Taking the Fags Cash

By Robert Chatham

Published on Sep 14, 2021


Here is the next instalment of Harry (And now David's) story. There are many more chapters planned that I know you are going to love. Thanks again for all the emails, I really appreciate all the messages and comments you have sent. Remember that nifty needs donations in order to continue keeping this amazing site up and running. Please consider donating whatever you can, without donations we wouldn't have this excellent collection of stories.


Pt 9

I knew that I now had complete control over both Harry and David, but David was still very new to this so I wanted to make sure that he was kept in line, along with Harry. The start of his objection to tell me that I couldn't just empty his bank account was a nudge to me that he would need to be reminded continuously that he now obeyed me at all times.

I had left Harry's house almost as soon as David had swallowed all of Harry's cum. I wanted to add to their awkwardness by leaving them alone after they had cum down from their post orgasm euphoria. I could imagine the two of them, sitting facing each other, both naked, both feeling very strange about what had happened. And that though of their humiliation in front of each other made my cock throb.

I chose to wait a few hours and then picked up my phone and made a group chat for the three of us. I sent the following message straight away.

Evening subs. I hope you both have enjoyed the past 24 hours. I know I have, and my bank account is over £35K better off after your bidding war. And that makes my cock throb. Well done to both of you. I can see you are both going to serve me well. I have decided to go and buy a new car tomorrow but that will definitely cost over £30K so don't think you are getting let off for the rest for this week. And David, I am sure you can't wait to start your journey into becoming the porn slut you so desperately want to be so I'll be planning that right away. However, I am also aware that you both need to be kept in line. Harry, I hope you are back 100% - no more "wanting out". And David, you will never start a sentence to me again with "You can't...." You know I can and I will. So, to keep you both on track, I have decided that, in future, if either of you step out of line then you will submit a "subpology" to me. Of course, that subpology also comes with a cash apology too. I'll start it at a very low 250 quid for you, but every time either of you owe me a subpology then it gets doubled for the next time. So no more questioning me. No more refusals. I want compliance. Nothing less. And also, I'm sure that by now you both know me well enough that I expect you to have a full wallet at all times. I will enjoy taking your actual cash as often as I enjoy transferring it directly out of your bank accounts. Also, I can see that both of you are going to be particularly horny over the next few days, but from now on I also control your orgasms. Neither of you are permitted to cum unless I allow you. Do you both understand all of this fully?

Within a couple of minutes, they had both replied with "Yes Sir". Just like I knew they would.

I woke up on Monday morning feeling great. It had been an excellent weekend. I headed to the gym around 11am and spotted all the usual guys staring at me and nodding to me. I wondered just how many more desperate subs were in here. That thought made my cock twitch and with the thought of buying a new car that had been paid for in just a few hours I had to wait for a few minutes before standing up from my workout bench otherwise some of the guys would be staring at me for a completely different reason.

I showered and changed and headed off to the VW dealership. I already knew which car I wanted, an electric blue "Scirocco R". They looked stunning. The day they got released a few years ago I knew I had to have one. And now it was ordered. A brand-new car being delivered in a couple of weeks. Paid for in full. Today was going to be a good day. I could feel it.

I left the dealership and started to walk back towards town. As I passed Balantimes gym I saw a guy trudging down the front steps and heading towards me. I sort of recognised him but I couldn't place where I knew him from.

Balantimes isn't the best gym around. The equipment is very old and the whole building is in a bad state of repair. The showers are pretty grim and its just generally in need of a refurb. But it is much cheaper than all the other gyms in town and so it survives as it attracts customers that can't afford the more expensive gyms in town. The guy I thought I recognised totally summed up their customers. He was short with what looked like a skinny frame, but it was difficult to tell with the clothes he was wearing. He had on a baggy hoody that was filthy and ripped and several places, and his saggy joggers were no better. I couldn't work out why I still thought I recognised him. He looked up and noticed me staring at him and then he did a similar look of "Do I know you?" As we got closer to each other I realised that it was a guy that was in the same year as me at school.

"Jack?" I asked.

"Hey" he replied. It was Jack. But he looked so different. At school he always looked great. He had the newest Nikes. Full tracksuits. Sharp haircut. But now he couldn't have looked more different. Gola trainers were sticking out from those dirty joggers. And his shaggy unstyled hair looked like it hadn't had a proper cut in months.

"How's life?" I asked

"Rolling along." he replied without any tone in his voice, and pretty much avoiding the question too. "How are you doing?" he asks. "You look great. Really great. You've been going to the gym I guess. Those clothes fit you really well and that's a great haircut"

I was a bit taken aback by his enthusiasm at my appearance. It was a bit over the top. But he seemed to have cheered up in the last 20 seconds from when he was trudging down the gym stairs so I let it go. "Thanks, yeah been going to the gym a fair bit" I said. "You've changed your look quite a bit though. How come?"

"Oh it's a long story, never mind"

"Fancy a pint and a catch up then?" I asked him

"No thanks" was his quick reply.

"You busy?" I asked

"No...." he trailed off. There was a pause where I thought he was going to say something else but then he didn't.

"Then come for a drink and a chat, it's been ages since we last saw each other"

"I can't afford it." he blurted out in an almost angry but more sad way.

"No problem Jack. I just got paid." That obviously wasn't exactly the truth, but it was true that my bank balance could easily buy Jack a few pints. "My treat. No arguments."

He looked up and saw me smiling at him. "Ok" he said, so we headed to the pub just a bit further down the road. I headed straight to the bar and bought a couple of pints of Peroni for us.

We sat in a big comfy booth near the back of the pub. It was pretty quiet, even for a weekday afternoon. The conversation was a bit stilted and slow to begin with but Jack had no problem finishing his pint in only a few minutes. "Thirsty?" I said to him? He looked up sheepishly but then saw I was smiling at him. "Looks like you haven't had a pint for ages"

"It's been a good few months since I had a pint in a pub, and it definitely wasn't a Peroni." he said as he put his glass down. He noticed mine was still mostly full and started to apologise. "Oh Sorry, I didn't realise you still had a full pint."

"Not a problem" I said as I headed off to the bar to get another for him. I returned with a second pint for him and as I put it down on the table, I decided to start asking some questions to find out what had been going on with Jack in the past few years since I last saw him. "So, what have you done since you left school?"

"Not much." he answered, again avoiding the question. "What about you? You're looking great. It looks like you spend every day in the gym. I wish I could..." he trailed off.

"I trained to be PT." I told him, and then tried to find out more. "Why don't you go to the gym more then?"

"I go as often as I can" he said vaguely, going back to his pint that he was already half way through.

"You just came from the gym, right? Why go to Balantimes? Its not the best place to be honest"

He looked at me for a minute and sighed. Finally, he said "I go there because it's the cheapest place I can find." He dropped his head as he finished his sentence.

"Well, everyone likes a bargain" I smiled at him. "Does that mean you manage to go several times a week?"

"No. I only go once a month or so."

"Why don't you go more than that? You'll get much better results if you go more regularly" I suggested.

Jack didn't say anything for a while but I let the silence hang in the air. Finally, he seemed to make some decision in his head and eventually started to speak. "I just can't afford it." he said miserably.

"Why?" I asked

"The usual stuff I guess. Rent. Bills. Food. Travel. I just don't have much left at the end of the month"

"Where do you work?" I asked.

"In a warehouse" he said very matter of factly, but then, again, changed the subject. "But you're a PT! That's great. You're looking great. I bet you have the birds chasing after you, eh?" he said with a twinkle in his eye that hadn't been there before.

"No" I replied. "I don't `have the birds chasing after me' "

"Ahhh, sorry" he said. "I guess you are married now and all settled down then? You got kids too?"

"No Jack, I'm not interested in girls" I replied bluntly.

It took a second or two to sink in, but Jack finally worked it out. "Oh" he said in realisation. "I didn't realise that you were.... I didn't know."

"That's Ok Jack. It's cool" I replied

"It might be for you but...." and then he stopped.

Everything about him changed. He slumped down like his muscles had given up, the brightness in his eyes faded and he just looked miserable.

"Everything Ok Jack?" I asked, even although I knew the answer.

"No. It's not. Well, I mean it is. It's just...." and again he didn't finish a sentence.

"Just what Jack?" I asked

"It's a long story" he replied.

"I better get you another pint then" I smiled, and headed back to the bar.

I put Jacks third pint down in front of him and said "Go on then. What's the story Jack?"

Jack took a long drink and then finally started chatting. "Well," he said "life hasn't exactly gone like I hoped it would. I left school and continued to hang around with the lads. I was just young and didn't really know what I wanted to do. My old man was getting fed up with me always being in the house so I'd meet up with the lads down the park and we'd drink or get stoned or whatever. Everything was really dull. We had no money. And then one day John says that he knows how to get some easy cash. He was working in the kitchen at a cafe and after the weekend they had taken a lot of cash that they never banked until a Monday. It was a few grand -- which felt like a fortune to us. He said security was crap and he could get a key on the Sunday afternoon and that it would be dead easy and we'd be in and out in seconds. Except it didn't happen like that and we got caught and I ended up with a police record and my Mum was so upset and my Dad went mental. He basically gave me an ultimatum. He would get me a job where he works on the understanding that I would never see the guys again. He told me this was my only chance to sort my life out cos nowhere would give me a job with a criminal record. So I had no choice. But then one day he found out that...." There was a long pause before Jack took a big deep breath and then said "He found out that I had Grindr on my phone and he went through my messages and he just flipped. He called me all sorts and then he kicked me out. He told me not to turn up for work and to never come back home. He actually threw me out the door. I managed to come back the next day and get some of my gear but Mum said that Dad was so angry that I should let him calm down for a bit and it was best that I found somewhere else for now. I haven't been back home since."

"Wow, that's really shit Jack." I didn't really know what else to say, so I tried to move the conversation on. "So where are you at now?" I asked.

"The only job I've managed to get is an order picker in a huge warehouse. But it's a zero-hour contract and the warehouse is 24hours. You never know when shifts are coming up, so I take whatever I can. But it's made it impossible to move on. I can't get into college or do any courses because the shifts are so random. Some weeks I hardly do any hours. I'm really trying to make my life better, but it feels like an impossible struggle right now. I didn't do well at school so I have no grades. I can't get any grades because I can't afford the courses. I can't get another job because of my police record. My flat isn't even a flat. It's a tiny bedsit that costs a fortune. I can't see any way out. It's all just an endless cycle of shit"

When Jack finished talking, he looked totally beaten down and I knew there was no way out for him without some extra help. Sure, he'd made some really bad choices initially, but ending up like this just because of his Dad wasn't Ok. Jack was almost at the end of his third pint. I said I was off to the toilet and on the way back from the bar I bought him another pint. I had hardly touched mine.

"So do you have a plan?" I asked.

"In theory, yeah. I've said to myself that as soon as I get myself a job with regular hours then I can sort myself out with some qualifications and get a better job and get my life back on track."

"What qualifications do you fancy going for? And what's the future job?" I asked.

"To be honest, I have no idea. I was just focusing on getting the job first, but I've not even managed that. My police record stops me every time but I don't think there's anything I can about that."

"Yeah that's a really tricky situation" I said, not really knowing how else to phrase it. "So - how's life other than work? You still see those guys from school?" I asked, trying to change the subject to something better.

"Nah, after the burglary thing my Dad said I had to stop seeing them if he was gonna get me that job. And I hate to admit this but he was probably right, even though I hated it at the time. I just hate that now I've got neither."

"Neither?" I questioned.

"A decent job or friends" he replied.

"You don't have any friends?" I asked, failing to hide the surprise in my voice.

"Not really. Not any proper friends." He replied. But now he tried to change the subject. "Anyway, let's not talk about me, that's all really depressing and shit. What about you? I hardly recognised you. You didn't look like this at school."

I chose not to push it and allowed him to change to subject to me. He did seem to like talking about me more than himself anyway. So I started to tell him about leaving school and doing a few rubbish jobs and then joining the gym and then really getting into it and then doing my PT qualifications and how much I enjoyed it. "Yeah" he replied. "The gym is one thing that's kept me going through all of this. I love spending as many hours there as possible there. I just wish I could go more regularly"

"Yeah, going so infrequently isn't enough to make any progress" I told him.

"I know that, but I can't afford to go more often"

I noticed he was getting to the end of his pint.

"Do you want to keep in touch?" I asked him. "I'd like to"

His face lit up. "Yes. Definitely"

"Excellent. What's your number? I'll whatsapp you"

"Oh, you can't. It'll need to be a normal text message"

"Why" I asked

Jack pulls out a mobile phone about the size of a brick that looks about 20 years old. He just shrugs.

"Ok..... Old fashioned text message it is then" I said without even trying to hide the sarcasm in my voice.

We swapped numbers and I said goodbye to him. On my way out I bought one more pint for Jack and asked the barman to take it over to him.

I messaged Jack after I got home. I told him that I could help him out if he was up for that and to meet me at his gym on Thursday. Jack replied saying he wouldn't be able to afford another gym session this week. I sent a message back being very clear that I have the means to help him out and to not worry about paying for the gym session. He replied right away saying that he needed all the help he can get. One final message from me telling him to meet me outside at 11am on Thursday ended the conversation.

After my message exchange with Jack, I opened the whatsapp group chat with Harry and David and sent the following message.

"Harry -- I require you to meet me on Thursday morning at 10.50. Make sure you bring a full wallet. You and your wallet might be required for the whole day"

Harry replied back almost immediately. "Sorry Sir, I'm in work on Thursday"

"Harry, I gave you an order. You now owe me the first subpology" "Sorry Sir" came the reply, at the same time as the notification came through for a transfer of £250.

"That's better Harry" I reply. "I will see you on Thursday at 10.50 then."

"Yes Sir" came back the reply.

Thursday finally rolled around and I arrived at Balantimes just before 10.50am and I was pleased to see that Harry was already there.

"Morning Harry" I smiled enthusiastically at him.

"Morning Sir" he smiled back. "You look really hot today"

"Every day Harry"

"Yes Sir. Of course Sir. But today you look extra amazing"

"Thank you, Harry. I have some very precise orders for you today. I am meeting a friend this morning. Unless I say otherwise, you must follow us at all times, but do not join us. Stay a few paces behind, but near enough so that you can be there when I want you. You are here to pay for anything I tell you to, and nothing more. I am having a day out with a mate and I don't want you interrupting. You are here as my wallet only. Understand?"

"Yes Sir"

Jack arrived just as I finished talking to Harry. He walked up towards me so I turned away from Harry and greeted him.

"Morning Jack. Hope you are looking forward to a most excellent day. It's going to be slightly odd for you, but just go with it." Jack looked slightly confused but said nothing. I turned around and told Harry to open his wallet. I reached in, took a tenner out from the large pile of notes and turned back to Jack. "Here is payment for our gym session together. I can show you how to get the best out of your sessions, but you take it on one condition -- you ask no questions about Harry until I tell you"

"Is Harry paying for my gym today" he asked.

"No questions" I repeated.

"Ok" said Jack, and took the money out my hand. I could see he was very curious and wanted to ask a load of questions, but he turned around and headed up the steps to the gym. I follow him and Harry followed me into the reception area. Jack presented his membership card, paid his fee and also paid for a visitor pass for me using the money from Harry's wallet. I asked the receptionist about pre paying for some extra sessions for Jack. The receptionist said that that was no problem and that he could just put them onto Jack's membership card.

I started thinking out loud. "So, 6 sessions a week for 3 months, let's call that 80 gym sessions. At 5 quid a session that's 400quid. Sort it out Harry."

"Yes Sir" he replied and stepped forward to the desk to pay for Jacks gym sessions. Jack started to object but I cut him short. "No questions Jack!" I reminded him. "I'll explain later. For now, we've got a gym session to power through. Go and get changed"

Jack went through the turnstile and I turned back to Jack. "We will be about an hour. I expect you to be waiting here when we are done"

"Yes Sir" he replied.

Inside the gym I chatted to Jack about his goals.

"I don't really have any specific goals" he replied. "It's hard to achieve anything when I'm here so infrequently."

"Yeah, that's definitely true. So why do you still come?" I asked?

"I love the gym. It's my only real treat in life at the minute. I wish I could come more often and do more, but I just can't at the minute."

"What is your routine when you are here then?"

"Just an all round routine. I don't work any particular muscle groups because I'm here so infrequently I don't need rest days, so I tend to just do a bit of everything. Plus, a lot of cardio as well."

"Ok, well how about we do a similar general session today and I give you some hints and tips."


We were about halfway through when a really lean and muscular guy walks in and Jack suddenly gets very excited. "Oh I'm so glad he's in today" Jack said. "Just watch what he can do. He's amazing. He can hold himself in mid-air at all weird angles. I'd love to be able to do that."

I watch him for a few minutes and then turn and ask Jack "Have you ever heard of callisthenics?"

"Nope, never heard that word" Jack replied.

So I spent a few minutes talking about muscle ups and levers and human flags and so on and Jack got so excited.

"Yes. Yes. That's what he does. He's ace. I'd love to be able to do that. His work outs are amazing."

I gave him some hints and tips on how he can get closer to doing a human flag. I went through some progressions starting with the side plank flag and then I showed him various other exercises to help him on his way. By the time our session ended Jack was buzzing. He had so much life in him and seemed a different person to the guy I drank in the pub with only a few days before.

We finished in the gym and I waited on Jack while he went and showered. As we walked toward the exit, I asked him "Got time for some lunch? Don't worry about the cost, Harry is paying again."

He looked at me for a while without saying anything.

"I'll explain it all later if you come out for the afternoon. What else have you got to do?"

"True" He replied.

We left the gym and Harry was outside waiting just like I ordered him to. "Anywhere you fancy for lunch Jack?"

"Erm, nowhere in particular" he replied.

"Let's go to Lush. I always like it in there." I suggested.

Me and Jack started walking towards town and Harry dutifully followed us a few steps behind. Jack glanced over his shoulder towards Harry on more than one occasion on the walk to the restaurant, but managed to say nothing all the way.

I asked for a table for three and we are seated by a young fit waiter who was wearing the tightest black trousers I have ever seen. I made a mental note to tell Harry to tip him very well. Myself and Jack picked up a menu and start browsing. I decided to have the soup to start with and then a vegetable shepherd's pie for my main. Interestingly, Jack chose the same as me.

Harry had yet to pick up a menu. "I appreciate your obedience today Harry. You've now got a choice to make. You can either pay for mine and Jacks lunch on your way out or you can choose to spend the rest of the day with us. However, I absolutely promise you that if you stay, your wallet and bank account will not end the day as full as they are right now."

Harry took no time at all in replying. "I definitely want to stay Sir."

"The right choice Harry. You'd better order your food then, and made sure you add a bottle of champagne to our lunch order. Myself and Jack are celebrating"


Boss Bob

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Next: Chapter 10

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