Taking of Tom

By Michael Hancock

Published on Nov 18, 2007


When Tom woke up a few minutes later he lay on the floor, still naked, quivering and moaning. The lads were all for taking him off to bed for a real fucking over but I could see he was completely spent. Give him a shower and put him to bed in the spare room,' I said. We can edit the video into shape and show it to him tomorrow. That should wake him up nicely.' You reckon we've got him now?' said Andy. slightly anxiously as they lifted the beautiful bare bodied stud with an effort and dragged him away towards the hall and the bathroom. Oh yes,' said Dave confidently. He'll spend the rest of his life trying to recapture the pleasures of his first forced cumming, but it's never quite the same afterwards. Mind you, he'll find he loves fucking with men.' He will when I've had him.' I said fervently. I felt virtuous that I had told them to leave him for the night but I felt too aroused to leave it at that. I envied them their job of showering him, soaping him, drying him off and slipping him into a clean bed. And no tossing him off in the shower, either. He needs restoring now.' As if we would.' said Andy. Mind you, I feel so bloody horny myself. I kept getting side whiffs of the poppers every time we used them.' The doorbell rang as they carried him across the hall and into the bathroom. We all jumped. Quick,' I hissed. Get him sorted and into bed .He'll sleep like a baby.' I slipped into a dressing gown before answering the door. There was a young policeman outside! Frightened the life out of me! Mind you, he looked pretty nervous himself. There have been reports of screaming coming from this flat,' he said.' In the last hour, too.' I laughed as convincingly as I could. Just my flatmate horsing around,' I said and then magically right on cue Dave and Andy burst out laughing in the bathroom. God knows what they were up to. The young cop looked slightly more relaxed. OK,' he said finally. But maybe I should just take a look around. This woman said she heard someone in trouble.. I was on my way home so I said I'd look in.' Oh well,' I said, relieved that he was not looking into a complaint call. These things can sound odd at night.' Yes, he said., following me into the living room.' It's generally the TV left on too loud.' The living room looked innocent enough. There was a pile of clothes, mostly Tom's, lying on the floor, and I picked them up. Messy flatmates,' I said. My turn for washing and ironing this week and so they just dump it.' There was more laughter. He looked at me. Do they generally take a shower together?' he said. He seemed dry-lipped. He kept licking them. Sometimes,' I said easily. We're all gay. Does that bother you?' Gay? No.' he said. Now he looked slightly flustered. Mind if I look around quickly?' I shrugged. He looked in the bedrooms and the kitchen and then the kitchen and dining room and I heard the other two taking Tom, still murmuring, into the spare room. Nice timing. The lad appeared again. Fair enough,' he said. Could I just see in the bathroom?' He was thorough. I'll give him that. I showed him in. It was wet and steamy but empty. Dave and Andy appeared behind us. He jumped. Ooooh, the law,' said Andy, rather too camply for my liking. Mind you he was the bitch amongst us all right. I love the law.' The young policeman straightened his tie and coughed, still clutching his helmet. I hoped Andy wouldn't make any helmet jokes. I'll be off then,' he said. What? No strip searching?' said Andy archly. Dave looked as alarmed as I must have but it got worse. He reached forward and frisked the young cop! Just jokingly, but my heart stopped beating. Then, unbelievably, the cop shivered and flushed and in a flash Andy was playfully running his hand down the front of his blue serge trousers. So that's where you keep your truncheon, officer!' he said. I thought we were done for. The madman! But to my deep and total relief the young cop, nervously, it's true, laughed. He actually laughed and as ndy, encouraged, groped him again, he gasped. Andy is very, very skilful at finding someone through his clothing and getting them up with a rigid hard on in five seconds. I've seen him seduce straight guys at parties, once in a cinema and once on a late night train, within less than half a minutes of an unexpected fully clothed caress across the groin. Only this young cop was clearly very inexperienced. Very young. But not incorruptible. He licked his dry lips again and Andy's hand was now confidently rubbing to and fro across his trouser front, fondling his cock, pulling it until we could see its outline through the thick trousers. I can't, I can't,' he said thickly as he leaned back against the hall wall. He sighed as Andy slid his zip down and felt inside for a lovely long hard cock which sprung out in very lively fashion. 'Oh there are plenty of gay cops who come out these days,' said Andy easily, stroking the big cock with delight. No, you don't see. I'm not gay,' said the lad in a strangled voice. Look, I got to go.' Andy flashed us a warning look and we backed away. I looked back through the living room door as I closed it slowly. He already had the cop's trousers and trunks down at his ankles and was turning him to the wall ready to give him a stand up fucking I would have loved to watch. Dave sighed. I thought we were in trouble then,' he said. 'Did you know?' No,' I said. Funny,. I always knew when I saw Tom around. Knew all he needed was a forced cum and a fuck to convince him. But that cop could - well, he's young.' We could hear them both grunting now out in the hall. Andy must have been into him and up him against the wall in a flash and the cop was just loving it from the gasping and the groaning that suddenly turned to a shrill cry. I'm having some of that,' said Dave suddenly and he opened the door again. Dave had moved away to the bathroom doorway. The cop was leaning against the wall, half sighing, half sobbing. He had a lovely little round bum and Dace was there is seconds, stroking it whispering filth in his ear, running his tongue along it, undoing his own trousers. Lovely wet seconds were not in my line, although the sound he made as he slid inside him certainly gave me a buzz. I went back to the living room and across the spate bedroom. There was nothing for it now - I was going to have to fuck Tom after all. He was lying on his back in the spare bed, breathing heavily, deep asleep. I quickly undressed and slipped in beside him. I think at that stage I wasn't really going to to wake him. Let him sleep and get his strength back and then be there for him in the morning having established sort of squatter's rights, as it were, over the others, although judging from the cries for mercy coming from the perhaps not so keen now young cop in the hall, they might well be too exhausted by morning anyway. I heard the voices moving away to Dave's big bedroom. They were going to make a night of it with him all right. Well he had asked for it. And you couldn't really say that for poor young Tom, I thought, looking down beside him on his pillow. He had beautiful shoulders. I ran my hands over them and he murmured in his sleep, but he was still well away. God knows how many sniffs they had given him earlier on. I slipped out of bed and padded across to the wardrobe where I grabbed three of my oldest neckties and gave them an experimental tug. Seemed strong enough. I was fond of two of them but the cause was a greater one. I knotted them together tight and slipped back to the bed, I crossed his wrists and tied a really right loop with three thick knots round his left wrist and as he struggled for consciousness and speech: Whaaa?' I did the same to the other wrist. Christ! Bound like that he was even sexier. He could hardly move. No! No! What? Where? Let me loose!' I could have done with the poppers again, but from the desperate cries of desire - or something - from the young cop next door, they were already being used. I tuned him over with a grunt.'Sssssh, I said comfortingly. Just going to soothe you off to sleep again.' I stroked the back of his neck and he whimpered. Then I stroked the lovely peachy orbs of his bare ass. Beautiful! They felt so good. Weeeelll, I thought, it would do no harm just to cum quietly and quickly against them. The sight of the young cop being done up against the wall had left me in a really rigid state again. I lowered myself over him and kissed first one cheek of his ass and then the other. Then I kissed in between them and ran my tongue gently this way and that. He was lying on his tethered wrists and I pressed his face into the pillow to suppress his ever louder protests. I wanted to enjoy this lovely rimming without too much noise. He tasted so good. My tongue always does a great job - I will claim that much - and by the time I had moved him on to his side and slid beside him he was breathing heavily. I looked across him and smiled. That magnificent dick was hard again all right. I reached over and stroked it. He sighed again. Oh nom don't, please, no,l oh yes! Yes!' he said. I began to jack him slowly as I said up close beside him. My rimming had changed to a gently fondling and caressing with my fingers now. I continued to jerk his dick slowly as I opened him up and slowly slid inside him. He felt just wonderful, so tight and hot and ready. jerked3 into him as I jerked him towards a climax. Then I released his cock and fondled his big balls again as I slowly began to fuck him with a lovely smooth movement. He was meeting me with it but when I found the spot with my own hard swollen dick his breathing quickened again. I took him harder and he began to cry out in protest, trying to fight me off with his legs. He was fully awake now all right. Sssssh,' I whispered soothingly in his ear. You know I am going to fuck you as much as I want, so just be a good boy and enjoy it., I eased his ass up to the ideal angle and went at him deeper and harder. So, so, so good. Never had better. Next door the young cop was begging for mercy again and again but it was in short supply that night. I found my balls stirring, my cock so hard. I kissed the back of his beautiful neck and then I began to fuck him to my climax, reaching round for him and jacking him with me again, although he was thrashing about with such abandon from what I was doing to his prostate that I knew I had him anyway. We squirted and spurted again and again and shared our massive endless cum glued together, and he screamed at first and then begged for more, pressing back hard against me in a lovely rhythm. I went on and on until I had nothing else to give but I was reluctant to withdraw from him. He was so lovely. I lay back untethered him as he lay looking at me, mute, exhausted. The door opened. You crafty bastard1' said Dave. Here, we'll bring the cop through. See who'd like to do the other.. Where's your camcorder gone?'



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