Taking the Fags Cash

By Robert Chatham

Published on Mar 16, 2021


Here is the next instalment of Harry's story. Apologies this has taken so long, it's been an unusual few months...

I hope the next instalment will be out fairly soon.

Thanks again for all the emails, I really appreciate all the messages and comments you have sent.

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Pt 8

When I woke up the following morning only Sam was still in bed. I wanted to get up and see where Harry was but the bed was perfect. Big pillows. The best mattress. A duvet that smothered you in comfort. I wasn't surprised at how luxurious it all felt given how much Harry had paid for the room and so I wanted to take a mental note of this for future reference.

I lay for a few more minutes until curiosity got the better of me. I got out of bed and put my boxers on and walked through to the living room of the hotel suite. Harry was sitting on one of the chairs, feet off the floor with his knees drawn up to his chest. Despite the fact that he was fully dressed, he looked cold. The sun was battering the glass doors already and the room was nicely warm.

"Everything Ok Harry?" I asked him.

"Erm.... Well.... Yes Sir. I mean, I want out. I don't want to do this any more. I was a bit drunk last night and got a bit carried away with it all. It's not for me. I want to leave"

"No problem Harry. You are free to leave at any time"

"Oh, I thought you would... Oh. Ok." Harry stood up and walked to the door. He put his shoes on and turned to look back at me one last time.

"Take care Harry" I said as he reached for the door handle.

He paused for just a moment and then said "Thanks" as he opened the door and left.

I went back to the bedroom and woke Sam. "Time to leave Sam" I shouted as I headed through the bedroom to the bathroom. The bathroom was, unsurprisingly, massive. Two free-standing baths beside each other. Two walk in showers. A double sink. A towel rail full of the fluffiest towels I'd ever felt. I reminded myself that I'd be back here soon.

Sam surprised me by appearing beside me in the shower. "Two baths and another shower and you choose this one?" I joked.

"I just wanted to thank you for an excellent night Sir" Sam replied as he got down on his knees and his mouth soon engulfed my cock. It only took a second for Sam to work his magic and my cock was rock hard. I lent back against the wall as Sam expertly worked my cock with his tongue and throat. I always got off on skull fucking Sam really hard, but today I decided to allow him to go at his pace. It turns out that his pace was `getting as much cum out of my balls as soon as possible'. As my orgasm started building I was thinking of how much money Harry had spent on me the past few weeks, and then my thoughts turned to the future as I unloaded down Sam's throat.

We both finished our showers, got ready and left the hotel. As we walked past reception I noticed that it wasnt Lukas working but an equally hot guy. Sam smiled at him.

"Have a great day, Sam" I said and left him staring at the guy on reception.

He smiled back at me. "I definitely will"

I headed back home and made my plan for the day. I changed into a vest and shorts and headed to the gym where I did an intense workout. The sweat was dripping off me by the time I was finished, but instead of heading to the showers as usual, I went straight to my car and drove to Harry's. I figured that the three hours since he had left the hotel had given him enough time to think.

Harry was clearly shocked when he opened the door and saw me standing there.

"I just thought I'd come round and check that you were Ok Harry. You didn't seem quite right this morning when you left"

"No. But I'm Ok..." he replied. I heard his phone beep but Harry didn't even register it.

"You don't seem very sure Harry" I replied.

He just stood there head slightly down. "Why don't you invite me in and we can chat about it" I suggested.

"Erm, I'm not sure Sir... Oh" he replied.

"Old habits die hard eh?" I said smiling at him.

"So it seems" He replied with a slight smile -- the first one of the day. His phone beeped again and again, but as before, Harry ignored it.

I waited for a bit longer and finally he said "I guess you could come in for a bit"

"Great" I said and walked straight in, right past him, and down the hall to the gym.

I heard him close the door and follow me to the gym like I knew he would.

"Sorry to turn up like this" I said "I've just come straight from the gym."

"I can tell" He replied, looking me up and down "And there's no need to apologise"

His phone beeped in his pocked but he ignored it.

"You're feeling Ok then?" I asked?

His phone beeped again. Again he ignored it.

"I was a bit hungover this morning, but I'm fine now" He replied.

I let the silence between us stretch out, and just as I was about to speak, Harry's phone began to ring. "I'll let you answer that" I said to him.

"No, It's fine" He replied, not even taking it out of his pocket.

"Well don't you even want to know who it is?" I asked.

"No." he replied rather awkwardly. The phone finally stopped ringing.

"Why not?" I asked.

"Because I know that it's David. He's been messaging and phoning me all morning"

"He probably just wants to check how you are?" I suggested. And at that moment it started ringing again. Harry continued to ignore it and the phone finally stopped ringing again, but within seconds a text message beeped through, and then another, and another.

Harry still did nothing.

"That's not very fair leaving your friend hanging on like that Harry. That's not like you at all. Why are you not answering him?" I very firmly asked him.

Harry didn't answer. He just stood there while the phone continued to beep.

"Give me your phone Harry." I ordered him. He looked at me but didn't move. I took a step closer to him and lifted my hand up to scratch my head. My arm was raised high so that my pit was right in his face. Harry glanced at me briefly but then looked back at my armpit. As he took a breath in he leaned in slightly closer and closed his eyes and took a breath.

"Give me your phone Harry" I repeated.

Harry reached into his pocked and handed me his phoned. I typed 1-1-2-2 into the unlock code. The screen shook with the words "Invalid Code" across it.

"You changed the code Harry?" I accused him as I moved my armpit closer to his nose. He didn't reply, just took another deep breath. I tapped the screen again and glanced at the phone and it instantly flashed up with `Face Not Recognised'.

"Very clever Harry. Very well thought through indeed" I said to him. "Just one flaw though..." I trailed off as I brought the phone screen in front of his face and the phone flashed into life. Harry looked at me but said nothing. As I looked back at the phone another message beeped through. It was from David. I could only read the first few words of the notification but it said `I'm starting to get worried about you'. I pulled down the notifation area and there were so many unread messages and missed calls. "You've been ignoring you phone for a long time Harry. Your friend David is worried about you. Why have you not been chatting to him?"

"I wasn't quite sure what to say to him" came the reply.

Three more messages had come through while I talked to Harry.

D-I won't say anything to anyone

D-I won't judge you

D-I promise.

"I'll see if I can help with that then Harry. Let me just catch up on the chat" I said as I scrolled back to the beginning of this mornings messages. Harry remained silent.

D-Hey how did your night end up with "Sir" ;-)

D-Hey everything okay? You get home Ok?

D-Harry are you Ok?

H-Yeah. Bit of an odd night.

D-You're telling me. What's going on? Who was that guy? You just did everything he told you to. And you called him Sir all evening.

H- I know. It's a long story, but it doesn't matter now. How was your night?

D-Why doesn't it matter not. And who was he?

H-Just forget about it.

D-Why? He was walking all over you and you just let him. And you paid for everything last night.

H-Only the stuff that he didn't make you pay for! And then you just let him take money from your wallet to give to that guy. What's going on with you?

D-Oh. that's a long story.

H- Well you tell me your long story first.

D-It's a bit odd.

H-I can guess how odd.

D-I'm not sure you can.

H-Try me.

D-Well basically I saw him go into the wooded area at the end of the park one night and then a few minutes later that cute lad Sam went in the same bit. So I looped around and then saw Sam giving him a blow job. It was really hot watching them. As Sam left he said `Same time next week?' but I didn't hear what the reply was. Anyway, I went back the same time next week and watched them do it again.

H-Ah. Well he's my PT from the gym. And I asked to do some extra sessions with him and they ended up being at my home gym. And this one time he was showing me a bench press he was standing right over me and I got a boner and then he told me that it was too much of a distraction and he forced me to have a wank right there and then.

D-That is SO hot!



H-I thought you'd think I was really weird.

D-Well it is definitely a bit weird, but its also really hot.

H-Well there's a lot more weirdness. I also ended up paying for a hotel for the three of us last night.

D-You spent the night with him and Sam? Lucky bastard. I'd pay for the hotel room if I got to spend the night with him and Sam.

H-Yeah but it wouldn't be how you think it would be. And the hotel was really expensive.

D-Ha! Still worth it. I'd pay for a private jet to fly us to the most expensive hotel in the world if I got to spend the night with him, it would be so hot.

H-It wouldn't be how you imagine it.

D-What do you mean?

H-He does what he wants, not what you want. He never does what you want.

D-I like a man that takes control.

H-Yeah. But this is different. I wanted to say no but somehow I kept saying yes yesterday. Anyway I told him this morning that I was done and not paying for anything more.

D-Are you mad?

H-No. You don't understand.

D-Try me.

H-Well I've spent a lot of money. Too much. He asks me do it and I don't want to say no to him. It's thousands now.

D-So what. You're loaded. And you've just told the hottest guy you'll ever lay a finger on that you're done? You are mad!

H-You don't understand.

D-You keep saying that. But then you clam up. What's going on Harry?


D-You there?

D-Why wont you answer?

D-I'm starting to get worried about you.

D-I won't say anything to anyone.

D-I won't judge you.

D-I promise.

"Well it seems you've been a bit frugal with the truth Harry." I said. "I think I'll let David know some of the finer details you've missed." Again, Harry said nothing.

H-Ok. But you have to promise that this stays between you and me.

D-I promise.

H-Well just to give you an idea, here's some of the stuff he's made me do in the past few days. I've stripped naked in a bar. I was spanked in the bar. I paid for all the drinks for every customer in the bar. I licked up some random guys cum off of Sam's face. I've licked my own cum off his Nikes. I've paid for a hotel plus all the extras. I've given a hotel staff member a blow job and I've licked his cum from Sam's arse after he fucked him.

D-It sounds like you've been the star of the horniest porn film ever! You have no idea how much I wish it was me doing all that for him.

H-Really? I thought you'd think I was a mental doing all that.

D-Nah, not mental. We are all a bit weird. I didn't tell you all the details of the park meet. Several times. I paid for the face fuck. I've wanked loads of times wishing Sam was me. I thought I'd hidden in the shadows enough but when Sam walked in last night I knew they both knew. I didn't want you or any of the lads to know but my cock was rock hard under the table wondering what was going to happen. But after how horny you've told me he makes you I don't mind telling you. There's something about him isn't there. To be honest, I'd do anything he says. He's so hot. I'd be the same as you, I wouldn't say no.

And that was the point where I knew I had David right where I wanted him. I carried on with the chat a bit more.

H-Oh I thought you'd think I was pathetic letting him treat me like that, I hate that I keep saying yes but I know I kind of like it too. My cock is always hard when I'm around him. I never know what he's going do next. A bit of me doesn't want to finish it but I don't think I can carry on.

D-I've never told anyone stuff like this. But it's good to finally talk about it.

H-Why don't you come round so we can chat about it some more then? I'm home now.

D-Sure. I'll be round in 2 minutes.

"Well it seems you have a lot more in common with David than I thought? Although he appears to be more confident in what he wants. I gotta say I was a bit surprised and disappointed this morning. I thought you and I were a great combination. You certainly seemed to be enjoying yourself every time I was here. I know your cock has loved everything so far. But you have always been free to do what you want so if you really want out then that fine."

I put the phone down on the bench beside me. Harry said nothing, but looked uncomfortable standing there. The knock at the door brought him back to life and he started to move towards the door of the gym.

"Just wait there Harry. I'll answer the door. I'm expecting him."

Harry looked quizzically at me as I headed past him through the door.

David was even more shocked to see me answer the door than he was when Sam had turned up at the table last night.

"Come in David. I've been expecting you" I said with a huge smile on my face. "Go straight down the hall to the gym. Harry is in there"

"Erm, what's going on?" He finally asked.

"You'll find out soon enough" I replied as I motioned him towards the gym.

I locked the front door and followed David into the gym.

"I'm glad to see you were concerned about Harry, David. That was nice of you."

"How do you know I was concerned about him" he asked?

"Because I've read your whole conversation on his phone David."

David looked at Harry, but before either of them had time to speak I carried on.

"In fact, it goes a bit further than that David. You see, the last few messages weren't actually from Harry. That was me using his phone. But I'm really pleased to hear that you would do anything I say, and that you wouldn't say no to me."

David stared at me in disbelief.

"Not only would you do anything I said, you are really willing and eager, and I've got to say David, that's really impressed me. It's great that you are so up front and honest about that because I know that Harry has really struggled to be honest with himself about what he really wants. His cock is always honest, but his head isn't quite there yet -- is it Harry?" I asked as I turned towards him.

"Erm, No Sir" he replied.

"But that's OK Harry," I carried on, "because David here is more than willing to take your place. He isn't going to struggle. He already knows that he wants to do whatever I tell him to. He wants to say Yes Sir' as often as he possibly can. If fact if I turn to him right right now and ask him if that's correct the he'll reply Yes Sir', Isn't that right David?" I asked as I turned towards him.

He looked at me for a few seconds and finally said "Yes Sir" in a strong voice.

"You already know I've ordered harry to do so much stuff and you want the same don't you?"

"Yes Sir."

"You want to do even more than Harry, don't you?"

"Yes Sir"

"Excellent David. Well we better get started then." I turned to Harry now and said "Harry, since you don't need me anymore, can you give us some privacy please." For the first time ever I saw actual sadness in Harry's eyes. He had looked sad and disappointed before of course, but this really hit him. Still, he turned around and left the room, closing the door behind him.

"Right David, here's what I require of you. 100% Honesty. 100% compliance. 100% of the time. I know you will initially struggle with this, but you will get there. You will answer every question I ask you with 100% honesty. These were my rules for Harry and they will be the same for you. Understand?"

"Yes Sir"

"You are free to ask any questions at any point, and just as Harry has shown today, you are free to walk away at any time. Now, unlock your phone, open up the banking app and set up a new payee"

"Yes Sir" said David taking the phone out of his pocket and tapping away on it.

"Pass it to me" I said to him, and I put in my bank details. "Lets just check that works"

I sent myself just 100 quid to test that it worked and my phone promptly beeped in confirmation.

"There we go David. That's you all set up. That beep is the sound of your money becoming my money. You will get used to that sound. Its one of the horniest sounds there is. Right?"

"Yes Sir" he replied.

I sent myself another 100 quid of David's money and my phone beeped again. David looked and then asked "What was that second amount for Sir? Are you planning on buying something?"

"No" I replied "I'm not going to buy anything specific. I'm taking it because I want to take it and because I enjoy taking it. My cock gets hard taking your cash and I know your cock will get as hard when you follow my orders."

Before David had time to reply there was a knock at the door and Harry came back into the room

"Harry. We are busy" I said directly to him.

"Yes Sir, Sorry Sir, but I think I've changed my mind"

"You THINK?" I questioned.

"Sorry Sir. I HAVE changed my mind"

"What if it's too late for that Harry? I have David now. He's going to provide me with everything I want aren't you David?"


"I think you're looking for `Yes sir'." I prompted him.

But before David had time to correct himself Harry again piped up, "I want to do that Sir"

"Why the change of mind Harry?" I asked.

"When I walked out of here a part of me inside sank and I instantly knew it was the wrong decision. Sir I made a mistake. I'm sorry" he answered

"You make a lot of mistakes don't you Harry?"

"Yes Sir. Sorry Sir. But I will try my best to make this my last one."

"I've heard that before Harry"

"I know Sir. I'm sorry Sir. But I will try so hard. I promise."

"Well it seems I have two eager subs now. But which one of you wants it the most I wonder."

I let the silence hang in the air for a few minutes while David and Harry both looked at each other, unsure what to do.

"Lets find out shall we?" I said as I tossed David's phone back to him. "Lets test you boys and see who needs this the most. You both want to be my sub? You can bid for it. David, you can bid first. Your banking app is all set up now. Send your bid now."

David took a few seconds to think and then tapped on his phone. A second later my phone beeped in confirmation. I checked the notification. "Well!" I said loudly "David has started us off with a very low bid of just 100 pounds. I know that that's not going to be close to the winning bid. Harry -- your turn"

Harry quickly got his phone out of his pocket and my phone soon beeped again. "That's more like it! David, Harry has upped the bid to 1000 pounds, looks like you need to step your game up"

David went back to his phone, and I soon received the confirmation. "1,100. It seems like David likes 100s, while Harry likes 1000's. What's you're next move Harry?" I didnt have to wait long for my phone to tell me that Harry's bid had arrived. "Straight to 2,000. Looks like you are going to have to up your game a bit David"

David was soon on his phone again and he had upped his game, but not significantly. "A bit of a stronger bid from David -- 2,500. Harry, where are you going with your next bid?" I could see Harry taking more time over this one. He went to tap on his phone but then stopped and paused for a second. Then he tapped again and my phone beeped.

"Well it looks like Harry has finally found the courage to do what he knows he wants to, his bid is 5,000 David"

"Fuck. 5 grand?" he exclaimed.

"That's right David."

"This is getting ridiculous. Everything you told me about last night is so hot, but this is a lot of money."

I waited for David to make his next move and my phone eventually confirmed Davids bid. "5,500 from David" I said as I looked at Harry. He spent no time sending his bid straight through. "And that was a very quick bid of 7 grand from Harry. It seems like you've finally found your balls Harry"

"Yes Sir" came his quick reply. I turned to David who now looked quite shell shocked.

"You're not going to give up are you Harry?" David asked

"What do you think?" he asked rhetorically

I turned to David who was looking at his phone apprehensively, but before he had a chance to respond, my phone beeped again. I looked down at the notification and saw that Harry had followed up his 7 grand bid with another bid of 10 grand before David even had the chance to send his cash.

"What was that?" asked David

"That" I replied, "was Harry showing you just how far he is willing to go. He's topped up his 7 grand bid with an additional 10 grand. Looks like the ball is firmly in your court David"

Now it was Davids turn to look sad. "Fine" he said. "You win Harry."

"Well done Harry" I said "It looks like you have just allowed yourself to start enjoying where this is headed. And there's so much more to come. You are going to be my alpha finsub and I'll be making sure I push you every week to ensure that cock of yours is as hard as it was the first night we had our PT session right here. I know you thought you had managed to hide it that night, but I knew then what you were after."

"Yes Sir" he replied

I could see his cock twitch in the front of his trousers. "Well there's not time like the present for me to start having some fun. Harry, get into position immediately"

"Yes Sir" he replied, and instantly started undressing.

I turned and looked at David who was watching Harry. By the time Harry had removed all his clothes his cock was as hard as I had ever seen it. He got down on his knees and then put his hands behind his head.

"It looks like Harrys cock is about to explode, doesn't it David?"

"Yeah" he replied in the most unenthusiastic way.

"What's up David? You seem a bit down" I asked.

"Well its not fair. Harry chose to leave and then has bought his way back in and I was so close to having the horniest night like he had"

"Well there's going to be plenty more nights like last night David"

"Yeah for Harry, not for me"

"Well I'm sure we can work something out David. Harry has clearly been the alpha sub today but I'm sure there's room for a beta like you."

"I don't understand" he replied

"You said Harry's night sounded like the horniest porn film ever. I'm going make you the star of the horniest porn film any time I chose to. It would make last night seem like foreplay. In fact, if Harry is going be my alpha cashsub, you are going to be my beta porn sub, and I will be the director of the longest running porn film ever. I'll still be taking your cash whenever I chose to, but I'm going to guess that I can give you a night wilder than you have ever fantasised about. Unlock your phone and pass it to me now"

David obeyed instantly.

I opened up his browser and searched through his history. David had watched every possible porn video on every possible site. Pornhub. Thisvid. Xhamster. Xvideos. The list was never ending. And his video selections were also lengthy. Orgy. Bukkake. Gang bang DP. Bondage. Slave. The topics went on and on and got wilder and wilder my cock throbbed in anticipation of what David was going to become.

"Wow, your browser history makes for some very interesting reading David" I said

David instantly started to go red in the face. "Oh erm, I'm not into ALL of that stuff, I was just browsing"

"You say you're not into all that stuff now, but you definitely will be. Right David, its time to show me what you've got. Strip."

David glanced over at Harry who was still in position with his cock pointing straight out, as soon as their eyes met Harry quickly looked to the ground. It was obvious that he was very uncomfortable with the situation, but his cock continued to betray him. David started to remove his clothes. I hadn't really taken much notice of him last night but when he removed his top it was clear that he had put much more effort in at the gym than Harry ever had. Broad shoulders but with a generally lean physique gave off a swimmers body look. He removed his shoes and socks and trousers leaving him in just a pair of boxers which hid what was about to be revealed. David gave a final glance at both me and Harry and then removed his boxers to reveal what can only be described as a perfect pornstar cock. It was thick and long and protruded outwards from his body slightly even while soft like it was now. Hanging behind the impressive cock was a pair or large low hangers which, on anyone else, may have made their cock look smaller in comparison, but these large balls complimented his cock perfectly.

I chose to ignore the size of his cock for just a minute or two. "Right David, come and stand here in front of Harry" David looked at me for a second before walking towards Harry, finishing about a metre away from him. "No David. Stand RIGHT in front of Harry, as close as you can get to him." David inched forward slowly until the tip of his cock was almost touching Harry chin. "Don't look so scared Harry, I'm not going to make you swallow that monster cock today" Harry glanced my way but then looked straight ahead again, his focus seeming to be somewhere in the middle of David pubes.

"That cock of yours is a bit of a surprise David. Have you been a top in the past?"

"Yes Sir" he replied proudly.

"Well that's all about to change starting right now. From now on you're going to be my pornographic fuck boi. You'll be my sex toy, following all my orders. Both your holes are going to be used more than you can ever imagine and you're going to recreate every single video that you have watched with you being the sub at the centre of the action. And all the while you are being used, I'll be watching you and taking your cash, and I can see just how much you want that all to happen." David's cock may have started off soft when he was standing in front of Harry, but now it had swelled significantly. It had brushed against Harry's chin and then slid up the side of his cheek and was now resting on Harry's ear. "Looks like you need to unload before you take Harry's eye out with that"

David looked at me and smiled and replied "Yes Sir"

"Ok then, get on your knees right where you are" I instructed. David duly knelt down his face was level with Harry's and the tips of their cocks were almost touching. "Perfect" I said. "Now, you are going to want to shoot your load as quick as you possibly can because I am going to start transferring money from your account right now and I'm not going to stop until you have shot your load"

"Fuck!" exclaimed David "You can't just empty...." But his words were cut short as my phone beeped in confirmation of the first transfer. David started wanking furiously and all Harry could do was watch him at very close range.

I only transferred another 2 grand out of Davids bank before I could hear him make a low growling noise. I watched closely as he started to shoot his load all over Harry's cock. Several ropes of cum hit Harry's pubes and landed on his still hard cock. Finally David let go of his cock and looked up and again caught Harry's eye, who quickly looked away.

"Well Harry, how does feel having your best mate shoot his load over you?" I asked with a grin.

"Erm, pretty horrible Sir"

"Why is your cock still so hard then Harry?"

Harry just shrugged and hung his head. "I think you like it more than you let on Harry. But we can't have you covered in your mates cum for the rest of the day. David, it's time for you to clean up your mess. Harry, tell David how you have cleaned up every load of cum for me so far"

Harry's eyes widened as he looked at me, but then turned to David and said "I used my tongue to lick up all the cum I was ordered to."

"Better get right to it then David before I start on your bank account again" I said

David, who was still on his knees in front of Harry backed himself up a little and then got on all fours. His head edged toward Harry's cock and I saw him tentatively stick his tongue out but stopped himself before fully getting in contact with Harry's cock.

My phone beeped in confirmation of another transferred as I said to David "The longer you take, the more money I take."

This had the desired effect and David was soon licking his cum off of Harry's cock. "Make sure you lick all of the cum out of Harry's pubes" I taunted him. But it seemed that David was learning quickly and instead of pausing he just put more effort into cleaning up his cum. He spent the next couple of minutes doing a really thorough job, but I know I wanted to mess with him a bit more. As soon as he'd finished I said "I think you missed a bit right on the end of Harry's cock. Get your tongue out and give it a really good licking David."

David glanced my way, I could see that he knew exactly what I was doing but he turned back and started licking Harry's swollen cock head. Harry squirmed and glanced at me, but knew better than to say anything. David knew what was coming but I just wanted to make it extra clear to both of them.

"You've got two choices David, either you let Harry shoot his load all over your face, but I'll still make sure that your tongue cleans up as much as it can of it, or you stop any mess happening at all by making sure that Harry's cockhead is right at the back of your throat as he shoots his load. I'm going to suggest that the second option is the best option for you, but if you really want your mate to shoot his cum all over your face then that's up to you."

The thought of shooting his load all over David's face clearly tipped Harry over the edge and after a couple of quick grunts his first shot hit David on his cheek. David acted quickly though and engulfed Harry's cock. Harry bucked as David swallowed his load, finally slumping down onto his heels as his orgasm subsided.

David sat up. I stared at him but he didn't realise he hadn't quite completed his job. "Some of your mates cum is dripping down the side of your mouth David" I smirked at him.

David stuck his tongue out the corner of his mouth and licked up the last few drops of Harry's orgasm.


Boss Bob

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Next: Chapter 9

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