Tale of Two Men

By moc.loa@knpsnddM

Published on Aug 16, 2010


This is an original story, with all rights reserved. Questions and comments may be sent to mddnspnk@aol.com. You are invited to comment on what you liked. And it is still a story, not a sound bite, so if you need it to flash, then it wouldn't be worth your time to read. But if you have a cup of coffee and a few minutes, have a read.

A Tale of Two Men

– Part 12 Progressing

"Oh yeah...that's it little man..." instructed Darryl in a quiet voice "do it right..."

Beyond thinking, senses filled with the overwhelming man whose voice cascaded down from way above, Tim continued mouthing and licking.

His eyes closed...

his ears resonating with the complete arrogance and unquestionable command from the deep voice...

his nostrils flaring with each breath as Darryl's masculine scent penetrated deep up into his nose...

his tongue bathing the huge man's bull balls, with each lick tasting Darryl's flavor, the buds on Tim's tongue not becoming inured but rather being more stimulated with each swipe...

his lips mouthing the massive balls and vibrating with the deep rumble of satisfaction from the powerful man...

his small hands pressed in to the mighty tree trunk thighs, feeling both the heat and the immovability of the giant man...

his knees not even noticing the hardness of the tile floor, Tim did not have any higher brain function.

But instead operated at his most primitive, base level. With his body reading and reacting. His senses filling his brain up with data. The kind of data that drove out independent thought. That made him continue because he couldn't think of doing anything else.

Then receiving a sensory jolt when the air conditioning kicked on and blew some cold air. "fmffmdgglflggl" moaned Tim as his steel hard dick pulsed in response and sent a wave of indescribable pleasure to Tim's fully engaged brain.

"Hhhaahh hhhaahhh," grunted Darryl from so deep it sounded like a rumble from inside a giant volcano as he felt the extra from Tim's lips and tongue. Smirking to himself as he felt the small man's ministrations, Darryl said with the arrogance of a total conqueror "don't even need to hold your head in."

Continuing his assigned task, Tim still couldn't think. But the tone penetrated a little, enough for Tim to get a sense that he was in a fog. Not quite sure...his brain gradually coming more aware...but not being able to decipher the data, Tim continued, albeit with some part of his brain occupied trying to make sense of things.

Just as Tim was able to formulate the most basic question "where I am" and its corollary "what am I doing", he heard the deep voice penetrate through the fog.

"For someone who's objecting to doing this, you seem to have it in you, Timmy. Deep inside you. A need. A need to feel a real man's power. A total man's control."

"hhrhrhr" responded Tim with some question even in his moan, some objection coming through even as he continued his task.

Darryl continued "Of course, you are a real man. No question of that. Proud, independent, well-grounded, decisive, confident, able to make the hard decisions..." but then paused as he felt Tim's mouth and tongue stop.

Smiling to himself, completely aware of Tim's reaction and his next reaction, Darryl waited, then said in a lower voice, one of instruction, guidance, and clarity "But...there is a part of you..." After waiting a beat to hear if Tim would even take a breath, smiling a quick smile when the small man did not, Darryl continued "...a secret part...that needs to be under the control of a strong, forceful, powerful man."

Heart stopping, frozen as his breathing, Tim couldn't think. But in a different way than before. Now he couldn't think as his brain repeatedly tried to process what Darryl had said. His eyes unseeing, Tim was motionless as he wondered...pondered...and finally, with a small part of his independent brain finally connecting to the rest of him...objected.

"noooo" came the small, weak voice, almost without any volume.

But Darryl heard it. And thought to himself "time to get this out in the open...time to make you understand where you are. And how you need to be there."

"What was that, Timmy?" asked Darryl, prompting further connections in Tim's brain and giving him more of a voice.

"n-..no...I...I don't need...I...I'm in control," stammered Tim as he painfully forced out his thoughts.

"You are?" asked Darryl with some real curiosity, and a bit of a challenge in his voice.

"y-yes," stammered Tim "I am. I...I decide what I do...where I need to be" asserted Tim.

Not having moved, his left foot on the top of the commode seat, his right foot planted on the ground, turned 90 degrees relative to Tim, still feeling Tim's breathing on his balls, Darryl still hadn't looked down. But replied "I didn't hear that, Timmy."

Slowly...his brain still occupied with rewiring...slowly Tim became aware...slowly realized that Darryl hadn't heard him because his mouth was two inches from the biggest balls he had ever seen. Snapping back in to focus Tim's eyes took in the enormity of the giant man...at least the part he could see. And he blushed furiously as he pulled his head back out, using his hands to push away.

Feeling the small hands pushing on his mighty thighs, Darryl readied his already positioned his left hand, and caught the back of Tim's head as he jerked it out. "Easy, little man. Don't hurt yourself."

Eyes wide as his vision was still completely filled with Darryl's muscular thighs and butt even as he pulled away, his brain filling up with astonishment as he saw the low dangling bull balls still looking like the size of oranges...and the long, thick, hairy quads that could take several of his hands to go around, Tim startled at feeling that big hand capture his head. For all his blushing, a part of Tim felt very small in the giant man's presence. And didn't resist the control Darryl's powerful mitt exerted on him.

Looking down, seeing the small man on his knees, head in Darryl's left hand, eyes wide with surprise, mouth hanging open, Darryl said "What was that, little man?"

"uh...ug...um..." Tim stuttered as he looked straight ahead, the dangling balls still moving just a bit from Darryl's slight shifts. Then as a result of the pressure from Darryl's hand, Tim slowly raised his gaze...his eyes flowing up over that massive haunch...up the thick back...the lats that flared out almost like a bodybuilders...across and over the meaty pec and the bowling ball sized shoulder...until finally finding Darryl's piercing eyes looking down at him...and...looking up into those intense eyes...feeling even more heat than from his hands...Tim shuddered.

Pinning the nervous puppy he held in his hand just with his gaze, Darryl waited. And let the strength of his hand penetrate into Tim's head. Let Tim's hands continue to feel his power. To feel his stability. To feel the security that comes from such strength. Darryl waited, and let his strength envelope the small man.

"What were you trying to say, Timmy?"

"uh...um...uh..." Tim staggered as he tried to find the objection he had, as he tried to remember what seemed so important, that didn't seem nearly so important now as he was calming down. "I...uh...I...um...you...um..."

"I see you can't seem to remember. I'm going to help you," offered Darryl.

"uh...ok..." responded Tim gratefully.

"Sometimes it's easier to remember without other distractions. So I'll eliminate the other distractions and leave you with just the important things," explained Darryl.

"uh...yeah...that'd be good," replied Tim.

"You were trying to say something" started Darryl as he began pushing Tim's head back under his left leg and glute "I'll put you back here and it'll come back to you."

"oh...uh...no," stammered Tim as he felt the gentle but remorseless pressure on the back of his head and his eyes shifted down, to look straight ahead...right at Darryl's mighty balls. "Get on, Timmy. It'll refresh your memory," ordered Darryl quietly, with complete certainty as he pushed Tim's head under...until Tim's lips landed again on the Sea of Tranquility.

"rghrhgh" objected Tim through Darryl's balls.

"Stop that. I want to hear what you were saying. So stop objecting and reset, so you can remember. Once you do, I'll bring you out," said Darryl with the tone of a general addressing a private.

Mouthing Darryl's full balls, Tim continued objecting in his mind. But then thought "if I remember he'll let me up. Ok...and...well...I do want to remember...let's see...what was going on..."

Then he slowly licked Darryl's balls. One long, slow, steady swipe that stimulated every taste bud on his tongue...and settled his insides.

From deep within Darryl chuckled as he felt Tim accept his position. Knowing that it'd be just a matter of moments before he remembered his previous objection. Although he might not be able to get it out being so settled. So Darryl decided to help him along.

"I like a man who knows his place," said Darryl condescendingly as he held Tim's head in tight.

Once again, the tone penetrated, and in a flash Tim remembered and reared his head back. Or tried to, but was totally controlled by Darryl's powerful hand.

"Have a flash memory recall there Timmy?" asked Darryl.

Trying to shake his head, Tim hoped Darryl would let him out.

"No, little man, tell me," ordered Darryl as he held Tim's head still, lips pressed against his nuts.

Tim's eyes opened wide...filling his vision with a close up look at the mighty man...and he started to object. But...head held completely still...eyes filled with the giant...mouth pressed against the big man's jewels, Tim considered more, and thought "Can't actually say it with my lips pressed in like this. But all he wants is for me to say it. ...well...maybe he can tell if I try. Ok...here goes...

"hrjfjhhhhh hfhhghfhhr fhhhghhmm rrrnnrmmmrghghrrr" said Tim as he concentrated on speaking in to Darryl's balls.

Feeling the vibration more than hearing the sound, Darryl smiled a wide grin as he felt the small man do what he wanted. And, after a beat to give Tim time to wonder if he had done it well enough, Darryl pulled Tim's head back out.

Relief filled Tim as he felt Darryl pull him out.

Looking down, Darryl said "Alright, you did remember. So, tell me Timmy."

Eyes up now as Darryl pressed his head to raise it up, Tim began "I...you said I was in my place. That I wasn't in control. But I am. I'm in charge of a lot of things. I shouldn't be here like this. It doesn't feel right."

"I didn't say you weren't in control, Timmy. I said you were where you needed to be."

"But...what do you mean...I don't need to be here," expressed Tim with some astonishment.

"You are an independent, strong, decisive man, Timmy. I know that. I've said it," Darryl explained as Tim listened and mentally nodded in agreement with Darryl's description. "That doesn't change. Isn't somehow negated. Do you understand that?"

"Well, yes," replied Tim, glad to hear Darryl state the heart of the matter.

"I know that. I also know, Timmy, that inside of you there is a part that feels the difference in the power I have. A part that recognizes the superior strength...mental power...and assurance I have. Isn't there, little man?"

Eyes wide open...mouth unable to give voice to any words or even sounds, Tim knelt mute.

"And it isn't the obvious physical difference in size and strength I possess, although that helps emphasize it. But it's that you sense who I am. That I am the man in charge...

...the man on top...

...the man in control...

...the man who belongs in control...

...the man who is superior...

...the man who puts you in a safe, secure place...

...the man who makes you surrender control...

...the man who accepts your surrender...

...the man who shows you your subordinate position...

...the man who is Dominant"

"uhuaahhhh" groaned Tim.

"I know you feel this, Timmy. I can tell by the head I'm not holding."

"uhuhuhuhhhhaaahhha" moaned Tim as he involuntarily flexed, making his rock hard dick pulse.

"uhuhuhuhhhhaaahhhahhhaa" moaned Tim again as he realized that his small head was pointed straight up at the giant man. His dick throbbing as the word rang in his ears "Dominant".

Tim felt helpless...

...but...strangely secure

....and completely aroused.

His mind unable to think, except for one thought that astonished him "never been harder before in my life!"

...and one anticipation "if that a/c kicks on again I'll explode!"...

To Be Continued...

Next: Chapter 13

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