Taking Down Sargent Malta

By Barry Edmund

Published on May 6, 2017


Taking Down Sargent Malta -- Chapter 8

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I'm thanking G. Venereal. George for kindly editing my stories. He has as usual applied some 'gentle editing' to this story.

Copyright 2017 by Author Edmund Barry Davies (AKA) Teddy Bare

Please read Chapters 1-7 before starting to read Chapter 8.

NOW: Taking Down Sargent Malta - Chapter 8

I was tied spread eagle nude on the bench behind the high school gym. I had clothes pins attached to my nipples wondering what my two Masters, Master Jones and Master Dan had in mind for me next. My ass was still burning from the forty ping pong paddling, twenty per ass cheek. On top of everything I was blindfolded that made it even more scary.

"All right guys come on out." Master Dan shouted.

"Who are you calling?" I asked wondering who Master Dan was calling out to come out from where ever they had been hiding.

"Relax boy. It's just the football team. I thought they'd like to see my latest creation. I knew I'd have to teach you a lesson for picking on my little sister. Then when I saw you I knew you needed to have your true self brought out. What do you think of this guys?" Master Dan asked. "What do you think of your Sargent, Corporal Jones?"

"I'd say the Sargent needs some more clothes pins on his body. Attach then down his inner thighs. I also need to take a piss. Is it okay if I piss on your slave boy Dan?" Corporal Jones asked.

"Sure go ahead in fact open your mouth pig." Master Dan said. "Just keep your mouth wide open you don't need to see what's happening."

I knew I didn't have a choice and I opened my mouth wide as I felt a stream of salty piss entering my mouth. Corporal Jones must have been standing right in front of me as his piss filled my mouth. It kept flowing for some time. It tasted that way at least. His piss slowed down and dribbled on my chin and chest as it finally stopped. "Thanks Dan I needed that. Maybe some of the guys on the football team need to piss as well. What do you think guys?" Corporal Jones asked.

"As a matter of fact I do." Some one spoke out. I couldn't tell who spoke with the deep voice since I was blind folded. "Any of you others need to piss?" The stranger asked. I figured since he was a high school student he had to be around Master Dan's age.

"I have to piss." Some one else shouted around me. Soon I heard a bunch of guys yelling they had to piss.

"Keep your mouth wide open." Master Dan ordered as I felt my body being splashed with the flow of piss from each side of me. My mouth was filled to over flowing and I had to gulp down the piss of different flavors fill my mouth. In no time I was soaking wet with warm piss that quickly cooled. The pissing soon came to an end.

"Someone grab the hose and hose my boy down. I'm not going to fuck him covered in piss." Corporal Jones said. "How do we work out who fucks your boy first Dan?" Corporal Jones asked. "Have you a preference who fucks you first Sargent?"

"Do I have a choice?" I asked. "You're my masters here. I'm only here to service you all."

"That's right and don't you forget it." One of the boys answered standing to my right. "We're all your Masters thanks to Dan. Isn't that right Dan?"

"We'll write down names drop it in Steve's baseball cap and the first chosen fucks my boy first." Master Dan said. "How does that sound to everyone?"

"Sounds like a plan. But while the guys are writing their names on pieces of paper dropping them in Steve's cap I'm going to attach those clothes pins. Get the Sargent all decorated up. Look how his nipples look with the clothes pins attached." Corporal Jones said.

"Go right ahead but put your name in the cap first." Master Dan said.

"Okay Dan." Corporal Jones said.

"How about we take the blind fold off your boy, Dan so he gets to see who's going to fuck him. Is it okay with you Dan?" Some one on my left side asked. He had a deep voice.

"As soon as Corporal Jones attaches the clothes pins to Malta's inner legs I'll take off the blind fold. In the mean time put your names in the hat and then I'll take the names out of the hat." Master Dan said.

I had, had the feeling neither Corporal Jones or Dan wanted me talking so I had remained silent the entire time. I figured what they had planned for me was up to them, after all they both were my Masters now.

"The first name out of the hat is Ralph, next is Pete, James, Harold, Corporal Jones, Stan, Todd, Mark, Ron, Ted, Len, Hank, Dan and last but not least Jeff. That's everyone." Master Dan said.

During all the names being drawn I felt my inner leg being pinched as a clothes pins were attached. All together along the top of my inner leg a dozen clothes pins were put on. I tried my best not to make a sound while they were being attached but I had to groan out in pain. Soon the two dozen clothes pins had been attached to my inner upper legs.

"Oh yes before we get started." Master Dan said. "I want to do something else. After all this is not really for my boys benefit fucking him and him blowing us. I have got a cock and ball contraction device. It is to prevent Malta from getting a hard on. Since his dick is soft now I'll attach it."

A couple of minutes passed. I guessed because Master Dan was getting the contraction he was talking about. Then I felt him take hold my my cock pushing it into this plastic container. He clipped it closed. "Now to take off the blindfold. Is that okay with everyone?" Master Dan asked. "If you have objections speak out."

No one said anything and I felt the blind fold being undone behind my head. He pulled it off and I blinked a few times trying to get used to the bright sunlight. "Untie Malta. I put a cushion on the ground so it will be easier on his knees. You'll be on your knees a long time while the guys either fuck your ass or throat." Master Dan stood in front of me frowning. "I see you're up first Ralph. What would you enjoy fucking Ralph?" Master Dan asked. "His mouth or ass."

I looked around as Corporal Jones untied first my ankles before moving around behind me and untying my wrists. I saw six muscular, tall teenage studs lined up on my left and another half dozen teenage studs on my right side. They were all nude with big hard fat cocks, none smaller than eight inches. "Get up boy and kneel on the cushion Dan put on the pavement for you to kneel on." Master Dan ordered stepping to one side taking my hand and helping me off the bench.

I got off the bench and got down so my knees were on the cushion. "I'm ready." I said. I felt my cock trying to grow but it was confined in the cage. I was feeling excited at the prospect of Ralph fucking me. Who ever he was.

"I want to fuck his ass." A six-three muscular, dark haired teenager said walking in front of me. How do you like my nine inch dick Malta or should I call him boy?" Ralph asked looking over at Master Dan.

"It doesn't matter what you call the fucking piece of shit Ralph. It's up to you." Master Dan answered.

"Then I'll call him what he is a fucking fag." Ralph looked from Master Dan down at me and frowning. "Ready to get your fucking ass fucked fag?" He asked.

"Yes Master Ralph." I answered.

"Hey he called me Master. That's so cool." Ralph said with a big smile on his face. "I've never been someones older Master before. Guys my age yes that Dan had trained but never someone older."

"Treat the fag just like the other bullies I've brought down to their proper level Ralph. He's learning his proper place among real men now. Haven't you boy?" Master Dan asked.

"Yes I have Master Dan." I answered. "Everyone you choose for me is my Master."

"Okay Ralph time you threw a good fuck in my boy. Would you like to fuck his mouth Pete?" Master Dan asked. "If not maybe James would."

"I could go for a good blow job." Pete a six foot dark haired muscular teen stepped forward standing beside Ralph. "Think you can handle my thick eight and a half inch dick homo?" Pete asked.

"Okay he's all yours." Master Dan said. "What do you think about all this Corporal Jones. Sorry your name came up after Harold's but it couldn't be helped."

"Not a problem Dan. I can wait that long to fuck the fag. I fucked him earlier today." Corporal Jones answered.

"Do I have a choice Pete?" I asked knowing the answer.

"You're right you don't have a choice but work on my balls first. Think you can do that fucker?" Pete asked looking down at me and smiling.

"I'll do my best Pete." I answered looking up into Pete's bright blue eyes.

"Aren't you forgetting something?" Master Dan asked standing beside Pete.

"I don't think so Master Dan." I answered.

"Every guy that fucks you. Fucks your mouth or ass is your Master. Address Pete properly boy?" Master Dan commanded.

"I'm sorry Master Dan. I'll be glad to get your juicy balls all worked up for you Master Pete." I answered.

"Good and what about Ralph. Have you got anything to say to him?" Master Dan asked.

"I'm sorry Master Ralph. Please fuck me with your big thick nine inch cock." I said looking at Ralph standing on the other side of Pete.

"Good I need a good fuck." Ralph said walking up to me and slapping his hard cock against my cheek spewing warm pre-cum across my face. "You're about to get a good fuck." He turned walking behind me. As soon as he was behind me he slapped each of my ass cheeks good and hard.

"Get to work licking my balls homo." Pete said looking down at me.

I leaned forward beginning to lick Pete's low hanging balls. I soon had them soaking wet with my saliva. "Take them in your mouth one at a time." Pete ordered.

"What ever you command Master Pete." I answered taking one of his big balls in my mouth.

Behind me Ralph slapped each of my ass cheeks again before taking hold of my hips shoving his cock between my ass cheeks and into my sphincter muscle. It felt great entering my anus and into my ass. "Oh yes. That feels great Master Ralph." I groaned before taking one of Pete's big balls in my mouth and swishing it around.

"You're a regular slut. Aren't you slut." Ralph asked ramming his entire cock in my ass pulling it out only to ram it deep in my ass.

I let Pete's big ball out of my mouth answering Ralph. "Yes I am Master Ralph. I love getting fucked with nice big cocks like yours."

"Get on my balls again. Who told you to spit it out?" Pete asked raising his voice.

"I'm sorry Master Pete. I just wanted to answer Master Ralph's question." I answered leaning forward again taking his ball back in my mouth and swishing it around before taking his other ball in my mouth.

"That's the way boy. Do as you're told by Pete." Master Dan commanded still standing beside Pete looking down at me. "I believe you can let them out of your mouth and work on his cock now boy."

I felt Ralph pulling his cock out of my ass still gripping my hips. Then he shoved it all the way in my ass shoving me forward. I began licking up the underside of Pete's thick eight inch cock reaching it's big cock head. I took a hold of his cock pulling it down until his cock head was less than an inch from my lips.

Ralph kept pulling his cock in and out of my ass nice and hard. He began fucking my ass nice and hard. "Not a bad ass at all, if I do say so myself." Ralph grunted continuing to fuck my ass.

"Don't just look at my dick take it in your mouth and lets see what you can do." Pete ordered continuing to stare down at me with his bright blue eyes.

"Thank you for your permission to suck your cock Master Pete." I said before opening my mouth good and wide to take his nice sized cock head in my mouth. Pete shoved his cock in my mouth and throat using his muscular hips. Soon I had swallowed his entire cock with his balls smacking my bottom lip.

"That's the way to swallow my cock. I've never had my cock in a throat before. I barely got my cock in the school slut's mouth. Wow this is so fucking hot." Pete grunted. He started pulling his cock out of my mouth until only his cock head remained in my mouth. Then he started shoving his cock in my mouth.

Ralph pulled his cock out of my ass gripping my hips. He thrust forward shoving me forward the same time causing me to swallow Pete's cock. "Wow this is so fucking hot." Pete grunted.

"You have that right." Ralph groaned behind me. "I've never fucked an ass before and this is one good piece of ass."

"Fuck him, fuck him." The rest of the football team shouted as Ralph fucked my ass and Pete continued fucking my throat. "Fuck him, fuck him hard."

Neither Pete or Ralph needed any encouragement as they both fucked my ass and throat. "This is sure one hot ass." Ralph grunted pounding his big cock in and out of my ass faster and deeper. It was as if he wanted to climb in my ass along with his big cock. His big balls smacked my balls each time he rammed his cock in my ass. "Yes one fine ass."

"You've got to try this throat some time Ralph if you think his ass is good." Pete grunted.

"I intend to try that throat next time around. "He's going to be here the rest of the night." Ralph answered Pete.

The other football players were shouting. "Hurry up and fuck him we want our turn. Fuck him, fuck him guys."

"Don' t worry you'll all get your turns." Master Dan shouted and that goes for his Corporal Jones as well.

"Fuck I'm close already." Ralph yelled shoving his cock in my ass and pulling out.

Pete's big cock grew larger in my throat the last time he shoved it on my throat. His big balls pulled up and cock began vibrating in my throat. "I'm cumming." He groaned pulling his cock out of my throat filling my mouth with a nice tasty load. He pulled his cock out of my mouth spurting cum all over my face. It mixed with my sweaty face. I stuck my tongue out and cleaned his cock head. "Okay next. "I guess your up next James unless you'd rather his ass. If so then you're up Harold."

"I'll take his ass as soon as Ralph is finished with it." James a six foot black athletic looking teenager walked beside Ralph. "You don't mind do you Harold?" James asked.

"Not at all James." Harold a six-one athletic blond blue eyed teenager said standing beside James. "Not at all. I'd love to fuck his throat." He pointed his half erect cock toward my mouth. "First I have to take a piss though. "Are you up to take a nice drink of piss slut?" Harold asked.

"What ever you want I'll do for you Master Harold." I answered.

"I'm cumming." Ralph grunted ramming his cock in my ass his big balls smacking my balls. He pulled out spewing cum all over my sweat covered back. "This ass is all yours James."

"Thanks Ralph." James answered moving away from me and walking behind me at the same time Ralph walked back joining the rest of the team.

"No problem James. He's a good fuck by the way." Ralph said joining the rest of the team standing around watching me getting fucked.

With Harold standing in front of me holding his cock while he filled my mouth with his piss. His tasty piss filled my mouth. I drank it down sticking my tongue out to catch the remaining drops. His cock was growing rock hard as he pulled back from me aiming his cock towards my lips. I opened my mouth at the same time.

James slapped my ass cheeks a couple of times before shoving his cock through my sphincter muscle and into my ass. He took a hold of my shoulders leaning over me with his sweaty chest mixing with Ralph's sweat and cum. He thrust his cock all the way in my ass before pulling out. `Nice ass. You sure weren't joking about this ass Ralph." James grunted ramming his cock in my ass.

Harold was gripping my head between his large hands as he fucked my throat with his big cock. He pulled his cock out until only his cock head filled my mouth before ramming it down my throat over and over. "Yes his throat is as tight as a virgin pussy." Harold grunted.

"Fuck him, fuck him." The group of football players yelled as they waited their turns at either my ass or throat. "Fuck the fag, fuck the homo."

James and Harold did just that fucking. James fucking my ass good and hard and Harold my throat. They were soon both huffing and puffing. "I'm getting close." James grunted behind me. He thrust his cock in and out of my ass a couple more times before sinking his cock deep in my ass.

"You're not the only one." Harold grunted pounding his cock in and out of my throat. His cock grew harder as he fucked my throat he rammed it deep in my throat good and hard.

James suddenly shouted with his cock all the way in my ass as it grew thicker and harder. "I'm cumming." His cum filled my ass as he pulled out his cum flooded across my sweaty and cum covered back. He stood back walking in front of me. "That was one fine fuck." He slapped my shoulders.

Harold's cock began vibrating in my throat as he shot his big load. He pulled it out filling my mouth before pulling out spurting all over my cum and sweaty face. "Yes that was good." He stepped back. "Who's up next will?" Harold asked.

"I guess that will probably be Stan. I'm going to fuck his ass again." Corporal Jones yelled. "I've been waiting to fuck that ass again."

"I'll gladly fuck his mouth. Would you like that homo?" The dark haired muscular teenager asked walking up to me. He had to be at least six-two with deep hazel eyes. "You sure looked hot fucking his throat Harold." Stan was standing in front of me. "Do you like this nine inch thick cock boy?" Stan asked.

"It looks great Master Stan. May I suck it?" I asked.

"You sure may." Stan answered. "Don't just look at it get on it now." Stan looked down at me with a frown on his face. "Don't take all day. There's plenty waiting their turns."

I took hold of his thick nine inch cock. I brought my head closer to his thick cock. "Thank you Master Stan." I said.

Corporal Jones was standing beside Stan. "Would you like me to fuck you again boy?" He asked.

"I sure would Master Jones. I liked the way you fucked me nice and hard." I answered before opening my mouth nice and wide. I leaned forward taking Stan's thick nine inch cock in my mouth.

"That feels good." Stan looked down at me before shifting his hips to ram his cock further into my throat. He shoved harder until his big balls pressed against my bottom lip. "Nice hot throat. How is that ass Corporal Jones?" He asked.

"Its always hot." Corporal Jones slapped each of my ass cheeks nice and hard. He thrust his cock between my ass cheeks through my sphincter muscle. "Nice and hot. I love when it's fulled with hot cum. You two, Ralph and James filled it up nicely." Corporal Jones complimented.

"Thanks Corporal Jones for the compliment. It was my pleasure seeding that fine ass." Ralph answered.

"Mine as well." James said standing along with the rest of the football players. There were still eight hot football players waiting to fuck either my ass or throat.

"Fuck him, fuck him." Todd, Mark, Ron, Ted, Len, Hank, Dan and Jeff chanted as Corporal Jones began fucking my ass nice and hard and Stan took ownership of my throat. They were soon pounding my ass and throat good and hard.

It wasn't long before Corporal Jones was groaning. "I'm cumming." He filled my ass with his hot load pulling out spewing load after load across my sweat and cum covered back.

In no time my throat was being flooded with Stan's big load as he filled my mouth to over flowing pulling out spewing load after load across my cum sweaty face. "Wow that was hot. Who's up next?" He asked.

"That would be me." A six-four muscular black stud said holding his thick massive cock. "Would you like to suck this ten inch cock homo. The way you're staring at it you do. Well answer me."

"I sure would like to swallow your thick ten inch cock Master. What's your name?" I asked.

"I'm Todd and don't you forget it. I've never fucked a throat before. I bet it's wild the way Pete, Harold and Stan were going on about it." Todd said looking down at me with his bright brown eyes. "I bet you'd like Mark to fuck your hot ass. Get over here Mark."

"I don't have to be asked twice." The six-three dark haired muscular teenager said walking up beside Todd. "Do you like my nine inch thick cock?" Todd asked.

"I sure do Todd. Fuck me nice and hard." I said looking at Mark looking down at me and smiling. He slapped my shoulders before walking behind me. I tried to tighten my sphincter muscle as best I could after getting fucked three times.

Once Mark was behind me he slapped my tender ass cheeks before ramming his cock through my sphincter muscle. "Wow you can tighten that ass. Never believed you have just been fucked by Ralph, James and Corporal Jones." Mark said.

"Thank you Master Mark." I answered. "I'm doing my best."

"That's good." Mark grunted shoving his cock deep in my ass and pulling out. He kept thrusting his cock deep in my ass pulling out. He began fucking my ass harder and faster. "Yes very good homo."

"So is this throat." Todd gripped the back of my head as he thrust his hips pushing his cock down my throat. He pulled it out and thrust it down my throat time after time picking up speed. Sweat dripped from his kinky black hair, down his dark face and all over his muscular chest and stomach. Some splashed on my face mixing with my own sweat and cum covered face and hair. He kept fucking my throat faster and harder grinning down at me the entire time. "Yes nice throat. Just like a tight pussy." Todd grunted. "I'm getting close already."

"I'm cumming." Mark thrust his cock all the way in my ass his balls smacking my balls. He pulled his cock out of my ass with cum shooting across my sweat and cum covered back. "Either Ron or Ted are up next." Mark huffed walking in front of me the same time Todd pulled his cock out of my throat filling my mouth with cum and spurting all over my face.

"I'll take his mouth." The six foot blond said taking Todd's place in front of me said.

"Go for it Ron. Is that okay with you homo?" Todd asked.

"Yes of course it is good with Master Todd." I answered. "I'd like to swallow Master Ron's big thick cock."

Ron looked down at me smiling. "Sorry it's only eight inches but just as big around as Todd's." Ron said looking down at me with his bright blue eyes. "Don't stand back there Ted, get your hot Scottish self over here and show the fag your big cock."

Ted the six-two red headed with pale white completion and bright green eyes stood beside Ron smiling. I see you like my thick white nine inch cock. You do don't you?" Ted asked with his muscular white muscles gleaming with sweat.

"Yes I sure do like your thick nine inch cock Master Ted. Please fuck me nice and hard with it." I answered.

"Fine I'll do that." Ted walked behind me making sure to slap each of my ass cheeks nice and hard. My ass cheeks were on fire from all the smacking they had been taking. He shoved his cock into my clenched anus as he started fucking me right away. "Yes one nice ass alright. The best part is that I don't have to wear a condom to fuck this fine male pussy." Ted grunted as he plowed his cock in and out of my ass faster and deeper.

In no time Ron shot a big load in my throat going directly into my stomach before filling my mouth with his delicious cum. Cum was dripping from my face after he shot his load across my sweaty face. He stepped back after cumming.

Len the six-four black muscular teenager took my ass next and really fucked me good and hard while Hank the six foot Italian Stallion fucked my mouth. His eleven inch cock proved he was a real Italian Stallion.

At long last the last two teenage muscular studs were ready to fuck me. Dan a six-two muscular black man fucked my ass. "Do you like this eleven inch beer can thick cock fucking your ass slut?" Dan asked.

"I sure do Master Dan." I answered feeling my body being pushed ahead swallowing the nine inch thick cock Jeff was offering me. Jeff had dark red hair, with a nice firm muscle body at least six feet tall with a nice eight inch thick cock. I was amazed all the guys had thick cocks which was fine with me.

Jeff was really fucking my throat the same time Dan was fucking my ass nice and hard. They were both close at the same time as they shouted the same time. "I'm fucking close."

Jeff pulled his cock out of my throat ramming it down my throat again and again. He rammed it down my throat once more. "I'm cumming." His seed filled my throat before filling my mouth. He pulled out and shot all over my sweat and cum covered face.

I was covered in cum when Dan filled my ass to over flowing and shot across my hair, back and ass. "That was great."

"Good the pizza should be arriving soon guys." Master Dan said. I ordered just before Jeff and Dan fucked my boy. I don't know about any body else but I've got to take a piss before we eat. I brought pop so every one grab a bottle.

I was still on my hands and knees as first Master Dan came over and started pissing in my face. "Open your mouth so you can swallow all that cum. You must be thirsty." Master Dan said. "Come on over guys and wash his body loaded with cum. I know it's getting late but I have a fun night planned out for my boy. I just have to head out to pick up the surprise. I'll be right back guys." Master Dan looked down at me as I was soon surrounded by Ralph, Pete, James, Harold, Corporal Jones, Stan, Todd, Mark, Ron, Ted, Len, Hank, Dan and Jeff all pissing all over my sweat and cum covered body. "Are you excited about your surprise?" Master Dan asked with a wink.

"Go sit on the bench boy. Before we eat I'll take the clothes pins off you." Master Dan walked up to me. "Will you help me Corporal Jones?" Master Dan asked.

"Sure thing Dan." Corporal Jones answered while I got off my sore knees heading for the bench and sitting down. For some reason when the clothes pins were taken off my nipples they hurt even more than before. My inner legs were in a great deal of pain as Master Dan along with Corporal Jones removed the clothes pins. At long last they were all off me as I dripped piss from head to feet. I enjoyed eating pizza and pop with the football team. "Okay I'm off for the surprise for my boys night and everyone's entertainment.

End of Chapter 8...What can this surprise possibly be?

Can any of the readers guess what Master Dan's surprise is for his boy (Sargent Malta)?

Next: Chapter 9

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