Taking of Jakob

By shakes

Published on Sep 22, 2014


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DISCLAIMER: This is a work of fiction, and any resemblance to those living or dead is not intentional, and is completely coincidental. Any comments or suggestions can be sent to shakes003@hotmail.com. Don't forget to donate in order to keep Nifty up and running.


"Whoa...ahhhh...oh shit, Jakob," I moaned and let my head fall back as my entire body began to tingle from the amazing work that Jakob was doing to my cock with his mouth.

My breathing was becoming deeper, and my eyes were losing their focus as I gazed absently at the ceiling. I looked down and found two gorgeous baby blues staring back at me. Our eyes locked while he slid me in and out of his mouth, and I then clenched my jaw and shut my eyes tight, trying to fight back my impending orgasm. I knew if we kept it up at this rate, I wasn't going to last long. It was like a fantasy coming true; only in my wildest dreams could I ever imagine this happening between me and Jakob.

Jakob took a slow lap and kissed the head of my cock before he asked, "Is this okay, Bryan?"

I was panting heavily by this time, and didn't trust myself to speak. I nodded and reached over to the door and locked it. My hands then began to massage his head and caress his beautiful hair. Jakob flashed me a shy smile before he slid his mouth back over my engorged member. I wasn't going to last long at all.

"Fuck, Jakob." I whimpered quietly as he brought me to the top. "I'm gonna cum!"

I felt him moan around me and then noticed the familiar tightening in my balls. It was happening too soon and too fast and I was losing what little control over my body that I still had. I hastily pushed Jakob off of me without thinking before I came on the floor. As the world around me slowly slid back into focus I could see him sitting there, holding his knees to his chest. His eyes looked bleak and a little stunned, and I was afraid that it was too much for him.

"Jakob," I took a step towards him; worried I had hurt him and worried that I had pushed him too far. Unfortunately in the process of walking, I had forgotten about my clothing wrapped around my ankles, and with one attempted step I hit the floor with a thud; my head missing the porcelain of the toilet by a hair.

"Oh my God! Bryan, are you okay?" Jakob crawled over to where I was sprawled out, half naked on the floor.

I nodded my assent and could hear my mother's footsteps scurrying down the hallway towards us.

"Aww shit," I griped. It's just one of those predicaments you're certain you don't want your parents to see you in; sprawled out on the floor with your pants and underwear around your ankles, and your boyfriend next to you, trying to keep from laughing his ass off, wearing a shit-eating grin.

"Bryan, honey? Are you okay? What's going on?" My mother was pounding on the door and trying to open it while I scrambled to get my pants back up. I looked at Jakob, and his face was red and he had tears streaming down his face from holding his breath to keep from laughing out loud. I wasn't as amused.

"Nothing, ma. I tripped."

I frantically tugged on the zipper of my pants when I almost zipped my balls up in the process. My face contorted as I realized how close I was, and this set Jakob into a deeper fit of laughter; his laughter echoing off of the bathroom walls. I looked at him in horror and mouthed the words, "shut the fuck up," but it only served to make him laugh harder.

"Jakob, sweetie, is that you, honey?" My mom inquired.

"Yeah, Mrs. M." Jakob answered between fits of laughter.

"Boys, what in the hell is going on in there?" I could hear the tone in my mother's voice changing, and I flashed a look that promised revenge to Jakob. He piped down, and wiped the tears from his eyes.

"Nothin', Mrs. M." Jakob answered. "Bryan was getting sick and he fell as he got up." He looked at me and shrugged.

"Bryan, honey, are you alright?" My mother's tone changed to that of worry, and it seemed as though she bought Jakob's story. I felt myself relax.

"I'm okay, I just got dizzy. I'm okay."

"Alright, dear. Your dad brought the steaks in. Supper is on the table. Are you going to be able to eat, Bryan?"

"I'm okay, mom. I just got dizzy, is all."

"Jakob, is he okay?" My mom was being her usual, worrying self.

"He's great." Jakob smiled and then winked playfully at me. I rolled my eyes and shook a fist at him, and he chuckled and gently kicked my thigh. I smiled and winked back at him.

"Alright," my mother said. I had almost forgotten she was still at the door. "Hurry up, boys. Supper is getting cold." We both stayed still until we heard her footsteps fade.

"You fuckin' asshole!" I whispered as pissed off as I could pretend to be. Jakob broke out into a fit of laughter again, and I tackled him to the floor and covered his body with my own. He stopped giggling, and looked up at me in all seriousness.

"Why did you do that, Bryan?"

"Why did I do what?"

"You pushed me away. Was I doing it wrong?"

"What? No, God no! It was...you were amazing. I just..."

"Just what?"

I could tell by the look on his face I had hurt him, and that was exactly what I was trying to avoid. I just didn't know how to go about telling him.

"I guess I'm just scared of pushing you too much. After everything you've been through...I don't want you to think you have to do things just because that's what I want. I'm sorry, Jakob."

Jakob's expression was serious; his blue eyes seemed to pierce through mine before he spoke.

"I'm not a child, Bryan. I just wanna make you happy like you make me happy."

"Aww, Jakey." The conversation seemed to be going from bad to worse. I moved off of Jakob to sit next to him. He slowly sat up as I rubbed my face in frustration; I really fucked up.

"Jakob, you do make me happy. I just don't know that we're ready; that you're ready."

"I'm a big boy, Bryan. I can make those decisions for myself."

I saw the seriousness in his eyes when I looked at him and nodded before looking down at my lap. I reached over and patted his knee before standing up. I fixed my clothes and turned around; offering Jakob a hand to get up. His eyes were sad before he looked away briefly. When he looked back at me, he took my hand and let me help him stand.

"You hungry?"

Jakob shrugged before answering, "a little, I guess."

I frowned to myself; he was upset with me and I couldn't really blame him. Things were not happening like I wanted or even planned. I couldn't stand having him mad or upset with me. I felt sick inside. I reached out to touch his face.


Jakob looked up at me and gave me a small smile. It didn't reach his eyes.

"Please don't be mad at me. I hate it when you're mad at me."

"I'm never mad at you."

"You were that night at the bar."

"That's 'cause you were acting like an asshole. I don't even wanna talk about that night." Jakob pushed my hand away and headed for the door. I quickly moved in front of him before his hand reached the door knob.

"It wasn't all that bad." I grinned at him, but he just looked at me like I was crazy.

"It was horrible. I told you, I don't wanna talk about it."

"What about when we made up?" I tried and could see red start to creep its way to Jakob's face. I inched closer to him and eased my arms around his body. It took seconds for his body to respond and melt into mine and I could hear him let out a deep breath.

"Making up is nice." He agreed.

Jakob was rubbing his face against my shoulder and I felt his hands at the waistband of my pants. I let my hands glide down his back where they stopped to hold and caress the curve of his buttocks. I pressed my face into his hair and breathed in its scent. Jakob let go of my pants and his hands swept up my back and as he leaned closer into me I could feel his tumescent arousal against my thigh. I grinned.

"Well, you were right about one thing."


"You're a big boy." I chuckled while I ground my leg up against his crotch.

"Ohhh, man. That was horrible. I hope you're not lookin' to quit your day job." Jakob groaned in disgust, but then started laughing. I guessed that I was forgiven as we stood there hugging and laughing. We tried feebly to settle down; straightened up a bit so that we looked presentable so we could head for the kitchen for dinner.

"There you are." My mom rushed over to me as Jakob and I had entered the kitchen, and began fussing over me. She put her hand on my forehead as if checking for a fever.

"Are you sure you're alright, Bryan? You're awfully hot."

"Yeah, you're awfully hot, Bryan." Jakob tried to keep a straight face, but then burst out laughing, and backed into my father accidentally, which seemed to sober him up. Temporarily, that is. My father looked down at him very seriously, and then patted him on the head like a puppy before passing him to take a seat at the table. Jakob's face turned three shades of red, and he resumed his childish giggling.

"Honestly, you two. What is going on here? Bryan, what did you do to Jakob? He's lost his mind." My mom was getting irritated.

"Why are you blaming me? He started it!" I whined like a 10 year old would before winking at Jakob. He smiled and looked down at his feet.

"Can we please have dinner? You kids can finish horsing around after I eat. I'm starving." My dad had already dished out his plate, and was pouring wine for all of us. My mom hurriedly joined him at the table, and Jakob and I followed.

"Are you sure wine is a good idea, Stevan?" My mom asked dryly and gave me 'the look'.

"I guess we'll find out." My dad sighed and shook his head.

We dished out our food as quickly as possible so that my father could eat, my mom raised her glass of wine.

"Happy Birthday, Jakob. I hope 19 proves to be a great year for you, sweetheart."

We all raised our glasses, and clinked them together. We ate and enjoyed our meal, and when I looked over at Jakob, I noticed that he looked happier than I had seen him in such a long time. I stretched out my leg and grinned as he jumped while my foot moved up and down his calf. It wasn't long before he caught my foot in between both of his; like holding hands, we were holding feet.

"So, I was thinking. They're having an evening service at the church tonight. We know how much it would mean so I thought we could go with it being Jakob's birthday." My mother's words caused me to choke violently on my wine, and send me into a fit of coughing.

"Bryan, are you alright?" My mother was about to get out of her seat to come help me, when I finally had my hacking under control. I looked at Jakob who was white as a ghost and staring blankly at his empty plate.

"Why the fuck would we go to church?" I asked outraged that my mother would be so cruel to even suggest a thing. Then it suddenly dawned on me, that she had no clue about what happened to Jakob.

"Bryan, watch your mouth!" My dad commanded in a voice that promised me penance if I didn't obey.

"Bryan, what on earth has gotten into you? We know how much the church means to Jakob. Don't you think you could forget about yourself for one evening, and do something nice for him?" My mother lectured me and handed me every guilt trip in the book while I kept my gaze on Jakob, whose hands begun to slightly tremble. He clenched his fists, and then shoved them under the table when he saw me staring at them.

"We never go to church, mom. Why now?"

"Bryan, we didn't raise you to be this way. What on earth is your problem?" My mom was becoming increasingly irritated, and increasingly harder to fool.


"It's okay, Bryan." Jakob spoke softly. "It's a real nice idea, Mrs. M. Thanks for thinking of me." When I looked at Jakob like he was out of his mind, he looked at me with horror, and slightly shook his head.

"Honestly, Bryan. You've been acting odd all evening." My mom looked at me disgusted, and began to clear the table. Immediately Jakob was on his feet and helping. My father got up from the table to change, and I sat in silence at the table trying to come up with a plan to get Jakob out of there. ****

"Are you boys riding with us?" My father asked as he and my mother were putting on their jackets and shoes.

"Uhhh...no dad, thanks. We'll take my car."

I figured I'd let them head out first, and then I'd take Jakob straight home. I could tell them later on that Jakob or me, or somebody was sick and we couldn't make it to the church. There was no way in hell I was going to ever take Jakob back to that place. No way.

"Okay, then. We'll see you there."

We filed out of the house, and went to our respected vehicles. My parents were the first to pull out and drive away. Jakob hadn't said a word since we were sitting at the dinner table. He looked like a strong wind could blow him over. I opened the car door and helped as he slowly got in. When I sat down in my seat Jakob was staring blankly at the dashboard.

"Jakob, we don't have to do this. We can go home right now."

"It's okay, Bryan. It was really nice of your mom to do this for me. I don't want to disappoint her."

"Fuck that, Jakob! If she knew what happened to you, she wouldn't want you one hundred miles from there!"

"You didn't get me anything for my birthday." Jakob quickly changed the subject while I was working on getting myself all worked up. It worked. I became distracted.

"Huh?" I looked at him confused.

"My birthday. You didn't get me anything."

"It's in the glove compartment. I wanted to wait until we got home." I nodded my head towards the glove box in front of Jakob. Jakob gave a small smile, and eagerly opened the glove compartment and found the green velvet-covered box inside. He grabbed it carefully, and looked at me for permission. I smiled while my hand instinctively found and started playing with his hair. He opened the box.

"How did you know?" His voice was shaking.

"Oh, a little bird flew on the window sill last week and mentioned something about it. Do you like it?"

"I've never seen one this beautiful in my life. Where did you get it?"

"That Irish Market in the mall. O'Shea's or whatever the hell that place is called."

"Yeah, O'Shea's." Jakob commented absently while his finger traced the shape of his gift.

It was a gold Celtic high-cross pendent. Luckily for me it also came with a gold chain. It had Celtic designs carved into the gold and green enamel detailing on the circle surrounding the upper portion of the cross. Jakob had commented off hand how he had always wanted a cross to wear, but nothing much else was said. When it came time to buying him a perfect birthday present, I stumbled upon the perfect gift almost by accident, when I went snooping through an Old Irish market. It had Jakob written all over it. It was expensive, but Jakob had to have it. The pendent was made for him. Jakob carefully took the necklace out of the box and handed it to me.

"Put it on me Bryan," he whispered at me while he spun around in the car with his back facing me.

I opened the clasp and re-fastened it once it was around Jakob's neck. He turned around to show me. The length was perfect. The cross hung in the middle of Jakob's chest.

"Right over my heart." Jakob spoke in my own thoughts.

We stared at each other for a moment, and Jakob mouthed the words 'I love you' before wrapping his arms around me, hugging me tightly. I could feel his body slightly trembling, and I ran my hands up his back; gathering him even closer to me.

"Baby, we don't have to go. I'll take you home and we can curl up on the sofa and watch TV tonight."

"What'll your mom and dad think? No." Jakob sniffed, and wiped his nose as he pulled away from me.

"I don't give a shit what they think. I'll tell them I got sick. They already thought I was out of it earlier."

"They can't know, Bryan. I don't want them to know. It'll look bad. Let's just go and get it over with."

"No fucking way! I'm not taking you to that...that place."

I could feel the pent up anger from months and months ago start to surface again. My hands were in fists and shaking as I tried not to see red. Jakob slid over closer to me pressing his forehead against mine before his lips touched my lips. He was so brave, and he was so strong; trying to calm and relax me. I pulled Jakob back into my arms and held him tightly.

"We better go," Jakob mumbled into my neck before kissing it. "Your mom and dad are gonna be waiting for us."

"We're not going there..." I started but Jakob cut me off.

"We have to. They're waiting for us."

"Jakob, there's no fucking way."

"It'll be fine. I'm gonna be with you; nothing will happen."

I sighed and shook my head. I didn't know why he was fighting me on the issue, but it took me by surprise. I knew that Jakob didn't like confrontation, but his desire to please my parents to the point where he'd put himself in harm's way was baffling to me.

"I don't understand you." I shrugged and pulled away from Jakob.

"I'm just tired of being afraid." Jakob explained sadly as he moved back over to the passenger side of the car and buckled up his seat belt.

I watched him for a moment not knowing what to say to him. It was clear arguing about the situation was futile as I realized that my stubborn Irish boyfriend had already made up his mind. He was purposely avoiding my gaze and looking out the window when I fired up the car and pulled it out of the driveway.

Next: Chapter 11

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