Taking Down Sargent Malta

By Barry Edmund

Published on Nov 30, 2016


Taking Down Sargent Malta Chapter 5

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I'm thanking G. Venereal. George for kindly editing my stories. He has as usual applied some 'gentle editing' to this story.

I am trying to work on a TV cross dressing story, when I post it I will ask for help from TVs and cross dressers if it is okay with them. Suggestions are kindly appreciated. Almost anything goes but for sure I do not want Sargent Malta feminized or dressed like a woman and not turned into a TV or TS. I have no problem with feminine men, TV, TS or men dressing in woman's clothes I like men to be proud of who ever they are.

By barry97_97@yahoo.com

Please read Chapters 1-4 to catch up to this chapter.

Now: Taking Down Sargent Malta Chapter 5

I felt like all eyes were on me as I walked in the mess tent sitting in my usual seat at the head of the table. Corporal Jones, Privates Walker, Nelson and the hot black muscular studs, Privates Taylor, Davis, Sanders, Marshal, Benet, Clark. Corporal Jones stood up after the men were finished eating. "Stay where you are men. Sargent Malta has something to say." Corporal Jones said handing me a piece of paper.

"What's this about Corporal?" I asked.

Corporal Jones leaned down and whispered. "Just read what's on the paper Malta."

I looked at the paper and started reading. "As soon as the dishes and mess tent have been cleaned up Privates Gleason, Smith, Davidson, Anderson, Philips are to take this list to town. You'll have to go to Drug Stores, Hardware and grocery stores. When you have picked up everything on the list head to the gym until closing time. They stay open late tonight. Make sure you get yourselves good workouts. You'll need it tomorrow." I read, handing the list to Private Gleason, sitting to my right. I didn't bother reading the list myself. I figured Corporal Jones wanted to get rid of the privates that hadn't found out I was sucking cock.

"Is that an order Sargent Malta. This won't need all five of us to pick up the stuff on the list." Private Anderson asked.

"Yes it's an order." I answered, trying my best to make my voice sound authoritative, but not so sure I pulled it off. "The five of you need a good work out as well. Stay and work out until closing time and come back to camp. Any more questions?"

"Sorry Sargent. I didn't mean to question your orders." Private Anderson answered.

"Good. Get a move on, wash the dishes and clean up the mess tent and make it snappy." I ordered. "Report to me in my tent before you leave Private Anderson. It seems you are the spokesperson for Privates Gleason, Smith, Davidson and Philips. Don't stand around get busy and clean up."

"Yes Sargent Malta." Private Anderson answered. "You heard the Sargent, get busy."

"The rest of us will pitch in and help the five of you clean up. That way the five of you can head to town and the gym sooner." Corporal Jones said headed to the back of the tent. The rest started cleaning up the tables.

I headed to my tent and laying down. I needed to relax and get a hold of myself before Private Anderson arrived to tell me he and the other four privates were heading to town. I knew once Privates Anderson, Davidson, Smith, Gleason, and Philips headed to town Corporal Jones, Privates Nelson, Walker, Davis, Sanders, Marshal, Benet, Clark and Taylor would be coming to my tent to get their dicks sucked.

I caught myself licking my lips, thinking about sucking their cocks, especially the hot muscular black hunks. What the hell was wrong with me? I had sucked Corporal Jones, Privates Nelson, Walker and Davis' big cocks? Not to mention getting fucked by Master Jeff, his brother, their dad, twice each. That didn't count drinking their piss. Now I was looking forward to sucking three white cocks and six black cocks. Black men. Was I crazy? It wasn't that long ago the only thing I felt for blacks was contempt, not worthy of bothering with. Now I was looking forward to sucking their big thick wonderful cocks. I hope those black dicks are as big and thick the rumors spread around.

I must have lost all track of time. It seemed like only minutes ago I'd come into my tent when Private Anderson peeked his head through my tent. "We finished the dishes and cleaning the mess tent. The five of us are ready to head to town. Is it alright with you if we head to town now, Sargent Malta?" Private Anderson asked.

"Yes of course. Get a move on it and make sure you pick up everything on the shopping list before the five of you head to the Gym. Make sure you all work out until closing time." I ordered.

"Yes Sargent. Do you want me to report to you when we get back or all of us?" Private Anderson asked.

"You can come over and drop off the stuff you bought. It's not necessary for the others to come by. I reached over pulling open my duffle bag for my wallet. I handed Private Anderson more than enough for the purchases. "Bring back the change." I said. "Your dismissed."

"Thank you Sargent. The gym doesn't close until ten thirty, by the time we shower and walk back it will be close to eleven. Are you sure you want me to deliver the stuff tonight or wait until morning?" Private Anderson asked.

"Bring back the stuff to my tent, along with the change, when you get back to camp, Private Anderson. Get a move on it." I ordered.

"Yes Sargent." Private Anderson said pulling out of the tent door, leaving me alone.

I didn't know if I should take my combat clothes off or not. I hoped not or they'd see the dog collar around my neck. I had my combat shirt buttoned to my neck so no one could see the dog caller. I had already taken my boots off when I came in my tent. Before I could decide what to do, the tent door opened, in walked Corporal Jones followed by Privates Davis, Benet, Taylor, Sanders, Clark, Marshal, Walker and Nelson.

"What the hell are you laying on your cot? Why are you wearing your combat clothes?" Corporal Jones asked in an authoritative tone, still wearing his combats and boots. He was carrying his gym bag for some reason, setting it on the ground between himself and Private Walker, standing to the left of him.

"You heard Corporal Jones, you piece of fag shit. Strip and on your knees in front of us." Private Davis shouted. "My friends Private Benet, Taylor, Sanders, Marshal and Clark have taken enough crap from you. It's time for payback." None of the privates, including, Privates Nelson or Walker had taken off their combat clothing or boots.

I don't know why, but I was getting turned on, being ordered around by both, Corporal Jones and Private Davis. I pushing my combat pants to my ankles before sitting down and taking them along with my socks. I gulped before undoing my combat shirt, knowing everyone would see the dog collar Master Jeff fastened around my neck. I had only unbuttoned a couple of buttons when Corporal Jones stared at my neck. "What the hell is that around your neck." Corporal Jones asked. "Don't lie to me. I'm ordering you to tell me the truth."

I gulped. "I have three Masters in town Corporal. That's were I've been going when I get back from our daily hikes. Today my Master Dan fastened the dog collar around my neck to make sure I know my place, his brother Jeff and his dad, Mark are my Masters as well." I finished unbuttoning my combat shirt, taking it off, tossing it on my cot.

I was disappointed Corporal Jones, Privates Nelson and Walker hadn't taken any of their clothes off, not even their boots. I remembered how big their cocks were, especially Private Davis' big thick cock. Private Davis claimed his cock soft was smaller than the rest of the black privates cocks. How I'd love to look at all their muscular bodies especially their rock hard cocks. Even in combat pants and jock straps, their combat pants revealed huge bulges.

"Interesting. Tomorrow I'm going to meet your three town Masters. Are they the ones that taught you to suck cock. Sounds like they only brought out your true self, since you're such a good cock sucker. Don't stand there, answer me." Corporal Jones said, raising his voice.

"Master Dan taught me to suck cock Corporal. I don't know if Master Dan will be happy with me bringing anyone with me tomorrow." I answered. "I'm ready to suck cock Corporal Jones and Private Davis. Who's cock do I suck first?" I asked, looking at Corporal Jones before looking at Private Davis. I guessed the Privates had voted Private Davis to speak for them.

"Don't change the subject homo. Private Davis and I are coming with you. You're our slave from now on. As far as sucking our cocks, it's not that simple. You need to be punished, not rewarded, sucking our cocks, cock sucker. Can you hand me the rope please Walker?" Corporal Jones asked.

"Sure thing Corporal Jones." Private Walker answered digging in the gym bag between himself and Corporal Jones. "Here Corporal." Private Walker said handing three coils of rope to Corporal Jones.

"What do you mean punish me?" I asked watching the rope pass from Private Walker to Corporal Jones.

"First we are not your Corporal and Privates when any of us are in your tent, we're your Masters. Since your thee Masters in town make you call them Master, why should we be any different. Whenever the one or the nine of us are in your tent, Corporal Jones, Privates Marshal, Benet, Smith, Hendrix and myself, you're our slave. Are you listening to me boy?" Private Davis asked before he and the rest of the black privates started laughing. "Isn't that what the plantation owners called their black slaves, boy? Answer me boy."

"I believe it is Private. I mean Master Davis." I corrected myself looking up at Private Davis. "I'm your slave whenever any or all of you are in my tent, Master Davis."

"You'll obey every order given to you after dinner from now on. Isn't that right Davis?" Sargent Jones asked.

"That's right Corporal. Everyone of us in our boy's tent is his Master. "You better be ready to obey orders from the time we walk in your tent until we leave. It could be anytime beginning after supper until you traipse off to keep your appointment in town. Tomorrow you won't be going by yourself. I'm coming with you to find out what you've been doing in town. Are you clear about taking our orders anytime, any of us, enter your tent, boy?" Master Davis asked.

"Yes I do Master Davis. I'll obey each and everyone of you and my other Master's orders." I answered bending my head, doing my best to show respect to my new Masters.

I wondered what was in store for me. Master Jones was holding four lengths of rope. He reached up looping the rope through the metal ring. He tugged it forcing me to turn around and crawl behind him to the far side of my tent. "Get up and lean over your desk boy." Master Jones ordered.

I knew I had no say I stood leaning over my desk my arms out in front. My hands rested on the other side of my desk.

"Stay where you are, boy!" Master Jones ordered walking around grabbing my hands pulling them together, tying my wrists, pulling the rope down, tying the other end to the bottom of the desk. He went behind me. I felt him tying one of my ankles to one of the legs of the desk. He tied the other ankle to the other leg of the desk. "I've taken my books, socks, combat shirt and pants off ready for the cock sucker to swallow my cock. The rest of you take off your boots, socks, combat shirts and pants."

"I only have one ping pong paddle today, Privates Davis, Taylor, Sanders, Marshal Benet and Clark for us all to use." Corporal Jones said standing behind me. "I'm sorry Private Walker, Private Nelson but this piece of shit has been abusing these black Privates like shit since we left the base. They should have the honor of breaking in the fag, first."

"No problem Corporal. His ass should be good and red by the time we get around to him." Private Nelson said.

"Look at his ass Corporal. Something is leaking out of his ass. Could that be what I think it is?" Private Davis asked feeling the paddle smack my left ass cheek, good and hard.

"Private Nelson's asking you a question, boy! Answer him." Corporal Jones said.

"Yes it's my Masters' Dan, Jeff and Mark's cum, Masters Jones and Master Davis." I answered having forgotten about the cum my other Masters shot up my ass, not once but twice. There had to be a lot of cum dripping out. The three of them had filled my ass full with their hot loads.

"Good! We'll be adding our loads in your ass as well. Since you like muscular bodies as well as dick and balls so much you're going to enjoy these hot muscular bodies behind you. You'll probably go ape when you see my buddies big, low hanging balls and huge cocks. Sex pig. Their cocks make my nine inch cock look like a child's, in comparison." Master Davis said, smacking my other ass cheek, good and hard. "Count boy! Each one of us are going to paddle each of your ass cheeks five times. That adds up to thirty for each ass cheek. Start counting. Those first two were just for practice." Private Davis shouted. "Start counting.

The paddle smacked my left ass cheek, good and hard. "One Master." I shouted, smacking my right ass cheek. I remembered Master Dan had teaching me to count. I shouted. "One Master."

"Good boy, keep counting." Corporal Jones said walking in front of the desk grabbing my chin and pulling it up. He couldn't grab my hair because I keep it cut short. My cock began to harden and couldn't help seeing Corporal Jones erect cock pressed against his wash-board stomach. At least I got a good look at Corporal Jones thick seven and a half inch dick and cum filled balls. I wished I could wrap my lips around it and swallow his thick seven and a half inch cock. His cock was less than an inch from my lips. He stepped back, his balls swinging from side to side.

Another hard ping pong paddle hit my left ass cheek. "Two Master." I shouted, biting my bottom lip, trying to control myself from crying out in pain. I felt another hard paddle on my right ass cheek. "Two Master" The paddling continued going from left ass cheek to my right ass cheek faster and harder. "Three Master, Three Master, Four Master, Four Master, Five Master, Five Master. Thank you for the paddling Master Davis." Thinking it would be a way of proving my obedience to Master Davis.

"That's the way. I believe you've been punished like this before." Master Davis said. "You're up next Taylor."

"Thanks Davis." Private Taylor said. I remembered his hot muscular chest from the day before and he was at least six-five if not six-six.

I wished Private Taylor had undressed in front of me. I'd have seen his muscular body, cock and balls. "One Master." I shouted feeling my left ass cheek smacked hard, followed by my right ass cheek. "One Master, Two Master, Two Master, Three Master, Three Master, Four Master, Four Maser, Five Master, thank you for paddling my ass Master Taylor. By the time Private Taylor had finished his last paddle my ass cheeks felt like they were burning.

"You're turn Sander. Really paddle those bright red bubble ass cheeks Private Sander." Corporal Jones instructed.

"Not a problem, Corporal, I'll just remember the times Sargent Malta made us do the scab jobs." Private Sander said. The paddle smacking my left ass cheek good and hard. "One Master." He continued smacking my left and then right ass cheeks. "One Master, Two Master, Two Master, Three Master, Three Master, Four Master, Four Master, Five Master and finally the last paddle to my right ass cheek. Five Master. Thank you for paddling my ass cheeks Master Sander."

"Here's the paddle Marshal. I doubt you can make those buns any redder, but take your turn." Private Sander said.

My ass cheeks were on fire, feeling Private Sander paddle my left ass cheek. I could barely feel it smack my ass cheek my ass cheeks burnt so much. "One Master, One Master, Two Master, Three Master, Three Master, Four Master, Four Master, Five Master. Thank you for paddling my ass Master Sander." I cried, feeling tears running down my cheeks, dripping from my chin. The pain was getting to be too much. I hated myself, because even with all the pain my cock rock hard and my balls ready to burst. What the hell was the matter with me.

"You're up next Benet." Marshal said. I couldn't see behind me but imagined Marshal handing the paddle to Benet. I remembered Benet was at least six three or six four. I remembered his muscular dark brown chest, gleaming in the sun, yesterday, when he had his combat shirt off. I wondered what the rest of him look like, his legs, especially his cock and balls. I knew how huge Davis' cock had been earlier today when I sucked his cock.

The paddle hit my left ass cheek. "One Master, One Master." I shouted, my ass numb with pain. I barely felt the paddling any more. I felt something. "Two Master, Two Master, Three Master, Three Master, Four Master, Four Master, Five Master. Thank you for paddling my ass nice and hard Master Benet.

"Here you go Clark, last but not least." Private Benet said, probably handing the six-four or six-five, the paddle. I barely felt the paddle smacking my left ass cheek. "One Master, One Master, Two Master, OH shit, shit I'm cumming." I grunted feeling my balls explode, cum shooting all over the desk. "I'm sorry Master, I couldn't help it."

"Fucking fag!" Private Clark shouted. "We were supposed to be punishing Sargent Malta for the way he treated us, but he's enjoying us paddling his ass. He shot his load instead."

"No, no Private, I mean Master Clark, my ass cheeks are on fire, painful. Really they are." I shouted, tears running down my cheeks dripping from my chin. I don't understand why I shot my load. I'm sorry, real sorry, Master Clark." I cried. "Finish your punishment. I came already, the pain will really hurt, now that I shot my load."

"You might as well continue Private Clark." Corporal Jones said.

"Fine. Keep counting boy." Private Clark said.

"Two Master, Three Master, Three Master, Four Master, Four Master, Five Master, Five Master. What now Master Jones?" I asked sniffling. "Do you want me to suck everyone off now?"

"Not yet. You seem to be in a big rush to suck cock." Corporal Jones answered, taking out a hand full of clothes pins. "Lets see what I can do with these. Any ideas Private Walker, Private Nelson, it's your turns to punish our, sex pig."

"I have a good idea." Private Nelson shouted walking around standing beside Corporal Jones. I was impressed with his thick eight inch cock and remembered him forcing me to deep throat it, earlier in the day. Not that he forced me, I was glad to swallow his cock. "Why don't we snap them to his ball sack and nipples."

"Good idea Private." Corporal Jones agreed. "Let me untie his hands so he can stand up. You're to push off the desk and stand up, sex pig. That suits you, since you shot a big load, while Private Clark paddled your ass. Lets see if you drop another load." Corporal Jones went to his knees untying my hands from the bottom of the desk. My wrists were sore, I hadn't realized how painful they were until they were untied. I tried to massage my left wrist but Corporal Jones slapped it. "Leave your wrists alone, boy! I'll help you to stand." He took a hold of my muscular shoulders pushing me backward. I managed somehow to stand up. "That's the way."

"Okay you start putting the first eight clothes pins where ever you want, Private Nelson." Private Nelson stood beside Corporal Jones handing him a handful of clothes pins. "Here's the rest Private Walker. As soon as Private Nelson put the clothes pins on our sex pig, it's your turn."

"Thanks Corporal." Private Nelson said. "Don't forget to thank me when I put the clothes pins on you boy."

"I won't Master Nelson." I answered. "I won't forget that is."

"Good." Private Nelson stood looking straight in my eyes, the both of us being approximately the same height. He reached up pinching my left hard nipple that jutted out. He took one clothes pin putting it to my nipple.

I hated to say but the pain felt exquisite, taking the pain away from my ass cheeks. My cock began to become erect after going soft shooting my load.

"What is it about pain and your cock? The more pain we dish out the faster your cock grows hard. Are you some kind of a nut?" Private Nelson asked.

"I don't know." I tried to say without shouting with the exquisite pain, feeling my cock stiffen.

Private Nelson slapped my face hard. My cock went from erect to almost totally soft. "Fucking ass hole. I'm your Master. Don't forget again." He said. "I see your cock didn't like that. You don't smarten up the next time I punch your stomach."

"I'm sorry Master Nelson, I won't make the mistake again." I said putting my hand to my cheek, only to have it pulled away.

"Leave your face alone." Private Nelson said taking his second clothes pin and putting it on my other erect nipple.

Once more the exquisite pain caused my dick to grow rock hard again. "Oh yes Master." I couldn't help moaning.

"Lets try somewhere else." Private Nelson said taking another clothes pin taking a hold of my balls, finding a place between my balls and pinning the clothes pin.

I didn't expect so much pain after Private Nelson clamped down the clothes pin. "Ouch." At the last moment I remembered to add. "Master." My cock began to soften before rising as the pain from the clothes pin pinching my ball sac, pain was turning into pleasure.

"Let my try another cloth pin." Private Nelson said taking a hold of my ball sack adding the second followed by a third. He soon had placed five clothes pins to my ball sack. My cock was rock hard the pain now feeling erotic with exquisite pain. He added the last cloth pin. "That does it. Your turn Walker."

"Okay." Private Walker said stepping in front of me, looking me in my eyes. His bright blue eyes seeming to see through me. He leaned over pinching my inside thigh, taking one of the clothes pin's and placing it where he pinched. "Ouch." I shouted. "Master." I added in the nick of time. My cock began to soften once more. He did the same below the first clothes pin, adding a third and fourth. He did the same with my other inside thigh. My cock was growing hard again, once more the pain made my cock throb and I felt pre-cum dripping from my cock head. The pain turning into pleasurable lust. What the hell was the matter with me?

"Okay guys that's enough of the pain shit, lets get off before the privates get back. I know I need some ass. I don't know about the rest of you. I have an idea how to work out who is next etc." I have a bunch of wooden sticks. I'll turn my back and break them off. The longest to the shortest. The longest first the shortest last. The odd numbers get to choose ass or mouth." Corporal Jones said turning his back for a few minutes, before turning around.

The first six sticks I am holding, are for Privates Davis, Taylor, Sander, Marshal, Benet and Clark, choose first, since Sargent Malta treated you guys rotten, since leaving the base. Go ahead Private Davis pick one. All the black privates chose sticks ending up Taylor had the longest, followed by Clark, Davis, Sanders, Marshal and last but not least Benet. Taylor chose ass so Clark had to take mouth, Davis chose my ass so Sanders had to choose my mouth, Marshal chose ass so Benet had to choose mouth. None of the second choice complained what they had to fuck.

"I'll go last Corporal Jones said. So pick Privates Nelson and Walker. Private Nelson won first and chose ass so Walker had to take mouth and he didn't complain. Corporal Jones going last chose my ass which made me happy. I'd sucked his nice big cock a few times and wanted him to fuck me for a change.

"I want him on his back on the desk with his legs pushed against his chest to fuck him." Private Taylor said walking around so I could see his hard muscular body, balls and cock for the first time. I'd seen his muscular chest before but not his legs, balls or cock. He was as hot as I had imagined. Perfect body head to toe, his balls are low hanging and cock rock hard.

"I see you staring at my ten inch thick cock fag. You'll soon have it rammed up your butt." Private Taylor smiled.

"I sure do." I answered the same time Corporal Jones untied my legs so I could back up to get on the desk.

Private Clark walked in front of me so I could see his nude muscular body and nice dick and balls. "I can see by the smile on your face that you appreciate my thick nine inch cock." Private Clark said. "Lean back so your head drops to the other side of the desk so you can suck and worship my body at the same time. Sorry you won't be able to worships Taylor while he fucks your hot ass."

I leaned back until my back was flat on the table and head leaning over the back of my desk. Private Clark took a hold of my head in his big hands at the same time I opened my mouth. I had to place my arms over my chest because I couldn't reach back. At least I could feast my eyes on Private Clark's hard chest and handsome face as he held my head. "That's the way open your mouth and let my thick ten inch cock in your mouth. I licked my lips before opening my mouth as Private Clark shoved his huge, mushroom shaped cock in my mouth. He shoved his hips forward with his cock entering my mouth and throat.

In front I felt my legs pushing back and bent them so they pressed against my flat muscular stomach. "This is what I've been waiting to fuck for a long time. Great white bubble butt. Up until now I thought it was only a dream. Now it's a dream come true." I felt Private Taylor's big cock head pressed against my sphincter muscle and he shoved hard with his nine thick inch cock entering my anus. His big cock felt like it belonged in my ass as more and more entered my hungry ass. Private Taylor's balls smacked my ass under his thick dick. "Are you enjoying my ten thick inch cock rammed up your hot ass, boy?" Private Taylor asked. Of coarse with Private Clark's nine inch dick in my mouth and down my throat I couldn't answer Private Taylor. I'm sure he wasn't really looking for an answer.

Private Clark's cock felt good deep down my throat. He was tugging it out of my throat slowly until only his big cock head was in my mouth. He looked in my eyes. "Your throat is nice and hot." Private Clark grunted, shoving his cock down my throat.

Work your cocks Private Taylor, Private Clark, fuck those hot holes." Corporal Jones stood beside Private Clark leaning down, as if looking at something. "Fuck his hot ass with that big cock. Wow that's wild Private Taylor. I can see your cock ballooning the fag's neck. Do the rest of you see it?" Corporal Jones asked.

"I sure do." Private Davis said, walking in front joining Corporal Jones, crouching down looking at my neck. "I bet you're enjoying his hot throat Clark. I know I did. One thing about the fag, he has one hot, tight, throat."

"You have that right." Private Nelson shouted, crouching down on the other side of Corporal Jones. "This is the best angle to see his ballooning neck. Fuck his throat."

"That's what I'm doing guys." Private Clark groaned beginning to fuck my throat faster and harder. Damn this is hot. I'm close to losing my load already."

"Don't let me stop you. I'm horny. I can see you eyeing my eight and half inch dick, while Clark fucks your throat. You sure are one hot slut. I never came across a girl willingly swallowing cock before, without throwing up. I had to give up on forcing whores to swallow my cock. You're swallowing Clark's cock and staring hungerly at my dick. What a fucking slut." Private Sanders grunted.

I wanted to agree with Private Sanders, but my mouth is full of cock it impossible to talk. I was satisfied to swallow Private Clark's nine inch cock.

"You're not the only one close." Private Taylor groaned. "I'm close."

"Fuck his ass good and hard, shoot your load Taylor and give me my chance to fuck the fag." Private Davis yelled. "Man I need to fuck his hot ass."

I moaned around Private Clark's thick nine inch cock trying to express for Private Taylor to fuck my ass even harder and reward me with his juicy load.

"I'm cumming." Private Clark groaned his cock thickening, vibrating in my throat before pulling out and filling my mouth with his delicious load. His cock erupted another couple of loads in the air, over my head, dripping off my hair and face. He backed away. "He's all yours Sanders. Enjoy yourself."

"Don't worry about that. I sure intend to. I'm so fucking horny." Private Sanders grunted moving in front of me the moment Private Clark let go of my head and stepped to one side. I was now in Sanders' capable hands opening my mouth wide.

Private Taylor rammed his cock deep in my ass, his cock growing thicker. "I'm cumming." He shouted feeling his load unleashed far up my ass. "Wow I needed that." Pulling his cock out of my ass spurting a couple of big loads across my chest and stomach. "It's up to you Davis to give the fag a good fuck."

"I've been eyeing his ass since I found out Malta was nothing but a fucked up fag." Private Davis grunted standing in front of me, holding my legs against my stomach the moment Private Taylor finished shooting his load and stepping to one side. "Get ready for my seven and a half inch thick cock Malta. I know you want it the way you stared at it. Don't worry my balls are packed full to shoot in your hot ass."

Once more my mouth was stuffed with cock so I couldn't answer. I was stuffed full of Sanders big delicious dick. At a time like this I wished that all these hot studs could read my mind. The only thing I wanted was to be stuffed full of their big cocks.

"Ram your cock in the fag's ass Davis. I can tell the homo really wants your cock by the way he's making my dick vibrate in his throat." Private Sanders Grunted. "Give the fag what he needs. Fuck him hard Davis."

"Don't worry." Davis really rammed his big cock in my hungry ass. "You need a good smack as well. Don't you?" Davis asked but I'm sure he wasn't really asking me, but stating a fact. He let go of my hips and slapped each of my ass cheeks. The hard slaps woke up the firing pain from the previous paddling.

Some how I managed not to bite Private Sanders cock down my throat. Private Sanders was holding my head yanking his cock out of my throat. He looked down at me smiling. "You like my big cock head in your mouth. I can tell by the look in your eyes or is the brightness because Davis is fucking your ass? What do you think Davis?" Private Sanders asked.

"I'd say both." Private Davis shoved his big cock up my ass before pulling it out. "I know he's got one fine tight ass." Private Davis answered, plowing his cock deep in my ass faster and harder. "I can tell you're enjoying his throat."

"You bet I am, he's the only one that's ever swallowed my entire eight inch thick cock. Take a look at all the last two black cocks ready to take your throat and ass. I see the way you're eyeing those big cocks. Tell the hungry fag the length of your black cocks Marshal and Benet. Fuck I'm close." Sanders groaned as he held my head and continued fucking my throat faster and harder.

"Mine is only ten and a half, but as big around as a pop can." Private Marshal said standing to the left of Private Sanders.

"Mine is just over twelve inches a little more than a foot." Private Benet said standing on the other side of Private Sanders. His big cock was drooling puddles of pre-cum, dripping from his large piss hole down his wash board stomach. "Hurry up and shoot your load Sanders. As you can see I need to fuck his throat in the worse way. I just hope he swallows my nine inch dick as well as he's taking your dick."

Sanders cock began to thicken in my throat with his big hard balls pushed up pressing against the base of his cock. "I'm cumming." He grunted his cock vibrating in my throat before he tugged keeping only his cock head in my mouth. My mouth was rewarded with load after load of his delicious cum. Private Sanders pulled out spurting more cum on my cum covered face. "What do you have to say Malta?"

"Thank you very much for shooting in my stomach, mouth and face Master Sanders." I said before licking my lips.

I felt Private Davis' cock thickening deep inside my ass. "I'm cumming." He shouted as cum blasted out his cock directly into my ass. He pulled out shooting nice big loads from head to crotch hair. "Well! What do you have to say fag?"

"Thank you so much for fucking me nice and hard with your big cock and shooting that nice load in my ass and all over the front of me." I said feeling a pool of cum on my chest and stomach. I couldn't see because my head was over the other end of my desk and my face was covered in fresh cum. "I need more though. Please Private, I mean Master Marshal shove that big ten inch cock in my ass. Please Master Benet I want that thicker than thick nine inch cock down my throat." I begged.

"Should we give the homo what he want's Benet?" Marshal asked.

"If you don't then I'll fuck his ass." Private Nelson shouted. "So hurry up and make up your mind Marshal."

"That goes for me as well." Private Walker yelled. "Hurry up and make up your mind Benet."

"Not a problem." Private Marshal said taking his drooling cock in his hand looking down in my face before walking in front of me. Instead of pushing my knees back Private Marshal took a hold of first one leg pulling it up and letting it drop over his muscular shoulder. He did the same with my other leg with his big cock pressing against my anus. "Go ahead Benet lets do this at the same time."

"Sounds good with me." Private Benet said stepping in front of me. I opened my mouth wide as he shoved his huge cock head into my mouth. At the same time Private Marshal's huge cock head breached my anus and entered my ass. Even though it felt massive pushing through my sphincter muscle, it felt like that's were his cock belonged. He slapped each of my ass cheeks nice and hard shoving even more of his cock inside me.

"Damn, this is one hot mouth." Private Benet said with his cock head filling my mouth. He grabbed the back of my head shoving his hips forward at the same time. His cock already pressing against my throat with only his cock head in my mouth. He shoved forward his cock entering my throat like it was meant to be. Soon his huge cock was deep down my throat his big balls smacking the bridge of my nose and eyes. All I could see was his massive low hanging balls and they looked good.

Private Marshal grunted ramming his entire cock in my hungry ass. I wished I could shout with lust for Private Marshal to fuck me and to keep smacking my burning sore ass. His ten inch pop can thick cock pulling out of my ass before plowing deep inside me with his balls slapping under me. My cock was rock hard, it had never gone soft since Private Taylor rammed his ten inch thick cock in my ass. At the same time Private Clark shoved his nine inch cock in my mouth and down my throat. My balls once more felt like they were ready to explode. "I know what you want. You don't have to say a word fag." Private Marshal grunted pulling his ten inch cock out of my ass plowing deep inside me.

"The way he's gobbling down my over nine inches, beer can thick cock, fucking up his fine ass isn't the only thing he needs Marshal." Private Benet groaned. "Fuck yes swallow my cock. Damn what a hot tight hole to fuck. Just like a hot, tight virgin, cunt, sucking my dick." Tugging his cock out of my throat before ramming deep in my throat over and over.

Private Marshal kept slapping my ass with his hands only using his hips and cock to pump his big cock in and out of my ass. He grunted, groaned and moaned things like. "Oh fuck yes, yes, fuck yes. Shit, man fuck, fuck yes." Continuously over and over as he picked up speed and roughly fucked my ass good hard and faster. "Yes, yes, fuck yes."

"Fuck yes." Private Benet grunted. "I can't believe the fag swallowed my entire cock.

I had Private Benet's cock down my throat. It was unbelievable especially to myself. Not that long ago if any one would tell me I'd be swallowing cock, I'd have punched them to a pulp. Now I was enjoying cock down my throat and rammed up my ass.

"I'm close already." Private Marshal pulled his cock out of my ass plowing back deep in my ass. "I'm cumming." He grunted the same time I felt my cock unleash a big stream of cum all over my stomach.

At the same time Private Benet's cock grew thicker in my throat, his balls rising resting on the bridge of my nose. "I'm cumming." He shouted his cock vibrating in my throat. He pulled his cock out of my throat and a nice big couple of loads filled my mouth.

"We fucked the cum out of Malta, Benet, look at his cock shooting that big load." Private Marshal shouted. His cock shooting another couple loads over my chest and stomach.

"We sure did Marshal. I had the best orgasm in years as well." Private Benet huffed and puffed sounding like he was out of breath. "I sure needed that, come and enjoy yourselves Nelson and Walker, we got the fag all primed up for the two of you."

Private Marshal's big load was still shooting across my stomach as he took my legs from his shoulders and put them on each side of his muscular body. He stood up. "His ass is all yours Nelson. Think you can handle it?" Private Marshall asked.

"No problem. I need that fine ass Marshal." Private Nelson grunted. I could feel his muscular body between my legs as he took a hold of my legs shoving them back.

My legs were once more pushed against my muscular stomach, my dripping ass hole ready and willing for his big cock. "Ram that big cock in my ass Private Nelson." I shouted now that my mouth was free of cock. But not for long as Private Walker soon took Private Benet's place his cock a little more than an inch from my mouth. I opened my mouth wide ready for his cock to slide in my mouth.

"The fucking fag looks like a starving baby bird ready to be fed a worm. My cock will fill that mouth homo, don't worry about that." Private Walker said shoving his big cock head in my mouth. It wasn't nearly as large as Private Benet's cock head. His cock head is at least the same size as my cock head and mine isn't small by a long shot.

"Get ready for another ride of your life fag." Private Nelson grunted with his big cock head entering my anus and in my hungry ass. "That's the way take it like a real trooper, homo." Shoving his entire cock in my ass until his big balls smacked under his shaft.

"That's the way swallow my cock, cock sucker." Private Walker said. "Enjoy my cock. I have a big load stored up since earlier today for you." Private Walker's big cock was soon lodged in my throat where it belonged. He tugged his cock out until his cock head was in my mouth.

"Fuck, yes, nice hot ass, yes, fuck yes." Private Nelson began fucking my ass faster and harder. "Damn, yes I like this hot ass. Take it fag, take my cock." He let go of my left hip smacking my ass cheek hard and woke up the sudden pain. "His ass still feels warm. We gave his ass a good paddling. Right Corporal?" Private Nelson asked.

"You certainly did men." Corporal Jones shouted standing beside Private Walker. "Now show the fag how good you are at fucking Privates, Walker and Nelson."

"Don't worry I will Corporal." I was covered in a layer of cum and sweat since now the last of the big, muscular black privates took turns fucking my ass and throat. "Man his throat is nice and tight, like fucking a virgin pussy." Private Walker groaned sounding like he was in lust.

I know I was in total lust getting banged down my throat and ass all at the same time. The only thing wrong I couldn't express myself how hot and lustful I felt with my mouth full of cock.

Both Privates Walker and Nelson are ramming their big cocks in and out my throat and ass at the same time. There was no doubt how horny they were as they continued fucking me faster and harder. Neither of them said anything only moaning and groaning. The faster and harder they fucked the louder were their moans and groans.

I first felt Private Walker's cock growing bigger in my throat the last time he rammed his cock down my throat. "I'm cumming." The same time he pulled his cock out of my throat filling my mouth with a couple of big loads of hot cum. He pulled his cock out of my mouth spurting cum all over my sweat and cum covered face. "That was one great fuck, but next time I want your ass." Private Walker said but I couldn't see his face because my eyes were filled with yet another big load of cum.

Private Nelson shoved his cock deep in my ass. "I'm cumming." He grunted pumping out load after load filling my already over filled ass. He pulled his cock out spurting load after load covering my already sweaty and cum dripping chest and stomach. "He's all yours Corporal Jones, enjoy that hot ass."

"That's what I have in mind Nelson." Corporal Jones said. "Pull him forward. I want to see his face while I fuck him Privates Nelson and Walker. Take a hold of each of his legs and pull. One of you other privates wipe his sweaty and cum covered face so he can see me."

"Sure thing Corporal Jones." Privates Walker and Nelson said at the same time. I felt hands around my ankles as I was pulled forward. Then someone was cleaning my face so I could finally see what was going on.

I lifted myself until I was leaning back on each of my elbows looking straight ahead at Corporal Jones starring directly at me and smiling. I didn't want to take my eyes off his hot, muscular body and thick long cock pressed against his wash board stomach. He took his cock in hand with pre-cum drooling all over his hand. "I bet you'd love this in your hot ass, wouldn't you?" He asked, but I knew he wasn't really asking but telling me that he knew what I wanted.

"Yes, you bet I want you to ram that beautiful cock in my hungry ass." I said trying to thrust my ass forward closer to his big cock. "Fuck me good and hard please Master Jones."

"That will be my pleasure Sargent fuck up. Fucking piece of homo shit." Corporal Jones shouted gritting his teeth. "Yes a real pleasure." He took a hold of my legs shoving them back until my knees bent pushed against my stomach. "Take a good look at this big cock that's about to fuck your hot ass."

I looked at his big cock as he pushed it closer to my ass. Then it disappeared the same time I felt his cock head breaching my sphincter muscle. "OH yes that feels good. Don't stop, fuck me, fuck me good and hard Master Jones." Remembering in the nick of time to call him my master. I grunted wanting Corporal Jones to throw a good hard fuck in my ass. At least with no cock in my mouth I could express what I wanted and needed.

My tent filled with shouting, yelling, clapping and whistling. "Fuck him, Fuck him."

"Fucking right I will." Corporal Jones yelled ramming his entire cock deep in my ass. "Man this ass is loaded with cum. It feels great around my cock." He tugged his big cock out of my ass until only his huge cock head remained inside me.

"Yes, oh yes, that feels great Master Jones." I grunted looking at his sweat coated face as he began fucking my ass faster and harder. "Fuck me, fuck me hard."

"Damn right I will." Corporal Jones gritted his teeth starring down at me. "Hot fag ass should have been fucked a long time ago." He continued fucking my ass faster and faster leaning over my legs pressed against my stomach. "Hot yes fucking this ass."

"Fuck him Sargent. Show the fag what a hot fuck you give him." Private Walker yelled.

"Yes fuck me." I grunted. "Fuck me good and hard Master Jones. I'm all your sex pig from now on."

"That's the truth." Someone shouted but I was too into Corporal Jones fucking me to know who had shouted. I didn't really care either.

"This ass is too fucking good. I'm ready to shoot already." Corporal Jones' cock grew thicker the last time he rammed his cock deep in my ass. "I'm cumming." He grunted, his cock gushing out load after load of cum while he didn't move. Finally he pulled his cock out of my ass looking down at me smiling. "Now that was one great fuck. Wish we had more time to take you on for seconds but the other five privates will be on their way back soon. Help me take the fag to the latrine so we can get him cleaned up." (Latrine is a ditch soldiers piss in outside)

"Sure thing Sargent. We all can help, I'm covered in sweat from fucking you. So are the others." Corporal Jones said. "Once we step out of your tent we are all your army men. Only in your tent for now are we your Masters. Lets go Sargent."

"Anything you say Master Jones." I said still in my tent. I grabbed my towel tying it around my waist, Corporal Jones walked up and untied the rope from my dog collar. "Bring your combat shirt and pants, just in case the other five privates are back while you're in the shower. I'm sure you don't want them seeing the dog collar around your neck."

Corporal Jones opened my tent flap allowing me to step out. As soon as I stepped out Corporal Jones, followed by Privates Davis, Taylor, Marshal, Benet, Clark, Sanders, Nelson and Walker. They were all wearing towels from the gym back. Corporal Jones had brought the towels with him to my tent. All the men helped scrub each other and myself especially cleaning out my ass with their fingers. Once I was clean dried and dressed in my combats, we headed back to my tent. As soon as we were out side my tent the privates said so long heading to their own tents. The only one to follow in my tent was Corporal Jones. We went in my tent together. "I'll take my gym bag with me to my tent but be prepared for more punishment tomorrow evening. What I have planned for tomorrow will be like a walk in the park. Do you understand. If you do just say yes."

"Yes Master Jones." I answered remembering I was in my tent.

"Fine see you tomorrow morning. Don't forget I'm coming with you tomorrow when you go to town when you get back to camp. Don't try sneaking off without me. When you get back from town I'll see you in the mess tent.

I'll give you further orders when you get to your tent after dinner. Oh yes, I'll be in first thing in the morning. Don't you dare leave this tent until I arrive." Corporal Jones ordered.

"I'll wait for you Master Jones." I answered the same time Corporal Jones headed for the tent door, pulled up the tent flap and headed out without saying anything.

What does Sargent Malta's Master Dan have planned behind the high school gym? What will he think when he see's Corporal Jones.

What does Masters Jones, Davis, Sanders, Marshal, Benet, Clark, Taylor, Nelson and Walker have planned for Sargent Malta the following evening? Will it involve the rest of Privates Henderson, Smith, Anderson and Philips?

Watch for Chapter 6. I appreciate all the suggestions and have plans to use them in further chapters but one step at a time. First the rest of the two week, military maneuvers and then?

Next: Chapter 6

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