Taking Down Sargent Malta

By Barry Edmund

Published on Nov 2, 2016


Taking Down Sargent Malta Chapter 4.

I am not a racist so please excuse the names I refer to different races. I hope everyone will comprehend the reason I have used names referring to different races and you will see it all works against Sargent Malta by the end of Chapter 1. As always suggestions for further chapters are appreciated. barry97_97@yahoo.com

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NOW: Taking Down Sargent Malta Chapter 4.

I woke up feeling like a different man than I felt when first arriving at the camp. I had to put my head around I had sucked three of my men's cocks last night. I had also cleaned out my ass, ordered by my Master Dan. Was I crazy accepting a kid the same age as my middle son as my Master. The confession I thought I'd signed turned out to be an agreement to be owned by Dan and to be his sex slave. Not only his sex slave, the way Master Dan had put it I was his worthless sex pig. How could I agree to signing and allowing Master Dan to own me. There I was calling Dan my Master and he wasn't even with me. Then there was Private Nelson, Private Walker and Corporal Jones. How was I going to give them orders after sucking their cocks. Actually not sucking their cocks but them fucking my throat with their big cocks. Delicious thick big cocks. What in the hell am I thing admiring their cocks. Shit I'm loosing it." I told myself wrapping my towel around my waist and grabbing the enema kit without even thinking and heading for the showers.

Thank goodness no one was up as early as me so I could clean my ass out in private before showering. I managed to clean my ass out until clear water was all that gushed out of my ass. I washed my body and headed back to my tent to get dressed. I felt a lot better in my military boots and combats, more manly as I left my tent heading for the mess tent. "Good morning men." I greeted walking in the mess tent.

The men greeted me with good morning Sargent Malta. I looked around at the men before sitting at the head of the table. Private Nelson, Private Walker and Corporal Jones looked at me without saying anything. I swore I saw all three looking at me with no respect before going back to eating their breakfast.

Private Nelson stood up making his way toward me and the back door of the mess tent. He stopped beside me leaning over. "Where the fuck were you early this morning. I wanted to get my dick sucked before starting the day and you weren't in your tent. Smarten up from now on or I'll just have to spread it all over camp that your a fucking cock sucking fag. You got that Malta." He whispered. "Just for that at break make sure you find a secluded place to blow me. I really need to shoot a load." To my surprise he grabbed his crotch emphasizing how horny he was. Then he walked out the tent not waiting for me to answer him.

Next Private Walker walked toward me and the entrance of the mess tent. He stopped beside me leaning over. "Fucker. Where the hell were you early this morning. I needed to get off in the worse way. You're to head for some secluded place on our first break and blow me." He whispered in my ear.

I didn't know what to say as he didn't move or head out of the tent. "Did you hear me fucker. You don't fucking blow me I start spreading it around the camp what a useless piece of crap you really are. Well not completely useless you give great blow jobs." He whispered before laughing.

"Okay but Private Nelson wants me to blow him as well so I hope you shoot your load fast." I reached up with my head to whisper in Private Walker's ear.

He stood up walking behind me and exited the mess tent. I finished my breakfast not having much of an appetite and I was about to get up to leave when Corporal Jones approached. I had a good idea he was going to whisper something to me so I didn't move as he approached me.

He leaned over once he was standing beside me. "From now on you stay in your tent until I come by for my morning blow job Malta." Corporal Jones whispered. "Just for that meet up with me at our first break and I'll find a secluded place for you to blow me."

"I guess it's going to have to be an extra long break, Privates Nelson and Walker have ordered blow jobs as well Corporal Jones." I whispered.

"I could give a shit about them. I'm next in rank so you take care of me first. You hear me cock sucker, if not I'll spread it around the entire camp that what a great cock sucker you are. Or maybe that's what you want, the entire troop to suck off?" Corporal Jones said before laughing and heading out of the tent.

I was aware the other privates were all looking at me as if trying to figure out the big secret Privates Walker, Nelson and the Corporal had all whispered to me.

"Get a move on it men, I want you all lined up ready for today's hike. Remember full gear." Don't sit around looking at me." I did myself to order but I knew I must have sounded lame. I got up heading outside waiting for my men to come out and line up behind Corporal Jones and myself. I didn't have long to wait Privates Gleason, Hendrix, Anderson, Smith, Nelson, Philips and Davidson behind Corporal Jones, the hot muscular studs, Privates Taylor, Davis, Sanders, Marshal, Benet, Clark and Walker behind me, in that order. I had all the black men follow behind me yesterday wanting to work them extra hard. I had to admit the black muscular men were the hottest of all my men. For a second I wondered if it was true that they had the bigger cocks. I shook my head wondering, what the hell am I thinking of crap like that and why hadn't I referred to the black men as niggers. "Gleason, Hendrix, Anderson, Smith, Nelson, Philips and Davidson behind Corporal Jones."

I looked at the hot black studs facing me. I wished I could see what the hot studs looked like nude. I felt cheated because of the bulky combat pants I didn't even get to see their cock bulges. Fuck why am I thinking about the black men's cocks and yes those big cum filled balls. I'll bet those balls must be packed full after close to three days of not pumping out their loads. Shit there I go again. "All right men lets move out." I turned around and started marching forward. We had been hiking a good couple of hours. "Its a good time for our first break men. Right Sargent Malta?" Corporal Jones asked but I knew it was an order not a question. "I know I really need this."

The privates went to different trees and bushes close by obviously finding places to empty their bladders. "This way." Corporal Jones came behind me and whispered. He walked ahead of me to the place I had pissed the day before. I looked around making sure none of the privates saw me following Corporal Jones. He already had his dick out pissing when I arrived. "Go ahead and piss then get down on your knees to blow me." He said continuing to piss.

I couldn't take my eyes off of Corporal Jones half erect cock with his piss flowing out. Even while pissing his cock still looked great. I pulled my cock out and started to take my needed piss. No sooner than I started pissing when Privates Walker and Nelson walked up behind me. "Hurry the fuck up pissing cock sucker we don't have much time and I see Corporal Jones had the same idea as we did." Private Nelson said pulling his combat pants down pulling out his half erect cock and he began pissing.

"Yeah get busy pissing and quit staring at our cocks unless you'd like to get down and drink our piss that is." Private Walker laughed continuing to piss.

I had just finished pissing when I felt a hand on the back of my neck. "Don't fucking stand there, get down and suck my dick." Corporal Jones ordered shoving me to my knees in front of his thick hard cock. I took hold of his beautiful cock leaned over and licked his low hanging balls. "No time for that cock sucker, get on my dick." Grabbing his cock and smacking my cheek with it. "Open up fucker and get to sucking."

I opened my mouth wide taking a hold of his thick cock taking his large cock head in my mouth. He grabbed my head between his hands. I didn't even have a chance to taste his cock when he pushed his muscular hips forward causing his big cock to shove into my throat. He didn't stop shoving his cock in my mouth until his big balls smacked my chin. "That's what I want." Pulling his cock out of my mouth before ramming it down my throat.

"That's the way Corporal Jones fuck the fags throat good and hard. That's all the worthless Sargent is good for now." Private Walker said standing beside Corporal Jones with his combat pants down to his knees and his big thick cock pressed against his combat shirt.

Corporal Jones was still ramming his big cock down my throat when I felt a big cock smacking my left cheek. I managed to look to my right and saw Private Nelson staring down at me with his big beautiful thick cock in his fist. "Don't worry fag, you'll soon get to swallow my cock. I see the way you're eyeing my cock. I just wish we had time to strip down and do this properly. I like the way you worship my muscular body Malta while I fuck your throat."

"Get ready Malta I'm getting close." Corporal Jones groaned fucking my throat a half dozen more times before ramming it down my throat. I felt his cock growing thicker with his balls pulling up at the same time. "I'm cumming." I felt his cock vibrating in my throat before pulling it out and filling my mouth with his delicious load. He pulled out shooting another three big loads across my face. "He's all yours Privates. I'll go back and keep the other privates occupied while you fuck Malta's hot throat."

"I'm next." Private Walker shouted not giving Private Nelson time to say anything.

"Not so loud." I said. "I don't want the others to come over wondering why the three of us are together."

"Fine. Take your turn first." Private Nelson said lowering his voice. "But next time I claim his throat first."

I held my mouth wide open in front of Private Walker as he took his cock in his hand shoving his big cock head in my mouth. "Shit this is nice." He grunted before taking a hold of my head shoving his hips forward causing his big thick cock to ram down my throat. "That's the way swallow my cock fag." Tugging his cock out of my throat before ramming it back down my throat. "Work that cock." He kept fucking his big cock in and out of my throat faster and harder. "Damn I'm close."

I felt drool leaking out the corners of my mouth as Private Walker continued fucking his big thick cock in and out of my throat faster and deeper. He rammed his cock down my throat one last time with his cock growing bigger, his balls pulled up and I knew he was ready to shoot his load. "I'm cumming." He grunted with his cock vibrating in my throat. He dumped a big mouth full pulling his cock out of my throat and another four loads completely covered my face. "You're up next Nelson." I'm heading up and joining the others. "See you up their Nelson, you as well fag." He pulled his combat pants up tucking away his lovely cock and balls out of site. He turned around heading toward the other privates and Corporal Jones. I was grateful Corporal Jones was making sure none of the privates came walking to see what I was doing.

Private Nelson stood in front of me with his combat pants down at his ankles. He held his thick long cock in his hand pressing the large cock head on my lips. "Open up fag and hurry the fuck up." Private Nelson ordered looking down at me with a scowl on his face. "We haven't got all day." He grunted sounding angry.

I looked up opening my mouth good and wide at the same time I was wrapping my arms around Private Nelson holding his muscular ass cheeks in my hands. His cock head entered my mouth. He had just shoved his hips forward and I was swallowing his cock when I heard something behind me. "Holy shit." I heard Private Davis shout behind me, one of the black privates.

I felt myself freeze at the same time Private Nelson was gripping my head and he pulled his cock out of my throat, with just his cock head remaining in my mouth. "Hi Davis. You got to get in on this. The fags got a hot mouth." Private Nelson said as if Private Davis standing behind me didn't faze him in the least, but then he wasn't the one on his knees with a mouth full of cock.

"Damn how longs he been sucking cock?" Private Davis said sounding surprised. "You're right I got to get in on this. I've got a week of ball juice packed in my balls."

"Only found out a couple of days ago but the fag's only blown me once not counting this time." Private Nelson grunted continuing to hold my head and fuck my throat. "Fuck I'm close already. Come around and stand beside me and pull out your dick. I'll bet Malta has been hoping to see a black dick. I've seen the way he's been looking at the six of you the last couple of days. You've got to tell the rest of the black privates you hang with. I bet they would love blow jobs." Private Nelson didn't stop pounding his cock down my throat and out, fucking even faster and harder. "Shit I'm ready to blow my load."

Private Davis had walked around and standing beside Private Nelson. He looked down at me and had this evil look in his eyes to my surprise undoing his combat shirt and taking it off. His muscular chest and stomach coming into view. He flexed his arm forcing his bicep to pump out. "I thought it was strange the way you insisted we take off our shirts yesterday. Now I know why, you've been lusting our hard muscular black bodies. Haven't you Malta?" Private Davis smiled continuing to flex his biceps. "Just wait to you see my muscle in my combat pants." He sneered.

Private Nelson had continued ramming his cock in and out of my throat. He rammed it deep inside my throat feeling it growing thicker and longer knowing any second he was going to shoot a nice big load. His cock began vibrating in my throat. "I'm cumming big time." He grunted pulling his cock out shooting a nice big mouthful of cum. He pulled his cock out of my mouth shooting at least four loads all over my cum covered face. "He's all yours Davis. Do you mind if I stick around and watch you fuck his throat?"

"Sure stick around Nelson." Davis said unbuttoning his pants pulling down the zipper. He shoved his combat pants to his knees.

"Shit is that all you?" Private Nelson whistled as Davis' bulging jock strap thrust from in front of him, his huge cock head poking out the top. "Damn that's big. Make him choke on it Davis."

"You bet I will. I intend to shove my ten and a quarter inch thick cock all the way down Malta's throat." Davis said pulling his jock strap down with his entire big thick cock pressed against his wash board stomach drooling more pre-cum than I'd ever seen before. Private Nelson stepped to one side allowing Davis to take his place, but Davis surprised me walking behind me. I wondered why Davis went behind me instead of standing in front. I hope he didn't intend to fuck me. I wasn't ready for his ten and a quarter inch cock to take my virginity. "Shove your combat pants down to your knees boy." Davis ordered raising his voice.

I pushed my combat pants to my knees. "Please don't fuck me with that huge cock Davis." I whimpered.

"Bend the fuck over Malta and touch your toes. I have no intention of fucking you." Davis smacked my ass cheeks good and hard. "You need some punishment the way you've been treating me and my bros since leaving base." Davis said smacking first one ass cheek then the other over and over. My ass cheeks were soon as burning hot just as much as when Master Dan had spanked them with his paddle. "Let this be a lesson to you Malta how to treat us from now on. Believe me it's not going to be the last punishment you'll be getting from me and my bros."

"Wow look at how red Malta's ass cheeks are. You really smacked them good and hard Davis." Private Nelson said standing on my other side. "We've got to hurry so get busy and fuck the fag's mouth and throat."

"You're right Nelson, take off your combat shirt and hand it to me." Davis said walking around standing in front of me.

I didn't question Davis the reason he wanted me to take off my combat shirt, unbuttoning, taking it off and then handing it to Davis.

"Drop it on the ground. Now get on my cock, cock sucker."

I opened my mouth wide wrapping my lips around his huge cock head. It was the hugest cock head I'd ever seen. I wondered if I'd be able to swallow Davis' thick ten and a quarter inch cock, but I'd soon find out. He took a hold of my head between his hands and using his muscular hips shoved his cock some how with it entering my throat. I looked up doing my best to maneuver my head so my mouth aligned with my neck. Still gripping my head Davis rammed even more of his thick long cock in my mouth, his big low hanging balls now smacking my bottom lip. "I'm fucking horny so this won't take long." Pulling his cock out of my throat until just his huge cock head remained in my mouth. It wasn't long before Davis was fucking my throat thrusting his cock way deep down my throat and then finally out to my mouth, over and over. "Fuck yes this is hot. I really need this. My five other bros are really going to enjoy your hot throat this evening after dinner."

"You're going to have a busy night Malta blowing, me, Walker, Corporal Jones as well as Privates Taylor, Sanders, Marshal, Benet and Clark." Private Nelson said looking at me as Davis continued fucked my throat harder and faster.

"OH! but sucking cock is not the only thing you will have to look forward this evening Malta." Davis spat in my face. "I'm going to make sure me and my five bros have revenge the way you have been treating black men." While continuing to ram his cock in and out my throat. "Fuck I'm getting close."

"Give it to him Davis." Private Nelson stood back and laughed.

Davis shoved his ten and a quarter inch thick cock down my throat. His cock grew even thicker if that was possible and his huge balls rose up. "I'm cumming." He moaned feeling his cock vibrating in my throat. He pulled his cock out filling my mouth to over flowing, cum shooting out my nose before pulling it out of my mouth. Cum spurted all over my cum covered face. I reached up with my arm wiping my face so I could finally see. "I should make you head up to join the others with our loads all over your face." Davis said. "But I'll let you off easy this time. Here wipe your face." He handed me my combat shirt. "Here wipe your fucking face with this."

Now I realized why he had ordered me to take my combat shirt. I opened my combat pants wiping my face on the bottom of my combat shirt where I hoped no one would see. "Put it on now." Davis said.

"You sure know how to put Malta through the ringer Davis." Private Nelson said with a smirk. "Hurry up and lets get back. The guys are going to wonder what's taking so long. I gather you're not going to say anything to your fellow bros until we get back to camp."

"That's right Nelson." Davis said pulling up his jock strap, combat pants and putting on his combat shirt doing the buttons up.

I was fully dressed by the time Davis was fully dressed. "Lets get going guys." Davis said leading the way to where the others were standing around.

As soon as Privates Davis and Nelson and I joined the others Private Walker walked over to us. "So what were you guys doing down behind the tree so long?" He asked winking when no one was looking.

"Just getting Sargent Malta to swallow some HARD questions about what to expect the rest of the week and next week. I know he sure doesn't have trouble swallowing HUGE LOADS of what is expected the rest of the time we are here." Private Nelson said. "Isn't that right Sargent Malta."

"OH yes, you're right Private Nelson." I answered knowing full well what he was getting at.

"Speak up Sargent, I can't hear you. I know I may not be HARD of hearing but my bros will definitely be good and HARD and THROBBING after dinner." Private Davis said smiling looking from Privates Taylor, Sanders, Marshal, Benet and Clark. "You think I'm huge wait until after dinner."

"What are you getting at Davis?" Private Taylor asked. "Do you, Private Nelson and Sargent Malta have something planned for this evening?"

"Enough yacking men, we still have another hour of hiking before we head back to camp." I tried to order clearing my voice first. "Line up properly behind Corporal Jones and myself."

Privates Davis, Taylor, Sanders, Marshal, Benet and Clark lined up behind me. Private Davis facing directly behind me. "What's that thick white stuff seeping through the bottom of your combat shirt Sargent Malta? It looks as if you might have gotten something all over your face. You should have cleaned your head as well. It's all over your hair." Private Davis said looking around as if making sure no one was looking at him. He grabbed the front of his combat pants. "I bet it was HARD to clean your face. It's a shame you forgot to get it out of your hair."

I looked behind Private Davis on behind Corporal Jones, the hot muscular studs, Privates Taylor, Sanders, Marshal, Benet, Clark and Walker looking around Private Davis at the blotch of thick cum seeping through my combat shirt. I reached up placing my hand on my head feeling how sticky and gooey my hair felt.

"Fuck yea Sargent Malts it looks like some one shot big loads all over your hair." Private Nelson said.

"What ever it is I'm sure I've seen that stuff somewhere before." Private Walker shouted. "I'm not sure but I'm sure it will CUM to me when I give it more thought."

"That's quite enough Privates Nelson, Walker and Davis. Move out." I shouted turning around walking forward hoping to put an end to the conversation about my gooey hair and combat shirt.

Corporal Jones walked along side me leaning his head toward me and whispered. "You're turning into a real slut Malta. You're going to be with busy boys tonight. I know Private Davis isn't going to keep it to himself you sucked his cock along with Walkers and Nelsons. You're making a real fool of yourself sucking cock after cock not far from the troop. The least you could have done was clean yourself up slut."

"You promised to keep it to yourself Jones." I whispered. "Stop talking about it."

Instead of answering me Corporal Jones pulled away from me continuing to hike forward. No one said anything as we hiked for another hour and a half. "All right men, lunch break before we head back." I shouted stopping and turning around. "Piss break."

I didn't move as the men went in different directions finding their own private places to piss. When they returned. I shouted. "Get your lunches picked up and dig in to the food. I'll be right back. Every one of you are to help organize lunch."

I walked away to a close by tree, pulling out my dick and taking a needed piss. I was thankful no one followed me. When I got back lunch was spread out as the privates and Corporal Jones were eating. All right men, clean up and lets head back." I ordered. Half way back I had the men take one last piss break. I waited while they finished pissing before heading to a close by tree and pissing myself. As soon as we got back to camp I gave the privates and Corporal free time and to begin supper without me. I was about to head to my tent to clean up before going to meet up with Master Dan by the high school. "Sargent Malta could you come here for a few minutes." Private Davis said sitting on the ground bare chested along with Corporal Jones, the hot muscular studs, Privates Taylor, Sanders, Marshal, Benet and Clark.

"What do you want Private Davis?" I asked unable to take my eyes off of his and the other muscular black young privates. "I have something to do in town."

"I just bet you have something to do in town. Would it have anything to do with sucking cock, cock sucker. Yes I told my bros you're a fucking cock sucking fag. They didn't believe me. Tell them what that stuff in your hair and seeping through your combat shirt is. It's Corporal Jones, Private Walker, Nelson and my loads." Private Davis shouted. Thank goodness we were away from the other privates so hopefully they wouldn't hear Private Davis. Not that it really mattered any more, now that over half the troop knew I was a cock sucking fag.

I stared at Private Davis before looking at his five other black bros sitting on each side of him. "Is it true Sargent Malta or is Davis a fucking liar?" Private Taylor asked.

I looked from Corporal Jones, the hot muscular studs, Privates Taylor, Davis, Sanders, Marshal, Benet and Clark. I tried not to lust over their hot muscular bodies as I looked at them. "Yes, I did." I gulped in fear what they would say but lust crept into my mind as well. "I'll explain later, I really have to get going guys." I looked at my watch, seeing I had over a half hour to get behind the high school gym and take my boots and combat clothes off when my Master Dan will meet up with me.

Private Sanders jumped to his feet walking in front of me slapping my face hard. "Who the fuck do you think you are. You've been treating us six black guys like shit when you're a fucking fag." His face was bright red a look of hate and anger flashed across his face.

"Fucking right." Private Benet, then Clark shouted jumping to their feet.

Privates Taylor, Marshal were standing around me. "What should we do to the fucking cunt Davis?" Private Taylor asked.

"I say we beat him to a pulp. That's what I say." Private Marshal shouted.

"Settle down guys. You're getting out of hand and beating Malta up will only earn us dishonorable discharges. "Let him go and take care of what ever in town and we talk about what to do about him. Myself I'd like to make him our personal sex pig." Private Davis said. "Hold up your hands if we take this up in Malta's tent later tonight."

"Alright Davis but I want my dick sucked tonight. I'm fucking hornier than fuck." Private Clark said. "Go get lost Malta, but be in your tent after supper." Raising his hand high in the air.

"Fine but he better be a fucking good cock sucker." Private Marshal said raising his hand followed by Privates Benet, Sanders, Davis and Taylor. "Get going Malta."

I let out my breath I hadn't realized that I had been holding in. "Thank you men." I said walking away making my way to the high school to meet up with my Master Dan.

I looked around once I was behind the high school gym. I sat down on the close by bench taking off my combat shirts, boots and socks. I stood up undoing my combat pants pushing them to my knees followed by my jock strap. My hard cock pushed out drooling pre-cum excited for Master Dan to take my cherry ass. I knew cleaning my ass out last night and early this morning per his orders must have been to prepare my ass for him to fuck me.

I only had to wait a few minutes when my Master Dan walked around the school gym followed by a hot muscular man looking to be in his late thirties. Following behind Master Dan's dad was another muscular man a little older than Dan that had to be his brother Jeff. It had slipped my mind completely my Master telling me his dad and brother would be joining us today.

"I'm glad to see you have your new boy trained enough to meet up with you nude Son." The good looking six-four muscular man looked to be in his late thirties. "But why isn't it on his knees and greeting you properly Dan?" Dan's dad asked.

"You're right Dad. On your knees boner boy. That's what I've been calling the fag until I come up with his permanent name. Greet my dad and brother Jeff respectfully boner boy." My Master Dan instructed. "My dad's name is Mark and of course my brother's name is Jeff. Masters Mark and Jeff to you boner boy."

I went to my knees with My Master standing in front of me, his six-four dad standing to his left only wearing a tight sleeveless white T-shirt, gym shorts, runners and white socks. What he was wearing revealed his muscular, black curly haired chest pushing above his T-shirt and hairy tanned legs. He flexed his muscular biceps looking me up and down. His brother Jeff as tall as his dad, only wearing a sleeveless white T-shirt and gym shorts a duplicate of his dad's hot hairy muscular body. "Glad to meet you Master Mark and Master Jeff." I said not looking from my Master Dan's hot muscular dad and brother.

"I need to take a piss. How about you Dad?" Jeff tugged his T-shirt up pulling it over his head and tossing it on the close by bench, revealing his tanned, black hairy, muscular chest. He looked down at me shoving his gym shorts down to his knees, revealing his bulging white jock strap. "My brother has trained you how to pull a real man's jock strap down. Hasn't he?" Jeff asked pushing his hips forward with his bulging jack strap now pushed into my face.

"Yes he has Master Jeff." I answered before reaching up with my head opening my mouth taking a hold of the top of his jock strap and tugging it down to his knees. His soft cock and balls pushed out below his black hairy crotch hair. Even soft his cock was huge and uncut. Without Jeff saying anything I took his foreskin covered cock head into my mouth waiting for him to begin pissing. I didn't have long to wait with my mouth filling to over flowing with Jeff's salty piss. I swallowed over and over making sure to keep my mouth sealed around his cock the way my Master Dan had taught me. I also made sure to look up into Jeff's dark brown eyes showing him the respect he deserved. As soon as he stopped pissing and pulled his cock out of my mouth I stuck my tongue out catching the last few drops of urine. "Good boner boy." Master Jeff lightly tapped the top of my head. "Crawl over to dad now."

I turned around crawling toward my new Master Mark. He had already taken off his T-shirt and shoved his gym shorts to his ankles as I crawled on my hands and knees looking up at my Master Dan's dad. He was staring down at me with his stern brown eyes. I opened my mouth without Master Mark's instructions taking a hold of the front of his bulging jock strap with my teeth and tugging it down to his ankles. I reached up opening my mouth taking his big, soft foreskin covered cock head above his low hanging hairy balls. I admired his black curly crotch hair above his large soft cock the same time he started pissing in my mouth with his hand lightly on my dark hair. My mouth filled to over flowing with his piss that tasted different than my new Master Jeff's piss. I gulped down mouthful after mouthful of his piss until it slowed down and finally stopping. I made sure to catch the last few drops of urine before sitting back on my legs. "Thank you for allowing me to drink your piss Master Mark." I said showing my new Master Mark the respect he deserved.

Master Dan, now bare chested was on the close by bench taking off his runners and socks. He stood up bending over, shoving his gym shorts to his ankles before leaning on my shoulders. I removed his shorts from his feet one at a time. I opened my mouth reaching up tugging his bulging jock strap down to his ankles before pulling them off each of his large bare feet. I didn't hesitate taking his soft, uncut cock above his hairy low hanging balls below his black hairy curly crotch hair and took his cock in my mouth. I swallowed his piss, different tasting from his dad and brother in my mouth. I swallowed mouthful after mouthful until his piss slowed and stopped. I made sure to catch the remaining drops dripping from his foreskin before pulling my head back. "Thank you Master Dan for the privilege of draining your bladder." I said showing Master Dan proper respect waiting further orders.

"Since you obeyed orders and waiting for my dad, brother and I in the nude you don't need punishment today. How are things going back at camp? Have you sucked any of your men off yet? I'm sure you haven't been able to resist sucking at least one of your men. But how many of your men have to blown today?" Jeff asked, surprising me he'd guessed that I'd suck any of my men.

I cleared my voice feeling slightly embarrassed answered. "Yes, I have Master Dan, four of my men so far, Corporal Jones and Privates Walker, Nelson and Davis."

"Any of your black men yet?" Master Dan asked a smile spreading across his face. He knew how I had treated my black men with contempt the first day he followed me back to camp.

I gulped. "Yes Master Dan, Private Davis is black and he told me he is going to tell his other five bros I'm a cock sucker while I'm gone."

"I do hope you showed them respect calling them Sir or Master before blowing them." Master Jeff said standing beside Master Dan.

"I never thought about calling any of them Sir or Master, Master Jeff." I answered sitting down on the close by bench taking off his shorts, jock strap, runners and socks.

"Are you going to allow boner boy to get away with not showing his Corporal and Privates the respect they deserve sucking their cocks Dan?" Master Dan's dad asked sitting beside Jeff taking off his shorts, jock strap runners and socks standing up the same time as Jeff.

"You're right Jeff. Boner Boy you deserve punishment for not showing your Corporal and Privates, especially the black private the respect they deserve allowing the privilege of sucking their cocks.

At least you've been honest so I'll take that under consideration when punishing you boner boy." Master Dan said sitting down on the close by bench. "Take the proper position over my lap boner boy." Master Dan picked up the paddle from his close by gym bag when I leaned over his muscular legs prepared to be punished. It had never entered my head that I'd have to show my men respect after they fucked my mouth and throat. "Count out ten for each ass cheek. If you had lied it would have been twenty each ass cheek and believe me I would have known if you had lied." Taping the paddle on both my ass cheeks. "Start counting loud enough so dad and Jeff can hear you boner boy."

Each time the paddle smacked first my left ass cheek followed by my right ass cheek ten times each counted out. "One, one, two, two finally reaching ten, ten."

"It's time to take your anal cherry boner boy, I promised yesterday. What position would you like when I throw that hot bubble butt it's first fuck boner boy?" Master Dan asked standing up after I had moved from his muscular legs. "On your hands and knees like a bitch dog or your back so you get to look at my face while I take your cherry? It's your choice. "Dad then Jeff will fuck you the way they want after I take your cherry."

I closed my eyes trying to make up my mind the way my Master Dan would take my cherry. Thankfully I had cleaned out my ass last night and early this morning so it would be cleaned out. "If you don't mind Master Dan can I be on my back so I can see the expression on your face when you fuck me for the first time?" I asked.

"Yes of course, I did offer you your choice. Come with me, the gym isn't going to be in use today so I can fuck you over one of tables in the gym." Master Dan said. "Lets go dad, Jeff and take this inside." He walked toward the gym entrance followed by his dad, Jeff and me following directly behind my Master Dan. "I had the feeling you would want me to take your cherry ass looking in my face so I got a couple of my boys to set up the table that I've used in taking most of the former bullies cherries.

It was a regular sized gym with bleachers along one side but there was a large table in front of the bleachers. "Don't just stand there boner boy, get yourself on the table and position your ass so it hangs over the edge of the table." Master Dan said slapping my painful ass cheek. "Get ready for my eight inch cock boner boy."

I got on the table making sure to push myself forward on my back so my ass was hanging over the edge, pulling my legs up pressing them against my stomach. I looked between my spread legs at Master Dan standing between my legs. He had a sly, aggressive, angry look showing his domination over me looking into my face. His thick eight inch cock was sticking straight out and drooling pre-cum. "Bring over the lube please dad." Master Dan said.

"Here you are son." Master Dan's dad said holding out an open jar of Vaseline.

Dan, taking a couple of fingers reached in scooping out some Vaseline shoving one of his fingers through my tiny virgin ass hole. It wasn't as painful as I thought it would be but them it was only a finger. A second finger joined the first finger as he wiggled them around inside me before pulling them out. "Are you ready?" He asked looking into my eyes holding his big cock in his hand. "Ready or not your cherry will soon be history."

My head was full of conflicting emotions, fear and yet excitement were the strongest emotions. I squeezed my eyes shut in preparing of the invitation of my Master's large cock head entering my ass. "Open your eyes boy. You said you wanted to watch, so watch." Master Dan ordered.

"It's always enjoyable watching you take one of your new worthless, sex pigs for the first time." Dan's dad grunted holding his cock a good two inches longer than Dan's in his fist.

"Dad's right." Master Dan's brother Jeff said holding his cock a good inch longer than Dan's in his fist. "Give the worthless sex pig what he's been missing Dan." Master Jeff shouted.

"Don't worry, that's exactly what I'm going to do. I love taking my worthless sex pigs for the first time, I love the expressions of pure joy once they become slave to my cock." Master Jeff whispered looking into my eyes feeling the head of his cock pressing against my anus. Suddenly I felt my anus opening up as pain began radiating starting at my anus working through my body as his large cock head shoved through my anus. He stopped looking down into my eyes not saying anything before pushing forward with more of his cock penetrating my ass. I gritted my teeth doing my best to keep my eyes focused on my Master Dan's brown eyes. Inch after inch penetrated inside me, pushing at my insides like they'd never been pushed before. Master Dan's expression of complete domination shoving inch after inch deeper inside me never changed. It seemed he was shoving a lot more than eight thick inches of cock inside me. At long last I felt his low hanging hairy balls smacking my ass just below his thick cock. He didn't move for the longest time just stared down at me with the aggressive and lust look on his face. "You have it all boner boy. You're no longer a virgin. How does it feel?" He asked.

I didn't know how to answer, words couldn't express the way I felt totally owned by my Master with his big cock owning my ass. The longer his big cock remained in my ass the pain lessened. Slowly not waiting for me to answer him he pulled his cock out of my ass until only his cock head remained in my ass. "You feel my ownership. Don't you?" He asked but the way he looked into my eyes he already knew the answer.

"Yes Master Dan, you really own me now." I managed to answer Master Dan shoving his cock into my ass for the second time. This time the pain lessened even more. I felt his cock pressing against something deep in my ass that caused pleasure to spread throughout my body.

"That's the way son." Master Dan's dad shouted. "He's getting a boner. No wonder you named him boner boy."

"Look at the fucking pre-cum oozing out." Maser Dan's brother Jeff shouted. "You definitely own the fucker now Dan." The same time my Master Dan's cock shoved the rest of the way in my ass with his balls smacked under his thick cock. He pulled his cock out only until only his large cock head was remaining in my ass. The next time he pushed his cock faster as he began fucking my ass faster and harder. Sweat soon dripped from his face and muscular body as he fucked my ass not taking his eyes away from my eyes. No one spoke as my Master Dan virtually rammed his cock deep in my ass only to pull out each time. I felt my balls rising up pressing against my hard cock before my load shot out my cock hole like never before. It felt like my entire body orgasmed and not just my balls. Cum flew up further than I had eve shot it in my entire life, splashing on my face, chest and crotch hair. The entire time of my orgasm Master Dan fucked my ass even harder. It felt like my the inside of my ass needed his big cock plowing my insides the more he plowed his cock in and out my ass.

"I'm close fucker." Master Dan groaned leaning over my stomach and chest staring directly into my eyes. "Here it is." His cock grew thicker inside me and I knew he was dumping his big load directly up my ass. "Now you are truly my worthless sex pig, boner boy." Tugging his cock out of my ass standing up looking down at me and smiling.

"He's all yours Jeff." Master Dan said stepping back allowing his dad to move in front of me holding his close to nine inch thick cock.

"Thanks for breaking the worthless sex pig in for me Dan. Tell me what you want boner boy." Master Jeff demanded. "I want to hear you beg for the honor of me fucking your ass with my nine inch thick cock."

I looked into Master Jeff's face feeling ashamed of myself having to actually beg for someone to fuck me. But my ass felt empty and I couldn't believe I really wanted another cock in my ass. What the hell was the matter with me. Could Master Dan have been right all along was I a worthless sex pig just needing him to bring out the real me?

"Speak up boner boy, or I'll jack off instead. You need me fucking you a lot more than I need to fuck you." Master Jeff grunted looking down at me.

"Please Master Jeff, I need you to fuck my worthless ass. Please fuck me, please, I need you to ram your big thick cock in me." I begged feeling my face heating up knowing it had to be bright red.

"Go ahead son." Master Mark said standing beside my Master Jeff ready to shove his big cock head in my ass. I felt grateful feeling Master Jeff's cock head pop through my anus not stopping until his big hairy balls smacked below the base of his big cock. "Fuck I need this." Master Jeff groaned beginning to plow his cock in and out of my ass faster and harder. Sweat from his stern face and muscular hairy chest and stomach dripped all over my body as he fucked my ass even harder. He was like a run away locomotive as he virtually hammered his big cock in and out of my ass. My cock had remained rock hard the entire time. "I can see the lust and appreciation in your eyes fucking your ass boner boy. You are hooked on getting your ass fucked. Dan told me you would be." Master Jeff staring into my eyes continuing to fuck my ass good and hard.

I nodded my head. "Yes you're right Master Jeff I know I'll need cock rammed in my ass from now on."

"I'm fucking cumming." Master Jeff shouted with his cock growing bigger inside me and pumping out his big load. He pulled his cock out spewing a good four loads, joining his brothers load covering my face, chest and stomach. "Now you're truly going to get fucked by dad. You ready to fuck our worthless sex pig dad?"

"Only if the worthless pig really needs me to fuck his worthless ass. I don't hear him begging for me to plow his ass. I don't know if he's worthy of my ten and a quarter inch thick cock." Master Mark said taking Master Jeff's place between my legs pressed against my stomach.

"Please Master Mark. I do want you to fuck my worthless ass. I need your thick ten inch and a quarter thick cock, rammed deep inside me." I begged staring up into my new Master Mark's aggressive, angry face a look of domination written across his stern face.

"Fine if that's what you need." Master Mark grunted shoving his even bigger cock head through my anus and all the way in my ass. His big low hanging hairy balls smacked my ass just below the base of his thick cock. "Get ready for a good ride pig."

"Thank you Master Mark." I grunted not taking my eyes from his eyes as he started ramming his cock in and out of my ass faster and faster as well as deeper each time. The sweat from his face, and hairy body dripping over my cum and sweat covered body. In no time he was fucking me good and hard. He plowed my ass even harder than Master Dan and Master Jeff. He power drove his cock deep inside my ass pulling out only to ram it deep inside me over and over again. I felt my balls pulling up a second time ready to explode. Master Mark rammed his cock deep in my ass once more and I shot as much cum as I did the first time. "I'm cumming." Master Mark shouted with his cock expanding inside me and I knew he was unloading a big load. He pulled his cock out spurting another four loads joining his two sons' loads all over my face, chest and stomach.

"How's it feel to be a worthless, sex pig, addicted to cock Malta?" Master Dan laughed. "Jump down from the table boner boy."

"Feels different Master Dan." I answered not really knowing how I felt only that my ass hole was feeling empty and in need of getting fucked. How was I going to survive entire days before meeting up with my Master Dan and hopefully his dad and brother to fuck me.

"Not exactly what I was expecting you to say." Master Dan stood in front of me smiling. "The big question is. How would you go for the three of us fucking you again. I know I can definitely build up a second load. Do you think you can go for three more loads stuffed up your ass?" Master Dan asked but by the look in his eyes he already knew my answer.

"Yes please Master Dan. I want you, your brother and your dad to fuck me again." I said feeling like jumping up and down with excitement.

"Suits me." Master Jeff said. "I broke up with Sandy a couple of weeks ago and my balls are backed up, so I'll build up another load in no time, Dan."

"You're mom's supposedly on the rag again so I won't have a problem building up a second load son." Master Mark answered.

"Good I'm taking you on your hands and knees like the fucking bitch dog in heat you really are this time. Don't waste any more time and get on your fucking hands and knees and turn around and stick that ass high in the air." Master Dan ordered.

I wasted no time and answered by just dropping to my hands and knees, turning around pushing my ass high in the air. "Please fuck me Master Dan." I begged without the least bit of hesitation as if knowing my place as a worthless sex pig.

Moments later I felt Dan smacking my ass cheeks good and hard five times each. "You ready for me to fuck your ass boner boy?" He asked as if he had to ask.

"Yes Master Dan. I'm more than ready, my ass is starving for you to ram your big cock inside me." I grunted shoving my ass higher in the air.

I felt Master Dan's hands take a hold of my hips shoving his cock head between my ass cheeks and into my anus a lot easier than the first time it entered my anus. He rammed his entire cock in my ass not stopping until his big hairy balls smacked my own balls. Master Dan slowly fucked my ass much easier this time than he did the first time. It felt like he had been fucking my ass a good half hour before he started pounding his cock in and out of my ass. My balls were filling up for the third time as he fucked my ass hole faster and harder. Just when I felt like my balls were ready to explode he shoved his cock deep in my ass his cock growing thicker pumping out his nice big load. He shot load after load over my head and back after pulling his cock out of my ass. "He's all yours Jeff." Master Dan huffed and puffed letting go of my hips, standing up allow his brother to take his place.

"Good I need this." Master Jeff said taking my Master Dan's place, slapping each of my ass cheeks good and hard before placing his hands on my hips. In no time he was ramming his cock deep in my ass this time my cock started shooting out my third load of the day shooting across the gym floor. Master Jeff started slow building up speed as he continued fucking my ass at least a good half hour. He shouted as his cock rammed in my ass. "I'm cumming." After unloading in my ass spurting a good four loads over my head and back he took his hands from my hips moving away from me. "He's all yours dad."

In no time Master Mark started fucking my ass nice and slow picking up speed over a good half hour. He started fucking my ass good and hard ramming his cock deep in my ass over and over. I felt his cock growing thicker the final time he shoved his cock deep in my ass. "That did it." He shouted shooting load after load in my ass, over my head and back. He let go of my hips standing up.

"You better shower up boner boy. You're covered in sweat and cum." Master Dan said.

The showers were regular high school gym showers so we took separate showers. The fresh water felt good against my body as I lathered it up and rinsed. I did my best to finger out all the cum in my ass before turning the shower off. Master Dan handed me a fresh clean towel and I dried myself. That's when I remembered we had neglected to bring our clothes in the gym when we came in. The three of us walked out side to where our clothes were on the concrete. We all dressed. "Well boner boy, you're officially my worthless boner boy now that you've given up your ass. Be here at three thirty." Master Dan said.

"You bet I will. Will your dad and brother be coming with you?" I asked hoping he'd say yes.

"No but tomorrow along with me fucking you, I'll be taking you on to the next level of your training." Master Dan said.

"What do you mean by taking me on the next level of my training?" I asked.

"You'll find out tomorrow boner boy. Just make sure you're here on time. If you're really lucky I will have an extra special surprise for you tomorrow." Master Dan said.

"You were a fine fuck boner boy." Master Dan's brother said. "Don't worry I'll want that ass before you have to go back to base."

"That goes for me as well. I wouldn't say the best but a good piece of ass." Master Dan's dad said stepping behind me me and slapping my ass.

I watched Master Dan, his brother and dad walk around the end of the school gym before I headed back to camp. That's when I realized that I had been away from camp at least a minimum of three hours. I picked up my pace heading back to camp wondering what kind of a night I was going to have. I thought about Corporal Jones, Private Walker, Nelson and excited about Privates Davis, Taylor, Sanders, Marshal, Benet and Clark. I walked in the mess tent feeling hungry looking around Corporal Jones, Private Walker, Nelson, Davis, Taylor, Sanders, Marshal, Benet and Clark all looking at me with gleams in their eyes. It was obvious Private Davis had told his black brothers I was a cock sucker the look of total anger, and even hate written all over their faces. I felt fear and yet excitement thinking what was lay a head later tonight.

The End of Chapter 4.

What kind of night will Sargent have? What ever it is I'm sure he'll more than enjoy himself and what kind of surprise has his Master Dan have tomorrow for him. He has told Sargent Malta to be ready for the next level of his training. Don't forget he has promised an extra special surprise as well.


Next: Chapter 5

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