Taking the Fags Cash

By Robert Chatham

Published on Apr 1, 2019


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I had spent most of the week at the gym as usual. I left school at 18 with no idea what I wanted to do. I knew I didn't want to go to Uni but had no idea what job I wanted. I had a few low level jobs stacking shelves and stuff which were all really dull – but after my first pay check I joined a local gym and I never looked back. I started going almost every day and within a few months I was looking way hotter than I ever did. Guys in the gym started showing me better techniques and every improvement to my routine made me look even better. I decided to enrol in the local college and in 2 years I was qualified as a Personal Trainer.

It wasn't long before before I was getting bookings as a PT in the gym and as an off hand comment, one new client said to me "I'd pay twice that to work out with you". And so I started to increase my rates. I made sure that each time I had a prospective new client that I did a full work out before. I made sure I'd just been to the barbers that morning, and I made sure I was in my best gear. Guys didn't even bat an eyelid when I started charging extortionate rates. And every now and then I would tell a client that he needed an extra session this week and they would always agree. They would pay me cash for the extra sessions and I was raking in the money. The first time I became fully aware of how much some guys were willing to pay me was at an extra session. The client was a banker or something for some big financial company and we were due to meet in the gym at 9pm. He messaged me around 8 to say that he had to work late and wouldn't be able to make it for 9 but he still really wanted the session. His message said that he he had a gym at home and that he'd pay me to do the session there. I agreed and pulled up outside his house at 10pm. The house was enormous and was in one of the most exclusive parts of town. He answered the door almost instantly as if he had been waiting behind it.

"Hi" I said

"Thanks for coming to my house Sir, I really appreciate it"

That was the first time that any of these guys had called me Sir and I noticed that my dick throbbed as soon as he said it.

"No problem" I said "Where is your gym room?"

"Follow me he said" And walked down the hallway.

I was expecting some kind of mini home gym type set up – but he opened the door to a fully equipped gym. There was a treadmill, cross trainer, bike and rower lined up against one wall. In front of them there were several different stand alone machines including a full cable machine. At the far end there was a full set of free weights and all the possible types of bars needed. These were in front of a fully mirrored wall.

"Quite a decent setup" I said. The truth was that there was a wider range of gear here than at the actual gym.

"Thanks" he said "Although to be honest it doesn't really get used. I bought it all but have never really been shown how to use it all correctly. Perhaps you could show me it all tonight Sir?"

That was the second time in less than 5 minutes that he'd called me Sir and I was wondering just how far I could push this.

"Oh we don't nearly have enough time for me to show you everything tonight. We only have an hour and we have your workout to go through"

"I could pay you extra" he said "If you could stay a bit longer"

"Well with the amount of equipment you have here, it would take me several hours to show you how to use everything properly"

His eyes lit up as soon as I said that.

"That's great Sir. I really want to know how to use everything fully. I'll pay you extra"

And with that he left the room. He returned quickly with his wallet.

"I usually pay you £100 an hour but I really appreciate you coming to my house and showing me how to use the equipment so would £300 be enough?" he asked as he opened his wallet and took out 6 £50 notes.

I had a quick look in his wallet and noticed there were several more 50s in there.

"No. £300 wont cover it. If I'm going to be here until almost midnight then I'm going to have to cancel my first two appointments tomorrow morning"

I stopped there and looked at him. I waited for him to reply. The silence stretched out and he realised that I was waiting for him.

"Of course Sir. I'm really sorry, I didn't know you had appointments early tomorrow"

The truth was I didn't have any appointments first thing. But I remained silent and waited for him to speak again.

"So would £500 cover it?" he asked, removing another 4 50s from his wallet.

"I suppose I can message them now to cancel their appointments and stay a bit longer here" I said, getting my phone out of my pocket.

His face lit up "Thank you Sir, I really appreciate it" he said as he put the £500 into my hand.

I pocketed the money and pretended to send a couple of texts.

"Right" I said "Time to get you started. Have you done your warm up and cardio?"

"No Sir – I only just got home from work before you arrived"

"You better get right on it then"

"Yes Sir"

I always tell my clients to get to the gym around 20-30 mins before our session starts so that they can warm up properly and do some light cardio to get their heart rate slightly elevated. And tonight would be no exception for him. This was going to be the easiest money ever.

After 30 mins he stepped off the treadmill and we went through his usual workout which lasted about an hour. By this time it was almost quarter to twelve and there was going to be very little time to show him much of his equipment.

"Its almost midnight already" I said to him "But I do want to show you one exercise in particular. We don't use the free weights too much in the gym, but since you have them here then we can use them without any waiting. The bench press is a standard exercise that you need to learn to do correctly"

With that I set up the barbell in the stand and positioned the flat bench accordingly. I put a relatively low weight on the bar so that I could teach him the correct form and then I lay down on the bench. I showed him the correct grip and technique and then got up so that he could try. He lay down on the bench with his head at the end and I stood behind his head ready to spot for him. He held on to the bar and looked directly up at me. His head was almost between my thighs and I could see his eyes kept darting away to look up my shorts. I moved my legs slightly further apart and his eyes just looked right up my thighs.

"Time to do your first set" I instructed.

"Yes Sir" he said instantly and lifted the bar up.

"Keep good form" I reminded him as he worked his way through the first set.

When he finished I decided to have some fun. His form was actually really good, but I chose to add something extra for him.

After he had a short rest I moved away from his head and came round beside him.

"I just want to remind you of exactly how far you need to lower the bar." And with that I swung my leg over his body and straddled him. "Pick up the bar again and lower it to the correct position" I instructed him.

As he started to lower the bar I put my two hands lightly under the bar and as he lowered I slowly squatted down until my arse and thighs were pressing firmly on his chest.

"Just hold it there" I said. "That's the perfect place to lower to" I looked directly at him and saw that he was staring directly at my crotch. "And now raise it back to the starting position" I instructed.

He lifted it back up and put it back on the stand. I swung my leg back over his body so that I was standing beside him and could clearly see that he had a full on hard on in his shorts.

I pretended not to notice and got him to do his final 2 sets. By the time we were done his boner had subsided enough to let him stand up after a bit of adjusting.

"Great" I said. "You can practice that until our next session"

"Yes Sir"

It was just before midnight when I left. £500 quid for showing a guy how to do a bench press. Some guys don't earn 500 a week and yet here I was, 23 years old and getting 500 quid for nothing. This was going to be easy money. I went home and crashed out on my bed. Tomorrow was the day that I meet the cute lad in the park and I was really looking forward to face fucking him again.

I woke up late since I had no need to be at the gym early, but I headed off there mid afternoon to do my workout and to meet a client early evening. After the gym I grabbed some food with one of the other personal trainers and hung around until it was time to head to the park.

I got to my usual place and within 5 minutes the cute lad was walking up the path. He looked directly at me and I stepped back off the path into the trees.

He followed straight in and stopped and turned around.

He started to speak. "Sir, I need to..."

"Shut it" I ordered. "Get on your knees"

He sunk to his knees

"Wallet" I demanded

"Sir, thats what I wanted to say" he said meekly as he handed me his wallet.

I opened the wallet to discover it was empty. I just stared at him.

"Why did you even show up?" I asked with obvious annoyance in my voice.

"Because I wanted to taste your cum Sir. I wanted to feel your cock forcing its way down the back of my throat. But its been a hard week for me and I have no money now til next week"

I threw his wallet on the ground and started to walk away

"But Sir, I need you..." his voice trailed off

"Well thats not going to happen now is it? You've wasted my time and yours" I spat at him.

"Maybe not" I heard a voice say, but it wasn't the cute guys voice. It was someone new.

I stopped walking and turned round to see a guy dressed all in black pick up the wallet off the floor and stuff some notes in it. He had a black nike baseball cap on that was pulled down so as to obscure most of his face. He handed it back to the cute lad and retreated back into the shadows of the trees.

"Sir?" said the cute guy offering me his wallet.

I walked back over to him and noticed there was a hundred and fifty quid in there. I couldn't actually believe it. I took a hundred out and handed the wallet back to him.

"Looks like your week just got whole lot better eh?"

"Yes Sir" he beamed when he saw the 50 quid still left in it

He looked up at me and opened his mouth.

My cock was already well hard. Who was the mystery guy who was paying me to face fuck the cute guy? And had he been following us? And was he still around? Anyway, it didn't matter – I got more than I expected and was rock hard at the though of fucking the cute guys throat. I took my cock out of my joggers and he was straight on it, licking it up and down and getting it nice and wet.

"Hands behind your back cocksucker" I ordered.

He complied immediately. I grabbed his ears and slammed my cock into the back of his throat. He spluttered instantly and that just got me even harder. I spent about ten minutes battering the back of his throat until I was really close to shooting my load and at that point I heard a noise off to my right. I could just see the guy wanking furiously and he moaned louder and then shot his load all over the ground. He quickly put his cock away and disappeared into the trees. That was enough for me and I shot instantly, I held the cute guys nose hard against my pubes as my cum went straight down his throat. His coughing made his throat contract so much that cock was in heaven. Ever choke grabbed my cock head and I shot more and more.

I finally let go of his head and he collapsed back. He regained his breath quickly this time and without me asking he was straight back on my cock cleaning it up. He was easily the best mouth and throat I'd ever used. I put my cock back in my joggers when he had finished and started to walk away.

"Who was that guy Sir?"

"No idea cocksucker"

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Next: Chapter 3

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