Taking of Tom

By Michael Hancock

Published on Nov 14, 2007


He thought he was such a stud, swaggering around, sneering at the rest of us - Tom Harker, all muscles and moody magnificence. We decided to take him down, Andy, Dave and Me. Andy because he fancied him something rotten. Dave because he fancied anyone built like that. Me because I knew, I just knew we could have him. He didn't know about himself. But I did. Andy got hold of the poppers too from a mate of his, which was useful. We picked our time carefully. It was a Monday night. He never did anything on Monday nights. Tired after the weekend, I guess. He left the college library at seven when it closed, as usual, and it took him three minutes to reach our block, two more to climb the stairs to our floor - he never took the lift - and Andy timed it a treat, opening the door just as he passed. Hey, Tom, I took a parcel in for you earlier.' Right, thanks. You got it there then?' In the living room. It's heavy.' He frowned, but came on through. Andy pushed the door shut behind him and Dave and I went for him. He took him low round the knees, rugby football tackle, and I went for his arms. As he crashed down with a shout, Andy closed in him from behind with the little brown bottle of poppers. He started to fight but one whiff from the bottle soon got to him. Andy held a hand over his mouth and gave him another sniff. His legs jerked out and he was out on the carpet, head swaying, moaning, coughing. Andy held his head up and stroked it while Dave and I quickly slipped his jeans and shorts off. His legs jerked again and he moaned once more but then we had him stripped off below the waist and helped Andy tug his t-shirt over his broad shoulders. Jeez, but you're lovely,' Dave crooned, running hands over his smooth hairless chest and flicking his thumbs lightly across his nipples before bending to suck them. Aaagh! No! Gross! Vile! Filthy! Stop it, man1' the young stud was beside himself with rage when he realised what was going on.' What you doing? Filthy perverts! Stop, all of you! I'll report you!' I reached for the camcorder and cradled it lovingly in my arms as Andy held him from behind with an arm round his neck. Dave was still running his hands over that velvet smooth torso.. We were ready for action. Dave worked on the nips again, gently tweaking them, you could seem them perking up, hardening, rising. Andy gave the guy another sly snifter from the bottle and as his head lolled, Andy turned it towards him and began to kiss him. Andy was a very sensual kisser and it was a long, head swaying, erotic kiss. Ton moaned his protest into it as Dave reached forward and licked his nipples again. I looked through the view finder. Perfect. The kiss, the fondling and right on cue the guy's great great meaty dick, so beautiful. even in repose, began to stir, despite himself. Still keeping the camera focussed I moved in and slowly reached forward with a tremulous hand for his rising dick, slowly stroking its underside, so warm and smooth. No, no, aaaah,' the kiss smothered his words and I stroked him under there with one hand then moved slightly to one side as Dave reached down for the big boy's balls and began to stroke and caress them fondle and squeeze them, tickle then and weigh them in his palm. And still he sucked his ever rising erect nipples. His dick was huge now, big, red, shiny, rampant, and I lightly caressed the helmet as it burst forward. The assault on all sides was to much: the long sensual kissing, the expert nipple play, the tickling and fondling of the swelling balls and the endless caressing of the rising cock had him moaning with what was so clearly sexual desire as he had clearly never known it before. I thought personally that Andy was overdoing it, giving him another sniff of the poppers just then but it certainly drove him wild. No, no, oh yeah! Yeah! ' His dick was fucking the palm of my hand eagerly now. He reached up for Andy's neck and pulled him down into his own passionate kiss. Then, just as my hand began to gently jerk him, relentlessly, sweetly, demandingly, endlessly, Dave moved down again and slowly and gently slid a finger up his ass. He fairly screamed with alarm and then with sighing lust as Dave found him right on the button and began to tease and touch and tingle his little hard walnut in there. Another finger went in, and then a third. Now he was jerking up and down and every movement was practically demanding to be finger fucked by Dave's fingers, while his now huge hard cock was still fucking my own hand and his mouth was kissing Andy on and on. He had totally lost all control of his body. I stepped back for a good middle shot and Dave took over my jerking duties. With his hand still working its magic inside his ass he began to hand fuck Tom's beautiful cock like never before, on and on, that big red quivering dick positively vibrating. I thought the first great gout of spunk was going to hit the lens of the camera as his whole body rose and arched, bending his back in one great screaming shudder and be began to jerk and cum again and again and again, four, five, six, seven great thick white sticky gouts of jizz that flew though the air. How he screamed! Andy pulled out of the kiss and held him tight, cheek to cheek, comforting him. Ok, baby we'll give you time to rest,' he said. Long night ahead.'. The lad whimpered and cuddled up to him, but the devil was in Dace that night and he ran his thumb over the wet dickhead, stopped to lick it, again and again, tickled those swollen spent balls again and demanded Andy gave the kid more. Andy protested but produced the bottle. Tom sniffed it eagerly this time ands amazingly that great cock was uncoiling and strengthening and rising rampant again. I handed the camera to Dave. I got to have some of this you selfish bastard,' I said. And I felt for the hard hot swaying prick which nestled into my palm so sweetly. I began to milk him again, pulling it down between his legs and tugging it long and slow from underneath. Dave was playing with himself as he filmed. I got my own dick out and pressed it against Tom's jerking twisted one as it shot upright in my hands again. I held them together, rubbed them so close and tight and hot and hard and wet together, felt my own cum rising deep in my balls and the surging through me as I began to shoot and spasm and squirt all over his. I used the stickiness to finish him off again with a loud, wet slick, slurping noise which was drowned in Tom's screams as he began to cum and cum even harder and faster than before, all over me, `Milk, him, milk him!' Dave urged, cumming into his own hand and keeping the camera still with difficulty as I milked that great cock dry. And, absolutely amazingly, as he screamed again the white stuff started to dribble and then flow again like molten lava. He jerked and jerked again and cried out:'Oh God! Oh God! No more, no more. Oh! Oh! So good! So goooood!' and with his voice on a dying fall, he fainted.

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Next: Chapter 2

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