Tale of Two Men

By moc.loa@knpsnddM

Published on Aug 25, 2010


This is an original story, with all rights reserved. Questions and comments may be sent to mddnspnk@aol.com. You are invited to comment on what you liked. And it is still a story, not a sound bite, so if you need it to flash, then it wouldn't be worth your time to read. But if you have a cup of coffee and a few minutes, have a read.

A Tale of Two Men

Part 13 Positioning

Looking down at the small man, whose eyes were wide open with astonishment and understanding, an understanding that hadn't made it to his vocal cords yet, that he hadn't yet been able to articulate as a coherent thought in his head, Darryl squeezed Tim's head slightly and said in a thoroughly commanding voice "I want to hear your response in words, little man. But I think you need a little time to figure out how to get your mouth to say it."

Tim could only look up from his knees at the giant man, his eyes conveying that he understood. Although his higher brain function was still not able to forge the connection.

"So I'm going to get you where you need to be. Are you ready, little man?" asked Darryl as his eyes bore down on the small man.

"uh...yeah..." answered Tim, not sure at all in part of his brain, but responding to the certainty coming from the tall man.

Still holding the back of Tim's head, Darryl kept his left foot on top of the commode seat and turned his back to Tim. Then he widened his stance some as he bent a little bit. "You need some time to get your mouth ready to speak," said Darryl as he pushed on the back of Tim's head.

"For a man who is uncertain, who feels insecure, who needs to feel the power and strength of another man, he needs some time to contemplate. To consider. To understand...the more dominant man," explained Darryl as he slowly pushed Tim's head forward.

Eyes still wide open, Tim focused again on Darryl's heavy, dangling balls. But then as Darryl bent over a little bit more, Tim caught sight of the long, thick cock hanging down, and his eyes flashed open wider.

"You need to learn about me. To recognize me. To connect with me," continued Darryl as he pushed Tim in closer and closer.

"Now, to speak you need to have your mouth open," intoned Darryl as he pushed Tim's head in...finally landing Tim's nose right on Darryl's dangling nuts, and then pushed in a bit more, all but mashing Tim's nose in.

So close in his whole vision was filled by the giant man's enormous baby-makers, Tim could only push against the redwood like thighs for balance. Then just as Tim was opening his mouth to object, Darryl pushed his head a little bit further in...and Tim's open mouth landed on the base of Darryl's thick cock. "To speak you also need to have something to say on a topic worth discussing," declared Darryl as he bent a little more and pushed Tim's head in even more, forcing Tim's mouth along the underside of his long shaft.

"So I'm taking you to the source..." explained Darryl as he pushed Tim's head in...Tim's lips rubbing over the underside of Darryl's mighty cock..."so you can speak clearly when the time comes."

Sensations coursing through his lips as he felt every bump, every vein, every inch of that dangling cock of power, Tim moaned in helplessness...moaned as his brain processed new input about the huge man who controlled him completely...moaned as Darryl continued to move him down the incredibly long pole.

Then...finally...Tim's bottom lip passed over the most sensitive spot on the underside of the giant dick...bringing a deep, resonating grunt from the big man...and a jolt to Tim's little rock hard dick both from the feel of that hard yet soft spot and from the sound of pleasure coming from the big man.

Relentless, not even stopping to keep Tim's lip over that place of pleasure, Darryl continued pressing Tim's head..."You're going where I decide to put you, little man," said Darryl in a voice filled with determination, control, and decisiveness.

Eyes widening at the tone of Darryl's voice, amazed at the power of the man, Tim looked from the bottom of his eyes as he was pushed steadily forward...and then moaned when he saw the form of the bulbous head...then moaned even more feeling his bottom lip go over the warm head.

Then Darryl reached down and pushed his hardening dick further down...looking down to see the small man's bottom lip moving forward...seeing his open mouth...

"Time for a conversation, little man," Darryl said as he pushed his big cockhead into Tim's mouth.

"uhhrrhgugggggg" vibrated up from Tim when he felt the huge head fill his mouth.

"That's it, Timmy..." grunted Darryl

"...get on..." "hrghrhghg"

"...get busy..." "rghrrrhghg"

"...start talking to me..." "hghghghrrhgg"

"...telling me why you need to be right where you are.." "ghghghghghh"

"...showing me how you want to please me..." "rrrrhhhghghhghg"

Filling up, slowly getting bigger as he felt the small man yield and obey, as he felt the rush from controlling the small man so completely and thoroughly, Darryl's dick went from big and hanging to huge and hard. Making it difficult for Tim to stay on as the horse dick started to rise, in spite of its ponderous size and Tim's mouth trying to hold on.

Feeling Tim lean forward even more, Darryl smirked to himself..."I've got you now, little man" then waited a few beats...enjoying the display of desire from the small man as he strained to keep the huge head in his mouth, the dong filling up even more with the pleasure of making a real man submit.

Looking down, seeing Tim's lips stretched from the size of the cock head and from the angle, Darryl said "I see you finally know your place, Timmy. Under me. Serving me."

"rjrjrhgghghjrj" moaned Tim into the giant cockhead filling up his mouth, his attempt to reply giving the big man certifiable pleasure. Unwittingly Tim moved his tongue around as he attempted to respond, giving more pleasure to the huge man above him.

"This lesson is too important for you not to get it in deep," said Darryl as he reached his left hand inside his thigh to get it behind Tim's head, then said "hold on, little man" in a voice that brokered no objection or inattention to task.

With his hand holding the back of Tim's head, Darryl stepped a quarter turn with his right leg while slowly lowering himself down and lowering Tim's head down also...

...further down...

.......and further down...

.............until Tim was flat on his back on the floor...

..................Darryl's huge cock head still plugging Tim's mouth...

"Good boy," said Darryl approvingly as he felt Tim work to keep his lips wrapped around the fount of knowledge and understanding. Finally putting himself on his knees, huge pole pointed straight down at the small man...the mighty head almost filling up Tim's entire mouth, Darryl said "Talk to me, Timmy..."

..."tell me how much you want to do what I want..."

......."tell me how much you want me to be pleased..."

"rjrjghgjrjjgjg" came from Tim as he could think of nothing but pleasing the giant man. Unable to conceive of any objection...unable to form a coherent thought of independence, Tim set himself to making Darryl feel good.

...Lips rubbing...

......tongue working...

.........cheeks puckering and sucking...

Tim moaned with each breath as his ears rung with Darryl's deep voice "you are here for my pleasure, little man. Yours will come from pleasing me."

Then Darryl pushed in deeper.

The mighty cock went in to completely fill Tim's mouth. Every nook and cranny filled by the powerful cockhead, and an inch of the thick shaft.

Jaws aching, stretching beyond capacity, Tim could only service the huge man. And then choke a bit as Darryl pushed in even deeper to find the back of Tim's throat.

"That's it, little man," said Darryl as he lightly pushed in more, then pulled back out a bit, then pushed in again.

"I control what you feel..." out, in

"..use you the way I want.." out, in

"..make you feel pleasure from servicing me.." out, in

With the angle of Tim being flat on his back, Darryl couldn't push much deeper. But, with the great thickness of his cockhead and shaft, Darryl filled Tim's mouth completely, and showed it by pushing in, causing Tim to gag a bit...and then held it until Tim's gagging quieted.

"Understand, little man..." said Darryl in his totally arrogant voice "I control even when you breathe" and he held still, Tim's entire mouth and upper throat filled.

"Suck, little man," commanded Darryl.

Shallow breathing in the moments...unable to inhale more...but past all objecting, Tim obeyed and sucked.

With his cheeks...

With his jaws...

With his lips...

With his whole mind...set on pleasing Darryl

"That's it, Timmy," encouraged Darryl as he pushed in deeper than ever, filling Tim's mouth and upper throat, completely blocking Tim's breathing passageway. And he held still, feeling Tim's upper throat constricting involuntarily, which sent waves of pleasure up the long rod deep into the big man's body. Finally, when he could see that Tim was almost out of breath, knowing he'd feel it but not lose it, Darryl reached down and gave Tim's little hard pecker a flick with his fingers while saying "Good job, little man."

"RJJRJJGJGJGJHGHH" came from Tim as the intense feeling made him forget he was on the verge of passing out.

Holding still a couple more beats, riding the wave of the small man's response right through his big cockhead, Darryl said "That's it, Timmy. When you serve me, you can't help but feel great."

Then Darryl pulled up and out so Tim could gasp for air.

"Fill up those lungs, Timmy," said Darryl encouragingly, with a subtle tone of demand. With his eyes closed, Tim did so.

Finally, after several breaths, Tim opened his eyes...and took in the massive man hovering right over his face...the horse dick engorged and hanging...a little further up the filled with man juice bull balls dangling from their weight...above that the mighty butt and thighs of the hulk...

And his eyes flashed open wide again as he heard the deep voice above him "Time for round 2".

Slowly, steadily the wet, bulbous cockhead descended...aimed right at Tim's opened in astonishment mouth...

...lower..Tim's eyes tracking the wet extension of utter manliness

.......closer..Tim's throat groaning from deep in his loins

..........until finally..Tim's soul longing to feel true masculine power


.....................Darryl's Alpha Cock pushed in

claiming Tim's mouth...

his body...

his being...


To Be Continued...

Next: Chapter 14

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