Taking Down Sargent Malta

By Barry Edmund

Published on Mar 15, 2017


Taking Down Sargent Malta - Chapter 7

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I'm thanking G. Venereal. George for kindly editing my stories. He has as usual applied some 'gentle editing' to this story.

Copyright 2017 by Author Edmund Barry Davies (AKA) Teddy Bare

Please read Chapters 1-6 before starting to read Chapter 7.

Taking Down Sargent Malt Chapter 7

"Wait up Malta." Corporal Jones shouted from behind me. "Did you forget I'm coming along with you to meet this Master Dan of yours."

I had actually forgotten about Corporal Jones coming to meet my Master Dan by the high school gym. Now I was scarred. What would Master Dan think of me bringing Corporal Jones along with me? I asked myself turning around. "I'm sorry Master Jones, I did forget. Are you sure you want to come with me?" I asked hoping he would change his mind about meeting my Master Dan behind the school gym.

"Darn right I want to meet this guy that brought your true self out Malta." Corporal Jones said catching up to me and walking on my right side. "Lets get going. I've never been to the high school before."

"Okay Master Jones." I answered feeling my voice shaking as I answered wondering what the two would think of each other and if they'd get alone.

I walked down the hill toward town and the high school without Corporal Jones and myself saying anything. I led the way around the high school behind the gym. Thank goodness Master Dan wasn't there yet. I wondered if I should take my clothes off since he hadn't given me instructions to meet up with him nude. But then maybe he expected me to know he'd want me nude when he met up with him.

I pulled off my combat shirt tossing it on the close by bench. "What are you doing Malta?" Corporal Jones asked.

"Master Dan expects me to be nude when he arrives to meet up with me Master Jones." I answered sitting on the bench taking off my combat boots and socks. I pushed my ass off the bench pushing my combat pants over my muscular bare ass to my knees.

"Alright then strip down for him. You have to obey your Masters after all. I want to have a gander at this school Master of yours." Corporal Jones said lowering his voice. "He must be some kind of unique kind of Master to change you to a wimp so quickly. Hurry the fuck up and take your combat pants off. I see he also makes you go without underwear when you meet up with him."

"Who the fuck did you bring with you boy?" Master Dan shouted rounding the school seeing me along with Corporal Jones. He walked toward where we were both now standing.

I gulped. "This is Corporal Jones. He wanted to meet you." I said.

I felt embarrassed a sixteen year old teenager looking first at me and then Corporal Jones. "Are you telling me this teenager is your Master?" Corporal Jones asked.

"Yes I am and I gather you're my boy's Master back at camp. I knew he wouldn't be able to keep me a secret. Could you Boy? Are you one of Malta's Privates or Corporal?" Master Dan asked.

"I'm his Corporal and now his Master back at camp. How did a kid like you take complete control over Sargent Malta in the first place?" Corporal Jones asked.

"It's a long story. The main thing is he's my boy for now. I'm pleased he couldn't keep his hands off of you Corporal Jones. Do any others own him as well?" Master Dan asked Corporal Jones as if I wasn't there or invisible.

"It looks like you have complete control over my Sargent. What's your name?" Corporal Jones asked.

"My name is Dan. Of course Malta refers to me as Master Dan and I'm sure you're his Master Jones back at camp." Master Dan answered.

"That's right Dan. Let me sit and watch you put the homo through you're usual routine." Corporal Jones said. "This should be exciting to watch."

I felt embarrassed to say the least having my Corporal request Master Dan to put me through my routine as he put it. I wondered how I was to react so I didn't do anything.

"For one thing not warning me about bringing your base Master with you today, you deserve to be punished. Get over here." Master Dan ordered sitting down on the bench after taking his paddle out of his gym bag at the same time. "You've been a bad boy."

"But I didn't know until today I was bringing Corporal Jones with me. Please don't paddle me. Especially in front of Corporal Jones." I said looking at Master Dan who looked at me with an angry look on his face.

"I need to punish Malta when you're finished for calling me Corporal Jones instead of Master Jones. I want to watch how you punish him Dan and get a few ideas." Corporal Jones grunted slapping my bare ass with his open hand.

"You should have come alone today and told me you'd bring Jones tomorrow. You need to be punished now get over my knees now boy." Master Dan said staring up at me as I walked up to him and laid across his muscular jean covered thighs.

"I'm sorry for not following orders Master Dan." I said looking over at Corporal Jones staring down at me. "I'm sorry for not calling you Master Jones as well."

"You better be sorry." Corporal Jones shouted staring down at me. "Give him what he deserves Dan and let me give him even more when your finished."

"Start counting. Since you've been very naughty you get twenty today. Make sure Jones here can hear you shouting out." Master Dan instructed raising his voice.

"What ever you say Master Dan." I said trying not to cry out of embarrassment having my Corporal watch as I lay across a sixteen year old lap ready to be punished. It was bad enough to be punished by someone closer to my age but a teenager was even more embarrassing.

"Okay start counting boy." Master Dan shouted.

"One Master, One Master." I remembered to count out one for each of my ass cheeks. "Two Master, Two Master, Three Master, Three Master, even though my ass was beginning to burn I also felt excited for some reason as the paddling continued.

I continued until finally reaching twenty on each of my ass cheeks. I could feel tears running down my face from the pain radiating through my ass cheeks. Even though my ass was in great pain excitement rushed through my body. I knew I was about to receive twenty more smacks on each of my ass cheeks. This time from Corporal Jones.

"He's all yours Jones." Master Dan said pushing me off his lap as he stood up. "Give it too him hard."

The thought of yet another twenty more paddles on each of my tender ass cheeks brought a smile to my face. I had no idea where the excitement came from. My ass was on fire and yet it was bringing some kind of excitement throughout the rest of my body and brain.

"Don't worry about that Dan." Corporal Jones took Dan's place on the bench. He reached out pulling me over his muscular combat covered legs. "This is going to be fun. You're ass is already bright red. I will have to take a photo of this. Do you mind if I photograph your handy work Dan?" Corporal Jones asked. "Look at the damn smile on his face. He seems to enjoy the pain."

"I figured he would. He's a true lover of pain. He lives for pain and hot sex." Master Dan said.

"Not at all Jones." Dan answered. "I'm glad you brought your camera. I'll have to bring my camera next time. Really make that bright red ass black and blue Jones. You don't mind me calling you just Jones do you since I'm not in the army."

"No problem Dan. Let me take a few good shots before and then after I paddle his butt." Corporal Jones said. I barely felt the paddle smack my tender ass, it was so numb from Dan paddling my ass.

The paddle struck my left ass cheek. "One, Thank you Master Jones, One, Thank you Master Jones, Two, two, three, three all the way up to twenty. I could feel the heat radiating from each of my ass cheeks.

"Now what Dan?" Corporal Jones asked. "We get to fuck him I hope. I'll take his mouth if you want his ass or I'll take his ass if you want his mouth Dan."

"Since your my guest what would you like?" Master Dan asked.

"To tell the truth I'd love to squeeze my dick between those hot butt cheeks to feel what it feels like." Corporal Jones said pushing me off his lap. Why don't you fuck yourself on my cock boy. Turn around and face Dan before you sit down on my cock."

I hated to look excited about Corporal Jones fucking me but my ass hole was hungry for his nine inch thick cock and my mouth was hungry for Master Dan's thick eight inch cock. I stood up as Corporal Jones stripped out of his combats at the same time Master Dan stripped down as well. As soon as Corporal Jones sat down I stood over his thick cock and began sitting down feeling his thick cock spreading through my ass cheeks. I opened my mouth wide as Master Dan stood in front of me with his thick cock pushed into my mouth.

Master Dan took a hold of my head between his hands as he shoved his big cock head into my mouth. "That's the way Malta keep your mouth nice and open for my big cock head." He grunted.

"Sit down a little faster boy." Corporal Jones instructed. I found it embarrassing with my mouth full of a sixteen year old's big thick cock as I settled down on Corporal Jones thick nine inch cock. Even thought my ass buns were burning with pain I wanted Corporal Jones big cock in my hungry ass. I let my legs pull up as more and more of his nine inch cock entered my ass.

"Swallow my cock cock sucker." Master Dan instructed holding my head between his big hands as more and more of his thick eight inch cock entered my throat. More and more of Master Dan's big cock entered my tight throat. For a moment I thought I was going to gag but some how resisted. Soon Master Dan's big balls smacked my chin.

My hot buns were pressed against Corporal Jones large hands as he pushed my heated buns up. His cock pulled out of my ass slowly until only his cock head was in my ass. I started sliding down his thick pole once more. The pain of my butt was excitingly wonderful, more wonderful than I could ever describe as I began bouncing up and down on his cock. It would push all the way in my ass and out again. It was so huge. It was a good nine inches long and almost as big around as a pop can.

My mouth was busy at the same time swallowing Master Dan's huge cock. Neither seemed in any hurry to dump their loads as they both continued fucking my throat and ass. I kept trying to move my ass faster and faster up and down.

"I'm getting close." Master Dan groaned as he shoved his cock down my throat. His big balls drew up and cock grew thicker if that was possible. He kept thrusting his cock deeper down my throat.

"I'm close." Corporal Jones yelled as I slammed myself down on his thick long cock. I felt his cock exploding in my ass. At the same time my cock exploded shooting a big load without me touching my cock. It sprayed between Master Dan and myself.

"I'm cumming." Master Dan shouted with his cock vibrating in my throat. He pulled his cock out of my throat and mouth shooting a big load in my mouth before all over my face. He slumped back. "Wow that was hot."

"I'm cumming." Corporal Jones shouted shooting deep in my ass as I raised myself off his big cock. His cock slipped out of my ass and spurted across my back. I managed to stand up and jump off the bench.

"Wow that was hot." Was all I managed to say as I stood with cum dripping from my stomach and back at the same time.

"Good now it's time we started making things interesting." Master Dan looked at me smiling an evil smile. "I brought some rope and clothes pins. You don't mind getting into giving your Sargent a bit of pain do you Jones. Do you?" Master Dan asked.

"Are you kidding. It would be wild after all the orders I've taken off the fag. What do you have in mind?" Corporal Jones asked.

"WE tie him to the bench to start off with and take things from there. I know what I'm going to do with the clothes pins. Lay down on the bench boy." Master Dan ordered. "This will be for all that crap you made my sister do for you that first day. Making her jack you off that is."

"The pig made your sister jack him off. When was that?" Corporal Jones asked.

"The first day he was in town Jones." Master Dan answered. "I'm still pissed off about that but knew as soon as my sister told me that I'd get even with him.

"We might be doing the fag a favor. He seems to like pain." Corporal Jones said.

"I knew exactly what he needed and wanted the moment I met him the first time. Help me out here please Jones." Master Dan said pushing me down on the bench and turning me around until I was laying flat on my back. "Hold his legs for me."

"Sure thing Dan." Corporal Jones said taking a hold of each of my legs and pulling them in his strong hands. I didn't try to pull away as he held my ankles. My sore ass scraped against the bench as Corporal Jones held my legs out flat.

Meanwhile Master Dan took a hold of my arm and pulled it over my head tying a rope around my wrist. He pulled it out to one side tying it behind my head. Then he took my other arm pulling it in the opposite direction and tying a rope around it as well. "Stretch his legs apart like I have done to his arms Jones." Dan instructed. "Then tie them up."

"Okay Dan." Corporal Jones answered letting go of my left ankle but still holding my right ankle with both hands. He tied a rope around my ankle pulling it to his right. I could see him tying it to the right side of the bench. He finished tying it and took a hold of my left ankle, pulled it to the left side and tying it to the end of the bench. I was now tied spread wide. My legs spread wide as well as my arms.

Even though my ass was killing me with pain my cock was rock hard. "Look he's got a boner." Dan shouted. "I told you he was enjoying this." Sure enough my cock was rock hard and I couldn't understand the reason why my cock was rock hard. After all my ass cheeks were on fire from all the paddling and I was tied spread eagle. What the heck was the matter with me. Just as I was about to say something; something was shoved in my mouth. It was someones jock strap. Then my eyes were blind folded and I couldn't see what they were going to do with me next.

I felt something pinned to each of my nipples. It had to be the clothes pins Master Dan had mentioned earlier. "Pull his foreskin over his erect cock and apply these clothes pins." Master Dan instructed. I couldn't see anything but I did feel my foreskin being stretched over my now erect cock. Then a clothes pin was applied. The pain from the nipples penetrated my body. Not only was I in pain but my cock was still rock hard I was so totally embarrassed.

I was behind the high school gym with my Corporal Jones and sixteen year old Master Dan. All three of us were nude. Well I was wearing my army name tags. I was tied spread eagle over one of the school benches blindfolded. What on earth could happen next. I had clothes pins attached to my nipples and foreskin. Not to mention my ass was hot from being paddled twenty times each both from Master Dan and another twenty from Corporal Jones. Actually it was forty times each since they paddled each of my ass cheeks twenty times. End of Chapter 7...

Next: Chapter 8

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