Taking of Jakob

By shakes

Published on Jun 8, 2014


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DISCLAIMER: This is a work of fiction, and any resemblance to those living or dead is not intentional, and is completely coincidental. Any comments or suggestions can be sent to shakes003@hotmail.com. Don't forget to donate in order to keep Nifty up and running.


The room was light, and I could feel the sun on my face as it peeked through the curtains of the living room window when I finally decided to wake up. I opened my eyes, stretched my body and felt the tightness of my muscles from sleeping on the floor. I didn't have a pillow to snuggle up to, I had something better. I had Jakob. I remembered how his smooth naked body felt up against mine, and a smile came over my face.

It was then that I noticed Jakob missing beside me, and was hit with the sound and smell of something cooking in the kitchen. I sat up and was about to rub the sleep out of my eyes, when I noticed a bandage neatly wrapped around my hand and arm where it had been blistered the worst the night before. I stared at it dumbfounded wondering where the bandage had come from. When the idea dawned on me, and my eyes shot up to look through the entrance to the kitchen, Jakob was standing there watching me; his eyes sparkling, his soft lips curled upwards in a half-smile.

"Morning." Jakob said softly.

"Hey, you. Good morning." I replied with a big grin.

I looked back at my bandaged hand. "You do good work."

Jakob smiled and his cheeks flushed slightly before he softly replied, "thank you."

We stared at each other for a few moments before Jakob quietly turned around and disappeared back into the kitchen. I sat on the floor for a few minutes more running my hands through my hair-aimlessly disheveling it, and again rubbed the sleep out of my eyes. I looked at the sun shining through the window, and smiled. All was right in the world today.

Moments of last night flashed through my mind; Jakob naked and pressed up against me, the way that his mouth had felt when I conquered it with my own, and the soft yet strong feel of his manhood in my hand. As I got up to go into the kitchen, I zipped up my pants and threw the comforter that I had wrapped around Jakob's and my body onto the sofa. I stood in the entranceway, and let my eyes wander over to Jakob, who was standing at the stove frying up some leftover ham.

"Awww," I whined. "What happened to the outfit you were wearing last night?" I teased.

Jakob had put on a pair of jeans, but was naked from the waist up. His back was strong and smooth. His jeans hung enticingly low on his hips.

'Forget the food.' I thought wickedly to myself. 'I'll just eat you for breakfast.' I started walking towards him.

Jakob burst out into nervous laughter, still concentrating on the meal he was cooking. I moved up behind him, and allowed my hands to explore his chest, paying special attention to his nipples while I nibbled and licked at his ear. Jakob moaned and pressed himself up against me before turning around in my arms. His eyes boar into me before he reached up to hold my face; urging it down towards his.

Jakob's lips pressed against mine softly. He held his lips to mine for a moment before moving his head back to look at me. I watched him carefully, not really knowing what was going through his head or what to expect. Slowly he stepped forward and rested his face against my chest while he hooked his thumbs in the belt loops of my khakis. I held his head to me for a time, eventually letting my hands drift down rubbing his arms and shoulders.

"Are you okay?" I heard Jakob mumble into my chest.

"Me?" I looked at him confused.

Jakob looked troubled and reached for my bandaged arm. He held it in both of his hands staring at it and softly stroked the gauze that covered it.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you." He mumbled quietly to his chest.

"Aww, Jakob. C'mere. It's okay, I deserved it." And I pulled him back into my chest.

"I can't believe I did that to you." I could hear him mumble and I let out a sigh while my arms momentarily hugged him tighter to me.

"Stop," I held him away from me so I could look into his eyes. "It's over. Let's just leave it at that. I hurt you too and I'm sorry for it. You just acted on instinct. Just drop it, okay?"

When Jakob didn't look convinced I piped up. "Besides, bullets bounce offa me."

Jakob stared at me for a few seconds trying to gauge what I had just said. He then let out a baffled laugh before shoving his head back into my chest; letting his arms slide up my back holding me close to him. I leaned down a bit and kissed the soft mop of waves on top of his head. It seemed like the most natural thing in the world to be holding him and yet it was completely new. Jakob suddenly wiggled out from my arms and turned around to the stove.

"Shit! I'm gonna burn breakfast."

"You're cooking?"



"Shut up!"

Now, something you should know about Jakob is that he isn't known for his cooking skills. In fact, if memory serves me correctly he once burnt macaroni and cheese. Kraft Dinner. It was more than just crispy, it was black. I once teased him that he was the only person on earth that could burn water. He didn't find it as amusing as I did, but it was the truth. Jakob couldn't cook if his life depended on it. He got too distracted by other things and would forget what he was doing.

I laughed while he cracked a few eggs into the frying pan. I leaned into him thinking I would supervise the upcoming disaster, but then was distracted by the feel of Jakob's back up against me. The curve of his denim covered ass was soft as I rubbed myself against it. My hands were back at his chest rubbing and taking in the feel of his bare skin. It wasn't long before I was completely lost in the sensations. I was nibbling and licking where his shoulder met his neck. His soft moans were driving me crazy. I kissed him on the spot I was biting.

"I'm gonna burn breakfast." He panted.

I looked down into the frying pan and the eggs were done. I reached over and turned off the burner without removing my mouth from the crook of Jakob's neck. He turned his head and nudged his face into mine while I devoured his neck and shoulder. His eyes had a glassy look to them before my hand held his face and my mouth fell upon his.

He opened his mouth for me immediately and I delved into it, tasting and feeling every soft contour inside. My fingers tangled themselves into the waves of his hair and held his head firmly while my mouth devoured his. I could hear him beginning to whimper, and moved my mouth from his; trailing a series of soft kisses from his cheek to his temple and ending up with a kiss on his forehead.

"Are you okay?" I asked as his whimpering started to worry me.

Jakob's eyes were closed as he tried to catch his breath. His mouth looked slightly swollen from the weight of my mouth on his moments before. My fingers loosened and untangled from his hair and began a soft petting. Jakob opened his eyes; his had a glazed look to them as they weren't quite focused on me. His eyelids looked heavy.

He didn't answer me, only said "I made you breakfast."

I looked at him quietly for a moment before I nodded. I remembered that Jakob was pretty fragile when it came to being intimate with someone. I had to check myself and make sure that I wasn't pushing him further than he was ready for. I softly kissed him on the forehead again and let him turn back towards the stove.

"What can I do?" I offered as I rubbed Jakob's shoulders.

"Nothing, really. It's done, I guess. Sit down." Jakob motioned to the kitchen table where it had already been set.

I took my usual spot at the kitchen table, and Jakob served me a plate of eggs (over-easy), toast and ham. When he dished me out breakfast, and it made my mouth water, you can imagine my surprise. The meal he set before me looked amazing. He topped it off by pouring me a glass of milk, and then sat adjacent to me with his own spread.

"Wow, Jakob. This is fantastic!" I was beyond impressed. Everything looked absolutely perfect.

"You watchin' too many cooking shows or somethin'?"

"I'm not that bad." He answered indignantly but it made me chuckle. He looked at me and then stuck his tongue out which made me laugh even harder.

"C'mon...eat." Jakob grinned and placed the salt and pepper in front of me.

Jakob sat and looked on as I salted my food to death like I always do. He always made fun of me when I'd eat something because I always reached for the salt before I'd even taste it. I'm a saltaholic or something; I always have to have it on my food even if it's already salty. Jakob smirked at me while I was dousing my eggs, and I stuck my tongue out at him childishly like he had done to me moments before. He sat there, trying to hide a grin. He suddenly seemed so happy, and I remembered last night and felt giddy and overjoyed that he was as happy as I was. I cut into my egg.

I shoveled a large portion of egg into my mouth, and immediately registered that something was wrong-something that had nothing to do with cooking skills. I looked at the shaker that contained the salt, and noticed the crystals appeared larger than usual. I felt my gag reflex approaching, and spit the egg out onto my plate. I grabbed the salt shaker and poured a small pile into my palm and tasted it. As I looked over to Jakob, I noticed his face was red and he was trying very hard to choke back a laugh.

"You ass!" I gasped, and Jakob bolted up from the table and out of the kitchen down the hallway in a fit of laughter. He had switched the salt for sugar. I had just sugared my damned breakfast.

I could still hear him roaring when I chugged my glass of milk trying to kill the taste in my mouth. I slammed the empty glass down on the table, and took off down the hallway in search of the practical joker. It wasn't difficult; I could still hear the idiot laughing. I was trying very hard to be pissed off, but his laughter was wearing down my resolve. The more I tried to keep a serious face, the bigger my grin was.

I threw the door to my bedroom open, and could see Jakob's form underneath the sheets of my bed. I could hear him giggling like a child, and it was becoming contagious. I was giggling, myself as I jumped onto my bed, and fought to get the sheets off of Jakob. After wrestling around on my bed for fifteen minutes or so, I finally got him uncovered as I straddled him around the waist. We were both panting and out of breath.

"Enjoy breakfast?" Jakob was chuckling lightly now, and I grabbed both of his wrists and held his arms over his head with a grin.

"Oh, so you're the funny guy now. You quittin' your day job to become a comedian?"

Jakob didn't answer; he only smiled. We maintained our position while we were both trying to catch our breath. I let go of Jakob's wrists so that I could play with his tangled waves, and I felt him rest his hands on my hips. We looked in each other's eyes deep, and longing. I bent down slowly, and savored the feel of his plump and soft lips as I pressed my mouth against his.

I was surprised when I felt his tongue gently tickle my upper lip. In response I opened my mouth for him. His tongue was gentle; almost unsure as it probed the inside of my mouth and I welcomed it with a low moan wanting more. His kiss was a simple piece of heaven for me. The mere fact of his initiating the contact was creating an unbearable thickness between my legs. His kiss was soft, tender, and somehow still full of passion, and I didn't want the moment to end. Our tongues explored each other's mouths for what seemed like an eternity and it still wasn't long enough. Jakob broke free.

"I hafta work." He said matter-of-factly.

I was on fire and in all honestly didn't give a rat's ass if the house was burning down or whether he had to work or not. The stiffness between my legs was demanding my concentration at the moment, as was the amazing sensations I was getting as I was gently grinding my crotch into Jakob's. Jakob closed his eyes as I pressed my pelvis into his, and almost instantly I could feel the generous lump that was forming in his jeans.

"Shit, I'm serious, Bryan. I gotta go get ready."

I'm sure the disappointment was written quite clearly on my face as I stopped rubbing my caged member against Jakob. I wanted to be with Jakob, and I thought he wanted to be with me, but he was still scared and I knew I'd have to be patient. I wondered if he'd ever be able to let himself be with me. I straightened up feeling a little rejected, and Jakob sat up and looked at me.

"I'm sorry, Bryan. I gotta get ready for work."

"Yeah, I know." I mumbled softly.

Jakob watched me carefully, noticing my change of mood. He leaned over and kissed me on my nose before pushing me off of him. I fell to the bed beside where he was, and he softly chuckled at me. I looked up and saw his eyes full of light, and I smiled in spite of myself.

"I'm gonna go take a shower." He commented as he stood up from the bed.

"Mmmm...sounds nice. Can I watch?" I was teasing on the outside, but deep down I was praying that Jakob would say 'yes'.

"Perv." Jakob turned red and laughed as he left the room to go take his shower.

I lay and looked up at the ceiling, feeling myself drift away. I closed my eyes and heard the water running from the shower in the bathroom. The last image in my mind was of Jakob. I pictured him naked and wet, standing under the showerhead letting the water explore and caress his body.

Next: Chapter 7

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