Taking the Fags Cash

By Robert Chatham

Published on May 14, 2019


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Part 4

Last night couldn't have gone any better with Harry. A grand in the bank and I had him exactly where I wanted him. I now knew exactly where his head was at and I was going to use that to my advantage. It was only 11 am but I was going push Harry far today. I sent him a message "I will be at you house at 3pm this afternoon for your next session. Make sure you have done your warm up."

"Can we make it Sunday instead? I have plans today" came the reply.

"This was not a suggestion. It was an instruction"

"Yes Sir, I will be ready at 3"

I went to the gym for around 1.30 and put myself through a really tough workout. I focused particularly on my arms, shoulders and chest because I had a plan for later. After my workout I jumped in the shower and I could feel the other guys watching me. They all knew how good I looked. I dried off and put on a muscle tee and shorts that were a little shorter than I would normally wear. I never usually wear a muscle tee – I don't need it for guys to see how fit I am – but it was part of this afternoons plan.

I chose to arrive at Harry's house at 2.40. I parked down the road slightly and walked up to his house. But instead of going straight to the front door, I turned left off the path and walked past the double garage and round the side of the house. I quietly opened the gate that led to the back garden and walked down the side of the house. The garden was enormous. I'd only ever been at the house at night before now and hadn't quite appreciated the extent of the grounds. There was a summer house, two gazebos, and as I rounded the corner I saw a pool and a hot tub. I worked out roughly where the gym would be along the back row of windows and walked quietly up to the small window. I slowly moved my head to look through the window and saw Harry sitting on one of the benches scrolling through his phone. I could just see over his shoulder and he was flicking between various apps. Not really settling on any one thing for any length of time. I watched him for about 15 mins and then, just before 3pm – he stood up and put his phone in his pocket and headed for the door. I walked back down the side of the house, through the gate, round past the garage and knocked on the front door. Again it was opened within seconds.

"Good afternoon Sir" Harry said with a big smile on his face.

"It's definitely going to be" I said, and walked straight down the hall to the gym.

Harry locked the front door and followed me down to the gym. By the time he arrived I'd taken off my hoody and joggers and was standing in my shorts and muscle tee.

"Wow" said Harry "Have you just come from the gym? You are looking amazing Sir." He couldn't take his eyes off me.

I ignored his question. "How was your warm up Harry?"

"Really good thanks Sir"

Liar. "Have you just finished it?"

"Yes Sir, just before you arrived"

More lies "What did you do for your warm up Harry?"

"I did 10 minutes of stretching and then 15 mins on the cross trainer Sir"

Lies. Lies. Lies. "So you started your workout just after half past two then?"

"Yes Sir"

"Are you sure Harry?"

He hesitated just a bit but then repeated "Yes Sir"

"Why are you lying to me Harry?"

"I'm not Sir"

I said nothing. Harry started to look really uneasy. I let the silence drag out and I could see the awkwardness build in him.

"I arrived at your house not long after half two. I chose to walk round the side of your house, through the side gate and into your back garden. Nice pool by the way. And the gazebos and summer house look great too. But what did not look great was the view through that window right there" I said, pointing at the small gym window. "I watched you sit on your phone and mess around `til it was time for me to arrive. You haven't done any warm up at all, and you have lied to me, face to face, 6 times. I am finished with you."

I started to put on my joggers as Harry started spluttering his apology.

"I am so sorry Sir... Please forgive me Sir... I didn't mean to lie to you Sir... I am really really sorry Sir"

I ignored him and carried on putting my joggers on. My phone beeped. A notification of a money transfer from Harry - £1,000. I put my phone back in my pocket and continued to ignore him.

"Oh god, no... Please Sir... Please don't go..."

I picked up my hoodie and put it on and my phone beeped again. Another grand. Harry was getting desperate. I put my phone back in my pocket and zipped up my hoodie.

"I have cancelled all your future PT sessions" I said calmly as I walked towards the door.

"No Sir... Please Sir... Please don't do this..." I could hear his voice beginning to crack "I need to see you Sir"

My phone beeped again. Five grand.

I stopped and turned round "You have learned nothing from me Harry"

"I don't understand Sir"

"I know you don't. You continue to think that throwing money at a problem is the solution. You've just sent me seven grand to make me stay. But that's easy for you. That requires no effort on your part. Seven grand is nothing to you. You think you can buy your way through life and buy your way out of trouble. How much did you get paid last year Harry?"

"I don't exactly know Sir"

"Why not?"

"Because a large part of my pay is bonuses and I don't keep track of them Sir"

"How much was your last bonus then?"

"I think it was around about two hundred thousand Sir"

"So seven grand is nothing to you, is it?"

"No Sir"

"You see? No effort. No sacrifice."

"You are right Sir" Harry said as he looked at the ground. "What will it take to make you stay Sir?"

"100% Honesty. 100% compliance."

"Yes Sir."

"Do you fully understand what that means?"

"Probably not Sir"

"Let me spell it out to you then. You will answer every question I ask you with 100% honesty. No more lying. No more trying to get around me."

"Yes Sir"

"And you will follow my orders quickly and completely every time"

"Yes Sir"

"Why did you join the gym and sign up with me as your PT?"

"Oh... erm... because... my mate said you were a good PT Sir"

I looked straight into his eyes and said to him "You failed at the first question Harry" and I turned around and headed for the door.

"No. Sir. Stop. Shit. Sir, don't go. OK, Sir, it was because you are so hot. From the moment I saw you in the gym I knew I would do anything to spend time with you."

"Were you really working late when you asked me to come to your house the first time?"

"No Sir"

"Why did you lie"

"Because I wanted to spend time with you alone Sir"

"Well you are going to get a lot more than you bargained for"

Harry kind of smiled uneasily.

"How many times have you thought of me while wanking Harry?"

His hesitation was slight, but still noticeable. However, he realised quickly and then said "I guess it's every time since I had my induction with you Sir"

"And when you wanked yesterday when I was here – what situation were you thinking of?"

"Sir – that's a bit embarrassing to be honest"

"You've just failed again Harry."

"Sir – don't go. I'm really trying. I promise. This is really hard for me"

"The hard part hasn't even started Harry," I said with a glint in my eye. "So as punishment, strip completely right now"

Harry complied fairly quickly. He folded his clothes on the bench beside us and was soon naked.

"Stand with your feet apart and your hands behind your head, and tell me exactly what you were thinking of yesterday. And don't leave out any details Harry"

"Yes Sir. So it was fairly quick for me as you know Sir, but basically I was thinking about you fucking me right here in the gym."

"I slowly walked around him as he was speaking and by the time I was standing in front of him again his cock was rock hard."

"Why is your cock hard Harry"

"Well Sir, it's because you are here and because I am following your orders and because this is a bit humiliating and because I'm thinking of you fucking me again"

"Time to make it lots more humiliating Harry. Step up in front of the mirror again."

Harry complied and was soon wanking himself off, under my orders again.

"I know you are going to cum really quickly again Harry. You can't keep your cum in when I'm here, can you?"

"No Sir" came the reply as he shot all over the mirror.

I let his orgasm subside and then quickly started the next part of his humiliation.

"Get on your knees Harry"

He looked at me with a slightly worried look on his face, but complied.

"Lick up the mess you've made Harry"

He looked at me wondering if I was being serious, and wondering if he could argue, but after a few seconds he turned back to the mirror, stuck his tongue out and started to lick it clean. I walked over to Harry's pile of clothes, removed his phone from the pocket of his shorts and walked back over to where he was licking the mirror.

"How are you enjoying your cum?" I asked him?

"I really don't like the taste Sir"

"Then why is your cock rock hard again Harry?"

Harry just lowered his head.

"Here's the deal then Harry, If your cock is hard then I'm going to assume that you enjoying yourself, and I'll carry on. Right?"

"Yes Sir"

"What's the pin number for your phone Harry?"

"Why do you want to know the..." He trailed off as I stared at him. "Oh, it's 1,1,2,2" he responded after only a short pause. He was learning, finally.

"Finish licking up your cum" I ordered as I unlocked his phone. I had a quick scroll through some apps, installed a couple of my choosing, and then hid them in a locked folder. Then I opened up the camera and filmed Harry licking the rest of his cum off the mirror. I then sent myself the video and deleted it from his phone and sent items. I then took a pic of him licking the cum off the mirror and sent it to me, but I left that one on his phone and in his sent items

Harry had finished licking up his cum. He stood up and turned around. His cock had finally gone soft. I then opened up his banking app and tried the same code. Unsurprisingly it opened the app. The homepage listed many different accounts all with varying balances in them. His current account had fifty grand in it.

"I see you use the same pin number for your banking app as you do for your phone Harry?"

Harry face changed instantly. First shock. Then horror. Then is settled down into something else – compliance maybe?

"Yes Sir."

I tapped away on Harry's phone and sent myself a grand. My phone beeped in confirmation. Harry looked at me but said nothing. I sent another grand and my phone beeped again. Harry still said nothing.

"I'm just going to take some more of your money Harry" I said as my phoned beeped again.

"Yes Sir" said Harry.

And by the time he had finished saying just those two words, his cock was hard again.

I sent myself another grand and my phone beeped in confirmation again.

His cock bounced and throbbed.

Another grand and another confirmation beep.

Some precum glistened on the end of Harry's cock.

"That cock of yours is going to cost you a lot of money"

"Yes it is Sir"

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Next: Chapter 5

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