Taking Down Sargent Malta

By Barry Edmund

Published on Oct 24, 2018


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I'm thanking G.V. for kindly editing my stories. He has as usual applied some 'gentle editing' to this story.

I'd like to read suggestions so please send them to and reread Chapters 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7. 8 9, 10 and 11 to get an idea how the story is going. barry97_97@yahoo.com

Copyright 2018 by* Author Edmund Barry Davies (AKA) Teddy Bare

Taking Down Sargent Malta

Chapter 12

I finished showering making sure to clean out over thirteen big loads of cum from inside my cum filled ass. I was tired but contented as the cool water rushed over my sweat and cum covered body. My ass cheeks were still on fire after all the slapping my troop had given we while fucking me. I dug my fingers in my ass to try to get as much of the cum out my ass as possible. Man those stud soldiers sure dumped big loads inside me, some more than once. I finished showering, drying myself and putting on my military issued boxers before heading back to my tent. I flopped down on my cot without a sheet covering my muscular body.

I must have fallen asleep right away because the next thing I heard was the morning bugler indicating the beginning of a new day. My body was sore all over using different muscles making my body available for fucking the previous day. I stretched out my muscular body. I got up grabbing my towel before heading for the showers. I had no idea how the day would work out after the entire troop had fucked me the evening before. I still had to cope with my high school Master Dan.

"All right men line up for mess." I shouted as I approched the mess tent. All fourteen men including Corporal Jones lined up in front of the mess tent. At least I was getting some kind of respect the men lining up for mess first thing in the morning. But that was probably because they were hungry after fucking me the night before. "Good morning men."

"Good morning Sargent Malta." The men shouted the same time as the mess tent doors opened for breakfast and the men walked in. The men had gotten the breakfast mess tent ready in advance of breakfast. Some of the privates standing behind the serving tables to dish out breakfast to the rest of the men. Soon all the men were sitting down eating including the men that had served up breakfast. My eyes roamed around the table at all the hot looking privates especially the black men.

No one spoke as we ate breakfast. They were too busy eating. When they were finished eating they went about cleaning up the mess tent as usual. "After you finish your chores you're to line up in front with full gear." I announced trying my best to sound in charge of the men.

I went to my tent to prepare myself for what ever lay ahead of of me for the day. I had been in charge so far but I wasn't sure what would happen once the men had finished their mess duties. I was surprised to see the men including Corporal Jones lined up full gear in front of the mess tent. "The men are ready for today's hiking Sargent Malta." Corporal Jones shouted as I approched. "Unless you'd rather more of last night. That is." He smiled and winked.

"Wipe that smile off your face Corporal and give me twenty push ups. Of coarse I want the men ready for marching." I did my best to shout as my eyes roamed over my hot thirteen privates as well as Corporal Jones. The six white privates Henderson, Smith, Anderson, Philip, Gleason and Walker in one line while the seven black privates Davis, Sanders, Marshal, Bennett, Clark, Taylor and Nelson.

"Yes Sargent." Corporal Jones said dropping to the ground to do his twenty push ups. They all had their sleeves rolled up revealing their muscular arms. I watched as Corporal Jones' muscular biscuits flexed as he did his push ups. I looked under him and saw his huge bodging muscular legs and especially the one between his spread legs every time he held his muscular legs out straight. He finished his twenty push ups and stood up.

"Okay men lets move out." I ordered before starting to march out in front of the two rows of soldiers.

I had only taken a couple of steps when I heard one of the men behind me. "I can think of a lot better way to work out rather than marching."

"Holt." I stopped turning around. "Who said that?" I asked looking at all the soldiers including Corporal Jones.

"I did." Private Davis called out openly messaging the growing bodge in his pants. "We all know what you'd rather do than make us march all day. Don't we men."

"You're right Davis. Look at him licking his lips and staring between our legs. "I bet he wants to suck us all off or for us to fuck him again like last night." Private Nelson said undoing his army shirt and rubbing his muscular chest and stomach.

"Well homo what will it be blowing us or fucking your fine ass." Corporal Jones undid his shirt and taking it off revealing his muscular chest, stomach and arms. He took a grip of his basket. "Is this what you want?" He asked smiling at me.

I felt myself dropping to my knees in front of Corporal Jones reaching up, undoing his pants and pulling them down from his hips revealing his well packed jock strap. I reached up to tug his jock strap down. "Stop, use your teeth to pull down my jock strap, work for it." He said looking down at me with a smirk on his face.

I looked around at the men lined up behind him as I opened my mouth grabbing a hold of the soldiers behind him. I took a hold a hold of his jock strap with my front teeth and pulled them down, his thick hard cock bouncing out slapping my face. I tugged his jock strap down to his army boots. "May I suck your big cock Corporal?" I asked looking up into Corporal Jones brown eyes."

"Yes you may. The rest of you might as well strip down and get ready for the action. In the mean time work my balls fag." Corporal Jones said looking down at me an evil smile on his face.

I looked between Corporal Jones' muscular legs his massive cock dripping with pre-cum. I could see all the privates undressing with huge hard dicks. I lifted Corporal Jones thick cock leaned forward and began licking his low hanging balls. They were coated with sweat as I kept licking them until they were soaking wet with my saliva. "Someone get over here and strip him down and fuck him. You'll do Private Henderson. That's the way Sargent work those balls. Take them in your mouth." Corporal Jones groaned as I looked up and saw Private Henderson completely nude making his way toward me his big thick white cock swinging between his muscular legs. He walked behind me just as Jones leaned down and pulled my shirt over my head leaving me nude from the waist up. He tossed my shirt to one side as I opened my mouth taking one of his big balls in my mouth.

"It will be a pleasure to fuck Malta's hot ass Jones." Private Henderson said as I felt him undoing my combat boot and pulling it off before undoing my other combat boot and taking it off. He moved up and wrapped his muscular arms around my waist unbuckling my pants before undoing them and pulling down the zipper. He pulled down my combat pants to my feet before pulling them off and then pulling my socks off. Then he moved up pulling my jock strap off and tossing them to one side. Now I was completely nude with Corporal Jones' big hairy balls in my mouth and my ass shoved up in the air. I wiggled my ass indicating my ass was available for Henderson's big throbbing dick.

"So you want my big cock in your fine ass." Private Henderson slapped each of my ass cheeks. "That is one fine bubble butt" He said as I felt his hands spreading my ass cheeks.

I spat out Corporal Jones' big balls. "Yes Stud ram that big cock up my hungry ass." I begged.

"Get to work on my dick fag". Corporal Jones grunted taking a hold of my head at the same time I opened my mouth good and wide. He shoved his cock head in my mouth the same time I felt Private Henderson's huge cock pushing through my ass hole.

"You sure have a great ass Malta." Private Henderson grunted as more and more of his big cock entered my ass. "That's the way tighten it up for me to enjoy."

I felt Jones' big cock entered my throat the same time he put his hand across my neck. I can feel my cock entering your throat with my hands." Corporal Jones grunted. "Wow this is great." Starting to pull his cock out of my throat until only his giant cock head remained in my mouth. He instantly pushed his cock into my mouth and throat his extra big low hanging balls smacked my chin. "Yes this is the perfect throat that's for sure."

At the same time Henderson had penetrated my ass holding my hips with his big hands as he pulled once more pulled it out and back into my ass where it felt like it belonged. I wanted to shout for Jones to really fuck me hard but my throat was full of Jones' beautiful thick cock. I didn't need to encourage Henderson as he took over my ass fucking it real hard just the way I liked it. His big cum filled balls smacking my ass. Once in a while he let go of my hips to slap my bubble butt. "I love your big bubble butt Malta." Henderson shouted as he slapped each of my ass cheeks nice and hard. "That's the way keep tightening that nice ass hole Malta.

"Hurry up and fuck him guys." The other privates shouted the same time. "We want our turn."

"Don't make us rush the perfect fuck." Henderson grunted as he continued ramming his cock in and out of my ass fucking me good and hard.

"You will all get your turn to fuck either his ass or throat. We have all day." Jones shouted gripping my head with his big hands as he continued fucking my throat. "Be patient men, I'm getting close to loosing my first load men."

Still gripping my hips Henderson kept thrusting his cock deep in my ass pulling it out only to ram it deep in my ass over and over. "I'm getting close as well guys." Henderson shouted continuing to fuck my ass harder than ever. I felt Jones' cock thicken in my throat as he began pumping a big load down my throat. "I'm cumming." he shouted as he pulled his cock out of my throat filling my mouth with his delicious thick salty creamy load. He pulled his cock out of my mouth shooting another load across my face. I licked my lips as he backed up. "That was hot."

Henderson was pulling his cock out of my ass. "Do you want my load Malta?" Henderson asked.

"Yes oh yes keep fucking me and give me that big load. Fuck me good and hard Private. "Really give me all you have Henderson." I shouted after swallowing Jones' big load.

Henderson really gripped my ass hard as he began pounding his big cock in and out of my hungry ass. "I'm cumming." He shouted as his thick cock thickened deep inside my ass. Then he pulled his cock out of my ass shooting a good three loads over my sweat covered back. He slapped my ass cheeks before standing up. "Okay Smith get over and fuck his mouth and Anderson his hot ass."

Smith walked up in front of me his cock pressing his flat muscular stomach. He flexed his muscular arms as he stood in front of me. "Okay get busy on my hairy balls boy." Smith grunted.

Anderson walked up beside Smith and slapped his long thick cock against my right cheek spurting a long flow of pre-cum across my cheek. He flexed his muscular arms before walking behind me and slapping each of my ass cheeks good and hard.

I stuck my tongue out slurping on Smith's low hanging hairy balls. I licked them and licked them until they were soaking wet with my saliva. I pushed my face into his hairy balls before pulling back and taking one of his balls in my mouth. Behind me Anderson had reached up to grip my shoulders in his strong big hands. His cock was pressing against my sphincter muscle. Suddenly his big thick cock was entering my ass. "Wow you gave the slut a big load Henderson. Feels great around my nine inch thick cock buddy. Get ready for a good hard fuck Malta. I'm really horny." Anderson grunted as his cock entered my ass. "Tighten that fine ass Malta. I did as Anderson doing my best to tighten my sphincter muscle. "That's the way. That feels great." He pulled his cock out of my ass only to ram it deep inside me.

I took Smith other ball in my mouth swishing them around in my mouth before spitting them out. I started at the base of his thick cock working my way to his flaring cock head. Then I took his cock in my mouth. Smith took a hold of my head between his hands and shoved more and more of his cock in my mouth and down my throat. His crotch hair grew closer and closer as he shoved more of his cock in my throat until his big hairy spit covered balls smacked my chin. As soon as his cock was in my throat he moved his hand from my head to my throat. "There's my big cock head. I can feel it in your neck." Smith said as he began to withdraw his thick cock from my throat only to ram it deep in my throat again. "That feels great."

"So does his hot ass around my thick cock. That's the way enjoy my big cock in your ass. Are you enjoying me fucking your ass with my nine inch thick cock Malta?" Anderson asked. "If you are wiggle your ass. If you want me to fuck you even harder shake your ass."

I really wanted Anderson to fuck my ass good and hard so did my best to shake my ass as he gripped my shoulders. "Don't worry I'll give you a good hard fuck I'm really horny."

"You'll have to fuck his mouth and throat. Wow he can suck a mean cock." Smith grunted holding the top of my head with one hand and my neck with his other hand. He shoved his big throbbing cock down my throat pulling it out and shoving it down my throat once more. He sure was giving my throat a good hard fuck. He had been fucking my throat a good fifteen minutes and not slowing down.

Anderson wasn't slowing down fucking my ass as well. He was really ramming his big cock in and out of my ass nice and hard. His big balls were slapping my cum filled balls as he kept fucking my ass good and hard. I kept wiggling my ass indicating to Anderson I liked the way he was fucking me and to keep on fucking me. "I know you want me plowing your ass bitch. I'm going to keep on fucking you good and hard."

I wiggled my ass as Smith thrust his thick cock down my throat. "I'm almost there Malta. Get ready for a big blast because I've been saving if up especially for you." Smith grunted

Behind me after yet another fifteen minuter of plowing my ass holding my shoulder. Anderson's thick cock expanded deep in my ass as he filled my ass with his load. He pulled out shouting as he unloaded across my cum, sweaty back. "I'm cumming big times."

"So am I." Smith yelled as he unloaded a big load down my throat pulling his big cock out of my throat he filled my mouth with his yummy creamy load. Then he pulled his thick cock out of my mouth spurting a big load all over my face.

"It's about time you guys finished Philip said walking to my left slapping his big white cock against my left cheek spurting a fresh slimmy pre-cum across my left cheek while Gleason walked in front of me.

"Ready to suck my eight inch thick cock?" Gleason asked although I knew it was a statement not a question.

"I sure am Private Gleason and ready for you to fuck my ass Private Philip." I answered. Then I leaned down holding Gleason's cock in hand and began licking his big hairy balls.

While I was busy slurping Gleason's low hanging balls Philip was behind me slapping my ass cheeks that must have been turning red by then. "Wow look at that cum leaking out between those nice bubble butt of yours Sargent." Philip said slapping each of my ass cheeks once more. He moved his hands to my hops as I felt his cock slide through my ass cheeks and into my freshly fucked ass. "Feels good and hot up there."

"Eat my balls. Take them in your hot mouth Malta. Your tongue feels good so I know your mouth will feel even better. Hurry up and eat my balls." Gleason grunted shoving his muscular hips forward and his low hanging balls in my face. I opened my mouth wide taking one of his hairy balls in my mouth and swishing it around. Then I took his second ball in my mouth swishing his large balls from cheek to cheek. "Darn you're good at this it feels great. Suck those balls boy."

I felt as Philip pulled his cock out of my ass only to ram it deep in my ass causing his big balls to smack against my cum filled balls and rock hard cock. I was getting close to loosing my load as Philip continued fucking my ass a good twenty minutes. Hurry up and fuck the Sargent so I get to shove my nine inch black cock up that fine ass." Davis yelled standing a short distance from Gleason, his hard throbbing thick cock leaking pre-cum. It was pressed against his muscular stomach.

I had been sucking on Gleason's big hairy low hanging balls a good twenty minutes before I spat them both out working my tongue up his thick eight inch cock to his huge mushroom shaped cock head. He pushed his cock away from his sticky pre-cum covered muscular stomach. I took his huge cock head into my mouth as Gleason held on to my head and drove his mighty big cock down my throat. I couldn't believe how great his cock felt filling my throat his low hanging spit covered balls slapped my chin.

I grunted around Gleason thick cock as Philip rammed his cock in my ass smacking against my balls as suddenly they exploded sending cum through my hard nine inch cock and all over the ground under me. "You fucked the cum right our of him." Walker shouted now hurry up and shoot your load down his stomach Gleason so I can fuck his throat next.

"Don't worry Walker, I'm almost there." Gleason grunted as he began fucking my throat steady and hard as he gripped my head between his hands. He kept pulling his cock out of my mouth only to plow it in my mouth and down my throat.

Meanwhile Philip was doing a great job plowing my ass. Even after shooting a big load his cock felt great fucking my ass good and hard. "I'm getting close, real close." As Philip rammed his cock deep in my ass he shouted. "I'm cumming big time." As he pulled his cock out of my ass after busting a big load in my hot ass he pulled out shooting another load over my head and back. Then he moved to one side. "He's all yours Davis. Have fun plowing your big black cock in that cum filled hot ass."

Suddenly Gleason was filling my stomach with his load before pulling it out filling my mouth with his delicious load. I swished it around my mouth as he withdrew his cock head from my mouth spurting even more cum across my sweaty cum drenched face. He moved to one side to let Walker to take his place. I raised my hands to massage his firm muscular hairy chest and stomach. Looking at his low hanging hairy balls. His crotch hair was a shade darker than his thick blond head of hair. He looked down at me with his bright blue eyes. "Never mind licking my balls get on my nine inch thick cock. I'm really horny." Walker grunted looking down at me and smiling.

Philip rammed his cock deep in my ass exploding a powerful load before pulling out and shooting another three loads across my cum and sweat covered face. Davis was swinging his thick nine inch cock between his muscular legs while flexing his arms, chest and stomach muscles. He walked behind me and slapped each of my tender ass cheeks as he took Philip's place behind me. He took a hold of my hips as he shoves his cock between my ass cheeks and into my ass. He shoved his entire thick nine inch cock deep in my ass before pulling out and ramming it deep in my ass. "This is on great ass." He pulled out of my ass and deep inside my ass once more. "Even filled with cum it's great." Davis moaned.

"Give him a good hard fuck. Get him ready for the rest of us. That goes for you as well Walker. Really give his mouth and throat a good hard fuck." Private Nelson said standing in the back his black sweat covered body gleaming in the light of the sun.

"That's just what I'm doing." Starting to thrust his cock down my throat and pulling it out. "You're a good fuck if I do say so myself. I can see my thick cock expanding your neck." Walker grunted continuing to fuck my throat, his big low hanging balls smacked my chin every time he shoved his thick cock into my throat. Walker was already picking up speed fucking my throat faster and harder.

Meanwhile Davis was thrusting his thick black cock deep into my ass and out. He was moaning as he fucked me. "Oh yes, great ass to fuck, wonderful around my cock. I wish I could fuck you all day but all ready I am getting close to shooting my load." "That goes for me as well." Walker moaned.

I couldn't speak or I'd be begging Davis to really fuck my ass and for Walker to pound his cock in my throat. They suddenly both shot their big loads in me. A big load down my throat in my mouth and all over my face. At the same time Davis was shooting a big load in my ass then covering my back with his loads. He moved out the way for Sanders to fuck me followed by Bennett and Taylor. Once Walker had walked away, Marshal followed by Clark took turns with my mouth and throat. Nelson wanted to fuck my ass so waited till all the rest had taken their turns fucking either my ass or throat.

"Get ready for my fourteen inch cock to be rammed up that hot ass of yours Malta you brave slut. I suppose you remember me owning your throat last night well know it's time to own your ass. Roll over on your back so I can see your face while I fuck your cum filled ass.

"Have a good time fucking our slut of a Sargent. The rest of us are going to shower. We need it after fucking our Sargent the fag." Corporal Jones said. "Lets get going men and leave Nelson to fuck Sargent Fag." Corporal Jones and the rest of the troop headed for the showers.

While everyone was heading for the showers except for Private Nelson and myself. I laid down on my back on the blanket. Nelson came over in front of me and pushed my legs up and pressed my knees to my muscular stomach and leaned over. He was so dark and at least six five and his cock was massive. He wasn't kidding it had to be at least fourteen inches and as big around as my wrist. He looked at me with his dark brown eyes and smiled. "I'm really horny so expect at least two good hard rides. While looking me in the eyes he shoved his massive cock head into my cum filled ass. Even full of hot cum I could feel his large cock head entering my ass. More and more of his cock entered my ass as I took a deep breath in and letting it out. "Oh yes your cock feels great in my ass." I groaned.

"Glad you like it because I'm going to really fuck you good and hard." Nelson grunted pushing even more of his massive cock inside me. He held my hips as he continued shoving more of his cock inside me. He soon had his massive cock deep in my ass and pulling it out. He pulled it out until only his huge cock head remained in my ass. Then he started to push his rigidity cock deep in my ass a little faster and deeper this time. "Tell me how much you enjoy me fucking you Malta. Go ahead and tell me." Nelson groaned as he continued pulling his cock in and out of my ass.

"Yes stud I'm enjoying you fucking me good and hard just like the way your doing. Keep it up Stud. Keep fucking me just like that." I moaned tossing my head side to side as Nelson kept plowing his massive cock in and out of my sperm filled ass. "Keep fucking me just like that." Trying my best to shove my ass up every time his cock entered my ass.

"Get ready you're about to get my first blast. Are you ready?" Nelson asked as he let go of my hips and planted each of his hands on each side of my body and started doing push ups. His cock digging into my well fucked hole.

"Give me your big load Private. Give it to me." I moaned as I closed my eyes and twisted my head side to side as Nelson kept ridding my ass even harder and faster.

"I'm cumming." Nelson shouted his cock deep in my ass. My own cock was still rock hard as Private Nelson emptied his big balls inside me. Sweat dripped from Nelson's face, chest and muscular stomach all over my cum and sweat covered muscular body.

Just when I thought he was finished fucking me he pulled his massive hard cock out of my well fucked ass only to ram it deep inside me again. "I told you I had more than one load inside my balls. I just have to work it up." Nelson grunted as he continued fucking my ass good and hard. He was soon working up another pounding in and out of my cum filled ass. My cock was rock hard as my balls were filling up with another load. "Do you like this fuck fag?" Nelson asked as he continued fucking me a good fifteen minutes. Fucking me good and hard.

"Yes really fuck me Stud." I answered sweat dripping from Private Nelson's sweaty body all over my sweat and cum covered body. "Keep fucking me just like that. My rock hard cock plastered to my muscular chest as my balls drew up and exploded cum all over my muscular chest and face. "Oh wow that felt great. I really needed that."

Nelson fucked me through my orgasm until about another fifteen minutes. "I'm cumming again." He shouted pulling his cock out of my ass. He spurted a big load inside me and all over my sweat and cum covered body and face. "I'm going to clean up see you later Malta." Nelson said as he stood up towering over me with a sheen sweat covered body he left me laying on the ground covered with sweat and cum. I looked at my watch. I had missed lunch. Not that I was hungry after the ton of cum I had eaten during the day. It was two thirty. I realized I had to get a move on it to make it to the high school to meet up with Dan and who he was planning on bringing with him.

End of Chapter 12

I wonder what Dan has waiting for Sargent Malta.

Next: Chapter 13

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