Taking Down Sargent Malta

By Barry Edmund

Published on Jul 3, 2017


Taking Down Sargent Malta Chapter 9

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I'm thanking G. Venereal. George for kindly editing my stories. He has as usual applied some 'gentle editing' to this story.

Copyright 2017 by Author Edmund Barry Davies (AKA) Teddy Bare

Please read Chapters 1-8 before starting to read Chapter 8.

NOW: Taking Down Sargent Malta Chapter 9

Corporal Jones, Master Dan, Master Jeff and the football team Stan, Todd, Mark, Ron, Ted, Ralph, Pete, James, Hank, Len finished with their pizza and pop while I watched. I was still full from all the cum I had eaten but I did have some pop.

"Okay now that everyone has eaten I'll go fetch that surprise I promised you Malta." Corporal Jones said leaving and going around the side of the gym. He returned a short time later with the sound of dogs barking. I couldn't believe what I heard. Surely he didn't expect me to have sex with a bunch of dogs.

A few seconds later Corporal Jones came from around the gym with a bunch of large German Shepherds. "Quiet down boys. You'll soon be taken care of." Corporal Jones said as he walked toward me.

"What's going on?" I asked panicking. What was going on was the question indeed.

"What's it look like boy?" Corporal Jones asked.

"Looks like a bunch of horny dogs." Master Dan said and started laughing. "Good idea you have Corporal Jones. I'd love to watch those dogs fuck your boy."

"You heard him Malta the dogs are going to be fucking you." Master Jeff said.

"This should be fucking hot to watch the dogs fucking Malta." Master Dan said.

"That's for sure." Stan said.

"Lets get on with it and stop talking. What do the rest of you have to say?" Todd asked.

"Go for it." Mark, Ron, Ralph, Pete, James, Hank, Len and Hank yelled at the same time.

I looked up to see two large German Shepherds rounding the corner of the gym and stepped back, not knowing what to expect.

"Settle down Claws and Tank. You'll soon be getting some fine ass." Mark shouted going to the dogs and taking them by their leashes. He walked back towards me.

"Don't just stand there; on your hands and knees and enjoy some real hot fucking." Master Dan ordered.

I did as I was told reluctantly. I wasn't excited about a dog fucking me. But maybe they were joking.

"Don't you have something to say Malta. It isn't every day you get to enjoy dog cock." Corporal Jones said.

I looked around before answering. "Thank you Master Jones for allowing the dogs to fuck me."

"Okay boys. Claws you lay down in front of Malta so he can suck your cock while Tank come with me behind Malta." Master Dan said.

Claws laid down in front of me on his side. His cock began extending from his sheath. It was larger than I expected and red. "Don't just look at it Malta wrap your mouth around his dick." Master Jeff said.

I leaned down opening my mouth taking the huge cock head in my mouth. Just as his cock entered my mouth I felt a tongue licking my ass. I knew it had to be Tank licking my ass. It felt strange but not painful as he stuck his tongue inside my ass. I shoved my ass back to receive even more of the tongue entering my ass. I had Claws cock in my mouth. It was nice and hot. I didn't mind his cock at all.

I heard Todd, Mark, Ron, Ted, Ralph, Pete, James, Hank, Len and Hank all whispering around me at the same time. I didn't quite understand what they were talking about but I bet it had to do with Claws and Tank.

I swallowed even more of Claws big cock as he shoved his hips in the air. More and more of his cock entered my mouth. I saw, a ball of sorts, at the end of his cock getting closer to my mouth. "Eat his knot boy." Master Jeff said. "Don't be afraid of it."

Just then Tank pulled his tongue out of my ass and leaped on my back. His cock found my slippery ass hole and went inside me. It was bigger than I expected as it lunged inside me. He began fucking me. I felt his knot about to enter my ass.

I opened my mouth as wide as possible as Claw's knot tried to enter it. I finally got my mouth open enough for the golf ball sized knot to enter my mouth.

Tank rammed his cock into my ass harder and the golf size knot entered my ass. He fucked and fucked me as best as he could.

Claws knot started expanding in my mouth and filled it completely. He didn't move as his cock started spewing his sticky salty cum.

My ass was soon swimming with Tank's big load. He suddenly flipped around until we were ass to ass. He kept spewing cum in my ass as he stood steady.

Claws didn't move and I was lucky to breathe through my nose with the large knot in my mouth. It seemed forever that he didn't move.

The football team was shouting all kinds of names at me all at the same time. "Doggy cock sucker. Fucking fag, homo etc. I don't know how much time passed but time seemed to stand still as finally Claw's knot started shrinking in my mouth. He pulled back with his cock escaping my mouth.

Behind me Tank pulled his cock and knot from my well fucked ass. They both followed each other to the side of the gym and laid down. They proceeded to clean their balls and cocks.

"How did you like that?" Corporal Jones asked.

I didn't know how to answer him, so just said. "Thank you Master Jones. I enjoyed it very much."

"That's good now it's time for the rest of us to have a good fuck. What do you say gang?" Master Dan asked.

"Sounds good to me Dan." Stan spoke up.

"Same with me." Todd said.

"Me too. What about the rest of you?" Mark asked.

"Right on." Ron, Ted, Ralph, Pete, James, Hank, Len and Hank said all at the same time.

"Okay I claim his ass first." Corporal Jones said walking up to me. "Get it nice and wet for me Malta."

I stuck my tongue out and began licking his nice thick long cock getting it good and wet. "That will do for now Malta. Who wants the first blow job?" Corporal Jones asked.

"That would be me." Master Jeff said walking up to me at the same time Corporal Jones stepped to one side before walking behind me. "I really need another blow job."

Corporal Jones was behind me gripping my hips as he shoved his cock between my ass cheeks and through my sphincter muscle. "Feels great in there with doggy cum." He grunted shoving more of his cock into my ass. "You guys are going to enjoy fucking it."

I opened my mouth good and wide to take Master Jeff's thick long cock in my mouth. It was super big and I enjoyed him taking my head between his large hands. He thrust more of his cock into my mouth and way down my throat. "Enjoy yourself." Master Jeff groaned.

I couldn't get enough of Corporal Jones cock as he held my hips and fucked me good and hard. He rammed his cock in my ass pulling out and ramming it in my ass over and over again. "Yes I've trained this ass real good." He grunted.

"I'm getting close already." Master Jeff moaned as he thrust his cock in my mouth and down my throat. He pulled out of my throat and shoved it down my throat over and over.

"You're not the only one Jeff. I'm fucking close as well." Corporal Jones grunted as he continued fucking my ass holding my hips with his big hands. "Fuck you have a good ass. Jeff you sure trained Malta well."

"I knew he'd be a good fuck the moment I met him even if he didn't know it at the time." Master Jeff groaned continuing to fuck my mouth. His cock grew thicker and longer. It began to vibrate in my throat. "I'm cumming." He shouted pulling his cock out filling my mouth with his salty load. He spurted cum all over my face before stepping back. "That was great."

"I'm cumming." Corporal Jones shouted filling my ass, pulling his cock out and spurting across my back. "That was great alright."

"Who's next." Master Jeff asked looking around.

"I don't know who wants his mouth but I claim his ass." Master Dan spoke up.

"I get his mouth." Todd yelled. "We worked it out in advance in what order we get to fuck the fag."

"Okay step right up here." Master Jeff said stepping to one side as Todd took his place. I looked at Todd's nice juicy thick cock and opened my mouth nice and wide. "That's what he wants the way he's opening his mouth."

"That's for sure." Mark laughed. "I can't wait until it's my turn."

Master Dan was behind me gripping my hips as he shoved his big cock between my ass cheeks though my anus and into my ass. He took a deep, breath pulling his cock out of my ass and thrusting deep into me again. "I like the way you tighten that ass." Master Dan groaned. "Push your fucking ass back. Yes that's the way."

I shoved my ass back just as Master Dan rammed his big cock in my welcoming ass. He pulled out of my ass keeping his large cock head inside me. Then he rammed it deep in my ass pulling it out beginning to really fuck me hard.

Todd held my head between his large hands thrusting his huge cock down my throat. As soon as his big balls smacked my bottom lip he pulled his dick out of my throat. Only his cock head remained in my mouth as he thrust it in my mouth once more. "Yes this is one hot throat." Todd moaned picking up speed as he fucked my mouth and throat.

"Wow this is one hot ass. It's made for fucking. I'm glad you know your place fag boy." Master Dan grunted as he fucked my ass harder than ever. "I'm fucking close already."

"You're not the only one close. My balls are ready to explode." Todd moaned as he continued thrusting his cock in and out of my throat.

"I bet you're ready to dump a load Malta. Too bad you can't answer me with your mouth full of Todd's big cock." Master Dan shouted continuing to fuck my hot hungry ass.

Dan was right. My cock was rock hard and I knew any second I'd dump another big load. I don't know why I was so horny with a cock down my throat and in my ass. But I was. I thrust my ass back just as Master Dan rammed his hefty cock in my ass. Suddenly I felt my balls explode as cum went through my hard cock and landed on the ground. I could only moan around Todd's thick cock. "Mmmmmm."

"That did it. You really tightened your ass when you shot your load. I'm cumming big time." Master Dan shouted pulling his cock out of my ass spurting cum all over my back.

"I'm cumming." Todd shouted as his dick thickened and vibrated in my throat. He pulled his cock out of my throat filling my mouth with a delicious load before pulling it out of my mouth. Cum sprayed all over my face as he stepped back.

Master Dan had walked around in front of me looking down and smiling. "You're up next Mark. What do you want his ass or throat?" Master Dan asked.

"I'll take his ass. Ron can take his throat." Mark said stepping up in front of me waving his huge cock. It was a little bigger than Todd's nine inch dick.

"Wow that's big Mark." I said licking my lips. I'd really like you to fuck me with that big cock."

Ted, Ralph, Pete, James, Hank, Len and Hank all started whispering together and I couldn't make out what they were talking about. I only heard my name being mentioned so knew it had to do with me.

"That's fine with me." Ron said. "I'd love to fuck your throat you fucking homo."

Mark looked down before stepping to one side to allow Ron to take his place. He went behind me slapping my ass good and hard. That looks like one hot bubble butt." Ron said placing his hands on each side of my hips. "Yes I need to fuck that ass."

I opened my mouth nice and wide for Ron's big cock. He shoved his big cock head in my mouth before taking a hold of my head. "This is going to be great." Ron grunted shoving more of his cock in my mouth.

"Hurry up and fuck him guys." Ted shouted. "I'm fucking horny."

"That's right guys don't talk just fuck the fag." Ralph spoke up. "Ted is right we're all horny."

"You got that right." Pete yelled standing beside Ralph. "Isn't that right guys?"

"It sure is." James, Hank, Len and Hank said at the same time.

Mark was holding my hips and thrust his cock between my ass cheeks and deep into my anus. "Yes this is one hot ass." He shouted as he thrust his entire cock in my ass before pulling it back out. He began fucking me nice and hard. "One fine ass alright."

"His throat is great as well." Ron yelled as he thrust his cock deep down my throat pulling it out and thrusting it down my throat once more. He began fucking my throat good and hard.

Both Mark and Ron fucked my ass and throat real hard in and out, out and in. They fucked my ass and throat only groaning once in a while. "Great ass." Mark grunted as he continued fucking my ass. I'm ready to shoot my load already."

I felt Ron's thick dick expand in my throat as it started vibrating. "I'm cumming." He grunted pulling his cock out of my throat filling my mouth with a big load. He pulled his cock out of my mouth. "I believe you wanted his throat next Ted. He's all yours Ted. Enjoy yourself." He stepped back just as Ted took his place in front of me.

"I'm cumming." Mark yelled from behind me as his cock filled my ass with a massive load. He pulled his cock out of my ass spurting all over my back. "I believe you get his ass next Ralph."

"That's right I do." Ralph said walking toward me with his thick long cock in hand. He waved it in front of my face before going around me. He slapped each of my ass cheeks good and hard before inserting his cock in my cum oozing ass. "Tighten that ass boy."

I did as I was told and did my best to tighten my ass. I must have done a good job because Ralph shouted. "That's what I mean. Keep it just like that." He shoved his entire cock in my ass pulling it out and shoving it deep inside me again.

Both Ralph and Mark fucked my throat and ass good and hard and soon they were shouting together that they were cumming. Pete took my ass next while James my ass followed by Hank my ass and Len my throat. Last but not least it was Hank's turn to fuck me. "I waited a long time to fuck that hot ass." He said. "Do you want me to fuck you with my ten and a half inch dick Malta?" He asked.

"You bet I do stud." I answered. My concentration forgot about my sore knees as Hank walked up in front of me waving his big thick cock. "Wow that's big Hank."

"Just do as your told and enjoy me fucking you. I want to hear you begging for me to fuck you." Hank said slapping each of my tender ass cheeks. They must have been bright red by now after all the guys spanking my ass as they fucked me.

"Shove that cock in my ass Hank." I shouted. "Fuck me good and hard."

"Don't worry I will. The others are going in the gym locker room to shower while I fuck your hot ass. There is only the two of us here now." Hank grunted. "Tell me what you want boy."

"I want you to fuck my hungry ass Stud. Fuck me really hard. As hard as you can." I said looking over my shoulder at Hank leaning over my back holding my shoulders in his big hands.

Hank shoved his cock between my ass cheeks and through my sphincter muscle. "Get ready for a good hard fuck then. I'm going to keep fucking you until I dump at least two big loads." Hank said his cock deep in my ass.

"Oh yes that feels good. Keep shoving your big cock in my ass Stud." I said over my shoulder. I turned my head around as Hank began fucking me good and hard.

"I'm close already. Get ready for my first load." Hank yelled as he rammed his cock deep in my ass. I felt his exploding cock inside my ass. He pulled his cock out of my ass for a moment before shoving his hard cock inside me again. "That was one."

"Keep fucking me Hank." I shouted as Hank moved until his head was beside mine he licked my neck and ear as he began fucking me again. This time he fucked me a bit slower but just as hard as before. He plunged his ten and a half inch thick dick inside me pulling it out until only his cock head was in my ass. He kept fucking me.

"You like that don't you slut?" Hank asked probably knowing the answer before asking me.

"Yes, oh yes Hank. I like it. I'm your slut. I'm your football team's slut. I don't know how I lived without a cock in my ass and throat before." I said not really paying attention to what I was saying.

Hank fucked me a good twenty minutes if not longer. "Holly shit Hank's still fucking the slut." Master Dan yelled walking around the side of the gym. You must be fucked out by now Hank."

"I'm about to shoot my second load." Hank said.

"That's good I've got to get Malta back to camp. Hurry the fuck up and finish fucking him. He has to shower before I take him back to camp. Isn't that right slut?" Corporal Jones asked.

"I'm cumming big times." Hank filled my ass with another big load. He pulled his cock out of my ass. "Bring him back tomorrow Corporal Jones. "I'm sure Dan will want to see him again tomorrow. Won't you Dan?" Hank asked.

"That's right. You and Hank get cleaned up. The rest of us are heading out to the football field for some football practice. Come on guys." Master Dan said walking away with the rest of the guys following behind him. "See you at the football field Hank." Master Dan added.

I went inside the gym for the very first time and actually got to shower along with Hank. After showering Corporal Jones and I headed back to camp. "I've got an extra big surprise for you after dinner Malta. So you better behave yourself." Corporal Jones said as we approached the camp.

End of Chapter 9

This chapter stared Corporal Jones, Master Jeff, Master Dan, Stan, Todd, Mark, Ron, Ted, Ralph, Pete, James, Hank, Len and of course Sargent Malta.


Next: Chapter 10

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