Taking of Jakob

By shakes

Published on Apr 21, 2014


This story is a work of fiction. Any comments or suggestions can be sent to shakes003@hotmail.com. Take care & be well.

This work is copyrighted by the author and may not be reproduced in any form without the specific written permission of the author. It is assigned to the Nifty Archives under the terms of their submission agreement but it may not be copied or archived on any other site without the written permission of the author.

DISCLAIMER: This is a work of fiction, and any resemblance to those living or dead is not intentional, and is completely coincidental.


I pulled the car in the alley behind the church and could see him curled up by the dumpster. I wasn't sure what to expect; all I got was a brief pleading from him over the phone to come get him and then he hung up. I was then left alone with the receiver in my hand, rattled. As I pulled the car closer, I had a better look at him. He was lying in the fetal position; naked as the day he was born, covered in blood and a mess that I wasn't sure I wanted to know what contained. I went cold.

Jakob didn't even seem to notice me when I got out of my Monte Carlo and rushed towards him. It wasn't until I knelt beside him, and carefully placed my hand on his bare shoulder that he flinched and tried to drag his injured body away from my presence. He was making an indescribable noise, like a wounded animal as he tried to gather enough strength to get away from me. I was in a state of horror and shock as I watched him clawing at the pavement, trying to make his getaway. He was bleeding badly from his ass, and had cuts and scratches, and what looked to me to be teeth marks all over his back and butt. I wanted to cry at the sight of him. I wanted to hold him and protect him. I snapped out of my daze.

"Oh, my God! Jakob," I reached for his face and turned his head, making him look at me. "Jakey, it's me. Bryan."

Jakob stopped clawing his way across the pavement when he looked into my eyes and realized he was safe. I could see his eyes filling up with tears as he stared into my eyes--a pleading look taking over his swollen face. I ran back to my car, popped open the trunk and dug out a blanket I always kept in the back in case of emergencies. I never had to use it before. I would never have been prepared to use it for something like this.

As I ran back to Jakob, he had managed to position himself so that he was sitting upright, and leaning against the dumpster. He was trembling and sobbing, and trying hard to hide his genitals with his hands when he spotted me approaching him again.

"What happened to your clothes, Jakob?" I asked, already coming up with an answer of my own, just by looking at the evidence. I opened up the folded comforter, and gently wrapped it around him. He didn't answer me in words, but instead sobbed uncontrollably.

"Jakob, it's okay now. I'm gonna get you some help. Nobody's gonna hurt you now." I lifted his chin gently so that he could see how serious I was. Jakob finally spoke.

"Bryan, my ass is tore up!" he cried, and I grabbed him and clutched him to my chest.

"Shhh, its okay, buddy. I'm gonna take you to the hospital, and you're gonna be okay."

"No!" Jakob tried to push me away from him. "I ain't goin' to the hospital! Nobody can see me like this!" Jakob was bawling by this time. It was all that I could do to keep from breaking down.

"Jakob, listen to me!" I yelled at him while I grabbed him by the shoulders. He was shaking his head back and forth, his crying becoming more hysterical.

"JAKOB!" I shook him this time, and he sucked in a deep breath and looked straight at me.

"Jakob, you're hurt! I have to get you to a doctor!" I pleaded with him, but he was still shaking his head at me the whole time.

"No! No, Bryan please! You can't let anybody see me like this!" He was begging and pleading with me, and my heart ached for him. I didn't know what to do. I was torn. I knew that he needed medical attention, but I wanted to do right by him and his wishes. I tried to get ahold of my emotions. I had to take care of him.

"Jakob," I started, but Jakob just looked at me with his pleading eyes. His hand reached out and gently grabbed the front of my shirt.

"Please, Bry. Please." His lips were quivering.

"Okay. Okay, kid." I resigned, unsure that it was the right decision, and he sunk into my arms again burying his face in my shirt.

I quietly played with his hair until it sounded like he was finished crying, and I gently laid him back against the dumpster while I left quickly to go open up the passenger door of my car. Carefully, I lifted Jakob up and carried him to my car, and set him down in the front passenger side.

Silence was upon us as I peeled out of the alley and headed for home. I looked over to Jakob, and although he had stopped crying, he was shivering and clutching tightly at the comforter I had given him. I noticed his left eye was swelling shut, and his cheek was turning a dark shade of purple. I dragged my eyes off of him and had to consciously keep them on the road, but it was difficult. We were about half way to my place when Jakob stretched out and placed his head in my lap to go to sleep. I quietly vowed to destroy whoever was responsible for the condition he was in, with one hand on the steering wheel, and the other gingerly playing with his soiled hair. All I could think about was how much I loved him.


"Mom!" My sister Jordan yelled as the front door slammed.

"She's out!" I hollered back as I flipped through the channels on the television hoping for anything to watch besides news. News always depressed me for some reason; always harping on the tragedies of the world. I settled on `Jeopardy' and almost regretted the decision. Now instead of being depressed, I felt extremely uneducated and dumb.

"You're home. It's early." Jordan's head poked around the corner. She scanned the living room.

"Nobody's here. What are you up to?" I asked suspiciously. My sister was a bit of a spaz normally, but she was starting to annoy me.

"Nothing, asshole. I brought a friend to study with me. I'm just seeing if mom's home."

I laughed. "A boyfriend? You studying in your room? I'm telling." I teased, but Jordan just rolled her eyes as if to dismiss what I just said.

"Come in, Jakob. I'm just gonna throw my bag back into my room."

He turned the corner and looked into the living room. Our eyes met and I swallowed hard. He was a small little thing, only about 5'5" and maybe 160lbs soaking wet. He had soft, almost curly hair; black in color. He was wearing black jeans and a blue t-shirt. I suddenly found it hard to breathe. He grinned and lifted his hand and waved.

"Hi." He said quietly and then looked down at his feet.

"Hey," I spoke back to him before sitting up and getting up from the sofa. My legs felt almost like Jell-O as I approached him carefully and stretched out my hand.

"Bryan," I offered.

Jakob looked up into my eyes and everything seemed to stop at that moment. He was the most beautiful person I'd ever seen before. His blue eyes sparkled; framed by thick black lashes and brows before he smiled and took my hand. His grip was both firm and gentle. It felt like a surge of electricity shot up my arm and into my body.

"Hi Bryan. Jakob,"

I could hear Jordan coming down the hall. "Okay, thanks."

My hand slowly let go of Jakob's. My head felt light, and I realized that I had been holding my breath.

"You want something to drink? I thought we could work in the kitchen." Jordan offered, and Jakob broke our eye contact to look at Jordan and nod.

"Sure. That sounds good." He replied before looking at me again. He smiled the most amazing smile, and I wanted to touch him again.

"Nice to meet you, Bryan." He said shyly.

His lips were full, and I could picture myself kissing them. I became aroused with the thought of being with him in such an intimate way; hands shoved in soft black waves; skin against skin. I nodded and slowly walked around him and my sister, heading downstairs for the basement and my bed room.

I shut the bedroom door and found my bed and sat on the edge of it; my face in my hands. I felt strange. I couldn't get Jakob out of my head. I had dated and had girlfriends but nobody ever made me feel the way that I was feeling. I could still feel his hand; soft and warm and strong. His eyes were dazzling. His voice was soft and somehow unsure. His hair...

"What the fuck? Oh my God!"

I panicked. I paced the floor in my bedroom willing these unfamiliar feelings to go away but they were getting stronger. I tried to get ahold of my breathing again. My jeans were uncomfortably tight. I looked down and saw my dick filling out the front. What was wrong with me?

"Okay, okay. Just fuckin' take it easy." I told myself as I returned to my original place on the edge of my bed. I could hear laughter emanating from upstairs and I tried to concentrate on calming my arousal.

"Bryan?" Mom was knocking on the door. I looked up as she opened the door slightly to look in.

"Are you okay, hon? What are you doing down here?"

"Nothing, ma'. Just thinking." It wasn't really a lie.

"Supper's ready. Did you meet Jordan's new friend? He's such a sweetheart!" My mom was doting over Jakob and it made me feel strange.

"Mom, stop!" I cringed as I stood up from the bed and headed for the door. She looked up at me and smiled.

"Oh, you stop. You be nice to him, I think your sister really likes him."

"What do you mean, be nice? I'm always nice."

"Uh huh," my mom sounded unconvinced. "You always make her boyfriends feel welcome." Her voice was dripping with sarcasm.

"Well maybe she shouldn't bring so many of them home." I grumbled. I wasn't happy with my mom referring to Jakob as Jordan's boyfriend. I wasn't happy at all.

"Oh, shush!" My mom slapped me lightly on the arm before grinning. We headed upstairs.

I thought that dinner would be unbearable, but the opposite was true. We were all laughing, talking about work, school, and everything else. Jakob sat across from me, seated beside my sister. I watched as both my mother and sister fawned over him and I wanted to rescue him. His face was red and he looked like he wanted to run away. That evening I learned that he was extremely shy, but also kind and considerate, not wanting to be rude. He had an innocence that was arousing, and yet made me respect him at the same time. I didn't say much throughout the meal. I was too preoccupied with Jakob. Dinner was eventually over and Jakob stood up and started clearing the dishes.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. What are you doing, son?" My dad looked horrified.

"Clearing the table, Mr. M. Supper was great, thanks" Jakob smiled at my mom and she grabbed his plate.

"I think its Bryan's night to do that, dear. Sit down, or go watch TV. Our guests don't do dishes."

"Let him do `em. I'm not complaining." I piped up before my mother cuffed me lightly on the back of the head. Jakob stifled a laugh before I stood up and grabbed his plate from my mother and placed it on top of my own.

"Go," I told everyone and I started piling the dishes up. My parents headed for the living room with my sister in tow. She looked back and called after Jakob.

"Come on. We'll watch TV."

"Sure, gimme a sec," he replied quietly before Jordan took off for the living room. He turned back to the table and started collecting the cutlery.

"I got this, Jakob. Go watch TV with your girlfriend." I cringed after I said `girlfriend'.

"She's not really my girlfriend. I mean, she's awesome and...I'm not allowed to date until I'm 18." Jakob frowned and continued helping me with the dishes.

"You're kidding?" I thought he was joking until I looked at him. I was baffled. Who the hell in their right mind tries to keep a teenage boy from dating? And how?

"No. My mom's pretty strict." He grinned before walking to the sink and putting the silverware in. I piled the dishes on the counter before opening the dishwasher.

"Yeah. Sounds like she is. No worries though, you're what, 16?" I asked and Jakob nodded. "It'll come soon enough."

"I guess," he replied quietly and we continued to load the dishwasher.

"How old are you?" He regarded me curiously.

"23," I answered.

"You must have lots of girlfriends," Jakob commented absently.

It seemed like a strange comment and I looked at him and could tell the moment he realized what he said. He looked up at me horrified while his face turned a cute shade of red.

"I...I mean you're..." he stuttered and I chuckled before putting my hand on his shoulder to relax him. Another surge of something warm and arousing went through me while my hand tightened around him. I quickly let my arm fall away from him.

"Thanks, I think." I smiled, and filled the rest of the dishwasher before adding the soap and turning it on.

I stood up straight and it felt like the world stopped. I felt like I couldn't breathe again as I lost myself in a pair of blue eyes.

"Wow! How tall are you?" He asked.

"Mmmmm...I dunno. 6'3" or something. Why?"

"You are...you're tall." Jakob's eyes went wide as he sighed. "I don't suppose I'll make an inch taller the rate I'm going."

I chuckled and patted him on his shoulder. He was beautiful. I didn't want to change anything about him.

"What do they call you? Vertically challenged?" I winked at him and he turned red again as he let out a laugh.

"Something like that." He nodded and looked at me.

I couldn't stop staring. I'm sure the smile on my face was as dorky as it felt, but I couldn't help it. I couldn't stop looking at him. He shuffled slightly on his feet as he looked at the dishwasher momentarily. He smiled again and looked back at me.

"What are you doing?" Jordan asked in a huff as she entered the kitchen. Jakob spun around to look at her.

"Cleaning. What does it look like?" I piped up, annoyed. I finally had time to be alone with him and my stupid sister barges in.

"Are you coming to watch TV?" Jordan completely ignored me.

"Uhhhh...what time is it? I should be getting home."

"8 o'clock. Relax, it's early," I offered but Jakob shook his head.

"Crap! My mom's gonna kill me. I was supposed to be home at 7. I didn't think I was staying." Jakob walked to my sister and frowned. "I'm sorry, I better go."

"Well, mom can give you a ride."

"I'll drive you home." I offered and got a dirty look from my sister.

"I'm good. I'll grab a bus. Sorry, Jordan."

"No, no, no, no, no. I can get you home in no time." I offered and Jakob rewarded me with another smile.

"I don't wanna be a bother. I'm okay."

"Don't be stupid. It's no bother. Go grab your stuff and meet me at the door."

"Yeah?" He sounded like he didn't believe me. I nodded at him and he turned to Jordan.

"I'll see you at school tomorrow." Jakob left and I could hear him thanking my mom and dad in the other room.

"What are you doing?" Jordan spat at me.


"Every guy I bring home you're a total prick to! What the hell are you doing?"

"Oh come on!" I was annoyed as hell. "We were having a talk before you stormed in here and scared him away. Besides, you're barking up the wrong tree, Jord."

"What's that supposed to mean?" she rolled her eyes and I wanted to clock her one to straighten them out.

"He's not allowed to date. Apparently his mom is worried about girls like you trying to steal his virtue,"

"Oh, my God! Shut up! Shut up!" She yelled and then stormed out of the kitchen.

I heard her bedroom door slam. I stifled a laugh in a sense of victory at the thought that Jordan wouldn't be able to put her paws on Jakob. Not for a couple of years, anyway. My heart pounded when I thought about him. I didn't think that I was gay, but I knew that some part of me had fallen in love with him. It didn't matter to me at the time whether or not he was a he or a she. I wanted him. I shook my head and headed for the door. He was looking absently out the screen window and turned when he heard me coming.


"Yeah. Are you sure this isn't a bother?

"No, no. Let's get you home so you don't catch hell from your mom."

I opened the screen door and held it for him. He walked through and offered me another one of his amazing smiles.

"Thanks," he said shyly.

"Over there," I nodded towards my car that was parked at the foot of the driveway.

He followed me to the passenger side. I unlocked and opened his door first before pushing the automatic locks to unlock the driver side door. He looked at me curiously as I held the door open for him and motioned for him to get in. He started blushing as he walked around me, threw his bag on the floor and sat down in the car. I shut the door behind him when he was all tucked in, and made my way to the driver side and got in.

"Cool car," Jakob commented absently as he grabbed for his seat belt while he looked up to the T-roof of my '78 Monte Carlo.

"Cheap car. 250 bucks from some guy my dad worked with. I've had it forever. Keep thinking I'll dump her and get something newer. Then I figure, why?"

"No, it's cool. I like the older cars. More character." Jakob was playing with the automatic buttons on the door.

"Maybe I'll just fix her up." I smiled.

I fired up the engine and pulled the old car out of the driveway and headed off to take Jakob home.


I pulled the car slowly into the garage and killed the engine. I watched in a daze through the rearview mirror as the garage door slowly lowered itself to the ground and locked. I looked down on my lap and gently touched Jakob's face careful not to cause pain where his skin was turning dark colors of crimson and purple. My other hand made its way to his head, and in moments I was holding it. Like precious glass you're afraid to drop, I held his head carefully while it was settled on my thighs. His body didn't stir, but his eyes opened as much as they could when he realized we were finally home. He was too weak to even sit up so I opened the car door, carefully removed myself from under him and stood outside of the car. Seconds later, he was in my arms and I carried him into the house.

When we got inside the house, I had no idea what I was supposed to do. I knew that Jakob was badly injured, and needed to be looked after. I had no medical training besides CPR and basic first aid, but noticed that Jakob was bleeding badly. The comforter I had given him was stained in blood. I took him to the bathroom where I could get the first aid kit. I gently positioned him so he was upright and leaning against the wall.

"Are you okay to stand, buddy?"

He nodded his assent, but when I let go of him to turn towards the medicine cabinet by the sink, he slid down the wall to the floor. He sat leaning up against the wall, trembling while he looked at the floor and hugged the bloodstained comforter around his body. I frantically raided the medicine cabinet looking for Band-Aids, antiseptic, and gauze while he sat quietly in his daze.

I turned back to him and sat facing him with my basic medical supplies, ready to cover his wounds. I was about to apply antiseptic to a large open area on his forehead, but when I approached him with the soaked gauze, Jakob turned his head away and shook it slowly.

"Jakob..." I urged, but he shook his head again.

"Jakob, you have to let me help you. Jesus fucking Christ, you're bleeding everywhere. You gotta let me do this." My voice cracked and it was all I could do to remain strong and not break down and cry. When I tried to place the antiseptic gauze over his wound, he turned his head away again.


"I wanna bath..." His voice was so soft I barely heard him.

He remained staring blankly at the floor, and the look on his face was tearing my heart out. I wanted to heal him and I wanted to protect him, but I couldn't even stop him from bleeding. I did the only thing I knew that would help him. I got up and turned away from him, and started the bathtub. I sat on the edge, making sure the temperature was just right. When the tub was full, I slowly made my way to him, and helped ease him to his feet. He wobbled slightly as I let go of him, but managed to stand on his own. He was soiled from head to toe.

I gently moved to take the blanket away from Jakob, but his hands held tightly to it, and I felt him stepping away from me. My hands found his, and they gently had to pry his fingers open so that he would let go of the blanket. I could see the fear on his face as I began to expose his damaged body.

"It's okay, Jakob. I'm not gonna hurt you." I whispered as I did something I had only dreamed of before this day. I leaned down and kissed his forehead. Jakob slowly let go of the comforter, and grabbed me around the waist, holding me tightly.

"Please...don't..." Jakob grunted hoarsely.

My hands found him and I softly stroked his back. I kissed his forehead again, not believing I had actually done it the first time, and also in a hope of reassuring him. I became aware of how naked and how vulnerable he was in front of me, and I couldn't stop myself. I slowly broke our embrace and really looked at his naked body for the first time. My heart ached as I saw that even beaten and bruised, Jakob was simply beautiful.

Jakob looked awkwardly at me, aware of my staring and shifted on his feet as he became uncomfortable under my scrutinizing gaze. He moved his hands to cover his genitals from me. Immediately I snapped out of my stare and helped him towards the bath. He could barely stand as he leaned on me. I put my arm around him and gently helped him ease into the water. He sat and held his knees to his chest, deliberately looking away from me. I decided that the best thing to do was to give him some privacy. I took a step away from him.

"I'll leave you alone to clean up, Jakey. If you need anything you holler at me, okay? I'll leave the door open." And slowly I made my way out of the bathroom. He didn't say a word.

I went to Jakob's room to grab some pajamas for him, when I remembered that he usually slept in his underwear. I sifted through his dresser and found clean underwear and a clean T-shirt and went into my bedroom to grab him a clean pair of my flannel pajama bottoms. I figured the more clothes he was wearing the safer he would feel under the circumstances. I quietly walked into the bathroom and placed the clothing on the counter beside the sink as Jakob was pulling the plug from the drain.

"What are you doing?" I asked confused. He wasn't in there for more than five minutes.

"My hair. I wanna wash my hair." He trembled as he fumbled with the shower faucets. Instinctively I moved over to help, but Jakob frantically pushed my hands away.

"I can do it!" He tried to holler, but his voice cracked.

I didn't know what to do or how to respond, so I didn't. I backed away as he managed to get the showerhead to work, and pull the curtain closed. I opened the linen closet and grabbed a couple of the softest towels that I owned, and placed them on the floor beside the bathtub. I grabbed the blood stained comforter and turned to go so I could throw it in the laundry hamper. I was almost out the bathroom door when I heard Jakob.



"Thank you."

My alarm clock read 2:36 am when I heard light breathing from behind me. I slowly rolled over and was startled to find Jakob lying beside me on my bed on top of the covers, wearing his T- shirt and my pajama bottoms. He was lying on his side facing me, and was curled in the fetal position with both hands bent beneath his chin; his mouth open slightly. My heart leapt into my throat at the sight of him. I carefully sat up as to not disturb him, and started to pull the blankets out from underneath him in order to cover him up with them. He grunted softly before his eyes slightly opened. He looked absolutely exhausted.

"I'm sorry." He whispered, and I shook my head at him.

"Shhhhh..." I tried to soothe him as I brought the covers up over his shoulders.

His eyes slowly drifted closed and his breathing became deep and regular. I watched him sleep for what felt like hours, admiring his peacefulness. Even beaten up and bruised he was breathtakingly beautiful, and I wondered in my head what it must have been like for him. I had been out with Jakob countless times and everywhere we went people would stop and stare at him. There was a hunger in the eyes that followed him, from both women and men. Jakob hated it. He didn't see himself in that way; his innocence wouldn't let him. It wasn't a false sense of vanity either. Jakob really didn't see himself as attractive; that was just his way. I never understood how he couldn't see the same person that I saw, but it was one of the reasons I loved him so much.

Instinctively and without thinking, I pushed back Jakob's hair, and kissed him tenderly on the lips. It felt so right to have him beside me in my bed, and so I kissed him again, only this time on his bruised cheek, and then once again on his forehead. I watched him again for a few minutes before I rolled back over to face the other way. My eyes were closed, and I could feel myself drifting off when I felt Jakob wrap his arms around my stomach and snuggle up against my back. It felt right, so I didn't question it. I rested one of my hands on top of his and I fell asleep with Jakob pressed up against my back.

Next: Chapter 2

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