Taking Down Sargent Malta

By Barry Edmund

Published on Dec 1, 2019


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Taking Down Sergeant Malta

Chapter 17-1

There I was, as destiny would have it, horny as hell at an all-male gym. I was doing my level best to avoid looking at the men in the shower with me, very macho, well-built guys, buddies of mine, their dicks and nut sacks relaxed in the heat and swinging loosely between their strapping thighs. But I couldn't help it. At first I was just stealing glances, but with all of the thick meat on display, I couldn't stop staring. Austin, one of the younger guys, was in the shower too, and he suddenly spoke up.

"You know, Malta, you'd think you were some kind of a fag the way you're looking at us and springing a big boner. Is that it? Is that what you are, Malta?"

Bewildered, I looked down and observed that, indeed, my nine inch dick was standing up and out, at full mast. Worse still, I found myself totally distracted by all the dicks that were now surrounding me and couldn't think straight, so to speak.

"You've got me wrong, guys," I said, shaking my head and trying to appear convincing. "I'm no fag!"

"I get it. Well, in that case, guess you don't wanna suck my nine and a half incher, do you?" Troy Jackson turned toward me as he said this. He was mocking me! What nerve! He had a smirk on his face and was massaging his dick, which grew in his hand as he approached. "It gets nice and thick, Malta. You like it thick?"

I took a good look at him, a really good look, and felt my nipples harden and my asshole twitch. I hadn't realized until that moment just how handsome he was, with broad-set hazel eyes, full lips, a manly jaw, and curly dark hair, closely cropped. He was evenly muscled, too, from shoulder to calf, and had a deep golden tan. I could have swallowed him whole.

"No," I heard myself saying, "of course not, Jackson. That's crazy talk." I threw back my head to stand taller, but couldn't bring myself to look him in the eye.

"Are you sure? Cuz you've got a mighty big boner there, man, and I'm what you might call hard up.' Yep, no pussy in at least a week, guys, and, I don't know about you, but my tanks are fully loaded."

So maybe that was it, because his nuts really were amazing. I'd noticed them right off. How could I not? They were practically the size of goose eggs! Maybe the biggest set of nuts I'd ever seen. I wondered if I could get both of them in my mouth at the same time, and wanted to find out how it would feel to have them stuffed up my ass.

"Listen, Malta, I'm no fag, but I think I know one when I see one, and the way you've been eyeing us, especially our cocks, I'd say you were an A-1 homo. Am I right? Be honest. Am I right?" he repeated, nodding to all the guys and rallying their support. They jeered, voiced their agreement, and moved in closer to me. I could feel my resolve, such as it was, crumble in the face of so much hardening dick.

"So, you sure you don't wanna choke on this, Malta?" Jackson asked, gripping the base of his cock with his right hand and slapping it against the palm of his left. The head of it was getting bigger and turning red, and the piss slit was starting to spasm. It was irresistible and I fell under its spell, a fact not lost on Jackson. "On your knees, homo."

Instinctively I did as he said. I lowered myself to the tiled floor until I was face-to-face with his dick. Jutting heavily from his dense pubes, it barely tapered from the root to the bloated head. It looked to be fully engorged and a network of burly veins throbbed all along the shaft.

Jackson thrust his hips forward. Except for the sound of water dripping from a couple of shower heads, the place was now eerily quiet, all of the guys suddenly silent, waiting to see what I would do next.

If you're totally straight, like me, you might think you wouldn't choose to suck dick in full view of your buddies. But I could tell it wasn't working that way. In the bright light of the shower room, surrounded by these guys, my gym mates, very sexy guys, and all of them buck naked, I found myself becoming incredibly excited. Excited like never before. It was almost as if I were onstage, as if I were the star, the big attraction. I felt that this was my moment. And for some reason, I wondered if this was how those slutty strippers in the clubs feel. You know the type, those filthy tramps who flaunt fake tits, fleshy asses, and can't wait to get their nipples squeezed or a guy's fingers up their assholes and wet pussies during the lap dance. Let's face it, they're nothing but cheap whores, grinding it out. Unbelievable sluts! But tell me, what woman isn't? Hard-core dick hounds, that's all they are, drooling cunts who get off on strutting their holes in front of a bunch of hot guys. When you think about it, it's really pitiful.

Of course, I'm a military man, very masculine and rock solid, and my buddies have always admired me for it. Ask anyone. I live in a man's world. A world where cunts are good for fucking. Full stop. Because when the sexes mix, everybody knows it's awkward. Too much drama. Too much hysteria. And a real man can be polite for only so long. Courtesy counts, they say, but not in my book. Because when it's just guys, everything's relaxed. Isn't that right? No one's keeping you in line and we don't stand on ceremony. If a guy's angry, he lets off steam, and nobody gives him grief for it. If he's tired, he sleeps and no one gives a shit. And how's being horny any different? If a guy whips out his dick to jack off, who cares? But oh boy, do women ever make a big deal out of that.

And so here's Jackson. The guy's got a weeklong jizz backlog that's swelling his nuts, and he needs to get off. What's he supposed to do? Why shouldn't a buddy help him out? What the hell is queer about that?

I reached out and took hold of his dick. Some of the guys gasped, but from the corner of my eye I could see a couple of them starting to beat off. The shaft was big and gnarly. It didn't need to look half this good to make me want it, but I'd save that for later. I lifted it up, leaned forward and homed in on his hairy sack. For some reason I was kind of obsessed with it. It sagged obscenely from the weight of his testicles, which hung vertically and together formed a kind of lopsided heart shape. Staring at the whole kit swaying between his thighs made me almost dizzy, and when my tongue reached its wrinkled skin it felt as if an electric current was running through me. In the buildup to that moment, my mouth had filled with saliva, saliva that began to spill out, coating the sack and softening the bristly, dark hair that covered it. I bathed his nuts like a grown cat playing with a pair of kittens, shifting from one to the other and rolling them from side to side.

"That's the way, princess," Jackson said, "work my balls. Do a good job and maybe I'll let you suck my dick."

Listen to him, I thought. So butch, but I really liked it, especially with all the other guys circled around us. Of course, everybody knows who the real faggots are in this world -- fucking queers, acting like little girls, showing off their fancy panties, and prancing around in search of a stiff dick. And believe me, I'm sure as hell not in that fruit troop. Besides, from the way he kept shoving his nuts forward, I knew Jackson was getting off on this ball bath as much as I was. No selfish bitch is going to give a guy this kind of attention. This was purely man-to-man, and all the guys were into it, jacking and urging us on, just as you'd expect from your mates.

And what a nasty brace of nuts he had! I'd never seen a pair like it. The more I worked them, the bigger they seemed to get. For sure they were too big to take them both in my mouth at the same time, and I was getting lightheaded thinking about how much jizz they'd be packing. The left one hung lower, and I sucked it in, grazed it with my tongue, pulled the scrotum tight, and squeezed the free ball in my hand. Jackson's dick was stretched out across my upturned face, not fully hard but already bloated and leaking.

"Wow, you sure know how to suck a nut, Malta. Go ahead, take the other one in your mouth."

Spitting it out was more of a problem than sucking it in, but somehow I managed, and was able to alternate, first one nut, then the other, laving and swishing each as best I could. Excess saliva blocked my throat and spilled from the corners of my mouth, but I kept at it until my jaws threatened to lock. By this time, Jackson was moaning. He'd shut his eyes, loosened his hips, and swayed slightly from side to side. When I pulled back, his dick stood there, straight up, fat and jerking fitfully, inches from my face. I licked along the engorged underside of it, tonguing my way to his pulsing mushroom crown.

"Oh, yeah! Look at him go, man, straight to your leaky slit," Austin said, cock in hand.

I'd been fixated on Jackson's magnificent nuts, but the head of his dick now stood out as the real prize. Oozing a steady flow of precum, fleshy, and fat as a ripe plum, his meaty organ filled my mouth and then some. I muscled it down my throat, going full hog, drooling and gagging, until, nearly senseless, I'd buried my nose in his thick pubes. I bobbed and choked, gurgled and choked again. To steady myself, I'd apparently leaned forward and grabbed his brawny backside, unconsciously pushing out my ass in the process. I felt my man cheeks splay apart and my asshole open and close spasmodically.

"Looks like you take it up the ass, Malta. Is that it?" Austin asked, jabbing his bare foot at my hip and drawing me out of my trance.

Very polite of him to ask. I nodded my head as best I could, and grunted. Jackson's dick felt too good in my throat to pull off of it in order to actually speak. I was overcome with excitement and keenly aware that my ass was waving in the air, begging for attention and desperate to be stuffed.

"You know man, for a guy who's not a fag, you sure look like pussy down there, Malta. Just begging for cock!" That was Jeff, mid-twenties, I'd guess, about six foot three, dark black skin, muscles flexing up and down the length of his glorious naked body. From the corner of my eye I saw him approach, tugging at his ample dick and nuts. "I might want a piece of that fag ass too," he said, to no one in particular.

Okay. It was about to happen. The guys had moved closer together, jacking their meat and tightening the ring around me. Pretending not to notice, I hunkered down on Jackson's bone. Yes. Someone's fingers were at my ass and I heard Austin announce, "Hey guys, I'd say this hole has been fucked recently. Take a look at that nasty gash. All red and puffy, like a real cunt, and look at all of that cum dripping out. Sure don't need any lube, Malta." Austin laughed and shook his head. "Man, this slut is warmed up and ready to go!"."

I couldn't turn to see it happen but almost swooned as Austin's fat cock head breached my sphincter. Once in, he reached around to my chest and squashed my hardened nipples between his fingers. Austin, such a sweet, clean-cut guy, apparently had a brutal streak. Some stifled resentments, perhaps. Didn't expect that from him, but hey, let's get it all out there. Whatever it takes to drive home a hard shaft. He'd already planted most of his meat in my guts, and as he pulled roughly at my tits, my chute sucked him in even deeper, as if my tits and cunt were cross wired.

Flashes of exquisite pain and excruciating pleasure alternated throughout my body. Be the best man you can be, they say, and here we were, three macho guys, with our best buddies, realizing our full potential.

Jackson was going at it like a man possessed, his muscled abs thumping so hard against my forehead I thought he might end by knocking me unconscious. But his thrusts gradually slowed. Equal in force, but more deliberate. The guy had needed to dump a juicy load like two or three days ago, and with the action his prick was getting in my mouth and throat, it was on a hair-trigger to let loose, the two of us fused in a primal itch. He had a vice-like grip on my head and was leaking precum straight into my gullet. "Oh, fuck yes!" he said, "Fucking suck cock, Malta! Fucking hot!"

Impaled on two turgid dicks, battered at both ends, it was all I could do to stay upright and take my drilling like a good soldier. Austin had pressed his pumped chest against my back, man sweat slicking the surface and dripping down my arms. I'd opened fully to him but could still feel the length and girth of his dick stretching the walls of my slippery cunt, his hairy balls hanging low and beating steadily against my thighs. I groaned into Jackson's bush.

Guys continued to enter the showers. It was that time of day, and the unmistakable sound of sex, not to mention the shoutouts and jeers from the guys around us, drew the newcomers in our direction. I could sort of make them out, pushing their way forward, eager to get a look. Lots of great bodies, I noticed. Some were hairy, some were smooth, but all of them were nicely developed and very he-man. Pointy nips, too, tight and proud, big arms, big manly asses, and fantastic dongs, some of them already rising.

"What the fuck's up, guys?" one of them called out. "I smell a bitch. There a bitch in here?"

"Sure is," another answered, "a faggot bitch. On all fours and ready to serve."

"No shit, is that Malta?"

"Holy fuck, it's Malta. Getting banged at both ends."

"Jeez... !"

"Hey," another shouted, "what the fuck? Leave the good Sarge alone, man."

"Hell no, he's loving it. Take a look at his dick."

It was true. My dick has never told a lie, and it had never been more erect. With Austin staking out new territory in my sigmoid, and Jackson pummeling my esophagus, I was lurching, leaking precum, and glad to be putting on a show.

"Oh, shit! He's really into it!"

"Of course he's into it," said Jackson. "He's pure homo, man."

"Fucking queer!"

"Yeah, man... showing hard and sticking out his fat ass... fucking gross."

So naive, these guys. What planet have they been living on? Hadn't they ever seen a guy swallow dick or take it up the ass? From the way they were going on about it, you'd think it had never happened before.

"Always thought there was something pervy about him."

"Yeah, and look at him now... what a freak!"

"Never mind that. At least he's putting out."

"What's his hole like, man?"

"It's on fire, man! On fire!" Austin said, without breaking stride. "Hot and tight as a fucking glove!"

"Oh, yeah. That's it, Malta." Jackson's voice had dropped a register. His lunges became more intense and purposeful. "Born to suck cock, I guess, hunh? That's what you like, isn't it? Well go ahead and choke, fucker!" He paused. "Look at me, you asshole!"

Gotta like a guy who shows some spunk! His nuts were hanging low, and slapping with abandon against my jaw. I stared into his eyes, gasping for breath as his fat knob raged at my windpipe, cutting off my air supply. Jeez, he was so manly! So rugged and handsome! Did I get lucky or what? All at once he pulled out, rubbed his spongy dick head across my lips, then shoved himself all the way back in. Suffocate and die happy, I thought. A goopy mixture of precum and throat sludge slithered down my chin.

It was at about this point I realized I was losing, or maybe had already lost, whatever control I had over this situation and was going pretty much involuntary, my entire body overrun by lust. No sense of self. Just a pair of wet, hungry holes. A peristaltic receptacle for processing hard cock.

Austin's lips were at my ears. "Perfect ass for fucking, sweetheart. So tight and juicy. Feel it deep, Malta."

And I did. The walls of my fuck chute shivered, throbbed, and smoldered with every movement he made inside me. And that, gentlemen, is precisely what the well-positioned prostate is there for. Every jab he made registered against it. Every thrust, prod and grind was driving me into a frenzy. At this rate, I would spasm on his fuckpole in no time. Like a common slut. And I could hardly wait for the convulsions soon to come. All the sexy guys jostling around us and their raunchy catcalls made it even better.

"Choke on a real man's dick, faggot!"

"God, he's such a cunt!"


"The fucking queer's stuffed and still can't get enough!"

"Hey, hurry up, bro! Got a foot-long here and need to get in."

Wait! Who said that?

I peered up and saw a stunning black guy standing next to Jackson, his god's-truth foot-long in hand, thick as my wrist, and a handsome set of pendulous nuts swinging freely between his shapely thighs. About twenty-five years old, he had to be at least six foot four, with perfect white teeth, shimmering brown skin, and closely cropped, wiry hair. I'd never seen him before.

"Need t' nut, man," he continued. "Make a new hole for this here faggot."

"I'm almost there, Tyrone... so fucking close. What about you, Jackson?"

Not a second too soon, because Jackson had just at that moment erupted in my throat, firing his heavy magma straight into my belly, spilling it, thick and salty, into my mouth, and pumping his final salvos across my face. He put his hands to his waist, pushed his hips forward, and took a few deep breaths. "Now clean my cock, asshole."

I had just leaned in, prepared to comply, when his dick slit gaped open and a gush of golden piss jetted from it into my mouth, which, somewhat to my surprise, I threw open hastily and wide in order to drink it. Again, this is the genius of military training. I can't stress this enough. Brisk reflexes! Think on your feet! Take care of your buddy! Turn everything that comes your way to profit! That's why I am who I am. Of course getting through the training is a real bear. Many weak men crumble. But I had the right stuff, and now it was paying off big time.

All the same, Jackson's bladder must have been at full capacity because his piss stream was so potent I couldn't swallow it quickly enough. The overflow splashed haphazardly on my face and shoulders, and I heard it drip like heavy rain to the floor. It tasted slightly acidic, burned my throat on its way down, and stung my chafed nipples. But I loved knowing it had been inside his body and that now it was in mine. Like a blood brother kind of thing, and I felt my nuts tighten and my cock jerk wildly against my belly.

"Drink it up, fag," Jackson sneered as his stream slowed to a trickle. I angled to catch the last drops. He sure knew how to call the shots, Jackson did. I like that in a young man. Shows great promise, I thought, as I sucked at his flared piss hole and grabbed at his strapping nuts. They were still impossibly big! Could they really still be loaded after that enormous jizz?

But Jackson was done. At least for now. He gave me a vicious slap, I recoiled, and he backed away, taking his splendid nuts with him.

"Tell me, homo," that was Austin again. I was on my hands and knees for him now. He picked up where he'd left off, torturing my nipples, and forced my face and arms into the piss puddles that glistened on the tiles. "You like me fucking your fag ass, sweetheart? You like a big dick in your nasty hole?"

Wow, Austin had fully assumed the butch role and was really throwing himself into it. Sexual arousal does that to a guy. Believe me, I know all about it. I'm the Alpha Male from way back when. That's why I'm always one step ahead of these guys. But I have to hand it to him... he was doing a great job on my ass, and that's the truth. A big, fat dong, hard as steel, and he knew where to aim it. I swear, if he kept on teasing it across my prostate, I'd be flailing like a ragdoll and shooting jizz right and left. "Fuck my cunt, man, and milk my fucking tits!" I shouted, pushing back lewdly against his pelvic thrusts.

"Oh shit, Malta! You asked for it. I'm gonna cum, faggot, right up your homo ass!" Austin released my nipples, walloped my butt cheeks and blasted his pent up jizz deep into my guts. The inflamed walls of my fuck chute took a real shelling, and as his spasms subsided and he roughly pulled out, he was still firing his gooey juice at my twitching sphincter and across my back. High on the scent of Jackson's piss, I shuddered and quivered as my anal contractions climaxed and waned. I looked back at Austin, curious to see his dick in its spent state, but he'd already moved away. The crowd was worked up, increasingly restless, and pushing forward, and Austin had disappeared into it. He left me with his whopping deposit, though, some of which was sliding through my entrails and bubbling as it exited my asslips.

"Hey, empty holes here, guys. Who's next?" someone asked. "This little pig looks like she's ready for more!"

"I'm na go next," Tyrone said. You crazies need t' piss, now's the time... n then I `na take his bitch ass with my foot long for real." So authoritative! After my suck and fuck I was feeling a little woozy, but I perked up when I heard that. This was going to be good! He stood tall, legs spread wide apart, and smacked his menacing hardon sharply against the palm of his hand, waiting to see if any of the guys were going to come forward.

"Yeah... why not? I could use a piss." A young guy, not more than twenty-one or twenty-two, with a lean swimmer's body, walked over and stopped directly in front of me. I'd shifted but hadn't moved since Austin left, and was kneeling, sitting erect, tits out, my butt cheeks resting on my bare feet. As soon as we were face-to-face I could tell the young man was nervous. It made sense, with Tyrone looking impatient, and a pack of guys staring at us. So I put my hands on his hips and pulled him toward me. A little encouragement was probably all he needed. Nothing wrong with that. He was a cute kid, and he looked innocent enough, but I figured that at his age there had to be a rutting animal living inside him, desperate to get out.

"Come on, boy," someone shouted, "let him have it. What're you waiting for?"

The youngster was gently shaking his dick, as if to make it relax. "Well," he said, "I've never done anything like this with a faggot before."

"I'm not a faggot, son," I told him, as more of Austin's slimy spunk oozed from my hole and drizzled onto my feet. "I'm a Grade A military man. A distinguished officer. And what's happening here is guy stuff. Guys looking out for each other. Taking care of business. I'm telling you, son, and I hope you're listening: it's time to empty your bladder into my mouth. Do you understand, son? The full contents of it." To assure him he was in good hands, I slowly slid my hands up and down his thighs. They were lightly covered with blond down, his skin soft and velvety to the touch. "You stepped forward and now you need to step up to the plate, lad." Then I turned to the others. "Come on, guys, let's show him how it's done."

Next: Chapter 18

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