Taking the Fags Cash

By Robert Chatham

Published on Oct 21, 2020


Here is the next part of Harry's story.

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Harry looked totally wrung out. He was slumped down with some cum still leaking out of his now soft cock, with more cum congealing on his hands.

"Time to lick up your mess Harry." I instructed him. "Start with the cum on your fingers."

Harry gingerly lifted his hands to his mouth and started licking it clean.

"See what effect the knowledge of your bank account has had Harry."

He looked up at me and stared at my bulging crotch.

"Knowing how much cash I can take from you gets me rock hard Harry. I'm gonna have to empty my balls soon."

Harry instinctively leaned towards my bulge but I stopped him. "You've still got the rest of your mess to clean up Harry."

Harry looked disappointed, but leant forward and started licking the cum off my Nikes. He was halfway through cleaning one when a knock at the door made him stop and look up. He then looked at me and after only a short pause lowered his head and continued with cleaning my Nikes.

"Sam. Door."

"Yes Sir."

The door was only halfway open when a lad bounced in.

"Awright guys. I've been send up wiv yer food. Not sure why I've to bring it cos they never let me out of the kitchen but they said I had to bring... Woah, what's going on `ere?"

He stopped dead in his tracks and stared at Harry. He looked about 20 years old, short dirty blonde hair with a sharp fade. There were a variety of mismatched tattoos up his arms and sticking out the neck of his dirty but tight fitting t-shirt.

"Harry, answer his questions." I ordered.

"I'm cleaning these Nikes." he simply said.


"Because I was told to."

There was a lengthening silence as he just stared at Harry in disbelief.

"What's you name?" I asked.

"Kyle." came the reply.

"Well Kyle, Harry here does everything I tell him to and we are having a fun night here. He shot his load over my Nikes and now I'm making him clean them with his tongue."

Kyle stood there staring in disbelief at Harry as he continued to lick his cum off my Nikes.

"Want to join in the fun Kyle?" I asked him. But I didn't wait for an answer. "Put the food down over there and come and join us."

Kyle put the food down beside the drinks and came back over to where Harry had just finished cleaning my Nikes.

"What shall I order Harry to do next Kyle ?" I asked him putting my arm around him and pulling him closer. "Oh I know" I said, not actually giving Kyle any time to answer, as I turned to Harry and asked "How many different cum loads have you tasted today Harry?"

"That was the third Sir."

"And whose were the first two?"

"The first one was mine this morning and the second one was.... erm... the guy chained up in the bar whose cum I licked off of Sam's face."

"Whaaaaat?" exclaimed Kyle.

"It's a long story" I said. "Kyle, how about we make yours the fourth load of the day."

"I'm not gay." exclaimed Kyle. "I've got a girlfriend."

"Oh don't worry about that Kyle. Harry will suck any cock I tell him to. Straight, gay. Whatever. Sure you will Harry."

"Yes Sir." Harry replied, despite the fact it wasn't really a question.

Kyle looked a bit uneasy but was clearly a bit intrigued too. However he said " Oh I've been working all day in the kitchen and it's really hot n sweaty down there. I don't think he'd like it."

"Perfect" I replied. "Harry get over here and lick all of Kyle's sweatiest parts and then swallow his load as quick as you can because he's got to get back to work."

Kyle stood frozen to the spot as Harry crawled towards him and reached up and pulled down his black Adidas joggers, making sure that his boxers came down with them. He leant his face in and stuck his tongue out and started tentatively licking Kyle's thigh.

"That's pathetic Harry, put some effort into it, get your tongue right in there." I ordered him.

Harry added about 1% more effort to his task and that didn't impress me. I grabbed him by his hair and yanked his face out of Kyle's crotch. I crouched down so my face was only inches from his and very quietly said "You are embarrassing me Harry. That wasn't effort! Was it?"

"No Sir, Sorry Sir." He replied. I'm sure if I didn't still have a firm grasp of his hair then he'd have dropped his head in shame.

"Kyle, turn around and put your hands on the desk. Harry, stick you tongue out and lick Kyle's sweaty arse crack like it's your favourite ice cream." I laughed at him

Kyle turned around and leaned over causing his arse to stick out a bit and I pushed Harry's face into Kyle's sweaty arse crack. "Get licking now Harry"

His face, squished into Kyle's butt cheeks, tried to look round at me but I tightened my grip on his hair and forced him deeper into Kyle's crack. After a few seconds I heard some slurping noises but he really wasn't impressing me yet. I gave his arse a swift kick with my Nikes and he finally got going. I used my grip on his hair to guide his face up and down Kyle's crack and then stood back to watch Harry carry on. Kyle turned round and looked at me and I gave him a smile and a wink. "How's he doing Kyle?" I asked him.

"Erm, ok." He replied "but I really should get back to work soon."

"No problem, turn around. Harry has been asking to taste cum all night so he can swallow a load of yours."

Harry settled back onto his heels as Kyle turned around and leaned back against the desk.

"Harry, its timed to get Kyle's cock as hard as yours is."

"Oh he really is loving this isn't he." said Kyle.

"More than he let's on." I replied.

Kyle's cock was soft when he turned around and lent against the desk. It was at the perfect height for Harry to just open his mouth lean forward and start sucking. Harry gave a quick glance at me but knew what he had to do. He took Kyle's soft cock in his mouth and started to suck him. Harry continued to roll Kyle's cock around his mouth for a few minutes but it was clear that Kyle was not enjoying it.

"Kyle, how is Harry doing?" I asked him.

"Pretty shit to be honest. I though my bird was crap at blowjobs, but even she is better than this."

We both looked down at Harry who looked sad, embarrassed and rejected.

"Looks like you need a whole lot of practice Harry." He just hung his head as he replied "Yes Sir"

"Sam, get over here. Harry clearly needs lots more practice . Make Kyle cum in record time, but make sure Harrys swallows it all."

"Yes Sir." came the ever obedient answer.

Sam got on his knees beside Harry and took Kyle's still soft cock in his mouth. I have no idea where Sam learned to suck cock, but I know from experience that he is amazing. Whether you are brutally face fucking him or allowing him to suck you at his own pace, he is the best. It wasn't long before Kyle tilted his head back and let out an almost inaudible moan. Sam picked up the pace and Kyle placed his hands behind Sam's head and started to fuck his throat deeper. Sam knows exactly what to do when a cockhead is lodged down the back of his throat and it was only seconds before Kyle started saying "Oh fuck. Oh fuck. Oh fuck."

Sam stepped it up another gear. He took Kyle's cock right out of his mouth and instantly swallowed it all again, burying his nose in Kyle's pubes. Three more of those and Kyle started to let out a low growl. I grabbed Harry by the hair again and yanked him forward. As he started to protest, Kyle's cock found his open mouth and I pushed Harry's nose to the same place that Sam's had been just seconds before. Harry instantly gagged. I yanked his head back allowing him only a split second to recover before forcing him back onto Kyle's cock. I tightened my grip on Harry's hair as Kyle thrust further down his throat. Harrys eye's bulged. Kyle immediately started fucking Harrys throat hard and after only a few seconds he pulled out and a huge rope of cum covered Harry's face. I pushed Harrys mouth back over Kyle's cock and he swallowed every shot that Kyle had.

Kyle slumped back against the desk and his cock slipped out of Harry's mouth. Sam quickly licked the spunk off Harry's face and spat it straight back into Harry's mouth.

"You just need to clean up Kyle's cock now Harry and he can go back to work."

"Yes Sir." he replied, leaning forward and taking Kyle's cock into his mouth for the last time tonight.

"Was Sam's blow job better than Harry's then Kyle?" I asked.

"Fucking hell. Yeah. Loads better. Harry was shit. But that was the best blowjob I've ever had. My girlfriend is never gonna be worthwhile again."

"You hear that Harry? Your blow job was shit."

"Yes Sir. Sorry Sir"

"You need to apologise to Kyle"

"Yes Sir." He replied. Then turning to Kyle he said "I am sorry that my blowjob was shit."

Kyle laughed in his face.

"Right Kyle, time for you to get back to work. Harry, thank Kyle for delivering our food."

"Thank you Kyle for... Oh...."

Harry realised his error. He turned around and crawled over to where his wallet was and opened it. He looked back at me for just a second and then pulled out four twenty's. Just as he was putting his wallet back down I said to him "Do you remember just how shit your blow job was Harry?" Harry picked his wallet back up and took out another twenty.

"You were really shit Harry. Really, really shit." I laughed at him.

Harry sighed but took another five twenty's from his now almost empty wallet and gave them to Kyle.

Kyles face lit up. "Fuck. Yes! You can give me a shit blowjob anytime. I bet the whole kitchen team will want a shit blowjob from you."

"You hear that Harry?" I said. "That would be a whole evening of expensive shit blow jobs for you."

Harry slumped back into a crumpled heap on the floor. His "Yes Sir" was barely audible.

Sam closed the door after Kyle left and I shouted over to him "You better lock it this time. I don't want any interruptions while I'm emptying my balls."

Harrys head flicked round and he looked at me in anticipation.

"Right Harry, you've waited long enough. It's time to make your wish come true. Lie on the bed here, face up, with your head just slightly over this end."

Although seconds before Harry had seem pretty lifeless, he now bounced into action and was soon lying in the perfect position, head just slightly hanging off the end of the low bed. I stood towering over him, his eyes were all over me.

"What was your wish Harry?" I asked him.

"I wished that I could taste your cum, Sir."

"Well let's make that happen right now."

I took my t-shirt off and Harry's eyes were all over me. I undid my belt and the top button of my jeans and Harry licked his lips in anticipation.

"Sam -- get over here" I shouted. Harry looked puzzled, but I ignored him. "Strip Sam. Quickly." I ordered. And Sam was soon naked.

"Get on the bed on all fours Sam, straddling Harry."

Sam obeyed.

I stood looking at the scene before me. Harry was looking up at me. I could see he was desperate to ask what was going on but he didn't dare. Just inches above his face, Sam's cock was dangling and i could see Sam's hole was ready for my cock. I took my jeans and boxers off, spat into my hand and rubbed it over the end of my cock to lube it up. I leaned forward resting the end of my cock on Sam's hole, and looking down past my cock I could see Harry staring up at me. I gave a slight push forward and Sam's hole opened up and I watched as my cock slid fully in, and Harrys face disappeared.

Sam gave a low moan as the whole length of my cock ended up buried deep in his arse. I withdrew fully, seeing Harrys face reappear, before I rammed it straight back in, bouncing my balls off of Sam's balls only inches above Harry. His face appeared and disappeared as I fucked Sam's hole harder and harder. Given the events of the whole day, it wasn't long before I was ready to shoot. I withdrew and blasted the first load over Sam's hole before slamming my cock back in and filling up his arse.

I slumped over Sam's back and whispered into his ear "Your arse is as good as your throat."

He turned his head around and said "Thank you Sir. It's yours anytime you want it."

I stood back up and let my cock slide out of Sam's arse. A large blob of cum immediately followed it. It slid down the back of Sam's balls and landed on Harry's face.

"There's a lot more of my cum in your arse Sam. Let it all out." I told him.

Sam slowly opened up his hole and let the rest of my cum slide out of his arse.

"What are you waiting for Harry! You wanted to taste my cum. Better get licking it up right away because I don't want you to miss a drop. And make sure you thank me for making your wish come true Harry." I smirked at him as he stuck his tongue out and licked my cum from Sam's balls.


Boss Bob

Amazon / Circle / Paypal tributes to Nike_adidas_dom_uk@hotmail.com

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Next: Chapter 8

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