Tale of Two Men

By moc.loa@knpsnddM

Published on Jul 7, 2010


This is an original story, with all rights reserved. Questions and comments may be sent to mddnspnk@aol.com. You are invited to comment on what you liked. And it is still a story, not a sound bite, so if you need it to flash, then it wouldn't be worth your time to read. But if you have a cup of coffee and a few minutes, have a read.

A Tale of Two Men

-- Part 11 Preparing

"Come on," said Darryl as he tugged slightly using the wet t-shirt, prompting Tim to shift and move to try to get in step with the big man, even as he moaned again from the exquisite pressure on his hard dick. Stepping to cross the living room, Darryl moved at a bit of an angle, forcing Tim to stride at a larger angle to come in line with him.

Stopping abruptly, Darryl heard the grunt of surprise as he felt the small man make contact before he could stop. "Whoa, little man. Only as far as I go. Only when I go. You have to learn to pay attention to when I stop," instructed Darryl in the voice of a master trainer. "You have shown some potential. I want to get the best out of you. Do you want to be the best, Timmy? To show me how good you can be?" asked Darryl.

"uh...um..." stuttered Tim as he was trying to reboot his brain after those sensations, including smashing in to the big man so hard he almost bounced off because the big man was totally unmoved. "uh...yeah," said Tim as he heard the deep voice above him say he had shown potential. As he heard the challenge of being the best, and the excitement he always felt at such a challenge. Nodding his head slightly, Tim said "yeah, I always try to do my best."

"I know you do, Timmy," said Darryl again in the voice of the master trainer, who knows and understands and intends to impart his knowledge, who implicitly expects his charge to respond and is welcoming of his charge's willingness and enthusiasm to demonstrate his ability. The voice of approval that warmed Tim up deep inside.

"First things first," declared Darryl as he released the t-shirt, bringing a grunt of relief from Tim as the pressure on his rock hard dick eased. "Time to re-hydrate, Timmy," continued Darryl as he raised the glass of cold water to his lips and motioned Tim to his glass.

Realizing his thirst, Tim gratefully picked up the glass and drank a big gulp. "There's plenty, Timmy. Pace yourself," instructed Darryl.

Already gulping down the next mouthful, Tim thought to himself "this is so good." Hearing Darryl's instruction, Tim thought "it's no problem...I always guzzle it." But then Tim felt a big hand on top of his head, holding him still, keeping him from tipping his head back to take in more of the water. With his mouth and throat filled with cold water, Tim couldn't respond. He could only swallow. And, while swallowing, he thought "well, I have been trying to drink at a more even pace. Maybe I should slow down", which he then started to do. After he had demonstrated that he would pace himself, Darryl released Tim's head.

Darryl took his time, bringing the glass to his mouth at a regular pace, and noted without expression that Tim had started to time his own drinks with Darryl's. Thinking to himself "that's it, little man...doing it at my pace is always better for you", Darryl deliberately finished his water, then held out his glass as Tim finished his. "Put these in the kitchen for now." Without thinking Tim took the glass and carried both of them into the kitchen, setting them on the counter.

"Come on, Timmy, find the pace," said Darryl with a bit of impatience. Surprised at the tone, Tim hurried back out as he thought "I didn't know I was taking so long."

"Let's go," said Darryl as he turned and headed to the bathroom. Tim continued quickly to follow. "Time for me to get you cleaned up," declared Darryl as he entered the bathroom.

In his mind hesitating, although his feet kept moving, Tim said "uh...um..." as he wondered if Darryl meant for him to go in to the bathroom. "I...uh...can take a shower," offered Tim with a bit of attitude in stating the obvious as he reached the bathroom door.

Without even looking over his shoulder, Darryl motioned with his hand for Tim to come in to the bathroom, completely ignoring Tim's statement. Seeing the clear, definitive direction from the big man, Tim moved in to the bathroom, even while saying again "um...I can shower...I mean...I know what to do..." Getting no response as Darryl was busy in getting out towels and checking on soap, Tim asked "do you mean I'll be showering first?"

"You'll be showering, Timmy," stated Darryl, bringing an immediate sense of relief to Tim to know the plan and that he'll be independent, which once again seemed important somehow. Tim was conscious of how much the huge man filled up the bathroom, even with the high ceilings. The mirror, which normally adds a feeling of space, didn't help, because Tim got another image of the big man. But hearing Darryl's statement relaxed him a bit, and as he saw Darryl being the good host in preparing things he stepped further in to the bathroom, eager now to shower and be refreshed.

"That's it. Right there," said Darryl as he looked over his shoulder and pointed to a spot right in front of the sink, to which Tim moved. Then, finished with his preparations, Darryl turned quickly and stepped right in front of Tim. Surprised Tim shied away with a step back, only to be stopped by the counter, at his low back, causing him to grunt in surprise.

Lifting his left hand about chest height, which put it about eye level for the small man, Darryl motion with his finger a couple of times, for Tim to move forward. Back to the spot he was on. Eyes wide, seeing the impatient motioning of Darryl's finger, Tim gulped. And then, stepped forward.

It was only a small step, but Tim again felt the enormous size of the tall man, whose bare chest filled his vision. In the silence Tim could only hear the sound of his blood rushing.

Finally, from deep in that massive chest came Darryl's voice. "First, you will brush your teeth."

Eyes going up while processing, Tim's mouth went open, then closed quickly as he swallowed, which caused his tongue to rub against the roof of his mouth again. Blushing a bit, eyes going back down, Tim slowly became aware that he didn't taste anything...the big drink of water had removed the lingering taste. Which he started to say "uh...well...I don't need..." But was cut off by the deep voice "Your toothbrush is in the holder." Which distracted Tim as he realized he had used a toothbrush here before and he started to turn to see it. "Well, I...yeah...I...I usually brush after a meal," Tim agreed as he turned and reached for the toothbrush.

As he reached to turn on the water, Tim's eyes flashed open as he realized what he had said...how it could sound. And his eyes caught movement in the mirror as the huge man hovered over him from behind, and then placed his palms flat on the counter on each side of the small man, surrounding him. "Get busy, Timmy," said Darryl from right over top Tim's head.

After another audible gulp, Tim put the toothbrush in his mouth and began to brush, otherwise motionless in the tight space Darryl had left him. "Do a good job cleaning out the last meal, Timmy. I want you fresh as a daisy," said Darryl. And then smirked just a bit seeing Tim's ears go red.

"Because.." started Darryl, but was interrupted when the phone rang. "Need to get that...do a thorough job, Timmy, then stand right there" instructed Darryl as he pointed at a spot right next to the commode, and then reached down and gave Tim a light but solid swat on his butt. "gghhh" came from Tim even with his mouth full of toothpaste and brush as Darryl left to get the phone.

Hearing Darryl's deep voice rumble across the air from the living room, but his mind too unfocused to make sense of the words, Tim brushed his teeth with a thoroughness of an accountant detailing expenditures. Then after rinsing out his mouth and the toothbrush and dutifully putting away the tooth paste and brush, Tim turned and looked at the shower, saying to himself "I could just take it now. Would be efficient. I mean, what else is there...he left the towel right here..."

Stepping closer to the shower, Tim thought "yeah, it's fine" and started to slide open the shower door. But then hesitated as he thought to himself "well...he didn't say to get in...no...he said to wait there...don't know what else there can be...but...I should wait..." And he closed the shower door, then shifted over to the spot.

Hearing the low rumble continue, Tim took a slow, deep breath, feeling settled, thinking to himself "yeah, doesn't kill me to wait. Hrmph...feels kinda good, in fact, not to rush and to show him respect."

Finally finishing the call, Darryl came back in to the bathroom, and looked at Tim waiting where he told him to. Stepping right over to him, Darryl said "That took longer than I expected. But, it was necessary work. And now, time for more necessary work."

"Are you ready to proceed, Timmy?" asked Darryl with a voice of optimism and encouragement.

"um..yes, I'm ready for a shower," responded Tim.

"Oh, I'm going to put you in the shower, Timmy. But first thing's first," replied Darryl. Hearing Darryl's surprise statement, Tim's eyes flashed open quickly, trying to figure out what was ahead of the shower, and then he was very glad he had not proceeded to take a shower.

"So let's get you ready. Take off the t-shirt," said Darryl.

Confused, Tim hesitated, and finally asked "uh...so...uh...so I am taking a shower now?"

"I told you, I am going to put you in the shower. But not with the t-shirt on. Get it off," ordered Darryl with a bit of impatience at having to repeat his instruction.

"uh...ok" responded Tim as he pulled the oversized t-shirt up, struggling a bit with the extra material and with how the wet t-shirt stuck to his skin.

"Get it off," called Darryl with increased impatience. "Do I need to take it off you?"

"no. no," said Tim from within the t-shirt, desperately pulling it off as quickly as he could so he wouldn't feel Darryl's big hands stripping him. "I...grunt...I can do it."

Finally Tim managed to pull the t-shirt over his head and arms "there".

"Put it on the rack to dry," instructed Darryl as he pointed to the empty towel rack between the commode and counter, which Tim immediately did.

As he turned back he felt Darryl's big left hand on his right shoulder, covering it from his neck down to his upper arm. Feeling the heavy weight, Tim froze in place. "Now that I've stripped you of cover, you're almost ready for the shower," intoned Darryl.

Eyes flashing wide as Tim realized he was naked, his natural shyness burst forth in a deep blush and in moving his hands to cover his privates.

"No!" barked Darryl sharply "Do not try to cover up in my presence. Hands at your sides." A shiver of fear jolting his body as he heard Darryl's tone, Tim abashedly put his hands at his sides. And blushed even more as he saw Darryl looking down...pointedly looking at his uncovered dick...holding Tim still by his big hand on Tim's shoulder as Darryl's eyes seemingly scanned Tim's bare body.

Gazing long...holding still for what seemed to Tim like minutes, Darryl took his time, letting Tim feel it, watching the blood flow to Tim's ears, his face. And, after a bit, down to his slowly engorging dick.

"That's it, Timmy. I knew you could do it. Just remember that when I strip you, you are on display for me. And are uncovered so I can work on you more, with no physical barrier to give you the illusion of being in control," spoke Darryl smoothly, explaining in a professorial mode, every expression swelling in to Tim's ears, leading to a swelling in his loins.

"It's hard for a strong, independent man to see his need. To see his true position when standing next to the man who is in charge. To feel his true nature then, his true subordinate nature," continued Darryl. Hearing the deep voice, full of conviction, certainty, and indescribable assurance, Tim's body responded, sending maximum quantities of blood to his dick. Involuntarily flexing, Tim groaned in shock as his brain processed Darryl's words and his body's response.

"Yes, Timmy, you do understand it. I know it's hard to process at this point, but you will. And...you will say it. Soon," declared Darryl as Tim's mouth opened and closed to protest, although he was voiceless.

"To make sure you can, I am going to clear out the confusion inside you, Timmy," said Darryl as he gradually increased the weight of his hand on Tim's shoulder. His mind totally occupied, Tim didn't consciously notice the increased pressure and sagged a bit in his stance.

"Then you will be ready to be cleaned in the shower," explained Darryl as he increased the weight of his hand. As his knees started to buckle, Tim's eyes went wide, and then he tried to resist the pressure. To no effect. "You can try, little man. But right now you're going where I want you."

Grunting...resisting without even knowing why, but true to his nature as a willful, independent man in the face of a challenge, of a need to assert himself against another man, Tim engaged his quads to their maximum, straining his shoulders up...grunting more...eyes looking up at the piercing gaze of the big man. But the weight on his shoulder, the weight of that mighty hand which now felt like it weighed as much as he did, and then gradually more, was more than Tim's body could resist.

So he sank down. With each inch lower his brain felt the difference.

To the floor. With each centimeter his mind saw the increasing gap.

To his knees. With each millimeter his thoughts narrowed to his inferiority.

Eyes captured by the intense gaze, mouth hanging open in shock, Tim knelt motionless before the man who overpowered him.

"I know part of you is still thinking you shouldn't be there, Timmy," spoke Darryl down the small man on his knees. "So I need to teach you that...in my presence...you are truly subordinate...and that you are right where you need to be," said Darryl as he lifted his foot and tapped Tim's rock hard dick that was pulsing in the air.

"ughgughgughguuuugh" exclaimed Tim as his brain was overwhelmed with the feeling, and the realization that he was as hard as he had ever been.

"I know at this point, Timmy, that your mouth can't say the words," said Darryl calmly as he moved his hands to his shorts, undid them, and then lowered them down and off.

"So I'm going to have you say it without words. At least for now," continued Darryl as he turned ¼ to his right and lifted his left leg, putting his left foot on the top of the commode.

"Time to express it, Timmy," said Darryl as he put his left hand on the back of Tim's head and pushed his face forward...

underneath his left leg...

right toward his low hanging, bull-sized balls...

Automatically resisting a bit against the pressure on his head, but without success, Tim couldn't think. With his hands ineffectually pressing against the tree trunk legs, Tim's mouth went open and closed, again unable to voice a protest as his vision became more and more filled by the pendulous symbols of Darryl's overwhelming masculinity.

Finally, right as his face was almost pressed in, Tim finally whimpered "uuuuhhh..." Hearing the sound, Darryl paused the slow landing, holding Tim's head in place six inches away.

"Almost at the Sea of Tranquility, Timmy," said Darryl with a smile in his voice. "Where you can take a giant step for a man."

"uuhhh...n—no..." managed Tim. "It...I...n-no...why"

"No, Timmy, none of that," said Darryl with complete control...just as Tim opened his mouth wider to say "why", Darryl pushed Tim's head forward, pushing his opened mouth onto the surface of his waiting and demanding low-hangers. "Touchdown!"

"Now use that mouth for good," said Darryl with utter arrogance.

Trying to object, Tim's mouth moved open and close, like a kissing fish. But, head held motionless by the controlling hand, lips and mouth pressed into the engorged mass filled with Darryl's powerful man-juice, Tim succeeded only in sending pleasurable sensations up in to the big man.

"Aaaahhhhh...yeah...that's it, little man," moaned Darryl. "Tell me what's deep inside you."

Helpless, held, part of his mind still objecting, Tim continued mouthing Darryl's big cannon balls. Then, without thinking he took a deep breath, and was immediately overwhelmed by the scent. The scent that had come to settle him. To suppress his independent thinking. To give room for his subordinate self to emerge.

"Take a lick, little man," ordered Darryl in a commanding voice sharp enough to slice off a layer of saran cling wrap. And then moaned deep from within as he felt Tim obey, as he felt Tim's tongue moving up and down.

"Taste it, Timmy." lick...

"Learn my taste, little man." lick...

"Get me inside you." lick...

Moaning again...the moan of a conqueror, Darryl said in a totally arrogant voice "Memorize my taste, little man. It'll be like nectar to you soon."

Releasing Tim's head, Darryl asked in a voice that made it clear it wasn't a question "Won't it, little man?"

And smiled as he both heard from down below and felt through his enormous balls the groan of the small man "ghgfhghhghrrhrhghfrgrghggfg"

To Be Continued...

Next: Chapter 12

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