Taking the Fags Cash

By Robert Chatham

Published on Apr 24, 2019


Here's part 3 of the story. As always - comments are welcome.

One sub who is particularly enjoying this story got the privilege of naming the gym sub in the story. He knows who he is - and he knows how to impress an Alpha too. Keep it up...

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Pt 3

The next few days had been pretty run of the mill for me -- except for the fact that I couldn't stop thinking about the mystery guy in the trees. My initial reaction was that it was just a coincidence:-- that park wasn't exactly a cruising ground -- but I'd seen a couple of guys disappear off into the trees once or twice. But the more I thought about it, the more I realised that it was very specific. He must have been standing only a few feet away when I threw Sam's wallet on the ground and he was very swift at picking it up and putting the notes in and disappearing back into the trees again. He had no thinking time. He knew exactly what he was doing.

So I decided that the following week when meeting Sam I would hatch a plan, but in the meantime I had the rest of the week to get through. I had a few PT sessions still planned in the gym and I had upped my rates again -- but still none of the guys even said anything. They had started to all blur into one. They all attended the gym but never really pushed themselves. They all paid me every week but never really got into it enough to work themselves hard at their daily gym sessions and so they never saw great results. And they all looked so similar -- they'd turn up in their expensive work suits, they all had a perfectly trimmed beard. And they all spent a load of money on their gym gear -- it was a shame they didn't put the same amount of effort into their routine. Spending money was clearly more important to them than actually pushing themselves and putting in real effort.

Late Thursday afternoon I was waiting in the gym for my next over paying customer when I spotted a guy that totally summed up my thoughts about money over effort. He was on the treadmill and had clearly just spent a fortune on the most expensive gym clothes. However, without the strong physique that I have, nothing fitted him particularly well. The top didn't show off his muscles -- because he didn't really have any. The shorts just kind of hung around his waist and because his thighs were just average he looked more like he was going to the beach than being a regular at the gym. Again -- his hair looked like he'd been to the barber just 5 minutes ago and his beard was combed to perfection. And just to sum it all up -- he was wearing a pair of Yeezy Boost 350s. The most expensive and most inappropriate trainers for the gym ever. I already disliked that guy. I watched him for a while -- half hearted stretching, no effort cardio warm up. Urgh. The worst.

After he finished he cam straight over to me.

"Hello Sir. I saw you watching me doing my warm up. How did I do?" he beamed at me.

My heart sank. He was one of mine. I didn't even know what to say. I looked at his outfit once more and then at his face and I suddenly realised that he was the guy whose house I went to last week.

"Sir?" he asked, as my silence got longer.

I pulled myself together quickly. "Oh Sorry, I didn't recognise you there" And that was the truth "New outfit?"

"Yes Sir -- I thought it was time I stepped up a bit"

The worst answer. He actually thinks spending money on badly fitting gear and inappropriate trainers is `stepping up'

"Have you used your gym at home regularly this past week?"

"No Sir. I haven't had time"

"That's not good enough is it...?" I nearly added his name to the end of this question, but then I realised that I didn't know it. I made a note to check over his paperwork after this session was over.

"No Sir. Sorry Sir"

"What have you done each evening this week?"

"Not much Sir. I work `til around 8pm and then just grab a takeaway on my way home"

"Not much dedication to your gym there is there?

"No Sir" he said quietly as he lowered his head.

"Well tomorrow night will be different. Another session in your home gym is in order. I'll be there at 8pm"

"Erm, well it's Friday night Sir. I go out with the guys on a Friday night"

"More excuses" I fired back at him.

"Ok Sir. 8pm"

We trudged through his routine and when he finished I reminded him that I would be at his at 8pm and he should have done his warm up already.

I went back to the office and looked up his paperwork. Harry Vermont. Age 32. Goals -- general fitness. Recommended by a friend to join. Not much else to go on.

Well we'll see how well Harry performs tomorrow night -- although I was already pretty sure that I knew the answer.

I had one more client to see in the gym before I headed over to the park for my weekly rendezvous with Sam. I arrived at my usual place and within a few minutes the familiar site of the cute lad in a grey Nike tracksuit come walking down the path. He came toward me -- but instead of me doing my usual retreat into the trees I stepped right up toward him. He stopped dead but I leaned in close and whispered in his ear. He listened carefully (he's a good obedient lad) and then I pulled back and walked into the trees as usual. He followed close behind and I stopped in my usual place.

"Tell me what you want"

"I want to taste your cum Sir"

"You know that's not free"

"No Sir. But it's been another hard week for me because..."

"Im not interested in your excuses" I interrupted. "Wallet! Now!"

He handed it over and despite the fact that there was 40 quid in there I said "A tenner? Fuck off!"

I chucked the wallet back at him and turned and walked away.

I heard a noise behind me and again the new voice said "Perhaps this will help"

I turned back and Sam did exactly what I'd told him. He grabbed for the guys wallet but didn't manage to quite get hold of it fully and it fell to the ground. I tried to grab it but the new guy was quicker. He quickly grabbed it and ran off.

"I'm sorry Sir. I really tried to get it but he pulled back"

"Its Ok Sam. I was hoping to see a credit card or something with his name or address in it. No problem"

"Do I still get to taste your cum Sir" he said beaming up at me. He really did have cute face and a great smile.

"Wallet!" I demanded for the second time that night.

I took the 40 quid out and threw the wallet back at him while stuffing the notes into the pocket on my joggers.

"Hands behind your back cocksucker -- and you're doing all the work tonight"

He obeyed instantly. I got my cock out and he started sucking instantly. He really was great at sucking cock and even without the use of his hands he had me close in no time. I decided to surprise him. Seconds before I came I said "Don't swallow a drop" and then immediately shot my load into his mouth. He continued to suck me off and I filled his mouth with my cum. My orgasm subsided and I looked him dead in the eyes.

"Open you mouth"

He obeyed and I saw his mouth full of my cum.

"That's what you wanted cocksucker. You can taste my cum now"

I let him stay like that for a few minutes before I said to him "You can swallow now"

He gulped down my cum and then licked his lips before he leaned forward and gave my cock one final lick to clean it all off.

I looked around for the other guy but I there was no one around. I kept a good eye out for him as I walked through the trees and back to the path but there was no one in sight. I guess he got scared and ran off.

Friday was a regular day for me -- a couple of clients in the gym as usual, but I was really looking forward to to the house call later on. Harry's version of "stepping up" did not match with mine, so I had decided I was going to have some fun with him -- at his expense. I knocked on his front door at dead on 8pm and again he answered within seconds, making me feel like he had been standing behind the door again. He looked even worse than when I saw him in the gym yesterday. He was in another brand new outfit and a different pair of Yeezy's. These were neon yellow and didn't even match the rest of his new over priced outfit.

"Been shopping again" I said.

"Yes Sir" he answered enthusiastically, despite the fact that it wasn't a question.

"You done your warm up?"

"Yes Sir"

I looked him up and down. He looked like he'd just stepped out of his "walk in wardrobe" and nothing like someone who had just done a warm up. But I let it slide. This guy was really starting to annoy me and I really didn't care about him being a paying customer any more. I had loads of over paying clients -- I could easily lose this loser.

"Ok Harry -- I read over your notes from your induction at the gym. You only have `general fitness' down as a goal. What are you looking to achieve?"

"Erm -- just general fitness Sir" he said unconvincingly.

"So why bother with a PT? Just go to the gym after work and do some of the stuff I've taught you"

"But I wouldn't work as hard as I do when you are telling me what to do Sir"

"You don't work that hard at all Harry"

He dropped his head. "Sorry Sir"

"Your problem Harry, is that you don't actually put any real effort in. Spending thousands of pounds on trainers and gear is NOT `stepping up'. You think money gets you whatever you want. Do you think money got me these?" I flexed my arm right in front of his face. "You cant pay for these muscles. It takes effort. Feel how hard they are"

Harry looked at me a bit confused.

"Do it NOW" I shouted at him.

He slowly lifted his hand and lightly touched my bicep.

"No Harry. Squeeze it. FEEL it"

And as he finally started to grab my bicep I flexed my arm so he could feel the full strength of my muscles.

He continued to hold onto my muscle for just a bit to long and I noticed the tent in the front of his shorts.

"You can't buy a body like mine Harry. It takes effort and sacrifice and dedication. Money isn't the answer. If I told you to put £1,000 in my bank account right now for tonight's training session then you would do it, wouldn't you Harry" He looked directly at me, not sure if I was being serious. I waited for him to reply.

"Yes Sir"

"Go on then. Do it now Harry"

He slowly took his phone out of his pocket and within a few seconds -- mine buzzed with the confirmation notification.

"See Harry. You are weak. And you think that paying large sums of money means you are `stepping up'. Well it doesn't. You're not interested in improving your fitness. I bet you've never had to forgo anything in your life. You just throw enough money at it"

Harry never looked up. And he never said anything. And somehow, the tent in his shorts was as big as ever.

"You're not looking for a PT. You don't need me to train you. I'm done here"

And I turned to leave.

"Don't go Sir." He blurted out quickly "You're right. I need to put effort in. I'll make sure I work out either here or in the gym. I'll follow your instructions and make sure I do the exercises you say"

I stopped and turned round. "Fine. But things are going to change drastically. And the first thing that is going to change, is you. Spending all that money on gym gear and awful trainers is a waste. I don't want to see you wearing this ever again"

"No Sir" he said, obviously really deflated. "I'll go and change now Sir"

I wondered just how far I could push him tonight. "No. Just take it off now."

He didn't seem to understand and just stood there with a blank expression on his face.




He studied my face to see if I was joking -- but my face said it all.

"Yes Sir" he finally said.

He removed his T shirt, folded it neatly and placed it on one of benches. He then removed his shorts and repeated his action. Then he stood up and looked at me for confirmation.

"Harry -- when I give you an order, you follow it fully and correctly. I don't want any of this type of half arsed attempt ever again. Understand?"

"Yes Sir" he said as he removed his Yeezy's and socks and finally, after some hesitation, his underwear.

I look him up and down and then slowly circled around him. "Follow me" I instructed as I headed towards the wall of mirrors.

"Look at yourself Harry". And he duly looked at himself in the mirror.

"Flex your right bicep". He obeyed

I put my hand around it and basically crushed it. "There is not even a hint of a muscle there, is there?" His cock bounced.

"No Sir."

"Right -- time to do your work out then. And you are going to remain naked so that you can see yourself in the mirror at all times" His cock bounced again.

"We will start with some extra stretches. Let me see how well you get on touching your toes"

Harry stood in front of the mirror and bent over but only got about half way down his shins.

"Ok -- we need to work on your flexibility too. Stand with your feet shoulder width apart"

Harry stood as instructed, but then I decided to mess with him a bit more.

"A bit wider than that" I said to him. Harry moved his feet further apart. "A bit more. And a bit more" I said as Harry's feet got further and further apart.

"Ok. Now bend over and see if you can touch the floor." Harry hesitated a bit but eventually leant forward and placed his hands on the floor. This had the effect of spreading his ass cheeks wide apart and pointing them towards the ceiling.

"Just hold that position" I said to him as I walked behind him and stood with my groin almost touching his exposed hole. "You should be able to feel a good stretch in the back of your thighs" I said "Just here" as I ran my hand up the back of his leg and carried on up into the crack of his arse.

"And return to the standing position" I said.

It took a while for Harry to straighten up and once he had I could see why -- his cock was rock hard.

"It looks like you are only interested in exercising one muscle this evening Harry. Are you a bit distracted?"

"Erm, yes Sir" he said rather sheepishly

"Well we cant have you being distracted Stand right in front of the mirror." Harry stepped up to the mirror. "And wank yourself off right now!"

"Oh I couldn't do that" Harry said quickly.

"Firstly" I replied in a very strong voice "you always address me as Sir"

"Yes Sir, Sorry Sir"

"And secondly, you follow any order I give you -- right?"

Harry thought for a moment and then lowered his head. "Yes Sir"

"Get to it then"

Reluctantly, Harry reached for his still hard cock and started to wank himself off. I stared directly into his eyes and as he got close to cumming I said to him "I know you are thinking of me right now" His cock instantly erupted and he sprayed the mirror with his cum.

I let his orgasm subside and once his cock had started to soften I said "Look at you Harry. Naked in front of your PT with your cock dribbling out the last of your cum. How do you feel?"

Harry struggled to speak but finally said "Humiliated Sir"

"This is just the beginning" I said to him as I got up and walked out.

Thanks for all the emails of support so far. I continue to look forward to hearing your comments


twitter @gearbossbob1

Next: Chapter 4

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