Taking Down Sargent Malta

By Barry Edmund

Published on Feb 22, 2019


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As has been usual for some time now I have used the editing services of G.V. George has as usual applied some 'gentle editing' to this story. By barry97_97@yahoo.com

Please send me your ideas. All reasonable suggestions will be considered, especially S & M or B & D.; nothing brutal, causing bleeding, permanent injuries, or death. I will not use ideas that feminize men or boys. Copyright 2018 by Edmund Davies (Author) (AKA) Teddy Bare

Taking Down Sergeant Malta Chapter 15

"What the fuck, Dad!" Bob shouted as he and I shot our loads. I had gotten carried away, climbed on his hard, throbbing cock while he was sound asleep, and brazenly proceeded to fuck myself.

"Please, Bob, forgive me," I begged. "I can explain."

"Well, go ahead, Dad; tell me about it," Bob scoffed, pushing me off of him. "You're riding my cock and just made me cum in my sleep. What the fuck? What happened on those maneuvers, Dad? What'd those guys do to you anyway?" Bob was sitting up now in the bed, his back against the wall and his legs splayed wide apart. I couldn't believe how sexy he looked. "Listen, if you really want me to fuck you, all you have to do is ask. I'm still plenty horny. Just get on your hands and knees and ask me real nice for what you want, you old fart."

I brightened and quickly shifted myself on the bed, getting into position for a doggy fuck. "I want you to plow your big cock up my ass, Stud," I pleaded. At one time, saying this would have been the ultimate humiliation for me, but not anymore, and besides, I was desperate for the good hard fuck I knew Bob could give me. "Please, Son, I really need your big, throbbing cock in my hole." As I said this, I reached out and began to massage his muscular chest and stomach with both hands, moved to jack his stiff bone with my right, and cradled his big, low-hanging balls in my left. "Can I taste your cock and balls before you fuck me, Son?" I asked, unable to look away from his magnificent organs.

"Sure, why not? We've gone this far, but don't tell Alex or Steve about it."

I leaned farther down, pushing on Bob's nine-inch cock so that it pressed against his flat stomach. "Wow, your balls are huge and must still be packed with lots of juice," I said, before running my tongue all over his hairy nut sack. When it was soaking wet with my saliva, I took one of the slimy balls into my mouth and swished it around.

"Jeez, no woman has ever done that. That feels great!" Bob moaned. He quivered slightly and closed his eyes, probably daydreaming about one of his girlfriends going down on him, giving him a messy nut job. Without letting go of the first one, I suctioned his second ball into my mouth and, using my tongue, forced one into each cheek. "You look like a squirrel storing its nuts for the winter," he said, looking down at me and smiling. "That's hot, but spit them out right now, Fag. Time to get busy on my cock."

I let his sack fall from my mouth and got hold of his cock. It was so beautiful my mouth was watering! It jerked wildly and had grown even stiffer than it had been before. I aimed it toward my lips and without saying a word took just the flared tip of it into my mouth, lapping at it with my tongue and savoring the taste. But Bob wasn't having it. I felt his hands roughly grab the back of my head, driving me down into his pubes until his swollen mushroom head settled in my throat, just where it belonged.

"This feels perfect," he said. "None of my girlfriends could ever take it that deep. Go on, Homo, keep swallowing. You know you love it." He proceeded to shove more and more of it down my gullet until his heavy balls slammed against my chin. I did my best to keep up with him but reached a point where I couldn't breathe and started to choke. I could feel him back off, gradually releasing his hands and slowly sliding his bone up and out, as if to show me exactly who was in charge.

I gasped for a breath of air and managed to exhale before he forced my head full-tilt back onto his cock, pumping it like a toy. "Is he always like this in bed?" I wondered, a feeling of fatherly pride flashing through me. After all, this was my boy, and he was shredding my throat raw! As he kept it up, drool began to gush from my mouth onto his bedding and I felt I was about to black out.

"Cocksucking's done, Faggot," I heard him say. He sounded far away, like he was a different room. "It's time for your ass fuck." Bob clapped me on the side of the head and abruptly pulled me off his cock. "You sure know how to make me horny to ream you out, Dad! How'd you turn into such a slut?"

I was too far gone to answer and just blurted out, "Take me any way you want, Son. You wouldn't believe how hungry my ass is for your fucking cock. Just look at that fucking thing," I said, unable to tear my eyes from it. I leaned down and licked the plump head bobbing and leaking in front of me as if I hadn't sucked cock in weeks.

"When did you last get fucked, Dad?" Bob asked. "I mean, before just now." He'd gotten up and had gone behind me. He was a strong young man and he started to slap my ass cheeks, laying down sharp, aggressive whacks, one after the other. Then he stopped and spread my ass wide apart. I could feel my hole gape open and his warm breath on it. "There's fucking cum in your hole, Faggot. You know that? I can see it in there." His tone hardened. "You feel that shit in there, Pussy? You like that? You like having stud jizz swimming in your hole?"

I said nothing. The sudden developments in our relationship had put me in a kind of daze, but my urgent need for dick gave me the wherewithal to find my way forward. "So when was it, Dad? When did you last get fucked?"

"This morning, before we headed back to base, Son. That's why I'm so hungry for your cock, you see? It's so big and stiff and I'm just dying for it. I can't get over the size of the head on it. Go ahead, please! Please! Shove it in me, Stud. I've got to have it!" I was relieved to have found my voice but realized I was probably speaking more loudly than I should be under the circumstances. I also noticed that I had unconsciously started wiggling my ass from side to side, like a filthy tramp.

"Not a problem, Slut," he said. I sensed he was smiling now, practically jeering at me, and for some perverse reason that made me hornier than ever. "How many of the guys fucked you this morning, Dad?" he asked, letting go of my ass cheeks.

"A dozen or more of my privates, right before we headed back to the base," I answered. "And Corporal Jones; he fucked me, too." I was sure of that. It seemed like so long ago and being here with Bob, excited out of my mind, I was struggling to remember all of the details that had seemed so important at the time. Like, exactly who fucked me, and in what order, and how many loads I took, not that it really mattered anymore. "What position, Son?" I asked. "What position do you want me in to fuck me?"

I craned my neck to see him standing there behind me, his head pitched back at an angle and his hands at his hips. I still couldn't get over what a sexy stud he was; nicely muscled arms, chest and stomach, a big, thick dick jutting from his wiry pubes and bloated balls swinging low between his shapely legs. I was mesmerized. "That's my boy, all right," I thought.

"On your hands and knees, just as you are, right there on my bed," he answered.

I moved my legs a little farther apart and laid my head sideways on the bedding, forcing my ass into the air. As the moment for it approached, I was becoming increasingly impatient, borderline hysterical, for my fuck. Bob stepped forward and spread my cheeks. My hole shot wide open for him, fully dilated, and he rhythmically fingered the rim of it with a stiff finger. "It's been gang-banged all right," he said. "It's all red and puffy and looks real pretty, Dad. A real juicy fag hole just begging for this big nine-inch fuck stick. If I were a homo, I might even want to kiss it. Show it a little tongue, you know? Is that what you fairies do?"

I loved his dirty talk and the finger job he was giving me was incredible, but my hole began to spasm uncontrollably, like the mouth of a fish out of water. "Fuck me, Bob. Please! Just go ahead and fuck the shit out of me!" I was pleading with him now, shamelessly, in a frenzy to get my ass stuffed.

"You know, it's been a slow week, Dad. I think I really do need this," he said.

"Fine talk," I thought, "but where's his dick?" Was he deliberately trying to drive me nuts? I was still drooling and lewdly wiggling my ass.

"Seems like you need it pretty bad too, Dad, maybe even more than I do. Jeeeez, that is one nasty pucker," he said, holding my hips steady. I looked back at him and saw him staring straight up my fuck hole. "Fucking slut," he said, shaking his head in disbelief. He started to slap my ass cheeks, even harder than before, then he pried me farther open with both of his thumbs. He was really getting into this, a lot more than I would have thought. "Never fucked a homo before, Dad. Might as well be you, hunh? Isn't that right?" and with that, he finally shoved it in. I gasped and my sphincter clamped down on him involuntarily. Ecstasy. "Tight. Yes, Sir! I've got admit it's tight all right. Nice hole, Dad." He was thrusting in the full length of his cock before slowly pulling it out and leaving only his big mushroom head inside me. "I like my cock in your ass, Dad. How's it feel, Homo?"

"Good! It feels so good, Son, but please, please fuck me harder." I moaned and pushed my ass back as far as I could in order to get his entire nine inches all the way inside me. "Fuck my hungry hole, Son."

Bob stabbed his entire cock in my ass before pulling back, rooting in again and pulling back, over and over, building up speed, fucking me faster and deeper. "Take my cock, Dad. Take a real man's dick. That's what fucking's all about, isn't it, Faggot?"

I had to agree with him there, but didn't much care what he was talking about. As long as he kept dicking me like this it hardly mattered what he was saying. Frankly, he was at an age where he'd become kind of irritating. Thought he was a bigshot. Big man on campus syndrome. A real know-it-all. Argumentative, too. But now we were getting along just fine. Each time he stopped groaning I could hear the jizz the guys shot up my ass this morning sloshing around inside my cunt, like juice in a jar. I could feel it, too, and imagined Bob's pounding was churning it into cream. It occurred to me that, when it dribbled out, I'd have a chance to eat it.

"You like the way I'm fucking you now, Fag? Is that how you want it? A cheap-whore fuck? Go on, ask me nice to fuck you harder, and call me `Sir.' Ask me real nice."

"Oh yes, Sir, fuck me as hard as you can, Sir. Please, ram that thick cock of yours up my sorry ass. I have to admit, Sir, that, since you've grown up, I've wondered how big your cock gets when it's hard. Now I know. So, please, keep fucking me with it, Son, I mean, Sir." I was grunting and moaning, pushing back my fuckhole at the same time. "Go ahead, Stud. Don't spare me. Give me everything you've got."

Bob kept pumping his cock in and out of my ass as only a young buck can. I was desperate for a fuck, yes, but Bob was good. He was rock solid and he was really good. For the life of me, I couldn't understand why girls in his class weren't fighting to get into pants every night. You'd think all that tender, wet pussy would have figured this out a long time ago. Bob interrupted my reverie. "Nice fucking ass, Dad," he spat out, thrusting like a maniac with each word. "Like, who'd have guessed you were a fucking faggot? I bet Steve and Alex are getting off with you, too. Are they? Hunh?" He paused, then gasped, "Oh, fuck. Fuck you! I'm going to shoot, Dad. Gonna shoot my fucking load in your queer ass." No surprise that he was ready to pop, the way he was ramming into me. Not to mention my own cock, also ready for blast-off; rock hard, jerking and twitching beneath me, a long string of precum oozing from it and making its way down to the bed. Bob's cock pressed in one more time and fattened obscenely, stretched, and vibrated deep inside me. "I'm cumming, Dad. Cumming in your hot homo ass, you motherfucker!" I could feel each slug of his jizz hammer against the walls of my fuck chute. Bob's body quivered a half-dozen times and then collapsed across my back, his firm chest and stomach sliding in the sweat that pooled between us. Beneath his weight, I sank forward into the bed, my legs folding out at the knees.

"Wow, that was hot, Sir! You're a real stud," I said. I was overcome, but also saddened by the realization that it was over.

"You've got quite a pussy there, Dad." He was whispering, almost hissing, in my ear, his breath hot on my neck. For a moment I hoped he would spit in my face. Why would I want him to do that? Bob flexed his arms around my shoulders but otherwise didn't move. He wasn't pulling out and didn't seem to be going soft either, although it wasn't easy to tell with all of the jizz that had been shot in my cunt recently. "You know, Princess, my cock and balls could go for another round. So fucking hot to fuck without a condom," he said. He lifted himself off my back but kept his hips and thighs tight against me, his bloated dick stiffening again in my hole. "How about it, Sweetheart, ready for round two?"

So it wasn't over after all. In fact, it was about to happen again. Of course, Bob must have known the answer to his smart-alecky question from the way I was grinding beneath him like the class slut. But clearly, it was going to whip him up in some way to hear me say it. And I was happy to. It had gotten to the point where I actually liked begging for it. I was so queer for my son's cock it almost frightened me, and yet, I wanted him to know exactly how I badly I needed it.

"Yes, Sir, as many rounds as you want, Sir. Please just keep fucking me, Sir."

And that's just what he did. He began jabbing away with short, hard thrusts that drove me forward and down. I moaned loudly and broke into a full body sweat, instinctively raising my ass and pushing it back for more. And Bob went for it, longer and deeper, over and over, all the way in and all the way out, his bulbous dick head tugging at the thickly jizzed lining of my cunt.

"Tell me, Fucker, this what you want? You like this nasty shit?" He was pressing one of his hands against my neck with all of his strength, practically choking me. My eyes watered and I struggled to breathe, but if I could have made that moment last forever, I would have. Bob kept humping me. I was about to spooge and couldn't hold out much longer.

"Yes, Sir. Just what you're doing, Sir. You're going to make me shoot my load, Sir."

"I don't give a shit about your load, you asshole. It's me, me that's important. Me," and he slapped me upside the head. "This is my fuck, Faggot, not yours."

What did I care? Let Bob rave as he would. It was immaterial. Our hard cocks were all I could think about. That, and the burning pressure building in my balls. It sent a tingling sensation to my toes and up my legs, and the force of it when it erupted put me in a kind of stupor. Bob pumped wildly, without a break, as thick slugs of jizz jerked out of my cock and just kept coming. I shot all over the sheet and my asshole spasms pulled Bob deeper in. His body pushed me forward on the bed and ground my stomach and ball sack into the huge pool of cum I'd just unloaded.

"On your back, Dad. I'm gonna look into your eyes while I finish this fuck, you slut." I mindlessly followed his orders, my back gliding into the sloppy jizz. After I'd rolled over, Bob grabbed the back of my thighs and pushed my legs against my chest. The cum on my stomach was already cooling and rivulets of it streamed down my crotch toward my asshole. "Go ahead. Take a good look at my muscular body and fat dick, Dad. You like that, don't you? Still want my cock rammed up your hole?" he asked.

"Yes, Sir, I do, Sir." Looking at his manly jaw, plump lips and blue eyes, his thick hair, cut short and combed to one side, I was practically shaking with excitement. How handsome he was! And what a fag I was for him!

Bob lightly brushed his hand over my left nipple before rubbing it between his fingers and pinching it so hard it made me salivate. Then he did the same thing with my right nipple. He aligned the head of his cock with my hole and pushed in while looking into my eyes, working over my nipples again with both hands. A smile was playing across his face.

"Nice fucking nipples you have, Dad. Perky and stiff, just like a girl's. Looks like they've seen a lot of action lately, too. Is that right? Kind of red and chapped, you know?" He shook his head and sniffed. "Those army guys of yours sure turned you into a fucking slut, Dad; wet cunt, hot tits and everything. I think you were probably always a fag, but didn't want anyone to find out." While I paused to think about this, he pushed his big cock deep into my guts and pulled it out slowly. He leaned down and looked into my eyes. "You ready? This is going to be a fuck you won't forget for a while." He released a gob of spit into my open mouth and shoved another inch of his thick dick inside me. "What d'you think about that?"

"I think it's going to be a fantastic fuck," I squealed, as he continued going deeper. How much more cock did he have to shove in there? "Keep it up, Son, I mean, Sir. I can't get enough of your meat, Sir." It was hard to believe, but more and more of his cock kept penetrating my ass. Eventually he bottomed out, and I felt his hairy balls smack against me. Then he began a rough plunge and withdraw maneuver, going in to the hilt and pulling out to the flange of his cock head. Sweat began to roll down his muscled chest and dripped down onto mine.

"First ass I've ever fucked, Dad," Bob said. "Yep, this is one fine male pussy. Very high ranking pussy, Sarge, that's for sure." Then he bit my ear tenderly before licking wetly down my neck. "Do you like me fucking you, Dad?"

"Yes I do, Son. I mean, Sir. You're a great fucker, all right. Now, keep fucking me just like that, only harder and deeper. Please! I'm aching for you to fuck me good and hard, Sir."

I grunted as Bob picked up speed, driving his cock into me like a madman, his big balls bouncing so furiously I thought they'd burst.

He'd been fucking me for a good half hour when I felt his cock expand in my rectum. He was huffing and puffing, bathed in sweat, and began groaning in my ear. "I'm cumming in your tight male pussy, Slut. Take it all, Bitch."

I could feel his hot cum splattering into me like one of those pulsating garden hoses, one volley after the other shooting far into my intestines. "Oh, Sir, that feels so good, Sir." I really was nearly delirious. "Thank you so much for fucking me," I said. The force and duration of his spasms took me by surprise, especially since this was his third load. "What a virile young man!" I thought, thrilling to the feel of his damp skin against mine. He was in tip-top condition, no doubt about it. Eventually, his throbbing and jerking subsided, and I felt the full weight of his body as he sank to my chest, his arms forcing my compressed legs out onto the bed, his head above my shoulder. He was breathing heavily into my ear and for a moment we laid there quietly, absorbing what had just happened.

When I noticed his breathing becoming more calm, I clamped down on his still-stiff bone with my asshole, fearful he'd had enough and might leave me empty. But he was more than a match for me, and in one swift movement his huge cock bolted out of my ass, creating a vacuum so suddenly that it startled me. My hole gaped, gasped and shuddered closed. Within moments, I could hear the jizz his mushroom head had pulled with it gurgle and sputter as it exited my chute, and I could feel it leak slowly into my ass crack.

Bob shifted and sat on my chest like the winner of a wrestling match. His large cock was still semi-hard and less than an inch from my mouth.

"Clean it for me, Dad," he ordered.

He was so much nastier in bed than I would have dared to hope. I looked into his eyes, stuck out my tongue and licked at the tip of his dick. There was lots of gooey cum on it and it smelled strongly of ass juice. Then he leaned forward and started fucking my face. His balls were hanging loose now. They banged freely against my chin as more and more of his cock slid down my throat.

"That's it, Dad. Take it all the way in and get it nice and clean. You love that shit; I can tell."

As deep as he already was in my throat, I wanted him to go even farther, so I reached up and grabbed at his ass to pull him toward me. I was amazed at how firmly muscled and manly his ass was. I wondered what it would taste like if I were to lick him back there. "Must be delicious," I thought, and wondered jealously if any of his girlfriends had ever eaten him out. Yes, how I would love to pull apart his firm cheeks, shove my nose in there and get a really good whiff! I kept pulling him toward me, my fingers pressing into his buttocks, his hefty balls beating at my chin.

"Feels so good, Dad, but guess who's horny again for a fuck. You ready for another fuck, Bitch?" Bob pulled his dick from my throat and it dangled at half mast against my lips.

"Of course, Sir. Fuck me again, Sir. Fuck me all night long, Sir, if it's okay with you," I jabbered, completely forgetting about my wife just down the hall. "What position do you want me in this time, Son, I mean, Sir?"

"On your hands and knees again, like the bitch dog you are. Gonna build up a good load for you, Bitch, so get comfortable." Bob rolled off my chest and watched as I rushed like an idiot to get situated, not wanting to give him time to change his mind. I was so desperate to have his dick inside me, I never stopped to consider what he might be thinking about me at that moment, or what kind of reckoning laid ahead of us.

As soon as I was in position, he slapped both of my ass cheeks, master of all he surveyed, then reached out and took hold of my shoulders. I felt the head of his cock slide through my sphincter muscle with ease, thanks to the loads he'd recently deposited, and then he was all the way up my chute, pistoning hard and rhythmically.

"Oh, yeah," I moaned. "That's it. Feels so good. Please keep fucking me, just like that." I was pushing my ass high in the air to make it easy for him to fuck me deep. When I lowered my head, I could see his quads flexing with each thrust and his big hairy nuts swinging back and forth between my legs.

"Don't worry, Dad. You're gonna get the fuck you want, all right. But, jeez, I've never seen a bitch so hungry for it. How many loads you got up there, and still want more? In-fucking-credible." He paused. " How about Steve and Alex? No way they're getting into pussy without a condom. For sure they could throw you a couple of good fucks."

"Yes, oh, yes, Bob, I bet they could fuck me as hard as you fuck me, Son." I'd been so busy with Bob, I' hadn't been thinking about Steve and Alex. What a great idea! Strapping lads, both of them, and, at their age, probably hard as iron 24/7. All at once I was eager to have them as soon as possible.

"Please keep fucking me, just like that." I grunted, feeling Bob's nine-inch cock bang into my ass, pull out and bang into me, again and again. This time he was screwing me nice and slow; a really nasty, sort of punishing fuck. It had been going on like this for maybe fifteen minutes and sweat was dripping from our bodies. The entire room smelled of man sex, an odor that was driving me wild.

"Want me to fuck you harder?" Bob asked, leaning over me, his lips at my ear. "If you do, Dad, beg for it."

"Please, yes, give me a good hard fuck with your thick long cock, Stud. Fuck me as hard as you can." I was pleading with him and pushing my ass onto his stiff dick at the same time. "Really give it to me, Sir. Don't hold back."

"Don't worry; that's what I'll do, Dad." Bob's voice sounded drier and deeper as he pulled his cock out of my ass and rammed it fiercely back in. A very dirty fuck, this was. Slow and rough, the way you'd fuck a slut strung out on semen and stiff dick. Each thrust plunged all the way up my gut like a pile driver, pausing, then pulling out and driving in again. After about twenty minutes, Bob picked up speed, straight-out pounding his cock in and out of my cum-sloppy asshole.

"Take my cock, Faggot. Yes, yes, Daddy," he said, "such a good fuck." He smacked both of my cheeks full force. "Great ass you have, Dad. I'm getting ready to shoot another fucking load. Never in my life fucked a woman like I'm fucking you." He fell silent a moment, just breathing heavily. "Oh, shit, I am so close. You've got to tell Alex and Steve about how you take cock, Dad. They're gonna go for this as much as I do."

"Just keep fucking me, Sir," I said, knowing he was about to shoot. Nice of him to be thinking of his brothers, and there was no question I wanted to do Alex, and Steve, too, but they could wait. For the moment, this was the fuck I needed.

"Never mind about your brothers," I told him."Please, just give me your fucking nut!"

I felt Bob's cock thicken and reach even deeper into my ass, which I didn't think was possible.

"I'm cumming, Dad," he wailed, as molten pellets of his young man spooge struck the walls of my cunt. And they kept coming, hot and sticky, his fat dick tube in spasms, sending waves of pleasure throughout my body. My nuts tightened like a fist in their sack, my asshole convulsed and my cock started jerking wildly, spewing cum in chunky jets onto Bob's bed sheet.

"Oh, fuck," he grunted. "That was fucking great." He pulled his cock out of my ass, gave my ass cheeks an insolent slap, got off his bed and stood in front of me. I was still in doggy position, on my hands and knees, cum beginning to spill from my gaping hole and run down my legs.

"Wow! Whhoo! You turned out to be a real fag slut, Dad." Bob casually rubbed at his abs with his right hand, something evidently on his mind. "But now I think it should be what I said before; we keep this between the two of us." Bob nodded slightly, as if approving what he'd just said. His legs were spread comfortably apart, shoulders back, chest out, his dick leaking and still, to my amazement, showing some hardness. He was bathed in sweat and his skin glistened. He was a gorgeous specimen, and I couldn't take my eyes off of him.

"Who knows what Steve and Alex would think about having a fucking faggot for a dad," he said. He looked a little concerned about this. I made an effort to concentrate on what he was saying and not get too distracted by the hypnotic movement of his luscious cock and balls, swaying slightly, forward and back and from side to side, as he spoke.

"I'm not crazy about having a fag in the family myself," he continued, "and to make you pay for it, you can be sure, every chance I get, I'll be tapping either your ass, mouth or throat. Make sense to you, Faggot? `Cuz you see, how can I respect you now as my dad? I can't. That's done," he said, shaking his head and scowling. "You're just a fuckhole to me now, Dad. Okay? So I think it's better this is just between the two of us, Slut. Got that? The thing is, I don't want anyone thinking I'm a homo just because you can't live without dick in your ass. That's your problem, and it's gonna stay that way. I'll still be fucking my girlfriend whenever she lets me. For now, though, think of this as your lucky day and you've got all my juices to prove it, don't you, Daddy?" He didn't wait for an answer. "Yep, you are all juiced up and ready to go." He started to turn away and then looked back at me. "But before you leave, Faggot, I need you to change my bedding. Got it? Don't expect me to sleep in a pool of your fucking cum, Dad. I know I fucked it out of you, but you're the fucker who's gonna clean it up. That's pussy work, right, Dad?"

"Sure, Bob," I said, climbing out of his bed. I grabbed my pj's and tried to put them on, but the cloth kept sticking to my sweat, and to the cum on my stomach and back and still dripping down the back of my legs. "Sure thing. I read you loud and clear. You're absolutely right. We keep this to ourselves. My problem, absolutely, Sir. Not yours. Just let me get dressed here and I'll bring in fresh sheets for you right away."

"I'm off for a shower, Homo. You change the fucking bedding. But I won't be long, so hurry it up," Bob said this while putting on his boxers. Then he headed for the bedroom door, with me following close behind and admiring him as he strode ahead of me. What a broad back he had and what manly buttocks!

I went to get fresh sheets from the linen closet and Bob turned down the hall to the bathroom. I heard him lock the door behind him.

Changing the sheets proved to be a pleasant and oddly satisfying diversion for me. I enjoyed thinking about Bob lying in his bed, his youthful body shifting during the night, his erotic dreams, and soon I found myself wondering how often he jizzed in his sleep. Just as I was finishing up, Bob returned to his room. He looked completely relaxed and smelled sweetly of soap. Yes, indeed, we'd instilled in our boys a healthy appreciation for good hygiene. I stared into his dreamy blue eyes, hoping to spark a little pillow talk, perhaps, but he walked right past me, as if I weren't even there.

"Get lost, Homo," he said coldly. "I've gotten my rocks off, so party's over." When these words registered, I turned to leave. "And close the fucking door behind you," he added.

I walked out of Bob's room carrying his soiled sheets. I had spooged so heavily that the sheets were thoroughly saturated with it. "Gloria will certainly notice all this on laundry day," I said to myself, "and what will she think?" I wondered if she'd recognize the jizz as mine from its odor. I figured it wasn't likely. To her, all jizz probably smelled the same, and she'd just assume the jizz was Bob's. After all, he's a red-blooded lad and everyone knows boys his age shoot buckets. But if she did suspect it was mine, I could always make up some excuse, I suppose. And in this case, the truth was actually far more preposterous than anything else I might tell her. Still, I suddenly realized the scene was a little complicated.

While depositing the sheets in the laundry closet I became keenly aware of another, more pressing concern. The loads of jizz I'd accumulated were starting to break loose in earnest from my ass and required my urgent attention. I clenched my glutes and sphincter as best I could and waddled my way to the bathroom at the end of the hall. I hastily undressed, sat on the toilet, and inspected the damage I'd done to my pajama bottoms. Nasty, discolored jizz had pooled in the crotch area and rivulets of it stained both legs. I decided the only thing to do was pat them dry, wear them again after my shower and change them later on.

First, though, I reached between my legs to get a reading in real time of where things stood. Jizz was still frothing and spluttering from my hole, alternately creamy and thick, or runny and almost like liquid. Bob's had been last in, and must have been first out. "So, whose jizz is this now?" I wondered. I cupped my hand, let it fill, brought it toward me and took a good look at what I'd just collected; an indescribable pool of slimy, glutinous, watery, ropey cream-colored matter, here almost clear and white, there muddy and brown. I scrutinized it and didn't know what to make of it. Instinctively I brought my hand to my nose, took one deep whiff, then another and another after that. Before I knew it, my cock was becoming engorged and rising stiffly between my legs. My asshole spasmed uncontrollably and I felt the last of the jizz in my cunt ooze out. I sat there a moment, then, without thinking, licked the entire mass cupped in my hand into my mouth, swilled it about to savor the taste and texture, tilted my head and let the gooey glob slide obscenely down my throat, like an oyster. As I felt it hit my stomach, my cock shot off spontaneously, my nuts swinging freely over the toilet bowl. Hot ropes of jizz flew across the room, spattering and dripping down the wall opposite me. I lowered myself to my knees and licked the wall clean. After that, I returned to the toilet seat. There was no longer any question that it was time for me to freshen up.

I took a towel from the rack beside me and dabbed away the sticky mess inside my pajama bottoms, folded them and stepped into the shower. Beneath the warm running water I was able to clear my mind and unwind completely; my cock went limp and my anal spasms finally subsided. A few minutes later, I was drying myself, pleased that I seemed to have finally settled down after having gone berserk in Bob's bed. "That's good military training, right there" I thought. "You really never know when, where or how basic self-regulation is going to come in handy."

I finished preparing for bed and was making my way to my room when I saw Steve and Alex coming toward me in the hall.

"Wow, Dad," Alex said. "You still up?" He looked so sexy it astonished me, his sinewy teen body stretching out his tight T-shirt and faded blue jeans, especially around the crotch. The composure I'd prided myself on moments earlier suddenly fell to pieces as I struggled not to look at what seemed to be a vulgar bulge running down the inside of the right leg of his pants.

"I needed a good, long shower after the trip home, so I just finished up," I said, doing my best to sound offhand. "How was your evening, Son?" I asked, changing the subject. His crotch was practically screaming to me but, by making a great effort, I was able to direct my gaze instead into his deep blue eyes.

"Well," he replied, "not so great. Our double date was a total bust."

Alex, my oldest son, was at least six foot three inches tall, while Steve, just shy of fifteen, was already hovering around six feet. I was about six foot one, so our eyes were pretty much at the same level. Risky though it was, I simply couldn't help myself and stole a fleeting glance at Alex's crotch. I was right; his bulge was more than ample and I immediately felt my asshole twitch. "Could my cunt really be hungry again?" I wondered.

"They both turned us down flat, if you know what I mean, Dad." I sensed anger in Alex's voice when he said this, and for some reason his anger excited me. It was beginning to seem that everything about my sons excited me. I was definitely beginning to feel weak in the knees and just then wanted nothing more than to drop down in front of either or both of these fine boys, lower their tight jeans and undershorts and get at their generous meat. Not giving in to this powerful urge was requiring all the strength I could muster.

"Gee," I said, `I'm sorry to hear you didn't score with your girlfriends." I moved my hands in front of my crotch to prevent either one of them from seeing my developing boner. My flimsy pajama bottoms were doing nothing to prevent it from announcing itself. "Get a good night sleep, boys, and you'll both be fine in the morning. Live to fight another day," I added. "I'm off to bed myself," I said and walked toward my bedroom door. As I opened it and turned to go in, Alex stopped me.

"Hey, Dad. Why don't the three of us have a game of cards? That is, if you're not too tired."

"Little does he know," I thought to myself.

Alex turned to Steve. "How's that sound to you, Steve? We could all go to my room."

"Sounds great. I'm still worked up and need to think about something else for a while, if you know what I mean," Steve said, adjusting his crotch inside his jeans and running his hand against his zipper. "How about you, Dad?"

For a brief moment I wondered if Steve was asking about playing cards, needing a diversion, or offering me his crotch. Was he somehow reading my mind?

"Ah... yes... yes, I know what you mean, Son," I answered, feeling my asshole puckering repeatedly. In a more perfect world I could have told them, in lieu of their girlfriends, I'd be more than happy to take their cocks any which way and drain their balls until they were fucking empty. As it was, it looked as if I'd have to settle for joining them in a game of cards. Oh, well," I thought, "maybe it'll do me good."

Alex opened his door and the three of us entered his room. "Man, way too hot in here," he said. He went to a window, threw it open, tossed off his T-shirt, and quickly removed his shoes, socks and jeans. All at once, he was standing there in just his boxers. His musculature was striking, long, lean and perfectly proportioned. A seductive trail of fine hair began at his navel and vanished into the waistband of his shorts. "You two don't mind, do you?" he asked. "After all, Dad's in his pj's and you can strip down, too, Steve."

Without hesitating, Steve followed suit. He was younger than Alex, but from his musculature you'd never guess it. The enticing smell of nearly-naked, young men filled the room and my head started spinning. I didn't know how I was going to keep my paternal bearings and pull this off.

All of us were now seated on Alex's bed, both boys cross-legged, their boxers pulling open at the fly as well as at the legs. No matter how they positioned themselves, their considerable junk was in plain sight, and in my current state of arousal it was impossible for me not to notice. Nevertheless, they themselves seemed totally oblivious to the fact that they were exposing themselves, even though Steve was clearly sporting a boner. I resorted to the remarkable mental discipline I'd acquired in the course of my military career and consciously summoned whatever I could of it to restrain myself from leaning forward and going down on my young son. I clasped my hands tightly together and, deliberately looking away from Steve, turned toward Alex, hoping, improbably, that he would distract me, to see, to my simultaneous horror and delight, that he'd thrown a boner too. His was pulsating and had breached the open fly of his shorts. A spellbinding bead of precum had formed on the tip of it and was threatening to make its way down the shaft. As lust overtook me, that glistening drop of man juice encapsulated my entire world.

I realized at some point that Steve was shuffling a deck of cards. "That's right," I thought, "we're here to play a game of cards. Family fun. Perfectly natural."

"How about Three-Handed Euchre?" Steve asked. I was a little puzzled. I looked over at him as he brought his left leg toward his chest, bending it at the knee. His boner lurched to the right and his ball sack spilled completely out of his shorts. I could see that it was downed with light brown hair.

"Cool," I heard Alex say. At first, I thought he was talking about Steve's boner, his nut sack, or both.

"Dad?" Steve asked, waiting for my reply. "Euchre, Dad?"

"Ah... yes," I struggled to answer, "yes... sounds great."

Steve nodded. "Sweet," he said, and proceeded to deal the cards, pausing a couple of times to idly scratch his inner thigh. Meanwhile, Alex had gripped his hands behind his neck and was stretching slowly from side to side, causing his biceps to bulge in a very alluring way.

I was holding the cards Steve had tossed in front of me but really wasn't aware of what I was doing. The proximity of these two young men, the casual boners sticking out from their undershorts, the flexing muscles, the masculine odors, it was all too much for me to process in a chaste way.

"Hey, Dad, pay attention. It's your turn. Do you pass or what?" That was Steve. I turned his way but instead of looking into his eyes, I ogled his stiff cock and fuzzy scrotum. I noticed that his heavy nut sack had pulled up and now hung closer to his body than it had just moments before, effectively pushing his balls forward, and this finding absolutely fascinated me. "Jeez, Dad, the way you've been looking at Alex and me, I'd swear you were a fag. You're not a fag, are you? After all, you're our dad. You wouldn't want to blow us or anything like that, would you, Dad?"

"Neither one of you scored tonight," I ventured, my eyes still fixed on his loins. Why could I not take my eyes off of his crotch? My mouth had become very hot and dry but I somehow managed to moisten my lips a bit with my tongue. "You're both horny and I can see by looking at your hard dicks that you both need relief."

"Ah, fuck, Steve, Dad's a fucking fag. Look at him, staring at our crotches, licking his lips. What d'ya think? Should we should let him blow us?" Alex asked, now openly jerking his big bone.

End of Chapter 15

Next: Chapter 16

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