Taking the Law into My Hands

By GreekPlesr

Published on Apr 28, 1998



It was a perfect night to be out driving. The windows were down in my Blazer and a cool breeze blew across me as I zipped down the familiar stretch of highway. My favorite tunes were jamming on the CD player and I felt completely relaxed and care-free. Nobody was around for miles on this stretch of road at night. It felt great. Then I noticed the cherries flashing up from behind me and my daydream ended.

Actually, it was really hot out, even for the evening, and especially for this time of year. I had been on my way home from a lousy day at work. My boss had reamed me for something totally not my fault. I was in a completely pissy mood, so getting pulled over out in the middle of nowhere wasn't exactly first on my `favorite things to do on a Friday night' list.

As I pulled my truck over to the side of the road, I got that horrible lump in my throat and pounding in my chest that I get whenever I get pulled over. It's a stupid feeling, I know, but I get it nonetheless. I could see the motorcycle cop pulling to a stop behind me and turning off the engine. As he radioed in the call, all I could do was pray for a little kindness and understanding, not that I thought I'd get any.

I looked at my sideview mirror and watched him as he dismounted from his bike. He was a big guy. I mean really big. It looked like half of his shift must be spent in the gym and the other half eating small children. He was wearing those skin-tight lycra pants with the stripe down the side and a white shirt tucked in, with his badge and radio clipped on by his chest. As he swung his leg over the side, I thought I caught a glimpse of him adjusting himself quickly before beginning that ominous walk up to my truck.

My hazard lights were flashing, the only real light shining in that direction, since the cop turned off those annoying flashing cherries. I tried to get a look at this brute of a man as the hazard lights flashed on and off him. He had a really long, powerful stride, and I swear he was up to my door in two or three steps.

"I'll need to see your license, registration, and proof of insurance," he said flatly. I was instantly helpless. His voice was unbelievably deep and powerful. I had no choice but to obey. I was completely at his mercy.

I was hoping that I'd have a chance to plead my case with him, but hearing that deep voice shook me up so much, I couldn't muster up anything more than a squeaky "yes, sir."

As I reached over to get my license, etc., I realized that my gay pride pendant was swinging from my rearview mirror. Shit,' I thought to myself, now he's going to harass me about being gay.'

As I handed him my credentials, with hands obviously shaking, I glanced over at him. He had the most incredibly powerful jawline I could've pictured on a man, with a thick mustache and either the beginnings of a really hot goatee, or a mean five o'clock shadow. His eyes were a piercing silver-blue, like I had never seen before and he had thick brown eyebrows. His hair was cropped military-short and only had a hint of salt-and-pepper coloring at the temples to give away his age. He looked like some kind of mythical god of war. I was screwed.

As he looked over my registration papers, he glanced inside my truck. I'm sure he noticed the pride pendant, but decided instead to run his flashlight around the interior. Since I drive a Blazer, I keep the back seats down and the spare tire out. I put a blanket and some of those giant throw pillows in back. I'd use them from time to time to take naps in my truck between classes at the university. When he spotted them, he remarked, "Well, what are those for?" The tone was definitely not kind. I'm sure it was some kind of gay insult masked in politeness.

I was about to respond, when he told me to step out of the vehicle. Oh, great,' I thought to myself, now I'm totally fucked.'

He asked me to step around to the back of the vehicle. "Put your hands up on the glass and spread your legs apart. I'm going to frisk you."

Fuck!' I thought. This guy is some kind of fag-hater and he's out to mess with me.'

He started running his hands down the sleeves of my shirt. Then he leaned forward a bit more and ran his hands across my chest. I'd swear I felt something all too familiar brush across my ass briefly. When he felt my nipple ring on my right tit, he gave it a little tug with his fingers. It sent a jolt straight down to my crotch. I couldn't see his face, but I got the impression he was smirking. I was nervous as hell, and now my crotch was swelling. If he felt up my left leg, I was done for.

He slipped his thumbs in the waistband of my pants and ran them around from front to back. Then he rubbed his hands down the outsides of my pants. Whew!' I thought, at least he's not reaching around to the inside of my legs.' I was practically shaking.

Then, all of a sudden, he cupped both his hands around my right ankle and started working his way up my right leg. He got all the way to my crotch, but, thankfully, missed what I was hoping he would avoid touching. As he pulled his hand away, his big index finger slid right up the crack of my ass. I thought I was going to explode. Another second of this and I'd be home free, I figured.

Then he reached around my left leg. `Dammit! Now I'm sure to be fucked' I told myself. He slid his hands around my ankle as before and began running them up towards my thigh. I'd swear I felt beads of sweat tumbling down the side of my face. Then he hit that spot where I had been trying to hide something a little too large to disguise in tight pants. He gave my cock a squeeze from under my ass, pressing it up against my thigh. I let out a moan so loud it could probably be heard a mile away. "OHHHH!"

Suddenly, he stood up and spun me around, slamming my body up against the rear window of my truck. He pinned both of my shoulders back against the glass with his powerful hands. His face was right up in mine and the look he threw me was completely unnerving, yet my cock continued to swell even larger. I'd have done anything to get it out of its confining situation.

I could see a bit of sweat forming around the cop's temples, and a small bead of sweat rolled down from the nape of his neck, through that black mat of hair, down between his muscular pecs. His shirt was unbuttoned just slightly, and I could only imagine what the rest of that chest looked like.

He looked at me hard and said, "What are you, some kind of fuckin' faggot? You getting off by me frisking you? Huh? Answer me, boy!"

I could see a bit of sweat forming around that thick mustache of his as well now. I was totally paralyzed with both fear and adrenaline-pumping sexual excitement. I couldn't muster anything except a faint squeak. "Sorry, officer--"

"Do you know what I could do to you for pulling this kind of shit with me?! Huh, boy? Do you," he growled at me. He was pressing himself even closer to me. I couldn't even breathe, let alone move.

"Please--" I squealed pathetically, "don't--. I'll do anything--just--"

"Just what, boy? Just don't fuck you with my big cock?!"

I almost came on the spot!

He pressed up against me even harder now, and suddenly I could feel what I thought had moved across my ass before. It was big. Really big. And getting bigger from the feel of it up against my stomach.

"You like big cocks, don't you boy? Well, I'm going to let you take the Law into your hands tonight. And if you're good, I'll let you take the Law into your mouth and ass as well." He kept referring to his cock as the Law. It was weird, but hot at the same time.

He relaxed his grip on my shoulders, thankfully. When he let go, I practically fell to the floor, but managed to reach out and clutch something to break my fall. I thought it was his leg. My God! It was his cock. Even in those tight lycra pants, that monster looked enormous. Cut, too, because I could see that sweet outline of his cockhead stretched up against his pants.

I said, "My God! That thing is huge! I don't know if I can handle it."

The cop reached down and rubbed his hand along the shaft of it, then unbuckled his belt. I could feel the pre-cum oozing out of the head of my own cock. My shorts would be really sticky before this was over.

The cop said, "Lick that big fuckin' cock with your tongue through those pants, boy!" I did, eagerly.

He unzipped his pants and I swear that thing must've been alive. It practically jumped out on its own and slapped me in the face. If it wasn't at least ten solid inches, then I don't know what is. That main vein along the center was pulsating and the head just kept swelling up bigger and bigger.

I could barely fit the head alone in my mouth dry. I decided to grab on tight to that big hose and lick it up good. Thankfully, I wasn't running low on spit that night. I licked it up and down, kissing, squeezing, and sucking every part of it. I was practically drooling all over it and some of my spit had run down the shaft and trickled over his big balls.

I swallowed the head finally. It was hotter than an oven in my mouth. The head was dark and crimson and so fat, I practically dislocated my jaw getting it in. I used every cocksucking technique I knew to get that big rod to slide down into my throat. I could tell he was enjoying it, because he started to buck and thrust his cock in and out of my hot mouth. My knees were getting sore and I painfully kept trying to shift around to a comfortable position. I think he sensed this, and pulled me up towards his face.

"Why don't you suck on these big tits of mine for a bit? Get them good and hard and wet," he said with a deep moan in his voice.

My cock was raging hard now and I had to do something about it. As I began sucking away on those big hairy pecs, licking and biting and nibbling, I unzipped my fly and pulled my cock out. I almost burned my hand it felt so hot to the touch. There was pre-cum just oozing all over the head and the foreskin on my uncut cock.

I was practically woozy from all of this sexual energy. It was like a drug. And we had only begun to play.

"Open that back hatch, boy. I want you to bend over that back door, so I can have a taste of that ass of yours." He licked his lips and rubbed his big cock hard.

I couldn't have opened the hatch fast enough. I was bent over that hanging door with my pants around my ankles so fast, Superman couldn't have done it faster. My cock was throbbing, rock hard. My balls ached for release. And my ass was quivering in the breeze, puckered, tight, and very ready.

I could feel the cop's hands rub my cheeks, squeezing and massaging as he knelt down low. His mustache brushed across the crack of my ass and it sent a tingling up my spine and down to my engorged cock. Just as I could feel the tip of his hot, wet tongue probe around the outside of my smooth hole, his hand reached up between my legs and started stroking my cock.

His tongue licked and flickered around my hole, teasing it, playing with it. It sent me reeling. I just lay there, my head face down, the big throw pillow muffling my squeals of delight. He licked all around that hot, pink hole. Then he ran his hot tongue down between my legs towards my cock. I almost exploded right then. When he pushed my cock down and into his mouth, my body began to shake wildly. I moaned loudly into the pillow. I wanted to cum so bad, but there was no way I wanted that stud to finish so soon.

He massaged my smooth-shaven balls as he swallowed all of my hard cock down his throat. I could tell how much he enjoyed it, because he moaned, and the vibrations shook right down the shaft to my prostate. He let my cock slide out with a pop and maneuvered his tongue back up towards my hot, wet, hole. I wanted him so bad I could taste it.

This time, he plunged his tongue deep inside me, spreading my cheeks wide with his big hands. I was in erotic heaven. His tongue darted in and out of my hole, juicing me up good. I could feel one of his thumbs rubbing around the outside of my asshole. I was so hot, I was sweating like a pig. My ass was completely juicy. Then he inserted his thumb in my hole as he licked wildly around the outside. I gasped for air. His thumb was as big as some guys' cocks!

"Yeah, boy. You like that hot tongue of mine, don't you? How's that big thumb feel? You want it deeper? Harder? Oh, I'll give you plenty to moan about soon enough," he whispered to me.

"Oh, God. Please, stop. I can't take this anymore. Oh, yeah. More. Yeah, pleeaassse," was all I could muster in a muffled voice.

"Man, that ass is sure sweet, boy. You're really gonna love my cock buried deep inside you."

"Yes, please. Do it. I want that big cock of yours so bad."

"Are you ready for it, boy? Can you take all ten inches of it? I'm gonna give it all to you."

The cop slid his thumb out of my ass slowly, teasingly. Then he told me to turn over and climb inside the cab of the truck.

I propped my head up against a pillow and spread my asscheeks wide in the air. My legs were quivering with anticipation. My cock was rock hard and throbbing. My balls ached to shoot the load tucked inside them.

My stud cop unbuttoned his shirt and pulled it off, one muscle-bound sleeve at a time. His chest was glistening in the moonlight with sweat. He peeled his pants off of his sweat-soaked thighs and climbed inside. I swear his cock was even larger than before. What was I thinking? How the hell was I going to take that big fat monster in my tight ass?! I just lay back and prayed I'd live until tomorrow.

He ran his tongue once more up and down, around my hot, horny hole. I shuddered in anticipation. Then he spit into his hand and rubbed it also over the head of that big, purple cockhead. I could see pre-cum ooze out of the piss-slit as he did it and he moaned a bit himself in a husky tone. This stud was all man -- and all mine!

He leaned over me, putting my legs up over his shoulders, saying, "I'll be as gentle as I can with that sweet ass, but it is mine! And when I'm ready, I'm taking it, like it or not!"

"Yes, do it -- please -- I can't stand it anymore!"

He brought the Law down on my waiting bunghole and teased it with the head. I nearly screamed in ecstasy. Then he began to push gently, almost lovingly, trying not to hurt me, but eager to get inside my hot hole. The shot of pain as that thick head began to push inside was almost too much. I nearly blacked out. I never would have been able to take such a big cock without my ass being so slicked up with spit.

Then it was in! "OHHHHHHH! YES! Fuck yes! That's it! Oh, God, that cock is fucking big!"

"Yeah, boy! That ass is real sweet. Real hot. And I'm gonna fuck you good with the Law!"

He began to take bigger, longer strokes, each one deeper than before. His balls were slapping up against my ass, sticking for a moment as the sweat clung to my cheeks with each thrust of his big cock. I wanted to reach down and stroke my cock, but if I did, I'd cum for sure.

He rocked the whole truck with his deep thrusts, grunting and moaning each time and licking the sweat off his mustache with his tongue. My hands were clenched tightly in fists as he pounded away at my tight hole, stretching it out farther than ever before. It felt so hot! This stud could've fucked me blue and I wouldn't care one bit. I just wanted that monster cock buried deep inside my ass.

He fucked me long and hard, slapping that big cock all the way in, then pulling all the way out until the head was almost outside. He was teasing my hole, and he knew it. I could feel his hot breath on my body as he panted and thrusted his big rod in my ass. Sweat dripped off his chest, mixing with the sweat on my own chest below.

"Yeah, boy. Take that big cock! Oh, yeah! What a sweet ass. I'm gonna fuck you good and hard until I cum."

He pounded my ass over and over with that enormous, engorged rod. His balls began to tighten up and I knew it wasn't long before he was ready to cum. As much as I wanted him to cum inside my blazing hot hole, I wanted to see that big, fat cock shooting all over me even more.

"I want you to cum all over my body and face--" I moaned.

"Yeah, boy. I'll give it all to you. And soon. Real soon."

A couple more deep thrusts, then some smaller ones and I could tell it wouldn't be long now. I reached down and started stroking my own cock. I wanted to cum at the same time as this big stud cop. He smiled. I could tell he wanted the same.

He started whimpering a bit, and grunting loudly. His body began to rock and his fists tightened up. My ass was on fire with pleasure and pain. My cock was nearly to the edge, swollen with cum-juice.

My big stud cop rocked me hard once more, then pulled out quickly, squeezing his cock tight, the cum already rushing to the head. I screamed in ecstasy and jacked harder on my own cock, feeling the cum surging up inside me.

He moaned and grunted loudly, then sprayed that big hot cumload all over my cock and balls, my stomach, chest, and even splashed across my face. I came at the same time and my load shot up in the air, spraying down in a line across my left nipple and up over my shoulder, landing on the pillow behind me. That stud cop just kept shooting more and more cum. I licked out with my tongue, catching some of that hot load on the tip like sweet rainwater. My body was coated with hot, sticky cum.

We both shook from the loads we had shot. Our heartbeats were both racing wildly. My stud cop nearly collapsed on top of me, which was fine with me. Then he lapped up the cum on my chest with his tongue and kissed me hard on the mouth. His mouth was blazing hot. I tried to cool that hot tongue with my own, but it only got hotter.

We embraced passionately for several minutes, probing each other's mouths with our tongues. Our bodies were practically glued together with all the cum we had shot.

Then it was over. It had to end at some point, after all. He finally got up and slid out of the cab. I still lay there shaking a bit. My skin was hotter than sand on a hot beach. I could still taste the mixture of our cum in my mouth. He was dressed before I even knew it and gone before I even had a chance to look up.

I finally got up and reached for my clothes. There was a ticket lying on my pants. `Fuck! I can't believe that bastard ticketed me!' I thought to myself.

I looked at the ticket. Only one phrase was written on it. "Remember to watch your speed."

I drove home that night exhausted, but with the biggest grin on my sticky face you could possibly imagine. Needless to say, every night since then I drive home just a little bit too fast down that empty stretch of road, waiting for the next time I'll get pulled over. I can't wait until I get a chance to take the Law into my hands (and ass) again!

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