Taking the Fags Cash

By Robert Chatham

Published on Apr 23, 2020


Here is the next part of Harry's story. Again, I really appreciate all the messages and comments you have sent. Hope you are continuing to enjoy it as much as Harry is ;o)

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Pt 6

We left Associates Bar and walked back across town towards where the evening had began.

"Sir?" questioned Harry "Where are we going Sir"

"To make your wish come true Harry, weren't you listening to me?" I replied.

"Sorry Sir, Yes Sir, Of course Sir. I just meant where specifically"

"You don't need to know that. You'll learn to just follow and not ask questions"

"Yes Sir, Sorry Sir"

We carried on walking through the streets of the city. It was pretty late by this time and the streets were quiet. I decided to head to the Courts Hotel. As we turned to walk into the grand entrance foyer of the hotel Harry paused for just a second. I stopped and turned around. He seemed to almost start to ask about three different questions, but in the end said nothing and started walking again. As we got to the main door, I paused and Harry instinctively opened the door for me. I smirked at him and walked through, Sam followed behind me and Harry brought up the rear.

I walked up to the reception desk and the guy behind looked up and smiled a broad smiled. He looked great. Perfectly fitted shirt, showing off his arms. He knew how to get the most out of his workouts. "Good Evening Sir, Welcome to the Courts Hotel. How can I help you?"

Harry and Sam arrived either side of me as I replied "We'd like to check into one of your suites please. The one with the large balcony and hot tub if it's available, we'll be staying a few nights but I'd like to keep it an open booking."

"Certainly Sir, that suite is available, I'll just check on our current rates for it"

"No need to check on the rates" I said to him as I then turned to Harry and said "Is there Harry?"

Harry blushed slightly. He'd stayed at this hotel before on business when there were corporate events on and he really didn't want to cause a scene here.

"No Sir" and he reached for his wallet and removed a credit card.

I turned back to the guy on reception and said "Just use that card for any expenses charged to the suite. Also we'll be needing some room service. Please send up two bottles of Champagne, one bottle of Gentleman Jack along with a small selection of hot snacks. We don't have any luggage so if I could have a key right now I will leave you with Harry to sort out all the necessary paperwork"

"Certainly Sir. My name is Lukas, and I'll make sure you have a perfect stay with us" he said as he handed me the room key. The smile on his face along with the almost imperceptible wink he gave let me know that our stay here would be perfect.

I went up to the suite with Sam leaving Harry to do all the paper work and, of course, pay for everything. I opened the door and soon realised just how big this suite was. It was easily bigger than my apartment. The large glass doors at the far end of the living room opened onto the balcony. I could see the hot tub and beyond it was an amazing view of the city. Sam could hardly contain himself. He ran to the doors and flung them open and was soon hanging over the edge looking out over the city. He was so excitable. It was kinda cute really.

The room door opened and Harry entered. He walked past me and headed out towards Sam on the balcony.

"Harry. Stop" I ordered. He stopped and turned around. "Its time for some new rules for you. Firstly -- strip completely"

Harry complied immediately, removing all of his clothing and folding it neatly on the chair beside him. I guess the fact that he'd already spent a significant amount of the night naked made it feel almost normal to him by now.

"Now Harry, get on your knees and place your hands behind your head."

Again, Harry complied, his cock stiffening slightly as he looked up at me.

"From now on Harry, when I tell you to get into your position, you will recreate this exactly -- understood?"

"Yes, Sir"

I walked behind Harry and he turned his head to follow me but I quickly ordered "Eyes front Harry"

His head moved back to facing forward as I started to tell him how life was going to be for him from now on.

"I can tell how much you've enjoyed today Harry by how hard your cock has been. Even this morning when I was helping myself to your money, your cock was hard. I'm going to make sure that I keep it that way."

I removed Harry's phone from his neatly folded trousers and walked back round to stand in front of him. I unlocked his phone and opened up his banking app. He started at me with wide eyes.

"Do you have a limit to how much you can transfer in a single transaction Harry?"

"Erm.... I em.... I..... I don't know Sir"

"Shall we find out?" I smirked.

"Sir, please no, please don't find out"

"It looks like your cock wants me to find out Harry"

Harry looked down at his cock which was pointing straight back at him and he let out a frustrated sigh.

"But Sir..." he started to say but was cut short by a knock at the door. Harry looked up at me with a fear in his eyes.

"Sam" I shouted out towards the balcony doors where he was still admiring the view, "get the door"

Sam came back in and looked at Harry, naked and on his knees, and carried on to the door.

"Sir" said Harry in a slightly quavering voice "should I, erm..."

But he stopped his question short. The look I gave him made him very aware that he should remain exactly as he was.

Sam opened the door and in walked Lukas with a tray of drinks. He walked straight past Harry only giving him a cursory glance.

"Here is your champagne and whiskey. Glasses are in this cupboard here" he said pointing to the unit he was setting the tray down on "and mixers and ice are in here just to the right"

He turned around and looked at Harry and then looked at me. "It looks like you have everything you need for the evening" he said with a slight chuckle in his voice. "Should I make sure to send up an appropriate lad to deliver your food?"

I smiled back at Lukas and replied "Absolutely"

We both looked at Harry and smirked. He smiled back uneasily and his cock bounced. Lukas stepped towards him and stood right in front of him, far to close for comfort. His feet were only inches from Harry's cock and his crotch was only inches from Harry's face.

Neither of us said anything and silence stretched out. Harry nervously looked between us and after an uncomfortable silence I said "Harry, why are you making Lukas wait for his tip"

Harry scurried over to his neatly folded pile of clothes and removed his wallet. He opened it up and thought for a minute how much to pull out. He initially slid out a 20 and then looked at me and pulled out another, but before he had a chance to hand it to Lukas I quickly said "Double it". Harry removed another 2 twentys from his wallet and gave them all to Lukas.

"Thank you" said Lukas to me, while totally ignoring Harry. "I will be sure to check up how your stay here is going". And with that he walked out.

Harry breathed a sigh of relief as the door closed behind Lukas.

"Why the big sigh of relief Harry?"

"I wasn't sure how that was going to end up Sir"

"That's how its going to be for you from now on Harry. I know what's coming. But you never will." I paused for a moment awaiting the answer that I knew would come. "And there we go Harry, your cock has just proved what you think about the current situation"

Again Harry looked down at his cock pointing straight back at him.

"So Harry, where were we? Ah yes we were going to see if there was a transaction limit on your account, weren't we? I wonder what the most fun way of doing this would be. We already know that 5 grand isn't an issue for your bank account. Perhaps I try 6 grand, and then 7 grand and then 8 and see if you run out of money before any limit is hit"

"Please don't do that Sir"

"Why not Harry, unsurprisingly it seems like your cock loves the idea"

Harry looked down to see a trail of precum leaking from his cock. "I know Sir. It really does love the idea, but please don't. I couldn't afford that."

"I think you probably can Harry. I think that after about 4 transactions we would either hit your limit or your account would be empty, wouldn't it?"

Harry dropped his head and looked at the floor but said nothing. His cock bounced and throbbed and leaked more precum.

"I asked you a question Harry"

Harry looked up at me and struggled to form a sentence and finally just put his head down.

"Harry, answer me now or I start emptying your account"

"Sorry Sir" he struggled to say and then simply "No"

"No what Harry?"

"No Sir, it wouldn't empty the account"

It was obvious that there was something that Harry really didn't want to tell me so I stood right in front of him with my crotch only inches from his face and asked "Why not Harry?"

"Because it wouldn't empty Sir"

I crouch down so my face was level with Harry's and looked down at his cock. It was constantly leaking precum. I took my finger and rubbed it over his cock head covering it in Harry's precum, and then lifted it to Harry's mouth. Harry knew what to do and he opened his mouth and I pushed my finger into his mouth. I stared into his eyes and asked him again "Why not Harry?"

I removed my finger from his mouth and returned it to Harry's cock head, this time massaging it a bit firmer.

"Because Sir" he began, looking intently at me "I have my accounts set up so that if that account ever drops below 5 grand then it is automatically topped up from another account"

His breathing started to get heavy and he was trembling ever so slightly. I increased the pressure on his cock head as I said to him "So if I empty your account into mine right now then it would automatically fill up again immediately?"

His breathing was getting shallow and fast now, and he looked into my eyes as he said "Yes Sir"

I rubbed my fingers over his cock head once more and he let out low groan.

"And so if I emptied it again it would just refill every time and I would just keep on emptying it" I said looking straight into his eyes and that was enough to tip him over the edge. He shot his load over my Nikes as I continued to rub his cock. His orgasm started to subside and I lent in real close to his face and whispered to him "Your money is mine Harry"

He shuddered once more and let our a really low growl as a final rope of cum shot from his cock onto my Nikes and he finished his orgasm with the words "Yes Sir"

Next: Chapter 7

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