Taking Down Sargent Malta

By Barry Edmund

Published on Jan 15, 2017


Taking Down Sargent Malta - Chapter 6.

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I'm thanking G. Venereal. George for kindly editing my stories. He has as usual applied some 'gentle editing' to this story.

Copyright*** Author Edmund Barry Davies (AKA) Teddy Bare

Please read Chapters 1-5 before starting to read Chapter 6.

NOW : Taking Down Sargent Malta Chapter 6.

I woke up to Corporal Jones' shouting. "Rise and shine Boy."

I sat up alert having been used to being alert first thing in the morning but not used to being shouted at first thing in the morning. "What do you want Corporal Jones?" I asked.

"Not being mouthed off to first thing. That just earned you some punishment. Get the hell out of bed and bend over your cot." Corporal Jones shouted.

I remembered I was now Corporal Jones' as well as Privates Davis', Sanders', Marshal's, Benet's, Clark's, Taylor's, Nelson's and Walker's slave. "I'm sorry Master Jones. It's just that you woke me up so suddenly I forgot myself." I said throwing the sheet covering my body off me. "I promise to do better next time."

"You certainly will, because I'm going to give you something to remind you. Get out of bed and lean over the cot like I ordered. NOW!" Corporal Jones ordered.

I got off my cot turning around and then leaning over my cot. "Is this what you wanted Master Jones?" I asked.

"Take off the shorts stupid. You're never to wear shorts, underwear or even a jock strap from now on. You're to be exclusively bare butted around me and your other Masters from now on. That means wearing no undershorts or jock-strap under your combat pants as well." Corporal Jones ordered.

"Yes Master." I slipped my shorts down my muscular legs to the floor and stepped out of them. I then leaned over my cot with my ass high in the air. "Is this okay now Master?" I asked, turning my head around to look at Corporal Jones.

"That's fine." Corporal Jones spat in his palms rubbing them together before picking up the paddle from the gym bag he had left in my tent the night before. "Turn around and start counting out ten wacks on each of your ass cheeks." Corporal Jones ordered raising his voice.

"What ever you say." I said turning my head around facing my cot. I felt the first hard whack on my left ass cheek. "One Master." Then on my right ass cheek. "One Master."

Corporal Jones continued paddling my ass cheeks and I counted. "Two Master, two Master." He paddled each of my ass cheeks harder each time he paddled and I counted out. "Three Master, three Master all the way up to Ten Master, ten Master finishing paddling my ass. I didn't move waiting for Master Jones to give me any further orders.

"Alright turn around and on your knees. I want my morning blow job BOY!" Corporal Jones ordered.

I turned around dropping to my hands and knees looking up at Corporal's stern face and eyes. I reached up taking a hold of his thick cock pulling it down until it pressed against my lips. I licked my lips sitting back on my legs looking at his big cock. This truly was the way to wake up, a good paddling and sucking cock. I just wished I could also suck Privates Jones, Davis, Sanders, Marshal, Benet, Clark, Taylor, Nelson and Walker as well.

"Go ahead and suck it. Don't just sit there licking your lips. I know you like looking at my big cock but I haven't got all day, get busy and suck me off." Corporal Jones ordered.

"Yes Sir." I answered holding Corporal Jones' cock in my fist, opening my mouth at the same time. I pushed forward the same time Corporal Jones gripped my head between his large hands. His big cock head entered my mouth with ease.

Corporal Jones shoved his muscular hips forward while I wrapped my arms around his muscular bubble butt. He shoved his big cock in my mouth and half way down my throat. With another shove his cock was down my throat, his low hanging balls pressed against my chin. He tugged his cock out ramming it down my throat. He was soon fucking my throat nice and hard moaning at the same time. "Oh yes, yes, fuck yes, oh, oh, mmmmmmmmm, oh yes, mmmmmmmmm, yes, fuck.

I kept slobbering over his cock as he fucked his cock in my mouth and down my throat, faster and harder. He was soon taking deep breaths as he continued fucking my throat. Holding his ass cheeks in my hand, pulling him forward, he rammed his big thick cock down my throat. "Mmmm, yes, oh fuck yes." He moaned his cock growing thicker, longer and vibrating in my throat.

"Thank you Master Jones." Getting up from my hands and knees

"Wow that's a good way to start the day. Get in the shower and clean your ass out. One never knows when I or one of my other men will fuck your ass. Hurry up I want you in the mess tent as soon as your showered and dressed. Remember nothing under your combat pants.

"May I wrap my towel around me going to the shower Master Jones?" I asked.

"Yes, go ahead. I don't see why after all Privates Davis, Sanders, Marshal, Benet, Clark, Taylor, Nelson and Walker fucked your mouth and ass last night. But I guess for Privates Henderson, Smith, Anderson and Philips sake you may wear the towel to the showers. However you'll be sucking them soon enough as well." Corporal Jones. "It's just a matter of time before they're all enjoying your mouth, throat and ass."

"Thank you Master Jones." I said wrapping my towel around my waist and was following Corporal Jones out of my tent, he had stuffed his cock back in his combat pants and done them up. I headed to the showers with the enema kit Corporal Jones had handed me at the last minute.

I went to the showers, cleaning out my ass first before showering. I had just begun to shower when Privates Walker and Nelson walked in. "I saw you heading in this direction. We, that is Walker and I thought you'd give us a good morning blow job before we head out." Private Nelson took the towel from around his waist and hanging it up on one of the close by towel hooks. "You don't mind. Do you?" Private Nelson asked, but from the tone of his voice it didn't sound like a question, it sounded more like an order.

"I wouldn't but what if Privates Henderson, Smith, Anderson or Private Philips walks in. So far they don't know I suck cock and get fucked, Master." I answered.

"I'm not asking by the way. I'm ordering you to work our cocks." Private Nelson said raising his voice. He walked behind me slapping each of my ass cheeks hard. "Never question my orders BOY! If Privates Henderson, Smith, Anderson or Philips walk in I guess they will find out you're nothing but a cock sucking fag." He slapped my ass cheeks good and hard a couple of more times on each of my ass cheeks. "Get on your knees. That's nothing. I intend to punish you for questioning my orders."

"I'm sorry for questioning your orders Master, but I thought you were asking me a question." I got on my knees in front of Private Nelson taking his cock in my hand smearing his cock head across my lips before opening my mouth. I took the head of his large cock head in my mouth wrapping my hands around him. I placed each of my hands on his muscular ass cheeks pulling him forward the same time he thrust his muscular hips forward. His big cock entering my mouth and throat. With another lunge his cock was deep down my throat with his big balls pressed against my chin.

"I don't ask questions when it comes to you BOY! Remember that from now on and we'll get along just fine." Private Nelson said not moving his cock from deep down my throat.

"How is it Nelson." Private Walker asked. "As good as last night." His cock was drooling pre-cum down his wash-board stomach.

"As I remembered last night." Private Nelson grunted pulling his cock out of my throat before ramming it back down my throat again, with his big balls smacking my chin. He continued fucking my throat holding my head between his large hands. He would ram his cock down my throat pulling out and ramming back down my throat faster and deeper. "Just like last night BOY!"

"Looks hot Nelson. I can't wait to take over." Private Walker looked down at me and was smiling an evil smile. "I'm fucking horny. I had a wild dream these bitches were begging me to fuck them so I really need to fuck him instead of getting a blow job. Do you mind if I fuck him while he blows you Nelson?" Private Walker asked. "Our BOY looks hot to get fucked."

"Not at all and I know our BOY won't mind a bit." Private Nelson said. "Not that he has a choice." He laughed. "Get on your hands and knees and push your ass up for Walker to fuck your fine ass."

I managed to get on my hands and knees without letting Private Nelson's cock out of my mouth. Walker was behind me in a flash grabbing a hold of my hips. He thrust his cock through my ass cheeks entering my sphincter muscle. "This is great after that hot dream I had." Private Walker grunted shoving his cock all the way in my ass until his big balls smacked my cum filled balls and hard cock.

I was being taken from both ends the same time as the shower water rushed over our bodies. Private Walker fucked my ass good and hard with his balls smacking my balls each time he thrust his cock in my ass. At the same time Private Nelson fucked my mouth and throat.

"I needed this hot throat first thing this morning. Thank goodness our BOY was in the shower for us." Private Nelson grunted thrusting his cock down my throat and pulling it out before ramming it down my throat. He kept fucking my throat thrusting his muscular hips forward and back as he fucked my mouth and throat. "This is great."

"You have that right. I'm glad I decided to get up early now." Private Walker moaned fucking my ass nice and hard. He slapped my ass cheeks every once in a while while he fucked me. My balls suddenly exploded when he thrust his cock in my ass. Cum came shooting out my cock all over the shower floor. "Fucked the cum right out of our BOY."

I was soon drooling as Private Nelson kept fucking my mouth and throat faster and deeper if that was possible. "Oh, oh, mmmmmmmmm, yes, oh fuck, mmmmmmmmm." He grunted over and over as he continued to fuck my mouth and throat. "Oh shit, yes, yes, Mmmmmmmm."

"I'm fucking getting close already." Private Walker grunted holding my hips as he continued fucking my ass good and hard slapping each of my ass cheeks a couple more times.

Private Nelson grunted and groaned fucking my mouth and throat. "Mmmm, yes, fuck yes, oh damn, fuck." Ramming his cock in and out of my throat. "Fuck I'm close."

"Fuck, fuck, yes, fuck yes." Private Walker grunted ramming his cock deep in my ass his cock growing bigger as he pumped my ass full of his morning load. "That was great." Slapping my ass before heading to one of the other showers.

"Fuck, oh fuck." Private Nelson grunted ramming his cock down my throat his cock vibrating in my throat. He pulled out shooting a mouth full of hot cum before pulling out of my mouth. "That was great." He slapped my ass before heading for another shower.

I stood up going to the other shower and showing myself. I wrapped my towel around my waist and heading out when Privates Henderson, Smith, Anderson and Philips walked in the shower room. "How's it going guys?" Private Henderson asked. Everyone was in their tents when we got back. What did you guys do last night?"

"You'll find out soon enough guys. You guys better get cleaned up for morning chow." Private Walker said.

I headed out of the showers to my tent when Privates Davis, Sanders, Marshal and Clark were heading for the showers. They looked at me but didn't say anything as they headed for the showers.

I got dressed in my combat pants, shirt, socks and boots making sure not to wear any underwear or jock-strap under my pants. I went and had breakfast making sure all the privates cleaned up after breakfast and lined up ready for today's maneuvers.

We marched for a couple of hours before I stopped. "All right men take a break and take piss a piss." I ordered heading to the far side so no one could see me. At least I thought no one was watching me. "That's far enough BOY." Private Davis said. I and Sanders need some relief that we didn't get this morning. We decided Sanders gets to fuck your ass and I will fuck your mouth and throat."

"Here?" I asked before realizing my mistake.

"Yes, here BOY! You need some punishment for questioning me." Davis said. Opening his combat pants and shoving his jock-strap down. "I don't know about the others but you don't question Sanders and myself. Now get undressed. I mean totally nude since you questioned me. I was only going to have you pull your combat pants down for Sanders to fuck your ass."

"Sorry Master Davis." I said unbuttoning my combat shirt taking it off. I sat on the grass taking off my boots and socks.

I lifted my ass off the ground pulling my pants below my ass cheeks before taking them all the way off and tossing them toward my combat shirt, boots, socks and cap. I got on my hands and knees hoping none of the other privates would venture this way. I hated to admit it but I needed this fuck. I looked over my shoulder as Private Sanders walked up behind me slapping my ass cheeks four times each. "That's only part of your punishment the rest you get later tonight." Private Sanders said.

"That's right and I will punish you as well later tonight." Private Davis said standing in front of me with his big thick cock in his fist pressed against my lips. I stuck my tongue out licking the pre-cum dripping from his cock head. I opened my mouth wide letting Private Davis slide his cock between my cock sucking lips. He thrust his hips forward and his cock was sliding in my mouth and down my throat. Private Davis' low hanging big balls smacked my chin. He pulled his cock out of my throat and rammed it down my throat.

Sanders thrust his cock in and out of my ass faster and harder. He was soon huffing and puffing. "I really needed this." He continued fucking my ass faster and harder. "OH yes, fuck, yes, fuck, fuck, fuck, shit, yes, yes, Mmmmmmmm, yes. I needed this Sanders grunted slapping my ass as he continued fucking my ass. "This is one fine ass."

"Yes I know, remember I fucked it last night." Davis said ramming his cock down my throat harder than ever. Sweat was dripping from his forehead as he fucked my mouth and throat. "Fuck, Mmmmmmmmmm, yes, fuck, yes, Mmmmmmmm, nice throat."

It wasn't long before both Private Davis and Sanders were fucking my throat and ass. "Mmmmmmmm, fuck close, fucking close." Sanders moaned fucking my ass harder than ever. His cock grew thicker in my ass as he rammed his cock deep in my ass pumping out a big load in my willing ass. He pulled out walking around front of me. "That's just what I needed.

"Shit, yes, yes." Davis moaned shoving his cock down my throat. His balls pulling up and his cock was vibrating in my throat. He pulled out filling my mouth with another big load. He finally pulled out of my mouth stepping back. "Get dressed."

I got dressed as fast as I could. Davis and Sanders had headed up the hill joining the rest of the group of privates and Corporal Jones. I'm sure Corporal Jones knew what Privates Davis and Sanders were doing with me. I finished putting my socks, boots, pants, shirt and cap on before heading back and finally joining the rest of the troops. I didn't have a rest neither had Privates, Davis and Sanders but I kept up with them on the march. Until stopping for lunch.

I headed to a private place to piss. I had just finished pissing when Privates Marshal and Benet joined me. I didn't question what they wanted. "I'm ready for you guys. Who wants my ass and who my mouth and throat?" I asked.

"I won your throat. How did you know what we wanted?" Private Benet asked. "We noticed Sanders and Davis fucking you so we knew you wouldn't have time for Marshal and myself before Breakfast."

"It was just a wild guess." I answered pulling my combat pants down to get ready to get fucked. Private Marshal shoved his combat pants down revealing his large cock and low hanging balls. He walked behind me slapping each of my ass cheeks nice and hard.

I opened my mouth for Private Benet to fuck. He thrust his cock in my open mouth and down my throat. In no time he was fucking my mouth and throat. "I really need this BOY!" Private Benet said continuing to fuck my mouth and throat.

"Take my big throbbing cock." Private Marshal said slapping my ass cheeks nice and hard before grabbing a hold of my hips. He shoved his cock between my ass cheeks and into my already earlier stretched sphincter muscle. His cock felt exquisite in my ass as he drew it out and rammed it back deep in my ass. He started fucking my ass nice and hard.

Private Benet held my head as he fucked my mouth and throat faster and harder. He looked down at me smiling as he took ownership of my throat. "Yes this is one fine mouth and throat." He kept fucking my mouth and throat nice and deep.

I was in total lust as Private Marshal kept fucking my ass nice and hard. He kept slapping my ass cheeks every once in a while. "You sure know how to tighten your ass while I fuck you." Private Marshal complemented continuing to fuck my ass.

"His throat is nice and tight as well." Private Benet said. Of course I couldn't answer either of them with Private Benet fucking my throat. I don't think either one wanted an answer anyway. They just wanted to fuck me at their pleasure.

"I'm close already." Private Marshal shouted in my ear as he continued fucking my ass. He rammed it deep in my ass as it grew thicker and filled my hungry ass with his load. He pulled out walking in front of me pulling his combat pants up. `That was great."

"I'm cumming." Private Benet grunted with his cock vibrating in my throat before filling my mouth with a nice big load of cum. He pulled his cock out of my mouth doing his combat pants up. He did them up the same time I stood up pulling my combat pants up.

The three of us joined the rest of the troop and getting ready to return to camp. I led the men behind me while Corporal Jones led his men. Around half way back we stopped for another rest and piss. I went up a close by hill behind a clump of trees to piss. As soon as I finished pissing Privates Clark and Taylor joined me. They were the last two of the black studs that had fucked me the night before. They both looked good and horny. I pushed my combat pants down to my feet getting on my hands and knees. I just needed those two to fuck my throat and ass in the worse way. "I'm ready for the two of you studs." I said.

"Good because I need your hot ass." Private Clark grunted behind me.

"You have that right. I've been waiting for hours to own your mouth and throat." Private Taylor said. "I'm good and horny so this won't take very long."

"Thank you Master Clark and Master Taylor. I really need you two to fuck my ass and throat." I said while I was on my hands and knees.

Private Clark took a hold of my hips after first slapping each of my ass cheeks. He rammed his cock in my ass groaning. "Oh yes, I need this, need it real bad. Fuck yes, yes, yes."

"So do I." Private Taylor said holding my head between his large hands before slamming his cock down my throat. He fucked my mouth and throat good and hard.

Private Clark fucked my ass nice and hard right from the start. He kept fucking my ass faster and harder. Each time I swore his cock went deeper in my ass. His cock was enormous and it dug deep inside me as he continued fucking deep inside my ass. I could tell he was in a hurry to shoot his load by the way he huffed and puffed as he fucked my ass.

"I'm close already." Private Taylor grunted fucking my mouth and throat faster and harder. I could tell he was close to dumping his load as he fucked faster and harder. He thrust his cock deep down my throat one last time. His cock vibrated in my throat with his balls pulled up pressing against my bottom lip. "Oh yes, yes, yes." He pulled his cock out of my of my throat filling my mouth with his load. He pulled his cock out of my mouth.

Private Clark rammed his cock in my ass good and hard. Instantly he pumped load after load in my cum filled ass. He pulled out standing up walking around facing me. "That was one fine fuck. `I'll be tapping that ass again as well as your throat during the next two weeks." He then pulled his combat pants up.

After the three of us were totally dressed we went down the hill joining the rest of the troops. I took a drink of water and got the men in their two lines one behind me and one behind Corporal Jones. We marched the rest of the way back to camp.

I assigned the men to their chores while I went and showered getting cleaned up after getting fucked and sweating all day. As soon as I was cleaned up I headed to the high school Gym and My Master Dan. I wondered what will be in store for Sargent Malta with Master Dan. What ever it is should be interesting. End of Chapter 6.

If you have any suggestions please send to barry97_97@yahoo.com

Copyright*** Author Edmund Barry Davies (AKA) Teddy Bare

?? Behind me Private Sanders school gym? What will he think when he see's Corporal Jones. ?? (WHAT IS THIS???)

What does Masters Jones, Davis, Sanders, Marshal, Benet, Clark, Taylor, Nelson and Walker have planned for Sargent Malta the following evening? Will it involve the rest of Privates Henderson, Smith, Anderson and Philips?

Watch for Chapter 7. I appreciate all the suggestions and have plans to use them in further chapters but one step at a time. First the rest of the two week, military maneuvers.

Next: Chapter 7

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