Taking Down Sargent Malta

By Barry Edmund

Published on Dec 19, 2017


Taking Down Sargent Malta Chapter 11

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I'm thanking G. Venereal. George for kindly editing my stories. He has as usual applied some 'gentle editing' to this story.

Please if you haven't been reading Taking Down Sargent Malta read chapters 1 through 10 before this chapter.

NOW: Taking Down Sargent Malta Chapter 11

I followed Corporal Jones, Privates Davis, Sanders, Marshal, Bennet, Clark, Taylor, Nelson, Walker, Henderson, Smith, Anderson and Gleason out of my tent. We were all nude but only us army men were around for miles. I followed them to the showers. It didn't take much imagination why they wanted me in the showers. They had mentioned having full bladders and having to piss. As soon as we got in the showers Corporal Jones shouted. "Okay fag on your hands and knees with your mouth open. I have to take a piss and so do all the privates. Isn't that right men?"

"That's right." All the privates shouted at the same time.

"Now that you're on the shower floor, roll over and lay on your back and keep your mouth wide open." Corporal Jones said. "The rest of you make a circle around Malta and aim your dicks at him.

I rolled over on my back keeping my mouth wide open. I didn't say a word I just kept my mouth wide open.

"Okay men start pissing. Try to aim for his mouth." Corporal Jones said.

All the men started pissing at the same time all over my body and face. A lot went into my mouth and I kept swallowing mouth full after mouth full of hot piss. Then I started to choke on the piss flooding my mouth. I closed my mouth and swallowed what was in my mouth.

They finally stopped pissing on my body, face and in my mouth. I was soaking wet with piss. "Okay now that you have all finished pissing it is time to move on to the next thing I have in mind. Roll over on your stomach Malta and Davis please bring in that bag I brought with me. Bring it over to me." Corporal Jones said looking at Private Davis.

Private Davis went out of the shower room returning with the case Corporal Jones had left just outside the shower room. He took it over to Corporal Jones putting it down beside him. "Was that a good place to put your case Corporal Jones?" Private Davis asked.

"Yes that's perfect Davis." Corporal Jones said. "Now each of you go to the case and pull something out. I have something for each of you. You go first Private Davis then Privates Sanders, Marshal, Bennet, Clark, Taylor, Nelson, Walker, Smith, Anderson, Philips and Gleason in that order."

"Okay!" Privates Davis, Sanders, Marshal, Bennet, Clark, Taylor, Nelson, Walker, Smith, Anderson, Philips and Gleason answered the same time. They all went over to Corporal Jones' bag withdrawing different things. Davis took out clothes pins, Sanders a paddle. Marshal some rope, Benet more rope, Clark some more clothes pins, Taylor ping pong paddle, Nelson more clothes pins, Walker ping pong paddle, Smith and Anderson more clothes pins, Philip rope and Gleason another ping pong paddle.

They all walked over to Corporal Jones. What are we supposed to do with these Taylor asked

"First Privates Davis followed by Sanders, Marshal, Bennet, Clark, Taylor, Nelson, Walker, Smith, Anderson, Philips and Gleason use your imagination how to use what you picked out of the bag to use on Malta." Corporal Jones said placing a plastic covered pillow down on the shower floor. "Kneel down on the pillow and do as each of the privates tell you to do."

"Okay Master Jones." I said getting down on my knees and looking up at Private Davis as he approached me. I think I'll put these clothes pins on your nipples Malta." Davis said took one of the cloths pins placing it on my left nipple before putting one on my right nipple. I jumped feeling the sudden pain to my nipples.

Sanders approached me next with the ping pong paddle in his right hand. "Lean forward Malta and stick your ass out." He said. I did as he told me bending forward and sticking my ass up in the air. I pretty much knew what he had in mind as I leaned forward. He went behind me and smacked my left ass cheek with the ping pong paddle before smacking my right ass cheek good and hard. "Okay Marshal your turn."

"Thanks Sanders." Marshal walked over to me with the rope in hand. "Put your hands behind your back Malta." He said.

"Okay." I answered placing both my arms behind me holding each of my hands together.

Marshal walked behind me tying my hands together. "Your next Bennet." He said stepping to one side as Benet approached me with the rope. Hold your legs together." He said and tied my ankles together.

"Your next Clark." Benet said stepping to one side to allow Taylor to walk up beside me.

Clark walked up to me with the clothes pins. "Spread your legs out for me." He said.

I did my best to spread my legs while on my knees, my ankles and wrists tied behind my back. Clark took the two clothes pins and pinched them open putting them on my inside legs. They hurt like crazy but I didn't say anything. "Your next Taylor." He said.

Taylor walked over to me and pushed me forward which was difficult with my hands and knees tied behind me. He smacked each of my ass cheeks hard. "Your next Nelson."

Nelson walked up to me and went behind me. He pinched my toes and put cloths pins on each of my big toes that really smarted. Now I had clothes pins on each of my nipples and big toes. "Your next Walker" He said.

Walker took the ping pong paddle in his hand going behind me he shoved me forward until my ass was in the air. He smacked each of my ass cheeks a couple times each. My ass was beginning to feel hot and probably turning pink. "Your up next Smith. You might as well go the same time Anderson since you both have clothes pins." Walker said.

Walker and Anderson approached me. "Spread your legs as wide as possible." Walker said.

As soon as I had spread my upper legs open as wide as I could manage he placed clothes pins on my upper inner legs and so did Anderson. "Looks good." Anderson said.

"Yes it does Anderson." Walker said. "Philip and Gleason your the last two to work the ping pong paddles."

Philip walked over pulling me forward until my ass was high in the air. "Go for it Gleason, I'll hold him like this for you." Philip said.

"Thanks Philips." Gleason said going behind me and smacking each of my ass cheeks nice and hard. "Your turn Philip."

"Okay Philip said letting go of me and going behind me while Gleason stood on one side of me leaning on my back so my ass was in the air. Philip paddled each of my ass cheeks good and hard making my ass cheeks sore and hot. They must have been turning red by now.

"Okay boys you each get to fuck the fag. I know he'll enjoy that. Isn't that right fag boy?" Corporal Jones asked.

"Yes it is Master Jones. I need some nice big cocks in my hungry ass. Who gets to fuck me first?" I asked.

"Lets see now. How about all the white guys fuck you first. Especially the ones that haven't fucked you yet. Henderson, Smith, Anderson, Philip, Gleason in that order followed by Walker. Then all the black men with their big black cocks. Davis, Sanders, Marshal, Bennet, Clark, Taylor and Nelson, in that order.

Okay you are up first Henderson. Have you ever fucked a guy before Henderson?" Corporal Jones asked.

"No Corporal Not yet. I'm not a fag you know. I'm not so sure about fucking a guy." Henderson said timidly.

"Have you ever fucked without a condom before and when was the last time you had some pussy?" Corporal Jones asked.

"It's been a couple of weeks and I haven't jacked off either. I have never fucked without a condom?" Henderson answered.

"You must be horny by now no pussy or jacking off and you get to fuck as hard as you want without a stupid condom. How does that sound to you?" Corporal Jones asked. "Be truthful. It sounds good doesn't it and you'd be the one fucking you're not gay to fuck ass. Just pretend it's pussy that you get without a condom and fuck as hard as you please."

"I've got to admit you make it sound pretty good Corporal." Henderson answered. "But his arms are in the way. Can you untie his ankles and wrist please."

"Yes by all means make it good for yourself. Untie his ankles and wrist and have at it Henderson. The rest of you line up for sloppy seconds etc." Corporal Jones shouted above all the cheering the privates were making.

"Sounds alright to me. Does he really like getting fucked this much?" Henderson asked.

"Ask him." Corporal Jones said.

"Do you really like getting fucked Malta?" Henderson asked. "I never met a guy that would like a cock in his ass before." Henderson was behind me untying my ankles and wrists so I could move them. Then he took the clothes pins off my big toes. As the blood flooded back my toes went into a lot of pain. Thank goodness he pain went away fast and my toes felt okay again.

"Yes I do Private. I mean Master." I answered. "Go ahead and push your big cock in my ass. How big is it anyway. You have a fine muscular body from working out Master Henderson. Your cock looks pretty big and thick."

"It's not all that big. It's only a shade over seven and a half inches homo. Will that be okay with you?" Henderson asked. "I'm ready to screw you good and hard with it though."

"That's what I was hoping for and seven and a half inches is fine with me Sir." I answered sticking my ass high in he air while on my hands and knees.

Private Henderson grabbed a hold of my hips pushing his cock between my muscular hot ass cheeks before it entered my sphincter muscle. "How does that feel homo?" He asked. As he shoved his big cock in my ass he clothes pins pinned to my inner legs flew off giving me a lot of pain. But his cock felt great inside me and I soon forgot the pain in my inner legs.

"Feels good if you shoved more of that cock in my ass Master. I need you to really fuck me. I haven't been fucked since this afternoon behind the school gym." I answered shoving my ass back to get more of Henderson's cock in my eager ass.

Henderson shoved more and more of his thick cock in my ass until I could feel his balls against my ass. He started pulling it out until only his big cock head was in my ass. "Do you like that. Or should I really fuck you hard?" Henderson asked. Suddenly the clothes pins fastened to my nipples flew off. As the blood flooded back to my nipples they were filled with pain.

"Fuck me good and hard Master. Really give me what I need. A good hard fucking." I moaned as Henderson shoved his entire cock deep in my ass. He pulled it out and shoved it deep in my ass over and over. My nipples were still painful but getting fucked would help relieve he pain.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck him, make the fag beg you to fuck him Henderson. Isn't that right guys?" Corporal Jones asked. "Malta loves being fucked and loves to beg."

"Yes he does. Beg homo, beg." All the privates yelled the same time.

"Fuck him good and hard Henderson." Private Davis shouted. "Beg for Henderson to fuck you. Either start begging or Henderson stops fucking you."

"Fuck me sir. Really fuck me good and hard Master. I love your big throbbing dick inside me." I moaned.

"That's good because I'm really horny." Henderson grunted as he picked up speed really fucking my ass nice and hard. Every once and then he even slapped each of my ass cheeks as he continued fucking me good and hard. "You have a nice ass perfect for fucking fag. My cock likes that ass." The faster and harder he fucked me the pain to my nipples lessened until there wasn't any pain at all.

"Keep fucking me then Stud. Fuck me like you never fucked before Stud. Fuck me, oh yes fuck me." I groaned as sweat dropped from Henderson all over my back. My chest and stomach was covered in sweat as well. "Fuck me stud. Fuck me."

"Darn I'm close already, I didn't realize how horny I was until I got in you hot ass." Henderson grunted as he continued fucking me nice and hard. He slammed his cock deep inside me. His cock grew bigger and thicker and I knew he was unloading a nice big load after over fifteen minutes of fucking me. He pulled his cock out of my ass spurting cum all over my sweaty back. "Okay it's your turn Smith. Your cock looks bigger than mine. You should tell the fag how big your cock is before you fuck him Smith." Henderson said.

"It's eight inches of thick cock looking for something to fuck. Take a good look at it before I fuck you Malta." Smith stood in front of me his big cock inches from my eyes. "Do you like it?" He asked.

"Yes I do stud. I can't wait until you ram those eight inches inside me." I answered the same time Smith walked behind me slapping each of my tender ass cheeks. He shoved his thick eight inch dick inside my ass until his crotch hair brushed up my back. Then he pulled out and rammed deep inside me. "Do you like the way I'm fucking you. You're not giving me any encouragement to fuck you."

"Yes that feels good Sir. Keep fucking me just like that. Fuck me, really fuck me hard." I moaned as Smith picked up and fucked me deeper and harder.

"This is one hot ass to fuck that's for sure." Smith grunted as he rammed his cock deep in my ass pulling out and ramming deep inside me over and over. "Yes one fine ass."

"I'm so glad you like my ass just keep fucking it just like that. Fuck me." I groaned as Smith kept pulling his big cock out of my ass only to ram it deep inside me. His big bloated balls slapped my cum filled balls. My cock was rock hard as Smith kept fucking me. "Oh yes fuck me. Fuck me hard Stud."

"That's right really give it to him Smith. We're all waiting to fuck Malta after your finished." Anderson spoke up. "I'm really horny for some hot ass and yours is the only one available. "I'd just like to know how you found out Sargent Malta liked getting fucked."

"Same with me." Philips pipped up

"That goes for us as well." Gleason and Walker yelled the same time.

"Fuck him good. Really fuck him. Give him a good fuck. Warm him up for all of us black guys to fuck." Davis, Sanders, Marshal, Bennett, Clark, Taylor and Nelson were shouting as they stood in front of me watching Smith fuck me. "Fuck the fag good and hard Smith. Make him beg for your big cock Smith."

"That's what I'm doing. You heard the guys, beg for me to fuck you Malta. Go ahead and beg." Smith grunted as he rammed his cock deep in my ass.

"Yes, yes fuck me good and hard Smith. Really fuck me just like that. Keep fucking me hard. Nice and hard." I moaned and groaned. "Give me your big load."

"You'll soon be getting my load homo. Just keep pushing your ass back just like that. You like this cock in your ass don't you?" Smith asked but I believe he already knew the answer.

"Yes, oh yes I do. I like the way you're ramming your big dick in my ass. Keep fucking me just like that." I groaned.

"I'm getting close." Smith grunted after a good fifteen minutes of fucking me. I'm about to shoot my load deep in that hot ass." Sweat was dripping all over my sweaty back as it dripped down my muscular stomach and chest. My hair was soaking wet as sweat dripped from my face the faster and deeper Smith fucked me. He rammed his cock deep inside me. His cock vibrated deep inside me as he unloaded a big load of man juice. "I'm cumming. I'm cumming big times." He pulled his cock out of my ass shooting another load across my sweaty back. "It's your turn Anderson."

Soon Anderson with his eight inch thick cock took Smith's place behind me. I felt his muscular chest and stomach pressed against my sweaty back. "You're right Smith this is one fine ass to fuck. I needed to fuck something nice and hot like this." Anderson said as his dick drove deep inside me pulling out to ram deep inside me again and again. He fucked me a good fifteen minutes before shooting his big load inside my ass and across my back. Philip took over with his nine inch thick cock followed my Gleason and Walker as all the white studs finished fucking me. Now it was time for all seven of the black studs to fuck me. I indeed wanted those big studs to fuck me nice and hard. Davis was the first to mount me and shove his big cock inside me. His cock is a good ten inches long and big around. "Do you like my big fat cock Malta?" Davis asked. "If you do beg for me to fuck you."

"Yes Master Davis I like your big black cock inside me. Fuck me oh yes fuck me just like that." I moaned as Davis kept fucking me just the way I liked it. Nice and hard and deep. The hot six white privates had been fucking at least an hour and a half now it was the black studs turn to fuck me and Davis was sure fucking me nice and hard. He fucked me deeper than anyone else and harder. He fucked and fucked pulling his cock out of my ass ramming it deep inside me until he was moaning and groaning. "Oh yes nice ass but I can't hold out any longer. I've got to shoot my load. He had been fucking me for over twenty minutes nice and hard when he filled my ass with his big load and shot load after load over my cum and sweat covered back.

Following Davis fucking me nice and hard Sanders took over followed by Marshal, Bennet, Clark, Taylor and finally Nelson with his whopping fourteen inch dick. I'd never been so filled with cock like I was with Nelson and he really was dominant the way he fucked. He demanded respect as he fucked me. "More, keep begging me to fuck you with my big cock and beg for me to keep spanking your fine bubble butt at the same time.

"Yes yes, spank my ass Master, fuck me good and hard. I love you fucking and spanking me all at the same time Master." I begged as Nelson kept hammering his big cock in and out of my ass. My ass cheeks were burning as he kept slapping them as he fucked me. "Keep fucking me, oh yes. That feels really good.

I was covered in sweat and cum as Nelson kept fucking me. He had filled my ass once after fifteen minutes of fucking me but hadn't pulled out. He went back fucking me good and hard. He plowed his cock deep in my ass pulling out only to ram deep inside me again and again. "I don't hear you begging any more." Nelson said after he slapped my ass cheek good and hard. "Beg for it slut. You still have Corporal Jones to take up that fine ass of yours."

"That's the way keep fucking me Sir. Fuck me just like that." I begged as he fucked me nice and deep. I had shot off three loads while the privates had fucked me and I was ready to shoot off yet again as Nelson picked up and fucked me even harder after a half hour he shouted. "I'm cumming bitch. Take my load." He filled my ass until it was over flowing and shot a few big loads across my sweat and cum covered back. Cum was virtually dripping from my hair and muscular body. "Okay it's your turn Corporal Jones. Have yourself a great time. We're going to shower up and head back to our tents." Nelson said.

"Thanks for the great fuck." All the men shouted as they started showering.

Soon Corporal Jones was behind me shoving his big cock deep inside. His wasn't the biggest cock but he sure knew how to fuck me the way I liked it. "I really am horny." He said. "I hope you enjoy me fucking you Malta?"

"Yes I do Master Jones. You always know how to fuck me. That's the way to fuck me Master. Keep on fucking me just like that."

Jones fucked me for a good fifteen minutes before dumping his big load deep inside me now he was on his second load as he kept fucking me. The others finished showering and left the showers as he kept fucking me. "Do you really like me fucking you Malta?" He asked as he kept fucking me.

"Yes I do. Yes I do. Keep fucking me just like that. Don't stop. I have to shoot my load again." I said as my cock burst a load all over the shower floor.

Corporal Jones kept fucking me right through my orgasm. "Did you enjoy that and want me to keep fucking you. As if he'd stop at this point without shooting his second load.

"Yes I enjoyed it and enjoyed you fucking me." I moaned and meant it. I really did want him to keep fucking me. I guess I was addicted to cock and getting fucked and sucking dick. "Keep fucking me please Master Jones." I begged.

"That's what I'm doing Malta you big cum dump. He fucked me for a good half hour before he yelled. "I'm cumming." Filling my ass to over flowing with a fresh load of cum. "Okay clean up your finished for the night. Clean up and get ready for beddy by and what we will have in store for you tomorrow. End of Chapter 11

Henderson, Smith, Anderson, Philips, Gleason in that order followed by Walker.

Privates Davis clothes pins, Sanders paddle, Marshal rope, Bennet rope Clark clothes pins, Taylor paddle, Nelson clothes pins, Walker ping pong paddle, Smith clothes pins, Anderson clothes pins, Philips and Gleason ping pong paddles.

Next: Chapter 12

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