Taking Down Sargent Malta

By Barry Edmund

Published on Oct 9, 2016


I am not a racist so please excuse the names I refer to different races. I hope everyone will comprehend the reason I have used names referring to different races and you will see it all works against Sargent Malta by the end of Chapter 1. As always suggestions for further chapters are appreciated. barry97_97@yahoo.com

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Now: Taking Down Sargent Malta Chapter 2.

I woke up stretching ready to begin another day. The first thing on my mind as usual, my piss hard on, needing relief. I swung my legs off my cot heading for the latrine. Standing at the latrine willing my boner to go down,so I could piss, I thought about Brenda. I remembered meeting her a couple of days earlier by the town high school. What did I do with her yesterday? I asked myself, I remembered looking forward to her hot mouth yesterday while taking the troop hiking, but couldn't remember the actual blow job. I guess she wasn't any good since I couldn't......... Then the day before came back to me and her brother Dan making me sign something. Shit I signed a confession that I'm a child molester. My cock went soft immediately and I felt myself pissing. "What the hell have I done?" I shouted.

"What's the matter Sargent?" I heard Corporal Jones asking a short distance away.

"Nothing for you to be concerned about Corporal." I answered. "I'm just going over in my head today's hiking schedule. I'll meet you in the mess after my morning workout. Make sure the boys are prepared for a good hike today with full gear."

"Meet you in the mess tent after your workout to go over today's hiking schedule Sargent." Corporal Jones answered.

I headed back to my tent not half as enthused as I was when I had woken up. I began my morning push ups, sit ups and stretching exercises doing my best to block out the day before. Taking my shower all I could think about was Dan and that damn confession he forced me to sign. "I've got to get a hold of myself." I said drying myself, wrapping my towel around my waist I headed back to my tent to get dressed for the day.

My stomach was all tied up in knots sitting in the mess tent with my plate full, but I sure wasn't hungry. I should be starving having not eaten very much dinner the night before. I stuffed my breakfast down knowing I'd need my strength for today's grueling hike. "Have the men lined up as soon as they finish cleaning up after breakfast Corporal. Make sure Taylor, Davis, Sanders, Benet, Clark and Marshal (the six niggers I didn't say six niggers) clean up the mess tent before we move out." I ordered, but knew there was no conviction in my voice. My thoughts were thinking about meeting up with Dan at three thirty at the high school.

"Lets get a move on it." I shouted knowing at least I still had command over Corporal Jones and the fourteen privates under my command. "Line up behind Corporal Jones and I on the double."

The six niggers lined up behind Corporal Jones like the day before. "Taylor, Davis, Sanders, Benet, Clark and Marshal I want the six of you behind me today." I ordered.

"But...." Corporal Jones started saying.

"But nothing Corporal Jones. You and the privates are to obey orders, no ifs or buts about it. I don't like my orders questioned Jones. Now line up behind me Taylor, Davis, Sanders, Benet, Clark and Marshal." I shouted knowing how angry I felt at the entire world that moment. I might not be able to do anything about Dan, but I still had command of my troops. "What's that, did I hear Taylor, Davis, Sanders, Benet, Clark and Marshal giving me a yes Sargent, or am I deaf?" I asked, but really wasn't asking. I was ordering the niggers to answer me.

"Yes Sargent." Taylor, Davis, Sander's, Benet, Clark and Marshal, shouted the same time, going from behind Corporal Jones, lining up behind me.

"Are you men stupid or something?" I asked, thinking how stupid six of the seven white privates were for not lining up behind Corporal Jones. "Six of the privates that are still lined up behind me, line up behind Corporal Jones. You boys should know better than having only one private following behind Corporal Jones and thirteen behind me. Line up properly and don't take all fucking day."

"Sorry Sargent." Private Paterson, one of my white six-two, blond blue eyed, good shaped twenty-one year old private shouted. Private Paterson, as well as five other privates, shuffled over, lining up behind Corporal Jones.

"Name off, starting with the privates behind Corporal Jones." I ordered.

The privates behind Corporal Jones shouted. "Gleason, Hendrix, Anderson, Smith, Nelson, Philips, Davidson.

"Name off behind me boys." I shouted.

"Taylor, Davis, Sanders, Benet, Clark, Marshal." The six niggers called out. "Walker." Walker was the only white private following behind me and he was bringing up the rear.

"Move out." I commanded, beginning to walk out of camp, this time heading south following the river in the opposite direction than the day before. I had a lot of frustration to work out and was taking it out by hiking. I forced myself to walk faster than the day before, breaking out in a good sweat in no time. I could tell the privates and Corporal Jones were tiring after a good couple of hours of steady hiking without a break.

"Don't you think we should take a break?" Corporal Jones asked, huffing and puffing.

"What's wrong with you Corporal? Are you and the privates a bunch of wimps? Are you youngsters going to let a man old enough to be your father, out hike you?" I asked getting my second wind."

"No, but we're going to piss ourselves if we don't stop soon Sargent Malta." Corporal Jones answered. "At least let the men take a piss break and have a drink of water."

"Alright wimps we'll take a fifteen minute piss and refreshment break." I shouted holding my hand up and stopping, heading behind a close by tree, pulling out my pecker from my combat pants and jock strap and pissing. I had to piss a lot more than I thought. I leaned against another tree drinking some water out of my canteen. I wasn't thinking about hiking on my mind. My thoughts filled with anxiety of what was in store for me behind the high school, at three thirty. I wondered what kind of things Dan was planning for me. "Whatever you have planned Danny Boy, you're not going to break me." I caught myself saying aloud.

"What did you say Sargent?" Private Walker asked, sitting not far from me. Private Walker is twenty-two, at least six-two, black hair, in good shape like all my privates."

"None of your business Private. What the hell are you listening in on what I'm saying in the first place." I shouted, probably sounding a lot more angry than I actually was.

"Sorry Sargent. I didn't mean to over hear you, but you were sure talking loud enough." Private Walker apologized.

"Don't get snarly with me Private. You're not here to disrespect me, you're here to obey and today that's hiking. For your disrespect you're to follow directly behind me after the break." I ordered. At least I could keep someone in line today. I'd worry about what to do about Dan later.

"Yes Sargent Malta." Private Walker answered not adding any thing else. I guess he figured he'd better keep his mouth shut before getting himself into any more trouble.

I knew Walker hadn't been disrespectful when he answered me. He was simply apologizing for over hearing what I said, but it felt good to throw my weight around. I wasn't coming up with any solutions what to do about Dan holding the damn signed confession over my head.

"End of break Corporal Jones. Give me twenty push ups and sit ups before we move out." I ordered, dropping down pushing out twenty push ups and sit ups before standing up. Like I said earlier I don't get my men to do anything I don't do myself. Besides I needed some stenguous exersize to block Dan from my thoughts.

The privates and Corporal Jones were standing around after doing their push ups and sit ups.

"Line up privates and lets get hiking." I ordered.

The privates lined up behind Corporal Jones and myself, Private Walker behind me. "Move out." I ordered starting to walk picking up a good pace. I walked on the path along side the river for a good hour and a half before halting. "Lunch break before we head back to camp." I said putting my hand up stopping. I had the niggers take out what we would need for lunch and pack everything away after our lunch break. "Move out." I ordered heading back to camp. I didn't slow the pace heading back to camp, only stopping for a fifteen minute piss and refreshment break.

Returning to camp after our eight and a half hour hike, including lunch and two fifteen minute breaks, I gave the men permission to shower and change into fresh combats. The combats I had the niggers wash in the river the day before after returning to camp. I headed for the showers to wash up and change into clean combats handing my boots to one of the niggers to spit polish.

"Front and center men." I shouted standing in front of the tent we were using as our mess tent. Minutes later the fourteen privates and Corporal Jones were lined up in front of me waiting for my orders. "I'm heading out for a walk, while I'm gone I want Taylor, Clark, Davis, Sanders, Benet and Marshal on combat washing duty. Gleason, Hendrix, Anderson, Smith, Walker, Nelson and Paterson spit polish your boots. For mouthing off to me today Walker, along with your boots you're to also spit polish Taylor, Clark, Davis, Sanders, Benita and Marshal's boots." I wanted to throw my authority around while I still could. I figured making Private Walker spit polish the niggers boots was a great way of putting Walker in his place. I knew Private Walker hadn't mouth backed to me in the first place but I needed to order someone around and Private Walker was handy. "Don't wait up to eat dinner. I don't know when I'll be back." I ordered. "Dismissed men." I could see the scowel on Private Walker's face turning around. I don't think he knew I saw the look he gave me. So what if Private Walker was pissed with me. I didn't give a shit.

It was three ten when I finally left camp heading for the high school, less than a fifteen minute walk from camp. I walked directly to the far side of the high school where I had met up with Brenda the day before. I looked at my watch, I was a good five minutes early. I looked around not seeing Dan any where in sight. I had made up my mind before arriving at the high school there was no way I was going to take off my combats and wait for Dan in the nude. As far as I was concerned that was going too far.

"I see you made it on time Sargent, but you still have your clothes on. I ordered you to be nude waiting for me, not standing around in your combats." Dan said sounding discusted. He walked around the side of the school wearing a pair of dark blue gym shorts, white T-shirt running shoes and white socks. I had to admit Dan has a great tan and a good body, especially for a sixteen year old. There was no doubt he worked out at least five days a week, four or five hours each day.

"Come on Dan you weren't serious about me waiting for you nude. That would be crazy." I said hoping Dan would have pity on me about taking my combats off in a public place. Damn I must sound like a real wimp, everything I despised about fucking fags.

"Your a Sargent, when you give your privates orders don't you expect them to be obeyed?" Dan walked toward me until there was barely an inch between us. I was thrown off guard when his hand shot up slapping my right cheek. "I also expect my orders obeyed cunt." Dan shouted, spit hitting my face. "Just for that you need to be punished. Take off your clothes on the double or do I have to take them off for you? If I take them off for you there won't be anything for you to wear back to camp. I had a sneaky suspicion you wouldn't be nude, that's why I brought a pair of scissors with me."

"You're just lucky you have the signed confession or you wouldn't be throwing orders around, you'd be taking them, ass hole." I shouted with my anger building up.

"Oh but I do have your signed confession so quit fucking around and strip. I'm loosing my patience." Dan yelled in my face grabbing the front of my combat shirt. He shoved me back letting go of my shirt. "Get a move on it, I haven't got all day."

I started undoing my combat shirt slowly, looking up at Dan hoping for a sign of sympathy. Dan began tapping his shoes looking down at me with his hands on his hips. "I'm waiting fuck head. You either get a move on it or I start using the scissors. Think what your privates will think when you return nude carrying your cut up combat clothes." Dan pulled a large pair of scissors out of his back pocket opening and shutting them inches from my face. "Do I have your attention?" He asked.

"You sure do." I unbuttoned the rest of my combat shirt and took it off. "Do you mind if I sit down to take off my boots?" I asked.

"Go ahead and make it snappy." Dan shouted, stepping back a couple of steps, allowing me to sit on the pavement. I undid my combat boots as fast as I could and pulled each of them off before taking my black socks off. I raised my ass off the ground pushing my combat pants under my ass before pushing them down my legs and feet. I sat looking at Dan, wearing nothing but my jock strap. "I said nude. Take off the jock strap." Dan looked down in my face with a look of disgust on his face. "Man your stupid for an army Sargent."

I took a hold of my jock strap on each side, pushing it down below my ass cheeks, my soft uncut cock flopping out. I'm not ashamed of my cock, even soft it's a good size, but having it out in the open so anyone coming by could see, was a different story. I lowered my jock strap down my legs, kicking them from my feet and looked up at Dan for his approval. "Now what?" I asked standing up.

Dan walked directly in front of me grabbing the back of my neck pushing me forward toward a close by bench. He sat down looking at me. "Now for your punishment. Lay across my knees and shove your ass in the air for some good old fashion paddling." He picked up a ping pong paddle in his hand, looking at me smiling, that evil smile, of his. "I thought I'd need something to punish you with. All you bullies are the same, you need some persuasion when you're starting out your training." Dan patted his muscular leg lightly with the ping pong paddle a couple of times.

I stood looking down at Dan not believing what I was hearing. The fucking punk had to be kidding. There was no way I was about to let a sixteen year old paddle my ass, even if he was as well built as myself.

"Are you deaf as well as dumb, fucker?" Dan looked up at me. "If I have to stand up and force you over my knees you'll get a worse paddling than if you co-operate; NOW get that ass over my knees." Dan said raising his voice. I could tell Dan was beginning to loose his patience.

I knew I had no choice bending down, reluctantly laying over his knees with my soft cock pressing against his muscular legs, my bubble butt high in the air. I had never been paddled, not even as a child. I had always obeyed my dad, who had also been an army man before he died in an auto accident along with my mother. My younger brother Keith, thirty six is posted on the coast with his two teenage sons, Pete fourteen and Mike sixteen. My older brother Albert forty one is posted in the mid west, has four sons Jeff fourteen, Theodore (Ted) sixteen, Paul seventeen and Albert Jr eighteen, now in basic training. My two brothers Keith and Albert are as well built as me. The last time I saw my nephews was at our last family get together less than a year ago. All my nephew are as well built as their dads. It seemed boys ran in the family, none of us have daughters. I would die if my brothers and nephews could see me now, laying across a sixteen year old boys legs nude. I could feel tears of humility filling my brown eyes flowing down my cheeks looking at the pavement below me.

I want you to count. "I'm only going to paddle your ass a total of ten on each of your ass cheeks, this time. Every time you misbehave I increase the paddling by five on each of your ass cheeks. Get ready to start counting." Dan ordered, raising his voice.

I felt the paddle smack my left ass cheek, causing my body to pull away as a natural reflex. "One." I said in a little more than a whisper.

"Louder Sargent. Let me hear you." Dan ordered the paddle smacking my right ass cheek." "Two." I said, raising my voice a little.

"Are you stupid or what. I told you ten paddles on each of your ass cheeks, not ten all together. Just for that start over and remember "One left ass cheek, One right ass cheek. See if you can get it right, ass hole." Dan shouted the paddle smacking my left ass cheek. "One." I said trying to hold back the tears, not from pain, but humiliation. A couple of seconds later the paddle smacked my right ass cheek. "One." I said louder. The paddle smacked my left ass cheek. "Two." My right ass cheek. "Two." The smacking went on and on as I counted "Three, three, four, four, five, five, six, six, seven, seven, eight, eight, nine, nine, ten" Finally the last smack on my right ass cheek. "Ten."

"Stand up Sargent." Dan ordered.

I pushed my self off his muscular legs standing up looking up at Dan waiting for what ever orders he would next give me. I pulled my arms behind me massaging my sore ass cheeks.

"Put your arms to your side, leave your ass cheeks alone. I see you got a bit of a thrill being paddled. Didn't you?" Dan asked.

I wondered what Dan was talking about so didn't answer.

"You sprang a fucking boner Sargent." Dan started laughing.

"What?" I looked down to see what Dan was talking about and sure enough my cock was it's full thick nine hard inches. "OH shit." I said in shock and embarrassment. "How could this happen to me, my cock getting hard while getting my ass paddled."

"Don't be embarrassed it's not unusual, all the bullies spring boners when I paddle them the first time. It only means your subconscious is learning it's place as my obedient slave. Your subconscious mind reacts faster than your conscious mind."

I looked down at my cock pressing against my wash-board stomach, streams of pre-cum dripping out. I hadn't shot off a load in over two days. The longest I ever go without dumping a load in a hot pussy or mouth has been a day, that's the longest I've gone. I usually drop loads four or even five times daily. Why was I thinking about that at a time like this.

"I'm going to go easy on you your first day Sargent." Dan said smiling that same evil smile.

I didn't know what to say hoping this would soon be over, at least for today. It looked like I was going to be lucky and Dan wouldn't make me do anything sexually. As far as I was conserned paddling my ass was enough for one day. My ass cheeks still felt warm and painful.

"Thank you Dan." Was all I could think to say about to walk over to pick up my strap and put it on.

"Who told you you're dismissed?" Dan grabbed my upper arm in his fist. "Where do you think you're going?" Dan asked.

"To get my jock-strap and combats to get dressed to head back to camp." I answered turning around looking at Dan. "You said you were going easy on me today."

"That's right, I'm going to take it easy on you your first day. I said nothing about letting you go back to camp. Besides why would you want to head back with that big boner, Boner Boy." Dan laughed. "That's a good name for you, Boner Boy. A good name for now, until, I come up with a permanent name that will suit you."

"What do you want from me?" I asked. "Haven't you gotten your revenge for me making your sister jack me off paddling my ass?"

"Paddling your ass had nothing to do with my sister. The paddling was punishment for not obeying my orders, not being in the buff when I got here. You think this is about revenge. You're wrong about that Boner Boy. This is about bringing out the true you, the you, you have locked deep inside you. I'm just going to help you find your true calling as a sex slave. The moment I met you I knew you're like the bullies I enabled, to find their true calling as muscular men and teenage boys sex slaves. The last bully I brought out got a football scholarship for one of the big colleges back east. He's probably climbing the walls being around his muscular, aggressive teammates. Matt's probably desperate for them to fuck his hot bubble butt and deep throat their big cocks. I wish I could be there when the desperation becomes to strong. I'd love to watch fag boy begging his teammates to ram their big cocks in his ass and down his throat at the same time. That is if he hasn't broken down already. He only left last week but that's plenty of time for desperation to kick in. Don't worry I'll bring your true longing out in less than two weeks Boner Boy. You springing that boner is proof of that. I'm betting you'll know your place within a couple of days, at the most." Dan said without stopping to give me a chance to say anything.

"You're bananas if you think for one second I'll be begging muscular men, especially teenage boys to fuck my ass and throat. You're delusional." I shouted loosing my temper.

"Hush, hush now Boner Boy. Your subconscious mind has already begun to awaken to your true self. You're boner is proof. Take a look your dick. It's rock hard with desire. The thought of being an out and out slut to muscular men and teenage boys sexual appetite has already begun. I just wish I could be there in person the first time you beg to worship, massage their muscular bodies. The best part I'd miss is you begging them to fuck your ass and throat the first time." Dan smiled that evil smile again. I'd love to watch the first time you're so despert you beg to worship your sons muscular bodies and for them to take ownership of your throat and ass. However, first things first though."

"You're delusional if I'd do any of that crap with my sons. I am being forced to do this crap only because of the confession you made me sign." I shouted.

"Keep your voice down. This is the most secluded part of the school but still you yell like that, someone's bound to hear you. There will plenty of time for you to practice your new found skills with the high school football and basketball studs here, before you head back to your base. Lets get started." Dan smiled standing up, pulling his T-shirt off dropping it on the bench he'd been sitting on. He pushed his dark blue gym shorts down his muscular legs kicking them off. He looked into my eyes massaging his stretched out jock strap. "I see by the way you're looking at my jock strap I have your attention."

"Damn it's pretty hard not to notice your jock the way it's sticking out like that." I said. "Lets get this over with. What's your plans? I want to get back to camp before it get's too late."

"I bet you want to get back to camp. I have a feeling you're thinking about Corporal Jones and the fourteen privates bodies cock and balls, aren't you?" Dan grabbed my hand forcing me to hold his well packed jock strap. "How's that feel. Don't worry you will see it first hand in a few moments. That's the way have a good feel. I love teasing fag sluts wanting to feel my big cock and balls. Oh yes I didn't tell you I stuck around when you entered your camp yesterday. I made sure no one could see me. Man you treat those six black men like shit. I bet they have a lot of pent up anger towards you. I'd love to watch them own your body. I'd bet they'd throw fucks into you that you will really enjoy. I predict you're going to love being roughed up and treated like the piece of shit you really are. I have to tell you it's true about the majority of blacks, they are all well hung, fuck for hours, shooting load after load down throats and asses. I've had bullies who hated black men until they found their true calling.

"I'm only doing this because your forcing me sicko. One thing is for sure I would never have sex with a fucking black man you sicko." I said trying to pull my hand away from Dan's well packed jock strap. His cock and balls must be huge by the feel of his jock strap I thought. What the hell am I thinking? "I don't give a shit even if his cock and balls are huge. I'm only doing this because you're blackmailing me with my signed confession ass hole."

"You're already caving Boner Boy, you didn't call black men nigger, you called them black men showing them the respect they deserve from you." Dan said.

"That's not true, it was just a slip of my tongue, I'll never show black men, I mean niggers any respect." I said but wasn't so sure Dan might be right.

"What ever." Dan pulled my hand from his bulging jock strap looking me in my eyes as if attempting to look into my head and brain. "Relax Boner Boy, I know your hand is already missing the feel of my bulging jock strap. In only a few moments you get to actually hold my bare cock and balls, instead of my bulging jock strap. Go ahead and watch me pull my jock strap down and I let you see my cock and balls completely uncovered. You know deep down that's what you want." Dan said in a soothing voice.

I looked down at the front of Dan's bulging jock strap. His hands holding each side of his jock strap. Slowly, as if in slow motion the front of his jock strap started pulling down. Dan's thick dark kinky crotch hair came into view. "I can tell the suspense is getting to you Boner Boy. Your cock is still rock hard and your licking your lips."

What the hell, I am not licking my lips. I thought watching Dan stop pulling his jock strap down before realizing I was licking my lips. What the hell am I licking my lips for? I asked myself. I've seen a lot of men's cocks, but never saw another man's hard cock before and for some rediculous reason I felt excited.

"Want to see more? Do you want to see my throbbing big cock and balls?" Dan asked. "Look into my eyes and tell me what you want Boner Boy."

I looked up into Dan's hypnotic brown eyes. Deep down I wanted to ask Dan to pull his jock strap down so I could see his cock and balls, but I made up my mind I wasn't going to give in. I couldn't, I had to keep a thread of dignity. "No. I don't give a shit about your hard cock or your balls." I yelled. "Quit calling me Boner Boy." I was using every fiber of my mind to shout. Something deep in my brain was calling to me. "Let it out." Or was it Dan I heard. I couldn't distinguish one from the other.

"I think you do Boner Boy." Dan softly said taking a hold of my hand pulling it to the top of his jock strap and his kinky, dark brown crotch hair. "Doesn't that feel nice Boner Boy." He had let go of the sides of his jock strap holding my hand. He easily pulled my hand down his packed jock strap in the palm of my hand. I could feel the heat from his cock and balls pressing snugly inside. "Don't block the feeling Boner Boy. Let your mind free. You're subconscious knows what it want's or your cock wouldn't be producing so much pre-cum and you're still licking your lips. Give into the feeling Boner Boy. Let it out." Dan kept whispering.

"You're crazy, crazy, if you think I give a shit about your fucking cock and balls. My dick's drooling pre-cum because it hasn't blasted a load in two days and my balls are used to blasting out four or five loads a day. I'm only licking my lips thinking about how much I want to blast out a load." I said trying to convince myself just as much as convince Dan.

Dan took each of my hands in his hand. With his left hand he pulled my hand to the left side of his jock strap and my right hand to the right side of his jock strap.

"Your hands know what your subconscious needs. Let it go. Let your hands go. Let them do what comes natural Boner Boy." Dan whispered.

I felt my hands trembling when Dan let go of each of my hands. My hands were gripping the band of his cock strap hugging tightly around his perfect body. "Go ahead I'm giving you permission to pull my jock strap down so you can see what your desperate to have a look at. Admit it, you wanto to see my hard throbbing cock in the flesh and my low hanging balls. Don't be shy Boner Boy." Dan continued saying softly before smiling that evil smile.

I kept looking at the front of Dan's packed jock strap, the huge purple colored, mushroom shaped cock head coming into view. How did that happen. Dan's not pulling his jock strap down. More and more of his thick cock was coming into view the lower his jock strap was pulled down. My hands suddenly seemed to go out of control with minds of their own, yanking on each side of Dan's jock strap. Dan's jock strap was pulled down to his knees.

"Your cock and balls are glorious." I said or did I say it. I couldn't have. I must have heard Dan's mind creeping into my mind.

"I knew you could do it once you let your mind go. So you think my cock and balls are glorious Boner Boy." Dan softly whispered. "Take my cock in your hand and hold my cum packed balls. All that cum is just for you."

I shook my head trying to get Dan's hypnotic voice out of my head. "No, I won't, I won't. This is crazy, it's a trick. You're tricking me. Stop it Dan! Stop getting in my head." I yelled. "I have no interest in your fucking cock or balls especially your cum. This is crazy."

"Keep telling yourself that Boner Boy. Keep keeping the truth to yourself. It's only the first day, you have plenty of time to find your true calling. Look at me." Dan demanded.

I forced myself to pull my eyes away from his thick cock and low hanging balls. Balls Dan told me were packed full of cum, just for me. I looked up until my eyes met Dan's deep brown eyes. "You know you want to take my cock in your hand. You want to feel my cum packed balls. All that cum saved up just for you. I didn't jack off last night knowing you'd want that cum running through your fingers. It's nice and thick just for you. You're coming along very good Boner Boy, very, very good. My last bully's subconscious didn't realize what it needed the first time day. Yours has Boner Boy. Go ahead let your hands work their magic. They pulled my jock strap down so you could feast your eyes on, what you call my Glorious Cock and Balls. NO one made you call my cock and balls Glorious." Dan whispered while I stared into his deep brown eyes that seemed to be swallowing me up. That's the way, one hand there and the other one there. How does that feel?"

"How does that feel?" I asked myself repeating what Dan said. "Feels good, real good. It's so big and hard, even bigger than my cock Dan. I can feel all that cum packed in your balls."

"It's all yours Boner Boy, just keep pumping my cock. That's the way nice and slow so you enjoy working for your first load you work out my balls. Nice and slow. That's the way, massage those balls Boner Boy. Feel all that pent up cum just waiting to come out for your enjoyment." Dan was saying looking in my eyes. "You like that don't you Boner Boy. Don't be shy tell me how much you like jacking my big cock. Get down on your knees and have a good look at my big cock and balls. Get down there boy, you know you want to be up close when I shoot my load."

"It's so big. You're cock is so big and glorious. Your balls are perfect, all that cum you saved for me Dan. Thank you so much for saving that cum just for me Stud." I heard someone, sounding like me saying, finding myself on my knees Dan's cock pointing in my face. I watched my hand moving up and down his cock while my other hand massaged his big balls, as if my hands had minds of their own.

"Faster, jack my big cock faster. Massage those balls. That's the way. Point my dick in your face. That's the way to do it. In your face Boner Boy and concentrate on jacking my cock." Dan began groaning.

Dan's big cock began throbbing in my hand while I continued jacking it faster and faster. My other hand massaged his balls that had risen up pressing against the base of his throbbing cock. Faster, damn it faster. Work my cock, massage those balls. Faster, faster, I'm almost there. Tell me how much you want me to shoot my load, tell me, turn me on fag and tell me you want my load. Keep it pointing in your fucking face." Dan moaned louder, his muscular hips and legs pump his hips forward. "Tell me fag how much you want my load."

I must have been caught up in the moment hearing someone that sounded like myself shouting. "Give me that load Dan. Shoot your big load. I want your cum all over my face Stud. Paint my face with your big load Master." Did I just call Dan Master?

I felt Dan's hands pressing against the top of my head grunting and groaning shoving his hips forward, his cock throbbing in my hand, balls pulled up high. "Yes, fuck yes I'm your Master. You're realy catching on fast. I'm almost there, you'll soon get what you're craving." Dan moaned contining to pump his hips forward and back.

"Please Master give me your hot cum." I heard myself pleading.

"I'm cumming." Dan practically screamed, a flood of thick cum bursting from his flared cock hole. "Shit yes." Dan's load splashing on my face. It landed on my nose, cheeks and eyes until I could only see thick white cum. My hand kept pumping his hard cock as more and more cum filled my face.

"Oh yes that was good." Dan groaned his cock softening the last few globs of cum dripping out.

"Snap out of it Sargent." Dan shouted snapping his fingers the same time. "Fucking fags. You're all the same. You so called bully jocks, fags all of you. You just need someone like me to draw out the real you. The thing you're good for is worshiping muscular and studly teenage boys, relieving us of our pent up loads. You're no different than the so called bully jocks Sargent. If anything it's been easier our first session to bring the hidden fag out of you than most of the bullies I've trained as worthless sex slaves.

"What the hell are you talking about?" I shook my head as if I had been in some kind of trance. I realized my face was plastered with something. "What did you just call me? I'm not a fucking fag and definatly not your sex slave. I'm only here because your holding that damn confession over my head. What's that stuff on my face? When did you force me on my knees in front of your damn cock?" I shouted. I don't think I had ever been so angry in my entire life.

"That's my cum. I didn't force you on your knees in front of my cock. You did it all on your own. You jacked my cock, massaged my balls and I shot all over your face Boner Boy.

"Fucker you tricked me, you did something to my head. You drugged me." I felt shocked Dan's cum covering my face. "Stop calling me Boner Boy." I shouted

"Get use to it, that's who you are until I come up with a better name for you, Boner Boy. How could I drug you? I didn't give you anything to drink or eat and I don't own any kind of needles. NO I didn't drug you Sargent. I do have to ask you something before I allow you to wipe your face." Dan said.

"What the fuck do you have to ask me?" I asked.

"How's it feel to jack someone off and have them shoot it all over your face Boner Boy? Do you like it?" Dan asked smiling the evil smile I was getting use to seeing.

"I don't like it, I don't like it one little bit, ass hole and I don't like you calling me Boner Boy. Is that what you wanted to hear?" I shouted.

"Good, that's the answer I was looking for today, that is. How do you think my sister Brenda liked what you did to her?" Dan asked leaning down taking my cum dripping chin in his hand and pulling up until I had no choice but to look in his deep brown eyes. "You're a full grown man, think how my fourteen year old sister felt. Did you think about my sister for one moment after you shot your load and ordered her to go home, her face plastered with your load. Now you have something to think about. You're just lucky I'm not the bastard you are or I'd walk you back to your camp with my load plastered all over your face. Here." Dan handed me an open box of Kleenex. "Wipe your face Boner Boy."

"I don't know how you did it but you tricked me Dan." I said standing up no longer angry with Dan. I realizing how Brenda must have felt two days ago shooting my load all over her face and sending her home. "I'm sorry, if I knew how she felt, I wouldn't have made her jack me off. You still tricked me. I don't know how, but you did. Now that you got even with me you can rip up the confession you made me sign and end this crap. I really am sorry the way I treated your sister and I've learned my lesson. I promise never to force myself on innocent girls again."

"Who said I was paying you back for what you did to Brenda?" Dan asked. "I'm not finished with you Boner Boy by a long shot. You are still to show up here at three thirty every day you're camping over the hill. That reminds me how's your butt feel."

"It still hurts a little." I hadn't thought about my butt with everything else going on, but it still felt sore. "Have a heart Dan. I've learned my lesson. What do you mean what you made me do wasn't pay back. What the hell was it then?" I asked.

"I am having a heart, more than you deserve. I didn't force you to do anything deep down you wanted, not wanted but needed to do. That's the reason you need me to bring the real you out. I'm surprised how close to the surface the real you actually is. It just needs to escape. The majority of bullies I've brought their true selves out didn't go as far as you did their first day. I won't need the two weeks for you to realize your place. Your place will be worshiping muscular men and teenage jocks at the peak of their sexuality. You'll be perfect for boys as young as fourteen needing to dump their loads with out fear of getting teenage girls pregnaunt. I just wish I could be with you the first time you're desperate being alone with your hot sons. I've seen desperate fathers your build and age coming on to their sons. It's hot the way their sons smack their dad's around calling them all those homo names. Then their sons fuck their loads down their dad's throat or ass. The dad's get so hot their sons smacking them around calling them names they beg their sons to take them to their next football, basketball or any high school team sports game. Their never interested in watching the games. The new found dads are there to beg the team jocks to gang bang them in their locker room after the game. You'll be really climbing the walls with three hot sons around. You probably have been working out with them in the gym. Man you'll be going crazy to massage, feel their hard bodies and chow down their big dicks. Your ass will be begging for your sons to throw it a good hard fuck. That is if you are able to survive the rest of the makeovers with those hunky young privates and Corporal. I'm sure it will only take a few more days of my skills to bring the real you out." Dan went on and on without giving me a chance to even butt in to say anything. That is if enough of the real you has already crept out by the time you get back to camp. Things might even start getting intersting when you get back to camp." Dan winked.

"The crap about my true self creaping out when I get back to camp is just a bunch of bull." I said not totally positive it was crap.

"I guess you'll soon be finding out Boner Boy. Get dressed and head back to camp." Dan said smiling that evil smile.

"Are you finished with your bull shitting Dan?" I asked picking up my jock strap and putting it on. My ass cheeks still stung a bit. "I have something important to ask you." Pulling my jock strap up grabbing my combat pants and pulling them on followed by my combat pants. I sat on the bench Dan had been sitting on putting my black socks on before tugging my combat boot. I hadn't bothered wearing my combat hat.

"What do you have to ask me Sargent Malta?" Dan asked getting dressed himself.

"When the two weeks of this bull shit is over do you promise to rip up my signed confession as well as any duplicates?" I asked. "As a sports player and gentleman I know I can take your word and you won't fuck with me."

"As a gentleman and sports player I will rip up your signed confession and all duplicates before you head back to your base. I promise." Dan said crossing his heart and pointing to the sky. "I positive you will know your true self within a couple of days if not sooner. I'm so positive I promise to rip up your signed confession and copies with in the next few days. I'll even burn them so no one can put the pieces together to read. That's a promise." Dan said sitting down on the bench beside me putting his socks and runners on.

"Good, within the next few days. That means I don't have to come here after the next few days. You will rip my confession and burn it. Right?" I asked.

"That's right Sargent Malta but you'll be back, you won't be able to stay away after the next few days. You'll go crazy having to take your troop on hikes every day instead of being with me, massaging my muscular body and taking care of my sexual needs. That is if you don't get as desperate as some of the bullies I've brought their true self out. One of the bullies I remember well. I found out from his teammates what happened. It all happened the day after I began teaching him his true calling. The captain of the football team told me Stan went bazerk getting on his hands and knees, on his hands and knees in the locker room. I couldn't believe it, the football captain Bill told me. I worked out with Bill after basketball practice and believe me he's really built. Bill told me Stan's the biggest bully on the team, but his best Running Back. Bill told me he had just gotten in the locker room when Stan was on his hands and knees worshiping his body. Stan still worshiping my body started begging me to let him suck my cock or ram my nine inch thick cock in his ass. My cock was rock hard by then not having gotten any action in three days. The girlfriend being on the rag. Dam that must have been something I would have loved to have seen instead of Bill telling me. Dam it was my loss not getting to watch Stan as well as being the biggest bully is the most musuclar stud on the football team. I can picture it in my head right now. The biggest bully and muscular stud on the football team begging Bill, equally muscular stud to fuck him. The big difference Bill is a hell of a nice guy and treats everyone with respect women men of any race or religuis belief. A man who needs no one to bring his true self out. Bill is like me and already knows his true way in life. I hadn't even fucked Stan yet, so knew he was a virgin. Bill had no trouble obliging Stan thowing him a good hard fuck taking his anal virginity. I kicked myself I didn't have the honor of taking Stan's bubble butt virgin ass. Bill told me he knew the way Stan screamed when he began fucking him. Screams, Bill told me turned into begging, begging Bill to fuck him deeper and harder. The tell tale blood after he finished fucking Stan was further proof Stan had been a virgin.

Shit not another one of his bull shit stories I was forced to listen to. Maybe that was Dan's plan, borring me with bull shit stories. Listening to Dan's bull shit story was worse than him paddling me. At least the pain from him paddling my ass was quickly fading. I sat on the bench beside Dan pretending to listen to another of his bull shit stories.

"I was told by one of the football guys something that the desperate bully, jock did." Dan began.

I tried to interupt Dan but it was useless he didn't give me even a split second to say anything.

"The jock, bully broke in the football players locker room after one of their biggest games, which they lost. You can only imagine how angry the guys were after loosing, only by a couple of points, one of the most important games of the season. Anyway the jock bully had watched the game and I gather got overly desperate watching the hot football players and virtually exploded with desperation. He must have waited until he thought the jocks were stripped down before he entered their locker room nude. He had taken his clothes off in the hall before entering the locker room. I gather within minutes after he entered the locker room he was begging for the guys to fuck him, not only his ass but his throat as well. The foot ball players were so horned up and angry having lost the game gave the slut just what he wanted and more so. The guy told me later each of the football players fucked him no less than four times each. He was excited telling me he had been literally swimming in hot thick cum not to mention the gallon of piss he drank. The fucker got so excited telling me about what happened in the locker room he begged to drink my piss and fuck him. Of course being the perfect gentleman I did just that. I just happened to have a bladder full of piss and I hadn't had a piece of ass since the night before so I threw him a good hard fuck." Dan went on and on once more not letting me but in to say anything.

"Have you ever thought about writing fiction Dan. You're such a bull shitter. You'd have no trouble writing a porno book. You've lost your calling with your bull shit training garbage. You could make a mint instead of spreading the bull around and writing a book and selling it." I laughed the first time since arriving behind the high school.

"It's not bull Boner Boy. Within a few days you will know the real you and know I haven't been bull shitting. You're not the first muscular stud that said I was bull shitting and you won't be the last. There will always bullies that need me to bring out their true selves." Dan said looking at his watch. "I've got to get going home for dinner. Be here at three thirty sharp, waiting for me in the buff. If you're not nude today's paddling will be nothing compared to the paddling I will give you tomorrow." Dan smiled that evil grin.

"Okay Dan I'll be here but don't expect another day like today unless you force me that is. I don't know what kind of trick you played with my head but don't count on that ever happening again." I said ready to head around the high school and go back to camp. "Remember you made that good sports man promise you'll rip up that confession you made me sign within a few days and burn it." I added.

"Don't worry I'll keep my word and rip up your confession within a few days and burn it. One more thing." Dan grabbed my shoulder turning me around. "Keep in mind what I told you about those hot black studs. Black studs come highly recommended by every bully I've brought their true self out. I can say one thing I get hot watching any of my past bullies controlled in every way by black men. Lots of times I fuck their throat while a black stud takes their ass or the other way around. I'm very popular with the bullies I've shown the light to. They look me up when ever their in town. I've been given free tickets to football, basketball, soccer matches, just so my former bullies give me a front row seat watching different sports team gang bang them. Enough about that for now. I've got to get running home, I'll be just in time for supper. See you tomorrow same place same time and be nude. Have fun when you get back to camp. I wouldn't be surprise if your true self starts coming out bit by bit when you get back to camp." Dan said turning around heading around the side of the school. My painful ass cheeks totally gone.

Dan had walked away so fast I didn't get to tell him what a bull shitter he was. The ass hole giving bull ship about my true self coming out when I got to camp bit by bit. "The fucker has no idea what the hell he's talking about." I said aloud heading around the high school heading back to camp. I didn't see anyone walking around so I took it for granted Corporal Jones and the privates were in the mess tent. I walked in the mess tent. "Don't get up." I looked around at the privates eating, Corporal Jones sitting at the head of table. My spot at the other end of the table vacant, waiting for me to sit down. "What's for supper men?" I greeted.

"Chicken Sargent." Corporal Jones said looking up at me and smiling.

"Sounds good Corporal." I answered. That's not the only thing that sounds good. I only wish you you'd shed the combats, I thought, catching myself just in time before licking my lips. I clamped my mouth shut. Shit did I really have those perverted thoughts? What the hell's the matter with me? I'm actually ogling my own men.

"Let me fetch your dinner Sargent." Corporal Jones offered standing up. I had to look up because Jones is at least a couple inches taller than myself. Man he looked hot, I remember seeing him in the base gym. He was a total muscular stud from head to toe, especially his muscular legs from hours of marching.

"Thank you Corporal. Really pile it on I'm starving." I said and this time actually caught myself licking my lips unable to draw my eyes off the Corporal's hot body. He looked hot even in his combats and spit polished black boots. The only problem with combats you don't get a good look at hard bodies because how loosely they fit. I'd would love to Corporal Jones in a tight pair of jeans, letting nothing to the immagination, especially what had to a nice bulging basket. Shit what the hell was I thinking something crazy like that for.

"I can tell you're hungry Sargent by the way you're licking you lips. Believe me it's a good meal. The cook for today out did himself." Corporal Jones said.

"That's because I did most of the cooking Sargent." Walker spoke up looking down the table at me with a look of pride on his handsome and masculine looking face.

I was snapped out of my thoughts. "Hasn't the army taught you anything Private Walker?" Corporal Jones shouted a tone of anger in his voice which was turning me on. I bet you throw a mean fuck when your worked up. I thought. Shit there I go again. I never had thoughts like this until I met Dan. The fucker was screwing with my head even when he wasn't around.

"I'm sorry Corporal. It won't happen again." Private Walker spoke up standing at the same time. Nice, I remember seeing him working out in the gym only wearing gym shorts, runners and socks. He had been bare chested with his muscular chest and stomach dripping with sweat. He had been really pumping iron that day. He hadn't seen me standing at the door ready to enter the gym. He was flexing his biceps in front of one of the older inlisted men's daughter. I'd say she was maybe in her early twenties around Private Walker's age. "I hope I'm not embarresing you working out without my shirt bitch. I see your have a good look at my sweaty body." He had shouted continuing to pump his biceps. I'm sure he wasn't sorry at all. It looked like he had been doing his best to impress the young woman.

I had walked in the gym and remember shouting. "That will be enough of that kind of language around the unlisted men's daughters Private Walker. Just for that kind of language get down and give me twenty."

"I didn't know you were standing there Sargent Malta. Sorry about the language." Private Walker apologized dropping to the floor counting out twenty push ups before standing up.

"Doesn't matter if I'm around or not Private Walker you're never to use language around women. Never mind apologizing to me, apologize to the young woman." I ordered. I hadn't wanted to tell Walker at the time, but I had been damn proud of him handling the girl the way she needed to handled. As his Sargent I couldn't let him get away with it, in case one of the officers walked in.

"Sit down Private." Corporal Jones said heading to the table dinner was being served. He returned with a plate piled high with mashed potatoes and chicken placing it in front of where I was sitting.

"Thanks Corporal Jones." I said before digging in. I was hungrier than I thought. "Good meal." I said when I finished eating. I stood up looking around the table. "Clark, Taylor, Davis, Sanders, Benet and Marshal are on KP." I ordered the six black men. I looked from one hot black stud to the other feeling something I had never felt before. It was out and out lust. Another thought flashed through my head. "Damn I bet those hot black studs would gladly smack me around and give my ass and throat a good hard pounding." Fuck where and the hell did that thought come from. I got to get out of here before I end up saying something foolish out loud, instead of just thinking these wild thoughts. "I'll be in my tent if any of you wonder where I am." What the hell did I say that for, I always gave strict orders I was never to be disturbed when ever I was in my private tent. Now I'm pracitally inviting any of the privates or corboral to drop by and pay me a visit. I heading for my tent. Maybe I need some alone time to clear my head.

I felt full of tension and something else walking in my tent. I dropped to the floor pumping out push ups. I did my best to keep my mind on working out rather than other thoughts building up in my head. I finished off fifty push ups before laying on my back my legs bent at my knees and did fifty sit ups. I got up flopping on my cot out of breath, my combats soaking wet with sweat. "That should do it." I said aloud knowing no one was around to hear me. "I should have the Corporal in here so I can watch him working out. I bet he'd really throw his weight around when he got angry enough. I'd seen Corporal Jones once in just his jock strap about to put his gym shorts. I didn't think I had paid any interest at the time, but I must have. I remember how filled out his jock strap had been. Shit. I just pumped out fifty push ups and sit ups and I'm still fantasizing about Corporal Jones. I can't be doing any more of that crap."

"Sargent." I heard Private Nelson shout just outside my tent. "Is everything alright, I heard you shouting about something. I couldn't make out what you were shouting, but if it's important maybe I can help you out Sargent Malta."

"Not a problem Private Nelson, I'm just letting off some steam. Nothing for you to worry about. Come in anyway Private and you can tell me how you're enjoying the military." I shouted, what the fuck am I inviting Private Nelson in my tent for. It was too late to worry about Private Nelson pushing the tent flap open and walking in.

Private Nelson's twenty one with a great build. There was no doubt he worked out at least five days and week, four or even five hours each day. It was easy to see Nelson was either Italian or Greek with his dark skin, brown eyes and dark brown hair. Maybe on his mother side, I doubted Nelson is Greek or Italian.

"Thank you Sargent Malta." Private Nelson walked in standing with his legs spread and arms behind him in the position of "At ease." "What did you want me to tell you Sargent?" Nelson asked looking straight ahead of him and not at me. I was sitting on the only army bench in my tent, watching Nelson's every move.

"I didn't allow you in to cross examine you Private Nelson. Have a seat on my cot and tell me about yourself." I looked Nelson up and down, not helping to give the hot private the once over. "Take off your combat boots, your off duty until morning. "Why did you join the army in the first place Nelson." I asked.

"Thank you Sargent Malta." Private Nelson looked at me as if looking for my approval sitting across from me on my cot. He leaned over undoing each of his combat boots before tugging each of them off, placing them beside his large feet. He sat up saying. "I don't really know how to answer that question Sargent Malta. I suppose to see the world."

"Is that the only reason Nelson?" I asked leaning forward picturing the hot stud with his shirt off. I'd never seen Private Nelson in the gym. Even in bull combats there was doubt he worked out at least four or five hours, five or six times a week. "Maybe you also joined to impress the girls and women with your uniform and muscular body? Call me Malta, Nelson. It's only the two of us, we don't have to be formal."

Nelson had a look of authority the way he sat looking me in my eyes. "To be honest Sargent, I mean Malta, your right, I did want to impress the women with my uniform and the muscles I've put on since joining the army two years ago."

"Take off your shirt Nelson, don't be shy, let me see what you're impressing the girls with." I said then thought. What the hell am I doing giving Nelson, one of my privates under my command, permission to take his shirt off and show me his muscular chest? If I don't watch myself Nelson will think I'm the one impressed with his muscular body. I have to watch myself so I don't do or say anything to give the private how hot I think he is. Dam did I just think I thought Private Nelson was hot?

"If you say so Malta." Nelson answered undoing his combat shirt one button at a time slowly as if teasing me taking his combat shirt off as slowly as possible. But that had to be my immagination. Of coarse Nelson has no reason to believe he'steasing me taking his combat shirt off slowly. Finaly what felt like for ever his fingers reached the last button. He pulled one sleeve out at a time tossing his combat beside him. "How do I look Malta?" He asked looking at me a look of authority writen on his handsome, masculine face.

"I can't really tell with you sitting way over there." I said standing up walking over to were Nelson was sitting. "Let me see you flexing your muscles Nelson and show me how you impress the girls?"

Nelson turned out to be quite the show off, pushing out his chest and flexing his biceps. He stood up only a few inches from me. "Want to have a feel of these muscles Malta and tell me what girls might think of my muscles?" Nelson continued flexing his biceps sounding more like he was ordering me to feel his biceps rather than asking if I wanted to feel his biceps.

I reached over wrapping my hands around his sixteen or seventeen inch bicep without thinking. "Nice Nelson, you have a good build." I said softly enjoying the feel of his muscular arm.

"Go ahead Malta massage my muscular chest and stomach, you know you want to." Nelson was whispering very much the way Dan had earlier.

My hands seemed to have a mind of their own massaging Nelsons firm chest and stomach. "Very nice Nelson. How about you take off your combat pants and show me how muscular your legs are. I bet you have nice muscular legs." Fuck what was I asking one of my privates to take off his pants? I've gone fucking crazy I didn't even say anything about impressing women or girls. I had told he probably has nice muscular legs. What must be going through Nelson's head about me?

"Sure thing Malta." Nelson undid his combat pants pushing them down his legs falling to his feet before stepping out of them and kicking them to one side. "Get on your knees and have a good feel. Work my muscular legs Malta." Nelson smiled but it was more like a smirk than a smile.

I didn't move, lost in the moment admirring how hot Nelson looked only wearing his jock strap.

"It's alright, go ahead and wrap your hands around my muscular legs while I flex them for you. You know you want to Malta." Nelson whispered reaching up placing his hands on my shoulders and pushing me to my knees.

I wrapped my arms around Nelson's left muscular leg feeling how muscular it was before moving to his right muscular leg and doing the same thing. I couldn't help looking up at his bulging jock strap. I could see his cock had to be rock hard. I wanted to reach up in the worse way and take a hold of each side of his jock strap and pull it down. I'd do anything that moment to have a look at his cock and balls.

"I see what you're looking at Malta. Don't let me stop you, pull my jock strap down. I can tell the way you're staring you're dying to see my hard cock and balls. If you're real good I might even let you give me a blow job fag." Malta said. I was shocked back to reality hearing Malta call me a fag.

"Your on report Private Nelson. Get dressed. How dare you call me a fag. Here I let you show off your muscular body so I can tell some of the women and girls I know about you and you pull this bull shit." I yelled.

"Shit I really did it, didn't I Sargent Malta. I don't know what I was saying. I let my hormones run away. I apologize. Shit please don't put me on report. It'll never happen again." Private Nelson stepped back, I could see something in his eyes that convinced me he wasn't apologizing. "I promise, I really promise never ever to do anything like this again." A snear spreading across his face when he didn't think I was looking. You're not sorry private I thought. I have a feeling you think you have me right where you want me and I hated admitting it to myself he was right. I had to get Private Nelson out of my tent so I could clear my head.

"Alright I won't put you on report Private Nelson, get dressed and make it snappy. You're just lucky I don't tell the entire camp what you called me Private. As soon as your dressed get out of my tent." My voice trailed off without a trace of authority.

Private Nelson pulled his combate pants and shirt on sitting down pulling his boots on but not doing them up. "I'm very sorry what I said and jumping to the wrong conclution Sargent Malta." It didn't sound as if he was convinced he had come to the wrong conclution about me. "I hope you invite me to your tent sometime soon and I get off, I mean we have a better understanding next time." Private Nelson said turning around lifting the flap of my tent. "I'm sure we can keep this between us Malta." He added turned at the last minute smiling, or was it more of snear. He walked outside the tent flag closing behind him.

As soon as Private Nelson left my tent I flopped down on my cot. What the hell came over me to let things get so out of hand with Private Nelson. There was no doubt in my mind Private Nelson took me for a fag. He wouldn't have invited himself to drop by sometime soon. The clincher was the last thing he said before leaving. "I'm sure we can keep this between us Malta." There would be no other reason we'd have something to keep between us. At least he promised to keep his mouth shut what happened in my tent between the two of us. He didn't promise how long he'd keep it between us. Private Nelson definatly was planning something but what?

I cursed myself over and over furious with myself, but lust was building up inside my head. I lay on my cot in my combats looking up, my mind beginning to wonder. I began fantasizing Private Nelson standing looking down at me. I was holding each side of his jock-straptook tugging it down. I feasted my eyes on what I thought his cock and balls looked like. I leaned back on my ankles taking a hold of his hard cock running my hand up and down slowly. It looked as gorgeous as Dan's thick eight inch cock. I held his cock up leaning forward pushing my face in his big low hanging balls and took a good smell. I could almost smell his sweaty, musky balls before pulling back sticking my tongue out and licking his ball sack. "Nice real nice Nelson." I said before opening my mouth and taking one of his balls in my mouth spitting it out and taking his other big ball in my mouth.

"That's the way slave, enjoy my balls." Nelson whispered in my fantasy. "That's enough ball worshiping fag, get on my cock. You know you want to blow me, I can see it in your eyes."

"Sargent, Sargent." I heard someone shouting. "You didn't tell us what time we were to line up for role call."

"The same time as this morning Private Paterson." I shouted. "You better hit the sack if you're going to up at six, dressed with full gear."

"Thank you Sargent Malta, I'll tell the others to be lined up and ready for role call at six." Private Paterson answered. "Good night Sargent."

"Good night Private." I shouted back. I got up, getting undressed, setting my alarm clock for five thirty. I layed on my cot my eyes drooping. I didn't realize how tired I was and soon in dream land. Dreams full of muscular well built men and teenage studs. Visions of cocks and balls of every shapes and colors. Blue, red, green, white and even big black cocks and balls. My alarm went off snapping me out of dream land. Like the majority of my dreams the dreams faded. I could only remember dreaming something about muscular men and teenager studs. I got up stretching before putting my jock strap, combat pants, shirt, socks and boots on ready to start a new day. I just hoped today wouldn't be a repeat of yesterday, or did I, yesterday really wasn't that bad. There were two questions on my mind as I exited my tent. "How was I going to face Private Nelson after what happened the night before? The other question. What did Dan have planned for me when I meets up with him at three thirty?

I felt something rushing through my body thinking about Dan. "I can't wait to meet up with you Dan." I said aloud catching myself licking my lips. "Maybe I won't strip to give Dan a reason to paddle my ass. I have to admit it was hot Dan turning me over his lap and paddling my bare ass yesterday, when I think about it." If I'm real lucky I get to learn to suck his cock today and he may even fuck me for the first time in my life. I have to stop thinking such garbage thoughts." I said before thinking. I definatly have to stop verbalizing my thoughts out loud. I took a deep breath in, stretching letting out my breath. It was time to face the new day.

End of Chapter 2

Just what will Sargent Malta be facing today? You've read how close Sargent Malta has gotten to letting down his guard. I'm sure it won't take much more of Dan's guidance to bring out Sargent Malta's true purpose in life? Can any one figure out what that is? What about Private Nelson and plans he must be thinking up for Sargent Malta. There's no doubt Private Nelson believes Sargent Malta is a fag? Will he spread it around to Corporal Jones and his fellow Privates? Maybe Private Nelson will want to keep his pet Sargent for himself. That way Private Nelson can have his fag Sargent at his beck and call, day or night, taking care his horny needs. His personal sex slave when he hasn't got a real woman or girl to take care of his sexual needs. The best part about having Sargent Malta as his personal sex slave he gets to rough him up more than he can a woman or girl. Take out some of his frustrations taking orders all day. The Sargent sure won't report him because that would be outing himself. He'd make sure not to cut or bruises his sex slave, not wanting to give himself away and landing himself in trouble and outing his sex slave. These are only ideas that might happen. I'm not saying they will or won't be in future chapters. Of course you readers will probably give me some more ideas I haven't even thought of. So please e-mail me your ideas. I can't promise to use every idea but who knows yours might be the brilliant idea that I'm looking for. One thing there can not be, out and out brutality, knifing, slashing, beating the Sargent to a pulp. I'm definatly not interested in Sargent dressing up like a woman or being feminine. I want Sargent Malta to stay masculine, submissive but not feminine. I don't want any one seeing Sargent Malta that has no idea he's a sex slave to know, by visable bruses etc. Hidden red marks and things like that is fine. I don't have plans to out him to his wife just yet. With the passing of each minute, hour and day it sinks in to Sargent Malta his true place in life. I'd like to hear from those who have started reading "Taking Down Sartent Malta." It's always nice to know the work I put in writing stories is being read. Thank you. I have some other stories I will be working on, so don't know when I will be working on Chapter 3. barry97_97@yahoo.com

Next: Chapter 3

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