Taking of Jakob

By shakes

Published on Jun 24, 2014


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DISCLAIMER: This is a work of fiction, and any resemblance to those living or dead is not intentional, and is completely coincidental. Any comments or suggestions can be sent to shakes003@hotmail.com. Don't forget to donate in order to keep Nifty up and running.


It felt like only five minutes later, when I noticed something soft, wet, and squishy in my hand. I lay still half-asleep as I was, and tried to figure out what was in my hand with a foggy mind. I then felt fingers gently stroking and rubbing my hand and arm, and I lazily opened my eyes to see what was going on. Jakob was sitting at the side of the bed in his work uniform, rubbing my burn.

"I thought you were in a hurry to go to work?" I mumbled somewhere in between wake and sleep.

"What are you doing?" I tried to focus my eyes on the task he seemed so concentrated on, but fatigue was ruling my eyesight as well as my strength.

"Shhh..." Jakob whispered with a chuckle.

"I can't believe how tired you are. I'm putting some cream on your hand and arm. That burn was looking nasty. Should probably get it checked out, y'know."

"Mmmm..." I mumbled without expression, not committing myself to any plans of seeing the doctor. Instead, I tried to concentrate on the relaxing feeling Jakob was giving me with his gentle rubbing, but everything outside of my body was eluding me. I could feel myself drifting away again.

"Jeez, that looks sore." I could hear Jakob, but as if from far away.

"I'm going to take a shower." Jakob kissed my cheek after he was through massaging cream onto the burn, and I could feel him get up from the bed.

"You just got out of the shower." I mumbled as I grabbed for his shirt. I felt his lips press against mine and then heard Jakob laughing; his voice faded out of my mind...


I felt water dripping on my face and torso, and I thought vaguely that there must have been a leak in the roof. There was something slightly heavy holding me down around my hips, and in a tired stupor I almost half-convinced myself that the roof had fallen on top of me while I was sleeping. When I heard heavy breathing coming from someone other than myself, and felt a tugging sensation on one of my nipples, I wanted to open my eyes, but they were too heavy.


I managed to move my head in response to the very arousing tugging sensation at my chest, and finally opened my eyes a crack when the weight on top of my hips started to move. I couldn't see anything, but felt my entire upper body being soaked by whatever was weighing me down.

I then felt a cold and very wet mop press against my face as I heard very familiar breathing rush into my ear sending shivers down my spine. The owner of the breathing nibbled and licked at my ear and neck, and then coiled its fingers into mine. I responded by nudging my head towards the wet mop, and then felt something warm and soft press against my lips. When I opened my eyes, they focused on Jakob; sopping wet, light in his blue eyes, and looking down upon me with the slightest of smiles. I wondered vaguely if I was only dreaming.

I decided that I was just having another one of my fantasies about Jakob. I let my eyes drift close again, but they were immediately open when I felt that warm and soft something press against my lips again. It hit me then, that this was no dream. Jakob was on top of me, his lips urgent in their quest of mine, his groin pressing up against my own as I had done with him not that long ago. My fingers uncoiled from his, and I brought them along with my hands, up to his waist.

I could feel his skin; hot and very moist underneath my hands as I dragged them up and down his back and sides. Jakob's breathing was ragged and heavy as his lips continued to press against mine. I felt the light tickle of his tongue on my lips, and my mouth opened to receive him.

Jakob's tongue thrust into my mouth with an aggression that startled me at first, but then I was completely caught up in the most passionate and erotic display of affection I had been given from him to this point. His hands cupped either side of my face while his tongue probed the inside of my mouth, and his groin continued to thrust forcefully into mine. I could feel myself growing between my legs, and struggled for control. My desire for him was too strong, and I was very aware of what could happen.

While I fought to keep from forcing myself onto Jakob, Jakob seemed to lose himself. His mouth continued drinking of mine, his now very hard member I could feel distinctly grinding against me. I was quickly losing control, and was stricken with a panic. I couldn't let this get out of hand and risk doing anything to hurt him. I pushed Jakob up and away from me, breaking our kiss.

"Whoa...slow down, kiddo." I was completely out of breath.

Jakob's eyes twinkled at me, and suddenly his face turned red. I took a good look at him as he was straddling me, and realized he was clad in only a towel, his skin and hair dripping wet. My hands went up to stroke his chest, stopping at those perfect nubs, and was stricken once again at just how beautiful he was.

Jakob closed his eyes and rolled his head back slowly, enjoying the attention that was given to this obvious erogenous zone of his. I watched as his body writhed in pleasure at my ministrations. The only sounds I could hear were Jakob's soft groans, and the pounding of my heart in my ears.

My hands slowly moved down, my fingers tracing the definition of the muscles in his abdomen, to his navel, and then lightly moved down his thin happy trail, stopping at the towel that was wrapped low around his hips. My eyes moved up to focus on his. Jakob was trembling slightly, but his eyes were filled with the same need that I'm sure was registered in my own. Jakob moved his hands slowly to his waist, and before my unbelieving eyes, slowly removed the towel from his body.

"Oh, God!" I gasped.

I had to catch my breath at the sight of him; he was so beautiful that it almost hurt to look at him. Although I'd seen Jakob naked before, it never seemed like the right circumstance that would allow my eyes to linger. He was fully erect, and I had to consciously stop myself from reaching out to touch him.

As if a light switch had been turned off, Jakob suddenly became self-conscious, and quickly moved off of me to sit beside me on the bed. His eyes avoided my gaze, and his face remained red and flushed. He grabbed for his towel and covered his lap while he buried his face in his hands. I gently placed a hand on his knee, and gave a reassuring squeeze before I sat upright. Jakob looked up and our eyes locked.

"Are you okay?" I asked concerned.

Jakob nodded, but broke eye contact. I kissed him softly on his shoulder while my hand found his knee again and continued to stroke it reassuringly. I could feel Jakob slowly relax beneath my fingers. My cock remained excruciatingly hard, and I struggled to keep my mind off of it while I ensured that Jakob was indeed all right.

I rubbed his back and rested my chin on his shoulder while we both took a moment to calm down. Jakob had been through a lot in a short amount of time, and I knew things were happening at a rapid pace. Jakob was a jumble of emotions and I knew that he needed time. I knew that we both needed to take things slower. I couldn't let anything happen that could hurt him again.

"Hmmm..." I mumbled into his shoulder as I kissed it; my hand continuing to sweep up and down his back.

Jakob leaned his head against mine as he fully relaxed. Our breathing seemed synced as it slowed to a normal rate. I kissed the side of his face while I got up off of the bed and faced him. He gave me a wary look before I reached out for his hand. He cautiously put his hand in mine and I pulled him up from the bed.

"Wha...what are you doing?" He asked timidly.

"Nothing. Kiss me." I smiled down at him.

Jakob looked up at me suspiciously. My hands laced around his as I stepped forward. As my arms wrapped around him, I held his arms behind his back. I couldn't help but smile at him as I could see on his face that he was wondering what was happening. I leaned down and my lips touched his.

I felt rather than heard him take a deep breath, and I let go of his hands so that I could move mine to hold his face while I deepened our kiss. Jakob's hands slowly found themselves at the waistband of my pants and he was tugging ever so slightly as if trying to pull them apart. I broke our kiss so that I could look at him again. I could feel his soft breath on my face, and taste it's sweetness before my lips gently returned to their rightful place against his. His hands continued to unknowingly tug on my waistband until I felt the button pop open.

I tore my lips off of his and rested my forehead against his as we both looked down at the open front of my khakis. Jakob let go of them and his hands and arms were tense at his side. Jakob blushed slightly as he looked up at me and I let go of him.

I took a deep breath before I moved my hands down and began to unfasten my pants. When I fully removed them along with my underwear, Jakob broke his gaze to look down at my naked body. When his eyes met with my tremendously swollen cock, they widened in a look of either horror or shock, or maybe a little bit of both. He seemed to be in a daze as he stared at my manhood, and then forced his eyes back to look into mine.

"You...you're...you're beautiful." He croaked nervously yet as matter-of-fact.

I looked down at him curiously. I'd always considered myself an average guy in the looks department though I've been called good-looking by people I know. Beautiful just wasn't something I saw myself as. Beautiful was the young man standing in front of me.

I shrugged. I didn't know what to say. Jakob was quiet as he stared; letting his eyes roam over me. Slowly, he brought his hand towards me and gently touched the tip of my penis with his finger. He startled a bit when he heard me let out a light moan, and quickly pulled his hand away like he got caught with it stuck in the cookie jar.

"It's okay," I chuckled while I encouraged him.

His eyes continued their inspection. "Your body's amazing."

He looked up at me quickly and gave me a shy smile as if his words weren't meant for my ears. I opened my mouth to say something and before I could, Jakob was shoving himself into me. I felt his arms hold me to him. My arms instinctively wrapped around him; my hands taking in the feel of his skin as they traveled from the curve of his ass up to his shoulder blades.

"Mmmm...you feel so good." I whispered into his hair as my hands continued to take in the feel of him.

I could feel Jakob rub his cheek over my chest and he brought a hand up and started playing with the hairs there. I stepped closer to him and held back a moan as I felt my cock rub up against his abdomen. I thrust slowly up against him again and felt as Jakob bit into my chest.

"Ahhhh!" I called out in both pain and pleasure.

I looked down at Jakob and found him kissing where he had bitten me. My hands left his back and held his face while my mouth found his again. He opened for me right away; both of us tasting each other eagerly. His arms wrapped around me holding me close. Soon I felt his own hardness slide up against my hip. I broke our kiss to look at him; his eyes closed and his mouth still open. I felt like I had fallen in love with him all over again. I didn't want the moment to end.

"Jakob," I whispered and watched as his eyes slowly opened and focused on me.

"Are you okay?"

Jakob slowly nodded before he shyly returned his face into my chest. I held him tightly before an idea came to me.

"C'mere," I let my hands fall, grabbing his hand with my own and heading for the door of my bedroom.

"Where are we going?" Jakob asked apprehensively.

"Nowhere. Just come on." I grinned at him and tugged at his arm gently.

"I don't have clothes on."

"Yeah, I know. Neither do I. Don't worry, we're not going out to sell Girl Guide cookies or anything. Just come on."

Jakob was laughing uneasily as I led him out of the bedroom and down the hallway. I led him down the stairs into the basement and to the family room where the TV was. He stood awkwardly as I reached for the remote to turn the big screen on and I noticed him shiver.

"You cold?" I asked while I rubbed his arms briskly.

"A little."

I grabbed the comforter that was lying on the sofa and wrapped it around him before bringing him into my arms and holding him to me. He buried his face into my chest like he had before.

"You wanna watch TV in the buff?" I heard Jakob mumble into my chest.

"Yup, pretty much," I chuckled before kissing him on the side of his head and backed him up towards the sofa.

Jakob let out a laugh and looked up at me. His eyes sparkled; his face still red as he shook his head at me. It was a bit cold downstairs and I fought the urge to shudder myself. Jakob must have noticed the raised skin on my arms when his expression changed.

"You're cold. You've got goose bumps."

"I'm fine." I reassured as I kissed the side of his head again.

Jakob looked unconvinced as he unraveled the comforter from around him, and threw it over my own shoulders to cover me. I smiled at him as I grabbed the cover by the edges, holding it open as I lead us to turn around and backed myself up against the sofa and slowly sat down. Jakob looked nervous as he rubbed the side of his head and avoided eye contact.

"Get over here," I commanded. "You're cold."

Jakob looked unsure; almost like he was ready to bolt for upstairs. I reached for his hand before he could, and tugged on him gently.

"It's okay. I won't hurt you." I tugged a little harder on his arm and his hand landed on my shoulder to steady himself.

Jakob let his knee rest beside my thigh while he looked down at me with his head cocked to one side. My hands went to his hips and urged him down towards me, but I could feel Jakob resisting.

"Jakey, it's okay." I said softly as I could see the fear start to creep onto his face.

I gently pulled down on his hips and he rested his other knee carefully between my legs, being sure not to land on anything essential. I tried to pull him up against me, but instead he bent at the waist and sort of sat on my thigh. I wanted him to look at me, but he was looking away. One of my hands found his hair and I brushed it back before I cupped his face.

"It's okay, Jakob. Come here and hug me. It's okay."

Jakob reluctantly looked at me and seemed to furrow his eyebrows before his other hand found my shoulder. The hand that I had resting low on his hip slid up his side and pulled him towards my body. Jakob's arms tensed slightly but then gave in as he cautiously wrapped his arms around my neck and rested his head on my shoulder.

My hands drifted up and down his back and I could feel him relax a little more into me. His knee moved up a little and nudged my balls; not hurting me in the least, but sending a jolt of pleasure to my now softened cock. I let out a groan.

"I'm sorry," Jakob tried to move away, but I only tightened my arms around him.

"Shhhhh..." I whispered and let my fingers tangle into his soft hair.

Jakob finally relaxed and settled his body into mine. He was still semi-hard as he rubbed up against me, but I tried not to pay attention as my fingers continued to curl themselves into the waves of his hair.

"I love you." I whispered and held him closer to me.


His voice was so soft and trembled so much that I barely heard him. I noticed that his body was shaking as well. I let go of his hair to grab the edges of the comforter so that I could wrap it around him. As I covered him with both my arms and the blanket, he took in a sharp breath and I felt something warm and wet on my shoulder.

"Jakob," I held him away from me and saw that he was crying.

"Why do you love me?"

"I..." There were so many reasons why I loved him, that I didn't even know how to answer him.

"I don't know, Jakob. I've always loved you. I just do...I..."

"He told me nobody would want me after he had me. Why do you want me?"

"What?" I was stunned, and horrified. I didn't need an explanation. I knew he was talking about the man that attacked him months previous.

"It's my fault and I'm dirty now. Why would you want that?"

"Just shut the fuck up." My voice was sharp and I knew it startled Jakob, but I couldn't believe what he was saying.

"I don't ever want to hear you say shit like that. What happened was not your fault, Jakob! I don't know what went down, but I know you."

Jakob looked unsure and I was so angry that some monster actually convinced him that what had happened was actually his fault. I felt cold inside, and the look on Jakob's face physically made me ache. I had to make things right. I wrapped an arm around his shoulders and pulled him down. With my other arm I scooped him up underneath his legs and sort of held him like you'd hold a baby. I made sure that he was covered.

"I fuckin' love you, do you understand me? I want you so bad that it scares the shit outta me, Jakob. You're so beautiful."

He looked at me with dead eyes and nodded.

"That's my curse," he whispered so softly I barely heard him.

He looked away hurriedly and I finally knew part of his truth. It was the reason he was always uncomfortable when we went anywhere. There were always the stares-the constant gawking by people. There were never-ending flirtations thrown his way, and people finding a way to bump into him and touch him. He hated it all, and I finally realized that it wasn't because he didn't think he was attractive. It was because he didn't want to be. He blamed his looks; he blamed himself for the unwanted attention.

I remembered back to the first time I met Jakob, and realized that I was as guilty as the others. The first time I saw him I wanted him in my bed and it wasn't until later that I realized what was so beautiful about Jakob, was who he was inside. It took me this long to finally get it, and I realized that I had failed him. I had to make it right.

"Please forgive me." I was ashamed.

"What do you mean?" Jakob looked at me confused.

"I promised you I'd never hurt you, and I think that's exactly what I did. I'm so sorry, Jakob. I'm so sorry."

I felt tears threatening to fall, and then Jakob leaned up shaking his head while he stared at me confused.

"You're my best friend." He defended me and I could only shake my head in disgust.

"I'm no better than that monster that attacked you."

His eyes suddenly turned hard and cold; he could've stared anyone down. His expression was bothered and sober.

"You have no idea what he did to me. You're nothing like him."

It was quiet and we didn't look at each other for a while before I felt his hand move gently over my face.

"Do you want to fuck me?" He asked quietly.

"Yes." I said in all honesty, but felt riddled with guilt.

"I want you inside of me. He'll go away if you're inside me. Make him go away, Bryan. Please."

Jakob's voice trembled as he pleaded with me to take him. It could have been so easy, but I knew it wasn't the answer. I gently lay him down on the couch and stretched out beside him. My arm snaked behind his neck with my hand gripping the comforter, and I wrapped him up tightly to me. I kissed him with all the tenderness in my heart, and then looked deep and hard in his baby blues.

"Who is he, Jakob? I wanna know who he is. You tell me that and what he did, and I promise I'll make him go away forever. Who is he?"

Next: Chapter 8

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