Tale of Two Men

By moc.loa@knpsnddM

Published on Jun 29, 2010


This is an original story, with all rights reserved. Questions and comments may be sent to mddnspnk@aol.com. You are invited to comment on what you liked. And it is still a story, not a sound bite, so if you need it to flash, then it wouldn't be worth your time to read. But if you have a cup of coffee and a few minutes, have a read.

A Tale of Two Men

-- Part 10 Tasting

"Mmmmmmm...that's it, little man. Show me how much you belong in there," continued Darryl as he felt Tim's nose, cheeks, forehead, and mouth all pressed in to his deep, hairy armpit. "No place like home, is there Timmy?" asked Darryl with a tone that wasn't a question, that already knew the answer. And knew that Tim knew the answer as well.

Uttering a groan from deep down inside, Tim felt the heat not just from the massive man's armpit, but from his burning ears. Most of his brain function suspended, Tim only had some neurons firing to object to that description, an objection he could not even formulate in to words.

Sensing Tim's inner struggle, Darryl looked down at the top of the small man's head. He then very slowly pulled back just a bit. And smirked as he saw Tim's head move forward to keep his face pressed in to Darryl's armpit. "You were born to please me, Timmy," said Darryl with such matter-of-fact conviction that washed down over Tim. When it finally penetrated past his ears to his brain, Tim's eyes popped open, unseeing as he was momentarily on pause. Then his eyes opened even wider as he realized he was staring right at the overwhelming armpit of the giant man. Like a deer caught in headlights, Tim could only stare at the power that held him captured.

Waiting a couple beats, Darryl held still, and held Tim completely motionless as a result. Finally Darryl pushed the back of Tim's head very lightly and said "Back to work, little man. I'll let you know when you're finished."

Eyes still open, Tim felt his face being mashed in to the thick, full cavity, which caused him to give a quick grunt. Then to take a deeper breathe, filling his nostrils, the back of his throat, and deep down his windpipe with the scent he had been marked with earlier. The scent that settled him. That cleared out excessive thoughts. That gave him a desire to please.

Smiling to himself, Darryl thought "now that you're finally there, little man...I'm going to move you even further." Then the big man said "It'll be a bit before shower time, Timmy. So go ahead now and give it a quick bath."

"grjprhgh?" uttered Tim from deep within, neurons firing to try to figure out the instruction, but unable to.

Hand still pressing Tim's head in, Darryl said "Give it a bath, little man. With your tongue. Now," ordered Darryl with a sharpening his tone with each word.

Eyes flashing open wide again, startled, Tim automatically stuck out his tongue and began to bathe Darryl's armpit. To lick it up. And down. On an angle. Driven by an overwhelming eagerness to satisfy this man.

"There...that's it..." said Darryl as he felt Tim's obedience. Then, knowing the small man was secured for the moment, Darryl slowly released the back of Tim's head, enjoying the feeling from the eager to please tongue. Even more the rush of making a man do what he would never have agreed to do...and finally not even having to hold him in to continue.

"Not so fast, Timmy," instructed Darryl. Tim promptly slowed down his licks without shortening them. "That's better. Need to make sure you get the full taste. Important for you to recognize by smell. And also by taste." As the meaning of the words penetrated the fog in his brain, Tim's ears burned and he tried to pull his head out, but Darryl's huge hand kept him locked in place.

"Not yet, little man," said Darryl condescendingly, authoritatively, demandingly. "I want my scent seared onto your tongue...so strong it goes right through your body and brain." And he shifted his leg slightly, his knee pushing against the steel pole of a dick pushing out from Tim's small body.

"hjfjfhrfghghghahgghhafrughughgh" moaned Tim as he was held helpless in place by the controlling hand...as his tongue tasted the strong spice of the powerful man...as his dick throbbed in response to the pressure from the heavy, wet t-shirt encasing it and the pressure from the demanding knee...as his thinking brain shut down, unable to accept where he was, and his primitive brain and body to respond unfettered.

"gghghgghgfhffhfhgghfh," moaned Tim again, even without any more pressure from Darryl's knee.

Abruptly pulling Tim's head out of his armpit, Darryl said "That's enough for now" as he held Tim's face a foot away. "Did you get it all, Timmy?"

Dumbfounded, dazed at being out in the open so suddenly, Tim had trouble focusing. But then saw the wet, glistening hair and skin and answered "um...uh...yeah."

"And you know the special flavor now," continued Darryl routinely, but with a smirk in his voice. Hearing it, Tim automatically closed his mouth and moved his tongue to taste. Then realizing what he was doing, Tim's eyes flashed open, then up at the tall man, although on an angle since Darryl's powerful hand held Tim's head motionless, and his mouth hung open before he stuttered "wh..why did you make me taste it?"

"To help you remember it..so you would know it without thinking or having to figure it out. It's easier and better this way," explained Darryl matter-of-factly.

"Oh..uh..ok," responded Tim as he thought to himself "well, he's right about that. Don't have to think...do have a clear idea of it now" as he nodded to himself. Feeling Tim's unconscious attempt to nod his head, Darryl smiled to himself and thought "very good, little man. and now..another step in the training."

Releasing Tim's head, Darryl said "After all that hard work, I want a nice tall glass of cold water. Go get it, Timmy," as he reached down and gave Tim's t-shirt covered butt a firm swat.

Seeing Tim move immediately, Darryl called out "Get one for yourself, too, Timmy. Don't want you dehydrated." As the meaning of Darryl's words penetrated his awareness, Tim blushed furiously even as he unconsciously smacked his tongue against the roof of his mouth, tasting again the giant man.

From the living room Darryl heard Tim open the cabinet and then put two glasses down on the counter. He then called "Use the glasses out of the dishwasher, Timmy." Looking at the counter, Tim immediately thought "but I already have them out". Then he looked at the dishwasher...and said to himself "well, it is always a chore to empty the dishwasher...I guess I can put those back and pull two out of the dishwasher", which he proceeded to do.

After filling the glasses and putting the pitcher of cold water back in the fridge, Tim picked up his glass, and started to raise it up to his mouth. Right then he heard the deep voice say "And bring both of them here full."

Hearing the bit of demand, Tim hesitated, thinking to himself "but I'm really thirsty, and I'm the one getting them." In the next instant though, Tim thought to himself "well, that's not really nice. He has to be at least as thirsty as I am..." as he looked down at Darryl's wet t-shirt draped over his body and felt again the signals of wetness coming from his skin. So he lowered the glass, picked up the other one, and moved quickly back in to the living room.

Walking over to the tall man, Tim held out the glass when he got close enough to hand it over. But Darryl raised his eyebrow and said "With ice, Timmy." Tim's eyes flashed and his mouth opened "but it's cold," he protested.

"It'll be colder with ice. And last longer," said Darryl reasonably, but with a sharper arch to his one eyebrow while his other eyebrow came down some, intensifying his gaze as he reached his big left hand out, landed it on Tim's shoulder, and turned him around before reaching down and giving Tim a very firm swat on the butt to move him.

"ughg" grunted Tim as he felt the sting from the powerful hand, and then moved purposefully back in to the kitchen. As he was reaching in to the freezer, he thought "well, it will make it colder...and on a hot day like today it'll stay colder longer with ice in it." After dropping three cubes in each glass, Tim returned to the living room, walking over to the tall man again while saying agreeably "ok, glass of cold water with ice."

Reaching his hand out past Tim's outstretched right hand, Darryl instead took the glass in Tim's left. Surprised, Tim said as Darryl was reaching "uh...um...no...this one's yours" with his voice trailing off as by the end Darryl had taken Tim's glass.

"This is the one I want," declared Darryl. After seeing Tim still holding his right hand forward with the glass while looking at the glass Darryl took, Darryl said "You didn't drink out of this, did you, Timmy?"

"um...what...no," declared Tim in truth. His mind still occupied by Darryl's surprise move, Tim continued "you said to bring the full glasses."

"Then it shouldn't be any problem that I take what I want," declared Darryl with a degree of finality in his voice as he smiled to himself, picturing Tim complying with his instruction not to drink any yet.

"oh...uh...well...n-no, it shouldn't," stammered Tim as he considered Darryl's point, and thought to himself "there is no reason he shouldn't have that one...just because I picked that one doesn't mean that he shouldn't take it" as he slightly nodded his head and shrugged his shoulders.

Quick as that Darryl reached out and took the glass from Tim's right hand while saying "You have a call to make. Take care of it now."

Surprised again that Darryl had taken the glass, Tim momentarily didn't process what Darryl had said. Then, when he did, he said "oh! Yeah...need to call" as he turned and went over to get his phone. Looking at the time, Tim said "It's already later than I thought. I better get going."

Walking behind the small man, Darryl said "No, you won't be going. You'll be here a while longer."

Fumbling to find, then open his phone, Tim's brain only belatedly registered the words. "Wait...what...I need to get to the meeting this afternoon," he exclaimed as he turned, only to find himself face to chest with the tall man.

Reaching his hand out behind Tim's neck, Darryl held Tim from moving away and looked down at the small man as he spoke "No. You want to get to the meeting. But you don't need to. Isn't that right?"

Caught, held, feeling frustrated, and intimidated, Tim didn't answer at first. Then, feeling the powerful hand squeeze his neck some, he reluctantly answered "well, no, I don't need to. But I was planning on it."

"Of course you were, Timmy. That's what makes you so competent...you make plans and follow-through," said Darryl smoothly, voice filled with honest praise. Hearing the deep voice conveying approval, Tim felt his frustration ease a bit. Then Darryl continued "Of course, following plans rigidly without any flexibility is not the sign of a truly capable man. Is it?"

"Well, n-no," replied Tim.

"I know you are truly capable," said Darryl with complete conviction, warming Tim inside to hear the approval. "But flexibility can be practiced. You know that, right? And want to be fully responsive when flexibility is needed, right"

"um...well...yeah," answered Tim.

"I've decided to give you some training in flexibility. Now. You will stay here and have your meeting in the morning."

Tim's mouth opened to object, but he felt a slow, steady, strong squeeze,...then dropped open wide as he felt another slow, penetrating squeeze...and then after another squeeze he managed to say "uh...well...ok".

Darryl then released the small man and said "Call now". Tim nodded, opened his phone, and dialed. While Tim concentrated on making the connection, Darryl reached down, took the bottom of the t-shirt and wrapped it around the leg of the table just as the line started to ring. "You can tell them you're tied up and can't make it in. Do you have enough flavoring left on your tongue for when you talk to them?"

Closing his mouth and rubbing his tongue on the roof of his mouth automatically, Tim realized Darryl hadn't let him drink any water yet and he blushed furiously just as he heard the line engage and the receptionist pick up. Saying his plans had changed, he explained "We'll do it in the morning. Just had something develop and I'm tied up" and then hung up. Hearing the words come out of his mouth, Tim blushed even more as he realized the big man had literally tied him up. And then gave a surprise moan "ghfjghg" when Darryl undid the t-shirt and gave a little tug, pressuring Tim's re-engorged dick.

To Be Continued...

Next: Chapter 11

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