Taking the Fags Cash

By Robert Chatham

Published on Aug 20, 2019


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I am sure that Harry thought that he'd seen the last of me for the day, but I hadn't finished with him yet. When I left him earlier this afternoon he was naked and his cock was hard because I'd been helping myself to his money. He still had some cum dripping from the corner of his mouth from when he'd been licking it off the mirror.

Around 8pm, I picked up my phone and opened the app that showed me where Harry's phone was. He was currently in a bar in Spinningfields. This came as no surprise to me because the bars there completely summed up Harry's taste – overpriced with little substance. The clientele were all about wearing the latest labels and being in the place to be seen. I showered and changed and decided to join Harry for a few drinks.

I spotted him and his friends as soon as I entered the bar. They were sitting at a big circular booth right in the middle. I knew that Harry would tip well to make sure he gets that booth. The rest of his friends were all basically dull uninteresting clones of Harry. Perfect hair. Perfect beard. Perfect suit. Perfectly dull. Although tonight was NOT going to be dull for Harry...

I walked straight up to the table and said "Hi Harry – imagine seeing you here!"

Harry's face was a mixture of so many emotions. He looked surprised, shocked, happy, worried, maybe even scared?

"Aren't you even going to say Hello?" I asked him as the silence stretched out.

"Oh sorry. I was just a bit surprised to see you here. How are you doing...?" Harry's question kind of trailed off as he realised that he should finish with "Sir" but but clearly didn't want to do that in front of his friends. I glared at him and he knew I wasn't happy.

"Yes... Sorry... How are you doing today Sir" he said, trying to recover and make the Sir sound as light hearted and unintentional as possible.

I could tell he was getting uncomfortable but I wasn't going to let him get away with that.

"I'm good thanks, but then you already knew that Harry because I saw you only a few hours ago – didn't I?"

"Hah hah, yes of course."

"Are you forgetting something Harry?"

"Of course! Sorry!" He replied quickly "Can I get you a drink Sir?" as he jumped up from his seat and was halfway to the bar before he even finished his question.

I followed him to the bar.

"Have you forgotten the rules Harry?" I asked him.

"No Sir. But it was too humiliating to call you Sir in front of my friends"

"More humiliating than me showing your friends the photo I took of you licking your cum off the mirror?"

"Oh God, no Sir. Please don't do that Sir"

"Well then you need to abide by our rules right now. Always call me Sir. And follow every instruction immediately. That failure is already going to cost you"

"Yes Sir, Sorry Sir. I wont happen again"

Harry carried our drinks back to the table and I sat down where he had been sitting. He said nothing.

One of his mates said to Harry "See if there's a free chair you can take from another table"

But before Harry could go off and look for one I said "You don't mind standing do you Harry?"

"No Sir" he replied.

"So aren't you going to introduce me to you friends Harry?"

"Sorry Sir, yes of course. This is Tom, Pete and David" he said as he pointed at each of the guys.

"Do I recognise you Tom?" I asked?

"I go to the same gym as Harry, It was me that recommended to Harry that he joined"

"Ahhh, I see" I replied. "Well interestingly I was at Harry's gym earlier today. Harry why don't you tell the guys what we did today?"

Harry looked shell shocked. But quickly recovered himself. He then started to speak.

"Well today was a steep learning curve for me. Mostly I learned about pushing myself that extra bit. Just when you think you can't do it you find a bit of extra strength. Also I learned that this is a long journey and that I am really looking forward to where I end up. Having a PT is about discipline and hopefully I will learn a lot more"

I was actually quite impressed with Harry for the first time ever. He didn't lie. And I believed everything he said – even although we both knew that was not what I was meaning.

At that moment – a waiter walked past and David signalled him over. He ordered a repeat round of drinks for everyone – including me. The waiter produced a contactless payments machine and David paid by card and then casually threw his wallet on the table. I glanced at it and it took a second to register. I grabbed my phone from my pocket and sent Sam a message – How quickly can you get here?' - and I sent him my location. He replied almost instantly. I'm not far away, will be with you in five minutes'

The conversation turned a bit bland for a while at the table, mostly the guys talking about what deals they had done this week and each one trying to out do the other in terms of their bonus this month but then Sam walked in and everything changed.

David spotted him as he walked to the table and he very quickly looked at me. I gave him a nod and a wink. He wasn't quite sure what to do next and after some fidgeting about in his seat, he decided to do nothing.

"Hi Sam" I said with a big smile on my face "Please join us for a drink. David, move round a bit so that Sam can sit beside you."

David glared at me but said nothing as he moved along to let Sam sit. Harry clearly was wondering why Sam had got a seat and he hadn't but he also said nothing. I was loving how this was setting up.

"How are you today Sam?" I asked him.

"Great thanks Sir" he replied. Sam was one of the most loyal guys I knew. He always did his best and always answered quickly and honestly without a hint of hesitation, even if he had no idea what was really going on – like now.

"You probably need a drink Sam. David – sort out a drink for Sam. He'll have a pint of Amstel"

David glared at me but looked round the room and caught the eye of a waiter and ordered Sam's drink. He paid again with his card and as he put the card back in his wallet I said "Sam – isn't David's wallet really nice?"

Sam looked at the wallet and noticed the same things that I saw – the gold initials "DP" on the front of the wallet and he looked at me with dawning recognition on his face of where he'd seen it before.

"It's nice, isn't it Sam?"

"Yes Sir, it is"

We both looked at David and he knew we knew. He sat in silence.

"Harry – I am going to have a fun night out tonight. Buy some champagne to get the night going."

"Yes Sir" He replied immediately. I smiled at him and he almost managed to smile back.

The champagne arrived and I ordered Harry to pour the 6 glasses which finished the bottle.

"David – you can buy the next bottle, this isn't going to last very long at all"

David glared at me but ordered another bottle right away.

I carried on like this for about an hour or so. The conversation was mostly dull but I kept up the awkwardness of ordering Harry and David to spend their money on us. Tom and Pete had no idea what was going on, but interestingly they both said nothing.

Around 11pm I decided it was time for me to continue with the nights activities. I finished my glass of champagne, stood up and said "Sam, I'm in the mood for a great night out, and you're invited." Sam smiled and stood up.

Harry said "Good to see you tonight Sir, enjoy the rest of your evening." He almost looked relieved that I was leaving.

"I intend to Harry, but you are coming with us. Who do you think is going to pay for my night out?"

Harry looked at me, and then at his mates, and then looked back at me and said "I am Sir"

"Sam – How much money do you have on you?" I asked.

"Nothing Sir"

"We'll we'll have to fix that."

I picked up David's wallet from the table and opened it up. It was stuffed full of £20 notes. Probably about three or four hundred quid in there.

"David – you seem fine paying by card so I'll take this" I said, holding up the wad of notes.

"Don't worry though, I'll leave you twenty for a taxi home" I smirked at him.

I handed the notes to Sam and said "Right you two, follow me", as I walked away from the table leaving the remaining three guys with stunned looks on their faces.

We walked across town mostly in silence. I could see the trepidation on Harry's face. Sam was smiling his cute smile the whole way. We turned off the main street onto a side street, and then turned off of that down a narrow alley. Towards the end of the alley I opened a door on the left and we went down some steps. I nodded to the bouncer at the bottom of the stairs and he smiled back and opened the door into a small dark bar. It wasn't too busy tonight, maybe only about 20 guys in there.

"Sir, where are we?" asked Harry.

"Associates Bar" I replied

"I've never heard of it"

"Not many people have"

As we worked our way towards the back of the bar, several groups of guys nodded or smiled at me. Some of the guys said "Good Evening Sir"

"Do you know everyone in here?" Harry asked.

"Pretty much I said – including those three" pointing over to the back corner of he bar where there was one guy tied to a St Andrews cross, one guy on his knees sucking him off and one much bigger guy, dressed all in leather, sitting on a large chair beside them.

Harry's eyes were wide as he looked around the room slowly taking everything in. Sam however was more attentive and asked me what he could get me to drink.

"Oh you're not buying this round Sam"

Harry eventually finished staring and turned back towards me.

He said nothing for a minute, but then eventually asked if I wanted a drink.

"You're not just buying me a drink Harry" I said with a grin.

I nodded to the barman and signalled him to turn the music down a bit. As it went quiet, everyone turned and looked at me.

Harry froze.

"Evening everyone. Hope you are all having a great night. Harry here is going to buy you all a drink – aren't you Harry?"

"Yes Sir" he said, as quietly as possible.

I gave him a stare.

"Yes Sir" he repeated, louder this time.

"This is Harry's first time here, so none of you will know him. But just to make sure that he is fully remembered by all of you, Harry is going to strip naked before coming round and personally delivering your drinks."

My cock throbbed in my jeans as I turned to Harry and ordered him to strip fully.

Harry started stuttering. "Oh... Sir... No. Please. No... Sir. Please don't make me . Not in here. With everyone..."

"Are you refusing to follow my orders Harry?"

"Sorry Sir" Harry said and slowly started to undress.

I motioned to Sam to collect his clothes and eventually Harry was undressed. Despite his obvious discomfort at being naked in a bar of fully clothed men, his cock was telling a different story. I ordered him to start near the door and make sure he ordered everyone a drink. Some guys just got their usual pint or spirit but some ordered doubles or more. Every now and then a bottle of champagne was ordered too. I watch Harry personally deliver every drink. I'm sure it was deliberate on Harry's part to leave the group of three guys at the St Andrews cross until last. He looked over to me and I nodded towards the guy dressed all in leather. He went over and started chatting to him. The chat lasted a few minutes and then he went to the bar and returned to with three drinks. Harry then came back and joined us and asked what we wanted. He went back to the bar and returned with three drinks.

"Have you bought everyone in here a drink Harry?"

"Yes Sir"

"Are you sure Harry?"

He looked slightly worried, but turned around and scanned the room before finally repeating "Yes Sir"

"Excellent" I said. "What did the barman have?"

Harrys face dropped. "I thought you meant all the customers Sir. I'm sorry, I should have known that everyone means everyone".

"Yes you should have Harry. Go and rectify your mistake, make sure the bouncer gets a drink too, and on your way back here ask the guy in leather to join us.

Harry wandered off with his dick bouncing in a semi hard state. He returned with the leather guy. We shook hands and chatted briefly. Then he asked me who Harry was and if he is being a good sub for me.

"I'll let Harry answer than one"

Harry looked shocked. Again. It was becoming a regular look on his face tonight. He struggled to put a sentence together and eventually just said "I'm trying"

"Let me help you out Harry." I turned to the leather guy "So far today, Harry has lied to my face six times in a row, failed to call me Sir and failed to carry out a simple task. I suppose he is "trying" but he needs punished for his actions today."

"I would be happy to deal with that" replied the leather guy.

"Harry, don't embarrass me. Follow him"

Harry followed behind the leather guy, who sat down in his large chair. He said loudly "Despite your claim of `I'm trying', it seems that you have failed to be a good sub today. Get over my knee – NOW"

Harry looked over at me, hoping that I would intervene, but I watched as he turned back and followed his orders. He manoeuvred himself into position himself over the leather guy's knee. As he lowered himself I noticed that his cock was fully hard. I knew he was going to love this.

His head ended up at roughly the height of the guys cock that was still restrained to the St Andrews cross.

"Sam – go and give the guy on the cross the blow job of his life"

"Yes Sir" Sam replied enthusiastically.

Sam got on his knees and started sucking the guy on the cross. I know from experience just how great his mouth is and it wasn't long before the guy was moaning loudly. Harry's face was really close to Sam's so he got a great view as the leather guy started spanking his ass. Harry's cheeks reddened after only a few spanks and I could see his face watching Sam at work.

It was a great scene to watch. Leather guy picked up the pace of his spanking, Harry was squirming quite a bit now but was intent on watching Sam. Sam had also picked up the pace and the guy on the cross was clearly close to shooting his load. Sam deep throated the guys cock and he started shuddering as Sams throat got to work on his cock head. Harry started panting and as the leather guy spanked a bit harder the guy on the cross started cumming. Sam pulled his head back and the guy shot all over Sam's face. Sam swallowed his cock again and the guy on the cross started bucking wildly. Sam pulled off again and another three ropes of cum splattered across his face. He quickly swallowed the guys cock again and was sucking furiously. The guy on the cross couldn't do anything but let Sam drain the last load from his balls. As Sam pulled off his cock, he hung in the restraints – exhausted.

Leather guy had kept up a steady pace on Harry's arse the whole time and it was now bright red. As Sam stood up, leather guy told Harry to stand up too. As he removed himself from leather guy's knee, a long trail of pre cum stretched across his leather trousers and hung from Harry's cock.

"Harry – lick up your mess right now" I ordered.

Harry got on his knees and licked the leather guys trousers clean and then stood up. Sam helped out by licking Harry's cock clean. Sam then stood up and faced Harry.

"Harry – lick up the cum from Sam's face too"

Harry then proceeded to lick all the cum from Sam's face, and then at the end Sam stuck out his tongue and so Harry then licked up his own precum.

I nodded to the leather guy and both Sam and Harry rejoined me. Harry's cock was still rock hard and leaking cum and when I said to him "That's the second load of cum you've tasted today" his cock bounced and leaked more

"Yes Sir, I just wish that I could taste yours"

I could see that Harry was slightly surprised that he had actually said that out loud to me, but I decided that he was ready for some extra fun tonight.

"Harry, get dressed, pay your bill – and don't forget to tip well. The night isn't over yet"

Harry moved faster than I have ever seen him move. He was still putting his shirt back on when we got to the bar. His bill came to £205 and he handed over £300 to the rather surprised barman.

As the three of us left the bar Harry asked "Where are we going Sir?"

"We are going to make your wish come true Harry"

Next: Chapter 6

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