Taking Down Sargent Malta

By Barry Edmund

Published on Oct 23, 2016


Taking Down Sargent Malta Chapter 3.

As has been usual for some time now I have used the editing services of G.Venereal. George has applied some 'gentle editing' to the story.

Thanks for waiting for some very hot story lines. I think you will enjoy the next few chapters. If you enjoy this site, you are encouraged to donate to so that it can continue to operate. You can buy a gift card and use it to donate to Nifty anonymously or you can use your credit card on line and you will see the transaction on your monthly credit card billing. Anyways, this is a great site which serves the needs of our select population. Thank you. If you are interested in my other stories let one of us hear from you. barry97_97@yahoo.com OR G.venereal@yahoo.com


NOW: Chapter 3 Taking Down Sargent Malta

I woke up stretching ready to start the new day. The last remembrance of my dream fading. It had something to with muscular men with giant cocks. That's all I could remember. I grabbed my towel heading for the showers. I always made sure to get up good and early to be the first one in the shower so I could take my time with a nice refreshing shower. I was just leaving the showers with my towel tucked around my waist when Corporal Jones walked in whistling. "Good morning Sargent Malta." He greeted.

I felt my eyes riveted to his muscular chest, stomach to where his large towel was wrapped around his slim waist down to his muscular legs. I'd love to see what he has hidden under that towel." I thought. "Good morning Sargent Malta." Corporal Jones greeted, snapping me out of my day dream.

"Good morning Corporal Jones." I looked up as he walked past me, quite obviously not noticing me staring at his hot muscular body. "Make sure the men shower up ready for breakfast. I plan on really working the men today." Heading to my tent without waiting for a reply.

I had to get a grip of myself and stop the stupid thoughts running through my head. It was all Dan's fault tricking me yesterday to jack him off. I won't let him get the better of me today." I said to myself entering my tent taking my time to put on my jock-strap, combats and black boots. I couldn't seem to block out the visions of Dan completely nude standing in front of me down on my knees looking up at his thick cock. I've got to stop this crap."

I headed to the mess tent determined I wasn't going to have any more perverted thoughts of my men. The privates were walking in the mess tent and sitting down. "Good morning Malta." I heard one of my men whisper in my ear.

I turned my head to see that it was Private Nelson leaning forward so his body couldn't be seen by the other privates. "Don't worry about yesterday in your tent." He whispered while rubbing his crotch. "Maybe we can take it a step further this evening?"

I could feel my tongue passing over my lips unable to draw my eyes from where Private Nelson was rubbing. "You, Private Nelson stop bothering Sargent Malta and sit down." Thank goodness Corporal Jones yelled walking in the mess tent. I was glad he couldn't have heard what Private Nelson said and did or my reaction.

"You heard Corporal Jones." I said raising my voice. "Get your breakfast, I plan on working you boys good and hard today."

"Sorry Sargent Malta, I just wanted to know if we're going hiking the same path as yesterday." Private Nelson said standing up the same time Corporal Jones walked around him to the far end of the table. Private Nelson leaned toward me and whispered out of the side of his mouth. "I'll have something nice and hard for you later Malta." Private Nelson leaned toward me and whispered out of the side of his mouth before he walked away to sit down.

I finished eating managing to keep my mind on the hike I had planned for today. The privates and Corporal Jones were lined up waiting for me when I returned from the latrine "Line up men like yesterday. Privates Taylor, Davis, Sanders, Marshal, Benet, Clark and Walker behind me, in that order. I had all the black men follow behind me yesterday wanting to work them extra hard. I had to admit the black muscular men were the hottest of all my men. For a second I wondered if it was true that they had bigger cocks. I shook my head wondering, what the hell am I thinking of crap like that and why hadn't I referred to the black men as niggers. "Gleason, Hendrix, Anderson, Smith, Nelson, Philips and Davidson behind Corporal Jones."

"You heard Sargent Malta, get a move on it men." Corporal Jones shouted as the men lined up behind Corporal Jones and myself.

I took one last look at the hunky black men behind me before turning around. Thank goodness I won't get turned on not having to look at those hot hunky men. I thought to myself. "Move out." I shouted before leading the men. We must have hiked a good couple of hours before I called the troupe to a stop. "Piss and water break men." I shouted turning around. The men scattered to different close by trees obviously to piss except Private Nelson who stood a few yards away looking in my direction. I ignored him needing to drain a giant piss myself walking to a tree away from my men. I reached the tree and opening my combats pants and pulling my soft dick out and started to piss. I was shaking the last drops from my cock when I heard someone approaching. I looked up and saw Private Nelson approaching. I recalled how hot he had looked in my tent only wearing his bulging jock-strap the evening before. I couldn't help looking down at his combat pants hoping he hadn't pissed yet and I'd get to look at his cock even if it was soft.

I tried not to look down as Private Nelson unbuttoned his combat pants pulling down the zipper. He looked at me and smiled. "Come closer Malta I know you want to have a look at my dick." He whispered the same way Dan had whispered the day before. "Don't be shy, I know you want to see my big dick up close. I've already pissed. Come closer Malta."

Before I knew it I was standing beside Private Nelson and forgot about my own dick protruding over my jock strap. "It's okay I'll let you get down and take it out." He kept whispering softly.

I was suddenly looking up in front of Private Nelson not remembering going to my knees. "That's the way open my combat pants and pull them down. That's the good boy. Now that wasn't so bad was it?" Private Nelson kept whispering. I suddenly realized I had opened his combat pants pulling them down to his knees. His bulging jock-strap just over a couple of inches from my lips. "I can see you licking your lips. Don't be shy pull my jock-strap down and have a good look at my rock hard cock boy."

"Sargent Malta." I heard Corporal shouting a short distance away. "Are you just about finished taking your leak?"

I felt myself jerk up looking around as if I had been in some kind of a trance. I looked up my hands were holding each side of Private Nelson's jock-strap. "I'll be right there." I shouted looking around the tree I was standing behind and saw Corporal Jones looking around as if looking for me.

"Fuck." Private Nelson grunted looking down at me with a look of anger and contempt.

"Get your combats pulled up soldier." I said doing my best to command Private Nelson to pull his combat pants up, when actually I still wanted to have a look at his hard cock. But I knew with Corporal Jones just a short distance away that I'd have to give up that idea for the present time.

"Next time I want your lips wrapped around my dick giving me a good blow job. Fag." Private Nelson grinned pulling his combat pants up at the same time I stood up pulling my jock-strap and combat pants up and doing them up.

"I'm not a cock sucker Private Nelson. So shut your lips or I'll have to put you on report for referring to me as a fag, willing to suck your cock." I said hoping it sounded like a command but knowing it sounded like a whimper.

"What ever you say Malta." Private Nelson leaned in close and whispered in my ear. "Like I said last night, this is only between the two of us. For now that is." He added before heading up the hill towards where Private Jones and the rest of the troop were standing.

I made my way up the hill toward the troop, praying Corporal Jones hadn't seen me on my knees in front of Private Nelson ready to pull down his jock-strap.

"Line up men." I shouted approaching Corporal Jones as the men lined up in front of Corporal Jones and myself.

"One minute men." Corporal Jones shouted looking first at the men standing in front of him and then the men in front of me. "I have to ask Sargent Malta something."

"What is it?" I asked Corporal Jones when we were a few yards away from the men.

Corporal Jones looked around leaning his head closer to my right ear. "I never took you for a fucking cock sucking fag, Sargent. At least don't make it so obvious you want to suck dick getting down in plain view. If I'd known you were that hungry for cock I'd have made sure to bunk up with you. You could have blown me every night in the privacy of your tent." Corporal Jones whispered not letting me have a chance to say anything. He stood so his back was to the men grabbing my hand and pressing it against the front of his combat pants. "The least you could have done was blow me before blowing one of the privates?"

"Hold on Corporal I'm not a cock sucking fag." I whispered turning my head looking at Corporal Jones at that moment admiring how hot he looked in his combats flexing his biceps. I was willing to bet he had a good sized cock by the feel of his bulging pants.

"Fuck off you aren't. Do you think I'm blind? I saw you on your knees ready to pull down Private Nelson's jock strap. I'm sure if I hadn't seen you you'd have been sucking his cock. Just be lucky I saw you and not the rest of the men, especially the black men you put down. They wouldn't have thought twice to reporting you to the base Captain. So don't deny your a fucking cock sucking fag, especially when you're trying to open my combat pants up only yards from the men."

"I, I, I. We have to talk about this later. It isn't like it looks." I did my best to say.

"Never mind. I'll drop by your tent this evening. at my tent at nine thirty after the men have turned in for the night and I'll let you suck my dick. It's nice and big and I'm good and horny." Corporal Jones stood up facing the men lined up. "Get back in line." Corporal Jones shouted shoving my hand away from his combat pants heading toward the privates standing a few yards away.

I headed up. "Let's head out." I shouted to the men behind me. I turned around leading off along the path beside the river.

Not only did I have Private Nelson thinking I was a fag, now I had Corporal Jones as well. I did my best to put both men out of my head but my mind kept drifting back to the two hot muscular studs, Corporal Jones and Private Nelson. It sure would be hot to do something with the two of them at the same time. We hiked a good hour and a half until I shouted. "Halt. Piss and lunch break men. Then we start back to camp."

When we finally got back to camp I didn't even bother to shower or take off my boots to give to the black men to clean. I did go over to them, in the back of my mind to have a good look at them hoping they'd taken off their combat shirts to cool off. They were sitting close to each other talking as I approached. Unfortunately they were still wearing their sweaty combat shirts.

Private Taylor was the first one to see me approaching and he shouted. Get up Davis, Sanders, Marshal, Benet, Clark. Here comes Sargent Malta." He stood up along with the rest and they all stood to attention.

I walked up and stood in front of them thinking only about wanting to see them without anything on but at least with their combat shirts off. "Relax men. You men must be hot after the long hike today. Feel free to take off your combat shirts." I said.

They all looked at me with frowns as if trying to figure me out, maybe even thinking I was testing them. "Is that an order Sargent Malta?" Private Davis asked. He was the tallest a good six-five or six-six with muscles on his muscles, from what I could see of his biceps. The shortest of the six black men could only have to be at least six-three or four.

"If you want to take it as an order, it is Private Davis. I was actually only suggesting you may want to feel more relaxed." I answered.

"Thank you Sargent Malta." Privates Taylor, Davis, Sanders, Marshal, Benet and Clark said the same thing undoing their combat shirts and taking them off and dropping them on the ground. Their hot sweaty muscular chests, stomachs and biceps glistened in the sun.

I felt my cock rising in my jock-strap unable to draw my eyes from the hot muscular young black privates. "I believe you boys have chores to take care of." I did my best to command turning away before the hot black privates could see the lust I was feeling. "I'm going for a hike into town, start dinner without me." I said not turning around heading toward the high school to meet up with Dan by three thirty.

I approached the high school with five minutes to spare. NO one was standing behind the school, Dan hadn't arrived yet. I knew he had ordered me to strip down nude while waiting for him to arrive. I remembered the hot over the knee paddling he gave me the day before. My cock started to stiffen thinking how hot and erotic it had felt even though painful being paddled over a six year old's lap. So I decided not to strip down as ordered, pretending to be stubborn to take his orders to strip down nude.

"Fuck I see you didn't learn anything from yesterday boy." Dan walked up with one hand behind his back a gym bag in his other hand. He dropped his gym bag raising his hand, before I had a chance to say anything, he slapped my face hard with his open hand. "Answer me fag." He ordered.

"Listen punk this is enough of this crap." I said doing my best to sound angry but in reality I knew I sounded much more like a wimp. I also was working to get Dan upset or even angry with me, giving me even more punishment.

"I had a feeling you hadn't learned your lesson yesterday." He said leaning in close to my face pulling his other hand from behind his back with the ping pong paddle in his hand. "Strip and I mean now. If I ever see you wearing your uniform when I arrive again, I will be ripping your combats off you. Then you'll have to explain to your men why your combats are ripped to shreds and you're coming back nude. If you don't believe me keep your fucking combats on tomorrow."

I sat down on the close by bench undoing and taking off my boots one at a time as well as my black socks. I began unbuttoning my combat shirt slowly one at a time. "Speed it up, we haven't got all afternoon." Dan shouted slapping my other cheek this time.

I finished unbuttoning my combat shirt taking it off before undoing my combat pants lifting my ass from the bench pulling them down to my feet and taking them off, tossing them with my shirt and boots. I sat looking at Dan while wearing only my straining jock-strap. My cock was already hard at the thought of Dan bending me over his knees to paddle my bare ass.

Dan leaned over and slapped each of my cheeks good and hard before standing up. "Do I have to tell you everything. Take the fucking jock-strap off." Dan ordered then told me to stand up.

I pushed my ass off the bench once more pushing my jock-strap below my ass cheeks, down my legs and kicking it off so it landed near the rest of my clothes. I stood up. As soon as I was standing Dan sat down. "Bend over my lap like yesterday, boner boy. Fuck I haven't even done anything and your rock hard. You are coming right along. In no time you will be more than eager to obey all orders I give you, no matter how kinky they are."

I was hoping he'd at least take off his tight sleeveless T-shirt, if not his pants but he didn't. I leaned over Dan's lap my hard cock pressing against his jeans covered lap. "Because you disobeyed me two days in a row your punishment is doubled. Remember to start counting out twenty on each of those hot bubble butts. They'll even be more hotter when I finish paddling them." Dan laughed smacking my left cheek nice and hard.

"One." I shouted the pain radiating throughout my entire body. "One." The paddle smacking my right ass cheek, remembering from yesterday to count one for each of my ass cheeks. "Two, Two etcetera until finally my ass was burning with pain. "Twenty." My left ass cheek and "Twenty." My right ass cheek. "Stand up boy." Dan said standing up as well.

I stood up beside Dan watching him eagerly pull his T-shirt off tossing it on the ground unable to draw my eyes from his muscular chest, stomach and arms. "I can see you like what you see boy, by the way you're looking at my chest and licking your lips. Come closer. Don't be shy." He whispered like he had yesterday. I approached him feeling drawn to Dan's muscular chest. "Go ahead and feel those muscles. You know you want to." He raised one arm up over his head the same time feeling myself drawn to his hard muscular chest. He reached out with his other hand around the back of my head shoving my head into his stinky, sweaty, hairy, under arm pits.

I did my best to protest. But only a mumble of words of protest escaped from my lips.

"Don't be shy." Dan continued whispering in a soft even tone. "You know you want to lick my hairy, stinky, sweaty arm pits. Go ahead, don't feel bad. You know you need to please me. Stick your tongue out and try licking them."

For some reason I found myself obeying Dan sticking my tongue out and licking his hairy, sweaty, stinky arm pits.

"That's the way enjoy that aroma, you know you like it, you live to taste that sweat. Let it out. Use your hands to worship my muscular chest and stomach at the same time. Feel those muscles. Worship them." He soothingly said. "You will soon become addicted to my hot sweaty, stinky, hairy underarms."

The more I licked his hairy, stinky, sweaty underarm pits the more I wanted to enjoy the wonderful flavor of his sweat and stink. It felt like I couldn't get enough of that stink and sweat. I placed my hands on his chest and wash board stomach as I enjoyed his juicy arm pits. My hands couldn't get enough of his body.

"That's the way. Enjoy every inch of my body. Wrap your hands around my biceps as I flex them boy. Work them with your worthless hands." Dan soothingly repeated to himself over and over. "That's the way feel those muscles lick my pits. Enjoy, that's the way enjoy. Now the other other side." Dan pulled my head from his underarm, I was missing the flavor already as he slammed my face into his other underarm. This one was more ripe not having me clean it yet. "That's the good boy. You're being a good boy today boner boy. Keep it up, that's the way enjoy that stinky, sweaty, hairy under arm pit. Lick it good. Yes you need it don't you fag. Answer me when I talk to you." Dan said grabbing my short hair in his fist and pulling me away from my feast.

"Yes, I'm enjoying your delicious stinky, sweaty hairy under arm pits. Please let me have more." I heard myself begin begging. Was I actually begging to lick Dan's hairy, stinky, sweaty underarms. Yes, it was really me, but I needed to taste, swallow all that juicy stinky sweat. I don't know why but it felt like a need. "Sorry that's enough for now. Get down on your knees." Dan continued to whisper soothingly sitting on the bench behind him the same time.

I got on my knees in front of Dan eager to wait for his next instructions. "Help me with my left running shoe." He continued soothingly saying.

I reached down ready to untie his left running shoe to take it off. "No, oh no, you have to earn the right to take off my running shoe." Dan said looking down and smiling. "Be thankful you get to enjoy the top of my runners first."

I looked up pleadingly not wanting to even lick the top of his muddy running shoe. It looked like he had walked in a mud puddle on the way to meet up with me. There was no way I was I was going to lick his muddy running shoe. "OH come on boner boy. Do I have to hold the confession over your head you signed yesterday?" He smiling while soothingly saying it. "Besides once you have a taste of my muddy running shoe you'll enjoy the taste as much as my underarm stink."

I took one last look into Dan's blue eyes knowing I had no choice sticking my tongue out pressing my tongue lightly against the top of his running shoe before pulling my tongue in my mouth. "I did it Dan." I said hoping that would please him but somehow knowing it wouldn't.

"You call that enjoying my muddy runners. You know you want to lick them clean, you know you need to worship my shoes. Show me how much you need to please me boner boy." Dan said soothingly.

I don't know why but I found myself sticking my tongue out beginning to lick his muddy running shoe. I soon found it as intoxicating as licking his stinky, sweaty, hairy underarm. I licked the top and sides of his runners. I didn't even look up as Dan softly praised me. "That's a good boy, boner boy. I knew you couldn't resist once you started. You know your place is to please me. You don't care about that stupid contract you signed. Do you. You just want to please me."

It was true for some reason I felt this uncontrollable urge making me eager to do as Dan told me, but not because he was ordering me, but because I felt the eagerness to please him. "That's good now my other running shoe boner boy." I began licking his right runner actually enjoying the taste of the mud I was licking of of it. As soon as the top of his runners were clean he raised his foot. "Now the bottom, you do want to please me, don't you boner boy?" Dan asked soothingly.

I licked the bottom of each of his runners nice and clean. "Okay undo and take my runners off." Dan continued. I took off one runner and was about to take off his sock. "Take the other runner off first."

I took his other runner off reaching up to take off his dirty white socks. "Tut tut, you know what has to be done, do I have to tell you everything?" Dan asked looking down and smiling.

I knew by instinct what I was to do and began licking his dirty sock until it was soaking wet. He pulled his foot back sticking his other foot up for me to lick. In no time it was soaking wet with my spit. "Go ahead and take my socks off boner boy, was his next order. I took both of his socks off and leaned down without Dan saying anything and started licking his dirty feet, his toes and even between his stinky toes until I had cleaned both of his feet. "Good job boner boy." Dan raised his ass off the chair and was shoving his jeans down to his feet. I tugged them off of his feet tossing them beside his discarded, T-shirt, socks and shoes. He stood up stepping forward until his bulging jock-strap was less than an inch from my face. I couldn't help licking my lips eager to see and touch his hard cock and balls. "Go ahead, you've earned it boner boy. Pull my jock strap down."

I reached up to take a hold of his jock strap in each of my hands. "No, no boner boy. You know better than that, take a hold of my jock strap in your mouth and tug it down." Dan whispered looking down at me smiling. I opened my mouth doing my best to bite the top of his jock-strap with my teeth. Once I had his jock-strap in my mouth I tugged it down, while his thick juicy cock swung up spurting pre-cum all over my face. I tugged his jock-strap to his feet. He leaned on my shoulder to step out of his jock-strap. "You got to jack me off yesterday so today it's time to teach you to deep throat my cock, boner boy." "Don't be shy you jacked it off yesterday. Take it in your hand and pull it down and open your fine mouth good and wide." Dan instructed.

What the hell had I gotten myself into? It was one thing licking his arm pits and massaging his muscles and even cleaning his shoes, socks and bare feet but sucking his cock?

"Start by licking my cock head. You know you want to, you know you want to taste my delicious pre-cum, remember you didn't want to lick my stinky, smelly, sweaty, hairy arm pits but you ended up enjoying yourself. Don't be shy, just lick the head of my big cock head. You know you want to. Go ahead, lick." Dan said softly.

I leaned forward sticking my tongue out and licked his cock head tasting his pre-cum. Actually it didn't taste bad in the least, in fact it tasted rather good while I was continuing to lick his cock head, more and more pre-cum was drooling out.

"That's enough I'm fucking horny. Open your mouth wide." Dan said looking down at me and smiling in the same soothing voice. "It's time for you to learn to suck cock, boner boy."

I looked up into Dan's bright blue eyes before looking at his big cock now in his fist a little more than an inch from my lips. "Open up those pretty lips boner boy." Dan said.

I opened my mouth wide at the same time that Dan shoved his muscular hips forward causing his big cock head to start entering my mouth. I had a cock in my mouth for the first time in my life and it almost felt natural to have Dan's big cock head in my mouth. I felt his hands take a hold of my head.

"Take your time boy." Dan said while slowly his cock was sliding further into my mouth. I felt his cock head pressing against the roof of my mouth then to one of my cheeks and then the other before Dan tilted my head forward. Slowly his cock pushed further in my mouth pressing against the beginning of my throat. I couldn't help choking and coughing. "Take it easy boner boy, it will get easier." Dan soothingly whispered pulling all his cock out of my mouth except for his big cock head. Now take a deep breath through your nose and learn how to suck cock properly and watch those teeth you scraped my cock the first time."

I looked up and did my best to nod my head up and down while Dan looked down into my eyes with his magnetic blue eyes. His eyes had a look in them as if telling me to trust Dan and he'd help me to understand myself. "Let's try that again." He said soothingly. I did my best to hold my mouth open so my teeth wouldn't touch Dan's cock as he shoved his cock in my mouth now reaching the back of my throat. Again I couldn't help choking and coughing as his cock pressed to the beginning of my throat. "Take your time." Dan said. "You'll be swallowing my cock in no time." Dan said sympathetic like and patiently. I began putting my trust in Dan, grateful that he wasn't forcing me to swallow his big cock.

"I didn't give you permission to stop your cock sucking boner boy." Dan said raising his voice pulling his cock head out of my mouth, leaving my mouth feeling empty. "Your only purpose when your with me is to take care of all of my needs."

I looked up at Dan not even realizing I had my cock in my hand jacking off. I let go of my cock feeling like a naughty little boy. "I'm sorry Dan." I said not taking my eyes away from Dan's look of disapproval the same time he took a step back.

"You've been a naughty boy. I should punish you by not allowing you to suck my cock. I have plenty of good boys that don't think of their needs instead of their Master's needs. I should send you back to your camp right now." Dan said raising his voice.

"I'm sorry, please give me a second chance, I promise to leave my cock along. Please I promise." I found myself saying. Was that really me begging Dan to let me suck his cock. It couldn't be me, but I knew it was. "Please Dan let me suck your cock."

"All right." Dan said. "Give me a minute." He stepped back looking in the gym bag he had brought with him he brought out some rope and what looked like a dog collar. "Put your hands behind your back, I don't know if I can trust you to leave your weenie along." Walking behind me with the rope. I put my hands behind me feeling Dan tying them together. I realized for the first time Dan hadn't mentioned anything about the confession I had signed. I was obeying his orders without any thought of what he had been holding over me. Dan walked around in front of me holding the dog collar. He leaned down and wrapped it around my neck. "Are you ready to follow orders boy?" He asked in a stern voice. "If you are I'll let you suck my cock."

"Yes Dan I'm ready to do as I'm told." I answered after clearing my voice feeling somewhat submissive because of the dog collar fastened around my neck. The collar somehow made me feel degraded but yet comfortable at the same time. It was difficult to understand.

"Sir or Master, boner boy. I'm your Master from now on and you'll do as your told. Have you got that in that pretty little head boy?" I'd never heard him using that kind of hard voice before. "I'm only letting you be my sex slave because I see potential in you that you are finally realizing your a fucking low life. Be thankful I see the potential of what a worthless sex pig and I'm not wasting my time being your first Master. Be thankful I have the patience many wouldn't be taking the time and energy to train you properly." Dan said harshly staring down at me before giving me a look of approval.

Without thinking I gulped looking up feeling a bit of pride that Dan thought I had potential. I shook my head. Potential in being nothing but a sex pig. What the hell. "What did you call me?" I asked shaking my head. "Did you call me a worthless sex pig?"

Dan leaned down with a look of anger and contempt on his face before he slapped first one cheek and then my other cheek before gripping his hard cock. He leaned over with our faces only inches from each other he took his hand placing it under my chin. "Here I thought you had real potential and I'd take you under my wing allowing myself to be your first Master. I don't see that you're worthy to learn your place in life. I should send you to the streets to find your way in life without my guidance." Dan said tenderly.

I felt tears springing from my eyes forgetting all about Dan referring to me as a worthless sex pig. "I'm sorry Sir. Please give me a second chance. Please teach me how to be a good worthless sex pig. I'm begging you, be my Master. I promise, I really promise to obey your orders without question." I pleaded with tears running down my cheeks and dripping from my chin. I could barely see Dan because my eyes were filled with tears.

"Fine." He said standing up and taking a sheet of paper out from his gym bag I recognized as the confession I had signed. He took some Kleenex wiping the tears from my eyes. "Here read it, and I do mean read it this time. You didn't read it when you signed it. I lied to you. YOU didn't sign any confession about being a child abuser. Take a good look." Dan held the paper in front of me.

I blinked my eyes so I could see better. It read. "I (my signature Sargent Malta) agree to be Dan Folgers Slave for as long as I live to obey his orders................it went on and on how I was to do what ever I was told without questioning my Master Dan." You mean you never had anything over me this entire time Master." I said feeling foolish but yet grateful at the same time. Thankful my Master had seen the potential in me to be nothing but a worthless sex pig. I shook my head trying to wrap my head around what my thoughts were.

"Do you still want me to destroy it Malta or do I take you under my wing as my worthless sex pig to obey every order I ever give you while you are here and whenever I call you up." Dan said taking the signed contract looking down at me his hands placed in the position to rip the contract down the center.

I just looked up at Dan, my potential Master not knowing how to answer him. He virtually held my life in his hands. If he ripped the contract up I'd be free of him forever but did I want that, or did I want him to be my Master to obey his each and every order.

"I'm waiting." He said moving closer taking one hand holding his big thick cock pressed against my lips now drooling pre-cum covering my lips. What will it be Malta?" He asked holding the contract in one hand looking down smiling his cock in his other hand pressed against my lips.

"I'll be your worthless sex pig, don't rip up the contract." I finally answered feeling defeated yet uplifted the same time.

"Not good enough Malta. It doesn't sound like your really enthused about being my worthless sex pig and you neglected to call me Master. Either you do it right or you don't bother at all." Dan raised his voice a tone with a tone of anger. "Say it again with pride in your voice or fuck off and I rip up the contract and never want to be bothered with you again."

I looked at Dan's cock pressed against my lips wanting so much for him to shove it in my mouth before looking up into Dan's eyes. I swallowed hard and said in the clearest voice I could manage. "Please Master will you accept me as your worthless sex pig. I promise to obey every order you give me. Please oh please accept me Sir." I ended up pleading looking down at his pre-cum drooling cock head wanting so much for him to shove that beautiful cock in my mouth.

"Fine I accept you as my worthless sex pig." Dan stepped back placing the contract in his gym bag. "I believe you have some cock sucking lessons to learn. Open your mouth pig." Dan said staring down at me his cock once more pressed against my lips.

For a second I squirmed being called a pig but only a second, opening my mouth wide while Dan shoved his cock in my mouth all the way until it pressed against my throat. I started coughing and choking but I didn't pull my head back. I was determined to succeed this and allow Dan's big cock head in my throat. Dan pulled his cock out of my throat taking a hold of my head between his hands. He looked down with a determined look shoving his cock in my mouth. This time a tiny bit of his cock head entered my throat before I began coughing and choking. He pulled it out thrusting it in my mouth another five times, each time with a tiny bit more of his cock head entering my mouth. The sixth time his cock head thrust into my throat without me choking or even coughing. He shoved more and more of his cock unrestricted into my my mouth and throat. I felt pride I had at last succeeded in swallowing Dan's big thick cock that was at least eight inches long. His big balls smacked my bottom lip proving his cock was all the way in my mouth and down my throat. He held my head so my neck aligned with my throat pulling his cock out of my throat until only his cock head was remaining in my mouth. Then he rammed it down my throat picking up speed fucking my mouth and throat faster and harder. I had forgotten all about my own hard cock and balls as he fucked my mouth and throat. "That's the way pig, you're a fast learner. That's the way." Dan moaned pulling his cock out of my mouth until only his cock head remained in my mouth ramming down my throat. I don't know how I managed to breathe but I seemed to manage without thinking about it.

He rammed his cock down my throat once more, this time his balls pulled up into a tight ball like mine did before shooting my load. His cock grew thicker and felt like it was vibrating in my throat. "I'm cumming." Dan shouted at long last which couldn't have been any more than five or six minutes. He pulled his cock out of my throat until only his cock head remained in my mouth. My mouth filled with his thick load as he pulled his cock out of my mouth. "Don't think about spitting it out pig, swish my load around in your mouth." He said with another couple of loads spurting out of his cock and landing across my face.

I swished his load around in my mouth and I was actually enjoying the salty and musky taste. "Open your mouth and let me see the load I pumped out." Dan said. I opened my mouth wide as Dan looked in my mouth. "Good swallow." He ordered standing up and looking down at the ground. "You really enjoyed that, didn't you pig?"

I wondered what Dan was talking about looking down where he was looking and saw that I had shot my own load without realizing it. "That is a sign you're learning don't be ashamed. He reached in his gym bag and took out some Kleenex. Wipe your face before licking up the big mess you made under you."

I cleaned my face before leaning down sticking my tongue out and licking up my cum from the dirty, concrete. Something I'd never think about doing when I arrived today. If any one would have told me I'd be licking up my cum off dirty concrete just over an hour ago, I'd have told them they were crazy. "That's enough for today pig boy." Dan said walking around undoing my hands. "Get dressed."

I stood up taking my hands to my neck to the buckle of the dog collar ready to unfasten it to take it off. "What the fuck do you think you're doing?" Dan asked raising his voice.

"I'm taking off the dog collar before I get dressed and head back to camp. It was fun while it lasted but really not my thing. Rip up the stupid contract Dan." I answered looking at Dan wondering why he had questioned what I was doing. I felt like I was coming out of my horny high having shot my load. I began feeling guilty sucking Dan's cock and swallowing his load, not to mention agreeing to be his worthless sex pig. I shook my head what have I gotten myself into?

"No, no no, pig boy. It doesn't work that way. It's signed and you know what you signed and even begged for me to be your Master. There is no way out now. You're never to take it off and you're slipping, just because I came and you came you don't stop calling me Master. Smarten up pig boy." Dan shouted. "You will be here tomorrow at three thirty and nude. Now get dressed and fuck, go back to camp."

I slowly got dressed my combats sticking to my sweaty covered muscular body. Dan pulled his T-shirt pulling down over his sweaty, chest and stomach. He sat down putting on his jock-strap and jeans up his sweat coated legs, before putting on his socks and running shoes. He stood up with his jock-strap and jeans pulled up to just below his low hanging balls and partly erect cock. Even wilted it looked big as the last few drops of his thick cum dripped from his piss hole. I felt my cock begin to harden inside my jock-strap and combats. "The way you're licking your lips sex pig, I'd say you'd like to stay for more." Dan said starting to stroke his cock with it growing harder until totally erect. "Still think you made a mistake begging me not to destroy that contract after all."

"No, I made no mistake Master, I still agree to be your worthless sex pig." I answered unable to draw my eyes from Dan's erect cock with it once more drooling pre-cum. I felt myself dropping to my knees in front of my Master. That's when I realized I didn't think of Dan as Dan but at my Master. "May I?" I asked looking up leaning forward reaching up to take a hold of his thick cock pressed against his white T-shirt. I hoped my Master understood I wanted him to fuck my mouth and throat again.

"You have to work for another of my big loads sex pig." My Master looked down and smiled. "Get busy licking my balls and help them build up for another load."

"Thank you Master." I answered leaning forward licking his low hanging hairy balls until they were soaking wet with my saliva. I savored the musky taste of his cum filled balls. I looked up. "Can I take your nice big hairy balls in my mouth please Master?" I asked, hoping my Master would say yes.

"Go ahead. I'm glad you're learning your place asking permission before taking my balls in your mouth and enjoying them to the fullest." My Master said looking down and smiling.

I opened my mouth taking one of his big balls in my mouth swishing it around enjoying the texture and taste before opening my mouth even wider and taking his other hairy ball in my mouth. I swished both his balls in my mouth looking up the same time hoping I was pleasing my Master.

My Master looked down with a proud look on his face. "That's good pig boy. Lick up my cock to your praise." He said smiling.

I spat out my Master's big balls before licking up the underside of his eight inch cock to his cock head. I looked up for his approval to pull his cock down so I could take his nice big cock head in my mouth.

My Master looking down nodded his head. I took a hold of his cock in my hand pulling it down until it was pressed against my lips. I opened my mouth wide taking his cock head in my mouth. I reached out with my hands taking a hold of his hands pulling them up placing them on each side of my head. Now I was really ready to be my Master's willing worthless sex pig. My Master shoved his cock in my mouth and down my throat with ease. Slowly he pulled it out without saying anything. He slowly pulled his cock out of my mouth shoving it down my throat over and over. Time seemed to stand still as I reached down and opened my combats pushing down my jock-strap. I looked up at my Master as he frowned and I remembered not to touch my cock while servicing my Master's cock. A good half hour had to have passed my Master continuing to fuck my mouth and throat. He began thrusting his cock in my mouth and deep down my throat faster and harder as he began groaning. "I'm fucking close sex pig, keep it up." Thrusting his cock another four times in and out of my throat. His cock thickened and his balls drew up pressing against the base of his cock. "I'm cumming." He shouted with his cock vibrating in my throat. He pulled his cock out until only his cock head was in my mouth. I hoped he would shoot a nice load in my mouth and he did filling my mouth. He didn't need to order me to swish his load in my mouth. He shot a few big loads covering my face. I felt my balls exploding and my own cum rushing through my cock and spurting out all over the concrete. I knew I'd have to lick it all up. We were both huffing and puffing covered in sweat. I licked my lips and lowered my head licking my cum splattered on the dirty concrete.

"Thank you Master." I said not thinking about my face splattered with my Master's load.

"Good sex pig." My Master said patting my head. "Here wipe your face." Handing me a few Kleenex.

I wiped my face and this time I felt no guilt what so ever pleasing my Master and swallowing his load while standing up. I never even thought about taking off my dog collar showing ownership to my Master Dan. We finished dressing. "Same time tomorrow, Master?" I asked. "I'll take my clothes off and I will be waiting for you in the nude."

"That will be fine. Try you're best not to be tempted by all those hot privates and Corporal Jones tonight." My Master laughed. "I am sure you will be very tempted to let yourself go and let the worthless sex pig enjoy himself. OH yes I almost forgot." Taking a bag with a hose attached putting it in a paper bag and handing it to me. I want you to clean your ass out tonight and again tomorrow morning. Fill the bag push the end of the hose up your ass and let the water flow. Hold it in your ass a good fifteen minutes before letting it out. Keep repeating until only clear water flows out your ass." Tomorrow at three thirty pig boy." He said and then started walking away, turned around with his gym bag in hand. "I'm bringing dad and my older brother Jeff tomorrow. You have a worthless sex pig training ahead in the next couple of weeks. Today's was only a sample what to expect the next two weeks and don't forget about cleaning your ass out, it's very important." He said turning around and heading around the school and out of sight.

I walked away heading back to camp remembering Private Nelson earlier today and last night as well as Corporal Jones. I headed for my tent putting the bag with the plastic bag and tube under the mattress before heading for the mess tent.

I was starving for some reason when I got back to camp heading to the mess tent right away. The privates and Corporal Jones were all sitting down when I walked in and took my seat at the end of the table. I did my best not to stare at each and every hot private even though they were wearing combat shirts. Thankfully they all had their sleeves rolled up to their shoulders so I could feast my eyes on their bulging biceps. I'd have to do something about the men wearing combat shirts from now on. "Did you all do your chores?" I asked doing my best to show authority.

"Yes Sargent Malta." They answered individually.

"Its darn hot today, I suppose you're all sweaty and hot men." I asked but knew I said it as a fact, not a question.

"Yes Sargent." They answered but sounded unsure of themselves as if wondering how they should answer me.

"In that case I give you all permission to take off your combat shirts and cool off." I said about to take off my own combat shirt, buttoned to my neck. Then I remembered the dog collar that indicated I was Master Dan's sex slave. He had forced me to wear and changed my mind. I didn't want my men to see the dog collar.

The privates and Corporal Jones took off their combat shirts. "Why don't you take your combat shirt off Sargent Malta?" Corporal Jones asked.

"I'm fine for now and will be heading to my tent after dinner and take off my combat shirt Corporal Jones." I answered.

I guessed I gave Corporal Jones a good answer because he didn't say anything else.

Private Nelson sitting half way down the table smiled and winked when he didn't think anyone was looking taking off his combat shirt, making sure to puff out his chest and flex his biceps not taking his eyes off me the entire time. At the end of the table Corporal Jones had a big grin on his face taking off his combat shirt along with the thirteen muscular privates. I glanced at the six black muscular privates, who had the most muscular bodies of all the privates, sweat covering their gleaming black chests. Wow they looked hot. I caught myself whispering.

"Did you say something?" Private Walker asked sitting to my right a questionable look on his face. I thought I heard you say something about the black Privates cocks? But it had to my imaginatin."

"Of course not Private Walker. I'd never say anything about black men's cocks. Smarten up and don't let your imagination run away with you. Don't just sit there get up and fix me a plate and bring it back to me." I ordered hoping Private Walker hadn't heard what I whispered.

"Yes Sargent Malta." Private Walker stood up before leaning close whispering in my ear grabbing a hold of his bulging crotch. "Mine isn't small and my balls haven't have any relief in days. Mind if I drop by your tent later?" He asked smiling.

I couldn't help looking at Private Walker's fist full of cock and balls doing my best not to lick my lips. "Only if we keep it between the two of us." I leaned over and whispered.

"No problem cock sucker." Private Walker sneered sounding angry whispered walking away before I had a chance to say anything for him calling me a cock sucker. "How am I going to work this out with now three of my hot soldiers lined up for me to blow, Private Nelson, Corporal Jones and now Private Walker. I have to admit the one that was turning me on the most was Private Walker the way he sneered and looked like he was a take charge kind of guy, just what the doctor ordered.

I finished eating heading back to my tent sitting down waiting and wondering which one of the three would show up first. Hopefully they wouldn't all show up at the same time, not that it mattered they all were coming for the same reason. I took my boots and socks off debating whether I should take my combat pants and jock-strap off, deciding to leave them on. My cock had been rock hard ever since they had taken off their combat shirts, feasting my eyes on Corporal Jones muscular body and as well as the Privates.

I was still half debating about taking off my combat pants when the tent flap opened and in walked Private Nelson. He walked to where I was sitting massaging the front of his combat pants. "Fuck I need this." He said. "Do you want me to take off my boots, socks, combat pants and jock strap or just to shove my combat pants and jock-strap down cock sucker?" Private Nelson asked rubbing his muscular chest and stomach before flexing each of his biceps. "I know you like looking at my muscular body cock sucker."

"Get nude Stud." I answered licking my lips. "I want to feast my eyes on your hairy, muscular legs as well. Do you mind if I get comfortable by taking off my boots and pants. I'll keep my jock-strap on if looking at my cock and balls turns you off."

"Go ahead cock sucker I could give a shit if you take your jock-strap off or not. I'm not here to look at your body or private parts. "Just fucking hurry up. You really think I'm a stud don't you Sargent?" Private Nelson asked.

"That's because you are a hot hunky stud Private." I answered untying my boots taking them off as well as my socks. I pushed my combat pants and jock-strap off freeing my hard cock letting my balls swing freely. I looked up when I had finished stripping at Private Walker flexing his biceps standing in front of me totally nude. His good sized eight inch thick cock pressed against his wash board stomach oozing lovely pre-cum. "May I?" Reaching up wrapping my hand around his big cock and pulling it down.

"That's the reason I'm here cock sucker. Wrap those pretty lips around my cock bitch." He harshly said still flexing his biceps. "Look at my hot body when you suck my dick slut. Massage my hot muscles, I know you dig them."

I opened my mouth wide leaning forward taking his huge cock head into my mouth tasting his delicious salty pre-cum. "Mmmmmmmmmmm." I moaned pushing my head forward swallowing even more of Private Walker's cock. I felt as his big cock head entered my throat with ease, unlike the first time I had my Master's big cock in my mouth.

"Shit that feels great. You really do know how to suck cock. You must have had a lot of practice. How long have you been a fag, Malta?" Private Walker gasped knowing I couldn't answer him with his cock half way down my throat. I kept shoving my head forward until his big balls smacked my bottom lip.

"Damn no prostitute took my cock in their throat. This is amazing." He reached down grabbing a hold of my head between his hands the same time I pulled my head away from his big cock. I couldn't resist placing my hands on his sweaty covered muscular chest, beginning to massage them. At the same time Private Walker shoved his hips forward pulling my head sliding his cock down my throat. "Fuck yes hot." He loosened my head allowing me to pull my head back with his cock sliding out of my throat until only his large cock head was remaining in my mouth.

Private Walker had just been shoving his muscular hips forward the same time I continued massaging his chest. "Fuck I thought only the Corporal and I were in on this. It looks like you didn't have to spread the word around your a cock sucker, you did it yourself. How's his throat feel Walker?" Private Nelson asked sitting on my cot taking his boots off before standing up shoving his combat pants down his legs to his feet followed by his bulging jock-strap. His cock equally as big a cock as Private Walker's pushed out slapping his wash-board stomach. So far the cocks I had seen or was now swallowing were an average of eight inches, thick and juicy.

"Good." Private Walker grunted shoving his hips forward with his cock sliding the rest of the way down my throat until his big balls were smacking on my bottom lip.

"The fag never mentioned anything about you and you're saying Corporal Jones is in on this as well. Fuck fag, you're a regular slut." Private Nelson grunted holding my head his cock down my throat.

"The fags hot at it I see." The tent door opening, Corporal Jones walking in. "It's a regular orgy in here. Do you take it up the ass?" He asked. ++++++++++++

I hadn't expected the question and couldn't answer with Private Nelson pulling his thick cock out of my throat until only his big cock head was in my mouth. I pulled back Private Nelson's cock head popping out my mouth. "No way Corporal. I don't take it up the ass." I said but for some reason my ass hole began to pucker as if it had a mind of it's own. "I'd love to have a big cock inside me."

"Don't think it would be a very good idea anyway Corporal Jones. It's probably full of shit and you wouldn't want your cock covered in shit." Private Walker said shoving his hips forward causing me to swallow half his cock. "Besides I'm fucking his tight throat and it's terrific." He was picking up speed pulling his cock out of my mouth except his cock head and ramming it down my throat. I could barely massage his muscular chest he was fucking my throat so fast and hard. "Damn I'm fucking close already, its been a hell of time since I dumped my load."

"I'm next Corporal Jones, I got hear before you so don't try to pull rank, besides I found out Malta's a fag before anyone else." Private Nelson shouted.

"Keep your voice down Nelson, we don't want every private in the camp here." Corporal Jones whispered putting his boots and socks beside the cot standing up pushing his combat pants followed by his packed jock-strap down to his knees. His cock was the largest I'd seen rock hard so far. It had to close to nine thick inches. I gobbled down Private Walker's cock thinking about swallowing Corporal Jones big cock.

I knew Private Walker was close his balls rising, cock growing thicker. "I'm cumming." He grunted feeling his cock vibrating in my throat. He pulled his cock out of my throat filling my mouth with a couple of big loads. I swished it around in my mouth while he pulled his cock out spurting another couple of loads on my face. "Shit look at him, swishing my load in his mouth. He must like my cum."

I swallowed Private Walker's big load. "You bet I do Stud, it's delicious." I said licking my lips. "Tasty but what are you standing around Private Nelson, get over here and shove that lovely big thick cock in my mouth."

"Sure thing fag." Private Nelson answered walking in front of me and shoving his cock in my open mouth taking a hold of my head like Private Walker had done. "I'm so fucking horny I have a feeling I'm won't be able to hold back shooting my load."

"Don't worry Nelson." Private Walker said. "I'm positive the fag won't say no to blowing us all more than once. Will you fag?" Private Walker asked his rock hard cock pressed against his muscular stomach. Just nod your head if we get to fuck your hot throat again or even three times."

I looked out the corner of my eyes while Private Nelson shoved his cock down my throat and did my best to nod my head up and down. I wished I could have answered him, I'd have said. "You bet I'll suck your cocks more than once. As many times as the three of you need to shoot your big loads." If the privates and corporal were going to be anything like my Master Dan they'd take a long time shooting their seconds loads. That would feel even better having more time to enjoy massaging their muscular chests, stomachs and even their muscular legs. With that thought I reached down with my hands rubbing my hands over Private Nelson's muscular legs, especially after the long hike today.

"It's even hot watching. Wow hot watching the fag's neck ballooning taking on the shape of your big cock Nelson especially your big cock head sliding up and down his neck." Corporal Jones said kneeling down beside me staring at my neck.

"Shit you're right Corporal Jones. I never saw this in any porno before and the women are supposed to be professionals. They're nothing compared to Malta." Private Walker said kneeling on the other side of me staring at my neck.

"I've got to look at this when Corporal Jones fucks his throat." Private Nelson groaned pulling his cock out of my throat before ramming it deep inside my throat. His balls pulled up and his cock thickened indicating his approaching orgasm. He gripped my head even tighter. "I'm cumming big time." He shouted his cock vibrating in my throat pulling it out giving me a juicy load to swish around in my mouth before shooting a couple more loads all over my face. "Your up next Corporal." Backing up his throbbing cock still drooling thick cum.

I swallowed Private Nelsons big thick delicious load before opening my mouth while Corporal Jones held my head shoving his thick nine inch cock in my mouth. He shoved hard until his cock was all the way down my throat with his low hanging balls smacking my bottom lip. He grunted and groaned continuing to fuck my throat while Private Walker kneeled on one side of me and Private Nelson on my other side. "Shit your right guys. Damn look at the way his neck balloons out and damn that's one huge cock head you have Jones."

In no time Corporal Jones was moaning and groaning shooting his big load down my throat probably directly into my stomach. He pulled out giving me a nice juicy thick load to swish around in my mouth before spurting a couple more loads on my face. My face must have been plastered with cum by then.

"Me again." Private Walker said eagerly walking in front of me.

"Shouldn't you let the fag have a break first Walker." Private Nelson said.

"Why?" Private Walker asked. "He can rest after we're finished emptying our balls. Besides look at the eager look on his face. You want more cock rammed down your throat. Don't you fag?"

"You bet I do. I love all you studs fucking my throat and massaging your hard bodies." I licked my lips. "Don't just stand there Walker shove that big cock in my mouth and down my throat." I said opening my mouth wide.

Once more I was in cock heaven as Private Walker took control of my throat ramming his cock slowly in and out of my throat. Shit you have been fucking his throat for at least a half hour." Private Nelson complained. "Hurry the fuck up."

"I'm close, it won't be long now." Private Walker moaned shoving his cock down my throat one last time his balls pulling up cock thickening and vibrating in my throat. "I'm cumming."

My mouth filled with yet another big load swishing it around while another four big loads blasted all over my face. I swallowed his big load.

The moment Private Walker stepped to one side Private Nelson took his place shoving his cock down my throat. He fucked my throat for a good half hour before dumping his load before filling my mouth and spurting load after load all over my face. I could no longer see with my eyes filled with thick cum. Corporal Jones took Private Nelson's place fucking my throat for at least a half hour before shooting his nice big load in my throat on my mouth and all over my face.

My knees were getting sore by then as well as my throat but my mind was still enthused not wanting the three muscular studs to end fucking my throat. "I guess the three of you are all cummed out." I said looking first at Private Walker then Private Nelson and lastly at Corporal Jones who's cocks were once more rock hard drooling even more pre-cum. "My knees are killing me as well as my back being in the same position so long." I said hoping one of them would suggest fucking me in a different position.

"I have an idea how about standing up and leaning over the dresser with your head and we can stand on the other side and feed you our cocks." Corporal Jones suggested.

"Fine with me." I answered right away not giving any one else a chance to say anything. And so it was. The three studs took turns fucking my mouth and throat with my head hanging over the edge of the dresser. After a couple of hours later Private Walker, Private Nelson and Corporal Jones shot their first big loads filling my stomach not to mention my face plastered in cum.

All three looked drained at long last. Their cocks wilting and balls deflated. "Let the Sargent have some sleep." Corporal Jones said pulling his combat pants on, not bothering with his jock strap. He picked up his boots with his socks inside heading for the tent flap. Privates Walker and Nelson following close behind. I put on my combat pants heading for the latrine for a needed leak before remembering the bag to clean out my ass. I cleaned my ass out until the water came out clear. I went to the showers cleaning the sweat and cum from my face and body. Finally in the wee hours of the morning I flopped in bed falling to sleep my head full of questions of what tomorrow would bring. Remember the training has only just begun. Sargent Malta still has close to two more weeks under his Master Dan's training and he has promised to bring his dad and older brother Jeff tomorrow.

End of Chapter 3.

Next: Chapter 4

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