared the Pride Lion as his mighty cockhead felt the unintentional ministrations of Tim's submitting throat. As he pinned this fully mature, competent, masculine, in-charge in his life man down with the natural howitzer. As he trained the small man to understand from deep within that he is subordinate.

With Tim's head on the floor, Darryl was unable to angle the small man's throat to push in completely. But, with an utterly arrogant smirk on his face, Darryl pushed in anyway...


.....making Tim gag...

.......pushing down past the gag spot...

..........pushing in so far that Tim once again couldn't breathe...

.............and then Darryl held still...

................growling again as he did what he does...as he dominated.

Finally, he pulled his hips back up, slowly. Knowing Tim was totally focused on his cock...the cock that controlled everything.

And then, right before he would have pulled up enough to let Tim breathe, Darryl held still. And smirked again. The smirk of power. "I control everything, little man. You are here to serve me."

And then grunted when he felt Tim's stuffed mouth squeeze his assent. Then, after another beat, Darryl pulled back enough to let Tim breathe. Which he did...in quick, shallow gasps. Made almost impossible by the big cockhead still filling his mouth.

"That's it, little man. Got to bring you up easy. Don't want you getting the bends," Darryl said in a voice of total control, clarity, and care for the small man under him.

In his most base level of understanding, Tim heard the tone. And sucked again at the huge cock in his mouth...his primitive way of responding...of showing how much he wanted to please the big man who was doing whatever he wanted, yet, somehow Tim knew that even though Darryl had made him gag, had kept him even from breathing, who could crush him with one arm, that the mighty man wouldn't hurt him...the massive bear was taking care of him...made him feel safe...and in the place of no confusion, but total clarity.

So Tim sucked...using his cheeks and tongue to work the giant balloon head in his mouth...his tongue even working into the huge piss slit a bit...making Darryl grunt at feeling the ministrations of his subordinate...and Tim moan at feeling the unbelievable size and enormity of the Man.

After a while, Darryl withdrew his member. For a bit pulling Tim's mouth along with his cockhead...the suction of it even raising Tim's head up off the floor. Until finally Darryl finished pulling out. "Not today, Timmy," Darryl said in response to Tim's unspoken longing to continue. "Today you have more to learn."

Hearing the tone in Darryl's voice, a tone of clarity although Tim didn't know what was coming, of certainty although Tim was confused, of demand although Tim was a little hesitant in the face of the unknown, Tim's brain registered enough to open his eyes.

And he gasped again involuntarily seeing the horse cock hanging right over his face...utterly stunned...unable to process how that huge thing had fit in his mouth. And then he saw a strand of precum slowly descend...dropping right down on to the end of Tim's nose...the long string of it still connected to the bull cock...causing Tim's eyes to flash open wide...and his little rock hard dick to pulse...the conflicting feelings of embarrassment that he was the object of a man's intense arousal and his own breathless, pulsing, female arousal at the sight and power of such indescribable masculinity...along with the heavy weight of the precum and huge body above, it holding Tim completely motionless.

"Are you ready to learn, Timmy?" Darryl asked in a tone that expected only one response.

"uh...uh...yeah..." Tim answered, his confusion about what was coming making him hesitate, along with his not yet acknowledged disappointment at not being able to nourish at the well of manhood.

Reaching down between his legs, Darryl put his big left hand under the back of Tim's head and then started to get up from his knees, lifting Tim's head up with him. "I know you want to please me, Timmy. Don't you?"

Head held in Darryl's big paw, shoulders up off the floor as Darryl had lifted him up, vision filled with the long, thick cock and massive balls and mighty inner quads of the giant man, nose still feeling the weight of the stream of precum that connected him to the big man, Tim could only answer "yes."

"Say it, little man. Tell me in words," commanded Darryl.

"oh...uh...I want...uh...want to serve you," breathed Tim.

"In any way I decide," continued Darryl.

"uh...in any way you..." continued Tim automatically, until the flash thought popped in to his head about what that might mean. He didn't have a coherent idea, but his deep reservoir of independence and masculinity prompted him to want to know before he agreed. "uh...um...wait..."

Hearing Tim's hesitation, Darryl said "I thought you were ready, Timmy. But, I see I need to show you more...who I am...and who you are," his voice no-nonsense, clear, almost clinical in seeing exactly where the small man was, but his voice full of conviction in his role of teaching and training the small man.

So he shifted his feet, turning around, while still holding Tim's head in his hand, so that Darryl was now facing toward the mirror, with only Tim's head visible directly below him. Looking down...gaze piercing Tim's eyes...going right down deep into him...pinning him as much as his body weight would have...Darryl said "You need to learn who I am, little man. So that when I tell you to state you want to serve me any way I decide, you will do so."

"oh...uh...um...n-n-no...," stammered Tim as he felt Darryl's big hand lifting his head higher...right up into the seat of Darryl's tremendous power. "uh...um...wait..." pleaded Tim as his head went higher...vision filling with Darryl's thick bull cock...ponderously full balls...gigantic legs and underside of his lineman sized buttocks...as his small hands grabbed on to Darryl's redwood sized thighs, trying to push away, to absolutely no effect.

"Tell me, little man...in any way I decide," demanded Darryl as he continued to lift the small man's head.

"oh...uh...um...in...uh...," staggered Tim as the sight in his vision thundered louder even than Darryl's commanding voice and tone, and his masculine independence asserted itself in internal competition with his discretion in the face of overwhelming power, and with his desire.

Understanding Tim better than Tim understood himself, Darryl continued to raise Tim's head up as he widened his stance a bit...spreading his seat...widening the landing zone.

Seeing the expansion of the already gigantic body, the spread of the haunches that a bull elephant would be impressed with, Tim eyes widened to match, and his brain sent an emergency message to his mouth, overriding his masculine assertiveness "uh...no...um...wait..."

"What's that, little man?" asked Darryl as he held Tim's face inches from his great underside.

"oh...uh...I...well...yeah...I agree," stammered Tim almost incoherently as his eyes were locked in to the surface that filled his vision, the massive, muscular, mighty inner thighs and buttocks of the giant man.

"Hmmm, that sounds a bit uncertain. Show me, little man," ordered Darryl.

"um...what...uh...what do you...uh...mean?" responded Tim weakly, confused.

"Your words aren't working right now, Timmy. But you can still show me with your lips," explained Darryl patiently, slowly, knowing he was making Tim's brain reprocess.

"uh...how...um...how can...Oh!..." exclaimed Tim as his brain jumped to an understanding.

"Look and absorb, Timmy. If you want me to know that you understand...to show me you want to serve me, then now's the time," intoned Darryl.

So close he could feel the heat from the huge body and almost see the blood flowing in Darryl's veins, Tim pondered, wondering if could bring himself to use his lips to show the big man...that he understood...that he is willing...wondering if he could literally kiss Darryl's ass. Just thinking that made Tim's face flush red.

Which caused him to take a deep convulsive breath. "uauaua" moaned Tim weakly as the testosterone-, masculine-, utterly male-scent overwhelmed him.

After a long moment in suspended animation, for Darryl had heard the deep breath Tim had taken and the small man's tremor moan in response and held him motionless, Tim pursed his lips. His brain no longer thinking...no longer considering that he was going to kiss ass...no longer struggling with the subordination of it.

Instead, his eyes opened wide as he saw the mountainous globes of muscular masculinity...and felt an irresistible urge to connect...to feel their power...to touch their strength..

...and he stretched his pursed lips up..


..........closer to the heat

.............closer to the fire

................closer to the base of pure strength





and were

seared by the heat "mmmrmrmmrmrmrrmmmrm"

Touching the flesh...absorbing the heat...feeling the power emanate from that huge body...Tim used his lips to connect. To show what his words did not...that he wanted to serve. That he wanted to be under this man.

Holding Tim's head in place, making the small man extend his lips to reach, Darryl did not let Tim do anything but barely touch. Training him to reach...to extend...to strive for the contact...to please him.

He did shift position a bit, so that Tim's lips went around the inside of his haunches...left, then right thigh, left then right buttock, in his spread crack...and between his hole and balls...Darryl moved Tim all over, letting him learn, letting him absorb. Retraining his brain and responses.

Finally Tim's brain started working again...that part that still had his assertive masculine independence. And he thought to himself "ok, I can do this. And if I do it well enough, he won't move me to his hole. After all, these are just muscles...big muscles...but not so embarrassing."

Feeling the quality of Tim's lip connection change slightly, Darryl smirked and thought to himself "I know you, little man. Thinking you can get out of it. But that only shows me that I need to put you where you belong."

Holding Tim's head away just a bit more, so his lips couldn't reach, Darryl said "Tell me, Timmy."

"uh...I...uh...want to serve you," said Tim with most of his brain, very much in that place.

"You said that before, little man. Say the rest," Darryl said with a little bit of a tone that penetrated the fog of Tim's brain.

"uh...oh...no...um...um..." stuttered Tim, unable to bring his lips to say the words Darryl was waiting for, the vestige of his masculine pride keeping him separate.

"I see. Alright then. Thought you had gotten the lesson. Obviously not." Darryl said. "Time to put you in real training then," declared Darryl with complete conviction and arrogance as he started to move Tim's head up.

"oh...uh...no...wait..." pleaded Tim as he saw the trajectory moving from the muscular, strength filled masculine buttocks to the waiting hole. Hands on the log like legs trying to push away to no effect, Tim's brain again sent an emergency override message to his lips, to say the words before having to do the deed. "uh...no...in any way you de..rmrmrmgh"

Smash went Tim's lips right on to Darryl's hole before he could finish saying decide.

Which, with his mouth still open, he finished the word pressed in to the big man's underside.

Lips spread around the mighty hole...breath of the syllable "(de)cide" expelled onto the pucker...the end of Tim's nose smashed in to Darryl's scrotum...Tim's nose ridge and eyes pressed in to Darryl's bull balls, Tim's brain short circuited.

"rmrm ghghrhgh ghrmnghrng gghghggghhgghhghghhghghg," said Tim.

And again "rmrm ghghrhgh ghrmnghrng gghghggghhgghhghghhghghg"

And again "rmrm ghghrhgh ghrmnghrng gghghggghhgghhghghhghghg"

Tim's fried brain stuck on his last assignment...telling the man in complete control of him that he'll serve the giant man any way he decides. Over and over again. As his hands clung to the thickly muscled thighs, as his head was held in place by the bear paw of a hand, as his face was pressed in to Darryl's underside.

And again "rmrm ghghrhgh ghrmnghrng gghghggghhgghhghghhghghg"

As his lips and mouth spoke his complete acceptance of Darryl's absolute control, Tim inadvertently sent vibrations into the big man...stimulations along his sensitive hole...heat and wetness to his manhole...which brought another growl from the massive man.

And again "rmrm ghghrhgh ghrmnghrng gghghggghhgghhghghhghghg"

"GGGGRRRRRRrrrrrr...yeah...that's it...tell me, little man..." grunted Darryl as he enjoyed the sensations coursing up from the small man pinned to his hole. And, even more, the sensations from feeling the independent man's submission.

And again "rmrm ghghrhgh ghrmnghrng gghghggghhgghhghghhghghg"

"AAARRRRRRRRHHHHHH..." exclaimed Darryl as he pressed his prey in place "Now I'm feeling it, little man. Feeling that great, great feeling of making you subordinate. Showing you the difference between a man, and the one, true Alpha Man. With only a few men does it really feel so sweet...those who bow to no one else...who are in charge...strong...capable...to everyone else they are in charge and authoritative...but who...when I am my natural self...feel the difference...feel their subordinate status...and know it is good...who finally understand what true dominance is...and that they are here for me to dominate."

And again "rmrm ghghrhgh ghrmnghrng gghghggghhgghhghghhghghg"

"Use your tongue, little man. Show me you are here for me to dominate," said Darryl with complete utter arrogance. The arrogance of the conqueror. And then his lips curled in to a smirk as he felt the small man's tongue join his lips and mouth in servicing his hole.


To Be Continued...

Next: Chapter 15

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