Taking Down Sargent Malta

By Barry Edmund

Published on May 11, 2019


"Ah, fuck, Steve, Dad's a fucking fag. Look at him, staring at our crotches, licking his lips. What d'ya think? Should we let him blow us?" Alex asked, now openly jerking his big bone. "Think we might as well fuck him too. What d'ya say, Steve?

"Yeah, I'll bet he'd like that," Steve said, following his brother's lead. He'd stripped naked in no time at all and I was dumbly gawking at his big stick. It had swelled before my eyes and pre-cum, dripping from the huge mushroom head, had effectively glued it to his stomach.

"Sounds good to me," I said, eyeing both of them and trying to act as if nothing out of the ordinary was happening. Things were moving so quickly I couldn't believe my good luck. Still, I wasn't convinced the boys were actually going to go through with this and didn't want to say or do anything that might stop them. Meanwhile, they were just standing there like a pair of louts who didn't know what to do next.

"Well, which one of you wants to go first with the fuck?" I asked, as if it were the most natural thing in the world. "And what position do you want me in? Doggy, or what?"

"Get on your back, Dad. Then press your knees against your chest. I'm gonna fuck you good. And hang your head off the bed, so Steve can get a blow job at the same time." Alex seemed to have figured all of this out in an instant. His horniness probably helped. It was impossible not to notice that his cock was now completely hard. It was a big fat piece of meat, and, as he stroked it, his heavy nuts swung loosely between his legs.

It was long past the time to be feeling such things, but, to my surprise, at this moment I suffered a pang of embarrassment. Paternal dignity, perhaps, though I knew it was sure to crumble in the face of a three-way. Trying to conceal my excitement, I took off my pajamas as calmly as I could and laid down crosswise on the bed, exactly as Alex had instructed, with my head hanging over the edge. I sensed Steve and Alex approaching, then felt Steve's boner press against my lips.

"First lick it, Dad. Get it good and wet," he said, stating the obvious.

"Okay, Son," I answered. I opened my mouth wide and he shoved his sticky cock between my lips.

"Wow, that's great," he cooed, punching the head of it toward the roof of my mouth. "That's the way. Suck my cock, Cocksucker." I lowered my head further, and, using my tongue, guided his dick into my throat.

He was all the way in, and his heavy nuts were pounding against my jaw. A strong odor of sweat came off of them and instantly drove me crazy. It had taken a while, but Steve settled into a rhythm, and was acting more confident. Any qualms he may have felt at first about doing this seemed to have faded. He reached down and took hold of my nipples, pinching and tugging at them, sending waves of pain throughout my body. I had already sprung a huge boner, but as he bent to bite my left ear, I began oozing pre-cum, too.

"You going to fuck him now, Alex?" Steve asked, drawing me out my trance.

"What d'you think?" Alex replied. He swaggered to the opposite side of the bed and pushed a very long finger into my asshole. "Oh, yeah," he said. "This is gonna be great. Nice and tight, and wet, too. Where'd that come from, Dad? Hunh? Someone just fuck you? Wonder who that could have been. Was it Bob? I'll bet it was Bob. Was it, Dad? Was it Bob?"

I wanted to shout, "Yes, it was Bob!" I wanted both of them to know that their brother had just fucked me, not once, but repeatedly. I wanted Gloria to come in. I wanted her to see what was happening, and to tell her about Bob. I wanted to wake the entire neighborhood and get fucked by every guy in town. But, with Steve's massive cock fucking my throat, all I could do was grunt, and barely nod my head, which Alex couldn't even see. Of course, he'd likely already answered his own question, and I could tell from the way he said it that he was pretty sure he was right, that the jizz in my ass was Bob's. But was it? So much jizz had already come out, it made me wonder how much more could still be up there. And whose jizz would that be? No way of telling now, short of DNA testing. Just a sloppy mess of jizz, I guess, and, the way things were going, more was en route.

Well, Alex could think whatever he wanted to, whatever got his rocks off. Before this was over, everybody would probably know everything anyhow, so it really made no difference. He reached forward with his left hand and joined Steve in squeezing the hell out of my nipples. No question about it, these boys liked nipples. They liked them big, pointed, firm, and, from the way they were carrying on, they liked punishing them, too. Come to think of it, the girls they brought home always had big tits. Like really big tits. The lewd, out-to-here kind. The kind that don't stop moving, and that you can't help but fixate on. Tits with prominent nipples; nipples and areolas that teased through the cloth of their blouses and tops, and showed brown beneath lighter colors. Filthy sluts, I always figured, swinging their tits around like cheap whores. I wondered now if Alex and Steve gave their girlfriends' nipples the same pitiless treatment they were giving mine. These boys were strong, probably didn't know their own strength, and their vice-like pinching made me squirm and squeal like a pig, completely opening my throat to Steve's dick stick. He went all the way in and gasped, amazed, I think, at how deep I was able to take him.

For the record, there was nothing second rate about my cocksucking technique. Far from it. The skill level I'd reached, and in a few short weeks, mind you, I'd take that and stack it against the skill level of any cocksucker on earth, man or woman. And I'd best them all, and in every category, too: length, width, shape, duration, frequency, lubrication, suctioning, lingual dexterity and enthusiasm. I'd leave those second-tier cocksuckers in the dust. And while they were panting, coughing and choking on their own phlegm, I'll still be working a fat dick well past my epiglottis, and loving every second of it. It's not just that I'm out to win. I aim to win, of course; that's in any good soldier's blood. But with cocksucking, it's not for my own glory. Above all, I do it to serve. I do it for my men. And now I was doing it for my own sons, and they were seeing first hand the results of fine military training paired with a can-do spirit.

But what about Master Dan? What the fuck was that all about? He certainly had a fantastic body for so young a man; very sexy. Ten times hotter than his little bitch of a kid sister. Saving herself for marriage! Who the fuck does that? Had a nice fat dick, too, Dan did, and big nuts, just bursting with juice. Same goes for his all of his strapping mates. Magnificent genitals on those boys! A man could feast on them for days and never get enough of it. But then there was that underhanded business with the contract they tricked me into signing. How does all of that fit into the picture? Well, I don't have every answer. Some matters, of course, are above my station. That whole scene? A perfect example of adaptation, I'd say. That's my best guess. Adapting to circumstances on the ground, they call it, and we do it all the time in the armed forces. You go in with a plan but you've got to be flexible.

Speaking of flexible, Alex was now working at least three of his big-knuckled fingers in and out of my hole, and it was pulling open for him like a ring of taffy. Hoping to tempt him into shoving his entire fist in there, I gripped my legs more tightly against my chest, stretching my man hole front to back as I did it. Steve, who was apparently paying close attention, seemed to catch on right away to what I was doing and reached down to hold my legs in place. That freed my hands to spread my cheeks even further, giving Alex maximum access and an unobstructed view into my fuck chute. Three fingers, four, a fist or his dick, I was open for business and Alex clearly got the point.

"Wwwhhuuhh," he sighed, "he's nice and spongy down here, Steve. Pussy's perfect. Just ripe for screwing," he said. I felt him position his leaking cock against my cunt and saw Steve lean in to watch as it disappeared into my hole.

"Ahhh, fuck, man. Too much! Feels so great, Steve! Yes! You're going to take the whole fucking stick, Dad. The whole fucking thing. All ten inches of it, you goddamn cock lover. You know you want it!"

Alex's voice seemed to have a dropped a register. His heavy sweat flew through the air as he lunged between my legs and the stink from his armpits filled the overheated room. All at once, there was something very animal-like, almost frightening, about him. Like a bull or an untamed stallion; powerful, virile, and unpredictable. Had a stunning horse dick, too, and he hadn't yet hit bottom. With my head slung over the side of the bed, I couldn't see him, but his raunchy talk and wild moves were driving me crazy. He grabbed my legs, crushed them against my chest and flailed away with his muscled thighs against my exposed cunt.

"That's the way. Deep throat my nine inches, Dad." That was Steve, and I had an upside-down view of the room through his shapely legs. Fine boys I had produced! Real manly studs, and so sexy! I was thrilled to be their bitch and stuffed by them at both ends. "The joys of parenthood are many." Our pastor said that occasionally, but until I was being turned out by Alex and Steve, I didn't fully appreciate how right he was.

Of course, Steve, being younger, had always looked up to Alex, and, now, with Alex behaving like a sex maniac, Steve wanted to mimic him, thrusting his chubbed-up boner into my throat like one of those fuck machines, and nearly losing his balance. His plump nuts beat against my nose and the musky odors coming from his bush and between his legs were intoxicating.

"Man," he said, "if I knew you could take dick like this, I'd have been stuffing it down your throat years ago. Very talented homo, Dad. They should give you a medal for it."

Steve continued pumping until I thought for sure he'd shoot his nut. Instead, he suddenly pulled out and left me panting, desperate to catch my breath. I raised my head and saw that he'd leaned back and was leering down at me, his masculine jaw jutting forward. Pacing himself, I guess. Didn't want to cum too soon, I figured. I lowered my eyes to his dick, rigid, glistening with saliva and dripping the mucous it had collected in my throat, and to his balls, swaying ominously in their loose sack. Something about their movement was spellbinding. Each time his dick jerked up, it triggered a lateral swinging, weighty, slow and hypnotic, of the entire kit, his right nut dangling more than an inch beneath his left. Then, all of a sudden, Steve lifted my head and forcibly shoved his stiff prick back into my mouth, heading straight for my gullet.

Meanwhile, Alex wasn't letting up, not even for a second. He was older, a little more developed and probably didn't need to pause to control his ejaculations. No question that he was getting worked up, though. He'd seized my hips, probably had bruised them by now, and was plunging fiercely in and out of my hole, building speed as he rammed away, fucking my ass as if it might be the last fuck of his life.

"Take my cock, you fucking fag of a dad," he said, his spit flying as he spoke. I detected more than a trace of resentment, and anger, in his tone, and, for a moment, it rattled me. If he had spoken to me that way yesterday, I would have immediately called him on it and initiated a little chat to bring him back in line. But today I liked it. I liked being his bitch, and Steve's bitch too. Knowing they were treating me like the class slut, just the way Bob did, made me feel sexy in a way that was new and exciting. I just wanted to keep tapping into it, and serving myself to these boys. And what excellent boys they were! So masculine! So well built, and so well hung!

"This is some fine pussy," Alex said. "Don't have to wear a condom either. Fucking this faggot hole straight out raw so this homo can feel every throbbing vein." Sweat had coated our bodies and was now dripping from all three of us.

"He's got a fantastic cunt, Steve," Alex added, and it's so weird, but I felt truly flattered when I heard this, as if having a hot fag hole was a great accomplishment. "You'll have to fuck him, Steve. It's really great," Alex went on, "and he's really into it. Just keeps pushing back for more, don't you, Dad?" As he said this, he reached forward and tore at my nipples. With all the rough attention they'd been getting, they felt like they'd been scorched, and were about to fall off.

"Sounds good," Steve countered. "Like, you're really enjoying it, man, but, Dude, this end's good too. His mouth and throat are the best I've ever had."

They talked to each other, brother to brother, as if I weren't there, or as if my status had become so debased, they no longer needed to acknowledge my presence. Almost as if I'd become an object, a sex toy, nothing more than a receptacle for their youthful ball juice. And I loved it. It took all my will power not shoot my nut right then and there.

"Getting close," Steve teased. "Big messy treat coming, Dad. Yes, Ma'am. Gonna shoot. Gonna shoot any second, right down your throat, Homo."

Steve stood stock still, his dick rigid as steel, then I felt it throbbing deep in my throat. He shoved himself a little further in for good measure, moaned, then cried out, "Oh, shit! I'm cumming. Cumming down your fucking fag throat, Dad. Oh, fuck! Shooting my fucking load. Oh, yes!" He was outright yelling at this point.

I could feel his copious output flooding my throat. When did he last bust his nut? I wondered. Don't these striplings jack off ten times a day? How much cum can a pair of busy nuts hold, anyway? Even though I was close to choking on it, I was dazzled by the inundation. And there was plenty more to come. He pulled his dick out of my throat until the massive head of it was resting on my tongue and still firing uncontrollably, thick, delicious wads of the stuff that mixed with my saliva and turned into frothy foam. He finished off this burst of fire by pasting my face with strands of it and shooting the rest into my hair.

Meanwhile, Alex was fucking me good, hard and fast, his big balls smacking against my upturned ass. "Damn, he has a mighty fine cunt, Bro," he said. He seemed to be somewhat taken with me, or at least my man hole. Of course, the odor of Steve's jizz, now hanging heavy in the warm air, might have been having a ruttish effect on him. It was certainly having that effect on me, though that may say more about me than the effects of the odor. "Take my thick cock, you fucked up fag." Alex grunted as he continued fucking me, alternately working my nipples and slapping my thighs.

Steve, now quite done, wiped his cock against my right cheek and sat on Alex's bed. "That was great," he said, taking a deep breath and massaging his chest. "Can't wait to try out his ass." He turned his head and looked at Alex. "Seems like he's so desperate, Dude. Why don't you make him beg for it? He needs it so bad, man, he'd start begging for sure," Steve said, idly stroking his half-stiff bone.

"Too late for that, man. I'm ready to shoot my load any second. You want it up your fucking homo ass, Dad? Is that what you want?" Alex released my nipples. He'd been pinching the hell out of them, and, when he let go, the pressure of the blood pounding back in was almost unbearably painful.

"Please, oh, yes!" I shouted. "Please, Son, shoot your big load deep in my ass. Fill me the fuck up! Give me everything you've got!" I was beside myself, breathing frantically, writhing on the bed and tearing at my nipples myself.

"You heard him, Alex. Pump him! Fill his sleazy cunt, Bro," Steve said.

"I'm cumming... big time," Alex roared, as my ass filled with his hot juice. I could feel molten pellets of his jizz rhythmically striking the walls of my chute as his fuck stick pumped it out, each discharge scattershot and explosive. He steadied himself by leaning in, his body quivering with each contraction. Gradually, these throes diminished.

"Jeez," he said, still breathing heavily. "You know, Steve, I really needed that." He pulled his cock from my ass and absently fired another couple of scorching salvos across my chest and stomach, then sat down on the opposite side of the bed.

I raised my head and propped myself on my elbows. I had an enormous hard-on. These horny young guys were something else! And why, I wondered, didn't I do some of this queer stuff when I was high school? All those sex-crazed jocks, my buddies and teammates, groping themselves in class, strutting stark naked through the locker room; pre-cum hard-ons, day and night, and no place to shove them. All that stiff, hot meat, eager to fuck, gone to waste. What a lost opportunity. If only I could go back in time.

"I don't know about you, Alex, but I'm not really done yet," Steve said a little wistfully, spreading his legs wide apart and stroking his bone. "I wanna try Dad's ass. You wanna try his throat, Bro?"

"Not just now, no. Not me. Think I'm a little sick of this homo, Dude. I'm going to take a shower and clean up. But go ahead, have a good piece of ass, Steve." Saying this, and completely ignoring me, Alex put on his boxers, left the room, and closed the door behind him.

"Okay, so... it's just the two of us," Steve said. "Go on. Scoot yourself up so your head's on the pillow. I want to look into your pretty blue eyes when I fuck you, Dad. How's that sound, hunh? That queer enough for you?"

Steve had gotten up and started pulling my feet and legs to the foot of the bed. I shifted my head until it rested on the pillow. When I'd taken my position, he stood there, glaring down at me, his chest and shoulder muscles flexing, his golden skin glistening in the lamplight. Looking up at him, I felt like a young girl about to lose her virginity. Without thinking, I reached between my legs to feel my cunt. It was dripping wet. Steve walked toward the head of the bed, reached down, took hold of my sore nipples, and stared at me as he pinched them between his strong fingers.

"Sounds perfect to me, Son," I replied. He couldn't possibly understand how badly I wanted him at that moment. How badly I wanted to be the hot little bitch getting fucked by the hunky stud. His heavy dick, now fully erect, was swinging stiffly above his bloated ball sack, its swollen head pulsating obscenely with each heartbeat. Everything about him was erotic, arousing and manly.

"I'd like that, Steve," I whispered. "I'd like looking into your bright blue eyes as you fuck me. As you my fuck my hot cunt, Steve." Saying this, I spread my legs and bent them at the knee. I was still fingering my ass. Jizz continued to flow from it and I was using it as lube, spreading it around my puffy ass ring so Steve would be able to glide right on in.

"Getting ready for you to fuck me, Stud. Pussy's nice and wet," I said. "Oooh, that's the way, Son. That's right. Work my nipples, just like that. It feels so good. You like that, Steve?"

But Steve didn't answer. He moved to the foot of the bed, his thick nine inch cock pasted to his stomach by a steady stream of pre-cum spilling from his piss slit, his ball sack, pendulous and hairy, swaying as he walked. I watched him move between my legs and push down his cock, then felt the head of it barely kiss my butt hole.

"How much do you want this cock up your ass, Homo?" He asked. He was tantalizing me with it, rubbing the oozing head lightly against my jizzy ring. Instinctively I began flexing my ass muscles. I felt terribly empty.

"Oh, Steve, I really want it. Please. Just fuck me, Steve. Just shove it in, Son. Go ahead. "

"Yeah, Dad, I hear you," Steve said, "but what I asked was, how much do you want it? Like do you maybe sort of want it, or do you think you want it but aren't really sure. Or what? What is it, Dad?"

Okay, he was clearly toying with me now. Steve always did like playing games and still had some growing up to do, no question about it. But fair enough. He was going to make me beg for it. Couldn't get Alex to make me beg, so he was going to do it himself. And good for Steve. You see, a father never knows when he'll be in a position to teach something worth knowing to his boys. And here was an opening for Steve to learn a couple of important life lessons; one, when to step up and take charge, and two, if you want something done right, you may need to do it yourself.

"Oh, Steve, I want you to fuck me more than anything," I moaned. "You wouldn't believe how queer I am for it, Son. That big hard thing stuffed in my tight hole! I can't wait any longer, Steve. I'm begging you! Please. Please, shove it in, Steve. Plenty of jizz there. You'll see. It's gonna slide right in, Son. Just give me your fat fucking dick! That's all I ask. I'm begging for it!"

I grabbed my hips, pulled apart my ass cheeks and humped against his thighs, which might have been more of an invitation than he was expecting. I didn't want to overplay my hand. What if the sight of me thrashing and squirming for his dick, pleading with him to sodomize me, suddenly disgusted him? What if he didn't go through with this? What would I do then? Maybe Alex or Bob would be up for another go. No, not Bob. Bob was drained. Alex? I wasn't sure. Alex was complicated, hard to read. No, it had...

Steve interrupted my train of thought.

"Oh, yeah," he said. "Daddy really wants it. You've turned into a fucking freak, Dad. Like a real psycho. Look at you! Jeez!" He pushed my legs farther apart and returned to jacking his sticky dick. "Go on, bitch," he said, "keep talking. Who told you to shut up?"

I didn't realize Steve was so verbally oriented. If he wanted verbal, I'd give it to him.

"You're right, Steve. I'm nothing but wet pussy, dripping wet, and you're going to love it, Son. You won't believe how good this pussy is. I promise. Do it for your dad, Steve. You won't regret it. All in the family, you know. A really hot piece of ass, right here, in your own home, and so tight, man, you'll be cumming like a hose, squirting jizz like never before. No kidding. Go ahead, Son, ruin my insides. As rough as you want it. That's what I need. Such a great dick you've got, too. So beautiful, thick, hard, and nasty. And such bulging veins! I can't wait, Son. Just go ahead and fuck the shit out of me."

Steve inched forward on his knees and positioned himself for entry.

"Unbelievable! Such a fucking faggot," he said. "Is this what you want, you messed up homo?" And in one powerful stroke, he lunged full-tilt up my asshole.

At first, I was so desperate for dick, all I felt was relief, as if a raging fire was being put out. But as Steve got into a regular rhythm, the fucking itself somehow only further inflamed me, like nothing I'd ever experienced. The thought popped into my head that, at this point, maybe one cock by itself wasn't going to fill the bill, even though Steve was long-dicking me, wide and deep, like a pro. Where'd he learn to fuck like this? He must have been getting a lot of practice. I imagined a posse of girls at his school with massive tits and shredded pussies. And to think that he's my own flesh and blood. I was so goddamned proud of him!

Steve leaned in and slapped me across the face.

"You listening, Homo? I asked you a question. Is this what you wanted?" He was snarling and sweat from his hair and brow rained onto my forehead and into my eyes.

"Oh, yes, Son! Sorry, Son. This is heaven! Just keep feeding me dick! I can take whatever you can give me! I need it long, thick, and rough, Steve! Pound my pussy, Son. Pulverize it!" Young males, in general, may be short on finesse and strategic thinking, and, when riled up, unprepared to safeguard their resources, but when it comes to the physical act of impassioned fucking, youth is in a league of its own. Unrestrained, headlong, reckless, balls out, for young studs, this is exactly what fucking is, and they've got all the raw energy it takes to sustain it. They also have a flow of blood to the penis that makes it feel like tempered steel. Having my cunt atomized by Steve's feral exertions drove home this point with indisputable clarity.

Grunting like a bull moose in rut, Steve was really letting loose, hammering my fuck hole furiously, as if he'd lost his mind. My tits ached and my cunt burned, but my dick was as hard as it had ever been in my life, and a good-sized puddle of pre-cum was pooling beneath its flaring purple head. I put out my hand, dipped my fingers in it, and brought some of the spooge to my lips. Delicious! A little watery, perhaps, but still an impressive output considering all the action I'd already seen with my boys.

At this point in the tumult, without any warning, Steve reached forward, pinched my nipples and rolled them like a demon back and forth between his fingers. The pain he inflicted was so exquisite I couldn't breathe. I gasped and wheezed, spitting up the cum I'd been feasting on.

"Oh, no," I blurted out. "My cum. I just spit out my cum. I wanted that cum, Steve. And I want more. I want cum down my throat and all over my face! Please, Steve!" I wriggled maniacally beneath his built-out form, now slippery with sweat. The room stank of man sex. In a frenzy, I gripped Steve's fat prick mid-lunge with my ass ring, suddenly paranoid that he might pull out.

"Ah, fuck, Dad. What the fuck?" Steve pushed all the way into my hole and lifted his body off of mine, his arms fully extended. "Look at you," he said. "Spunk bubbling out of your mouth and you're calling for more. Jeez! And I thought Ashley was a cum slut. Well, she's got nothing on you, that's for sure. The girls at school are like nuns next to you, Dad. What a faggot sleazeball! How'd this happen, Dad? Really, Dad. What happened?"

What was the matter with this guy? He was getting a little too verbal for my taste. All he had to do was fuck me, and we could shoot a double nut. We were so close! But now he's got questions? Now he's gonna analyze me?

He flexed his arms a bit and I watched his biceps swell and ripple. Without thinking I reached up to feel them and nearly swooned with pleasure. So butch! So masculine! I then moved my hands to his chest and down to his stomach, ridged with muscles. I was well aware that, despite his fine talk, he hadn't shifted his fuck position. His turgid dick was still lodged to the hilt in my cunt. I clenched my ass ring repeatedly as I teased the flesh of his belly with my fingers. I could see I was getting a rise out of him.

"Fuck the shit out of me, Steve. Just keep on fucking, Son. You need this as much as I do, and you know it. See how deep you can go, Steve. See if you can best Alex. I'll bet you can, Steve. Such a sexy fucker and such a hot dick. And what about my ass? It's super tight, isn't it? Feel that?" I asked, and I gripped his dick with my asshole as firmly as I could.

"Yeah," he said, "it's tight. Fucking tight. Feels fucking good. First ass I ever fucked, and it feels fucking good!" He was in motion again, the old in and out, and I began to think I might be able to wrangle an anal orgasm out of all of this. The lining of my cunt felt like it was about to go into spasms at any moment.

"Oh, yes, shove your big fat cock deeper!" I moaned, overcome with lust. My own cock was rock hard and ready to explode as Steve's swollen nut sack battered my ass.

"Get ready, Homo. I'm almost there, Dad. I'm so fucking close. Gonna shoot this fucking shit in your cunt, Faggot."

"Yes! That's right. Shoot it up my ass, Son! Cream my insides! Blast that hot juice straight into my... ," and then he did. I felt heavy slugs of jizz bombard my guts as his cock throbbed uncontrollably, applying massive pressure against my prostate. The walls of my fuck chute quivered in response, forcing my asshole into contractions and triggering my own orgasm, completely hands free. The first projectiles basted my face, my forehead getting the longest shot, but by the time I was finished, I was covered in the stuff, on my chest, my arms and my stomach, and watery rivulets were running through the wrinkles of my neck.

Steve fell on top of me, totally spent, his cock draining inside me like an idle fire hose. The bold lad had left nothing on the playing field. Our bodies were soaking wet and both of us were stupefied, I think, by the force of what had just happened. For several moments the only sound in the room was the sound of our own breathing until, all of a sudden, the door opened and Alex walked in, a fresh white towel synched around his slim waist, his manly torso on full display. I was surprised how intrigued I was by the sight of him.

"You ready to suck some more cock, Dad?" he asked. He closed the door and dropped his towel to the floor, causing his ten inch dick to jut out lewdly above his hairy balls, which, after nutting and a shower, were swinging lower than ever. A sultry scrotum, if I ever saw one, and I kept staring at it, and at his lengthening cock, thrilled at being given a chance to suck it, to have it stuffed down my fag throat until I was gagging on the thing. Steve had rolled on his side when he heard Alex enter, so I was able to push him off of me pretty easily, and I wasted no time jumping from the bed and meeting Alex halfway. What a fucking stud, he was! Absolutely gorgeous!

"I'll gladly suck your cock, Son," I said, "but, first, let me get a taste of those fucking man nuts. You don't mind if I munch your nuts, do you, Son?"

"Why the fuck would I mind, Dad? You're the faggot. That's sorta what you're supposed to do, isn't it? Girls won't do that kinda shit. So go ahead. Just bury your homo face in there and queer out."

"You're going to love his mouth, Alex," Steve said. He was cooling down, lying on his side and facing us, head propped on his hand, his heavy dick dangling languorously against his thigh. "He just totally pigs out."

Kneeling in front of him, Alex's sexuality all but bowled me over. I gripped his muscled thighs to steady myself and pulled him closer. Now, mere inches from my face, his balls were shifting slightly from side to side, rising and falling, the left one coming to rest slightly lower than the one on the right. From this vantage point, they had the physical presence of bull nuts. I was transfixed by their size, their shape, the way they moved, by everything about them. These were man nuts I would follow to the ends of the earth.

All at once I felt a sharp slap against my left ear, and then another.

"What the fuck are you doing down there, Faggot? Get to work, you asshole." Alex was right, of course. I certainly didn't want to neglect his nuts! I extended my tongue and began ministering to them until the entire sack was soaking wet with saliva. I slurped one huge ball into my mouth, then the other, then, to everyone's astonishment, both at the same time, drooling all the while like a rabid dog.

"Terrific circus act, Dad," Alex said, as I squished both nuts between my cheeks, but, when I looked up at his face, I could tell I'd struck a nerve, and he was going to need another good jizz before this ended.

Steve was still stretched out on the bed, and I was mostly turned away from him, but I could see him fiddling with his dick, and hear him making little jokes and calling me a loser, a cocksucking homo, and a fucking fag. Not very original, but somehow that made his name calling even better. And then Alex chimed in too, which kind of egged me on, not that I wasn't already perfectly willing. The grotesque perversion of what we were doing had so excited me, I thought I might actually faint. And the more they threw out insults, the more aroused I became. I was well aware that I was fully boned and leaking pre-cum. I could feel it oozing out of my dick slit and running down my legs.

"Great ball eating, Faggot," Alex grunted and shoved his muscular hips forward, "but how about the main event? Go on, get on my thick prick, you little cunt."

Alex's dick was formidable. Ten inches long, and fat as can be, with a meaty purple head that looked like a big ripe plum. It was jerking before my eyes and I grabbed hold of it with one hand as I let his nuts fall from my mouth. "That's right, Sweetheart," he said, "why not give it a little kiss? Wouldn't you like to do that, Faggot? It's pretty enough to kiss, isn't? Or are you afraid it's gonna explode?" And then he laughed.

I brushed my lips against the sticky head, teased the leaky slit with my tongue, then opened my mouth as wide as I could and took him in.

"That's the way, Faggot," Steve said from the bed. "Take my bro's big rod in your fucking fag mouth, Dad. Show him the deep respect a real man deserves, you fucked up homo." Steve really was too impressionable, taking on Alex's insolent tone, but I think it's fair to say he always means well.

"Yes, Princess, you heard what he said. Swallow my cock, Homo."

Alex rapidly slapped my pate with both hands and forced his powerful hips forward, causing me to swallow several more inches of his fuck pole. "That's the way. You see? You can do it, Little Guy. Nice piece of man bone in your filthy trap! Doesn't that make the nasty pervert happy? Swallow the whole damn thing, you clown. That's what you really want. I can tell."

Working my tongue and throat muscles I maneuvered Alex's dick into the far reaches of my throat, and when I was done, he was in all the way. I was breathing through his wiry pubes, his weighty nuts pressing against my chin. The effect this had on him was so intense that Alex completely shut up. I couldn't see him, but I heard Steve rise from the bed to join us. He came up behind me and his legs brushed against my shoulders as he leaned down to pinch my nipples. All the while, I held Alex in my throat, firmly flexing my muscles against his swollen dick.

"Fucking homo!" Steve said in a whisper, almost reverently.

"Too fucking much!" Alex was in a state of disbelief. "No girl has even come close! This isn't a circus act, Steve, not anymore, this is Guinness Book stuff. If Dad's gotta be a homo, at least he's really good at it."

Then, with his hands on either side of my head, he began throat-fucking me, cautiously at first but gathering speed as he saw that I could take whatever he had to dish out. I was so proud of him at that moment. His take-charge stance, fury legs, pungent bush! So red-blooded! And such a huge dick! I reached up impulsively to seize hold of his bruising nuts, the whole sack the size of a baseball. Nearly delirious, I started squeezing and tugging at it, as if to milk the manly juice from its confines.

"Oh, shit!" Alex cried out. "I'm just about there, Steve." He was huffing and puffing and hurling his hips forward and back. "Almost there. Ah, fuck!" He drove himself all the way in. I felt his cock bulge and vibrate. "I'm cumming. I'm cumming!" he shouted. His legs began to tremble and he ripped his pulsing dick from my throat, spewing a burly load of jizz on my tongue before spattering dense ropes of it across my face.

Heavy breathing. All three of us were a little shell-shocked and needed time to take in the significance of the massive eruption that had just taken place, and to recover from it.

While Alex was still pulling himself together, I took the opportunity to taste him once again, joyfully licking his softening cock, coated now with mucous and still leaking occasional drops of spooge, but he rudely brushed me aside.

"Okay, party's over, Homo. I'm done. You finished with him, Steve?"

"For tonight, yeah. I am"

"That's it then, Faggot. Time to get lost. And listen, you need another shower, like right away. You stink and you're kinda spooged up, you know? Probably still leaking jizz out of your nasty ass too. And one more thing, be grateful that we're not gonna tell Mom, or Bob. Of course, in exchange for our silence, you've gotta take care of our needs. Do you get it, Faggot? You put out, and we stay quiet. Very simple. Got that? Otherwise, you're outed, and," Alex paused, then continued "... I don't think you want that, do you Dad? Now, out! Get out of my room! I mean it."

He looked so handsome as he sat there barking at me, with his cocky sneer and smoldering eyes, his fat dick slung over his thigh. And when he raised both hands and rested them nonchalantly on his head, exposing the ample growth of dark hair in his armpits, it was all I could do to keep myself from boning up again. Alex noticed my awkwardness, slouched back, looked straight into my eyes and smiled.

Whatever the boys might suspect about Bob, they didn't know for sure that he had already fucked me. And the deal they laid out gave me the the best of both worlds, silence and sex. Of course, it wasn't at all like me, with my years of military training, not to have an end game strategy in place, but conditions on the ground were changing so rapidly, and the terrain was still so new to me, I was justifiably careening from one tactic to another, until I could reach a safe place and reflect in peace. Right now, the first order of business was to somehow find my pajamas, which I eventually managed to do, and then to put them on.

"Yes, Alex," I said, as I opened the door to leave, "I understand. Goodnight, then." Alex was quite correct. I did need a shower. And, indeed, cum was still issuing from my asshole. And, Heaven help me, I couldn't stop myself from putting it to my lips and eating it. Maybe that's shameless, and maybe it's just sound waste prevention. I've always believed recycling to be responsible policy, not that I'd go overboard, the way fanatics do. But spooge is spooge. Waste not, want not. And besides, you never know when you're going to get your next shot.

And the shower felt great. Kind of tricky to remove jizz from all the hairy places, but it eventually washed away, and afterwards I felt like a new man. When you're as fit as I am, and it's not simply luck, you know... no, I put a lot of effort into fitness, but, as I was saying, when you're as fit as I am, you snap back quickly. That's a fact. No matter what you've been through, you snap back, bright-eyed, bushy-tailed, and ready for whatever comes at you next. And in this case, it was bedding down, at long last, beside my sleeping wife. I must have fallen asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow because the next thing I remembered was Gloria waking me in the morning.

"Still tired?" she asked. "I must have been sound asleep when you got home. Didn't even hear you come in." She tugged at my shoulder, leaned in and gave me a quick, dry kiss. "Your breath's a little sour, dear. Are you feeling all right?"

"Yes, I'm fine," I said. "Got home very late, though, and I'm still beat." I was sleepy as hell, and every part of my body felt stiff and sore. But it was Saturday, and I had until Monday before I needed to return to the base, so had the whole day ahead of me free. I rolled onto my side, closed my eyes and soon fell back into a dreamless sleep.

When I woke again, I was alone, sunlight was flooding the room, and I ached. I ached all over, especially my throat and my ass. My night with the boys had apparently taken more of a toll than I'd initially thought. Hauling myself out of bed, I kind of stumbled into the bathroom for a shower and shave. The warm water relaxed my muscles and I began to feel more like my old self. Then, too, there's dignity in careful grooming and I've always taken pride in the way I keep myself up. Am still damned good-looking and the way I carry myself is such that men take notice and defer to me, and women imagine me as their sex partner, and probably get wet pussies if they stare at me too long.

During my shower, I'd decided the best way to meet the day was a workout at the gym. I'm never one to rest on my laurels. Rest is the enemy of vigor. Vigor is what breeds vigor. It's so obvious. I tell this to my recruits all the time but they're such knuckleheads, it doesn't sink in. They'd be content sitting around all day scratching their asses. Drives me crazy, but I do the best I can to motivate them, to turn them into real men. Of course, it isn't easy, but nothing worth doing ever is.

The other benefit of going to the gym right off was that it'd get me out of the house before the boys woke up. I was sure the lazy lunks would still be sleeping and I was in no hurry to run into them. I quickly slipped on my athletic supporter. I love the way it feels, and, you know, I'm always impressed with how well I fill it out. I've got some very fine man meat between my legs, that's for sure. I took a turn in front of the mirror to admire myself. Fine ass, too, round, firmly muscled, just the right amount of bounce, and the supporter showed it to its best advantage. All in all, just about impeccable. Anyhow, I put on my gym shorts, T-shirt, socks and runners, then bounded downstairs to the kitchen.

I hadn't eaten anything other than dick and jizz since last night, and I was ravenous. I heard Gloria doing something in the front of the house, so made a breakfast of toast, eggs and bacon for myself and quickly bolted it down. Gloria walked into the breakfast room, though, just as I was finishing to clear the table for me.

"I'm off to the gym," I said, pecking her on the cheek. I also ran my hand into the scooped neck of her stretchy top. She was wearing some kind of a sports bra, but I was able to slide my hand into it and cup her right breast, not that I was especially keen to do it, just to assert myself and to affirm my rights. Naturally, I got a little rough and felt her nipple stiffen before I pulled away. I'll tell you, women are all the same. Unbelievable.

"Goodbye, Dear," she called out as I made my way to the door. "Have a good workout." I'm my own man, and Gloria knew enough not to ask when I'd be back.

The gym where I was a member was clear across town. It was an excellent facility, spacious and very well equipped, but the foremost reason I chose it is because it's a male-only club. No women allowed. Period. Or should I say, no periods? Exercise and fitness by men for men. A man could be a man there and not have to abide by any sissy rules. You might think that's getting too macho, but the fact is, it's what I'm accustomed to in the military. A man's world. Strength and camaraderie. Now, sure, in the military we've got all these cunts coming in. Lesbians, most likely. Well, good for them. They can do what they like. We all love eating pussy, but please, ladies, stay out of my unit. And no kids either. The gym didn't admit anyone under eighteen. I was reminded of this when I arrived and saw a sign at the front entrance that made the point very plainly. I'd sometimes wondered about it, but figured kids were just too irresponsible, making messes and expecting someone else to clean up after them. And, for me, it was great to have a place to go where I could get away from the family.

I stashed my few things in a locker and went out to the main floor. What a bunch of good-looking guys! See that, exercise and good health, brings out the best in us. Makes the eyes shine and the skin glow. Plenty of muscles on display too. Very well-formed pecs, abs, biceps, forearms, thighs, and calves. Fantastic broad backs, built-out shoulders and mouth-watering buttocks. Mouth-watering? Where'd that come from? Weird. But, wow, I had to say, there were lots of hot black and white studs working out, more than a dozen of them, in their early twenties to my age and, jeez, did they look good!

Because they hadn't seen me since before maneuvers, some of the guys waved and called out to me. Very nice guys. My kind of people.

"Hey, Malta, how's it going?" I turned and saw Jay Austin coming toward me. I'd met him at the gym and, though he was younger, in his early twenties, we'd been working out together for a while now. I think because of my military career and my bearing, he looked up to me. "How'd your maneuvers go? You work those grunts good, Sarge?" He laid his hand on my shoulder and I became instantly aware of a strong male odor emanating from his armpit. His skin was glistening with sweat. He was as fit as a man can be, with short dark hair and brown eyes. Very masculine guy. Very sexy, and it was making me oddly uncomfortable.

Whoa! I said to myself. Hold steady. This is Jay Austin, your buddy. Why on earth would I be uncomfortable around Austin?

"Hell, yes, Austin, I did. I sure did." I shuffled a bit, buying time to regain my composure. I was relieved that he'd taken his hand from my shoulder, and moved back a step. "You could say that I gave them a couple of weeks they won't soon forget."

"That's great, Sarge," Austin said, now grabbing at his crotch to adjust himself. I admit it was exciting to watch, but I wished he hadn't done that just then. I was having a hard enough time getting my bearings. "Bet you had them work their fucking asses off," he added, provoking yet another unwanted homo image in my brain.

Jeez, at this rate, I didn't see how I was going to manage being here. I was really flustered. Even this light banter with a buddy was like a minefield, throwing me for a loop. Then, without warning, thoughts about all the guys in the unit who had fucked me rushed into my head. They'd be at home now, on leave, fucking their girlfriends, but for sure they weren't fucking them as hard as they'd fucked me. And with me it was no condoms. Bare bones right up my pussy ass. For Heaven's sake, I kept picturing the big dicks on those guys, and their heavy nuts.

"You okay, Sarge?," Austin asked.

"Yeah... yeah," I assured him, "I'm fine, and it's great to be back. Great to be back."

"Well, it's great to have you here," Austin said, before he walked away. He seemed a little concerned about me, but was too polite, thank goodness, to probe any further.

"Some exercise will do me a world of good," I thought. I got on a bike machine, customized the settings, and started peddling. After a while, I began casually scanning the room. Most of the guys were wearing athletic shirts, though some were bare chested, and for shorts, they were wearing all different kinds, tight and stretchy, baggy, long and short. There were lots of great bodies, and I started to imagine what they would look like when completely naked, their upper thighs, lower abs, buttocks, not to mention their cocks and balls.

I soon worked up a good sweat, going from one type of machine to another, keeping an increasingly predatory eye on all the hot men I'd worked out with for years, as well as the newcomers. In the past, I realized these guys had great builds, but had never considered them in a sexual way. Why would I? We were jocks and all we ever talked about was pussy. And, in the shower, of course, I'd seen their limp dicks, maybe looked at them a little too long sometimes, but, honestly, it didn't mean a thing to me, or faze me at all. Today was different, though. Today I wanted to see their dicks get hard. I wanted to suck them off and eat their jizz, and I wanted them to fuck me.

I struggled to get a grip on myself. I knew the safest thing to do would be to leave the gym, but I couldn't bring myself to do it. I couldn't tear myself away. The temptation was simply too great. I figured I'd just stay a little longer and take in the view. No harm in that. Still, I was terrified that I might do something crazy, like beg my buddies to let me get them off. At least I'd worn my athletic supporter, and that fit tightly enough to keep my own dick in check.

A shower. That's what I needed. That would cool me down and I'd get a fresh start. I briskly made my way to the changing room. Fortunately, it was empty. I was the only guy there. Maybe I`d gotten lucky, and this would be the ticket. I undressed, walked into the showers and stood under one of the shower heads, staring directly at the wall, like a zombie. I immediately sensed there were a number of guys in there, but I really tried not to look. I did my level best. But I couldn't help it. I turned my head from side to side, cautiously at first, and then brazenly, until I'd seen them all. Hot men with soft cocks, their nut sacks relaxed in the heat and swinging loosely between their muscled legs. Austin was in there too. How I'd love to drop to my knees in front of any one of these guys, or, better yet, all of them, and start sucking.

Just then, Austin spoke up, loudly enough to be heard by everyone, even above the racket of the running water. He was practically shouting. "You know, Malta, you'd think you were some kind of a fag the way you're looking at us, and springing a big boner. Is that it? That what you are, Malta?"

Bewildered, I looked down and observed that, indeed, my nine inch dick was at full mast and absolutely rock hard. Worse still, I simply couldn't stop ogling all the dicks that were now surrounding me.

"You have me wrong, guys," I said, shaking my head and trying to sound convincing.

"Oh, well, in that case you don't wanna suck my nine incher?" Troy Jackson asked as he moved closer to me. He had a smirk on his face and was massaging his dick, which grew in his hand as he approached. "It's gets nice and thick, Malta."

End of Chapter 16

Next: Chapter 17

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