Taking the Fags Cash

By Robert Chatham

Published on May 16, 2022


Here is the next instalment of Harry (And now David's) story. There are many more chapters planned that I know you are going to love. Thanks again for all the emails, I really appreciate all the messages and comments you have sent. Remember that nifty needs donations in order to continue keeping this amazing site up and running. Please consider donating whatever you can, without donations we wouldn't have this excellent collection of stories.


Pt 10

"What are we celebrating?" asked Jack.

"Well the first thing we are celebrating is Harry's acceptance of his place as my wallet. He's had a couple of wobbles recently, but I'm now sure that he has fully accepted that his main purpose is to pay for everything I tell him too -- Isn't that right Harry?"

"Yes Sir" he replied.

"He also knows that he is to act as my personal ATM machine. When I decide I want money, I use him for it. Isn't that also right Harry?"

"Yes Sir" he repeated

"He also knows that he's here for my entertainment and he's to follow all my orders. Am I right again Harry?"

"Yes Sir" he said, for the 3rd time.

"So today, Harry is here strictly to pay. That's always his role when he's with me." I said turning back to Jack. And as you saw at the gym, today that's going to include stuff for you Jack. You definitely could do with a new hoody" I said to him with a smirk. I could see he was about to say something about Harry, so I moved on quickly. "But mostly Jack, we are celebrating the first day of the next and best chapter of your life" I answered.

"We are?" he replied with genuine surprise in his voice.

"Sure we are. If you want it to be?" I asked.

"Well I'd love to change my life but I have no idea what you're talking about" he said, slightly baffled.

"Ok, I'll stop being so cryptic. Let me ask you this, have you had any more thoughts on your life plan this week?"

"Erm... nope."

"Nothing from today jump out at you?"

"Erm... still no."

"Ok. Let me spell it out to you Jack because it seems pretty clear to me. The only time you've actually been excited and engaged about something was when we were talking about calisthenics in the gym earlier. It's pretty obvious to me that you'd make a great calisthenics instructor. You are so enthusiastic about it that you'd clearly love making a career out of it."

"Well yeah, but that's impossible right now."

"What if I told you it wasn't impossible Jack? What if I told you I can make it happen, and all you need to do, is be 100% honest with me and put in 100% effort."

"I don't understand how you can make it happen though. There's too many things that mean..."

But I cut him off. "Jack, you don't need to understand at the minute. Just tell me that you'll be 100% honest with me, and you'll put in 100% effort to make this happen and get your life back on track."

"I would do anything to get my life back on track" he replied.

"Excellent. Well lets drink to that then." I raised my glass and said "To Jack's new life" as I tapped Jack's glass with mine. All the while I was smiling at Harry across the table from me, who knew that it was just going to cost him money.

"So," I started "you'll need to become a basic PT first and then specialise in calisthenics, and to become a PT you'll need some basic qualifications and knowledge, but it's all possible."

"Oh I'm not good enough for any of that and I don't have the qualifications or the time or money to get them and I've got my police record too. I don't have the means to do any online courses or qualifications and even if I did, no one will employ me as a PT. I appreciate your help but it'll never work out." Jack replied.

"You're putting up too many barriers Jack. I told you, all you need to do it put in the effort. Everything else we can sort out."

"But how?" he asked.

"Just trust me Jack. Remember what I said Jack -- I only need 2 things from you. Effort and honesty. I can sort out the rest. I have the means to make it all happen. If you put in the effort, I can sort out your courses and education."

"You can't pay for the courses for me." he blurted out.

"Oh I didn't say I would be paying," I said, smirking at Harry. "I said I had the means to make it happen. Harry here will be paying for it -- wont you Harry."

"Yes Sir."

"How happy would you be to help out Jack and get him back on his feet Harry?"

"I'd be more than happy to Sir."

"See Jack. I can sort it all. Life is working out well for me just now. You've been less fortunate. I'll help you, and if it works out maybe you can help someone else out one day. Deal?"

"What are you looking for in return?" he asked suspiciously.

"Nothing at all." I replied. "I've told you the only two things I need from you. That's all."

"Well this is an offer I can't refuse." he said.

"You are right Jack. So let's enjoy our meal and then go and get you the tools for the job."

We finished our food and drink and I asked the fit waiter for the bill. He brought it over and I got chatting to him. He was a final year student at University studying sport, management and nutrition and was trying to work as many hours as possible as it was an expensive course but he was also trying to leave as much time as possible for revision because he was determined to get a first class degree.

"That is a really tricky balance," I agreed with him "but I am not surprised to hear that you are studying a sport related degree because Harry here just said how fit your arse looked in your tight black trousers."

The waiter blushed, but Harry blushed more. I hadn't ever seen him go as red. He started to object and say that he had said no such thing but I cut him off. "Look how embarrassed the lad is now Harry. Shame on you. You need to make it up to him. Make sure you leave a great tip for him since you've spent the whole meal staring at him."

Harry looked at me but I gave him a look back that made it clear that he wasn't to say anything. He reached into his wallet and counted out 100 pounds which would cover the bill. He then glanced over at me as he pulled out a twenty. I continued to give him an icy stare as he made it 2 twenties, and then 3. His eyes widened but I didn't change my stare. He pulled out a fourth and then a fifth twenty and his eyes started to widen. I kept my stare fixed. I could see the panic set in in Harry's eyes. He looked down at his wallet and then back at me. I loved playing games with him like this. I didn't change my stare and Harry knew he had to do something. He quickly made a decision and pulled out another five twenties and put them down on the table.

The waiter stared at the two hundred pound tip on the table. Harry glanced at me for approval but I looked at the waiter and asked him "Do you get to keep all your tips?"

"I keep 80%, the other 20 goes to the chefs. We all hand in 20%."

"You'd better add an extra 20% then Harry."

"Yes Sir" he replied and put an extra fifty quid down on the table.

The waiter just looked stunned. "I hope that helps ease the pressure a bit on your revision. Good luck in your finals" I said to him as we got up from the table and headed outside.

"Thank you so much" said the waiter. "That's basically a whole extra weeks worth of revision I'll be able to do without worrying about money."

"You're welcome" I said. "Come on Harry, hurry up, why are you still sitting down? Your wallet is needed right away."

"Erm, Just a second Sir." Harry replied a bit awkwardly.

"No Harry. Now!"

"I just need to.... I'll just be a second" He stammered, franticly trying to adjust the front of his trousers.

"Ahhh, I see you're enjoying this a bit too much Harry. Well you can either get up right now or double that tip." I threw back at him.

Harry quickly opened his wallet and made the tip 500. The waiter looked at me stunned.

"Looks like you can afford to do a lot more revision over the next couple of weeks?"

"Yes" he replied, still stunned. "Thank you."

"You're welcome" I replied. "Right" I said as I turned to Harry, "we are going now."

"But Sir, That's just made it worse" Harry said.

"We can't stand here all day while you try to hide your embarrassment Harry. Get up now!"

Harry obeyed. You could clearly see the outline of his hard cock through his trousers and the waiter noticed it too. Harry looked at all three of us, blushed even more, but then waited for us to move. I looked at Harry and then at the waiter who was still standing watching, wide eyed. The front of Harry's trousers twitched.

"Let's go" I said to Jack "Before Harry makes a mess in his pants." Jack was still laughing as we left the restaurant.

Once outside I said "Lets head to JD first. No offence meant here Jack, but you need some new gear right away."

He looked down at himself and then up at me and laughed. "Yeah. I've never looked this shit in all my life."

We headed up the road with Harry still walking a few steps behind us. As we walked into JD, Jack headed straight for the wall of trainers.

"I haven't been in here for ages. Too depressing to see what I can't afford but I've so missed it. I still love these" he said picking up a pair of triple white Air Max 90s.

"I remember you always had a pair of them at school. You had loads of other Nikes, come and go, but you always went back to these." I said.

"You noticed what I wore to school?" Jack asked me.

"Yeah, I sure did" I winked back at him. "What size are you Jack?"

"7" he replied.

"Dinky feet to go with your dinky size" I joked with him.

He just laughed. He was laughing a lot more today than when I last met him.

I caught the sales assistants eye and asked him for them in Size 7, but just as he was about to walk away I said "Actually, I'll have them in a size 10 too please."

I turned and smiled at Harry who was standing just a few feet away. Jack looked around some more and spotted the re-issue of the TNs in hyper blue.

"I was too young for these when they originally came out and missed out on them when they got re-released. Didn't realise they were still available."

The sales assistant came over with the 90s and I asked if he had the TNs in 7 as well. He went off to check.

Jack had his feet in both of the 90s and his face was beaming.

"I miss these" he said.

"They look great on you, but they really show up how bad the rest of your gear is. Those socks don't look like they have ever been white. Lets fix that." Jack picked up a pair of Nike swoosh socks off the rack nearby and as the sales assistant came back with the TNs I grabbed another 4 packs of the swoosh socks and handed them to him. "Add these to the 90s and Tns please". I looked back at Harry and winked. He smiled back.

"Right Jack, that's socks and trainers sorted, next we need to get rid of that hoody and those joggers." Jack followed me to the Adidas section and started browsing through the trackies and joggers and hoodies and T-Shirts. Harry, as always, followed not far behind.

Jack was like a kid in a sweet shop. "There's so much great gear out at the minute" he said, "I don't know which one to choose."

"Which one? One??" I asked. I turned to Harry and asked him "Is Jack restricted to buying just one?"

"No Sir" Harry replied quickly.

"Great. If that's the case then, you tell Jack what you want to pay for today."

Harry looked at me, unsure exactly what to say, but then turned to Jack and announced very strongly "I want to pay for everything you want here. There is no limit. Whatever you like, I will buy." Harry turned to me for approval and I smiled back at him. "There you go jack, a whole new wardrobe awaits you." Jack took no time at all in picking out a great selection of gear. As his arms got full of clothes I told Harry to carry it for him so that Jack wasn't restricted in his spending.

"This is going to cost a fortune" said Jack with a slightly guilty look on his face.

"But it's not you that's paying Jack, so don't worry" I smirked.

"Ok, well that's me done" he said picking up one last T-shirt.

"Great, now we need to get your gym gear too. If you are going to make a go of becoming a PT then you've got to look the part. You'll need a lot of gear if you are going to be going to the gym several times a week." Jack looked at me and then looked at Harry. "Don't worry about the cost Jack, if Harry wasn't piled high with your new gear I bet we would see the outline of his cock straining at his trousers again."

Harry blushed a deep red again but said nothing.

"Make sure you get some decent gym gear Jack, cos my work outs are gonna put you through your paces." I told him.

Jack picked out a selection of Nike dri-fit and Adidas climacool t shirts and shorts, all size small. "Give them here" I said, "Harry's hands are already full." Jack passed the gym gear to me and we headed for the cash desks. As I dropped all the stuff in front of the sales assistant I turned to Harry and said "Don't be too long paying for all this stuff Harry. And make sure you pick up a good selection of underwear too for Jack. You can choose which ones you think he'd look best in, I'm sure you've been thinking about what's underneath his joggers anyway today" I smirked. "And then meet us in the vodafone shop. And don't be long!"

Me and Jack walked out of JD, across the shopping centre and into the vodafone shop. I went right up to the guy behind the desk and said "My mate here needs a new phone that was actually made this century, can you help us out please?"

"Sure" he laughed. "What's your phone number?"

Jack reeled off his number and the sales assistant typed it into his computer and after a few minutes said "Unfortunately, because of your top up pattern, I can't offer you many great deals today on a new phone. Do you know what you were looking for?" he asked.

"Not really" Jack replied, as he had no idea he was getting a new phone until a minute ago.

"How about one of the Samsung galaxy S phone's" I suggested. Jack looked at me knowing that the new galaxy was several hundred pounds. I smiled back at him. "Can we have a look?" I said to the assistant.

"Of course" he replied and disappeared out the back. Just as the sales assistant reappeared with the phone, Harry joined us carrying a load of bags.

The sales assistant started to give us the spec on the phone but I stopped him, saying "It's the same phone as I've got. We'll take it. Can you transfer it over to a monthly contract with unlimited data and insurance please. And we'll need a case and screen protector for it too. Jack -- is there anything else you need?"

Jack just stared at me and then finally managed to say "Erm no."

"Great. That's us almost done for the day then, just a couple more things to sort out. Harry, give me fifty quid." Harry dutifully opened up his wallet and handed over fifty quid which I immediately passed over to Jack. "The last thing we need to sort out is a haircut for you Jack. Go and get something that would look great on the next callisthenics PT" Jack slowly accepted the money and hovered for a minute. "Meet me on the corner of Market Street and Portland Street in about half an hour."

I waited for Harry to finish up at the vodafone shop and as we left I said "One more shop before we both deserve a drink."

"Yes Sir." he replied.

"Jack is going to need a laptop for his studies, so we will go and grab him one and then meet him for a drink."

"Yes Sir"

We popped into the computer store in the shopping centre and got Jack a new laptop with everything he would need on it and then headed over to where I agreed to meet him. Jack was already there. "Fancy another drink Jack?" I asked.

"Sure" he replied.

"Follow me then" and we all headed off.

We turned off the main road onto the side street, and then off the side street down the alley.

"Where on earth are we going?" asked Jack.

"Associates. It's Harry's favourite new bar, isn't it Harry?"

"Erm, Yes Sir."

"He doesn't sound too sure" remarked Jack.

"Harry, tell Jack what happened the first time you were here" I ordered.

"Well, I was ordered to strip naked and buy everyone a drink and then I was spanked by some guy in leather."

Jacks face a picture as he listened to Harry's story. "You Ok Jack?" I asked him.

"Yeah" he replied. "I just wasn't expecting that."

"You should always expect the unexpected when you are with me Jack." I laughed. "but seriously, do you still want to go in?"

"Even more so now after that story" he replied with a grin.

"Ha! Excellent" I said as I let myself in through the door and down the stairs.

"Harry -- you get the drinks in, I'll take these" I said, taking all the bags off him.

"Yes Sir" he replied and he made his way to the bar.

I made my way to a table at the back of the bar, slightly round a corner and mostly hidden from view. After a quick look through the JD bags, I pulled out a selection of items and handed them to Jack. "The toilets are just round there at the back, go and get changed."

Harry arrived back with the drinks and sat down opposite me.

"It's good to have you back Harry. I was wondering if you were going to get too scared again."

"I'm trying not to Sir."

"Just keep thinking of my cock and your cock. And your bank balance and my bank balance. That'll keep you on the right track"

"Yes Sir."

"From what I've seen today, it's pretty obvious that you are enjoying yourself a lot. Your cock certainly is."

"Yes Sir" he replied again.

At that moment, Jack walked round the corner in the outfit I gave him.

"Wow" said Harry.

"You approve Harry?" I asked.

"Yes Sir, Jack looks amazing."

"Yes" I agreed. "It's a huge transformation from a couple of hours ago isn't it."

"Yes Sir. I'm happy that I was a part of it."

"Oh don't use the past tense Harry. Your part in Jack's changes are far from over."

"What do you mean?" asked Jack.

"Well," I started, "You are only just about to step on the first rung of the ladder to becoming a PT. There's a long way to go. Many courses and exams for example. They will all need paying for. You'll need more new gear once you start taking on clients. You'll need to drop your hours at the warehouse so that income will need subsidised. The list of expenses is almost endless. Isn't it Harry?"

"Yes Sir."

"But you want to see Jack succeed, don't you Harry?"

"Yes Sir."

"There you go Jack, all you need to do now is make it happen."

"I'm not really sure what to say" replied Jack.

"Well let's change the subject then" I suggested. "Jack -- I said to you earlier not to ask any questions about Harry. You can now ask me or Harry anything you like."

"Oh, erm Ok. Is Harry your boyfriend?" he asked me.

"Absolutely not" I replied. "He's a sub. More accurately -- he's a finsub."

"What's a finsub?" he asked.

"Well," I explained "At it's most basic, it's a guy who gets off on being controlled financially. There's more to it than that between me and Harry, but that's the basis of it"

"So you just tell him to spend money on you and he does?" he asked.

"He follows my orders, so yes" I replied

"Is there a limit to how much he spends?" he asked next.

"I'll let Harry answer that one" I said, turning to Harry.

"Oh, erm, No. We've not set any limit" Harry replied.

Jack thought for a minute and then asked Harry "So if you were told to buy a car and a house and a boat then you just would?"

Harry looked at me for some guidance but I stayed quiet. Harry also remained quiet as he had no idea how to answer the question.

The silence stretched out and so I finally said "Harry -- Jack has asked if you would follow your orders. Answer him."

Harry looked at Jack and finally said "Yes I would."

"So why don't you just take it all then?" Jack asked me.

"You've not quite understood mine and Harry's relationship Jack. Let me explain" I turned to Harry and asked "Have I taken money out of your account without you knowing how much it was?"

"Yes Sir."

"And how much was the largest amount Harry?"

"I'm not exactly sure Sir. Maybe a few thousand?"

"And what's the largest single amount you've sent me Harry?"

"I think that was 10 grand Sir."

"And what had you done immediately before sending that 10 grand Harry?"

"I sent you 7K Sir."

"And how is your cock right now Harry?"

"Getting harder by the minute Sir."

"You see Jack, Harry has sent me way more than I've taken. Sure that will change in the future, but this isn't about me taking everything. That's not fun or horny. That's the end. And neither me nor Harry want this to end. This is going to go on for a very long time. Isn't it Harry?"

"Yes sir."

"Jack, let me show you just how much Harry enjoys this" I turned to Harry and said "Stand up and drop your trousers."

Harry obeyed, even if there was some hesitation, and he started to unbuckle his belt. As his trousers fell to the floor, Harry's erection was clearly visible through the fabric of his white Calvin Klein briefs.

"See Jack, just talking about taking Harry's cash has got his cock hard. It would be a shame to waste that now, wouldn't it Harry?"

"Yes Sir" he replied.

"Jack, have you got a lucky number?" I asked him.

"Kind of" he replied. "Six always seems to feature a lot in good things."

"Well six is going to be a great number for you today Jack. Harry, unlock your phone and pass it to me" Harry handed his phone over instantly and I placed it beside mine on the table.

"Harry, take off your Calvins."

Harry hooked his thumbs under the waistband of his Calvins, and pushed them to the floor out of sight under the table."

"Jack -- watch Harry's cock. Don't take your eyes off it."

I opened up Harry's banking app and set up the first transfer. As soon as I pressed send on Harry's phone, my phone buzzed with the confirmation, and Harry's cock throbbed and bounced, just like I knew it would.

"Did you see it Jack?" I asked.

"Yeah" he replied in amazement.

"Let's have some fun then. Harry -- I'm going to start taking your cash. Jack's favourite number is six, but you won't know if I'm taking six pounds, sixty six pounds, six hundred pounds, or more. I'm going to keep taking your cash until you finish shooting your load. Jack -- get your hand round Harry's cock and start wanking him now, but just remember, the harder you wank him the quicker he will cum, and I know it's not going to take much to make him shoot his load. However, everything I take out of his account, I'm going to transfer to you, so don't make him cum too quickly otherwise you might only ended up with six pounds."

Jack stared at me in disbelief.

I tapped on Harry's phone and sent the first amount.

My phone beeped.

Harry's cock throbbed.

Jack continued to stare.

I sent the second amount.

My phone beeped.

Harry's cock throbbed.

Jack continued to stare.

"Jack -- it's a bit unfair to leave Harry's cock bouncing in mid air while I empty his account. It's already over a hundred pounds lighter and you haven't even started wanking him yet." Harry's cock throbbed even more as I said that and a small drop of precum leaked from the head of his cock.

Jack wrapped his hand round Harry's shaft and started wanking.

"That's better I said, I know Harry is loving this so let's make him love it even more. The next transfer is going to be more than I've taken in total so far."

Harry moaned as he realised that I was taking at least 600 this time, and my phone beeped to confirm it.

"Jack, don't stop wanking Harry until I tell you. I want to make sure his balls are as empty as his bank account."

Harry moaned loudly as I said that, and I knew he was close to shooting his load. I decided to tip him over the edge. My phone beeped as I made one more transfer and I said "That one was over six grand."

That was clearly enough for Harry as a stream of cum shot over the table. My phone beeped as I made another transfer and more cum shot from the end of Harry's cock. Jack kept on wanking Harry, as instructed. "Shall I do one more transfer Harry?"

"Oh God, Yes Sir, please Sir, take more Sir" he managed as one final rope of cum shot from his cock. My phone beeped and I eventually told Jack to stop.

"What do you do now Harry?" I asked him.

"Clean up Sir" replied.

"Go on then" I ordered.

Harry leant forward and licked his cum off the table.

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